I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 175 Death probability of 50, within 1 thought!

Chapter 175 50% probability of death, just a thought!
"A funeral for the two daughters?"

Zhang Lingtian was surprised when he heard this sentence.

Jiang Xiaohan silently poured tea at the side.

No wonder the mother looked so haggard.

It turned out to be two daughters...


The woman's name was Cheng Shaoqin, she nodded with snot and tears and her voice was very hoarse.

"How old is it, and why did you leave?"

Although Baishipu has also received funeral activities for minors sent by black-haired people, but this is the first time for him to accept the two sisters.

Seeing his parents so sad, Zhang Lingtian didn't want to expose their scars, but after all, it was a funeral and some things had to be asked clearly.

What is the cause of death, and whether the deceased needs to be repaired, she can make arrangements after asking.

"One is 12 years old and the other is 14 years old. They have been missing for more than half a month. No one is alive or dead. Boss Zhang, please help me find them. I have to send them too, so it won’t be so vague.”

There was another 'plop'.

Cheng Shaoqin knelt down to Zhang Lingtian as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.


Before Zhang Lingtian had time to help, he was immediately stunned.

Jiang Xiaohan was also a little dazed.

She even prepared to show the other party a catalog of various materials, but in the end she came to ask their boss for help.

"Boss Zhang, I really have no choice but to find you. I even called the police and still haven't made any progress! I really really don't know what to do! This is all my money, and I will give it to you! Just please Find where they are!!"

Cheng Shaoqin begged bitterly.

At the same time, he also took out a cloth bag.

There are some rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and other things in it.

At the same time, there was a stack of money, which should be twenty or thirty thousand.

She dumped them all on the reception table.

"Don't get excited, lady, first restrain yourself, and I'm not omnipotent!"

Zhang Lingtian's head was full of black lines.

I am not a god, and everything can be solved.

Especially the disappearance like this is really helpless.

After all, whether I was checking the wood dealer before or Chi Mengzhen later, I was stuck with the details.

Now he doesn't have this card in his hand at all.

If you want to wait for the exchange, you need at least 30 days of selection times.

At present, he is still more than 20 days away from the number of day selections, and even if he wants to help, his ability is limited.

"Boss Zhang, I know it's fantastic to ask you for help with the money. In this way, I still have a house in Chunbei, and I'll sell it to you as a reward! That house can be worth at least 40! I'll sell it all to you!!"

Cheng Shaoqin begged bitterly.

The main reason is that her daughter has been missing for more than half a month.

Can't see people alive, but can't see dead bodies!

"It's not a matter of money. The main reason is that I really can't help with this matter! Well, you can tell me what happened first, and then I can analyze it for you as much as I can, and then ask the Chunbei Public Security Bureau. Let's go ahead."

It's almost time to get off work.

The other party is kneeling here like this, even if he and Xiao Han pull the other party together and can't get up, this is not a solution.

We can only use the strategy of delaying the attack to send the opponent away.

It's not that he's cold-blooded, it's mainly because he has nothing to do about this kind of thing, and the details of the system are so stuck that he needs enough number of times to redeem it.

Otherwise, if there is an accident, there is no way to display it after scanning.

"Yes, lady, don't get excited. If you have anything to say, you can tell our boss first. If you can help, you will know after you talk, right?"

Jiang Xiaohan also said to Cheng Shaoqin with a very polite look.

"It's like this. Our family is in a village called Gu'an in Quanxi Town, Chunbei. After my husband passed away, I have been living in the village with my two children. Just half a month ago, the two children went out to play. Who can I thought of going there and never coming back.”

After her husband left, her two children were all Cheng Shaoqin had.

She's really having trouble breathing right now.

Why didn't I stop the child when he went out.

If you stop it, this kind of thing will never happen.

"Then do you know where the child went? The folks in the village should have seen it? Did the police find any clues from the camera?"

I don't know if it's because they are both women, so it's not easy to feel each other.

Jiang Xiaohan said with great concern.

"Yeah, did you find any clues?"

Zhang Lingtian was also listening carefully.

To be honest, the disappearance of two daughters at the same time is an unacceptable blow to anyone.

It's no wonder that the other party collapsed like this just now.

"I asked, someone saw my two daughters going to the river. Our Gu'an village is on the river bank, but because of the lush bamboo forest and relatively few people, almost no one got off the pier. Whether it fell into the river or something, although the village is only a 10-minute drive from the county seat, there are no cameras, and the police and villagers have searched for it but have not found it.”

The tears kept falling and couldn't stop.

Two daughters.


Jiang Xiaohan handed over a tissue.

I didn't know how to comfort him for a while.

He could only silently look in the direction of his boss.

See if the other person can help.

"So no one was found downstream?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

"Well, the police issued a notice to see if there is a child's body downstream, but they haven't found it yet, but because we arrived at the hydropower station after a few villages below us, I was afraid that the child might be caught in the hydropower station. I heard the old man in the village talk about burning incense Sprinkle paper money on the shore, and the corpse will float up in seven days at most, but there is still nothing! I really have nothing to do!!"

Cheng Shaoqin cried bitterly and looked at Zhang Lingtian.

It was thought that the remains of the two daughters could be found by performing the ceremony.

But it didn't float up until the ninth day today.

She is only 36 years old now, and she usually goes online to know that there is a Yan Wangye in Chunjiang next door, so she can only come here and pray for Yan Wangye to help her.

She can go bankrupt for the sake of her two daughters.

She can also sell the house left to her by her parents in the county seat.

"It's really hard for you to do this."

Zhang Lingtian shook his head slightly.

"Boss Zhang, this is the appearance of my daughters Tang Xiaoqing and Tang Xiaoxiao, please take a look!!"

Cheng Shaoqin took out his phone and turned on Douyin.

Inside were two little girls who looked pretty.

【Ding!The system scan starts. 】

Don't hold out much hope though.

But Zhang Lingtian still decided to scan it.

[System scan complete! 】

[Scan object: ID Qingqing. 】

[Account subject: Tang Xiaoqing. 】

[Occupation: student, network anchor. 】

[Bad information: Lack of danger perception. 】

[Danger signal: 50% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: in one thought. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Customer attributes: low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host can decide whether to pay attention or not. 】

Soon the system scans out.

"You registered this account with your daughter's information?"

Zhang Lingtian frowned and asked in confusion.


Jiang Xiaohan has been observing the changes in his boss' expression.

When she saw the frown, her heart skipped a beat.

This is not a good sign.

"Yeah, she usually likes to play Douyin, so she registered one with her mobile phone and posted the daily life of the two sisters on it."

Now children like this kind of electronic products, and it is impossible to completely isolate each other.

After all, 14 years old is not too young.

As for her, she seldom plays Douyin, and basically there are no frontal photos of the two sisters.

"You should go back and wait for the police to notify you. I will also ask for you."

Zhang Lingtian spoke to Cheng Shaoqin.

"Ah, but I waited..."

"Sister, you should focus on recalling what the boss said, the police's notice, the boss will also ask for you."

Just when Cheng Shaoqin's face collapsed, Jiang Xiaohan nodded him slightly.


In the next moment, Cheng Shaoqin's eyes seemed to have a flash of light! !
"Boss Zhang, I, my two daughters are still alive?!!!"

Yup! !
If it was dead, why did Boss Zhang go back and wait for the police's notice, and even help her to ask! !

Doesn't this mean that the two daughters are still alive? !

"Alive now, the future is not certain."

Zhang Lingtian replied.

After all, there is a 50% chance of danger.

Although this has not yet reached the high risk level, it still has a risk level.

"Thank you, Boss Zhang! Thank you, Boss Zhang! You are my lifelong benefactor, Cheng Shaoqin! Then I won't bother you after hearing your notice!!"

After these words, Cheng Shaoqin, who had been depressed just now, seemed to come back to life!
Daughter is alive! ! !

This is simply the best news she has heard in more than half a month!
She just got up and left.

Worth the trip.

"Xiaohan chased after her and returned all these things to them."

Seeing that the other party left without taking anything, Zhang Lingtian immediately asked the assistant to take the things over.

In fact, I don't know who was misrepresented, saying that I have to pay for it.

That's just for the richer people, he accepts it with the mentality that since the other party has given it, he is too lazy to shirk and accept it.

In fact, now he just talks to others based on his mood, and he doesn't need money at all.

Besides, the single mother still has two daughters to raise. It is much easier for him to earn money than others, so how can he ask for the other party's money!
For him, it's just a matter of effort.

After all, there is no limit to the number of Douyin scans.

Unless you are looking at things like skill predictions, you are limited to once a day.


Jiang Xiaohan was chased after him.

Didn't come back until 10 minutes later.

Looking at the other party's expression, you can basically know how difficult the task is this time.

It is estimated that the other party insists on not accepting it.

Then the two sides dragged for a long time.

"Everyone, I'm leaving get off work in 10 minutes. Remember that I still owe you a dinner, so let's arrange it tonight! If there is no accident at [-] o'clock tomorrow afternoon, we will start the live broadcast on time!!"

Zhang Lingtian said to everyone in Baishipu.

"Can you make dinner tonight? Good!!"

“The boss is the best!!!”


Hearing about being able to cook rice, Li Tiantian and the others immediately became excited!
After Zhang Lingtian finished speaking, he returned to the office to pack his things.

"Boss, what do you think is the reason why those two girls disappeared for more than half a month and there is no news at all?"

The boss didn't refute when he said that the other party was alive.

That means that the other party is indeed still alive.

She still believes in the boss's ability.

But where can the two living beings hide?Been undiscovered for so long!
"It depends on how the police are investigating now. I can't guess the specifics."

At present, the system only gives an idea of ​​the danger location.

This shows that they should be in a controlled environment.

But transporting two children out of thin air without being discovered must require certain tools.

Or simply the other party was hidden somewhere.

Either the villagers lied, or there were other factors.

He will contact the Chunbei police in a while to see how their investigation is progressing.

"This person is really disgusting!"

Jiang Xiaohan clenched her fists tightly.

The single mother worked so hard to bring up two children, but the child died when he grew up!
She even suspected that someone deliberately led it into the water.

"Whether it is a boy or a girl, it is essential to be careful. Many cases are committed by acquaintances."

Zhang Lingtian was a little helpless, and could only say that it is important to establish awareness of prevention.

50% probability.

He can only do his best.

As for whether it can be fished or not, it depends on how the gears of fate turn.

"Yeah, just now I also reminded the other party to ask her not to startle the snake, and just do whatever happened before when she went back."

Jiang Xiaohan spoke to his boss.

"It's quite anti-investigation awareness."

Zhang Lingtian deliberately didn't make his words so clear.

I was just worried that there would be a pair of eyes staring at the other party all the time. If they thought their atrocities would be discovered, it would be troublesome to deal with them.

"Boss, by the way, will the lottery with 500 million bets be drawn tonight?"

Suddenly Jiang Xiaohan changed the subject and asked Zhang Lingtian.

"Can I say I don't know?"

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

It's a buffet tonight.

I came to the same seafood buffet restaurant as before.

The manager thoughtfully arranged a box for them.

The time soon came to seven o'clock.

[2. For the first time in lottery history, 550 million lottery tickets]

The second place on the hot search list is the eye-catching Da Lotto.

[Chunjiang News: As of 19:00, according to statistics, the highest lottery bet number has a total of 550 million bets, creating the largest single bet in lottery history, and this lottery ticket will be officially drawn at 09:30 tonight , the popularity of attention has reached a new high!Because there are related rumors that the first bet buyer of this lottery ticket is Inspector Lei, who won the lucky funerary goods from the Ping An Baishi Shop. Whether his myth of winning consecutive prizes can continue tonight, the whole network will wait and see. 】

After clicking it, there is such a paragraph.

"Boss! It's over! There are a total of 550 million bets, the prize pool of this lottery station should be wiped out!!"

I saw Li Tiantian looking at the phone and asking excitedly! !

 It’s a little less tonight. It’s the end of the month. It’s said that the monthly ticket is doubled. We must work hard! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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