I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 19 He just has a lot of girlfriends, the real crime is not death!

Chapter 19 He just has a lot of girlfriends, the real crime is not death!
"Tear the onion??"

Zhang Lingtian paused for a second while watching the small speaker prompt.

Didn't expect him to come to Douyin too.

The other party is broadcasting live?

Say something?
Zhang Lingtian was a little curious.

It's also good to listen to him spit on people in the entertainment industry to kill time in Douyin.

In this way, Zhang Lingtian followed the link of the small speaker and entered the Tear Onion live broadcast room.

[Reminder: The exclusive privilege for millions of fans entering the live broadcast room has been issued. 】

When you click to enter the live broadcast room.

Zhang Lingtian found a pop-up window in front of him.

"Actually, the entertainment industry is a very boring place... He didn't give 500 million, he gave it in batches, like 1000 million to [-] million at a time."

Click an X.

Enter the live broadcast room in half a second.

The name of the live broadcast room is Tear Onion.

The other party inside is sitting in front of the computer.

Then answer the questions raised by some water friends in the live broadcast room.

It looks very friendly.

"Brother Onion, you have come to Douyin too!"

"Hiss, it's unbelievable, Brother Onion himself started the live broadcast!"

"Yeah, isn't Douyin very popular recently? In fact, I also have an account and one of the directors of Douyin is my friend. I suggested that I start a live broadcast to chat with everyone, so I came over."

[Reminder: Ping An Bai Shi Shop enters the live broadcast room. 】

The live broadcast room where the onions were suddenly torn apart.

A bold red barrage flashed.

"A friend is the director?"

"The boss' social circle is really scary!"

"Huh? I just saw something flashing by, Ping An Shishi Shop?!"

"It's Ping'an Shishi Shop, but this is the live broadcast room for tearing onions, how did the other party come in?!"

"Could it be..."

"Brother Onion, run away!!"

"Run away, Brother Onion!!!"

After upgrading to become a million-level anchor.

Zhang Lingtian's account got the exclusive privilege issued by Douyin.

That is, when entering someone else's live broadcast room, a red and bold system prompt will appear.

So it's different from entering Fat Brother's two live broadcast rooms in the evening, and he was noticed after he spoke.

Now he has just entered the live broadcast room, and he has been followed directly.

As for why the privilege of millions of fans is only released now, he doesn't know.

Perhaps it will be automatically distributed within 24 hours after reaching the million followers achievement.

However, the feeling of suddenly becoming the focus is inexplicably uncomfortable.

After all, he just came here to listen to the onions being torn and blowing water and farting to relieve boredom, so he really didn't want to be too conspicuous.

"call out--"

The live broadcast room where the onions were suddenly torn apart.

A lot of people rocketed off one by one.

"Brother Onion, run!!"

With Douyin's setting, the rocket can post bold and bold bullet screens.

"Run, Brother Onion! The King of Hades is coming!!"

With a thud.

Another rocket takes off.

"Why is everyone picking up rockets? No need, no need."

Tear Onion saw everyone picking up rockets one by one.

Immediately waved his hand.

Said that he really didn't need it.

He was just invited to do a live broadcast today.

And he really doesn't like the small amount of reward.

"Run? What do you mean??"

Suddenly, Tie Onion saw the red and enlarged barrage, and a puzzled light appeared in his eyes.

"That's right, hurry up and run away! The King of Hades is here! Don't let him pay attention to you!"

Another rocket flies out!
"Ping'an Beishi Shop: I'll simply come in and watch, everyone, don't get excited."


Zhang Lingtian in front of the screen was very messy.

He just went into a live broadcast room to watch Tie Onion talk about something funny.

At least something that he, a dick, can't touch.

In the end, I didn't expect to tell the other party to run away.

What's more, they asked Tie Cong to log out of his account.

Is this about?

【Ding!The system scan starts. 】

[Scanning object: ID Wang tearing onion]

[Danger signal: I like nightlife, the probability of next occurrence is 5%! 】

[Customer attributes: low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host can choose to follow or not. 】

Suddenly at this very moment.

A voice came from Zhang Lingtian's mind.

It turned out that the system started scanning.

The scanning is over, tearing the onion is low risk.

Only 5%.

It can be said to be very safe.

Nothing will happen at all!

"I believe you?"

"Stop pretending, you are the messenger of the underworld hiding in the world!"

"Brother Onion, don't be confused by him, run away while the other party didn't say that spell and didn't pay you any attention!!"

No one believed Zhang Lingtian.

This man is the reincarnation of the god of death.

The living Hades of the world.

Whoever really believed him would be out of his mind.

"Huh? Hellbringer? Spell? Run away? I found everyone very interesting today."

The torn onion confuses the double chin.

Although it is a bit unlucky to do white business, but he is free to go to the live broadcast room!
Why does it feel like everyone is so excited.

"It's over, it's over, Brother Onion doesn't believe it!"

"Brother Onion, I suggest you Baidu to search for Brother Jiyang, Sister Meizhao, Walking Lily, Little Chef Taitai, and Brother Fat!"

"Hiss——, I'm shivering after reading this, brother Cong, hurry up and run away, this Ping An Shishi Shop is really not safe at all, and this person is called Zhang Lingtian! It is rumored that as long as he pays attention to you, your lifespan is only zero days. You know!!"


Tear the onion and double the confusion.

His name is Zhang Lingtian, and he only has a lifespan of zero days. Is he really so evil? ?

Is it false rumors?
Because of the different circles, Tie Cong didn't pay attention to Zhang Lingtian's affairs, so it was still blank.

"There are two fat brothers. There is a fat man named Fat Dragon who eats and broadcasts. Did you know that there was news of his death just now?"

"Yes, this person was only paid attention in the evening, and he still clamored that he was not good enough to live the King of Hades. As a result, he died at night. The hospital is only 5 minutes away from home, and he couldn't save him!"

"This man has sorcery! Brother Onion! Seriously, run away!!!"

The sky is full of rockets.

One by one, they persuaded Tear Onion to run away.

Stop broadcasting.

And the other side.

News of Feilong's death has spread.

[There are two fat brothers and only one left]

【Feilong is confirmed dead】

[Participants in the rescue: The 350-jin stretcher collapsed and was carried out by four firefighters. 】

[A certain official website: I am leaving tonight, everyone pay attention to your body and don't overeat. @Everyone]

[A certain Xinwang: What can I say, life is not only about eating and drinking, there are two fat brothers and now there is only one person left, and I can do it and cherish it. 】

Major media sites reported on it one after another.

Because this is actually a counterexample that is enough to warn others.

"My condolences, brothers, don't overeat!"

"Overeating is too harmful to the body."

"Young bosses and video bosses teach fat idiots a lesson!"

"I ate all the food in this life, so I left, don't overdo everything!"

"Why didn't I see how delicious his food was... Obviously trying to hold on."

"Many times I feel that I can't eat anymore. I still eat it for the sake of the video. I sacrifice my health for the sake of making money. I don't know if he will regret it later."

"I once again saw the horror of the living hell king. The other party just said not to overeat, but this guy really ate to death at night!"

"The same goes for the little cook. She just reminded her to pay attention to her body, but she died suddenly."

Many netizens commented one after another.

Think of this kind of thing as sacrificing your health to make money.

It is not desirable at all!
Of course, there are also many netizens who feel numb behind their backs.

Everyone still vividly remembers the message of the Living Hades yesterday.

at the same time.

The heat of death also drove the video of Fat Brother Youliang.

"I feel that the appearance of eating is terrible. The fattest fat man's dark face is not in the same style as the people around him. There must be something wrong with his body!"

"It left half an hour ago."

"I only saw this video when I saw him leave. It was obvious before that, and I didn't care about it in order to squeeze out the last bit of value."

"I also clicked from the video of his death. Feilong passed away at the age of 27. It's a good journey! This also warns us that we should stop when we love food! Don't overeat!"

Under Feilong's video.

Many netizens are leaving messages.

Don't overeat has become the most frequent sentence.

"Brother Tian, ​​what's wrong with your expression?"

The three of them went to the bathroom at the same time and came back.

Everyone has a mobile phone in their hand.

No one knows what the three of them did.

Even if you go to the toilet at different times, you can still come back at the same time.

But when they came back, they saw Zhang Lingtian's expression was messed up.

Immediately puzzled.

"It's nothing, just watch the live broadcast."

Zhang Lingtian shrugged.

The comments in the tearing onion live broadcast room are really exaggerated. He really didn't come in this time to talk about business and advertise.

And the probability of tearing shallots is 5%.

How could something happen!

What is low risk?
That is, there is no risk!

But he didn't want to explain.

Because I am afraid that it will become more and more black.

"live streaming?"

Seeing the boss playing Douyin, the hearts of the three trembled.

Whose unlucky guy is it this time?

"Haha, are you exaggerating?"

There is no Baidu for tearing onions.

He is a staunch atheist.

There are no such things as gods and ghosts living in hell in this world.

"This voice..."

The three of them looked at each other for a moment.

"Tear the onion!!!"

Li Tiantian's eyes were staring like hyperthyroidism, and she felt dizzy!
"Wow! Brother Tian, ​​don't do it! The onion tearer is still very good, he just has more girlfriends, so he won't die!!"


(End of this chapter)

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