I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 139 The danger continues to grow, who is the murderer? !

Chapter 139 The danger continues to grow, who is the murderer? !

"Why so much information?"

There was a puzzled look in the woman's eyes when she saw this scene.

I'm just a bit busy, I haven't logged in to Douyin recently, why did I get stuck as soon as I logged in, and there were so many messages.

"Hell's roll call??"

The girl opened the private message sent to her by a strange netizen, and she was a little dazed.

How come I was named by Hades so well.

"Gardenia blossoms: Hello, Boss Zhang, I'm a bit busy and haven't read the private message. I'm sorry. May I ask if you made a mistake? I don't have a large insurance policy."

The girl's name is Qin Xiaojie.

There are thousands of Douyin private messages at the moment, but she still reads most of them patiently.

"Sister! You must listen to Boss Zhang's words! Be careful!"

"Miss, I don't know what happened to you recently. Since Boss Zhang still reminded you, you must be still alive. Anyway, you should be more cautious, after all, you still have a large insurance policy!"

"Go online and find Boss Zhang! Pay attention to the beneficiary of the insurance!!"

"Girl, you have been named by Hades!!"

"You! You made us panic! Hurry up and send a message!!"


Scanning around is almost always about her being named by Hades. She has a large amount of insurance on her body and must pay attention to safety, especially the beneficiary of the insurance.

And she also discovered the private message from Ping An Shishi Shop.

Although I don't often surf the Internet, I still know whose shop Ping An Shishi Shop is.

The other party is Zhang Lingtian's shop, so he is also called Boss Zhang.

The reason why he became famous before was that he paid attention to one and then died, which aroused the fear of the whole network. Later, he went to Jiaopenji and gradually changed everyone's thinking.

Especially after the spies were caught, everyone, the living Hades who became criminals.

But he will still choose some predestined people on the Internet, the main thing is to advise, and most of the disobedient ones will have accidents.

The main reason is that she hasn't paid attention to the other party for too long, and her memory stays on the person named Ma San last time.

That was a near miss.

And then there's the entertainment business.

It seems that two foreign stars died.

I don't know about it in the future, because the family's business is relatively busy and she doesn't have time to visit social entertainment platforms such as Bibo and Douyin.

The two social tools I mainly use in my daily life are WeChat and WeChat, and the other one is TIM, which is the office version of QQ.

However, Qin Xiaojie always felt that Boss Zhang had found the wrong person.

Because her family situation does not require insurance at all.

[Search: Gardenia blooms. 】

[Search results: 4119 users in total. 】

Qin Xiaojie clicked a search in the Douyin search bar.

If you don't search, you don't know.

There are more than 4000 users with the same screen name as her. Seeing this, she felt more and more that Boss Zhang must be paying attention to the wrong person.

First of all, she didn't buy a large amount of insurance at all, and secondly, there are really many people who call Gardenia Blossom, and it is also possible that they paid attention to it wrongly.

She even found out that someone's avatar was the same flower as what she wanted, in short, the avatar also collided.

【Pinch~Xiaohuahua for you.jpg】

This is a popular emoticon package, and it is also Qin Xiaojie's profile picture.

Ping An funeral shop.

"Boss, I am now actively contacting the master of the urn. The latest news is that the professors from the School of Arts and Crafts are willing to bring a team to join us. I believe that with their blessings, we should be able to increase our production capacity."

At 10:30 in the morning, Zhang Lingtian returned to the computer just after the small meeting at Baishipu.

The little assistant is copying the data and reporting to Zhang Lingtian at the same time.

"It's really a headache that the production capacity of Baishipu's additional products can't keep up. Now it's just the urn. How is the equipment we want? Do you still need us to give a deposit of 300 million?"

Zhang Lingtian continued to ask.

There is still a long way to go to make Ping An funeral shop the first place in funerals.

But this goal must be there.

"It will arrive tomorrow, and the manufacturer also offers free shipping. We don't even need a deposit, so let us use it first. The only thing is to send them some funeral goods later..."

Talking about this Jiang Xiaohan felt a little helpless.

I feel that the boss has inexplicably reversed a very strange atmosphere in society.

For example, before sending funeral objects, it was absolutely 100% cursing others to die, and they can never stop dying with you.

But now it has changed.

A lucky funeral item appeared.

Mourning + mourning = luck.

I don't know who came up with the outrageous formula.


Zhang Lingtian was also full of black lines when he heard this.

[Douyin System Prompt: The user you specially reminded 'Gardenia Blossom' has replied to you with a message. 】

Suddenly at this moment, a notification sounded from the computer, it was from Douyin.

"Oh? Waited for so long and finally replied now?"

Zhang Lingtian turned on Douyin immediately after seeing this special prompt.

[System prompt: The Chosen Son scan is in progress. 】

Every day when you open Douyin for the first time, there will always be a reminder to scan by the Chosen One.

[The host has terminated. 】

[Number of selections: 2]

Zhang Lingtian stopped the scan of the Chosen One.

Then a reminder of the number of times of selection automatically appeared in front of him, and there were only 2 times in total.

But it's basically useless if you do it twice.

As far as he knew now, it took at least 30 times to redeem the detail card.

It will take another 28 days.

"Boss, did the gardenia blossom reply?"

The little assistant looked at his boss's expression and asked curiously.

"Yeah, it's her."

Zhang Lingtian nodded, and then he turned on Douyin.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he set up a special reminder.

The main reason is that he really wants to make money.

But if the other party still doesn't reply after three days, he can't get it even if he wants to.

Around 09:30 tomorrow morning will be three full days.

Unexpectedly, the other party finally gave him news today.

I don't know what she replied, and the page will be displayed soon.

"No large insurance policy??"

Although he didn't see anyone, he felt that the 'Gardenia Bloom' on the opposite side was very polite.

Moreover, the other party's reply seemed very real, which made him a little puzzled. Could it be that the system scan was wrong?
[Would you like to view the personal information of Gardenia Blossom, the Chosen Child? 】

Zhang Lingtian clicked on his own system, planning to scan again, anyway, he could scan once every day for three days.

[Scan object: ID Gardenia blooms. 】

[Occupation: Company employee. 】

[Bad information: Too credulous to others. 】

[Danger signal: 71% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: If you buy a large amount of insurance policy on your body, there is a 71% probability that something will happen to you because of the people around you. Please be careful. 】

[Customer attributes: high-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host has paid attention. 】

Rows of information appeared.

"Another increase."

It was still 70% when I scanned last night, but I didn’t expect it to increase by 1% today.

I feel that the probability of this danger has been continuously increasing.

Then it can be understood that the person who harmed her has been planning the whole process, and it is getting better and better.

And when you become a pseudo-accurate customer or even an accurate customer, it is the death date of the other party.

"Ping'an Baishipu: There is no mistake in paying attention, and you do have a large insurance policy on you. You can think carefully about whether you bought it at a certain time. At the same time, please pay attention to the people around you, because until now you have the probability of being in danger. They are all very high, if possible, it is recommended not to go out for three days or beware of various accidents.”

Zhang Lingtian quickly replied a message to the girl.

Because the system reminded me that something happened to a large insurance policy.

The thinking of normal people must be defrauding insurance, and Zhang Lingtian also thinks that this is very likely to be defrauding insurance.

Since it is to cheat the insurance, then it has to create some accidents.

So he reminded the other party to beware of all kinds of accidents.

As for the policy.

He suspected that the other party might have bought it when and forgot.

Or it is a small insurance in name, but it is actually a personal insurance, and it is set up without knowing it.

Because of the bad information, the other party shows that it is easy to trust others.

[Douyin System Prompt: The user you specially reminded 'Pingan Baishipu' has replied to you with a message. 】

the other side.

Qin Xiaojie also set up a new function of Douyin's special reminder.

"It shouldn't be possible."

After seeing Zhang Lingtian's reply to her, she thought about it carefully.

"Gardenia blossoms: Boss Zhang, let me check myself first, thank you very much for your reminder."

Although Tan Xiaojie's mind was so empty that she couldn't recall what happened, she still replied to Boss Zhang.

After all, she had never met the other party who reminded herself so patiently, and she felt very touched.


"What! It's you when the gardenia blooms!!!"


Tan Xiaojie had a rest, so she asked a good friend out for a walk. When her friend Tang Xueli heard what she said, she was shocked!

At the same time, many people looked in the direction of the two of them.

Gardenia blooming is definitely a hot search term in the past two days.

"Shh, Shirley, keep your voice down!"

Qin Xiaojie was startled by her girlfriend's loud voice.

"Xiaojie, you know Boss Zhang, don't tell me you don't know."

Tang Xueli stared at her best friend with those eyes.

"Yeah, I just got tangled up because I knew it, because there's nothing Boss Zhang said."

Qin Xiaojie nodded.

If it was anyone else, she would definitely be a charlatan.

It was Boss Zhang who hesitated.

"No? Boss Zhang! Live Hades! Nothing is dangerous. Killing people is invisible, and because of the people around you, are there still few people who are cheated? Just like the rich second-generation Chen Zhi who was accidentally killed because he didn't pay back the money he owed, Wasn't the other party cheated to death by his father? Just recently, what happened yesterday, Ouyang Shengming, Lord Yan said that he would have an accident because of a woman's dispute, but he didn't think so. What happened? My daughter properly arranged for him. "

Tang Xueli is so excited!

To be honest, she had no idea that the 'gardenia blooming' she was looking for on the Internet was actually her best friend.

It's really outrageous to eat melons and eat your own people.

The main thing is that her best friend is usually quiet, she belongs to the kind of girl who is very literary, gentle and kind, and she doesn't have any strange hobbies. Apart from the business at home, her life has always been relatively simple, and she rarely sees each other playing Douyin and the like. Short video software.

She also didn't know the other party's account number.

I don't even know that the gardenia blooming is her.

In fact, this is quite normal.

After all, even if you are good friends with another person, do you necessarily know the accounts of each other's platforms?
Perhaps some are understood.

But there are still some people who don't understand.

Unless this person keeps showing his account number, then everyone knows about it.

And Tan Xiaojie's sister who happens to belong to Xijing has never shown these accounts, so naturally everyone doesn't know about it.

This is also the reason why this person cannot be found on the entire Internet.

Because the opponent is completely a Buddhist player.

No one in the surrounding circle knew that she had this kind of account.

How do you find such a person?
"But in my impression, I have never bought a large amount of insurance, and I heard from Boss Zhang that someone is going to murder me to cheat the insurance, but it feels like it is completely impossible."

Qin Xiaojie's expression was a little troubled.

The closest people I have now are my parents and my husband.

Is it the parents?
This is totally impossible!

Because she is the only daughter at home and has opened several hotels in the local area, and she will be the successor of the company in the future, and now she is busy studying these businesses.

Why did her parents buy insurance for her?
It can't be that the company wants to go bankrupt and the other party sacrifices itself as cash flow, right?
The key is that their company is doing very well now.

It is not bankrupt, and the family still has nearly ten million income every year.

is the husband?
This is even more impossible.

Because she has a very good relationship with her husband and even has children.

Parents-in-law and mother-in-law are also local public officials.

Her husband has no reason to harm her.

Who else is there?

Besides the two closest people, could there be other people?
Even if other people cheat insurance, they won't be able to turn to them.

Besides, it is impossible for her to have no impression of such a prudent thing like insurance, which is why she suspected that Boss Zhang had made a mistake at the beginning.

"It's true, neither your parents nor your husband had any motive for committing the crime."

Tang Xueli nodded slightly when she heard this.

She still knows about her best friend's family situation.

"Right, so I think this thing is outrageous."

Qin Xiaojie spread her hands.

"But you have to listen to what Yan Wang says! How about calling Xiaojie and asking? Or go directly to the insurance company to check one by one."

Although the latter method is a bit troublesome, it is still a good method.

On the other side is Ping An Shishi Shop.

It's time for lunch at noon.

"Boss, look at this hot search list. It's all about your great achievements. I heard that Ji Kun couldn't sleep all night last night. His ass must be dirty! Right? Boss!"

Li Tiantian opened the hot search list.

There is a screen in the pantry for everyone to see.

At the moment, eight of the first ten miles are messages from their bosses.

"Yes, I don't know."

Zhang Lingtian was having lunch.

Who knows if Ji Kun is not clean.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Boss, everyone is looking forward to PK with you, this mage."

Li Tiantian continued talking.

"Come on, it's just him, and he's still going to PK with our Brother Tian."

Su Wei was full of disdain upon hearing this.

Although Master Hua sang like calling out souls, their boss is the real King of Hades.

Regardless of whether you are summoning the soul or the undead, you will kneel when you meet the King of Hades.

It's just that he is more curious about what black material this Master Hua has.

"It's true. I guess everyone is expecting him to be cool. I don't know if the young lady Gardenia Blossom has contacted the boss."

Li Tiantian really wanted to know what was going on with that young lady.

"The boss received a message from her today, but he just doesn't know if the follow-up person has brought her back."

Jiang Xiaohan remembered the scene in the office today.

The gardenia bloomed because I contacted the boss.

But it's not clear if it was picked up or not.

"She said she went to check herself."

Zhang Lingtian replied six words.

He is not very clear about the specific follow-up situation, after all, he did not tell him.


The mall on the other side.

"Let me call and ask."

After some consideration, Qin Xiaojie finally took out her mobile phone and called her husband Kong Weiwen, wanting to ask him if he remembered this matter.

"Hey, what's up my wife?"

There was a very gentle voice on the other end of the phone.

"Husband, have you bought me a large insurance policy recently?"

Qin Xiaojie asked straight to the point.

"Large insurance policy? Wife, have you recently received spam messages or are you busy with the company's affairs and have a little bit of pressure and have fantasies? How can you buy an insurance policy without signing it?"

Sun Weiwen on the other end of the phone comforted him very intimately, and then said a very fatal point.

That is, if the insurance policy does not have the signature of the person concerned, how do you buy it?
"It's also..."

Hearing this, Qin Xiaojie nodded.


If you are buying insurance, how can you buy the insurance if you don't sign it? This seems to be a false proposition.

"Honey, you've been under too much pressure these days. Didn't you say you were going to the Maldives for a trip last time? How about I accompany you to relax?"


 I'm a little busy today and I don't write much, it's only 4600 words, it can only be regarded as a guaranteed update, continue to work hard tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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