I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 111 An Affair in a Bar

Chapter 111 An Affair in a Bar

"It's true, there are few in this world who are worthy of a beauty like you, come, let's have a drink?"

Li Jing raised his wine glass, showing a gentle and beastly smile.

"Drink and drink!"

The woman also raised her glass without any scruples.

Seeing this, Li Jing was overjoyed.

Because most women are also visual creatures.

He's good looking and tall, and he's good at talking too.

At least they didn't hate him at first sight.

And as long as he doesn't hate him, in Li Jing's eyes, he will succeed.

"Mix two more glasses of wine for us."

After drinking, Li Jing said to the bartender, how can this drink be enough if you want to fix one person?

"What does the handsome guy do? Where does he work?"

After drinking and drinking, half an hour has passed in a blink of an eye, and the two of them chatted a little more familiarly.

At this moment, the woman asked.

"Private clinic, dermatologist, beauty, if you have any minor allergies, I can help you. Of course, you can have a free physical examination if you want."

Li Jing gave a wicked smile, especially when he sized up the woman's figure after the last sentence.

"Dermatologist? Free physical examination? Hahaha~, then you come!"

The woman didn't know if she was drunk or not, and boldly hooked Gou Lijing's chin with her finger.

Good guy.

This kind of Hong Guoguo's hint, not the whole one-night stand, not pushing him hard, felt that he was sorry for his anger.


At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the achievement is about to be achieved.

"Don't go to the hotel, I'm not used to sleeping on those beds, I have an apartment in Jiang'an Community, so go there!"

After drinking for three or four hours, Li Jing helped the beautiful woman out, and at the same time knew her name was An Aini.

Anyone who is familiar with the process knows that the next step is to fast forward to the achievement of the one-night stand achievement.

Come on, it's more common.

came outside,
Li Jing came here tonight for a one-night stand, so naturally it is impossible to drive.

Just when he was about to take a taxi, An Aini pointed to a neighborhood in the distance and said.

"Jiang'an District? Nini, how about I hire a taxi and take it there?"

Li Jing was a little surprised. Isn't Jiang'an Community a community 10 minutes ahead?
This is one of the more upscale neighborhoods in Chunjiang.

In Chunjiang, where the average price was [-], the house price in Jiang'an Community once reached [-].

Could it be that he caught a little rich woman who was emotionally hurt tonight?
This feeling is good!Li Jing couldn't help the restlessness in his heart!

"No, let's go, go over..."

An Aini, who was supported by Li Jing, shook her head drunkenly.

Really drunk tonight.

"Let's go? Okay, then I'll give up my life to accompany the beautiful woman for a walk under the moon."

In this way, the two walked under the bright moon.

Li Jing helped An Aini who was very confused after drunk.

When he came to the community, took the elevator, and opened the door, Li Jing's mood suddenly brightened.

The girl is in good shape and looks very beautiful. If he doesn't go to the hotel, he will follow her home. In fact, he wonders if he ran into a fairy dance on the way.

But the other party really looked like he was very drunk, and he moved all the hands and feet that should be moved along the way, and even kissed.

Just ask which fairy jumping brother can make himself such a wave?
So he felt that this was not quite like a fairy dance, it should be a real emotional injury and looking for a night of excitement.

But before he came up, he was really panicked, even in the elevator he was a little apprehensive.

However, now that the door of this room is open, the decoration is simple and tall, and there is no one in the new house, not to mention how happy he is.

The caring young lady who has such a good figure and saves her house rent is really tearful!

In the future, we must help her get more free physical examinations.

I also hope that I can meet a few more emotionally frustrated little rich women of this type.

When he was in the bar, he actually noticed that this young lady came to the bar to drink away her sorrows because she was emotionally frustrated. Generally, it is best to start with this kind of object.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case, isn't this a success?

After entering the room, An Aini lost her shoes and bag, and staggered to the bedroom.

Li Jing is hungry! !
Harazi is going to flow.

Check your body first!
Immediately afterwards, both parties took a shower and continued to check!
That night, the two sides had spiritual communication and violent physical friction.

It wasn't until four or five in the morning that I fell asleep from exhaustion.

before bed.

Looking at the naked little rich woman lying next to her, if he wasn't too tired, he would have to check her body again.

I have to say that it is comfortable to be in someone else's house, and he will definitely come here often in the future.

Unknowingly, the time came to more than eight o'clock.

"Fingerprint verification is correct, welcome home."

In the morning, Jiang'an Community.

In Room 1808, a smart door lock alert sounded.

"call out--"

Women are sensitive.

And this was also Li Jing's crazy battlefield last night.

The sound caused An Aini, who was still a little sleepy, to suddenly open her eyes.

Immediately afterwards, regardless of being completely naked, he rushed to the door and locked it with his fingers! !
"Get up!"

Immediately afterwards, she slapped Li Jing crazily, her voice was hurried.

"Dear Nini, I really can't do it, I didn't go to bed until five o'clock last night."

Li Jing opened his eyes in a daze, and in front of him was the little rich woman who was in the same original state as last night after being restored to the factory.

He couldn't help sighing.

A dead cow is not bad, sincerity does not deceive me.

But he is really clean!
No matter how tempted he is, he just wants to lie on the bed now, really, it's the same when the angel comes.

"What's wrong! You hide quickly! My husband is here!!"

An Aini regretted it a little now.

Play a little crazy!
If her husband catches her, it will be over! !
"What! Husband! Didn't you say you don't have a husband!!"

Li Jing's pupils constricted, and immediately he straightened up, and he was also stunned!

The other party clearly said last night that they are not married, so where does this husband come from? !
"That was not last night, now you hurry up and get your things and find a way to hide, if he finds out, he must kill someone!!"

An Aini urged, and she was very anxious!
"Murder? Nini, what does your husband do??"

Hearing this, Li Jing's body trembled, his face was full of panic.

"Construction site earthwork."

An Aini replied with four words.

"Hold! Hold the grass!!!"

Li Jing immediately jumped up!

Construction site earthworks! !

What kind of luck is this for me, why are the ones I meet more familiar than the other!

Brother Tufang's wife was given by him...

He no longer dared to think about it!
Because the cold sweat is not enough!
"Aini, haven't you gotten up yet? Why did you lock the door?"

An Aini's local husband came to the door.

Twist a bit.

When he found that the door was locked, he was a little puzzled.

"Well, you didn't get up, what are you doing here?"

Annie replied.

I don't know whether it was too crazy or ridiculous last night. There is no criminal evidence in the room at this time, so there is no need to clean it up.


After a while, a man in black came in, and a gold watch gleamed.

"Why did you just open the door and come in!"

In the room, An Aini was sitting on the bed, wearing underwear right now.

Seeing the man in black walking in directly, he immediately pretended to be displeased.

At the same time, I am very grateful!

Fortunately, I predicted in advance that he would take the key to open the door, otherwise this time it would be a disaster!
"Ai Ni, what happened yesterday was my fault. After I apologize to you, I will never associate with Xiao Mi again. Let's go to the mall today, shall we?"

The man scanned the room and found nothing unusual, then climbed onto his wife's bed with a flattering look on his face.


Ai Ni sneered.

It turned out that she caught her husband having an affair with the secretary yesterday. You must know that they were only married for a year.

So she was so angry that she went to drink to relieve her worries last night. She didn't know why her head was so hot while drinking, just thinking about you cheating and I will also find a man to cheat.

This house was given to her by her husband when she got married, so she came here.

But at this moment, she regretted it, feeling that last night was really stupid!

But the matter has come to this point and there is no other way, and I only hope to hide it from the past.

"Oh baby you have to trust me, I swear to God!"

Seeing his wife wearing underwear right now, Big Brother Tufang came up.

Cheating is wrong.

But this life has to go on, so he is not here to apologize.

Originally, An Aini didn't want such a husband, but she glanced out of the window. At present, she could only use this method to reduce her husband's suspicion to delay the time for the man who was frozen outside the window, and then let him escape.

So, the two of them...

And outside.

It is autumn at this time, and this is the 18th floor.

Li Jing was hiding outside the window with his clothes on, completely naked.

But thinking that her husband is Big Brother Tufang, I can't help but think of a video of catching rape that I saw before.

The husband rushed in and stabbed him wildly with a knife, and at the scene where both men and women were bleeding, he threw down his clothes in a heartbroken heart.

Yes, he had a bold idea.

That is to climb down from the eighteenth floor.

He also liked rock climbing when he was in college. Although he is tall, he believes that it is not a big problem.

Anyway, it was better than being discovered by someone else's husband, so he climbed down.

However, he is a naked man after all.

The current time is also like [-]:[-] or [-]:[-] in the morning. People who go to work have already left, but those who are resting have already woken up, which has attracted many people's attention for a while.

"Fuck! There's a naked man over there! He, what is he doing!"

So remarkable, he was spotted as soon as he started crawling.

Many people gathered outside the window.

"Oh my god, he actually tried to climb down from the eighteenth floor!!"

The onlookers were shocked, and the people walking in the neighborhood also looked in this direction.

Li Jing has climbed to the sixteenth floor now!
Although I noticed that many people were looking at me, it was better to think about losing face than being buried alive by someone else!
After all, this kind of person can do anything on impulse.

Anyway, his face is now against the window, and few of us can see his appearance clearly!


However, when climbing to the fifteenth floor.

Today is the weekend, a senior female student who woke up beautifully and opened the curtains to welcome the sunshine suddenly saw a pair of feet stepping down.

In a daze, he was dumbfounded in the next second! !
That is a fruit man!
That's right, the kind that doesn't have any on it! !
That's it.

It directly blinded her eyes! !
She screamed in fright!

"Xiao Fangfang is beautiful: sisters, I'm going to wash my eyes!!"

"Xiao Fangfang is beautiful: video.mp4"

The girl rushed into the toilet! !
And sent a video recording to his dormitory!

"This nima is too crazy!!!"

"Cheat? Old Wang??"

"He's pretty handsome, so it's not like he was discovered by his husband when he was the King of the Sea!"

Although it was only three seconds and the glass was separated, the group still exploded!

At the same time, more and more people discovered this grand occasion!

They all watched.

Major group chats and local group chats are also spreading wildly.


tenth floor.

After going down eight floors in a row, Li Jing was tired! !

And his hands trembled inexplicably.

The main reason is that I was too tired last night and I didn't rest well, which led to the tragedy now.

Otherwise, he believed that he would definitely be able to climb down from the eighteenth floor.

But now that there are more and more people, he can no longer stay here.

Otherwise, it will really be a monkey in the zoo!

In fact, he regretted it a little now, why did he throw away his clothes in the first place!
If you don't throw it down, you can at least climb into other people's homes.

Now that he is in the position, he can touch the edge of the balcony as long as there is another air conditioner outside the unit.

There are also several residents with unclosed balconies below.

He guessed some might even be rented houses, or houses that hadn't been rented yet.

As long as you go in by yourself, you can basically get out safely.

Even if there was someone, it would be embarrassing for him to enter someone else's house like this, and it would be embarrassing if he had strange eyes!
Anyway, it's better than falling into the hands of Big Brother Tufang on the [-]th floor or falling down! !

In this way, Li Jing continued to climb down.

Cold and tired and physically exhausted!
"Stop climbing! Come in directly!!"

Climb to the seventh floor.

The sixth floor was an airtight balcony, at which time a woman came out.

She was watching the whole time.

What a shock.

Even if you cheated, you wouldn't be able to climb down from the [-]th floor!
If one accidentally slipped and fell, it would be life-threatening.

The most they catch you is to beat you up, and some even just scold you. Under normal circumstances, your life will not be in danger no matter what.

But now like this, she is completely playing with her own life!
Li Jing was also climbing towards the unsealed balcony at the moment, when he heard the shout saying that he could come in, he was overjoyed.

Really, he was at the end of his rope.

Climbing here from the eighteenth floor is even more tiring than last night until five o'clock!

He swore that he would never come to other people's house next time!
Oh shit!If I went to the hotel last night, where would such a thing happen!
There are still onlookers around, and many people are still taking videos.

Because this is big news!

"Come in! Stealing a love is not a crime of death, if you really fall, you will be in trouble!"

The aunt yelled at Li Jing.

The balcony of her house allows the other party to come in.

And the other party felt exhausted after climbing down from such a high place!

Li Jing climbed to the balcony on the seventh floor with difficulty.

Because the other side is sealed.

I only tried to support it with my hands, and then my legs touched the balcony on the sixth floor.

But he is tired! !
Really very tired!
The whole hand didn't hold it.


He was weightless and fell straight down.

It happened that the middle of the legs hit someone's balcony pole.


Blue veins explode, volcanoes erupt, and the universe explodes!

An unprecedented pain swept through the body!

The whole person was so painful that his body couldn't exert his strength, so he fell off the building without weight!


Auntie saw the other party suddenly fall into the balcony of her house, and immediately turned over, she reflexively wanted to grab one of the other's thighs.

touched it.

But because the meat has little friction, I didn't catch it when my hand slipped! !

Full of desire to survive, Li Jing rolled down and tried to catch the balcony on the fifth floor, but he still couldn't catch it.


It fell directly from the fifth floor.


Some people were dumbfounded when they saw this scene, and an ambulance drove in 5 minutes later.

"Honey, I'm done washing."

18th floor.

She and hubby took a shower after that.

Then stepped out first.

When she just took a shower, she said loudly to take a bath.

He also opened the door of the room and closed the door of the toilet.

The purpose is to let the man who had a one-night stand with him last night leave.

As long as the other party leaves without being caught by her husband, then what she did short-circuited on impulse will be over.

Anyway, my husband cheated too.

She's one-to-one.

And inside, she also deliberately asked her husband to rub and wash her hair for 15 minutes!
She came out straight away after washing.

According to the normal situation, her husband still has to take a bath for three to four minutes, so she thought about going out first to see if the male doctor had left.

Even if she is really stupid and still hangs outside the window, she can take this opportunity to let the other party leave.

Speaking of which, this person is quite miserable, hanging out for about four or ten minutes.

Naked, hoping not to be photographed.

An Aini opened the curtains, and then looked out of the window, but there was probably no one outside.


An Aini was a little dazed.


She breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, he was a doctor with high IQ. He was very witty, and he knew to leave first.

He guessed that he deliberately turned up the bath water so loudly just now, so as to cover the sound of the other party going out.

Just leave.

Never do such a dangerous thing next time.

An Aini thought so in her heart.

However, she didn't know that this highly intelligent doctor really left.

When she was procrastinating for a shower with her husband, she fell from the sixth floor, and even an ambulance came outside.

Now she just opened the window and even the melon-eating crowd dispersed.

In the ICU, Li Jing is currently undergoing emergency rescue.

From the seventh floor, it just hit the balcony railing on the sixth floor, followed by a buffer on the fifth floor, and finally fell on the lawn on the first floor.

Fortunately, the hospital is not far from here, and the ambulance arrived within 5 minutes.

Fortunately, the doctor made a simple diagnosis and found that the man was still alive, and he was immediately carried into an ambulance.

Some people picked up the clothes and shoes that he dropped, after all, they were important items to confirm his identity.

This morning in Chunjiang, a small episode ended.

But this video is a classic.

At [-]:[-], the funeral shop has opened.

Everyone is eating breakfast at this time!
There are no people in the morning, and the time for breakfast in the pantry can be longer.

"Awei, look at the cowhide!!"

As a gossip expert, Li Tiantian usually likes to add various group chats. No, she also received the news at this moment.

After clicking on the video, he called it crazy, and by the way, he showed it to Ah Wei next to him.

"Li Tiantian, do you like this kind of novelty hunting video?"

Su Wei frowned after seeing this video. It was a scene of a naked man climbing down from a tall building.

"What's the novelty? This is what happened in our community in Chunjiang. This big brother is so awesome that he climbed down from the [-]th or [-]th floors!"

Li Tiantian explained to her, can't she think better?What a strange video!Is she, Li Tiantian, that kind of person!
"I wipe? This is cheating!"

Su Wei immediately came over when he heard this.

"I'll transfer you directly to the group."

Li Tiantian sent this message to the small group of the three of them.

Jiang Xiaohan was eating, so bored, he also clicked on this video.

When she opened it, she found that her heart was jumping with fear.

But it is also basically confirmed that this person must be having an affair, and then there is a high probability that the husband will go home, otherwise it would not be possible.

"Sister Xiaohan, aren't you awesome!!"

Li Tiantian knew that Jiang Xiaohan must be watching too.

"Is the husband of the other party a man-eating tiger? This is too risky."

Jiang Xiaohan expressed his thoughts, even if he was sent to the hospital, it would be better than falling to his death!
"Hiss, that touch on the balcony hurts so much!"

Su Wei couldn't help but sigh when he saw the balcony.

Although he was not separated from the screen, he still felt the heart-piercing pain!

As if the universe exploded, perhaps this is a common problem of men.

"I don't know what her husband is like, but the hit on the balcony was indeed fatal, but who told him that he can't control his own things!"

Li Tiantian spread her hands, if she didn't do this kind of thing, how could she put herself in this situation.

"Oh, poor, I was about to enter someone's house, and finally my hand slipped and fell off."

Su Wei sighed, this old man is indeed strong.

But it's really bad luck.

It almost succeeded, but who would have thought that it would take a shortcut.

"Boss, do you want to read the news that happened in our local area too!"

Li Tiantian suddenly remembered that her boss was still quietly eating breakfast and watching the news.

The news is about the Nanshui cemetery.

Now the excavation work has made a breakthrough, and the coffin of the owner of the tomb has finally been found.

At the same time, a national treasure-level cultural relic, the Golden Thread Clothes, was found in the coffin.

Those experts were so excited that tears came out.

And it's two at a time!
This is definitely a major breakthrough.

Anyway, Zhang Lingtian is more interested in this kind of thing.

"Forget it, let's see."

Zhang Lingtian said.

He didn't have much interest in those cheating old kings and the like.

After all, such things abound.

How can it be interesting to watch the excavation of the ancient tomb site.

Speaking of which, these tomb robbers are also very powerful.

I don't know whether it was a mistake or a skill to find such a big tomb.

Speaking of which, most of the ancient burials were carried out according to some specific rules, and a burial scripture has basically become a must-have cheat book for countless tomb robbers.

Those who can understand the burial scriptures are definitely the core existence of tomb robbers.

Sometimes even if you are lucky, you can find a big tomb.

Unfortunately, three died.

Another one is being rescued.

It is said that the dangerous period has passed.

But whether he can wake up or not is up to fate.


Originally, Li Tiantian planned to share it with the boss, so the phone was brought in front of the boss.

However, I didn't expect the boss to be uninterested.

"Hey, does this person have a frontal photo?"

The other party came over with a mobile phone. Zhang Lingtian looked at the back and the side view. For some reason, he vaguely felt that the other party seemed familiar.

"Front? There is, but there is already a red exclamation mark."

Li Tiantian pulled down the forwarded chat record, it was a positive video.

But because there were some indescribable things, it was blocked directly.

"No? Forget it. Speaking of which, we should pay more attention to this kind of people in Baishipu. They actually climbed down from the [-]th floor. Isn't this pure death?"

Since it wasn't positive, Zhang Lingtian commented directly.

The whole person has a bad attitude.

Many people are overconfident about their arm strength!

In fact, you will know how much weight you have if you do a few upward movements.

Climbing down from the [-]th floor, if it is not professionally trained, it is impossible for ordinary people to climb down.

The other party was lucky enough to climb to the sixth floor.

【Chunjiang Baoma Group】

"Little than mom: Oh my god, hot eyes!!!"

"Ms. Song, who loves beauty: I read it too, and now this young man really wants to steal his life!"

"Baby Yejia: Quickly forward it to your husband. After I forwarded it, my husband said that he has bought a plane ticket and is ready to come back."

Baoma group, a group of gossip women.

This kind of news naturally reached them, and at the same time, they were the first users who knew about it.

"Be good, Vivi: Girls, do you have a frontal picture? I want to see it."

It was none other than An Weiwei who said this.

For some reason, when she looked at this person's back and profile, she always felt a little familiar, a bit like Dr. Li.

Of course this is impossible.

How could Dr. Li, who was full of righteousness, do such a thing.

"Mum Yu: Weiwei, do you want a frontal photo? I have a three-second video, which is quite revealing, even the man's one is clear, it may be a bit hot eyes! / Cover your face"

Xiao Yu's mother sent a message at this time.

Although the group message has now turned into a red exclamation point, she saved it directly in her phone before.

If you can't send her private messages in the group, you can still send her private messages.

"Be good, Weiwei: Uh huh, thank you, Mommy Xiao!"

An Weiwei sent a message back to the other party.

She wanted to see the front, to verify her absurd guess.

"Smaller than Mom: Video.mp4"

Soon the other party sent it privately.

However, when An Weiwei clicked on the video, she found that her three views had completely collapsed!

Isn't this person Dr. Li who drank with me last night and finally persuaded her to turn her back?

Why did the other party climb down from the eighteenth floor naked! !
Finally fell down!
An Weiwei put her slender fingers by her mouth, looking very surprised.

At the same time, she also recalled the past.

She finally understood.

This Doctor Li is planning to attack her! !

But because his husband looks too fierce, a bit dark and looks like a big brother, so he dare not! !

Now this one certainly does too.

Probably did not ask clearly, was caught by her husband, and climbed down from the [-]th floor.

Speaking of which, she really wanted to thank the other party, if it wasn't for the other party, she would never have lost her way.

If it doesn't work out, it may have already fallen.

In fact, if the other party really came last night, she might have really followed suit.

But after the other party's words, she was completely awakened.

That's right, my husband is working hard for this family. If she really cheats, how can she be worthy of her husband and children.

Of course, I have to thank my husband, if he hadn't been too fierce to deter this scum, she would have gone astray.

At this moment, An Weiwei felt her heart was broken, but she also grew up, thanks to this scumbag.

"Beep beep..."

Just then An Weiwei's phone rang.

"Hey, husband."

It's her husband's phone number.

"Weiwei, I'm going home tonight and I'll buy some more food."

Although her husband looks fierce and looks like a big brother, in fact he is very gentle and has always been very kind to her.

"Yeah! I have your husband's favorite dish tonight!"

When An Weiwei heard that her husband was coming back, a look of joy flashed across her eyes.

Because the other party is busy with work, he is away from home for half a month and sometimes a month.

She didn't expect to come back after only going out for a week this time, and she was a little surprised.


On the other side of the Spring River, Ping An Shishi Shop.

"Boss! I found a frontal photo of this person!!"

Near eleven o'clock, Li Tiantian suddenly spoke excitedly to Zhang Lingtian who was in the office.

After her unremitting efforts, she finally found the front view.

"I think I should know who it is."

Just a second ago, a voice came from Zhang Lingtian's mind.

【Ding!Li Jing, who the host has not paid attention to, fell to his death due to an affair!The host has automatically followed its social account, and the accurate number of people +1. 】

The message that appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian has not dissipated yet.

"Got it? Okay..."

Li Tiantian seemed to have been splashed with cold water, and silently closed the door.

"what happened?"

Su Wei looked at Li Tiantian's downcast face and asked curiously.

"The boss actually found this person first. I feel like a failure."

Li Tiantian slumped on a chair.

She claims to know everything, but the boss knows it before her.

Isn't this hitting people?

"Is it possible, maybe this person is already cold?"

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaohan, who was working on a computer, said something faintly.

"Is it cold? Impossible! It feels like it fell from the sixth floor and was buffered on the fifth floor, and finally fell on the lawn."

Li Tiantian recalled the news she watched today.

There are examples of surviving on the concrete floor after jumping from the fifth or sixth floor. If you jump on the lawn, you should have a higher chance of surviving.

"Sister Xiaohan, I want to know how you came to this judgment?"

Su Wei was also curious.

His point of view is also more inclined to what Li Tiantian said.

"You can check the boss's account and you will know."

Jiang Xiaohan spoke.

She just discovered that there was a new addition to the boss's account.

"Dermatologist Dr. Li!!!"

Li Tiantian turned on the boss' Douyin.

The next second the whole person was stunned.

Because there is indeed another follower besides Ma San on the boss's account!
This concern is called Dr. Dermatology Clinic.


Su Wei looked towards the boss's office inside.

The boss is indeed the king of Hades, and anyone who is going to be cold can get information in advance.

"It turns out that the boss used the book of life and death."

I don't know why, looking at the boss in the office, Li Tiantian is a bit balanced now.

After all, the boss knew it from the life and death book, and he was collecting information properly.

[Do you want to undertake Li Jing's funeral? 】

Skimming the first message, Zhang Lingtian had a second reminder in front of him.


The same is from Chunjiang, and he still lives nearby, so he should try to work hard.

But he really couldn't figure out that he had already reminded the other party very solemnly, and even gave the other party his business card, but why this guy still wanted to have an affair!

He even climbed down from the eighteenth floor.

Is it because you think you have lived too long?
Anyway, he couldn't understand it.

Having lost a chance to get a system reward for saving someone, he will try to undertake the other party's funeral to see if he can make it!

[The phone number of the family members has been issued, and the host will receive system rewards for completing the funeral. 】

A reminder appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

He quickly copied down the phone number.

You say this system is useful, but in fact it is not very useful.

Before, he thought that accepting the funeral meant that the world could hold the funeral, but who would have thought that the other party was just a way of contacting a relative.

Whether the funeral can be held or not is up to him to communicate.

Simply wonderful!
But if you want to say that it is useless, the function of the other party is not bad.

After all, you can see the probability that a person will be in danger in the next three days.

Even real-world scanning is now possible.

Although it is a weak level, only 1cm, but the future can be expected!Right! !
One must always have something to look forward to.

He also hopes that one day his system can scan the surrounding distance of several kilometers or even wider, and then he can see the danger probability of people around him one by one.

Whether it is helping others or arresting them, it is very convenient.

The time came to noon.

【3. Who is Dr. Dermatology Clinic】


Every time Boss Zhang pays attention to a person, he will be on the hot search, which is also basic practice.

Now there is another lucky guy added to his account.

So everyone is very curious about who this dermatologist Dr. Keli is, and why he has attracted attention.

"Brother, no matter what reason you are being followed, you must learn from that Ma San! You have to listen to the words of the King of Hades even if you turn against your friends!!"

"There's Ma San in front of me as a demonstration, brother, don't increase the death rate! Boss Zhang still has to accept the official assessment, be more conscious!"

"Chunjiang's? Be steady! It's justifiable not to know about Boss Zhang in other places. If this Chunjiang's doesn't know, then he really deserves it!"

Integrate and leave comments with a large number of netizens under the video of Dr. Li Keli.

Some people have analyzed that the reason why Hades is so helpful and chooses an unlucky person to be rescued by a destined person every day is that the other party has to accept the assessment.

After all, he was recruited by the government, right?

The death rate is estimated to be the standard for the other party's assessment.

The more people died, the higher the death rate, and his assessment could not reach the passing line, which was why the other party was so helpful.

【Chunjiang Police Bulletin】

[An accidental fall occurred in Unit 2, Building A, Jiang’an Community. The man, Li, was rushed to the hospital after falling and was declared dead at 11:04. The family members of the deceased have arrived to claim the body. Other relevant details are under investigation. Please Don't spread rumors, don't spread rumors, and don't spread video images related to the deceased. 】

Just as everyone was discussing who Dr. Li was, why he was paid attention to by the King of Hades, and whether he could listen to persuasion and escape, the Spring River police report gave everyone a big blow!

"Fuck! As for so fast?!"

"So the light man who came down from the [-]th floor in the morning is this Dr. Li? Good guy!"

"Can anyone tell what happened? Why did this person climb down the stairs naked, depression? Suicide??"

Soon this police report rushed to the second place in the hot search list.

[Top ↑ Go against the trend and strive for a better homeland]

【1. Global Village Chief】

[2. Chunjiang police report]

【3. Who is Dr. Dermatology Clinic】

The first three are still contracted by Boss Zhang.

Only Zhiding has not fallen, and of course it is impossible to fall.

At this time, everyone was discussing why Dr. Li died in this way.

"Dressing like a suicide, cheating on someone else's wife to get rid of her naked body, and then crawling out of the window."

"When you touch someone else's wife, be prepared to die suddenly one day!"

"No matter how lecherous you are, you won't go to other people's houses! You're really amazing!"

"This person is too confident in himself. Anyone who has touched the horizontal bar should not have high expectations for the endurance of his arms. I guarantee that 99% of the people in this comment cannot do 5 pull-ups."

At this time, everyone finally integrated the fragmented memories.

This Dr. Li is the fierce man who climbed down from the [-]th floor in Chunjiang Jiang'an Community today.

[5. Yan Wang was 5 minutes early, and sure enough, Chunjiang's business boss Zhang didn't relax for a moment]

Soon another outrageous hot search followed.

It turned out to be the time Zhang Lingtian paid attention to.

The opponent was cool at 11:04.

But Boss Zhang got people's attention at 10:59.

"So I want to know if Boss Zhang will undertake the funeral this time?"

"Chunjiang's business must be managed by Hades, and he will definitely take care of it!"

"I heard an unreliable news. It is said that this Li Jing bumped into Boss Zhang yesterday morning."


Chatting and chatting, suddenly some gossip came out.


Hong's breakfast shop.

The father and son glanced at each other.

Mother! !

Yesterday was fine, but today he fell to his death?It's still cool in its original state!

"In the future, you must listen to Boss Zhang's words!!"

Boss Hong said earnestly.

They were not far away yesterday morning, and they could hear what Boss Zhang said clearly.

The other party told him not to mess with flowers.

As a result, he died today because of being promiscuous!
Simply amazing.

"Yes! Dad, why don't we send some breakfast to Boss Zhang and the others every morning? Try to ask a question? It doesn't matter if it's a marriage, a longevity, or avoiding bad luck!"

Boss Hong's son was also stunned.

Said right now.

"You have a good brain! We can be regarded as neighbors on the same street. Boss Zhang and the others also like our breakfast very much. It would be nice to send some to him in the future. Let's form a good relationship!"

Breakfast is not worth a few bucks, making good fortune and paying tribute is the most important thing!
After all, the true God is by his side.

So the father and son decided so.

Of course, Zhang Lingtian and the others don't know yet.

I saw the Ping An Shishi Shop at this moment.

A black Mercedes stopped.

It was a man with blonde hair and a pinup hat.


Everyone in Baishipu, who was resting after lunch and watching the drama, was stunned when they saw this person coming in.

On the other side, Yan Tao also boarded Chunjiang's plane.

They plan to come over and invite Boss Zhang in person. After all, their program has set Boss Zhang as the most mysterious SSS-level guest. Losing him is equivalent to losing his soul.

It was also at this time that Li Jing's mother, who had lost her beloved son at [-] o'clock in the morning, was wiping away tears, arranging her son's belongings, and helping him choose a handsome suit.

But the next second her hands were shaking! !


 10400 words were updated today, and I am correcting typos and polishing the plot... Please ask for a monthly ticket!Recommended ticket!Thank you guys! !
(End of this chapter)

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