I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 159 Come Chapter Zhou Xuan, the mysterious visitor

Chapter 159 Circling back and forth, the mysterious visitor

There was also a thud in everyone's heart.


At this moment, the cell phone of the slightly thin man rang, it was a WeChat message.

"Hahaha, let me help you lift your things out of the car first."

Sun Hua, the thin man, at this moment, the other party did not answer this question directly, but changed the topic.

"That's fine, you can't waste the master's time, after all, he is waiting outside."

Li Dazhuang nodded, and just like that, the two came outside.

command room.

"Qin Bureau, they are already moving things, should we arrest them immediately?"

At this moment, the police stationed around the scene sent a message requesting action.

"There is probably a camera here. Your every move may be watched by the fish behind you. Once you act, you may startle the snake. Wait and watch before you act."

After all, this time was a joint operation of the two cities.

In the end, it was obviously a waste of time to get such a small shrimp.

And the reason why they matched so quickly was because they noticed this person when they were in Chunbei before.

He is that hot driver from Chunbei.

Originally thought that the big brother on the list would appear at the black girl barbecue, but who would have thought that the other party would also let one of the horse boys under him come over.

Originally, I wanted to catch the other party directly, and then caught the drug dealer behind the scenes by pretending to be Sun Hua.

But as soon as they spoke, they realized something was wrong.

How does the other party know that the things are still in the car and have not been lifted?Apparently someone had just told him!
Especially when they heard the subtle ringing of the mobile phone just now.

Maybe every move is being watched.


The police officers nodded. This is a process of fighting the drug lords.

"Brother, how do you know that I'm not honest? If Brother Xin has something to do, let me come and receive you."

A black car started at the door, and the other party drove the car directly behind the taxi.

"I said, can you hurry up! I have to go back!"

In order to appear more real, the taxi driver in plainclothes also urged him at this moment, after all, the time for running a taxi must be very precious, even though you have paid the fare, it is impolite for you not to unload your things all the time Let you do this is not.

"Okay, okay, let's smoke, master."

Sun Hua was quite good at being a man, and the other party handed him a cigarette, with a polite look on his face.

This scene subverted Li Dazhuang's rigid impression of drug dealers.

After all, most of the descriptions of drug dealer Ma Zi in some TV dramas are that kind of arrogant and domineering posture.

Then he moved very fast, and pulled out a machete from the trunk of the car at any time.

He really didn't expect to be polite and hand over cigarettes.

"Qin Bureau, the car belongs to a car rental company in Chunjiang."

On the other side, the police also investigated the car driven by Sun Hua.

Because Sun Hua and they all know the background, the other party does not have a car under his name. He used to run a small shop, but he sold it after he became addicted to drugs.

His wife and children also divorced him.

He is alone now.

So they were very suspicious of this car that suddenly appeared.

I wonder if it is the car under the name of the big brother.

As a result, they checked and found that it was not the car of the big brother, but the car that the other party rented from the car rental company today.

"It seems that we accidentally found a big fish tonight. Ordinary drug dealers would not be so defensive. You must know that this is just a stranger."

Li Dazhuang is still an Internet celebrity anchor with a blank background, but the big brother behind him is careful to this level.

It can be seen that the anti-reconnaissance ability is extremely strong, and generally such fish are big fish.

But think about it carefully.

When did Boss Zhang's case pass?
"Qin Bureau, the things have been put in the back seat. If we don't catch them, the drugs may be taken away."

At this moment, everyone became nervous, because the suitcase and two boxes of passion fruit were put in the trunk.

Maybe the other party will drive away in the next step without knowing.

"hold on!"

Of course, Qin Yan, who was in the joint command room, could clearly see the scene in front of him, but it might be too early to close the net now.


Police squatting around obeyed orders.

On the other side, at the door of the Heimei BBQ, after moving the things, put them in the car.

"Because the voice is different, the voice of the No. [-] brother is thicker, either older or more touchy, but your voice is a little breathless."

Although the police had communicated several times and issued several orders, they had just moved the suitcase to another car at the back of the taxi.

So after moving things, Li Dazhuang began to answer.

Because the time is short, there is no sense of violation.

"Hahaha, be careful, so, you wait for me here, and I'll get you something to eat in the car."

After speaking, Sun Hua walked towards Heimei BBQ.

Li Dazhuang was alone beside the car.

The taxi driver in plainclothes had already left at this moment.

"Everyone should not act rashly, let alone contact Li Dazhuang."

Qin Yan, who only saw it, ordered.

Because he suspects that there may also be cameras placed in the car.

It's still the same sentence just now.

Sun Hua directly knew that the things were in the taxi, and the black car was parked on the road behind the taxi.

So there must be something tricky in this car.

Maybe this big brother is monitoring Li Dazhuang's every move.


At this time, in front of a certain computer, a man nodded slightly.

Keep your mouth shut and be careful, but now he really appreciates this Internet celebrity named Li Dazhuang.

It seems that luck is good this time.

Not only the goods were not found by the police, but the delivery person had potential.

It turns out that their way of transporting goods is very dangerous, and they will be randomly checked by the police many times.

Of course there were a few fluke moments.

Therefore, basically they will not come forward to ask for the goods in person, they just fool others to ask for the goods for them.

This will ensure your safety to the greatest extent possible.

Same thing tonight.

He had been eyeing this anchor called "Playing is Real" a month ago.

And gained trust by giving rewards to the other party.

I thought there was a risk that the other party would go in, and if there was no risk, I would get the goods and let him put them in a specific place, or let him take them away when he unloaded the car and went in to find someone.

After Li Dazhuang said that the things had been stolen, he comforted him that it was okay, Yunyun invited him to a barbecue out of thin air, and made a good relationship and let the other party bring the goods next time.

As a result, he never expected that after what happened tonight, he found that Li Dazhuang was quite clever and interesting.


Sun Hua said to Li Dazhuang.

"I wonder where we are going?"

Li Dazhuang was sitting in the co-pilot, feeling a little dazed.

Why wouldn't I be taken to the drug dealer's base?
Then he became the undercover of the big brother of the drug dealer, and was actually an undercover agent for the police?
What the fuck?

Why did I inexplicably activate the undercover template!

Li Dazhuang was in a complicated mood.

A little excited and a little nervous.

"You will know when you go."

Sun Hua took Li Dazhuang and then started the car.

"Pay attention to keeping a distance, change cars and follow the car, maybe the other party will take him to the place where the mysterious big brother is, and at the same time, we must ensure Li Dazhuang's safety."

Fortunately, they predicted the drug dealer's possible prediction, so they installed a small locator inside Li Dazhuang's shoes before.

So it is now possible to track according to the locator.

Of course, the safety of the other party must also be ensured when tracking.

The police also installed a wiretapping device in his mobile phone.

"On the highway??"

Half an hour later, the car suddenly drove onto the high speed.

"Brother, where are you taking me? I'm so dazed!"

Li Dazhuang looked very confused.

"Hahaha, brother, don't worry, I have something to do with another friend right now, this is my friend, I'll ask him to bring you here."

At the same time, he also sent a message to the top brother.

The other party soon came with a voice.

Originally, the police were considering whether to stop the car.

And when they heard this sentence, everyone became excited!

Is it finally about to surface! !

"Da Zhuang: Alright."

Da Zhuang replied with a message, anyway, there is food, drink and beer in the car.

"When the time comes, brother, you can live stream another one and play it for real, and see the big brother on the list offline."

The other side continued to send a voice over.

"Da Zhuang: This one is fine, but is it too far? Where are you, bro?!"

Big Zhuang asked.

"Integrity is gold: a little bit far, because I'm in my own estate."

I only saw a message from the big brother at this time.

"In my own manor, what the hell, is the elder brother so stupid? He even has his own manor? Brother Sun, how long will it take us to get there!"

Li Dazhuang was stunned.

While eating barbecue, I exclaimed incredible.

Of course that's what he looks like.

My heart is already singing a cool song.

This is really going to be taken to the production base of drug dealers.

In other words, he has a locator installed on his body, will he be directly killed by the big brother?

He watched a TV series before, and an undercover agent put the locator in his shoes.

Then the sole of the shoe cracked, just as other drug dealers noticed something strange, followed by a shot!
On the other side, Da Zhuang’s WeChat account is also logged in on the police computer.

"They're going to the private estate of this big brother!"

Bai Jin monitors Li Dazhuang's chat with Big Brother Bang on his WeChat account.

After this piece of information came out, the police became even more excited!

I have to say that Li Dazhuang's on-the-spot adaptability is really strong.

"Continue to monitor and pay close attention to the drugs in the trunk! At the same time, change to different vehicles along the route to follow!"

Qin Yan commanded.

I'm a little excited too!
Looks like tonight's hard work was not in vain.

"Brother, you'll know it when you go, it's a very luxurious place."

Sun Hua replied.

"Alright alright."

Li Dazhuang continued to eat, and then chatted with this Sun Hua without saying a word.

The car drove to 12:30.

The police changed several vehicles to follow.

"Entered the service area!"

I only saw the police officer in charge reporting to Hui at the moment.

And the other side at the same time.

"Mr. Zhang is really sorry. There may be no way to make this cup of tea tonight. This drug dealer is really too cunning. Filling in your address is a bluff."

After entering the service area, they actually opened two rooms in this service area and slept down.

It probably means that it is too late and not suitable for driving late at night.

Then it stayed, but the contents of the trunk did not move.

For the sake of safety, the police directly transferred a caravan and parked it in a place where it can be monitored all night to observe.

If this Sun Hua planned to run away in the middle of the night and leave Li Dazhuang in this place, then they would catch each other first.

If not, make sure the drugs are still in the car.

Is anyone here this midnight?

If you come, you must follow the other party.

And Qin Yan took advantage of this time to call Zhang Lingtian to apologize.

I was supposed to come to the door tonight.

By the way, let's talk about the corpse case.

But it never occurred to him that this drug dealer was too cunning.

He wasn't in Chunjiang at all, yet he even reported Chunjiang's address.

It made them go in the wrong direction. A drug lord lived in another building in Zhang Lingtian Community.

"It's okay, Captain Qin, then you should be busy first. After all, catching the drug dealer is the most important thing. I mean, you can come here whenever you are free."

Zhang Lingtian had nothing to do with it.

At least there are no drug lords in this place.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, take a good rest."

Qin Yan hung up the phone.

Speaking of not acting rashly tonight, it is indeed extremely correct.

Because they later contacted the owner of Heimei BBQ.

Checking the surveillance in private room No. [-], I found that Sun Hua put something like a pinhole camera when he entered.

Later, I went in to pack a barbecue, and the other party took the thing and left.

He can basically judge that this case is not small.

Maybe it's some big boss!
After all, it is so cautious.

On the other side, Zhang Lingtian lay safely on the bed after hanging up the phone.

But he suddenly remembered Qin Yan's words, the drug dealer took Li Dazhuang away.

Now that another day has passed, is Li Dazhuang, who was taken away by drug dealers, in danger?

[System scan complete! 】

Soon he opened Li Dazhuang's homepage.

[Scan object: ID Dazhuang. 】

[Account subject: Li Dazhuang]

[Occupation: Network anchor. 】

[Bad information: long-term staying up late and disordered eating. 】

[Danger signal: 5% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: There may be a 5% probability of danger due to exposure to drugs within three days. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Customer Attributes: Temporarily low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host has paid attention. 】

For online scanning, the current system can check the latest danger probability of the scanned object once a day.

For example, if he scans Li Dazhuang again after twelve o'clock, the other party's information will be updated.

Because the probability of drug danger disappears.

But now there is a 5% risk probability for people who are exposed to drugs.

If it is a live broadcast, it can be scanned in real time.

If he entered the other party's live broadcast room last night, this probability might have been scanned.


Zhang Lingtian finally sent a message to Qin Yan, asking him to protect Li Dazhuang comprehensively.

After all, the 5% probability is actually a relatively high possibility of an accident.

Speaking of which, drug dealers deserve to be outlaws.

When Li Dazhuang was not exposed, there was a 5% chance of danger.

If this is exposed, it must be 100% direct!

It's scary just thinking about it! !

"Qin Yan: Don't worry, Mr. Zhang, Da Zhuang, we will definitely protect him!"

Qin Yan nodded.

In this way, the time came quickly the next morning.

The action team stayed up all night.

And in the middle of the night there are new discoveries.

The next day, Li Dazhuang was taken into another car, and the one who picked him up turned into a commercial vehicle. The reason given by the other driver was that Sun Hua's family had something to do and he couldn't go there.

However, after interrogation, they knew that Sun Hua had no idea where he was going.

The other party just received the news of staying in the service area.

It turned out that Sun Hua sneaked down at five o'clock in the morning, opened the trunk and put his things in the commercial vehicle that was now picking up Li Dazhuang.

At the same time, the other party also took a passion fruit himself, which was his reward, but was arrested by the police when the other party returned to Chunjiang.

The commercial vehicle is now closely following, and the big fish is about to surface.

Nine in the morning.

Everyone in Ping An Shishi Shop is having breakfast.

"Ji Kun's studio didn't reply all night, and Ji Kun didn't reply any more except that what he said on the Tigerfish live broadcast was inconsistent with the facts. The key point is that the other party's concert has not been refunded. Is this going to be dealt with coldly? "

The TV is broadcasting the morning news about Ji Kun's collapsed house.

"Actually, this matter is not as fancy as Wumian's. At most, it's just moral corruption. So it's actually a good way of public relations to deal with it for a while and wait for the heat to cool down before responding, or to ignore it at all."

Jiang Xiaohan said to the mouth at this time.

"Indeed, if you can't go to prison, you should believe it or believe it. After all, Ji Kun didn't admit it. In their view, if he didn't admit it, it didn't happen. Unless Ji Kun has new news, then this is not necessarily the case."

Although Ji Kun's thunderstorm last night was a surprise.

But to be honest, Ji Kun didn't go to the point where Wumian gathered people for promiscuity and harmed minors.

Putting chicken essence in his fried noodles and hitting your tires is nothing more than moral corruption.

Of course, if there is new news that is enough to let the other party in, that's another story.

"Boss, so Ji Kun must have some serious news that hasn't come out, right? Otherwise, this doesn't quite match your style of handling things."

I only saw Li Tiantian looking at Zhang Lingtian at this moment.

The whole looks very much looking forward to.

"do not know."

Zhang Lingtian replied with three words.

Mainly because he really didn't know.

After all, Ji Kun exploded that this was not his business at all, but the paparazzi's intentional traffic.

"Boss, we are all insiders now, but you really don't have to be so restrained."

Li Tiantian had a bitter expression.

The boss didn't know how to prevaricate with three words.

"So what are the insiders going to ask next? Yangshou? What position will you be in after the promotion?"

Zhang Lingtian glanced angrily.


As soon as Zhang Lingtian's voice fell, Li Tiantian was about to answer a voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Hello! Do you want to make an appointment for a funeral or buy funeral supplies?"

Jiang Xiaohan immediately got up to entertain, while Li Tiantian went to get a cup of hot water.

"No, no, we didn't make an appointment for the funeral, nor did we come here to buy funeral objects. We came to see Boss Zhang. Is Boss Zhang coming to work?"

At this time, the woman in her fifties with a haggard expression asked.

Beside the other party was a girl in her 20s, and the two looked alike.

But Zhang Lingtian didn't know them, and he didn't make an appointment in advance.

So he doesn't know who these two people are.

But since the door was open for business, and the other party came to him, of course he had to come out to greet him.

"That's me. May I ask what you two want from me? Let's talk in the reception room first."

At this moment, Zhang Lingtian got up and came over to ask, and invited them to the reception room for a detailed discussion.

"Boss Zhang, I came here today to ask you to save my brother! He is haunted by evil spirits!!"

The girl in her 20s spoke at the moment, looking very anxious.

"Haunted by evil spirits??"

Everyone in Baishipu was stunned when they heard this.

Isn't evil a word that only exists in myths and legends or various novels?
"Could it be that the spiritual energy has recovered?"

Li Tiantian's pupils constricted!
In the next second, he looked at Jiang Xiaohan next to him! !

Jiang Xiaohan raised three question marks.

"Li Tiantian, you have read too many novels!!"

Su Wei also came out.

The whole person looked unhappy.

You can't listen to others, you need to make up for a spiritual recovery first!
"Haunted by evil spirits??"

Zhang Lingtian was also stunned when he heard this.

"Yes, yes, my brother used to be in business. Later, when he went bankrupt and got into trouble, he always behaved strangely. He was either inexplicably excited or talking nonsense, or he just fell asleep for a long time. We asked him what was going on. He just said it's okay!"

The girl described it now.


 Ask for a wave of monthly tickets at the end of the month, everyone, please update earlier tomorrow! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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