I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 158 Conspiracy and conspiracy, roller coaster heartbeat!

Chapter 158 Conspiracy and conspiracy, roller coaster heartbeat!
But it was only 5 minutes longer than usual.

The police have been very cautious, and all kinds of things are done in the car.

Could this make the other party suspicious!
Then this drug dealer must be too careful.

And they took a closer look. It seemed that the car had a suspected tail when it just left the station, but it didn't follow behind.

Specifically, whether this is the tail or not, they have handed it over to relevant colleagues.

In short, the other party behind them doesn't know what's going on with them at all, they can detect abnormalities, and the anti-reconnaissance ability is probably a bit outrageous.

Could it be a very large fish?

Ordinary drug dealers don't have this vigilance.

But this time the drugs were indeed too much.

According to anti-narcotics experts, at least twelve catties of drugs were hidden in the two boxes of passion fruit.

Twelve catties, 6000 grams!
50 grams can start at 15 years, the maximum death penalty.

And some time ago, there was another person who transported 1491.05 grams and was sentenced to death with a reprieve.

Another transported 2500 grams, or 2.5 kilograms, and was executed.

6000 grams, 6 kg.

Using the above case as an example, this is enough to shoot him twice, okay?
Maybe the big brother on this list is really a big fish.

And this method of hiding drugs is also amazing.

Hidden inside the scented passion fruit, and basically flawless in appearance.

If it weren't for the well-trained drug detection dogs, it might have been exposed.

After all it arrived at 05:30 and they came to pick up the goods a few hours later.

There is not much time for the police.

If it has been moved, the drug-related personnel will soon be aware of it, and then all previous efforts will be wasted or they will not be able to catch the big fish they want.

How should Li Dazhuang answer next?
Everyone's hearts were suspended.

After all, if you make a wrong step, you may be hit by chicken and egg.

"Damn it! There are troublemakers in the poor mountains and rivers, Chunbei is really outrageous, and the taxi driver deliberately detours!!"

At this moment, Li Dazhuang complained in a sullen attitude.

The tone is very angry.

"Hahaha, I'm not familiar with you because you speak with a foreign accent. I'm not going to trick you. Next time, it's better to use the taxi app directly. There's still time. Hurry up and pick up the goods. I'll prepare a late-night snack for you. .”

Integrity is what Jin said with a smile on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, I'll pick it up now, then I'll hang up first."

I only saw Li Dazhuang answering at the moment.

At the same time, I also breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally got fooled.

I have to say that these drug traffickers are really vigilant!

I was delayed for 5 minutes, and the other party directly called to test him.

"Well, let's go."

Honesty is gold and hung up the phone.

Also walked into the park.

[Douyin system prompt: The anchor Da Zhuang is about to start a live broadcast, welcome to the live broadcast room...]

Walk a distance of about 500 meters.

After answering the phone, only to see Da Zhuang at this moment directly turned on the live broadcast.


At the same time, a man somewhere in Chunjiang frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

"Brothers, I'm Da Zhuang, and I'm in Chunbei now! Just now, Big Brother Bang asked me to come over and do something for him, and this time I'm here! What we're playing is the truth!!!"

I only saw Da Zhuang broadcast live in front of the camera at the moment.

He thought about it.

Starting a live broadcast is the fastest way to get rid of his suspicions. After all, if he really got in touch with the police, how could he start a live broadcast?

And as an anchor to help the big brother complete the task, if he doesn't start a live broadcast, it is obviously not his usual style of doing things, so he feels that this live broadcast must be started.

Just after he started the live broadcast and uttered the first opening sentence, the frown somewhere in Chunjiang slowly loosened.

"What the hell? You're fine!!"

"Mother, Da Zhuang, I thought you were cold! After all, Lord Yan has paid attention to you!"

"I ordered this to do something for the big brother? Could it be the big brother who took care of you?"

"Do something so late? What are you doing??"

Da Zhuang's personal fans also reached 20 after the matter fermented.

Before the broadcast started, there were hundreds of people, but now perhaps because of the popularity, thousands of people flocked into the live broadcast room as soon as the broadcast started.

Everyone was curious about what this wave of helping Big Brother would do.

There are even rumors of some big health care.

"I won't tell you the specifics. The main purpose of the live broadcast at this moment is to tell everyone that I am fine and I am still alive, so please rest assured. I am also very grateful for the messages of concern that you have sent me in private messages. There are too many I’m just showing my face here, I’m really fine! The second thing I want to tell everyone is that what Da Zhuang is playing is the truth! Brother Bangyi Chengxin asked me to come to Chunbei, so I will come to Chunbei! Absolutely no ambiguity!

You are also welcome to leave a message in the comment area, what should Da Zhuang play next! ! ! "

Da Zhuang was talking in the camera.

And the whole person looks like he paid for the live broadcast.


The roller coaster of police mentality is also true.

Of course they knew that the other party was doing this to reduce their suspicions.

But if it is broadcast live in the live broadcast room and said to pick up the courier for the top brother, so many netizens will talk about it, and it is very likely that the matter will be exposed.

After all, a similar case just happened some time ago. The anchor went to pick up a courier for the top brother, and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

So there is a high probability that it may be said.

Once said.

If the anchor still pretends not to know, then the drug dealer will 100% notice that there is a problem.

But the broadcaster knew it.

It is of course good if the other party does not pick up the goods and the other party does not contact the police. After all, it is equivalent to avoiding a personal crisis.

But now after the test, everyone is on the same front. If you don't pick up the goods, how can this continue?

After the drug dealer is alerted, it is estimated that this guy will 100% fail to catch the people behind him. Even if someone who is not afraid of death comes to take it, it is just a scapegoat who was tricked.

Fortunately, this big man is also smart enough.

"Don't tell me? That's 100% health care!"

"You've just arrived in a new city and you've had so much fun, be careful to turn around and be jumped by a fairy!"

"Why don't you suspect that the big brother on the list is the Immortal Tiaoben Tiao? Hahahaha~"

"The game is real, why don't you just go to the police station and broadcast it for us next time! I believe it must be real, and everyone is very interested!"

"Sit in the interrogation chair? Then say, what the water friends let me play is true! I'm just 'a reporter left at this time with an excuse'!!"

"Police (frowning): I'm done explaining? You're going to live here for a while, sign it!"



It's more than eight o'clock in the evening and it's close to nine o'clock. Most people are off work and are having fun at the moment.

The comments in the live broadcast room were also unprecedentedly enthusiastic.

They even got in touch with Immortal Jump.

There is also the scene after Li Dazhuang was arrested.

"The mouth is quite tight."

At the same time, a man in Chunjiang was also calling the live broadcast.

His expression was a little joking.

Originally, he thought that the other party would tell the story, and then there were some rumors in the live broadcast room. The other party was lucky to escape, and they failed to pick up the goods and suffered serious losses.

In the end, he didn't expect that the other party didn't say anything, which made him look differently.

"Integrity is gold: withdraw."

Clicked on WeChat, and then the honest brother sent a message to someone.

And a spicy van in Chunjiang logistics park caught fire, and then sped past the live broadcaster Da Zhuang.

"Old Chen."

Qin Yan raised his mouth through the display screen.

"Well, we also noticed this car."

Da Zhuang’s live broadcast also has a special display screen in the joint command office, and the monitoring screen of the police car performing the mission on the spot and the surrounding monitoring have long been on multiple screens in the joint command office.

So after Da Zhuang finished saying that, the van that suddenly started to leave caught Qin Yan's attention.

Based on the principle of not missing any clues, Qin Yan asked Chen Chuan who came to the scene to pay attention to this car.

And Chen Chuan is naturally an old criminal policeman.

Especially the deputy captain of the criminal police, who naturally noticed the car.

"It came at 06:30. The driver only got out of the car once in two hours, and then hid in the car until now. This time frame is very suspicious. Maybe the drug dealers are here to follow."

Qin Yan continued to speak.

"Don't worry Team Qin, we won't startle the snake."

Chen Chuan knew very well how to follow up with this kind of object.

And another place.

"Good guy! This Li Dazhuang actually started a live broadcast again!"

In the group where it's good to be alive, the Baishipu members find it incredible.

"It's a good mood."

After being noticed by their boss, they still have the mind to complete the real task given by the big brother and run to Chunbei next door. Su Wei couldn't help but praise.

"I'm going to talk to the boss."

Li Tiantian opened Zhang Lingtian's WeChat after speaking.

"Li Tiantian: Boss, this Li Dazhuang is live broadcasting, why don't you come in and watch?"

Then a message was sent out.


Just hung up.

Zhang Lingtian went to get some fruit by the bed.

Playing with the phone and then going to bed.

Don't look at it's only [-]:[-].

But playing with the mobile phone was like time being stolen, and an hour or two passed in a flash.

He planned to go to bed no later than eleven o'clock at ten o'clock.

As a result, just as he brought the fruit back, he saw a private message from Li Tiantian.

"Zhang Lingtian: I'm not interested."

Zhang Lingtian replied directly with three words.

He knew what Li Dazhuang was going to do.

The other party came to a live broadcast at this time. Based on the previous events, it is estimated that they want to lower the defense of the other party.

What the police want most is to see this big brother.

And everything they did tonight, including taking away so many drugs for Li Dazhuang, was also to catch the person behind the scenes, the real drug dealer.

It is useless for him to enter this live broadcast room to join in the fun.

I wish them success in their endeavor.

Speaking of tonight, Qin Yan told him that the corpse dismemberment case seemed to be progressing, and hoped to get good news about the corpse dismemberment case tomorrow.

"Li Tiantian: Alright, good night, boss~"

Li Tiantian replied with a message.

"What's the matter? Brother Tian, ​​what's your attitude?"

Su Wei was a little curious.

"The boss said he was not interested, so he replied with three words very coldly."

Li Tiantian looked shocked.

If the boss entered the other party's live broadcast room, it would be so lively.

As a result, the boss actually said that he was not interested.

This is outrageous! !

"Bosses generally don't like to join in this kind of excitement, after all, the attention is on."

In fact, she was a little worried about Li Tiantian's complaints before. As far as she knew the boss, the other party really didn't like to join in the fun, especially when he paid attention.

"I... Sister Xiaohan, how on earth did you manage to say that half of a sentence is filled with the breath of hell and death?!"

Li Tiantian still felt that there was a holy light in the first half of hearing this, but she was stunned in the second half of the last part.


Just outrageous! !

"Half of the Holy Light, half of the soul, Miss Xiaohan, did you really get Granny Meng's character card?"

Su Wei couldn't help but sigh.

"Su Wei, you've been led astray. Such imaginative words are usually said sweetly, and it's a bit out of tune when you say them out of your mouth."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaohan was speechless for a while.

Mainly because she herself is stating the facts.

The boss has never been the kind of person who likes to join in the fun.

So even if Li Dazhuang started a live broadcast, the other party would not go.

Unless the other party scolds him or something related to him, he might go back and take a look.

Simple live broadcast, and then open a Baishipu account to go to a scary anchor. From the boss she has observed for so long, the other party will not do such boring and wicked things.

As for paying attention to this, it is also true.

After all, they all rushed to the hot news.

"It's right, it's right, one day Miss Xiaohan suddenly took out a broken bowl from behind, and then I didn't even feel strange with a bowl of soup!"

Li Tiantian was amazed!
The main reason is that the tone of his speech is really like a boss.

It was as if the boss was broadcasting live with them.

"Is it over for you two..."

Jiang Xiaohan said angrily.

Now she can slightly feel the depression that the boss was filled with all kinds of brains before.

It's obviously not that powerful, and all the strengths are sealed, but there are always some people who make the other party into an invincible King of Hades.

It can even control volcanic eruptions, and it can also make the Yellowstone volcanic group accurately toss the sauce country and so on.

It's outrageous to hear it!

"Sister Xiaohan, let's not talk about it. This is a secret. Next, you just need to blink your eyes. Whether you can get a inheritance with the boss, if so, just blink your eyes. In fact, Ah Wei and I are very curious about our Who will inherit it."

Li Tiantian asked with an open mind.

She felt that sister Xiaohan might be inherited by Po Meng.

Thinking about it is actually a bit right.

After all, they are all direct employees of the boss.

But whose inheritance will they get?

"That's you, I'm not curious."

Su Wei didn't expect Li Tiantian to ask this.

Immediately said angrily.

He is indeed not curious, and the inheritance of this matter is really outrageous.

"Not curious? You are taking the lead in the matter of inheritance, and you still say you are not curious at the moment."

Li Tiantian said with a sullen look.

"I'll take the lead? Li Tiantian, are you here just by opening your mouth?"

Su Wei was dumbfounded.

"That's right, didn't you just say that sister Xiaohan was inherited by Po Meng, and now you don't admit it?"

Li Tiantian looked at Su Wei's expression and immediately replied.

"I'm talking about the character card, not the inheritance of Meng Po. The difference is quite big."

Su Wei said.

The character card means to imitate Meng Po.

Inheritance of that kind of thing involves fantasy.

"Oh, it's almost the same. Speaking of which, Ah Wei, if the two of us get the inheritance, who do you think we will be? It feels like there are no female characters in the underworld. I can't be Bai Wuchang!"

Li Tiantian was thinking about it.

"Bai Wuchang is a woman??"

Su Wei frowned.

Isn't that a man?
"Of course, Chang Lingxuan, isn't that a girl? Maybe what you got is Chang Haoling's inheritance!"

Li Tiantian's words caught people off guard.


Su Wei was completely silent.

Good guy, is this the hell in her mind?
"Who knows what the structure of the underworld is? Have you seen it? It might not be true if it is the structure! Sister Xiaohan, hurry up..."


chat and chat.

Li Tiantian realized that she was too involved just now, and Jiang Xiaohan disappeared! !

At this time, Jiang Xiaohan was washing some grapes.

The main reason is that sometimes Tiantian's brain hole is too outrageous, what is inherited by Meng Po, and where is Meng Po?


At this moment, Jiang Xiaohan's phone rang suddenly.

It turned out to be the phone number of the imperial capital.


Picking up the phone Jiang Xiaohan answered it.

"Hi Assistant Jiang, I'm the person in charge of Xiaoguo Culture. We have a program specially prepared for Boss Zhang and want to invite him over. The fee is 200 million plus 10% of the offline audience's ticket commission and online What do you think of the 10% share after deducting the cost? In summary, we think there is still a guarantee of 400 million!"

After the call was connected, the other end of the phone spoke.

"Our boss said no, it's really embarrassing."

After Jiang Xiaohan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

This consumer culture wanted to invite their boss a long time ago, but the boss said he was determined not to go, and she had explained it very clearly on WeChat before.

I didn't expect the other party to call.

"I actually hung up the phone! Is it possible that I really want to go to the scene to talk with Zhang Lingtian like Yan Tao?"

The person in charge of fruit consumption is bald.

After being rejected, his expression was a little tangled.

The "Mysterious Everyday" show, which is mainly toilet, has been too successful.

They are hungry.

I want to reproduce the myth of Boss Zhang.

As a result, I didn't expect to be rejected.


Compared with the bald headed person in charge who was rejected, Li Dazhuang went very smoothly.

He also broadcast live on the Internet for 10 minutes.

When the courier was about to get off work, I successfully got the courier from the big brother.

【Integrity is gold】

"Brother, I got the courier, it feels really heavy! I'm going to take a taxi so late, please send me an address."

After Da Zhuang got the courier, he sent a voice message to this honest man.

"Da Zhuang: Scene Picture.jpg."

At the same time, a photo of the scene was taken.

"Integrity is gold: Haha, Brother Da Zhuang has worked hard, so you can take a taxi directly to this address, Building 1, Unit A, Phase 3, Jiang'an Huacheng Community, Chunjiang City."

I saw that the big brother on the list sent an address at this moment.

"Building 3, Unit A, Phase I, Jiang'an Huacheng District, Chunjiang City?"

At this moment, Li Dazhuang read it again.

For the sake of safety, he did not add any contact information of the police on his mobile phone, and he deleted even the phone calls with Boss Zhang. At present, the police only installed special devices on him.

But as long as they speak out these special devices, they can hear them.

"Jiang'an Huacheng Community? How is that possible!!"

In the joint command office, Qin Yan frowned.

"What's wrong? Old Qin?"

A man in white clothes like him in Chunbei showed a puzzled look.

"Master! Have we been discovered? This is not the community where Mr. Zhang lives!"

Monitor the car.

Hearing this passage, Bai Jin froze for a moment.

Because she is too familiar with this place, this is Boss Zhang's house that has been rumored on the Internet!

Building 4, Unit A, Phase I, Jiang'an Huacheng Community, Chunjiang City!
"This shouldn't be possible, maybe it's a coincidence!"

Chen Chuan was also taken aback when he heard this.

But he thought it might be a coincidence.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place?"

I don't know why this sentence suddenly appeared in Bai Jin's mind at this moment.

Jiang'an Huacheng Community in the suburb of Chunjiang.


Zhang Lingtian's phone rang.

"Captain Qin, could it be that this is good news?"

After answering the phone, Zhang Lingtian asked curiously.

"Mr. Zhang, the address sent by the top brother is your community, which is in the third building."

Qin Yan opened the mouth and said.

"Ah? With me?!"

When Zhang Lingtian heard these words, he was astonished!There is actually a big drug lord hiding in their neighborhood?
"However, it is still doubtful whether it is the real address of the other party."

There is also the possibility of giving a fake address. Of course, it does not rule out that the most dangerous place for this drug lord is the safest way.

In short, they really didn't think about the address of Chunjiang.

"Then Captain Qin, what do you want me to do?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

"It's nothing. Next, the police may go in for surveillance. If the operation goes well, they may go to Mr. Zhang to have a cup of hot tea with you. I just don't know if you have time."

Qin Yan said in a different tone, it was only half an hour from his joint command office.

If Mr. Zhang is not asleep, it is indeed possible to chat.

"Hahaha, this is totally fine."

What did Zhang Lingtian think?

If you come over then, you can talk about the corpse case by the way.

Go to bed later.

It doesn't matter if you are the boss anyway.

Even if you are late, there is a little assistant.


"Integrity is gold: yes, just take a taxi here. I have prepared a supper for you and you can eat it. I will also reimburse you for the fare, and I will give you 5000 yuan for your hard work."

Li Dazhuang took a screenshot and went over.

The big brother on the list replied quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the online car-hailing order was received.

Li Dazhuang checked the taxi option.

So it was a taxi that came to pick me up.

After confirming the eyes, the driver is one of our own.

They had already arranged for people to drive around in taxis nearby, and they would grab the order as soon as it was issued.

The main reason is that they are afraid that they will suddenly change places halfway, and then lose contact with Li Dazhuang and so many drugs, so they must be prepared.

An hour and a half later.


Li Dazhuang's phone rang suddenly in the car.

The plainclothes driver frowned instantly.

Did you guess right?
The other party is going to change places at this moment?
"Hey, brother."

Li Dazhuang really fell asleep.

The main reason is that you are still in the back seat at night, and there is another policeman driving in front, which gives you a sense of security.

"Brother Da Zhuang fell asleep, haha, where are you?"

Integrity is gold asked.

"I don't know, I just fell asleep, let me see..."

Da Zhuang opened the order he had placed.

"Master, you're driving very fast. We'll be here in 15 minutes."

Da Zhuang returned immediately.

"The master here does drive faster. In this way, when you arrive, wait for me in the No. [-] black girl barbecue box on the third floor."

This honesty is what Kim said.

"Good good!"

Da Zhuang nodded.

"Heimei BBQ! Box No. [-]!"

After the keyword came out, the police began to deploy and control.

There were many vehicles parked nearby, and the people inside were also staring in the direction of the black girl's barbecue.

"Attention is coming!!"

After a few minutes.

Some policemen pretending to be diners saw someone entering the third box at the Heimei BBQ.

Of course, because they don't know whether there are other drug dealers pretending to be diners among the diners, they dare not act rashly.

"It's just small fish and shrimp."

Qin Yan, who is co-directing, found through comparison with his colleagues that this person has a previous record of drug abuse.

And they also interrogated once, and the relationship behind it is simple.

Definitely not who they were looking for.

On the other side, Zhang Lingtian was not idle either.

He entered Li Dazhuang's personal gold master list.

I found the big brother named honesty is gold.

Trying to scan something through the system.

However, when he clicked into the homepage of 'Integrity is Gold', he found that there were no works at all.

Even the introduction of the other party's own account is still a woman.

The system is powerless in this situation.

We can only wait for news from the police now.

Ten fifty.

At the gate of Jiang'an Huafu Community, a taxi slowly stopped.


This is not someone else's car, but Li Dazhuang's.

Seriously, tonight was kind of exciting.

"Da Zhuang, keep a normal mind and don't show any flaws. We will guarantee your safety."

The plainclothes policeman disguised as a taxi driver said to Li Dazhuang.


Li Dazhuang nodded and got out of the car with his things.


The trunk opens.


After being stunned for two seconds, Da Zhuang closed the car door.

"Master, I'll settle the money for you anyway, just wait for me! I'll go in and ask someone to help me move things!"

Da Zhuang said to the taxi driver, and then ran directly into Heimei BBQ.

"Aren't you afraid that people will drive away?"

However, at this moment in front of a computer, everything Li Dazhuang did was clearly seen by a man.

And the WeChat on the phone next to him was still flashing.

That was none other than the message from Da Zhuang.

"Brother, I'm here!!"

He listened to the voice.

Heimei BBQ Room 3.

Li Dazhuang pushed open the door of the box.

"Big Zhuang! Did you bring something? Where is it?!"

He was greeted by a thin figure.

"Are you an honest brother??"

Li Dazhuang didn't know the information the police found, but he always felt that this temperament was not quite right.

"Yes, honesty is gold for me, thank you for bringing the things here."

The thin man said with a smile.

"This guy is too cunning!!"

The police who monitored the information in advance couldn't help but speak at this moment. This is not the big brother at all, but just a small pawn that caught a double!Who is it that is so cautious! !
Is this the end of tonight's effort to catch the big fish?
"But I don't think your voice is quite like it."

At this moment, Li Dazhuang said something.

In an instant, the air in the whole box froze suddenly.


(End of this chapter)

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