I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 174 1 piece of yellow paper 1 ancient tomb, global fryer! !

Chapter 174 One piece of yellow paper, one ancient tomb, the global fryer! !
Face slaps come too fast, like a tornado?


I personally tested that there are no lucky funeral objects at all!

There can't be two identical leaves in this world, but for the sake of truth, he is similar to the yellow paper signatures he sent out before.

"Boss! In other words, the tomb of Genghis Khan, who has been looking crazy at home and abroad but has never been found, is likely to be seen again!!!"

Not to mention how excited Li Tiantian was.

After all, if you come from an artistic background, your thinking is more active.

Especially now that he is still engaged in the work of a beautician.

How should I put it, one of her hobbies is to watch a certain satellite TV documentary exploring ancient tombs.

At that time, there was a special talk about the tomb of Genghis Khan.

At that time, the opening was Genghis Khan's will.

The other party said inside: "Let the world never find his tomb and make him a mystery forever." '

And the other party has indeed done it. For thousands of years, countless people have spent countless painstaking efforts, but they still haven't found the real location of Genghis Khan's mausoleum.

Even in the 20th century, archaeologists have a large number of detection instruments, but still can't find any definite clues.

Foot pot chicken, sauce country and other countries have spent huge sums of money to find, but still nothing.

There is even a billionaire in the Jiangjiang country who took out all his savings and formed an expedition to find it, but he still ran into walls everywhere.

Before that, everyone has been guessing where Genghis Khan's tomb is, whether it is in Tutu territory or the outer grassland country next door to Tutu.

Now if we really find something from the era of Genghis Khan, it must be in the Wunan area, this will be a big breakthrough in history!

As for the burial, these countries fawned over the foreign grassland countries in every possible way, and it will eventually become a joke.

But these have to wait.

Look at the specific expert appraisal situation.

"Hahahaha! I can't stop laughing! Boss Zhang was slapped in the face!"

"Boss Zhang just set up the flag, and you rushed forward and said that you found the ancient tomb of Genghis Khan. I think Li Tiantian, you are afraid that you want to enjoy employee benefits!!"

"Actually, how should I put it, I was almost fooled by Boss Zhang just now, and his acting skills have really soared during this period of time when he came to the world."

"Now his acting skills are also soaring. Look at that shocked little expression, it's almost real. Let's go make a movie. I think it shouldn't be a problem to get a best actor."

"I've been watching the live broadcast, and the Wunan fisherman is also watching. I was stunned when I found the ancient bricks and tiles, especially the brothers in the comment area said that it was from the era of Genghis Khan, and said that they immediately reported to the Institute of Archeology to arrive at the scene quickly. He was completely stunned at the time, he really found an ancient tomb with just a piece of yellow paper."

"It's of interest, the top experts in the industry have already passed, and a team has been sent to protect the scene."

The live broadcast is also going on at the moment, and everyone naturally heard these words of Li Tiantian and Zhang Lingtian.

At the same time, there are repeat viewers, and they all know about it.

Everyone is praising the acting skills of this boss is really awesome.


At this moment, Lei Hu was in a daze the whole time.

Although what the other party said was true, he didn't believe Boss Zhang's nonsense just now.

After all, he is still a bit unsure about his own luck.

If he was really lucky enough to win 22 out of 21 lottery tickets and earn 10,000+ a day, he wouldn't be as melancholy as he is now.

But he didn't expect someone to be so outrageous.

Going wild fishing accidentally discovered the ancient tomb of Genghis Khan.

He doesn't know how to describe his mood now.

There is only a sad self-report in my heart.

Anyone can be more fucking pissed off than that!

I got a lucky funeral item, that is, I won more than [-] yuan in the lottery. Some people used it as a talisman, and some people directly found the ancient tomb of Genghis Khan and became famous! !

There is nothing wrong with saying that people are more angry than others.

"It's probably just some tiles. It's not so easy to find Sihan's ancient tomb. After all, there have been many troubles before."

Zhang Lingtian waved his hand and said, after all, the real test has not started yet.

Oolong troubles have happened before.

For example, in the Jiangjiang country, some people came here to find the tomb of Genghis Khan. It is said that there are so many gold and silver treasures that are comparable to the tomb of the first emperor. During the exploration, some tiles from the era of Genghis Khan were found, and finally found to be a big oolong.

"It is."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded slightly when he heard this.

Indeed, there is no authoritative evidence that these tiles are the tomb of Genghis Khan.

"Xiaohan, go and wash those fruits."

Zhang Lingtian said to Jiang Xiaohan at this moment.


Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

"Sister Xiaohan, the boss still doesn't admit it! The most important thing is that he not only doesn't admit it, but also pretends to be shocked!!"

They left the reception room.

Li Tiantian said as if she couldn't bear to complain.

"The boss' expression is indeed very real."

Jiang Xiaohan spoke now.

Even she felt that the boss's expression was almost the same as that of a real person.

"Do you think Brother Tian really didn't know that the lucky rune could find Genghis Khan's tomb? That's why he was so surprised!"

Of course, Su Wei heard that the boss said that he was going to wash the fruit just now to send them away.

After all, it was a live broadcast at the time.

It's not easy to say these things.

But now he has another question, is it possible that the boss really doesn't know.

"Awei, is your brain trapped by the door? How could you not know about this kind of thing? Obviously, the boss is pretending to not expose himself. Anyway, it's the kind that refuses to admit it. It's similar to what Miss Xiaohan said back then. My boss can't take the initiative to expose himself because of the requirements of certain tasks, even if the facts are in front of him, he still has to pretend to be stupid."

Li Tiantian looked back when she said this, but the boss was not there.

If the boss was behind her back, she wouldn't dare to say such things.

After all, he had just been thrown last time.

"Although this lucky funeral item was indeed made by the boss, and the signature was also signed by him, but the boss's expression is too real, as if he really doesn't know, so I prefer the boss to start the dungeon mission."

Su Wei looked a little thoughtful at the moment.

"Dungeon mission?!"

Li Tiantian was stunned when she heard these four words, and Jiang Xiaohan was also surprised.

"That's right, even though lucky funeral objects can bring luck, the boss doesn't know what kind of luck will come. It must be an accident to find the address of Genghis Khan's tomb directly, so the boss's expression is so surprised!"

Su Wei expressed his own analysis.


After Su Wei said this sentence, Li Tiantian looked a little hesitant.

Because she felt that it seemed to be right.

"Miss Xiaohan, what do you think?"

Su Wei also wanted to hear Jiang Xiaohan's thoughts.

After all, the other party has always been more rational, not like Li Tiantian's thoughts that have no standard for a while.

"Didn't the boss say it? I haven't confirmed whether it is Genghis Khan's tomb yet. Why do you think so much?"

Jiang Xiaohan spread her hands slightly, and then took the fruit to wash.

If he analyzed it carefully, he would still approve of Su Wei's analysis.

Maybe he knows that funeral objects can bring luck, but the way to get lucky is completely different for everyone.

It looked like an accident.

That's why he denies it.

It's just that the other party didn't expect that someone would discover Genghis Khan's ancient tomb with his lucky funeral objects.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party's acting skills have improved to a higher level.


Su Wei and Li Tiantian were at the door of the tea room, looking at Miss Xiaohan who seemed to be integrated with the boss at the moment, and sighed inwardly.

"This is the boss' right-hand assistant, Ah Wei, who suddenly feels that we still have a long way to go."

At this moment Li Tiantian sighed.

"Actually, your journey is quite short."

Just when the atmosphere in the Baishi shop was full of atmosphere, Su Wei suddenly said something.


In the next second, Li Tiantian's expression turned into a confused face.

in the reception room.

"Boss Zhang doesn't need it, you can just eat the fruit, but you are right, after all, it is not sure whether it is the tomb of Genghis Khan, and it is too early to make a conclusion."

At this moment, Lei Hu half agreed with Boss Zhang's words.

"That's right, the current media is trying to create a little gimmick."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

This is not the first time that tiles have been found.

"But Boss Zhang, no matter what, I still thank you very much, and I actually have a little selfishness in coming here today, that is, can I ask you for advice? You also know that Li Dazhuang and the others are developing very well now. I recently It also hit a bottleneck.”

At this moment, Lei Hu looked at Zhang Lingtian.

If possible, he would also like to ask himself what direction to develop in the future.

"Dog thief!!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! My back teeth are about to shatter! You actually took this opportunity to ask Boss Zhang to give you some advice!"

"Come on someone to kill this guy. You won 10,000+ with the lucky funerary goods and you even got the qualification to explore the Ping An Memorial Store. Now you still have to give me some advice! You won another big prize tonight, right!!"

As soon as this remark came out, the live broadcast room was boiling.

Everyone is calling Leihu a dog thief.

The envy, jealousy and hatred almost overflowed the screen!

"Next time you can get lucky funeral objects."

Some people also attribute this to the reason for lucky funeral objects.

Perhaps Boss Zhang has a certain rule, that is, he who gets the lucky funeral item has to meet the other party or something.

Of course it's all fantasy and not sure.

"Da Zhuang is relying on himself, and I can't help much, and the netizens' advice is just too much to deify me. In the end, you still have to rely on yourself. For example, I think your live broadcast adventure is not bad. "

Zhang Lingtian said to the anchor Lei Hu called Detective Lei.

[Skill prediction: Prediction and analysis based on 'ID Outdoor Thunder Detective', tour 79 points, explanation 65, cooking 55...]

Just now he scanned the outdoor detective, and unexpectedly discovered that the other party's specialty is travel and explanation.

[Returned to the previous level. 】

Zhang Lingtian clicked back after reading.

[Scan object: ID Outdoor Thunder Detective. 】

[Account Subject: Leihu]

[Occupation: Internet adventure anchor. 】

[Bad information: Go to a place with certain risks. 】

[Danger signal: 1% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger location: None for now. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Customer Attributes: Temporarily low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host can pay attention to it or not. 】

After checking the opponent's information panel, Zhang Lingtian quit.

"Ah? Boss Zhang, can you explain in more detail?"

Lei Hu didn't expect that Boss Zhang would want him to continue to choose exploration videos.

But he felt that there was no way to do this.

Homogenization is too serious.

"In short, you can take a long-term view. The places you explore don't have to be in the deep mountains and old forests. You can also travel around the world and explore everywhere. Just like your name, Detective Lei, Detective Lei who explores everywhere."

Zhang Lingtian said a few words in passing.

The main reason is that he feels that this Leihu is sincere enough.

So I just said a few more words.

"Long-term vision, the real detective? Boss Zhang, I know! Thank you!!!"

Lei Hu's eyes brightened instantly when he heard this!
Then he bowed ninety degrees to thank Zhang Lingtian.

"You're welcome, because what I said is just a suggestion. It's up to you whether to do it or not."

There is something to say.

It's man-made.

How well you do a thing is entirely up to you.

"Boss Zhang! I will definitely not let you down! I didn't bring much money with me today. Boss Zhang will give you this card! I'll send you the password later!!"

Lei Hu directly took out a bank card.

"no, I'm fine."

Zhang Lingtian rejected it.

After all, I just gave a random suggestion, where can I ask for the other party's money.

If you really want to give money, it's not too late to give it later when you get up.

He used this kind of words to push away the other party.

Then Thunder Tiger left.

"Honestly speaking, there are many mountains and rivers recently. I am bored of exploring caves and the like. In fact, Boss Zhang's suggestion is good. If you really go out to shoot, I will be the first to follow!"

"+1, Boss Zhang's words are feasible, I hope you, Detective Lei, can become the second Li Dazhuang! Their video is too high, I don't know if he misinterpreted what Boss Zhang meant. / Tears. "

"By the way, I want to ask Inspector Lei, do you really believe what Boss Zhang said that there are no lucky funeral objects in this world? What do you think of Boss Zhang?"

After leaving Ping An Shishi Shop, many people asked.

All of them looked very curious.

"I don't want to become Li Dazhuang. It's only a few days before the other party is heading towards 400 million Internet celebrities. I don't even have a fraction of him. As for the lucky funeral items, I honestly believe it, because I know my own luck. It's not that easy at all, it's just that Genghis Khan's tomb is a bit suspicious."

Lei Hu expressed his thoughts.

As for the last boss Zhang, he also answered.

I feel that Boss Zhang is not as scary as in the legend.

In fact, the other party is still very good.

"If you really have doubts in your heart, you can actually ask Boss Zhang."

Lei Hu continued to add.

"Tch, we still want to live longer."

"That's right, you are the winner of a lucky funeral item. We have nothing to dare to go directly to Boss Zhang."

"Going to Boss Zhang if you have something to do is a waste of time, but going to Boss Zhang if you have nothing to do is a waste of life! You can't do it!"

Water friends expressed their withdrawal one after another.

Don't turn around and point out the maze. If you fail, you will be forced to draw a circle on the book of life and death.

Ping An funeral shop.

"The boss has eaten."

It's lunch time.

I saw Jiang Xiaohan shouting at this moment.


In the tea room, everyone began to eat at noon.

The TV news began to report about Wu Nan.

[2. Shock in the archaeological world, it is suspected that the tomb of Sihan was found to be "boiling", "hot" and "explosive"]

Two points, one entry is on the hot search.

[News front line: It is rumored that the anchor 'Wunan Fisherman' who got the lucky funerary item today went fishing in the wild, and accidentally found some tiles from the Genghis Khan era in the wild fishing spot. It has been taken over by the team, and relevant experts are rushing to the scene. 】

After clicking on it, it was a post from the front line of news.

There is a big sticker on it, which is suspected to have found the tomb of Genghis Khan.

"What the hell? Found the tomb of Genghis Khan?"

"Going fishing with yellow paper in hand, turned around and fell into the ancient tomb? It's a big deal!!"

"Have you watched Inspector Lei's live broadcast? Hahaha, at that time, Boss Zhang was sternly denying that there are no lucky funeral objects in this world. This matter has nothing to do with him. Then the staff immediately said that Wu Nanye After discovering the ancient tomb of Genghis Khan, Boss Zhang seemed to be thinking about which floor he would send the young employees to next second.”

"Fuck? This employee is too fierce! Don't you know it's a live broadcast? How dare you say this in public and slap the boss in the face?"

"We mean, is it possible that the other party is trying to prevent his boss from setting up a flag to restore his precarious credibility?"

And it exploded as soon as it hit the hot search!

Boss Zhang's lucky funeral objects can really be said to be terrifying.

International Forum.

[1. The tomb of Genghis Khan is suspected to be alive, and the coordinates are in the rabbit territory]

The international forum is also lively.

[Moderator: This morning, the fishing anchor holding Boss Zhang’s lucky funeral object found some unusual tiles at a wild fishing spot. According to relevant professionals, these tiles belonged to the era of Genghis Khan, and the rabbit has been dispatched. There are a large number of experts, and special flights are arranged from various airports, and a large number of teams are even sent to seal off the scene, and no media other than authorized reporters are allowed to enter!Although no news has been announced yet, the possibility is very high. 】

The moderator of the international forum reposted a message.

"What? The tomb of Genghis Khan was found on the side of the rabbit. How is this possible! Fake news! We sent people to search for it for a long time but couldn't find it! ——IP Foot Pot Chicken."

"I also suspect that this is false news. At the beginning, the billionaire Robert Zellen of our country personally led a team to find the tomb. As a result, the dead and wounded in the team were not found. How could it be discovered by a fisherman! ——IP Sauce Country.”

"Didn't you find the lucky funeral objects? Boss Zhang is the god of rabbits and the king of the enemy Hades. If he made the move, wouldn't this become a normal thing? —— IP Hexagon Country."

"This thing is actually still in the territory of the rabbit? Isn't it on the outer grassland? I co-authored some sand sculptures and made a mistake?! ——IP Jiangjiang Country."

Something humiliating happened about Genghis Khan's tomb.

For example, in the original Jiangjiang country, some people tried their best to please people from the foreign grassland country. They searched hard in this country for 6 years, and then even dug 30 mausoleums in the ruins of a city wall somewhere in the country. A lot of poisonous snakes came out, and the expedition team was killed and bitten, and finally gave up.

Now it seems.

This is completely in the wrong direction.

In rabbit territory too!

"Impossible! This is completely impossible! Sihan's tomb must be in our country, how could it be on the rabbit's side! And we have a mysterious curse, which is also about the tomb of Genghis Khan! —— IP Grassland Country."

Soon, netizens from Outer Grassland spoke in the forum at this moment.

He very much disagreed with this statement.

Because all people in the Outer Prairie Kingdom believe that Genghis Khan's tomb is buried under their country's land.

Because there has always been a rumor in the outer grassland.

Rumors indicate that there is a mysterious curse protecting the Mausoleum of Genghis Khan. If you want to enter the mausoleum, you must cross a 3-kilometer underground river. There are terrible creatures in it. Anyone who enters will die.

On the other hand, there is nothing on the side of the rabbit!

So it's impossible to be on the rabbit side.

"Actually, I have a terrible thought. Why did you say that Genghis Khan's tomb was discovered at this time? Why did such news spread? ——IP Bangziguo."

"Are you saying that the rabbit is preparing something? - IP foot pot chicken."

"I agree. It is rumored that Genghis Khan's tomb is extremely luxurious, even worse than that of the first emperor, especially if there are treasures from 20 countries that the other party fought and robbed inside. Maybe the rabbit is going to make a big move and need some military expenses! — —IP Great Empire.”

"Could it be that the rabbit is going to be the village chief? —— IP hexagonal country."

"Just to ask you, if there is a god in your country, do you want to be the village chief? Peaceful development is bullshit! That is a forbearing tiger!!—IP Jiangjiang country."

chat and chat.

The topic suddenly turned a little off.

Everyone even suspected that the rabbits had some kind of conspiracy!
"Outrageous, who said that the tomb of Genghis Khan was discovered? Fake! Fake news!!"

"I'm in Wunan, I just found some tiles from that era, I'm not sure yet! Our country has always been a country that loves peace!"

"Hahaha, you people are really capable of conspiracy theories! How can a country like us that doesn't offend me, and I don't offend others, use the treasures in Genghis Khan's tomb as military expenses! Impossible! Being the village head is completely irrelevant." Existence! Lucky funeral items are even more impossible, you all misunderstood Boss Zhang, and brother Zhao has also been certified by an authority, Boss Zhang is an ordinary citizen.”

"That's right, what kind of ordinary citizen has been hacked by you, don't worry, the world pattern will not change, really, not at all."

Zhanyou is still there.

But usually they are disguised as various IP.

But at this moment, each of them is a real IP display.

"Whoever believes you is a big fool X!!"

"You can come up with several art of war in a single battle! You are the most insidious and cunning!"

"This must be the law of irony! Damn you guys!!"

However, after the words of Zhanyou members fell, people from other countries in the international forum, who were not worried at first, also began to panic at this moment.

The time came to five o'clock in the afternoon.

Ping An funeral shop.

"It really is!!!"

At this time, when she was about to get off work, Li Tiantian was swiping her phone and touching the fish, her face was full of disbelief! !
"What? News??"

Both Jiang Xiaohan and Su Wei were very curious.

Been waiting for this news all day.

"Hmm, according to inside information, there is a 90% chance that the tomb below is Genghis Khan's tomb."

Li Tiantian is in Zhanyou management group.

"Management of Zhanyou: Everyone, I'm afraid this matter is really hammered. According to the information I know, there is a 90% chance that Genghis Khan's tomb has been found. If you have the conditions, it is recommended to take a lucky rune. Anyway, the next I’m also ready to shoot once.”

The words were said by Zhan You, the very mysterious big manager with a lot of inside information.

And basically nothing he said was false.

That is to say, it is very likely that it will really be alive.

Otherwise, it is impossible to have a team guarding it.

It is rumored that experts from many countries want to participate.

Especially the outer grasslands.

Of course they were rejected.

After all, they can do this kind of thing on their own, without the help of outsiders.

Especially some foreign experts get lost every time.

Then they lost their way to some key places inexplicably, and it was even more impossible to let them come.

05: 30.


Half an hour before the end of get off work, Zhang Lingtian in the office stared at the screen and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Hi everyone, I'm Pancake, a reporter from CCTV. We are now at the foot of Wunanyi Mountain. A tile suspected to be from the era of Genghis Khan was found here this morning. According to the latest news from the frontline of in-depth exploration, there are There is a 90% chance that we will be looking for the thousand-year-old Genghis Khan tomb.”

In front of the camera, a female reporter with a face slightly like a round biscuit was reporting.


"Boss Zhang is awesome!!"

"Lucky funeral items are amazing! I hope everyone will keep Boss Zhang and give us more lucky funeral items!!"

"The fourth lucky funeral item is so terrifying. This time, a total of six cards have been issued. What kind of luck will the other two bring? I really don't even dare to think about it!"

"So what's next? Excavate Genghis Khan's grave? Remove the coffin boards?"

"I don't know. It is said that this tomb is even bigger and more spectacular than Qin Shihuang's tomb. More than 1 craftsmen were used to make it. There are countless gold and silver treasures and are of great archaeological value. But if it is really excavated It would be better to find Boss Zhang to enter the tomb together, after all, this man was full of murderous intent during his lifetime."

CCTV is live.

Friends of the water posted barrages one after another.


Zhang Lingtian scratched his hair.

Unbelievable!unbelievable! !
How should I explain myself now?

According to the news, there is indeed a large underground palace below, 90% of which may be the tomb of Genghis Khan.

In fact, this is an understatement.

After all, no one is qualified to enjoy such a large underground palace except that Genghis Khan.

But my own signature is useless at all!

He has personally tested it, there must be no fakes!

But it is too far-fetched for you to say that this is luck!
Although there are some sayings in the fishing world that fishermen can catch everything except fish.

But fishing found an ancient tomb, which belonged to Genghis Khan. No matter how rational I feel, everyone will push that lucky funeral object!

Thinking of this spiritual sky made it a little messy again.

It's really a wave of upheaval.

"Dong dong dong."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"If you want to get off work, you can get off work."

With 10 minutes left, Zhang Lingtian waved his hand.

It doesn't matter if they get off work early.

"Boss, someone is here to make an appointment for the funeral."

Jiang Xiaohan said to Zhang Lingtian.

"Make an appointment for a funeral? Then prepare some tea."

Soon Zhang Lingtian came to the tea room.

Inside was a woman with a very haggard look.

It looked like she had been crying for a long time.

"Boss Zhang, I, I'm here to handle the funeral for my two daughters."

Saying that, the young woman burst into tears.


(End of this chapter)

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