I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 140 1 Corpse 2 Lives?Catch the culprit! !

Chapter 140 One Dead Two Lives?Catch the culprit! !
The man on the other end of the phone had a very caring attitude.

Indeed, in the eyes of others, this is a very loving couple.

Both families are well matched.

The woman's family runs a hotel locally, and the other party is an only daughter, who is now preparing to take over the family business.

The man's parents are both local public officials, and the man himself works in the bank.

The most important thing is that the woman is still pregnant for more than two months and will soon have a baby, which can be said to be very sweet and happy.

"I don't want my husband anymore. You've been quite busy these days. In fact, I'm in pretty good shape."

Her husband works in a local bank and is very busy every day, so she is too embarrassed to disturb him. After all, a man's career is the most important thing.

"To keep my wife out of the way, I'll just ask the leader for leave. It just so happens that our young couple also go out to relax and relax. Otherwise, you will have to stay at home when you have a big belly."

Sun Weiwen on the phone is a warm man, a good husband, and considerate.

"Well, my husband, I will listen to you. When do you want to go to the Maldives?"

Qin Xiaojie thought about it for a while.

She is now pregnant for more than two months. Fortunately, she is in better physical condition and has no morning sickness. It happens to be able to go out to relax and breathe.

In the future, there will be no chance, after all, the belly is getting bigger every day, and it is inconvenient to move every day.

We have to wait until the little guy checks out before talking about traveling.

"How about Saturday?"

Sun Weiwen asked his wife for her opinion.

"Saturday? Why don't you postpone Monday for two days? There are fewer people on weekdays. What do you think, husband?"

Qin Xiaojie asked.

Today is Wednesday.

Tomorrow Thursday, the day after tomorrow Friday, the day after tomorrow Saturday.

With the current popularity of Boss Zhang, the other party will definitely not use him to hype the popularity.

He said not to go out for three days to avoid all kinds of accidents, so Qin Xiaojie changed the time to Monday.

By Monday, it would be the fifth day.

"Yeah, listen to your wife, then I've booked a ticket now, it's on Monday, you have to take care of your body these two days, you know?"

Sun Weiwen nodded and went to book a ticket.

"Don't worry, I have my parents at home, and I'm only two months old and I'm fine, so don't get tired."

In this way, the two sides booed a few words, and Tan Xiaojie hung up the phone.

This month, because my husband is busy with work and I have to help with the company, my husband lives in the house where he works, while she temporarily lives in the house of her natal family with her parents.

There are two suites in their house in the city.

One suite was bought by the husband himself, and it is the pre-marital property of the work unit.

There is also a [-]-square-meter large-level wedding room in the city center that the couple paid for after they got married.

But this month, because her husband is busy at work, she lived alone in the wedding room and felt empty, so she returned home to live with her parents.

Because she is the only daughter, there are only her and her parents in the family, so she is more comfortable.

"Xiaojie, are you going on a trip?"

Tang Xueli asked, after all, she could still hear some conversations nearby.

"Yeah, Wei Wen told me to go to the Maldives on Saturday to relax, but I remembered that Boss Zhang said he couldn't go out for three days, so I suggested that he go on Monday and weekdays."

Qin Xiaojie nodded.

In order to avoid the day Boss Zhang said, she specially found a reason that there were fewer people on weekdays.

And it makes sense to say so.

As for why she didn't have a showdown with her husband, she was saying that the gardenias were blooming on the Internet. Zhang Lingtian suggested that she not go out for three days and pay attention to prevent all kinds of accidents, so the time was set on Monday.

Because she thought it was a coincidence.

Just as Boss Zhang reminded himself not to go out for three days, her husband suggested going to the Maldives.

So just her intuition made her find a reason to change the time.

"Saturday? Boss Zhang usually says three days. Isn't Saturday just the third day? Is there something wrong with the writing? This is unlikely!!"

Tang Xueli was a little incredulous when she heard this.

Mainly her intuition told her it was impossible.

After all, both parties are in the right family, and both have decent and stable jobs. The most important thing is that my best friend is pregnant with Sun Weiwen's flesh and blood.

Because there must be a motive for committing a crime!

That's not Boss Zhang randomly choosing a predestined person.

"I don't think it looks like it either. Could it be an air crash?"

Qin Xiaojie seemed to have thought of something, and asked her girlfriend.

"Damn it! To go to the Maldives, you must take a plane, and the plane usually has an insurance policy, which is considered a large amount of insurance! Maybe this is what Boss Zhang reminded!!"

Tang Xueli had an incredible posture.

And she also feels more and more that her best friend is so small-minded!
Thinking about it in this way, it suddenly makes sense!

The so-called tiger's poison does not eat its children, it is impossible for a best friend's parents to kill their daughters.

Especially when they are such an only child.

As for my girlfriend's husband.

The other party has a decent job in a bank, and both parents in the family are in the system. His father joins the first-hand group in a certain department, and his mother is a member of the second-hand group.

The most important thing is that the best friend is pregnant with a child, and it is still the same sentence, the husband of the other party will never kill the pregnant wife to cheat the insurance!
He has absolutely no reason to do so.

Therefore, aviation insurance is the most suitable reason, and to a certain extent, it can be regarded as a large amount of insurance.

"Hmm, I think it's very likely."

That's what Qin Xiaojie thought of.

And compared to being murdered, the possibility is really very big. If my husband also bought that special insurance on the plane ticket, it would be really big.

"Then Xiaojie, do you still need to check your insurance next? How about checking every bit of insurance, and then ask Boss Zhang after three days to see if you can go to the Maldives this time?"

Tang Xueli looked at her best friend, after all, she had to nod to find out.

"Go and have a look too, I have my ID card in my bag."

Qin Xiaojie took out a pink wallet from her satchel, checked it and found that she was indeed carrying her ID card, so she went to check it out.

"Yeah, double protection, I'll drive you there!"

Tang Xueli thought that after her best friend made a more reliable guess, she would be too troublesome.

Actually check with your insurance company.

Double protection.

In this way, the two set off after lunch.

On the other side is Ping An Shishi Shop.

Here comes a guest.

"Xiaohan, thank you."

Xu Xiaoya came to the reception room, and seeing Xiaohan pouring tea for him at this moment, Xiaoya thanked him very politely.

"Sister Xiaoya, boss, you two are taking it easy, so I'll go out to look at the store."

After Jiang Xiaohan finished his task, he left the reception room and let them have a good talk here.

"Well, Boss Zhang, I came here this time mainly because I have a more important matter and want to hear your opinion."

After Jiang Xiaohan left, only Xu Xiaoya spoke to Zhang Lingtian at this moment.

"Oh? Important matter? Director Xiaoya, you can talk about it."

To be honest, Zhang Lingtian was a little surprised that this rare visitor came today.

He thought that the other party would come to listen to his opinion again.

The key point is that the so-called opinions from last time were almost all the result of the other party's imagination, and they were of little use to me.

"Mr. Zhang, in view of the valuable advice you gave to our charity before, our charity has undergone a great change in the hearts of the public, and I have also changed from a temporary deputy director to a director, and now I am about to be promoted to Southern University. District Deputy Director, so I would like to hire you as an opinion bank expert for our Spring River Charity Organization."

Xu Xiaoya looked at Zhang Lingtian, and she was extremely sincere.

This is also the main purpose of her coming here.

"Director Xiaoya has been promoted? Congratulations, but don't you think highly of me as an opinion bank expert? In fact, I can't give any advice at all."

Zhang Lingtian looked a little helpless after hearing Xu Xiaoya's words.

The main reason is that he really doesn't know anything about charity.

Besides, opinion bank experts, how can I have such a great ability.

"I was also quite surprised about the promotion. It may be that there is a lack of manpower in the organization recently, and then I was transferred. Don't get excited, Mr. Zhang. This opinion bank expert is not a very troublesome thing. It's just a title. We The Spring River Charity is preparing to set up an expert pool, and will listen to the opinions of experts in the follow-up work."

Xu Xiaoya explained to Zhang Lingtian.

This is practically equivalent to a social title, not very busy.

"That's it...but I feel like I can't give you any advice."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

It sounds really not troublesome, and it feels good that they have established this expert library.

He doesn't know what the attitude of charity organizations in other parts of the country is. As far as Chunjiang Charity is concerned, the attitude of the other party is worthy of recognition, and everyone praises Chunjiang Charity.

But it would be a bit too much to really invite him to be an expert.

My own brick house is almost the same.

"Mr. Zhang, the establishment of the expert database is mainly for two things. The first is to supervise charities and the second is to give opinions. Even if you have no opinions, you can also participate in the supervision when you mention them. What can we do with charities? You can mention good things, of course, the subsidy is a bit less, calculated on the basis of years, it is [-] yuan a year."

Xu Xiaoya also told her conditions very frankly.

Of course the salary is lower.

It's only [-] yuan a year.

For an Internet figure of Mr. Zhang Lingtian's level, basically a live broadcast can get this amount of money.

"Is that so? Now that Miss Xu Xiaoya has talked to this point, I won't shirk it. As for the [-] yuan, it's unnecessary. Just give me a little travel expenses."

Now that the other party has said so, then he should accept the employment of this so-called member of the expert library. Of course, there is no need to pay him a salary, but he can't work for nothing. Anyway, just repay him for his labor and travel expenses. good.

"Ah! No, thank you very much, Mr. Zhang, for your approval! This is your letter of appointment for a member of the expert database. If you lose it, you can ask us to reissue it!!"

Xu Xiaoya was a little surprised.

She was worried about the lack of money before.

With her fingertips at this moment, she quickly took out a small bright red notebook from the briefcase, which was about the same size as a certificate of merit, and on the top was the word 'Letter of Appointment'.

"Director Xiaoya, you have already prepared for this."

Zhang Lingtian was taken aback when he saw the letter of appointment, but the other party had already stamped it.

"Aren't I afraid of wasting Mr. Zhang's time? Also, Mr. Zhang, don't call me Director Xiaoya anymore. It feels very special. You can call me Xiaoya, or you can just call me Xiaoya sister! In the future, we, Chunjiang Charity, will have to be taken care of by you."

Xu Xiaoya got up and bowed to Zhang Lingtian, then said with a smile.

Another thing came to an end. Speaking of which, the expert library is also an idea she has learned from abroad recently. She hasn't reported it to Director Xie of the regional area. I will talk to the other party later.

In this way, Xu Xiaoya left the Ping An Shishi Shop after chatting for a few words.

[12. Xu Xiaoya, director of Spring River Charity, intends to be promoted to deputy director of the Southern Region Charity Association]

And not long after Xu Xiaoya left, information about the other party's promotion on the bib hot search list was spread.

[News Network: The Charity Federation released the latest news that Xu Xiaoya, director of Spring River Charity, plans to be promoted to the deputy director of the Southern Region Charity Association. This is the first time that a charity organization has selected a regional deputy director in a second-tier city since its establishment. "Link"】

Click on this popular search term.

Below is a post.

There is also a link attached.

It was a public announcement about the proposed use of the Charity Federation.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!"

"The speed of promotion is too fast! It took one month to change from deputy director to director, and now to deputy director of the district."

"Actually, I think this is pretty good. Since the girl has this ability and is determined to do a good job in charity, why not just arrange a job for her? Is it a disgusting seniority ranking? Some people don't have any achievements, but because It's disgusting to eat all kinds of bonuses at an old age!"

"Female? She's quite pretty! I don't believe you if you say there's nothing wrong with it! It's probably on a biological device."


"Where did the dog come from upstairs! Why is it so disgusting!"

"A person with a dirty mind sees everything dirty!"


Most of the comment area praised Xu Xiaoya.

Of course, sometimes there is always a little rat droppings in a pot of soup.

No one doubted that Xu Xiaoya was promoted by relying on her own body.

Of course, as soon as the words came out, they were sprayed.

Although there must be brain twitches, everyone must not let this kind of brain twitch dominate public opinion.

Otherwise, those who are abruptly capable will be blown away by the other party.

"Boss, it turns out that Miss Xiaoya has been promoted. This time, she didn't come here specially to thank you, did she?"

At five o'clock, there is still an hour to get off work at the funeral shop.

At this point, basically nothing happens.

And Li Tiantian happened to find the information about Xu Xiaoya's promotion on the scarf. Could it be that the other party just came to the boss to thank him?
"No, the other party came over and sent me an expert certificate, asking me to supervise them in the future."

Zhang Lingtian is very frank about this kind of thing.

At this time, he said directly to him.


Li Tiantian and Su Wei looked incredible after hearing this sentence.

"It seems that sister Xiaoya has grasped the essence of incorruptibility."

At this time, Li Tiantian came back to her senses with a gesture of sudden enlightenment.

On the other side, Chunjiang is charitable.

"Expert library? Mr. Zhang Lingtian is the hired expert? Well, okay, I understand, you can arrange these things."

Director Xie nodded.

I said before that I would give it to the other party to do it first, and then report to myself after I finished it.

"Okay, then thank you, Director, for your work first."

Xu Xiaoya hung up the phone.

"Brother Xie, is that Xu Xiaoya from Chunjiang again?"

Beside Director Xie was a woman in a rose red dress.

Tall, with a bag in hand.

It looks very charming.

Of course, Director Xie is not bad either. He is thin and wears glasses, showing the charm of a mature man.

"Yeah, Sisi, let's go back after shopping for clothes."

I saw Director Xie talking to the woman next to him at this time.

"No! Brother Xie, what are you worrying about every day? Anyway, it's okay to go shopping more if you are on a business trip."

After hanging up the phone, Director Xie continued to walk forward. Sisi walked up quickly at this moment, and then held Director Xie's hand tightly while acting coquettishly.

Passers-by couldn't help but want to take a few pictures of this pair with a 100% return rate.

"You know Zhang Lingtian, right? Now Xu Xiaoya has introduced him to Chunjiang's expert library. This person is a bit evil, so don't go overboard with us two."

Director Xie said to Sisi beside him.

This is his secretary.

Also in the Southern Region Charity.

He is not greedy at all, and he will not use his power for personal gain.

But the only thing is that the middle-aged spring flowers are newly blooming, and they cherish each other with their secretary.

In fact, in the big dye vat, his kind is nothing at all.

After all, there are many people who mess up the relationship between men and women.

I didn't take care of him, I didn't take care of my mistress, and I didn't have power to coerce me. I just felt sorry for each other, and I only took the last step after being promoted to the district director.

Although I am very clean.

But this may also become a stain, so he is more cautious.

Even if you go out shopping, you can't go shopping for too long.

It's better to wait until you divorce your wife to be aboveboard.

The specific property distribution is still being discussed.

"You are going to get divorced, what are you afraid of, we will be a normal couple by then."

Sisi clings to Director Xie.

That rose red skirt is particularly eye-catching.


And this beautiful landscape was also photographed by many street photographers.


On the other side, Qingsong City.

This is the place where 'Gardenia Blossoms' Tan Xiaojie lives.


At this moment, in a small villa, insurance policies were placed in front of them. The faces of two couples over sixty were ashen. They were Qin Xiaojie's parents, Qin Li and his wife.

"Uncle and aunt, if you don't check, you don't know. If you check, you will be shocked!!!"

Tang Xueli is Qin Xiaojie's best friend and classmate.

The two know each other well.

But this afternoon Tang Xueli was all stupid, and Tan Xiaojie was crying even more.

This afternoon, they went through all the insurance companies in Qingsong that could be named.

He found out that after the two parties got married a year ago, the man next to him, the husband who called every day to ask about his health, and the father of the child in his stomach actually forged her signature, and bought her 24 life insurance plans one after another, with a total sum insured 5126 million.

The beneficiaries of these insurances are all himself, or the first-order heirs, including him.

Seriously she was completely stunned! !

If Boss Zhang hadn't reminded her, she wouldn't have checked at all.

Even to be honest, she never doubted her husband.

Because the other party has a legitimate job, the two parties have never quarreled after marriage, and the other party is also very gentle. The most important thing is that I am still pregnant with his child. It will be three months now, and there will be more than six months at the earliest. just born.

Can you imagine such a man trying to kill you?

This is a dead body and two lives! !
Before, she was smart enough to wonder if it was the plane's insurance.

And when I saw these large insurance policies, my whole back felt cold.

"He! Why is he doing this! Is there some misunderstanding!!"

Qin Xiaojie's mother patted her thigh.

The two in-laws are both important positions in Qingsong's department, and the son-in-law is also an employee of the bank. Could it be that they are greedy for their family's property?
But wouldn't the money belong to their grandson or granddaughter after a hundred years?There is no need to kill now!

Besides, what was in their daughter's womb was the son-in-law's own child.

Tiger poison doesn't eat children!
"Uncle and aunt, have you surfed the Internet recently? If not, you can go to search for Ping An Bai Shi Zhang Lingtian and Gardenia Blossom. Xiaojie's Douyin name is Gardenia Blossom."

Tang Xueli said to Tan Li and Xiao Jie's mother, Xin Lan.

"Death from a large insurance policy."

At this moment, Tan Li with a livid face slowly spit out a few words.

The matter has been fermenting for so long, even though I am relatively busy, I glanced over it inadvertently.

"Yes! Uncle Tan, it's good that you know! This thing is really outrageous!!!"

At this moment, Tang Xueli really felt that the reality was a hundred times more outrageous than the novels she read, and this was really cool.

"Ah Li, what should we do now? Should we call our in-laws and Wei Wen to come over and ask about the situation?"

Xin Lan looked at her husband, wondering how the other party was going to solve this matter.

Is it a misunderstanding or intentional.

If it was intentional, what is the reason for the other party.

And if it was a misunderstanding, why didn't he discuss it with us in advance.

Besides, the premium for this year is 22.

Although Qingsong City is a prefecture-level city, it only costs about 15 yuan even if you work in a bank for a year.

The daughter's one-year insurance premium far exceeds the son-in-law's entire salary income.

This is obviously unreasonable.

If you want to say that you are worried about your wife's accident, it is still possible to buy an insurance of [-] to [-].

"There is no need to inform them, we will give him a chance."

Tan Li was silent for a while, then slowly opened his mouth.

"Give him a chance?"

Not only was his wife Xin Lan a little dazed, but even Tang Xueli was dazed.

As for Qin Xiaojie, she was wiping her tears.

"Well, don't you guys go to the Maldives on Monday? Don't change your itinerary. I will arrange everything in advance to ensure your safety. Let me see if it's for your safety or a deliberate murder attempt to defraud insurance! If it's the former, don't Make up your mind, if it's the latter, I'll definitely send him to jail!"

Tan Li hoped that he had misunderstood this son-in-law.

Otherwise, all pregnant wives will be killed, which can no longer be described by the word scum, it is completely inferior to animals!
Evil to the extreme! !

"Uncle Tan, this is good!!"

Tang Xueli's eyes lit up when she heard this sentence.

It is clear at a glance whether he wants to harm someone or is afraid that his wife will have an accident.

"Only the four of us know about this matter now, so we must keep our mouths shut and never leak any information."

Qin Li is very serious.

It is extremely important not to leak the wind.

Otherwise, it is possible to change some people's original intention and not get the real answer.

"Uncle Tan, Auntie, Xiaojie, you can rest assured, even if I die, I will never tell this matter!"

If Sun Weiwenzhen was planning to kill someone, how could she reveal it before she wanted to beat this scumbag to death.


Tan Li was not worried about Xiaojie's classmate, he was mainly worried about his daughter.


Qin Xiaojie also nodded.

She also needs a chance for her husband to prove his innocence.

Find out whether they misunderstood each other or whether he is really a beast with a human face and a heart.

Because she couldn't believe it until now.

But the existing evidence has been laid out again and again.

Especially the amount of insurance that does not match the income.

The annual premium is 22.

The husband earns 15 a year.

With so much money to buy insurance for herself, reason tells her that if the other party has no other thoughts, it is absolutely impossible to do such an outrageous thing.

"Ah Li, what Boss Zhang said before, the plane is indeed a large amount of insurance, is it possible..."

Although it is true that her daughter has a large insurance policy now, Xin Lan doesn't want to take her daughter into it if there is a real plane crash.

It's not that there has never been a suit within a suit.

It wasn't the same when Boss Zhang and the others went to the foot pot chicken. First, the plane found the hijackers, and then the plane had skin problems.

It can be said to be a series of sets.

"So for these three days, Xiaojie, you should be honest and don't go anywhere at home. After the three days have passed, you and I will go to Chunjiang to visit Mr. Zhang and ask him to do the math for you."

I saw Qin Li talking to him at this moment.

Let's wait until the dangerous period is over.


All unanimously agreed on the idea.

In this way, the time came three days later.

[1. Mysterious daily schedule]

【2. Ji Kun was interviewed on the invitation letter】


【22. People familiar with the matter revealed that gardenias are safe to bloom for the time being, and finally someone listened to the persuasion. 】

The time has come to November, the tail of late autumn.

The next month is going to be winter.

The number one on the hot search list is Mystery, which is set every day.

After waiting for so long, the second episode of the show is finally coming.

"After full discussion, the large-scale live variety show "Mysterious Everyday" will conduct the second live recording at 11:24 pm on November [-]th. So far, we have sent out a total of ten invitation letters. Whether the stars have come or how many have come? , we will announce it two days before the broadcast.”

After clicking on it, there is a short video of the interview.

And the object of the interview is none other than Yan Tao.

After all, as the chief director, interviewing the other party is also the most appropriate.

"finally come!!"

"Hahaha, I think the program team is doing a lot of work. Isn't November 11 the time when Wu Mian will be sentenced!"

"Fuck? I don't even know if you don't tell me. I seriously suspect that the director is planning to send the second batch of people in."

"Don't say anything, old irons, we melon-eating people look forward to it!!"


Regarding the first hot comment, everyone said that the director team is really working hard.

After all, Wu Mian of the first episode was sentenced that day.

Then the second episode of the show happened to be broadcast that day.

If you say it was not intentional, no one will believe it.

After eating the first hot searched melon, everyone turned to the second hot search.

[Entertainment News: Ji Kun said that since he has received the invitation letter, he will respect everyone's choice and act responsibly to participate in this program, and he will not be afraid of the shadow. 】

After clicking on it, there is an interview with entertainment news.

"I haven't thought about racing pigeons, so let's face it honestly. Yes, I will participate. I am not afraid of the shadow."

That was the reporter's interview with Ji Kun.

Ask him if he will dove off.

Then the other party made such an answer.

The whole person also looked very calm.

As for gardenia blooming, although the popularity has dropped a lot in the past few days, it is still on the hot search list.

It's just that the ranking is a little behind.

It is now 22.

"I feel that this gardenia blooms so mysteriously, it never showed its face from the beginning to the end."

"Maybe the other party doesn't want to face the public. After all, not everyone wants to appear in the public eye, but I'm glad that there is finally someone who listens to my advice."

"I want to know that this 'Gardenia Blooming' netizen got into an accident because of insurance. What kind of insurance is this insurance? Is it the accident insurance for going out or the plane insurance? Or was it bought by someone with a large amount of insurance policy? Is there a boss? Say something?"

"Actually, I also want to know how the other party avoided the danger. If someone really planned to kill and cheat insurance, this person should be arrested, right? I hope everyone will kick me when the relevant news comes out."


For this netizen named Zhizihuakai, everyone is more interested in how she survived the danger and became a person who survived the advice of the king of hell like Ma San.

Nine in the morning.

Ping An funeral shop has opened.

"Sister Xiaohan, my heart is the same as that of a netizen. What happened to this netizen named Zhizihuakai, and how did he escape? I am so damn curious~"

After breakfast, the Baishipu and his group went to work as usual.

And Zhang Lingtian is in the office at the moment.

So Li Tiantian and the others started fishing.

Shop around for scarves and such.

Basically, you have to glance at the top [-] in the hot search list.

And Li Tiantian was really curious when she saw the gardenia blooming.

As employees of the funeral shop, they have no news at all, which is outrageous to the extreme.

As for Miss Xiaohan, who is currently the boss's closest employee, she even has the right to log in to the company account, which is the account of Ping'an Baishipu.

So Li Tiantian guessed that sister Xiaohan might know.

"I do not know either."

Jiang Xiaohan spread his hands.

Although I can log in to the company account.

But she can't just look at the chat records between the boss and others.

She only knew that the 'Gardenia Bloom' thanked the boss later, saying that he was really shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

At the same time, he said that he would not run around at home for three days.

The rest she didn't know.

After all, I didn't look in depth, I just caught a glimpse.

"You don't know either? Sister Xiaohan, you are wearing the same pants with the boss more and more now."

Li Tiantian sighed helplessly.

Sister Xiaohan rebelled.

It's time to become the boss.

Normally, how could Miss Xiaohan not know.

"Hello, is Boss Zhang here?"

At this time, a nanny car stopped at the door, and then a man with gray hair in a suit appeared, and he walked into the Ping An Memorial Shop.

Next to the other party was a young woman in a black woolen dress, who was plainly dressed but had a good face.

"Hello, our boss is in the office now, do you have an appointment before you come?"

Jiang Xiaohan stepped forward and asked.

It didn't look like the two of them were here to make an appointment for a funeral service.

Is there a Renaissance again?

The rival brands of some merchants come over and try to use their boss's Hades ability to bring goods to hurt their opponents?Just like the business war between Master Li and Tongyi Instant Noodles last time?
"We had an appointment before, Assistant Xiaohan, please tell Boss Zhang."

The person who came was none other than Tan Li, and the other was his daughter, Tan Xiaojie.

"Please, please, I'll tell the boss right away."

Jiang Xiaohan brought the two guests inside.

"Sister Xiaohan, I'll make tea."

Li Tiantian consciously went to make tea.

"Boss, there is a man named Mr. Qin who came to see you outside and said that he had an appointment with you before."

Jiang Xiaohan came to the boss's office.

"Mr. Tan? I'll go and have a look."

When Zhang Lingtian heard this, a question mark appeared in his mind.

It seems that I don't have this appointment.

But since the other party has come to his funeral shop, it doesn't matter if he goes to see who it is.

"Wait a little, both of you, our boss will be here soon."

Li Tiantian has quick hands and feet.

The tea was poured in no time.

Of course, it is soaked in advance. If it is soaked on the spot, it will not be so fast.


Zhang Lingtian came to the reception room.

In front of me were two unfamiliar faces.

He was a little bewildered.

"Mr. Zhang, my name is Qin Xiaojie. I told you before that I would come to visit you after the dangerous period. This is my father, Tan Li."

Qin Xiaojie introduced.

"Qin Xiaojie, oh! It's you! I didn't expect you to actually come to visit! You really have a heart!"

Hearing this name, Zhang Lingtian vaguely remembered something.

Isn't this the chosen one called 'Gardenia Blooming' that day?

At that time, he asked the other party to conduct a self-examination, and she actually found out.

And said that after the dangerous period, he must visit the door and so on.

She also left a name named Qin Xiaojie.

It's just that he didn't expect that the other party would really come, he thought it was just a polite remark.

"Mr. Zhang, to be honest, you saved my daughter's life, otherwise she wouldn't know that there was such a beast in clothes hiding beside her."

Qin Li thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

Although he said on the surface that he was giving his son-in-law a chance, in fact he already had the answer in his heart.

It's just not the last moment.

"To be precise, your daughter saved herself. After all, I reminded you so many times before, and few of you are willing to listen."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands helplessly.

You can fish for yourself, but you have to be listened to.

This is a two-way rush.

Some people just refused to listen to him and even thought he was a magic stick. What can he do about this kind of person.

"Mr. Zhang, the main reason we came here this time is to ask you to tell us a fortune, whether or not we can do this if the next thing goes well."

Although everything is arranged properly.

But Tan Li really thinks that Mr. Zhang is capable.

So I want to ask the other party if there will be any accidents during the departure process, and if they can expose this beast in person.

"Foretelling? This really doesn't count?!"

Zhang Lingtian had a wry smile on his face.

How can I know how to tell a fortune teller!
"Mr. Zhang, of course we can't ask you for fortune-telling for free, so this time we brought 50 cash and two treasured jades."

At this time, Tan Li took out 50 cash and two pieces of precious jade.

The total value must be more than one million.

"Mr. Tan, Miss Tan Xiaojie can't do this."

It's not that he doesn't tell the other party's fortune, it's mainly because the other party said that it depends on whether things are going well or not, and how can I know how to read this.

If you want to check whether you will be cold, this is a professional counterpart.

"Mr. Zhang, listen to us slowly..."

Just like that, Tan Li and Qin Xiaojie started talking.

And also told Zhang Lingtian about their plan.

"Well, you just want to know if there will be an air crash or something, right? I can really help you with this. Do you have a video of your daughter in your Douyin?"

After listening to the other party's description, Zhang Lingtian suddenly felt that he seemed to be doing it again.

And if everything is true, he feels that this son-in-law named Sun Weiwen is really nothing!
He actually tried to kill his wife to cheat insurance.

The key is that the wife is still pregnant!
What kind of heart can do such a thing.

"A video of my daughter? There is."

Although Tan Li didn't know why Mr. Zhang did this, he honestly turned on Douyin.

When they usually go climbing or traveling, there are some video clips in it.

"Well, then Miss Xiaojie, give me your horoscope."

Zhang Lingtian was going to use a trick.

"Yes, yes, yes!!"

Since he was here to tell the fortune, Tan Li had already prepared his daughter's horoscope.

Soon it was handed over to Zhang Lingtian.

"Okay! Wait a moment, both of you."

Zhang Lingtian was waiting for the system scan results.

The main reason is that three days have already passed, and now she does not have Tan Xiaojie's personal information at all.

【Ding!System scan started! 】

[Scan object: ID rationality. 】

[Main character: Qin Xiaojie]

[Occupation: Company employee. 】

[Bad information: Too credulous to others. 】

[Danger signal: 81% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: I have purchased 24 insurance policies, with a total insurance amount of more than 5000 million, and there is an 81% probability that I will die due to the insurance policy within three days. Please be careful of those around you. 】

[Customer attributes: high-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host has paid attention. 】

The information will come out soon.


Zhang Lingtian murmured.

In fact, he knew that the danger must not be reduced.

Because I didn't get rewarded.

It's just that since the information of the day's election has disappeared, he can only follow the other party.

After all, he has already said that.

But now this scan still took him by surprise.

It actually reached 81.

It seems that this good husband and good son-in-law have been scheming all along, and his murderous intentions have not diminished.

"How is Mr. Zhang?"

They are very curious at the moment.

"It is undoubtedly dangerous for you to try this way, but there is a high probability that the accidents you think will not happen, so you can decide whether to do it at your own discretion, and you will take all the money. I also hope that such people can Bring to justice."

Zhang Lingtian looked at the father and daughter and said very sincerely.

It doesn't mean anything for the other party to buy insurance now, because they haven't put it into action.

At that time, it will be divorced at most.

Especially when the other party's parents are still in public office.

But if you want to grasp the current situation, you must pay a certain risk. Of course, from what he has checked so far, there should be no air crashes.

"Mr. Zhang and I, Tan Li, are not the ones who can't afford the money. Since it's agreed that it's fortune-telling money, how can we get it back! Now, with what you said, Mr. Zhang, we can rest assured!"

Qin Li left the money and jade in the reception room.

At this time in the car back.

"Hmm! Give it a try!!"

Listening to her father's words, Tan Xiaojie nodded with firm eyes.

It would be fine if my husband didn't have this idea, then everything would be over.

If he really intends to kill himself.

As for the two of them who are dressed like beasts, if they can't be caught in prison and harm the next sister, then she will be guilty for the rest of her life.

So she is willing to try.

Since Boss Zhang said that the main danger came from his husband, there should be no accidents on the way.

Pay attention to guarding against the other party.

Soon it was Monday.


Qin Xiaojie and her husband Sun Weiwen are about to leave for Maldives.

"Honey, although it's November, the climate over there is actually not that cold. How about we choose a room with its own swimming pool, you can also have a good swim, the baby is swimming in your belly, and you are swimming outside .”

Sun Weiwen smiled brightly.

"Husband, how do you know that I really want to swim, why don't we look at which hotel?"

All I saw was Tan Xiaojie nestling in her husband's arms at this time.

Did he really want to kill himself?

But why can't I see any flaws.

The black frame, the elegant appearance, the enviable job, the wealthy family background, and the extreme consideration, none of them can be connected with the murderer.

If this is pretending, then it is really good.

"You can choose your wife. For example, the Golden Seaside Hotel, where the swimming pool is quite big, but it's a bit expensive."

Sun Weiwen said.

"It's okay, I'll arrange it. Dad gave us a lot of money this time, a total of 50 yuan."

Qin Xiaojie said with a smile.

The father gave them 50 travel funds.

That's how she started booking hotels.

Depart at eight o'clock in the morning.

Arrived in eight hours.

Check in.

"Husband, the doctor said that the fetus was not stable three months ago, so you can't do that."

After checking in, I took a shower.

After lying in pajamas for a while, Sun Weiwen's hands, feet and body began to be dishonest.

But Qin Xiaojie rejected the other party.

"It's okay, just once."

Sun Weiwen still wanted to come.

"It's really not good, my husband, it will hurt the baby."

Qin Xiaojie said very seriously.


In this way, the two sides lay down for a while, and the time soon came to the setting sun.

"Honey, let's go for a swim together!"

The warm yellow sunset shone on the head of the bed, and the entire hotel room was as beautiful as a painting.

"I'm so tired, my husband, I'd better lie down."

Qin Xiaojie stretched her waist.

They have been lying on the bed since they checked in, and they didn't do anything, otherwise it would be broadcast live.

Because this room has been arranged by her father in advance with various cameras, almost 360 degrees without dead ends.

In addition to the toilet, after all, if the other party doesn't do anything today, the couple also have to take a shower.

This can't be broadcast live.

However, the toilet is also equipped with a sound collector.

Accidents are always accompanied by some noise.

Anyway, if he really chooses to be in the toilet, then they will use the sound to judge whether to rush in to save people.

"Go, let's go swimming together. I remember my wife, swimming is your favorite thing. More exercise is better for the baby in your stomach."

Sun Weiwen still looked like a big warm man and touched his wife's belly, but there was a chill passing under the black framed glasses.

"I don't remember, husband, you go by yourself~"

Qin Xiaojie shied away.

The main reason is that today I am really too tired and really not suitable for swimming.

However, Sun Weiwen continued to persuade.

"Why is he so obsessed with swimming?"

Qin Li, Xin Lan, and Tang Xueli all came to the Maldives.

At this moment, Tang Xueli didn't understand.

My best friend said that she didn't want to go, but this Sun Weiwen still looks like a stalker, which is really strange.


Qin Li's gaze became deep, and his intuition told him that the other party's behavior was abnormal and that something might happen.

"Husband, go by yourself. I'm really, really tired, and the baby in my stomach needs to rest."

Qin Xiaojie hugged the pillow and said coquettishly to her husband.

"Are you fucking going!!"

At this moment, the very gentle Sun Weiwen quickly jumped up, and then dragged Tan Xiaojie out of the bed!

"Ah! What are you doing!!"

Qin Xiaojie never thought that her husband would suddenly pull her out of bed, and she was panicked and frightened as she fell from heaven to hell in an instant.

"What are you doing! You have to swim if you don't want to swim! Labor and management have been waiting for this day for a long time!!"

With a slap, Sun Weiwen slapped his wife on the face directly.

At the same time, the whole person pulled the other person's hair and quickly dragged him to the swimming pool.

"This beast!!!"

Qin Li and his party, who were monitoring in another room, were so angry that their hands shook when they saw this scene! !

"What are you doing! Gululu—"

In the picture, Sun Weiwen ignored his wife's struggle, directly dragged her into the water, and then pressed down frantically.

How could Qin Xiaojie, a pregnant woman, resist her husband who was taller and stronger than herself, drank several sips of water in a row, her nose and throat were all hot, and even a feeling of dying came to her heart.


At this moment, the door of the room was opened!
"Sun Weiwen, what are you doing!!"

A group of people rushed in directly! !
All eyes are full of anger! !

In the next second, Sun Weiwen, who pressed his wife's head into the water and spit bubbles, was petrified in place.


 12000 words have been delivered, I really worked hard today! !Ask for a monthly pass!Recommended ticket! !Thank you guys!Then the big guys find typos and remember to correct them~, the author will correct them~
(End of this chapter)

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