I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 11 is really cool!It's the third one!

Chapter 11 is really cool!The third one!

Jiang Xiaohan's delicate body trembled violently, her pupils constricted!

Because she saw that her boss actually paid attention to her favorite anchor!
"Hello, this is Ping An Funeral Store. Please do not conduct dangerous live broadcasts such as trekking to Tianzang. If there is a funeral, we need a 24-hour reservation hotline 508886**. We can make all kinds of traditional and simplified funerals."

But Zhang Lingtian did not reply to the other party.

Edited a comment instead.

After all, 26 dangerous behaviors on the side of the road, 100% mortality in the next moment.

He knew that his reminder was a little weak.

But let's go through a process and remind you.

What if there are variables.


Seeing this comment from his boss, Jiang Xiaohan had a face full of question marks.

This Lily video host won't be cool, right?

"Damn it? Ping An Shishi Shop! The legendary Assistant of Hades!!"

"Brother, why are you here? Could it be that this anchor is going to be cold?!"

"Stop, Lily is such a young, positive and beautiful girl, she shouldn't be! Please, brother assistant, take back this attention!!"

After all, Zhang Lingtian's account has more than 50 fans.

In particular, his past behavior also brought a little weird element.

When he newly followed ID Hiking Lily, many netizens flocked to him.

Followed his comment one after another.

"No, I'm just concerned about what you guys are making a fuss about. Although they are doing nonsense, they also have hobbies."

"Brother, I don't understand. Other people's attention is really attention. This assistant brother's attention is terrible! He is evil, and he paid attention to two dead two, so you don't panic? Yesterday, there was a brother who said that he came to the door overnight. Delete the number and run away!"

"I don't know when it started. This person called Ping'an Baishipu has been hyped by you. I completely agree with what the brother said just now. It's not a big deal for a follower. Maybe they forgot to switch the private account. Not necessarily, as for it!!”

"That's right, our Lily is so beautiful and so positive, God is willing to let her leave this world."

Of course, Zhang Lingtian didn't get popular either.

Many people expressed their incomprehension to these netizens who followed the comments.

Although someone explained that this anchor is evil.

And two are dead.

But after all, I haven't experienced it.

This statement is so small that few believe it.

Even Hiker Lily, who was broadcasting live, did not reply to Zhang Lingtian's comments.

Purely identify the other party as someone who entered the live broadcast room to make trouble.

Ignoring the other person is the best response.

Otherwise, the more you respond, the more embarrassing you will be.

"Oh! I'm nervous, boss! You must like this anchor too, right! To be honest, I admire her a lot. She dares to go to Tianzang on foot alone, but boss, let me give you a little suggestion, that is, use Go pay attention to your trumpet, the big one is scary."

After taking a look at the real-time commentary, Jiang Xiaohan finally figured it out.

Perhaps the boss was also moved by such a brave girl.

So give her some attention.

Speaking of which, because my father had something to do, I used to watch the ground by the well in the field at two or three o'clock in the middle of the night instead of him.

It was only a few hours, and I still remember it deeply.

This is still not three kilometers away from the village.

The sound of the wind and strange screams in the middle of the night can scare people to death.

Not to mention the real remote areas such as walking alone in the snow area, you have to be alone every night.

Thinking of this, she really admired her, this girl's psychological quality is so good!

The key is not the kind of big and three thick.

It's the feeling of being compared to the little girl next door.

But if the boss wants to pay attention, change the trumpet!

This large amount of attention can scare people to death!

Especially two that just died.

One of them was sent to a mental hospital for recuperation.

This is the latest news today.

Sissi, the living sister of Meizhao, was sent to a mental hospital for recuperation today because of severe psychological stimulation.

"I don't like it or admire it, but I just think this kind of behavior won't last long. By the way, I don't have a trumpet."

Zhang Lingtian took a sip of soy milk after posting the comment.

What is there to admire when a girl goes to Tianzang on foot?
To put it bluntly, anyone who encouraged her in the comment area was harming her.

Calling her naive is saving her.

I remember that there was a girl who went to Hoh Xil by herself against persuasion and disappeared. When the police finally found the person, they used the word to find the remains.

Just think about it.

"No...for a long time? What do you mean??"

Hear what your boss said.

Jiang Xiaohan's eyes were a little dull.

"Good morning everyone, we've finished our breakfast, and now we're going to pull the car onto the road."

At the same time, the live broadcast was still going on, and there was a girl who looked very quiet in the video.

Her words are also of the softer type.

"Come on, Lily."

"I really can't see how such a weak girl dares to do such a great thing, walking to Tianzang alone!"

"Our Lily is the best! Everyone else's is a fake hike, only our Lily is a real trek to Tianzang. My brother doesn't have much money, so I'll pay you a small red envelope of 100 yuan for lunch."

"call out--"

In the live broadcast room, a gift of 100 yuan flew by.

"Thank you brother for the reward. I didn't expect thousands of people to watch my live broadcast today. Let's start now. I'm going to pull the car to the side of the road. Everyone, wait for a while."

Walking Lily expressed her gratitude to the big brother who gave the reward.

Then he started pulling his station wagon.

Today is another beautiful day.

In the past, only a few hundred people watched the live broadcast.

It hit four figures today.

It would be great if one day my live broadcast can be watched online to reach [-].

I really envy those anchors with tens of thousands, 10, or even millions of people online.

How much money can I get?

Do you have a chance to reach this height in your life?

"It's quite difficult for such a big guy to get on the road!"

The camera swivels.

Many netizens saw Lily's car on foot.

That's pink.

It can be said that it is a car or a small mobile house.

She eats, sleeps and sleeps inside.

It is really not easy for such a weak woman to get such a large station wagon on the road.

【Ding!The system prompts that the probability of danger due to the station wagon in the next second is 100%! 】


Suddenly Zhang Lingtian frowned.

Station wagon?
Zhang Lingtian noticed the pink car behind the video host.

Similar to a trailer.

It's just that the front of the real trailer is a car, but she is pulling it purely by human power.

It's like a bullock pulling a cart.

The old cow was replaced by a human.

The carts pulled by oxen were replaced by houses on wheels.


However, the next second was too fast, before Zhang Lingtian had time to remind the camera, a scream came from the camera!

After all, it was a misjudgment. Before that, he thought that the girl would have a car accident.

Just remind the other party to pay attention to safety when walking on the side of the road.

As a result, no one would have thought that the accident happened on the trailer she modified herself.

"Boom——, Boom—"

After the screams, there was a roll.

"What's wrong!!"

"Fuck, what's going on?"

"Call the police!"

"Yao [-]! Quickly call Yao [-]!"

"Hold on, Lily!!"

"Hiss, something really happened, it can't be so evil!"

"If there are any friends nearby, hurry up and see, it's important to save people!!"

"Ah! Help, help!!"

The screen image is black.

But can hear voice.

It was a series of wailing sounds.


Looking at the screen that was spinning around first, then it was pitch black, and then there was a heart-piercing scream.

Jiang Xiaohan's eyes stared like bells.

He covered his mouth with his hands and tried to make a sound but couldn't.

Now she seems to understand the meaning of the phrase not long.

But isn't my boss too wicked! !

9:20 minutes.

【The online celebrity Lily of Xingtianzang had an accident during the live broadcast, and thousands of netizens relayed the alarm to the police, and the Douyin platform is actively coordinating to find someone. 】

Because it was a real-time live broadcast, the news quickly rushed to the trending searches.

9:30 minutes.

[The accident site of Internet celebrity Lili has been determined, and the police and rescuers are rushing to the scene. 】

The search volume is huge.

Du Niang directly listed it as the Internet celebrity Lily incident.

And update the news according to the progress.

"Hold on!!"

"Lily, you must hold on!!"

"Yeah, you must hold on, didn't you say you must go to Tianzang! Don't fall down, go and fulfill your dreams!"

"It's over, it's over, there's no sound, when will the rescue team arrive, save people! Save people! Save people!!!"

With the fermentation of the incident, the number of followers in the live broadcast room has changed from the initial 1000 to 1.

From 1 people to 100, and finally to [-] million now.

This number was the number that Lily had dreamed of on foot before.

It's a pity that from the time she was able to howl before, she has no voice now, and it can be said that her life and death are unknown.

As for these, she naturally couldn't see them either.


10:00 The live broadcast room is closed.

[The latest progress of the Tianzang Internet celebrity Lili incident on foot, according to the relevant personnel involved in the rescue, the police and rescuers have arrived at the scene and found a woman crushed under the car and her life is unknown. 】

It has been 40 minutes since the police called the police, determined the location, and the police and rescue personnel arrived at the scene.

12:00 minutes.

【Police Notice】

"A woman on Tianzang Road, Zhang (ID Hiking Lily), had an accident with a modified moped during a hiking live broadcast, causing her to be run over by the vehicle. Rescue forces arrived at the scene and she had no vital signs. She was found dead. Tianzang traffic police remind you to pay attention to safety during the live broadcast. , do not illegally modify the vehicle, it is recommended to go with a companion when going out.”

The Tianzang traffic police quickly issued a notice.

And the major media also began to forward it.

"I used to feel that the willpower of these hikes was very strong. Since there were more people, I wondered why I had to go to Tianzang? What can I prove by going to Tianzang?"

"+1, I have nothing to do when I'm full!"

"Pilgrimage, it can also cleanse the soul, isn't that what many people say? Going there will cleanse the soul? /Dog head."

Many netizens expressed their incomprehension to this behavior, thinking why must they go to Tianzang on foot?
What are you doing when you are full?

Of course, some netizens also responded.

But added a dog head.

"Hey, it's too dangerous to go to those places alone. No one can save you if you have an accident in no man's land! I hope this painful lesson will impress the newcomers deeply!"

"Live streaming is harmful, what is the significance of this matter, it is better to farm the land, at least it is creating value!"

"So the real hike will kill people, and it's better to fake the hike. The veterans are happy to see it and don't stop sending money, and they can live freely."

"Uh, from the introduction, this is a real walker, so don't scold me, I can only regret that she doesn't cherish her life enough, she herself is seeking truth from facts."

"It's so cold! It's the third one!"

"Yeah, it's too wicked!"

"Did you find a rule that the first person he followed didn't have an accident until about evening, the second person he followed had an accident at noon, and the third person had an accident about ten minutes after he finished watching."

"Damn it? Brother, don't scare me! Then according to this rule, wouldn't the next person that Assistant Yan Wang pays attention to be killed immediately on the spot?"


"Don't! Boss! This is the third one!!"

Comments flooded in.

There are many discussions among online water friends.

Jiang Xiaohan has been swiping his phone to check the progress of this matter.

When she saw the news of the death of her favorite anchor, she felt as if her heart was pinched by a pair of invisible hands, and she had difficulty breathing.

Not with such a wicked one!
(End of this chapter)

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