I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 8 is said in the morning, and people are gone at noon.

The words in Chapter 8 were said in the morning, and people disappeared at noon.

Except forced.

There are also related hot searches on social software platforms.

Wunan City was completely on fire all of a sudden.

The ordinary fan base and VIP fan base of the Meizhao sisters are starting to become agitated at this moment.

Especially the VIP group.

"Wunan City! Yanyan and Sissy seem to be in Wunan City, right?!"

"Yeah, their video location seems to be in Wunan City, next to the railway, the second daughter, Internet celebrity, no way!!!"

"Don't scare me, today's funeral shop is really so evil? It's so cold?!"

"Is it not evil to make money from dead people and deal with dead people? You don't have to believe in such things, but you can't be disrespectful!"

"I found out, Yanyan and Sissy are 23 years old and 24 years old!"

"Come on, nothing will happen!!!"

The time, place and characters are almost identical.

The Meizhao Sisters fan VIP group experienced an unprecedented shock since the group was created.

Almost everyone came out to chat.

And a lot of people got cold behind their backs.

Because they thought of that comment today.

The words [-]% discount for funeral reservations in advance linger in everyone's mind.

"@美美的艳艳@Photography Qianqian, don't scare me! Speak quickly!"

"Group lords, come out and say something! Can you please spread the rumor? /Cry loudly"

"Does anyone have a phone number I can call?"

"I remember Brother Zeng, the first one on the list, seems to have, @管理1号, Brother Zeng called Yanyan and the others to report safety to the group friends, but we are so anxious to death!!"

The group of friends urged each other.

They are all eager to know if something really happened.

I remember that they seldom erupted in the ordinary group before, but after taking photos in the VIP group, the other party would send out some tidbits.

But today was really weird.

They stay bubbly all day!
"Management No. 1: I made a call, turn off the phone."

Five minutes later, administrator one sent a reply.

"I did not answer!!"

"It's over, it's over!!!"

"I said I don't believe it, but I can't be disrespectful. Today, the two of them actually started a live broadcast in an attempt to slander this Ping An funeral store!"


In an instant, the hearts of all the water friends in the VIP fan group were chilled.

At the same time, all of them remembered the funeral appointment sentence today.

Instant scalp numbness!

"Management No. 3: Although Yanyan and the others are also from Wunan City, Wunan is also a prefecture-level city with a population of several million, and the Internet celebrities are not necessarily Yanyan and Qianxi. Maybe they are tired of taking pictures. It doesn’t matter if you just rest without electricity or watching the group.”

"Management No. 5: Yes, everyone, don't worry, Yanyan and the others also had a precedent of not replying until the next day, everyone just wait."

Seeing the lifelessness in the group, several other managers spoke to comfort the group members.

After all, there are so many Internet celebrities, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are not.

It is also possible that I am not necessarily tired and my phone is out of battery and I have no time to reply.

"Maybe so, everyone, don't worry, don't turn around and make trouble."

"If something really happened, the family members should come out and reply. Just like the last brother Yang, the family members will tell you in the group. Now it's been so long and they haven't said it. Maybe it's not them."

Hearing what the manager said, the group that had been dead just now seemed to have new hope ignited.

Everyone's heart was relieved a lot.

Yes, there are thousands of Internet celebrities in the world.

How could it be such a coincidence that it was the one they paid attention to.

Wunan City.

A ward in a hospital.


【Confirm Cancellation】

[Deleted account information, mobile phone number, third-party authorization will be released within seven days, and a new account will be created when logging in again]

Seven in the evening.

A pair of red, tear-stained eyes stared at the screen.

After a while, the pale hand clicked the four big characters confirming the cancellation.

And the tears also fell.

She is Sissy.

Survivors today.

She canceled their two hard-working accounts.

Because when she saw her friend's face before she was alive, she would unconsciously think of the scene by the railway today.

Then my head was piercingly painful! !

"What's the situation! Why can't I click in!!"

After canceling the account.

Whether it is an ordinary fan group or a VIP fan group, all fans who follow the ID of Meizhao sisters have discovered a very scary thing.

That is, when you search for Meizhao sisters, you can see their profiles.

But after clicking in, I found that the page was invalid.

Slapping in the face is like a tornado!

The fan base was completely blown up.

And faster than ever!

"Canceled account??"

Several management brothers were in front of the screen, their expressions were like a jpg of a subway old man's mobile phone.

"What happened, why did you cancel your account?"

"Who can give an explanation!!"

"Could it be that Yanyan and Qianqian are the Internet celebrities broadcast in today's news? The 23-year-old female Internet celebrity died... Could it be Yanyan???"

"Someone come out and give me some news!!"

"What's going on, who can tell me, I'm suffocated!!"

The general group has 3000 people.

VIP group 500 people.

1 minutes.

The former has [-] pieces of information.

The latter one thousand.

Refreshing almost once is 99+.

"Sissy, my God, your phone call is finally connected! Do you know that the group is bombed now! What about Yan'er, why can't I get through the phone, and tell everyone why you have to cancel the account!"

It's ten past seven.

The eldest brother finally called Sissy.

For an instant he was relieved.

Because if you can get through the phone, you may be able to know the truth, whether it is them or not.

"Hello, I'm Sissy's mother. There was an accident when they were taking pictures today."

However, there was a low voice on the other end of the phone, as if he had just cried.


The big brother was dumbfounded.

After a minute, he put down the phone.

He stared blankly at the group chat box.

"Management No. 1: I just got on the phone. The news broadcast in today's news is about Yanyan and Qianqian. The accident caused Yanyan's death on the spot. Cici was severely mentally stimulated and took the initiative to cancel the video account. The fan base started today. Members can automatically withdraw from the group if no new ones are accepted.”

Seven twenty.

The most influential Big Brother Bang issued an announcement.


"I'm stupid! I'm stupid! I'm stupid!!"

"Is it really gone? Oh my god! This little girl is only 23 years old!!"

"One person died and the other had a nervous breakdown. They were reminded not to take pictures in dangerous places. This man is so evil, why the two girls didn't listen!"

"It is often said that some things can only be done at noon and can cause trouble in the morning and evening, but now people who say this in the morning are not at noon. The rule of keeping the morning and evening cool at noon is really useless for Assistant Yama!"

The news of the real hammer was announced.

The two groups exploded like a thunderbolt.

There is a sigh.

There are regrets.

Others are fear!
[3. Sisters with beautiful photos of Internet celebrities]

【4. Beautiful photos】

[6. A beautiful internet celebrity in Wunan City died after taking a photo]


The ID of Meizhao sisters also rushed to the top three positions in the scarf hot search list.

This is where they had dreamed of before.

If the account is still there.

I believe that millions of fans who don't need to think about it will definitely come true.


A person died.

The other was lying alone on the hospital bed.

My mind is full of images of my friend's life.

Then there are the funeral comments.

'Life is precious, don't take pictures in dangerous places. '

'Remember! '

'Believe it or not! '

Fragments of memory swirl.

She really, really hoped it was a dream.

Unfortunately, the cold hospital bed brought her back to reality.


(End of this chapter)

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