I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 9 1 follower, life and death are unpredictable!

Chapter 9 One concern, life and death are unpredictable!

Nine p.m.

Major media outlets began to repost relevant content one after another.

The heat then reached a new high.

At the same time, a video was also released.

"Well, she thought it was okay to stand outside the track, but the track is for the wheels, and the car will hit her... I don't know what to say to her, be careful in the next life?"

"I vaguely remember in physics class that there will be wind pressure next to the train and subway to pull people on the car body, liberal arts students, I don't remember clearly, please bear with me."

"Back then, there was a railway next to my house. Once I came home from school and walked by the railway track. When a train passed by, I felt an inexplicable suction. If I didn't grab the rail back then, I'd be gg!"

"Friendly reminder, the world's standard gauge is 1435mm, and the standard locomotive limit is 1700mm/1750mm (standards for normal speed trains are different). Don't think it's safe to stand outside the track. The impact of fluid mechanics is not as great as you think. Many people are purely attracted The train fell over and got sucked in."

"The person in the video is clearly infringing the limit. The train directly hit the person to death. There is no room for maneuver. Literacy should not only be about knowledge, but common sense should also be about literacy. This task has a long way to go. .”

"That's right, not to mention the pressure difference, I suspect that she thought that the width of the train is exactly equal to the width of the rails! It's completely ignorant of common sense!"

That video turned out to be the moment when the Internet celebrity Yanyan died.

The train roared by.

It happened to bump into Cheng Yanyan who was wearing a cheongsam for a photo.

Of course, the main reason is that the other party has no common sense.

Only a shoe's distance from the railroad tracks.

Seeing this video was released, many netizens sighed.

As long as you have a little common sense, you won't get so close.

Because the train tracks are for the train wheels, and the wheels are still some distance away from the body.

When the train is coming, there must be at least one meter of distance to ensure safety.

It's only thirty centimeters.

It's completely dead.

"Rest in peace."

"On the Importance of Reading."

"A low level of education doesn't mean that you can't tell the difference between danger and safety!"

"It turns out that not everyone thinks their life is precious!"

"I just want to say one thing, the ignorant are fearless, if you don't die, you won't die!"

"My parents raised me so big for nothing, and I have to go to such a dangerous place to take pictures."

"It's so cold! I'm so shocked!!"

"Look at this screenshot! There are already two!"

Accompanied by the forwarding of the video.

It will soon be fermented on all major platforms.

Immediately, netizens all participated in the comments.


There are regrets.

I feel like I'm going to die.

Some thought that they were sorry for their parents, raising them for nothing, and they didn't know the danger to go to this kind of place to take pictures.

Of course, the scariest thing is a screenshot.

【Ping An Bai Shi Shop: Life is precious, don’t go to dangerous places to take pictures, if necessary, Ping An Bai Shi Shop will serve you wholeheartedly, 24-hour service hotline 508886**, 5% discount for pre-booking funeral services. 】

Although Meizhao sister's account has been cancelled.

However, Zhang Lingtian's previous comments were screenshotted by some netizens.


Seeing this screenshot, many people's scalps are numb! !

"Has this brother opened his mouth?"

"Isn't this vision too vicious? Is it true that one of them will die??"

"True Yama's assistant has really hammered it!"

"Brother who said before that he was dying to call this number, take it easy, if one pays attention, life and death are unpredictable!!"

"By the way, I remembered. Didn't there be an old brother who was in Chunjiang City before, and was going to rush over to have a friendly communication with this Ping An Baishi shop? Where is he? @平头三哥!"

"Communicate about your funeral in a friendly manner??"

"I'm coming to Aite too! @平头三哥!"

When the news of the death was officially announced.

The video came out soon after.

Many netizens stared at Zhang Lingtian's comment and got hairy.

That person is wicked!

That man's mouth was open!

Yan Wang's assistant deserves his name!

At the same time, I also paid a little attention to those water friends who wanted to buy a package at a certain treasure and Ping An Baishi shop.

There is also the third brother with a flat head who is only an hour away from Ping'an Baishipu in Chunjiang City.

【Third Brother with Flat Head】

【The page is loading...】


"Good guy!!"

"What the hell, the third brother with a flat head canceled his account overnight!"

"Are you afraid of being noticed?"

Soon, those water friends who went in from the comment point and wanted to find the third brother with a flat head at noon were surprised to find that the other party was gone.

The other party canceled the account overnight!

"Master, go, go, go to heaven and earth!"

In Chunjiang City, in a taxi.

"Heaven and earth? The funeral has arrived!"

My brother is a little confused.

Passengers who were like wolves and tigers trying to beat someone just now.

At this moment, the whole body is shaking inexplicably!
He even said he was going to heaven and earth.

"What is Ping'an funeral shop! Don't mention these five words! Take me to heaven and earth!!"

Passengers slap their thighs.

"What is heaven and earth??"

Brother Master frowned.

"It's the club next to the train station, hurry up!!"

The taxi departs.

That old man directly maxed out the 4000 yuan deposit in his card.

To die.

He's going to be a merry-go-round tonight too! !
That thing is so evil! !

Say die or die! !
Just in the gap.

He went to check on the one called Brother Jiyang.

Pay attention in the morning and cool down in the evening.

Now this is also the morning concern.

As a result, something happened at noon.

He was so scared that he immediately canceled his account!

If this is paid attention to.

It is estimated that they really need to discuss their own affairs.

He is only in his twenties.

I don't want to die so early.

Spring River City, Jude Building Restaurant.


a box.

Assistant Jiang Xiaohan took a sip of his drink.

All of a sudden!
"Sister Xiaohan!!"

"Miss Xiaohan, what's wrong with you!!"

The remaining two employees rushed over immediately.

"Cough cough cough!!"

The little assistant Jiang Xiaohan was coughing crazily.

"Xiaohan, what's wrong with you???"

Zhang Lingtian was also full of question marks at the moment.

what's the situation?
There were only four of them, and no one robbed them.


Jiang Xiaohan is usually a gentle girl.

At this time, the voice is like the roar of a lion.


Zhang Lingtian frowned.

There are question marks on his face.

They didn't drink any alcohol.

Just a little drink.

Can you get drunk even with a drink?

"Boss! Our company's account is on fire!!!"

Jiang Xiaohan shouted loudly!
Just now.

She glanced at the company's account in idleness.

I found that the number of fans actually came to 50! !
There are millions of likes!

You must know that their company account had less than 1000 people a day ago.

"Come here for the name!"

"Brother! You are amazing!!"

"I was wrong, big brother, don't pay attention to me!"

"Awesome! If you pay attention to two people, two people will die! Sure enough, you are in the funeral industry, and your eyes are vicious!!"


Comment area.

The few videos he recorded before.

There are people who come here admiringly under each video.

【Beautiful Photo Sisters, Retrieve】

Seeing this, Zhang Lingtian directly searched for Sister Meizhao.

as predicted.

Something really happened to them two.

One person died instantly.

Another spirit was seriously stimulated.

It seems that the goddess of luck still didn't favor them.

Originally, he thought that the 20% chance should allow them to survive, but who would have thought that...

【Ding!The host is concerned about the death of Cheng Yanyan, Meizhao’s sister ID, whether to undertake the funeral, the funeral system will open rewards. 】

Suddenly at this very moment.

An extra reminder appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.


 Guys, please count the votes. I haven’t saved the manuscript. Seeing that there are too few votes, I don’t have the motivation to add more~o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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