I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 12 The whole network is hazy, pay attention to 1 death!

Chapter 12 The whole network is hazy, pay attention to one dead one!

Zhang Lingtian looked at the little assistant's aggrieved expression with a slightly broken expression, his face was full of question marks.

It was as if he were the executioner.

But it has nothing to do with a dime.

It can only be said that I walked a lot at night and encountered ghosts.

"The main reason is that you are too wicked, boss, pay attention to whoever dies!"

Jiang Xiaohan also realized that she had wronged her boss a little bit.

But this is so wicked.

"A girl, pulling a modified car, is walking towards Tianzang alone. It's a matter of time before an accident happens to a person who doesn't cherish her life and takes her life as a joke."

He remembered that he had seen a video taken by Tianzang Adventure King before, which was a pile of burned female ID cards.

Just ask this thing, do you still dare to go hiking?
Accidents like this being run over by a car are still rare.

Kidnapped, killed, kidnapped for money and then torn up...

It can be said that in some dark corners where there is no one, there is dirt that you can't imagine.

Don't think that there is no danger in this world after staying in the comfort zone for a long time, it is because your stability is because someone is carrying the weight forward.

Once out of this circle.

You may become a lamb to be slaughtered at any time!
Therefore, it is best for girls not to walk the Tianzang Line alone, as there are too many uncertainties on the road.

"Oh, she's only 22 years old, and she's such a sunny and beautiful girl."

Jiang Xiaohan was sighing.

Even though I know it's dangerous.

But she felt that the other party was indeed quite courageous.

But some of the comments are true.

You only have one life, why do you have to walk such a dangerous Tianzang Line alone?

Just like what happened today, once there is someone by her side, she won't be crushed to death alive.

At least someone else can help.

"Actually, this girl was cheated, but her death is also a warning to future generations."

Zhang Lingtian said lightly.

People's walking shots are followed by RVs outside. Ordinary people who don't know the truth are doomed to end miserably.

But I believe that with such a bloody example here, there will be fewer people who will die in the future.

"Sister Xiaohan, our company's account is on fire!"

It was a girl with a mushroom head, and the two of them were chatting when suddenly the other party rushed in and shouted.

Her name is Li Tiantian, and she is one of the employees of Zhang Lingtian's company.

Responsible for Douyin video editing and body restoration.

"It's really hot! Fans have exceeded 70!!"

Su Wei shouted!

It doesn't matter if they are all women. There is some physical work in the funeral industry, and this male employee is responsible for the physical work.

"70 million!!"

Jiang Xiaohan quickly opened the account.

The next moment, his eyes were dull!
But what was even more frightening was that when they refreshed their account, nearly a thousand people were directly added to their account.

It directly broke through from 1 to 70 in 71 minute.

Then the three people in the company began to stare at the backstage.

Seeing the increase in the number of people after the refresh, each one was more excited than the lottery draw.

The most searched scarf.

【1. As long as you work hard, the days will be sweeter and sweeter】

[2. Walking Tianzang Internet celebrity Lily confirmed dead]

【3. Ping An Memorial Shop】

【4. Assistant to Hades】

【6. Curse comment?Follow who dies? ! 】

[10. Sisters with beautiful photos of Internet celebrities]

【15. Extreme Sports Yang Ge】

[20. Is there really anyone who knows magic in this world? 】


It turned out that Zhang Lingtian was on the hot search list, occupying three seats in the top ten.

And his few comments were widely circulated.

It makes people feel chills inexplicably.

"This man is wicked!"

"It is recommended to keep track of the dynamics, brothers, don't show up, and avoid being followed!"

"Ping'an Baishi Shop? What the hell, isn't this opposite the gate of my community? The boss is very handsome, isn't there such a wicked one? Could it be an accident?"

"Once is an accident, twice is also an accident, but is it too far-fetched for you to call it an accident three times?!"

"In short, it's best to stay away from those people who are doing things for nothing, and don't offend the person who lives opposite him, or you don't know when you will die."

For a while, the hot search for bibs aroused heated discussions among many netizens.

Zhang Lingtian naturally became the focus.

In particular, some netizens took screenshots of each other's homepages.

Whether it's a letter or a join in the fun, they all give him a follow.

[Internet celebrity Lili died on a 26-day trek to Tianzang from her hometown. What do you think of this? 】

"It's a pity for such a beautiful girl."

"To tell you the truth, I'm afraid that I'll be walking alone wherever I am, so go all the way, girl."

"Some people just satisfy their entertainment psychology, and they didn't really remind this girl from the perspective of risk. Look, something happened. Those who want to make money from this in the future had better take it easy. After all, your life is your own!"

"Some marketing accounts and bloggers really should restrain themselves. They always say some unrealistic things. The scenery of Tianzang is beautiful, but that's all. Cleansing the soul is pure nonsense. If your soul is dirty, you can only go there. The prison has been reformed. Tianzang is just a place, a place similar to where you are, there is no difference!"


This piece of news directly rushed to the top of the hot search list.

The heat has reached tens of millions.

Many water friends commented.

It's a pity that she is in her prime.

Some people also feel that some people encourage this behavior in order to satisfy their own entertainment psychology, which eventually leads to accidents.

Of course, this is also related to the blind propaganda of some unscrupulous marketing accounts.

Indeed, Tianzang is just a place.

She doesn't have the ability to cleanse the soul.

And the road is dangerous.

It is not suitable for a person to go forward.

"I agree! She is going her way, what kind of sages are you pretending to be!"

Of course, there are also some netizens who may not understand other people's behavior towards her, and immediately reply.

"It really doesn't matter what happened, we'll just watch the joke!"

"Is it her own thing that she died?"

"I hope you say that when your child thinks that way."

"There are accidents everywhere in life, this is unavoidable, but don't play dead, death and accidents are two different things."

However, this remark quickly aroused the siege of netizens.


22 is an adult.

She has her own ideas.

She can go her own way too.

But is this behavior worth advocating?
Is her death just a matter of her alone?
Obviously not.

She could have lived a good life, but she simply killed herself!

Four p.m.


Ping An Bai Shi Shop is still on the hot search list.

Zhang Lingtian's fans also reached 89.

Compared with the previous rapid rise, it is now obviously weaker.

"Awei, sister Xiaohan, do you think it is possible to break through one million today?"

The mushroom-headed Li Tiantian looked at the two with twinkling eyes.

"From an emotional point of view, I hope that Brother Tian's account will break through one million fans today, but from a rational point of view, I think this is unlikely. It only increased to 00 in half an hour now, and there are still eight hours before 00:93. Even if every An hourly increase of [-] is only [-], and it is not bad to reach [-] today."

Su Wei was born in science.

At this time, he analyzed seriously.

In fact, there is no comparison with before.

As the time goes on, the heat will drop, and there will be fewer people joining in the fun.

"It probably won't be there. It's estimated to be in the early 90s, but think about it. The company's account had less than [-] followers three days ago. This is probably the fastest growth rate in the entire network."

Little assistant Jiang Xiaohan has been assisting with account creation.

The boss's account is really promoted rapidly.

【Ding! ID Sawadika's little cook has died. 】

[System prompt: The host has not undertaken funeral services, and there is no reward for now. 】


Human sorrows and joys are not interlinked.

The outside is excitedly paying attention to the data.

Zhang Lingtian was drinking tea in the office, and then brushed Douyin by the way.

As a result, I saw a little chef from Taitai next door cooking Thai food live.

Then the system issued a prompt.

[Long-term overwork live broadcast, lack of various physical indicators, 88% danger probability, belongs to high-risk group, please pay attention to the host as soon as possible. 】

He followed the prompt and clicked Follow.

Seeing the obvious dark circles under the other party's eyes, he sent another comment asking the other party to pay attention to his body.

But he just finished.

"This dish must have tomatoes, otherwise..."

The little chef Sawadika, who is cooking live, is smiling.

next second.

Suddenly his expression was a little dull.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person leaned forward as if he had lost his support.

In the next second, his face fell into the pot.


Limpness comes with inertia.

The person and the pot hit the ground together.

All the fans who watched the live broadcast witnessed it all.


"Another one died??"

"Pay attention to the body, leave it to the whole body?"

"Brother! You are not the assistant of Hades, you are the living Hades!!"

Under Zhang Lingtian's comment about paying attention to his body, countless netizens collapsed.


(End of this chapter)

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