I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 100 The momentum is overwhelming!Something went wrong with the system? !

Chapter 100 The momentum is overwhelming!Something went wrong with the system? !
"Nani? Did you really upload 50T?"

"Brother, haven't you run away yet? Hurry up! This volcano is about to erupt!!"

"Yes, yes, the expert team of volcano and earthquake detection has been evacuated, and the TV news also said that this may be the largest eruption in 300 years!"

Fushishan has been held back for more than 300 years.

The largest eruption in history was a magnitude five.

It was an epic disaster at the time.

And this time it took more than 300 years.

There are some pessimistic expert predictions that level six could be reached.

There just happened to be a magnitude [-] volcanic earthquake for reference.

Tonga Volcano.

After the volcanic eruption, the volcanic ash rushed to an altitude of 20 kilometers! !

What would it be like if Mount Ukiyo erupted? !

And today their officials only said that people within ten kilometers away should evacuate, and others can wait for the notice for the time being!

It is said that this house saint is within ten kilometers of Fushi Mountain.

The other party is simply crazy at this time! !
【1. Ukiyoyama magma has surged up and erupted and entered the countdown, please evacuate quickly! 】

[2. Boss Tian delivered an important speech]

[3. Believe in Yan Demon King Zhang Lingtian has a hole in his brain]

[4. Wake up!People only need land, not people]

【5. Ms. Kojima Haruka said she asked at 22:24】


[50. Brain-damaged house sage uploads 50T data to Yan Mowang]

The hot search list of foot pot chicken!
The countdown hangs in the first place.

Because everyone woke up, the time when the other party got on the plane was not the real eruption time.

After all, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

If it was going to erupt, this point would have erupted long ago.

So it is very likely to be concentrated at 22:24! !

At that time, the time when Miss Haruka Kojima asked the other party was also the time for the other party to answer.

However, because Zhai Sheng was a point that everyone paid attention to before, a typical representative of Zhai's mental illness, so this post by the other party quickly rushed to the trending searches.

And his hot search terms are also very interesting.

Brain-damaged house saint can be translated as house saint is brain-dead.

That is to say, the person who made this entry is beating around the bush and scolding the other party! !

After all, how could people really push back the volcano that was about to erupt because of 50T of learning materials!
At this time, the world's major media are also focusing on Mount Fushi.

【Just live】

"I can't really spray it! It feels like everything the boss says is ironic!"

In the group chat among the three employees of Baishipu, Li Tiantian only saw a dignified expression.

"I don't know! But I don't think the boss' serious appearance today is fake!"

Jiang Xiaohan also frowned slightly.

Because today's boss is very serious and doesn't seem to be lying, and she also believes in her heart that the boss should not cause disasters on a large scale.

But the situation of the foot pot chicken is really not good now.

Relevant experts predict that the lowest level may reach level five.

The last eruption of the Jiaopenji five-level volcano in history killed 10,000+ people.

The population density was not so high at that time.

If a level five volcanic eruption occurs at this population density, it would be hell on earth.

Although some people will be very happy and relieved due to historical reasons, but if they are five or six levels, their country will also be affected, basically not much better!

"I think if our boss goes to film a movie, he will definitely be at the level of an actor. Anyway, the expression is the same every time."

Li Tiantian spread her hands.

After all, the boss always said absolutely not.

It works every time!

"Brother Tian: I have worked very hard not to reveal the secret."

Su Wei's voice sounded.

The current international version of Douyin has a number of media broadcasting the chaotic evacuation of Jiaopenji in China, and there is also a real-time scene of smoke from Fushishan.

It is clear that it is to spray.

"Oh, I guess it's exactly what you said, Awei."

Jiang Xiaohan sighed slightly, maybe the boss really has other secrets and can't say something.

Just like the previous guess.

The boss is the King of Hades who came to the world to complete a special assessment. Part of his mana is sealed, and he cannot tell the outcome of a certain person or something.

Just like the confidentiality contract they usually sign, it doesn't matter if you guess whatever you want, even if you are right, but you can't say the correct answer from your own mouth, otherwise it will be a breach of contract.

"I can tell you clearly! Don't believe Zhang Lingtian's words, I don't know why he deliberately said that he can't spray! Absolutely must spray! And it's still level six! This is an absolute disaster!!!"

"I hope that the friends of the foot pot chicken will get ready to deal with it quickly, because the eruption of Fushishan Mountain is very, very dangerous! This hexagram is free of money! Of course, if you are willing to reward me, I will accept this kindness. I wish you all Safety!!"

Divine operator's live broadcast room.

The other party started broadcasting at 09:30.

Now the number of fans has reached 250 million, and the number of people watching the live broadcast has exceeded [-].

A fan told him that he had been on the hot search for foot pot chicken before.

【48. The Demon King Zhang Yan is dishonest, but the fortune teller tells the truth】

Although it is the last hot search.

But now, people who are in a panic browse the Internet a lot, and because of Zhang Lingtian, some people think that they must be able to predict.

So naturally domestic websites attracted many netizens.

The scene of the confrontation between Zhang Lingtian and Shen Suanzi was fired abroad as a dispute between the masters of Wushu and metaphysics hidden by rabbits. Zhang Lingtian was bribed by the official to refuse to tell the truth, and Shen Suanzi bravely exposed it.

However, it can be seen from the opponent's last place in the hot search list that the opponent's hype was not successful.

After all, even Zhai Sheng has rushed to the 30th place now.

This heat decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye!

But the reduction is the reduction, and it still attracts some friends who are like frightened birds.

"Mr. Fortune Teller is right, the Great Demon King Zhang is deliberately creating disasters!!"

"The reward has already been tipped, and now our family is on the way to escape!"

"It's disgusting. We trusted Zhang Sang so much, but in the end he lied to us!"

And the other party's words were recognized by many netizens who were running away.

"Can it really spray? Is there a system error?"


Zhang Lingtian was still not lying on the bed after ten o'clock.

I saw him staring at the screen intently at this moment.

【Ding!Scanning begins! 】

[Scan object: ID does not have a book. 】

[Occupation: Painter. 】

[Bad information: I like to draw all kinds of weird notebooks. 】

[Danger signal: 0.02% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Risk positioning: Senior painters usually stay up late to draw various books, so the risk of occurrence is 0.01% higher than that of ordinary people. 】

[Customer attributes: low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host can decide whether to pay attention or not. 】

This is the sixth person he scanned around Fushishan.

All the results show that Mount Ukiyo will not erupt.

But now Fushishan is indeed not calm at all, and looks like it will erupt at any time.

Around Mount Ukiyo.

"It's ridiculous to believe in Zhang Lingtian! The people on the opposite side of the rabbit have distorted thoughts that divide us! I hope those who haven't left can come and drive! Especially the residents within ten kilometers!!"

Boss Tian delivered a televised speech at this time.

"Housekeeper! Let's go!!"

"It's useless if you upload it!"

"That's right, almost all the people on the street over there have left!!"

"Let him be there, the world will always eliminate some people, for example, this kind of brain is a bit baggy."

The story of Zhai Sheng was known to more people.

Because it has already rushed to No. 30 on the hot search list, everyone persuaded each other to leave.

Now it has a radius of ten miles.

Except for a few people who lay completely flat and have no desire to survive, they basically left.

Even the 90-year-old grandmother left on crutches under the influence of Boss Tian's call and some gossip.

"It's the last 4 minutes!!"

Some netizens counted down the time.

"The rescue vehicle has arrived, we respect every life, please get in the vehicle quickly!!"

The radio sounded.

Because this Fushishan has seen the red fire.

And because there was an early warning and the early retreat, the people in the foot pot chicken did not experience congestion, which is relatively safe!

But Boss Tian still wants to save a bunch of people who are lying down!
After all, there are many people!

According to their current investigation, there are at least 1000 more people within a range of ten kilometers!

"Magma! The magma really flowed out!!"

Ten twenty-four! !
The three-day period from Boss Zhang has really arrived! !

Everyone saw that the magma flowed out along with the strong black smoke! !
Its momentum is like a broken bamboo!
The villa where Boss Shimoda lived at the foot of the mountain has been completely destroyed by magma!

But it's a softer stage right now.

If you want to run, you can run.

"Oh my god, it really sprayed!"

"At 24:[-] p.m., exactly three days, this boss Zhang is too amazing."

"It's nothing to say, our Daying Empire wishes the little brother from a hundred years ago to be well!"

"Bear Bear Country sent a congratulatory message!!"

"Fuck? If it's level six, it's not a big deal, it's going to our Bangbang country!"

International Forum.

It was very lively at this time.

Netizens from all over the world joined in.

Among them, Bang Bang Guo was a little panicked when he heard the sixth level!
"Bang Bang Nation, we must unite and condemn together! These Rabbit Nation people are really hateful! They know they are going to spit, but they insist on not spit!!"

"Hey, hey, don't accuse Mr. Zhang Lingtian of false accusations, what the other party said is that you can't spray it during your live broadcast!"

"He said he can't spray today!!"

"Huh? Is there? Maybe the other party is talking about daytime?"

"Maybe Boss Zhang wants to open a branch. After all, it is everyone's responsibility to promote traditional funeral culture."

Netizens who escaped and hid in the foot pot chicken are very excited, and even want to join Bangbangguo together! !

At this time, Comrade Zhan You from the international forum appeared on the stage.

But now netizens with one-sided chicken feet can’t move anymore!

Zhang Lingtian is the real hammer of Yan Mowang! !

[1. Lava flows out of Mount Ukiyo, and experts predict that the eruption is imminent! 】

After all, the whole world is watching.

So it must be indispensable in China.

"The people of the great rabbit country sent a congratulatory message!"

"Everyone just send congratulatory messages, applaud, set off fireworks, and the merits will be deducted from my account!"

"The King of Hades is amazing! I want to ask if this thing He violates the law? If it doesn't break the law, then you can congratulate. This is the freedom of speech you advocate!"

"When the three times were sprayed, my dumpling restaurant gave a discount to celebrate. Is there a problem with free delivery now?"

"Football chicken is best at fireworks and flames, Ukishi-san quickly hold a big one!"

"In this situation, I just want to write a poem. The scenery of the foot country, thousands of miles of lava. Thousands of miles of waves, looking at the distance of Tokyo, only red flames, surrounding coasts, typhoons roaring, cherry blossoms dancing on the ground, fish galloping through the cracks, wanting to be with Li Maybey braised..."

"My brother is a good poem, but I also want to say something, we are definitely not taking pleasure in misfortune, but as a human being, we admire and awe the magnificent natural landscape, just like the people like to enjoy cherry blossoms. Cherry blossoms are so beautiful."

"Heh, it's all about narrow nationalism. Those who applaud should be more rational. Think about one thing: when Fushishan erupted, the first one to suffer would be the foot pot chicken. What about the second one? That's right, it's in the west of them. Great country! Ah~, it’s all right now.”

"It's too late, already killed, change the enemy's clothes, and have a decent burial!"

Domestic forums are more searched.

There are netizens who recite poems and make them right.

There are also friends who are buried as enemy soldiers.

In short, it was short of fireworks.

"Really spray?!"

Sauce country.

Sect Master Xi frowned.

He wasn't worried about what would happen inside the foot pot chicken, after all, that was Boss Tian's business!

The main worry now is that the volcanic ash after the eruption will blow to them. This is like the billowing smoke from someone else’s chimney reaching your door. You are not happy, are you?
"It's really spraying!"

Now the network is developed.

Zhang Lingtian watched the live news and realized that it was indeed spraying.

Lava flowed out.

Could it be that all the samples I scanned ran away, so the opponent's risk value was so low?
Zhang Lingtian scanned some people who claimed to be waiting to die at the bottom of the mountain.

Now it seems that the person with the foot pot chicken is dishonest, which is why such a scan result appears.

"I'm Boss Tian, ​​everyone, hurry up! We won't miss anyone! And we don't charge for sending them away for free!!!"

Foot pot chicken domestic, Boss Tian roared on the radio! !
"Strange! Why did the volcano erupt after I uploaded it? Could it be that I didn't send it to Hades!!"

Zhai Sheng was about to run away.

After all, he still cherishes his own life.

It's just that I uploaded these 50T study materials here purely out of trust in Hades.

When seeing the volcano really erupt.

He was still a little lost.

I was cheated after all.

But just when he was about to turn off the computer and leave with the most precious CD, his brain suddenly brightened.

I just uploaded it to a sharing website.

Although he also said which website it was before.

But after all, I haven't told the king of hell, maybe the other party thinks that I haven't finished it?

After all, if it was really an accident, how could it be so punctual!
Saying that Zhai Sheng turned on the computer.

Immediately afterwards, I came to the latest video of Ping An Baishipu and left a message for the other party.

"Mabei Ida Yimeng sauce: Zhang Sang, I have uploaded 50T of data, it is a sharing website, the link address of the website
Leave a comment below the video.

At the same time, I also sent private messages to both domestic and international versions of Zhang Lingtian!



"Fuck! Really 50T study materials!!"

"This comrade from the Chrysanthemum Province is awesome!!!"

Because the opponent's precise three-day period.

Now Zhang Lingtian's account views are exploding.

And Zhai Sheng's speech suddenly caused Zhang Lingtian's account to explode again.

One hundred likes in one second!
1 likes in 1 minute!
Zhai Sheng looked at the account and was stunned!

"What the hell???"

Zhang Lingtian looked at the comment under his account that was liked and pinned to the top with question marks all over his face.

This house sage really uploaded 50T study materials!
Out of curiosity, Zhang Lingtian clicked in.

The result was stunned!
And this night, the netizens of the foot pot chicken were also stunned!

Because the legendary six-level volcanic eruption did not appear, only one direction overflowed the volcanic magma, and the magma flowed exactly three kilometers.

The shared weal and woe villa where Boss Tian lived and the toilet that had just exploded and was being repaired, were burned to ashes.

After all, volcanic magma is devastating!
Who can stop it!

And this happened exactly at 05:30 in the morning, six or seven hours after Zhai Sheng sent the message out.

Most people in Rabbit Country didn't wake up.

No one in the foot pot chicken is asleep.

"Why does it not spray and this miraculous phenomenon occurs, I think it needs to be studied."

Ogawa Dazhi, the most authoritative geology expert in Jiaopenji, is also an academician of volcano research.

He really can't sleep tonight.

Because of the fear of a volcanic eruption, it can be said that almost all the conditions were gathered, and it was even estimated that the instability of geological factors at that time might reach level five.

But why the other party didn't erupt in the end, in fact, this question alone is a little bit easier to answer, although it is complicated.

And the problem he is mainly stuck on now is that the magma does not flow out from all sides, but only flows out from the west side, and forms a line and burns down along the road. The villa where Boss Tian lived before ends at their most respected shrine. This problem is more complicated. It's hard to explain.

"You definitely won't be able to answer! This is Mr. Zhang's warning to us!!"

"That's right! Boss Tian, ​​you need to reflect! Why did they give us such a warning!!"


"I'm fine! I agree to Zhai Sheng's participation in the election!!"

Experts are embarrassed.

He hesitated and couldn't speak.

And the netizens of the foot pot chicken hit the nail on the head!

After all, the eruption happened at 22:24, and the flowing magma just burned that place!

Are you saying this is a coincidence?
Fuck coincidences! !
It's clear that someone is manipulating it! !

【1. The great house saint saves the country】

[2. Mr. Zhang’s browsing record display of honest fellows]

[3. My forever friend Zhang Sang didn’t lie, he just leaked out without spraying]

The trending searches for foot pot chicken at six o'clock are all nerds saving the country!
Of course, there are also Zhang Lingtian's browsing records and praise for his integrity.

Because it is really not sprayed.

At most, it just flowed out.

And the other party is also very trustworthy.

Really pushed the magma back.

As for whether a normal human has this ability, they don't bother to think about it.

But after Zhaisheng posted the shared link, the volcano fell asleep. During the period, Boss Zhang also browsed it. You said it’s okay, doesn’t it make sense?

And the volcanic magma was like a line, rushing straight into the shrine, forcibly melting the newly repaired shrine into ashes.

Isn't that what they want to do? !

"The rabbit is making fun of me!!"

At 05:30 in the morning, Boss Jingtian was slapping the table in a rage! !
"Don't worry, I will ask them to give an explanation in three hours."

The rare suzerain's tone was a little cold.

"An explanation must be given!!"

Boss Tian was so angry that his blood pressure was 240!

 There are a few updates today, mainly because the eyes are a little dry and not in the state, only half of the usual, please count the votes at the end of the month, thank you everyone! !Put some eye drops and take a rest, let's fight again tomorrow! !

(End of this chapter)

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