I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 10 Ask the boss to raise your hand, don't pay attention to us!

Chapter 10 Ask the boss to raise your hand, don't pay attention to us!

"Going to Wunan City, the whole journey is 430 kilometers, and it will take 25 hours and 16 minutes."

"There are unavoidable maintenance and deformation sections on the route. Please arrange travel reasonably to avoid violations."

After seeing the system prompt, Zhang Lingtian took out his mobile phone, and frowned the next moment.

To span five provinces.

[The host has not accepted the funeral task, and the reward has not been opened. 】

【Note: 2/5】

Eventually he gave up.

Everyone wants a reward.

But for more than 2000 kilometers, it takes 25 hours to drive and crosses five provinces.

It's even more exaggerated than the extreme Yang brother before.

How to take this kind of task?
Moreover, one place has one custom, and the funeral customs across five provinces can be said to be different in many details.

Of course, in practice such things can be overcome.

But the most important thing is the old saying.

In the funeral business, one place and one burial.

It is against the rules for you, the funeral industry in other places, to grab the business of local people.

Like Brother Jiyang before, if he insists on taking it, he can still try to communicate.

After all, it crossed a province.

Others may still cooperate with a single business.

But across five provinces.

He doesn't have such a wide network of contacts, and he can't break the rules of the industry!
Besides, being hit by a train, the companions were all severely stimulated mentally.

What do you think the scene will be like?

Anyway, just watching the video, he felt that the restoration of the body was also a big project.

At least without the help of local related industries, just one or two people he brought can't repair it at all.

Although he is greedy for rewards.

But comprehensive consideration or give up.

But what is '2/5'? ?

Zhang Lingtian frowned when he saw that there was a reminder under the system.

[Follow five accurate customers, and the system will automatically open rewards. 】

Soon there was an additional notification sound in the system.

He understood.

It turns out that as long as you pay attention to five accurate customers, you can automatically open the reward.

And those who are low-risk customers or potential customers or high-risk customers.

As long as it is cold, it is equal to accurate customers.

If the system directly scans out 100% accurate customers, then it is directly accurate.

Don't ask for a big family, just take care of food and clothing.

I hope everyone in the world will be healthy, and it’s okay to be at leisure.

He wished there were fewer such people.

To be honest, he is still very embarrassed about those two female Internet celebrities.

After all, so young.

Only 23 or 24 years old.

"Boss, what are you doing in Wunan City? Could it be to take orders!!"

Hearing the voice from Zhang Lingtian's mobile phone, the little assistant Jiang Xiaohan had a puzzled look in his eyes.

That's five provinces away!
"Can't take it, can't take it."

Zhang Lingtian shook his head.

How could I have the ability to go to such a far place to receive orders.

At most, his current business can only be done in the province, and he can barely communicate with other provinces.

"Oh, it's a pity, at such a young age, I have to take such dangerous photos."

Jiang Xiaohan sighed.

The other party is about the same age as myself.

It can be said that now is the same age as Hua.

But the other party went to take that kind of photo, which eventually led to his tragic death on the railway.

There is no time to enjoy the good times.

What's the use of making money?

You don't even have life flowers!


Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

He persuaded them all.

But they always fall on deaf ears.


Suddenly the three of them glanced at each other, and then looked in Zhang Lingtian's direction.

"what happened?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at the pair of different eyes, and suddenly there was a look of doubt in his eyes.

What's the situation with each of these?
"Boss, are you hiding something from us?"

The three looked at each other again.

Then Jiang Xiaohan asked.

They are also young people.

Be sure to pay attention to things on the Internet.

Their boss is indeed Kazakhstan!

Follow one dead one.

"What am I hiding from you?"

Zhang Lingtian's head was full of black lines.

"Boss, I'm dead, you don't know that the Internet calls you Assistant Yan Wang now, right?"

Jiang Xiaohan stretched out two fingers.

Once was an accident.

Was it an accident twice?
What a coincidence!
"Walking along the river often doesn't wet your shoes. Is it possible that those doing dangerous live broadcasts happened to get wet when I was watching?"

It is impossible for Zhang Lingtian to tell them that I have a system that can see the outrageous things like other people's death rates.

Otherwise, others will treat him as a neuropathy or be studied in slices later.

"Boss, it's entirely possible!"

"Yes! Boss, we trust you!"

"Yeah, I totally believe it, but we only have one small request!"

The three nodded after hearing Zhang Lingtian's explanation.

It's just that the expression is a little exaggerated.

"any request?"

Zhang Lingtian gave a wry smile seeing each of them who believed me.

"That is to ask the boss to hold his hand high, and just don't pay attention to us."

The three spoke in unison!

Followed two dead two.

Are you not afraid of this?

And there was an older brother from the same city who said he would come over to talk to the boss about his life, but then he just deleted his account and ran away.

You can see just how scary it is.

Hearing this, Zhang Lingtian was almost suffocated internally.

He is so handsome.

Is it so scary?

And a concern is really nothing.

The three of them became tigers, all of them were bewildered!
"Okay, hurry up and eat. I'll take you home after you finish eating. Remember to go to work on time tomorrow morning."

Zhang Lingtian put aside the subject.

Anyway, there are only three employees, and his little broken car can still fit it.

Spring City.

The next day, at 9:00.

"Morning boss!"

Zhang Lingtian just opened the door.

Sitting in the seat, turned on Douyin.

No surprise, Douyin news 99+.

My own fans came to 55.

I don't know if it's because I searched for Meizhao sisters before, and several videos are all about Meizhao sisters.

Switch to open the bib, duniang, and huhu.

I found that these hot search lists are all beautiful sisters.

"This is how we control low-IQ populations!"

"This is a dedicated teaching of the brain-dead to the public."

"Suggest nominations for the Darwin Award!"

"Douyin has never let me down. The host of the video is awesome! Lord Yan likes it very much. Congratulations to the assistant for +1 performance."

"Yan Wangye: There is still more than half a year to celebrate the New Year, why are there so many sand sculptures suddenly appearing to die?!"

"If you really want to die, don't drag all the people on this train. It's so ugly. If you die, it's okay. If you drag so many people, it's a sin!"

"The train conductor can be mad at you two! Who told you that the train track is the distance of the car body? The co-driver has to come down to help pick up the mess! Can you be a person? Don't shoot this kind of death video!"

"Others persuade you not to listen, but you still start a live broadcast to gain traffic, what brains are you!!"

But today's wind direction is a bit reversed, from last night's reverence for life to all kinds of hostility.

Because most netizens think.

If you don't even cherish yourself and put your own life aside for money, then who will pity you?
Live it!

The worse it is, the less people will follow suit!
Most of these comments Zhang Lingtian agrees with.

Although netizens are harsh.

But some things do need to be based on painful lessons, so as to warn others of the same accident again.

"It's quite early today, Xiaohan."

Putting away the phone, Zhang Lingtian greeted with a smile.

"Boss, several people have contacted me again, hoping that we can take advantage of the traffic to bring goods. The pit fee is up to 20 per game."

Jiang Xiaohan reported to him early in the morning.

"Let's talk about it after the first seven days of the deceased. You can't eat the steamed buns made of human blood."

He is short of money.

But I won't ask for this kind of money.

Wait until the deceased has passed the first seven days and this wave of traffic has passed.

Otherwise, it would be a shame to earn such money.

"Okay, I'll communicate with the product side now."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

20 won’t do it, and it’s estimated that several pits have been made by other people. I have to say that the boss’s character is nothing to say.

"Okay, thank you for communicating with the product side, breakfast is coming soon."

As he spoke, Zhang Lingtian's cell phone rang.

It's the delivery boy who brought the breakfast.


"Today is the 26th day of hiking, Wangcai is so good."

Feeling a little bored after breakfast, Zhang Lingtian swiped the video.

[Scan object: ID Hiking Lily]

[Danger signal: 26 days of walking along the road, the probability of danger in the next moment is 100%! 】

[Customer Attributes: Accurate Customers! 】

[System prompt: Please pay attention to the host as soon as possible! 】

Zhang Lingtian finally got rid of the big data Meizhao sister's push and found a hiking blogger.

"Boss! I like her too! This girl is so inspirational! Go to Tianzang on foot alone!"

He heard the voice from Zhang Lingtian's video.

The next moment Jiang Xiaohan was very excited.

Because she also likes this blogger.

Been following each other for a long time.


Zhang Lingtian sighed, then tapped his hand.

"Boss! What are you doing!!!"


(End of this chapter)

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