I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 17 His name is Zhang Lingtian. After being followed, your lifespan is only 0 days!

Chapter 17 His name is Zhang Lingtian. After being followed, your lifespan is only zero days!


Jiang Xiaohan, Li Tiantian, and Su Wei gasped.

This is the evil door to open the door to the evil door, the evil door has come home? !

At this moment, the entire live broadcast room was extremely silent and quiet, and everyone was at a loss.

Should not be! !
Zhang Lingtian was extremely confused.

The system did not say that the probability of death in the next dangerous live broadcast is 20%, but the long-term mortality rate is only 90%.

Why did the other party get down as soon as he finished speaking?
Is the system playing with him?


"It's so cold!!"

"Looking at the disappearance of people, you still say that this is not a spell?"

"Bold Chang Wei, how dare you say you don't know martial arts! How does this person explain?"

"Just a weak reminder, have you forgotten the anchor's name?"

The water friends came back to their senses.

At this moment, it seemed that the cold air in the world was about to be sucked clean.

All of them just feel that Tianling is cool.

Because they found out that ad is spell!
Just a little bit let the other party get away with it!
At the same time, some water friends mentioned the name of the anchor.

"The anchor's name? By the way, I don't know what the anchor's name is yet!"

After all, many of them are newcomers.

No one knows the anchor's name.

"The locals in Chunjiang told you that his name is Zhang Lingtian!"

"Zhang Lingtian?!"


"Day Zero!!!"

Many water friends trembled inexplicably when they heard this name.

It turns out that the name already hinted at it!

Zhang Lingtian!
Anyone who has been followed by him will not live until tomorrow!

Because your Yangshou is only zero days!

"With this name, how dare you say that you are not the messenger of the underworld or the living king of Hades? Just admit it honestly, anchor!"

Water friends solve the case!

It's not easy just by the name!
"Why do you say that the anchor keeps covering up his identity? Isn't it good to admit it directly? This way you can be admired by others and gain all kinds of fame and fortune."

Some people also wondered why Zhang Lingtian didn't reveal his identity!

Wouldn't it be possible to gain fame and status in this way!
"Brother didn't have a childhood? Does Ao Cong Man know? Can you guess why people hide their identities when they come to the world?"

"Hiding the identity has the advantage of hiding the identity. First of all, it is convenient to do things. In fact, the living king has all kinds of treasures and spells on him. What if evil humans want to get these powers to harm the world? Also, the living king, You are a scientist, do you want to imprison the other party and study it? And gain all kinds of fame and fortune!"

"It's true. After Sai Wen exposed his identity, the human body was locked up directly, and Dyna Bumpman's human body Asuka was also imprisoned after being exposed. Those lunatics even created artificial Bumpman! If you are the anchor, you Would you like to be a human guinea pig?"

Fat Brother has two live broadcast rooms.

After the fat dragon fell.

The barrage of comments from the water friends immediately exploded.

First of all, I felt that his name was strongly suggestive, and normal people would not name it!

And combined with the five kills, Zhang Lingtian's identity as the living king of Hades was hammered, and at the same time, he found a bumpy behavior that he had never thought of.

In short, the painting style in this comment area is getting more and more outrageous.

And this moment.

Accompanied by the appearance of the living Hades.

There was also a large crowd in the live broadcast room.

All of a sudden, the popularity reached an unprecedented 130 million.

That is to say, the number of people online at the same time reached 13.

The number of followers of the fat brother has also increased significantly.

Came to more than 60 fans.

The ranking even reached the TOP3 in the eating and broadcasting area that they had dreamed of before.

ID Fat Brother has two data inspectors whose eyes are straight at the moment!

At this time, Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast room.

Jiang Xiaohan's posture was unprecedentedly upright.

An invisible pressure enveloped the whole body.

It turns out that the boss is really the King of Hades! !
That slogan is magic!


It was really almost fooled.


Looking at the eyes of the little assistant next to him, as if being deceived by a scumbag.

Zhang Lingtian didn't know what to say.

Because at this moment, his own heart is also shocked!

How did this man die?
It shouldn't be at all!

Also, the system did not prompt?
After it cools normally, the system will give a prompt that it is not.

But at this moment, the system seemed to be dead.

There was absolutely no sound.


Suddenly, a deep laughter resounded.

The unprepared headphone party almost died on the spot.

"Feilong, look at how you amuse everyone, this little guy named Ping'an Baishipu has become a bumpy human body!"

Fei En said with a smile.

Clearly pleased with their shenanigans.

It turned out that just after Feilong and Fei En made eye contact, they decided to take advantage of the situation to harvest a wave of traffic.

So he played a deadly prank.

Let the Ping An Burial Shop on the opposite side boast about it, and then they take the opportunity to refute each other, and let this kind of liar lose face.

In that way, they stand on the commanding heights of morality and gain traffic, which is a job that has the best of both worlds.

It's a pity that this big fish didn't take the bait, probably because he was really confused or something.

However, although this matter deviated from their previous direction, the result was unexpected.

They actually rushed to No.3 in the eating and broadcasting area.

The popularity has reached more than 130 million.

Fans added nearly [-] today!

It has to be said that the opportunity of the Internet is really as fast as lightning, and it takes off in an instant.

Once there is a slight hesitation, it is fleeting.


"What the hell?"

"Why did you suddenly come alive?"

"Who can tell me what happened??"



Seeing Feilong suddenly come alive.

Netizens are collectively stunned.

What's the situation? !


Jiang Xiaohan's beautiful eyes were fixed, full of surprise.

"Isn't he dead?"

Li Tiantian stared at the screen.

Stupid +1.

"Play dead??"

Su Wei seemed to understand.

The other party is pretending!
"I've let everyone down, I'm Fat Dragon, it's good that I'm not dead! I just took a nap just now, this brother from Ping'an Baishipu is not good enough, hahaha~"

Fat Dragon laughed with a playful look on his face.

Got so much attention.

Today's surprise show is right!
"Are you kidding me??"

"Make fun of us all? Grass!"

"The method of matching traffic is really high!"

"Brothers, don't get too excited. Feilong and I mainly want to tell you a truth. We must believe in science in the 21st century. There is no living Hades in this world, let alone messengers from the underworld."

Fei En said to the camera at this time.

It's really fast to increase fans.

How about teaming up with this big brother to make a double reed next time?

"Pfft——Old En, these young guys also say that Zhang Lingtian is called Zhang Lingtian. After being followed, Yangshou will count down to zero days. Don't you think it's funny?"

Feilong saw the comment, couldn't hold back anymore, and burst out laughing.

If so, he must die today.

It's a pity he is alive and well.

"Don't blame these little brothers, after all, no one has ever been young."

Fei En replied while eating strings.

"It's true, then let's teach the boss more lessons?"

Feilong asked.

Strike while the iron is hot.

Now you can't rely on eating and broadcasting to attract people who follow them.

"Must go to class!"

Fei En got up to get the meat.

"If you eat like this, something will happen sooner or later!"

"Hypertension: Here are a few fat people who are not afraid of death!"

"Diabetes: teach them a lesson?"

"Hyperlipidemia: Elbow?"

"Coronary heart disease: kill him!"

"ICU: Here comes brother!"

"Black and white impermanence: There is a guy here who is not afraid of death, this little fat guy is really too young, let's go, let's teach him a lesson"

"It's fine if you don't waste it, your body is yours and others don't care about it, but I saw a live broadcast next door who died suddenly while drinking, take care, I'll slip away first!"

"Although Baishipu's attention is useless to you, and you are lucky to be alive, I still suggest that you listen to what the other party said, don't overeat and overeat, which is not good for your health, and if you continue like this, you are really not far from death! "

"Brother, lose weight, eating like this will affect your life span!"

"Some people just don't listen, and even take other people's good intentions as a gimmick. It's really disgusting!"

It was discovered that he had been tricked.

Many accounts quit cursing.

On the other side, Zhang Lingtian also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everyone must believe in science. How can there be any ghosts, sprites, monsters, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, ghosts, and kings of Hades in this world? You see, have you been tricked?"

There are two live broadcast rooms for Quit Fat Brother, Zhang Lingtian took advantage of the situation and said.

It's going to be really cold.

His hat, the king of Hades, was so afraid of being welded to death on his head.

"Brother Tian, ​​we wronged you."

"So the most dangerous thing in this world is people!"

"Anchor, next time our dog dies, I will also help you with the funeral!"

"Should I make an appointment for our Erha in advance??"

Netizens burst into emotion!
The most dangerous thing is people.

At the end of the chat, some said they would send their pets over for the funeral.

Of course, Zhang Lingtian agreed on this.

After all, a funeral is all about money.

Pets are also welcome.

It doesn't matter that much.

"It's getting late, everyone should go back first."

Zhang Lingtian is finally downcast.

A day of ups and downs.

Finally passed.

He almost thought the system was tricking him.

It turned out that the guy was playing dead.

It's really a good job.

He was startled.

"Boss, let me treat you to dinner tonight. I'm really sorry."

Jiang Xiaohan looked at Zhang Lingtian.

Fake, all fake!
I misunderstood the boss!
"No, it's a big deal."

Zhang Lingtian waved his hand.

However, he was finally dragged to dinner by Jiang Xiaohan, Li Tiantian, and Su Wei.

Because these three people want to express their apologies.

the other side.

"Bah! Those things just now are really unpalatable!"


walking on the street.

Fat Dragon spit out a mouthful of foam.

"Buffet, how can it be delicious, but this merchant is also generous!"

Fei En spread her hands.

Money is the most fragrant.

"Hey, eating this crap all day long."

Feilong rubbed his belly.

"Why, do you still want to do something pure?"

Fei En saw what his partner was thinking.


Fat Dragon waved his hand.

Then went directly to the supermarket.

Half an hour later, in a house.

The whole table is full of dishes.

The two started fucking hard again.

While eating, Feilong slowly lay down on the table.

"It's all nonsense! If you get Zhang Lingtian's attention, you will live for zero days! This is simply slandering our boss!"

The other side is also eating.


 I just updated it today, but I haven’t actually finished writing it yet, because I haven’t refined it, and the envisaged plot has not been written yet, so I will continue to add words, stop at about [-] o’clock in the morning~, and ask for votes by the way. , strive to explode tomorrow! !
(End of this chapter)

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