I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 18 Not enough to live the king of hell?Die at night! (The 4400-word chapter is asking for ti

Chapter 18 Not enough to live the king of hell?Die at night! (The 4400-word chapter is asking for tickets! Please follow up)
Had some wine.

Li Tiantian spoke angrily.

She was cheated so badly!

Even my own account has been canceled.

"Actually, it's ridiculous to see those comments today. What kind of advertisement is that the boss of the spell has a secret? He wants to hide his identity like a Bumpman human body, or he will become a human guinea pig."

Jiang Xiaohan spread his hands.

The more rumors are passed on, the more outrageous they are.

"Yes! This is completely nonsense! Now this network environment likes to create all kinds of anxiety and panic, and it's just spread like this by one person, alas, my account!"

Li Tiantian is very excited!
And the heart is broken.

She canceled her video account because of the good deeds of those people who created public opinion panic on the Internet.

"Don't you still have a tuba?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked.

"Ahem, there is indeed one more, and I have also paid close attention to the boss."

Li Tiantian's cloudy weather turned sunny.

Open Douyin.

"No, Tiantian, why did you change the name to this?"

Seeing that Li Tiantian's account name is '111', Jiang Xiaohan was puzzled.

"That's not because the boss used to be evil, thinking that he really has spells and is the king of hell, just to avoid him from paying attention to me, I made a popular name. Anyway, many of the boss's followers have such a name."

Li Tiantian spread her hands.

"So don't follow blindly, you must understand in many ways. For example, I always think that Brother Tian is a normal human being just like us. The only thing that is different from me is that he is handsome. Haven't been followed by a million-level anchor~"

Su Wei took a sip of beer at this time, with a smile on his face.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Ah Wei, you have changed, you have learned to flatter our boss, but I also want attention!"

Li Tiantian also looked at Zhang Lingtian.

Being followed by a million-level anchor, just think about it~
"Okay, okay, I will pay attention to you all later, and so will Xiaohan."

Zhang Lingtian squinted a smile.

This kind of atmosphere is a normal employee atmosphere.

It was really too reserved before.

"Thank you Brother Tian, ​​but how can this be flattery? You just say whether our Brother Tian is a million-level, handsome or not, and it's over!"

Su Wei asked Li Tiantian back.

"Uh..., there is no doubt that the million-level is handsome, but there is one thing that I can't figure out, boss. You are not young at your age and you are so handsome. Why don't you find a girlfriend?"

Have to admit.

The boss is really handsome.

Just like the male god in the TV series.

But he is so handsome, why he is still single now, I don't understand.

"Yes, boss, why?"

Jiang Xiaohan is also very interested in this.

Anyway, I haven't seen the boss have a girlfriend for such a long time here, and I have been single all the time, which is very abnormal.

Generally speaking, a person with the qualifications of the boss has several girlfriends and they all believe it.

"No one wants it?"

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

"No one wants???"

The three looked at each other.

Can they believe this nonsense?
It's obvious that I'm lying to them!
"Do I look like a liar?"

Seeing these three people acting like the boss, you are not lying to us, Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

Although this year is 28 years old.

But this life has never been in love.

Also not interested.

After all, he is still young.


Three, you look at me, I look at you.

I feel that the boss's expression really doesn't look like a lie.

the other side.

The 18th floor of a community in Chunbei City.

"Feilong, don't say that your performance today is really perfect, we directly gained nearly [-] followers!"

Fei En patted Fei Long on the shoulder.

so perfect!

"Brother Long, admire, admire!!"

The camera and the operation staff are also full of praise.

[-] followers.

Today's live broadcast income is nearly [-] yuan!
It is the highest day in history.

"Hurry up, kid, let's not get drunk tonight, and find someone to play the oboe with us later, I believe it won't take long!!"

Fei En raised his glass, wanting to have a few drinks with his good partner.

"Brother Long, I respect you too! It's just around the corner to become a TOP10 anchor in the eating and broadcasting area and be promoted to a million anchors!"

At this moment, the operation also raised its glass.

However, Fat Dragon was still lying on the table.

There was no movement at all.

"What's the matter with you guy? Didn't you say you were still hungry and made something at night, why did you turn off the fire and go to sleep now? Get up for me!"

Fern stood up.

Then came behind Feilong.

Want to frame each other up.

After all, he usually didn't go to bed so early. Tonight, the arrow was on the string, and the fire was turned off before it was sent out. It was unreasonable.


Suddenly, Fei En lifted up suddenly.

Feilong's hand seemed to be out of control, and he flung it over.

In an instant, the opponent's bowl and chopsticks fell directly to the ground.


One of the fingers accidentally touched the hot pot.

In an instant, the operating personnel jumped in surprise.

"Fat Dragon!"

Although Fei En hugged him from behind.

But exerting all his strength is only able to lift the opponent slightly.


It was the sound of benches rubbing against each other.

"Bang dang!!"

The chair overturned.

The fat dragon is like a puddle of soft mud, just flowing on the ground.

"Brother Long!!"

Operators are confused!
Hastily stepped forward.

"what happened to him?"

Fei En asked anxiously.

"Brother Long doesn't seem to be breathing?"

Operation put his hand next to Fat Dragon's nose.

Soon they discovered a terrifying scene.

Not only was Feilong not breathing, his heartbeat even stopped!

"Hurry up and hit the demon [-]!!"

Fei En yelled!
Immediately afterwards, he joined forces with others to flatten the fat dragon and perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation!

Beep beep!

Because the community is next to the hospital.

An ambulance arrived soon.


No heartbeat!
The defibrillator is used, but there is still no heartbeat!
"Quick! Put the person on the stretcher!!"

Although about 5 minutes of cardiac arrest is the golden rescue period, in fact, it is possible to recover within 10 minutes with the assistance of professional equipment.

So send it to the emergency room first.

"Lift up!!"


Shouted one by one!
My veins are about to explode!


Stretchers seem to be under pressure like never before.

It's a bit bent now!

"Why eat so much, how do you carry it down now, you can't even get out the door!!"

It's just too heavy.

More than 300 catties.

The people who followed the ambulance one by one could not be lifted on stretchers.

Of course, it was carried out in the end.

The fire department was called.

It's a pity that when I went to the emergency room of the hospital, it was covered with a white cloth.

sudden death.

There is no need for rescue.

"Dead, dead??"

Emergency room door.

Fei En's pupils constricted!

The doctor's words to inform the family members to come over to deal with funeral affairs spun in his mind.

The other party was still talking and laughing with him half an hour ago.

But just for a while without warning.

People just disappeared.

"Brother En, do you think the one today is really the King of Hades?"

Operations sucked.

Reminds me of the scene during the live broadcast today.

"Zhang Lingtian, after being followed, the countdown to Yangshou is zero days..."


The chair was taught a lesson.

bears a weight that does not belong to it.

Because Fei En, who was out of his mind, hit his ass on it.

At the same time, he muttered to himself.

Evil door!

It's really too evil.

Their health is not as good as normal people, that's for sure.

It's not like something will happen as soon as he pays attention, especially if he is really dead, there is no chance of rescue!

"In four days, plus us, he paid attention to five IDs, five people died, and one was admitted to a mental hospital."

The tone of the operation is also very suffocating.

Could it be that he really offended the gods?

There have been myths and legends in this world since ancient times, as well as various deeds of demons and ghosts.

Just ask, if there were no such things.

So how did these stories come about?
The operation itself is a bit of a believer in this.

He felt that the existence of some nouns must have his reflection behind them.

"We still trust you, boss. If you want to fall in love, we can introduce you!"

Several people chatted happily.

They all believed in Zhang Lingtian.

And want to introduce his girlfriend enthusiastically.

"Okay, but we still have to start our business first. To make our business bigger, you will be veterans by then, and life must be as comfortable as it is."

Zhang Lingtian did not forget to draw big pictures for his employees when he was eating... Telling about the grand vision of the future and a better life.

These days, doing business to make money is the kingly way.

Let's talk about love and the like.

"Boss, recently many manufacturers have approached us for cooperation. Anyway, most of our business in Ping An Baishi Shop is to sell funeral supplies. It is completely feasible to live broadcast online and bring goods. Now our commission can be increased by 20% if we reach a million fans, and the pit fee is also cheap. Not much, someone who has a product has given 50!"

Jiang Xiaohan is responsible for these matters.

At this time, report to Zhang Lingtianhui.

Many brands are now looking for her.

It is to seek cooperation.

"20% commission, 50 pit fee? Oh my god!!!"

Li Tiantian's eyes lit up when she heard this.

At that time, the boss will set up the company.

She is the number three employee.

Proper old man.


Suddenly, when Li Tiantian was looking forward to the future, the phone rang!

"Boss, Miss Xiaohan, eat first, I'll answer the phone."

Li Tiantian took out her phone.

"Okay, have some tea, boss, do you want it?"

Jiang Xiaohan was pouring tea.

"Give it to me too..."

【Ding!Host concern client is dead. 】


Watch these tips.

Zhang Lingtian was stunned.

what? ?

died? ?

next second.

Li Tiantian's phone fell directly to the ground.

She stared wide-eyed.

It was as if ants were crawling all over his body, he was inexplicably uncomfortable, and there was still dense sweat on his forehead.

"Tiantian, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Li Tiantian's lost soul and fidgeting, Jiang Xiaohan immediately asked suspiciously.

"What's the matter?"

Su Wei bowed his head to help pick up the phone.

I was so flustered that I couldn't hold my phone steady.

"Fat, Fat Dragon is dead."

Li Tiantian said five words slowly with a dull expression.


In the next moment, the hot pot was obviously steaming, but the scene was extremely cold.

"Fake, fake, right?"

Su Wei's mouth twitched.

"Tiantian, this is not a joke. He must be playing some prank to cheat traffic again, right?"

Jiang Xiaohan didn't believe it either.

The boss looked sincere today, and also clarified that it was an accident!
On the contrary, there are two ID fat brothers.

Disgusting everyone today.

Actually use this kind of thing to cheat traffic.

"It must be cheating traffic! These two guys have a criminal record!"

Su Wei is also very firm!
"It's true. My classmate in Chunbei called me just now and said that Feilong died. She was one of the rescuers. She couldn't lift her up after she went there. Finally, the firefighters were called..."

Li Tiantian spoke quietly.

Today, she just complained to this classmate about Fat Brother. Two ID bloggers used their boss to cheat traffic, and even mocked each other.

As a result, I received a call from her that night.

Fat Dragon is dead.


In an instant, the three of them felt cold behind their backs.

That kind of déjà vu is like the ghost standing behind you in a horror movie and you look back.

【Feilong, a native of Chunbei City, weighing 350 catties, the cause of death was sudden death caused by overeating. 】

[Whether to undertake the funeral of Feilong, the system reward can be opened for undertaking the funeral. 】

[The host chose to undertake Feilong's funeral. 】

[Reminder: System rewards will be issued after the host successfully undertakes the funeral. 】

Zhang Lingtian also received a system prompt.

And also got the cause of Feilong's death.

sudden death.

Because it is next door to Chunbei City.

So he chose to undertake the funeral.

At the same time, I also want to see what the rewards of this system will be.

"Looking so fat and overeating, let's see what happened."

Seeing three pairs of eyes staring at him, Zhang Lingtian spread his hands slightly.

"Yeah, you shouldn't overeat! Boss, I'll go to the bathroom first."

Li Tiantian got up immediately!
[Prompt: Does '111' cancel the account? 】

[The account has been successfully canceled. 】

She canceled her other tuba again.

Ask her why?

If you pay attention to this, it's okay?

If you really believe that this is an accident, your brain is enough!
"Boss, I'm going to the bathroom too!"

Jiang Xiaohan walked quickly.

Swish, sink.

Without makeup, she washed her face.

Hastily changed the account name.

"Ah, I drank too much beer! Hold my pee!"

Su Wei also ran away.

"This...as for?"

Zhang Lingtian was helpless.

With Fat Dragon’s body size, I don’t pay attention to eating indiscriminately. It’s normal for accidents to happen, okay?

【Ping An funeral shop】

【Penta Kill】

[Fat brother has two fat dragons died suddenly]

[Really live Hades?Another one died! 】

The scarf was once again on the hot search list.

"The fat man was still groaning during the day and was not good enough to live the king of Hades, but he died at night! It's terrible!"

"Yan Wang told you to die at the third watch, who would dare to keep you until the fifth watch? The king of hell told you not to overeat, but just after eating the buffet, he went back to eat hot pot again. He didn't listen to the persuasion! You deserve it! It's just that those who were forced to go to class after hard work doctors and firefighters!"

Fat Dragon's death fermented quickly.

Especially when the firefighters are here.

Many people have also seen it.

Someone even took a video.

"Actually, I miscalculated the time before. His rule is probably counting the time of death."

The prophet is out again.

"If counting the time of death, brother Yang reminded me in the morning, and the accident happened in the evening, and it took about 9 hours for the box to land. The second Meizhao sister reminded me that the accident happened at noon in the morning, about three hours. After Lily reminded me on foot, the accident happened, and the rescue team and medical team arrived. Officials at the scene said that they arrived in 45 minutes to participate in the rescue, but I think it needs to be refined, after all, everyone knows the Tianzang Line, so the death time of the other party is likely to be in the early hours."

"Little cook Taitai did faint, but she may not have died at the time. She died after being rescued after being sent to the hospital. I counted it as an hour here, and it took about five or ten minutes for this Fat Dragon to broadcast after paying attention to the final accident. minute."

The prophet continued to analyze, and he looked confident.

"Brother said that the time is constantly shortening?"

"It is indeed shortening constantly, and the logic of this analysis makes sense in an instant!!"

"Hey guy, we've all been tricked by him!"

"Zhang Lingtian, with his attention, he really can't survive a day! Only zero days!"

"The King of Hades is alive again! I advise brothers to close their accounts immediately when they see each other enter the live broadcast room!"

"Close the account? Log out directly!!"

"Yeah, my life is important!"

For a while, the Internet began to discuss again.

It was as if he wanted to weld the hat of the living Hades onto his head.

However, the joys and sorrows of human beings are not interlinked.

It was noisy outside like rain.

Zhang Lingtian brushed Douyin leisurely.

After all, they all went to the toilet.

[The small speaker of the Douyin system reminds you: The Disciplinary Inspection Commission of the entertainment industry has torn onions to settle in Douyin, come and watch. 】

Brush and brush.

A message flashed on the top of Zhang Lingtian's phone.


 4400 words are delivered, Tuesday is the key to arrange recommendations on Thursday, everyone, please follow up and read to count the votes, otherwise it will be cool~
(End of this chapter)

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