I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 110 Discovery of the Shocking Tomb, SSS-Level Mysterious Guest!

Chapter 110 Discovery of the Shocking Tomb, SSS-Level Mysterious Guest!
The whole press conference.

Originally, reporters from Jiangjiang Country deliberately made things difficult.

In the end, I didn't expect that it would become Zhao Ge's unilateral output in the end!

Think about it too.

When Boss Zhang was doing things and Rabbit Country was in a weak position, he was able to deal with them one by one, leaving journalists from these countries speechless. Now they have reason and evidence, so if you don’t step on it a few times, you will be sorry for the harmony and friendship!

"Brother Zhao Niubi!!"

The press conference is over.

Everyone gave a thumbs up, Brother Zhao's fanatic fans are crazy +1, he is indeed a big boss of the Tiantuan.

【10. Harmony and friendship, classic chants spread】

Naturally, this matter was also on the hot search.

"Hahaha, that reporter's dazed eyes in Ying-chan."

"I've been watching from the beginning, and all the reporters in the audience were stupefied, Brother Zhao is a thief!!"

"Before, there were meetings to discuss how to make up for Boss Zhang, but now it's rare to get an opportunity to make it up without making it up. Isn't this a burst of crazy output?"

"Ying-chan should reflect on why our side reported it first? Good guy, brother Zhao's reflection is really a real hammer!"

Friends of the water are also chatting on the Internet.

Especially the last reflection is the finishing touch, many netizens call it a classic!

On the other side of the Ping An Baishi shop, the live broadcast has already started early in the morning.

And today it is still delivered.

Thanks to the fact that the boss has been on the hot search for the past few days, nearly a million people have entered the live broadcast room since the live broadcast started at ten o'clock.

Of course, the painting style of the live broadcast is quite strange, and there are many foreign netizens among them.

Especially the sauce country!

Before, their self-confidence was unprecedented, thinking that the boss could handle anything, so there was no need to worry at all!
But since the shocking scandal, they are starting to panic now!
So they all came to the bottom of the live broadcast room to ask Boss Zhang if the other party would go to their country.

After all, it was already so fierce before it came!

If people go, that's fine! !

Maybe Yellowstone will have to erupt!
That would be so heartbreaking.

As for whether you said that Huangshi would be too explosive if it was sprayed.

Can you not spray so strong!

Anyway, the cool thing is that their sauce country is OK!
Of course, some people also asked the other party if they planned to go to other countries in the near future, so that they could report in advance and be blacklisted.

10:30 in the daytime in Rabbit Country is also 10:30 in the evening in Jiangjiang Country.

"Hahaha, come on, Fanny, let's have some wine."

I understand the boss. After a disco, he was watching the news and talking on the phone while drinking a small drink.

The person who drank was naturally the female assistant who was serving him temporarily.

As for why you want to drink, be happy! !
If you have the opportunity to go to the rabbit by yourself, you must visit this boss, he is really excellent!
And in this leak, the original standard answer directly became a reminder for the old man with diarrhea!

Now the country is basically scolding him!
Especially the residents of the small town near the train, they almost dug up the ancestral grave of the old man Laxi.

I believe that the other party must be working overtime at the moment, and don't want to sleep well tonight.

To cause trouble for the other party, I don't know why, but I feel inexplicably comfortable!
Anyway, knowing the boss's decision, I must go to meet this boss Zhang in person one day.

If he can become a big boss, he will first pardon himself, and then invite Boss Zhang, a great hero, to come and settle in their country.

"Good boss."

Fanny nodded and raised her wine glass.


Knowing that Wang's voice fell, he even touched the direction of the computer screen with his hand.

"Cheers! Strive for the greatness of the Jiangjiang country for life!!"

The computer was playing the video, and the assistant Nathan was opposite him.

He was spared last night thanks to his boss' advance warning.

I'm dead set now!
Speaking of which, I almost went to see God by myself.

"Very good! Nathan, you are a very good assistant. I am really optimistic about you. You must also strive to complete the arduous task of attracting Boss Zhang to join us with the rabbit! Once I become the big boss, It's not impossible to be Fanny's deputy secretary, and your ability to be the principal minister!"

It is worthy of knowing the boss who has obtained the boss achievement, and he is really activating the skill of drawing big cakes all the time.

Right now I'm painting Zhengqing for others.

"Zheng, Zhengqing! Boss! I will work hard!!"

Nathan's eyes were shining with gold, and he felt that working with the boss in this life was worthwhile! !

What kind of height is that, I have never thought about it in my life!

But now I have a chance!

Just complete the task of wooing Boss Zhang! !

"Not bad, this is the drive that young people should have, and the future can be expected."

Knowing the boss nodded, the golden hair on the top of his head swayed with the rhythm.

On the other side, Suzerain Xi.

"What do you think I want you to do? What happened to the plan to fight against the rabbit? The result was that I couldn't say a word when I was asked! It's really embarrassing to the international community, making people laugh!!"

Sovereign Rare is very angry!

That's right, he's still at work at this point, and he's already off work in normal times!

And the reason is because Rabbit reported it in advance, and made this matter the second most searched list, which completely disrupted their original plan!
And put him in a passive position.

Originally, he wanted to let some reporters go over and counterattack at the speech meeting.

In short, give the pot to the rabbit!
It is said that they deliberately reported and hyped this incident, deliberately conspired to destroy public sentiment, and so on.

Thus turning the tide of public opinion.

In the end, he really never expected that not only did they fail to counter the rabbit, but they were beaten up by the opponent and became an international joke!

It just doesn't make sense!
Sovereign Master Xi felt that his anger was constantly spraying out! !
"Boss, the main reason is that Li Zhao's mouth is so talkative. Our staff didn't realize it. When we did, it made us reflect on it."

George sighed.

This Li Zhao is not only thick-skinned but can talk, he is also good at sophistry.

The reporter was detoured to the reflection wall without even keeping up with the other party's thinking.

"Don't you know how to conduct personnel training? And I didn't mean you, I told you to catch Nathan, but what did you do? The man ran away! Tell me, do you understand that a lunatic is placed next to me? spies?!"

If they catch Nathan, the assistant who understands madmen, they are completely capable of turning the tables.

In other words, the lunatics are actually deliberately destroying the internal harmony of their country, inviting Zhang Lingtian here, using despicable means to destroy the original order, and wanting to take the position of the big boss.

The opponent's assistant, Nathan, has a lot of evidence.

Now they have been captured by them!
As soon as this card is played!
Although it is true that he was wrong about the train incident and chose to conceal it instead of reporting it immediately, but a person who colludes with other countries and asks his assistant to call the death god of that country to harm them, I believe the eyes of the people must be discerning.

He definitely wouldn't choose such a person to be the future big boss.

As the saying goes, there is no worst, only worse.

As long as you understand that the madman is worse than yourself, then you can win!

However, he didn't get the hole card he had originally planned, which made him very annoyed!

He even wondered if his assistant was a spy.

"Boss, the main reason is that he stepped down from the position of the big boss before he knew the boss. There are people on the other side in many ways, so I guess our actions should be known in advance by him."

George's whole face was full of grievances. After all, how could he be a spy if he was so loyal!

Things that don't exist at all!

The main reason is that there are many people in their system who also know the boss, and if they are not careful, it is inevitable that they will leak the news and the like.

"Go find a way to calm this public opinion, and no matter what method you use, catch Nathan for me!"

The sleeping boss said coldly to the assistant.

Grab Nathan, this caring assistant who understands the boss is a key trump card to reverse his public opinion!

Assistant George left.

[Top ↑After expert analysis, the gas emitted by the train leak has been diluted into a large perfume, please be alert to the infiltration of foreign forces]

At the same time, the hot search list is at the top.

It turned out that the other party hired some authoritative experts, and then conducted tests and the like, and issued a statement after the test.

Probably this is a large perfume, please don't get excited!
No problem! !

"Large perfume? All the animals around are dead. You call this a large perfume?"

Jiangjiang Country, a staff dormitory.

The exhausted man who had just washed the dishes until ten o'clock and had no time to take a shower was lying on the bed.

He stared at the top trending search and almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

One mouthful is short-lived, two mouthfuls are cancer-causing, and smoking three meters underground a day can poison you to death. Do you call this a large perfume?

It's not like this when you open your mouth, these experts are too ugly to eat!

It's a reckless disregard for human life!

The man sighed.

He is none other than the third brother with a flat head.

In the morning, he also said to kill Zhang Lingtian, but not long after he said that, something happened to them.

Even enough to make the entire surrounding land deserted.

You must know that this kind of thing happened before the other party came, and you don't know what will happen if you come!
Now Jiangjiang Country is also filled with the haze of being dominated by Boss Zhang.

Even some pessimists believe that the Yellowstone volcano may erupt!
It's another day to regret offending Hades, why don't you just go back to your country and become a monk in a temple.

It is impossible for a monk, the King of Hades, to still care about himself, right?
The third brother with a flat head thought.


spring river.

The time has come to twelve o'clock at noon!
"You don't need to pay tribute. I'm just an ordinary funeral shop owner, an ordinary mourner. It's useless for you to pay me tribute! Please consume rationally, and return the products you bought blindly, especially those from abroad. Friends, you don’t have a similar funeral culture over there, so there’s no need for these things.”

In the last minute of the live broadcast, Zhang Lingtian said to the netizens in front of the TV.

Today, 150 million people flooded into the live broadcast room at its peak.

And their sales today are also very outrageous.

Came to more than 200 million!
That's right, 99 pieces of shrouds were taken, for a total of [-] yuan.

Yellow paper sales reached 110 million!

This was two hours in the morning, mainly because the live broadcast room was taken awry.

Some water friends made a fuss and fooled foreign netizens, saying that buying things from Ping'an Shishi Shop can ward off evil spirits and ensure safety.

Isn't this nonsense!

So Zhang Lingtian repeatedly persuaded everyone in the live broadcast room to only sell to those in need, and not to waste it because of some illusory things.

"Of course it's useless now, it will be useful to promote funeral culture in the future! /狗头"

"That's right. In ancient times, Emperor Qin ruled the six kingdoms. Now King Zhang and Yama jointly build a global village. It used to be unified weights and measures, and now funeral culture is unified. Isn't that a problem!"

"You must not refund the money. The boss's words are the opposite. If the other party says nothing is wrong, something must be wrong! If you really believe the other party, you will be fooled!"

However, these water friends don't know if they are addicted to flickering. At this moment, Boss Zhang is ready to broadcast and the other party is still here to continue flicking!

But in their opinion.

These foreigners' consumption is also consumption elsewhere, so it is better to directly consume it at Boss Zhang's place.

"We understand! No retreat!"

"Oh, God, you are good rabbit people!"

"There are kind people in every country, not like that Zhanyou who fools around everywhere, may the Lord bless you."

"Don't worry, we will definitely not return the product! This is my lucky item to deal with disaster!"

At least [-] foreigners came into Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast room today, and some foreigners who were fooled into buying funeral supplies said very firmly at the moment.

Soon Zhang Lingtian was broadcast.

"Boss, according to the statistics, 10000 pieces of shrouds and 9400 orders sold for 99 yuan, and the yellow paper sold for 1122100 yuan, a total of 50 orders. The total sales price of all the goods was 2112100 yuan."

After downloading the broadcast, the assistant quickly counted today's sales amount, which was 2101 yuan.


Su Wei and Li Tiantian glanced at each other, and felt a breath of cold air hit their foreheads!
A total of about 51 orders!

Although it is not necessary for them to pack and ship, because they have outsourced, but the supervision is very suffocating, okay!
"Brother Tian, ​​are you still broadcasting this afternoon?"

Su Wei asked weakly, they will make mental preparations when the broadcast starts!

"The broadcast will not start in the afternoon, wait for a while, and then the two of you must supervise the quality and make sure there are no mistakes."

Zhang Lingtian said to them, the main thing is that they use it first and pay later, and a lot of money has not been returned.

He was worried that if there were so many orders in the afternoon, he would be embarrassed if he couldn't produce them, so let's take it easy.

Originally, he planned to sell more than 200 million in at least three or four days, but now it seems that this matter is not expected at all.


"Brother Tian, ​​if the netizens receive any defective products, you will deduct our wages!!"

As soon as Li Tiantian's voice fell, Su Wei immediately spoke to her.

Both of them look like a military order!

"Not bad."

Zhang Lingtian was very satisfied.

"Boss, our income from this live broadcast is 11."

The screen switched, that was the income from the live broadcast this time, and the money that could be withdrawn directly to the pocket after the tax was deducted could be regarded as a solution to Zhang Lingtian's urgent needs.

"More than [-] yuan, it's okay."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

"Actually, boss, if it's because there is no way to turn around the funds for the time being, we can definitely start some live broadcasts for simple chatting, or boss, you can also choose a random live broadcast with a predestined person. After each session, our income is basically the lowest. It can have about 1 yuan."

Jiang Xiaohan suddenly made a proposal.

The boss now has more than 1000 million fans. Anyway, after a live broadcast, the minimum income is 1 yuan. As long as the boss is willing to do it, it is quite considerable.

At least there is money in the account, which is better than having nothing at all.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. I'm busy with delivery today. Come on, let's have lunch first!"

He would consider using the Chosen Son function for a simple live broadcast.

It also happens to be lunch time, let's eat lunch first!

At this moment, I saw him take out the lunch that had been brought over a long time ago.

"Boss, today's sales are more than 200 million, do you think we should celebrate?"

Suddenly Li Tiantian smiled and blinked.

"Although I just ate it yesterday, today it is indeed a hit, so it is no problem to invite everyone to have dinner. If the next live broadcast continues to sell more than one million orders, there will still be a celebration dinner, so where do you want to go tonight? Or yesterday Is that a seafood buffet?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

It's not a big problem as long as you make a big order and invite you to eat.

Every day to a higher level, he can invite every day.

"Sister Xiaohan, where do you want to go? Is it the same place as yesterday?"

Li Tiantian looked at Jiang Xiaohan.

"Me? I'm free to go or not."

Jiang Xiaohan didn't have much thought.

"Aren't you, Li Tiantian, the most active in this kind of thing every time? What do you want to eat this time, take us all for a change?"

Su Wei cast a glance at Li Tiantian.

He knows each other too well.

"Hey, I haven't eaten hot pot for a long time, let's go to eat hot pot this time, let's go to the shop near us before!"

At this moment, Li Tiantian said that she has never eaten hot pot since the incident of hot pot in the world came out last time.

Don't say it, I miss it a little.

"I can."

Jiang Xiaohan made a statement.

"I'm OK."

Su Wei nodded.

"Okay, then go to the hot pot restaurant where we ate last time, and listen to you."

After all, he was inviting employees to dinner, and where they wanted to eat was the most important thing, so he listened to them.

"thank you boss!!"

Li Tiantian burst into laughter, and had hot pot tonight! !
"Welcome everyone to watch the noon news. With the deepening of the excavation work, the experts were extremely shocked at this nearly stolen cemetery in Nanshui. The size of this ancient tomb group is far beyond everyone's imagination. There are already a lot of rare treasures in it!"

The sound fell, and the news was broadcast on the TV.

For a while, everyone's attention was attracted by the news.

[2. Tomb robbers steal out the shocking tomb]

And soon this piece of news also appeared on the hot search.

It was evening, and it had been nearly ten hours since the work started in the morning, but the experts in the cemetery were not a bit tired.

Even a large number of manpower was transferred.

Almost all the experts from the country's top universities, archaeology, and cultural relics research institutes came here.

CCTV reporters also appeared here.

Obviously, there was a tomb that shocked the whole world, and there were even two pieces of gold thread clothes, which were rare in the whole country, in the jade coffin of the owner of the tomb.

At the same time, in this huge group of tombs, there are various styles ranging from small cultural utensils to large axes, hooks and arrows, good crossbows, spears, and armor, which are dazzling.

In addition, silk and satin, bronze agate, gold, silver and jade decorations, the most rare thing is that there are ritual and musical instruments from the Rabbit Han era in this tomb, a full set of chime bells! !
It directly promoted the progress of local cultural relics protection and archaeology.

Of course, this is something for the next month.

But it can be said that without the guidance of this group of tomb robbers, it would be difficult to see the light of this peerless tomb, and the cultural relics inside would not have been discovered early.


Today hasn't passed yet, but it's time to get off work.

"Let's go."

After closing the gate, they drove towards the hot pot restaurant not far from Baishipu.

Although it is not far, it still takes a long time to walk.

Drive if you can.

Otherwise, it would be troublesome to come back and drive the car away.

"Manager! A black Passat! The license plate number is Jiang A.04048!!"

However, they hadn't arrived at the hot pot restaurant yet. As soon as they entered the parking lot, they saw the waiter at the door rush in and report to the manager!

04048, this is Yan Wang's car, and the other party came over for dinner.

"What? Boss Zhang is here for dinner? Good good good!!"

The manager got up immediately!

Then he picked up the phone and contacted the boss.

After all, Boss Zhang can't handle it.

"Ah? I'll come over right away!!"

The boss was busy, but he came over immediately after receiving the call.

They are not open in the shopping mall, but on the first floor, with a total of two floors. Today is not a weekend, so there are not too many people.

"Boss Zhang, come to dinner."

Seeing Zhang Lingtian and the others approaching, the manager immediately greeted them with a smile on his face.

"Well, is Manager Lan still available? How long will it take?"

Seeing that there were still some people waiting at the door, Zhang Lingtian asked curiously.

"If there are only two of you, there are no seats right now, and you may have to wait for half an hour, but if there are four of you, there is still a big table for you to eat right away."

Manager Lan said to him at this moment.

"Eat immediately? This is good!"

Li Tiantian's small eyes were full of excitement.

To be honest, there are indeed a lot of young couples outside.

In general hot pot restaurants, different numbers of people correspond to different tables.

Unless you're getting ready for the end of the dinner rush, it's also unlikely that you'll be able to seat the two of you at a six-seat table or eight-ten-seat extra-large table.

"I'm hungry, I haven't eaten hot pot since the last time."

Su Wei touched his stomach.

I am indeed a little hungry.

"Boss Zhang is a rare customer. When you come to our store, you will walk into an assured hotpot restaurant!"

At this time, a middle-aged man who was fat and a little rich walked over.

Greeted with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Zhang, this is our boss,"

Before Zhang Lingtian and the others could react, the manager introduced them.

"Let me introduce formally, Boss Zhang. I'm Qian Fuyang, the owner of Xiaofulong Hot Pot Restaurant. Don't worry if you're hungry. We serve dishes at the speed of light!"

Boss Qian patted his chest and said with a smile.

"Speed ​​of light?"

Everyone is looking forward to it!

"Huh? Boss Qian, where are you taking us? Is there a dining table behind?"

Suddenly, while they were walking, Jiang Xiaohan realized that something was wrong, the other party led the four of them towards the kitchen.

And there are fewer and fewer tables here.

"It's like this. In order to let Boss Zhang and Ms. Jiang eat at ease, I will show you our back kitchen. All male chefs are bald to ensure that you don't lose a single hair when you eat hot pot. And Our meat products are all in line with national certification, if you order beef and pork, this is our proof of purchase, and they are the latest meat products purchased today."

Boss Qian took them through the kitchen and introduced them as they walked.

"Hello, Boss Zhang! Welcome to the staff of Ping'an Baishipu to visit our Xiao Fulong Hot Pot Kitchen!"

The chefs collectively take off their hats.

It doesn't matter if you are older, after all, you are bald.

I didn't expect that the young man in his 20s also had a bald head. When he took off his hat, he felt a sense of joy for some reason!

The most fearful thing is the serious sense of joy, even the professionally trained can't hold back the desire to laugh.

The reason why the co-authors took them to visit the back kitchen because of the shadow of the hot pot incident in the world last time?

And Zhang Lingtian is the black line.

I just came here for a meal, not to grab the job of the food safety department.

"At the same time, for beef, we also directly connect with slaughterhouses for freshness. The same goes for one-hour, three-hour, five-hour beef, tripe and so on. Boss Zhang, if you are interested, you can try it. Our shop absolutely Fresh! Absolute conscience!"

Boss Qian was eloquent.

I can't wait to show Zhang Lingtian and the others all the places.

"Boss Qian, we're here for dinner."

It is a good thing that businesses can stand the test, but in fact, there is really no need to bring them into the back kitchen, after all, it is really not very useful.

And they don't have leadership addiction, they just come here for a meal.

"Boss Zhang will be ready soon. You see, although we also have a few large barrels, we absolutely do not engage in illegal business. This is the daily sales record of hogwash, and our material bags are also produced by regular manufacturers."

Boss Qian took out the material bag.

Since the Tianxia Hot Pot accident, he has strictly required that all ingredients must be fresh, and everything must be regular!

After all, it is only a 5-minute drive from the Ping An Bai Shi Shop of Lord Yan Wang!

I don't want to feel cold when the other party comes to eat.

Now this whole body of righteousness has finally been seen by Hades!

The visit is over.

Zhang Lingtian and the others were brought into a small box with a table for six.

"Pfft——, today I got the honor of the boss and became the leader of the Food Supervision Bureau once."

After entering the box, Li Tiantian couldn't hold back any longer and burst out laughing.

"Looking at Brother Tian's expression, you can tell how speechless you are at the moment."

Su Wei is considerate of Brother Tian.

Ordering will begin soon.

Bottom of the pot first.

Then there are various hot pot ingredients such as beef tripe.

Xiangshui City, toilet table.

"Don't want to come? How can this work? Mr. Zhang Lingtian is the soul of our show! The most mysterious SSS-level guest, the selling points are all planned!!"

This matter was reported level by level, and finally reached the producer through the producer, director, and producer.

Generally speaking, the producer is equivalent to the chairman, the producer is the general manager, the director is the project leader, and the producer is the director.

Although they have a lot of rights in the selection of personnel, they will not report to the producer under normal circumstances, and they only care about the income.

The matter of personnel is still determined through discussion between the producer and the director.

But if you want to increase the budget, and if it is still a big budget, you have to say hello to the producer.

"Yeah, I think so too, why don't we ask Mr. Wang for a higher price?"

Producer Yan Tao asked, that he was also very reluctant to part with Boss Zhang.

"It can't exceed 200 million at most, and I suggest you go directly to ask the other party to show respect."

Producer Mr. Wang stretched out two fingers.

Although their toilet table belongs to the existence of entertainment masters, they have also been criticized recently.

What is said that the homogenization of programs is too serious, and there is no innovation.

So under their gestation, a new program is prepared!

Invite the hottest Boss Zhang to be the most mysterious SSS-level guest!
When it comes out, everyone will be amazed! !
And as a guest, only the producer, director, chief director and producer Yan Tao and him, the producer, know about him, even the host team doesn't know.

After all, this kind of gimmick has to be kept secret.

If you say it first, everyone will be bored.

"Okay, then I'll go to Chunjiang."

Yan Tao nodded.

The producer has said so, so he can rest assured to hire people.

"Remember to sign a non-disclosure agreement when paying, otherwise some people will feel unbalanced."

Producer Mr. Wang gave a solemn explanation.

Because of their popularity, many celebrities have very low prices for their programs, and some are even free.

Although Zhang Lingtian has a great influence outside, his influence in the entertainment industry is minimal.

If others know that they spent 200 million to hire such an internet celebrity who has no celebrity in the entertainment industry, it will inevitably cause some people to feel unbalanced.

"Don't worry about that."

Yan Tao nodded.


[11. Ma San, who was named by Hades, was officially arrested and suspected of reselling third-level cultural relics]

In the evening, the Nanshui police issued a police report.

The above mentioned that Ma San was criminally detained for allegedly reselling third-class cultural relics, and will be prosecuted for it.

"Poor baby, I should have known why today!"

"I said at the beginning that this product was not clean, but now it seems that it is really."

"Actually, this guy is already lucky. If Hades hadn't saved him, he wouldn't even have the chance to go to jail."

"It's a fact. That awl-like stone was thrown down like this. I guess we will see with our own eyes what it means to chop a person alive."

Everyone still remembers what happened last night.

It is indeed too scary.

"Speaking of which, Ma San's dog's life was almost gone last night. It was so close! I really don't understand why our boss has such ability, why he still hides it!"

Xiao Fulong hot pot, Li Tiantian also saw hot searches.

At this point the boss went out to answer the phone.

She spread her hands, expressing that she didn't understand very much. If she had this ability, she would have shown it and been admired by others.

After all, the ability belongs to oneself and there is nothing shameful about it.

As a result, the boss chooses to avoid it every time.

When everyone raised questions about this matter last night, the boss just answered lightly that it was just a coincidence.

Once or twice is a coincidence, but now so many times is still a coincidence?
Mass coincidence maker?

The main reason is that everyone doesn't believe it!

In fact, if the boss is straightforward and honest, there is no need to be so tired every day to bring the goods, and there is money lying down completely.

After all, no country with this kind of ability should be enshrined as a national treasure.

"Maybe there are no restrictions on these abilities? Maybe the boss has any scruples."

Jiang Xiaohan analyzed rationally.

The boss explained what happened in Jiangjiang Country last night perfectly, almost impeccably.

At first, when she thought that this incident was just being fooled by the boss, Ma San's incident immediately appeared.

There is no way for the boss to avoid this matter, that is, a miracle will happen on the spot.

"I agree with Sister Xiaohan's statement. The simplest thing I think is to refer to Ao Congman. Why didn't Ao Cong Man directly inform the public that she is Ao Cong Man? After understanding Li Tiantian, I will understand!"

Su Wei also expressed his thoughts.

He felt that the boss should be similar to Bumpman.

"Well, I don't want to talk about this, and I don't know when our white shop will set up an excellent employee system. I want to be an excellent employee and ask the boss for his own longevity."

Li Tiantian was rinsing the fat cow.

She wondered too much how long she would live.

It's a pity that Baishipu has never had this system.

I saw her glance out the window.

Outside, it was the scene where Zhang Lingtian made a phone call.

"Sorry, Director Yan, I don't have time to be busy during this time."

Zhang Lingtian received a call from someone who claimed to be the chief director of a program under Toilet Taiwan, and the other party said his name was Yan Tao.

"Mr. Zhang, don't be in a hurry to refuse. There won't be a lot of recording time, and there won't be rehearsals. I'll come back and talk to you about the details."

Yan Tao wanted to make a phone call first.

In the end, he didn't expect the opposite party to directly reject it, which made him embarrassed for a while.

"Director Yan, where you go is up to you, but I'm really busy and have no interest in this show. I'm here with the staff for dinner. I'm really embarrassed so I hung up the phone first."

After Zhang Lingtian's voice fell, he hung up the phone.

"It seems that Chun Jiang has to get the storyline right first on this trip."

When he was a director of TV dramas before, he also experienced some things that actors didn't want to come and didn't have a schedule.

But as long as your story attracts him, then there is no such thing as not wanting to come and not having a schedule.

He is here to prepare the script for that time.

Although he didn't mention how much money just now, he guessed that if Mr. Zhang spends money, it can only be an aid, and the specifics depend on the attractiveness of the story.

The show will premiere soon.

Rabbit country, a certain villa.

"The boss of this piece is really awesome. I even wonder if he deliberately let this ancient tomb into the public eye!"

The one who spoke was Tear Onion, and the other party was swiping his phone.

That's right, another day of strengthening your faith.

It's just a matter of giving Hades a statue.

"Brother Onion, I joined a new show recently, are you interested in being a guest?"

Wumian is also there.

He, Ge You, was lying in the middle.

Now he also asked with a smile on his face.

"On the show? Why on that thing! I'm not interested."

Tear Onion is not a person who is short of money.

And this kind of program is indeed very boring to him, it is better to lie at home and sleep late than to waste time on the program.

"This is my host's first show, Brother Onion, don't you come to support me? It is said that the program team will parachute three mysterious guests, namely S, SS, and SSS, each of which is a big name!"

Wu faced the eloquence.

Although he is not the only host.

But he is also the main host.

After all, I am considered a cross-industry, and I definitely can't carry the banner at the beginning, right?

"Mysterious guest? Don't look back and the program team hired you a dirty job, and you'll have a lot of fun!"

Tear Onion doesn't know why, but now he suddenly thinks of the Living Hades when he hears the mysterious guest for no reason.

"How is that possible! That Zhang Lingtian is at most an Internet celebrity, and the show crew couldn't invite him. Don't you like to watch Limits and Speed, Brother Cong? I heard that this time the show crew spent a lot of money to invite the other leading actor! He It's one of the mysterious guests!"

Wu Mian revealed secretly.

After all, he is also the host and knows some inside information.

"You mean Rock!!"

Torn Onion suddenly became interested!

"That's, it's definitely touching. I heard that the producer wants to make this show not weaker than the ones that show up and happy big stupid camp, and even surpass them!!"

Wu Mian continued to talk about the inside story he knew.

"Not bad, as long as Hades is not around, you can go shopping."

Tear Onion would also like to go up to meet Rock, and he also likes the other party's movies.

"Then Brother Onion, we've agreed on that! I'll invite you to have a little fun tonight!!"

This Principal Onion is a celebrity in the industry.

Being able to invite him as a guest will add more fun to the show, so he decided to invite him to be happy tonight.

"Okay, okay, don't you get tired of playing that kind of game all day? Wouldn't it be nice to go to the bar and have a drink?"

Tear Onion said angrily.

I don't know what to put on my mind every day.

No wonder so thin!

This day is like the wind will fall down.

"Drinking is fine, listen to Brother Onion!!"

The sports car started at the door, and they drove to a bar.

At this time, Chunjiang's family was clearing the bar.

"Weiwei, is your husband very fierce?"

A man and a woman are sitting, and a little wine is ordered on the table.

"It does feel a bit fierce."

the woman replied.

Her name is An Weiwei, she is just 30 years old, and she is full of the charm of a mature woman.

And this Li Jing is a dermatologist in a private clinic.

Once when I brought my child to see a doctor, the other party added her WeChat.

Because her husband is often away on business trips, she feels that this doctor is quite good.

She is a little bit moved by being warm and handsome.

But she's also been wrestling with a mental battle.

After all, she is a married woman.

However, she didn't know that she had been targeted by Li Jing from the very beginning.

Based on his own conditions and tactics, few women can resist him.

But she was a little unclear why this Dr. Li would ask this.

"Can I see a picture of your husband?"

Li Jing asked.

Sure enough, Boss Zhang was right.

You are in danger! !
"Oh, Doctor Li, wait a minute."

An Weiwei took out her mobile phone, then rummaged through it.


Seeing the photo, Li Jing was stunned for a second.

Suits, short hair, gold chains, small eyes, and a fierce body, isn't this Lei Ge who is familiar with me?

"Pfft——, everyone says my husband looks like Lei Ge, but he does look a little like him, but he is still very gentle."

An Weiwei covered her mouth and smiled.


Seeing An Weiwei's smile, Li Jing's heart skipped a beat!

The other party is willing to come out to drink with me, if nothing happens, I will win it tonight! !

She's also pretty good looking!

It's white and beautiful!
But this husband has the aura of a black and big brother, if you tell him to be gentle, he won't believe it even if you kill him! !

It's better to listen to Hades' words and bear the pain to part with it!
I have been working on the strategy for more than three months, and it is about to be completed, and the pain is so painful that I can't breathe.

"What happened to Doctor Li?"

An Weiwei looked at Li Jing with a different look in his eyes.

"Weiwei, do you feel that you like me a little bit these days?"

Suddenly Li Jing asked solemnly.


An Weiwei herself is the kind of gentle woman who is not good at words. Now that she was asked such a question, she didn't know how to answer for a while.

It's just that the hand is holding the bag tightly.

"Like me, right? Weiwei, this is wrong. You are a married woman, you must strengthen your beliefs and protect your family. If you think about it carefully, what will happen to your husband and children if your cheating is discovered?" Miss you? Are you worthy of them?"

Li Jing preached with a righteous face.

"Doctor Li..."

An Weiwei was stunned, and then her eyes became moist for no reason.


If you really take this step.

How do I face my children, how do I face my husband?
"As a woman, you must stick to yourself. Go back after drinking this glass of wine. Next time, don't go out to drink with other men. After all, there are not many men like me who have no malicious intentions. Most men ask you out for a drink just because they want to drink." Sleep after you're drunk, you know, be careful!"

Li Jing sent out another sentence!
"Tick tock."

An Weiwei cried, she was so moved that she cried! !

"Thank you, Dr. Li. I admit that I am a little bit tempted by you. This is the first time I go out to drink with other men. I won't do it! Thank you, Dr. Li!!"

Wiping her tears, she bowed to Li Jing!
"Hurry up and go back to sleep with the child."

Li Jing waved his hand.

"Hmm! Dr. Li, thank you very much! You taught me a very important lesson!"

In An Weiwei's eyes, the image of Dr. Li was instantly tall and majestic.

She really almost fell, and the other party really persuaded her.

"cnmd, so white!!!"

Then bow, Li Jing really can see everything at a glance!
Sorry! !

Heartache to suffocation ah! !
Forget it!

The next one is better!
Li Jing settled the bill.

From the clear bar to the hot bar.

The former is suitable for drinking with friends, while the latter is of course for hanging out.

Drink and drink.

He suddenly saw a girl he liked again, who was at least a little bit tipsy from drinking.

"Beauty, I think you are not married, right?"

Thinking of the young woman flying away tonight, Li Jing felt angry, and immediately stepped forward to strike up a conversation with a smile.

"Oh, what kind of marriage!"

The woman sneered at this moment.


 10800 words were sent, and it was reviewed within 10 minutes after it was sent out last night. It is very embarrassing. Please recommend a monthly ticket!thank you all!Your votes are my motivation! !
(End of this chapter)

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