I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 200 The catastrophe is approaching, Lord Yan comes out again!

Chapter 200 The catastrophe is approaching, Lord Yan comes out again!


A few people just walked to the hall and were ready to go out.

Then they saw a running figure rushing towards them.

It provoked a lot of questions from everyone.

"Officer! Help me!!"

When I was in a daze.

The other party continued to yell at the top of his lungs.


Qin Yan frowned.

Because he felt very familiar with this person.

And Zhang Lingtian took a closer look. Isn't this the Zhou Yuehua who he reminded before who was extremely unlucky?
[Sight-seeing: 5/10. 】

Since he reminded the other party before, his discerning skill has now reached 5.

There are only five left to get system rewards.

Speaking of which, he still has three chances, and he can advance for three days, which means that if there are many people who are unlucky, he can get the reward within one day.

But normally it is really difficult.

But to be honest, he really wants to get the system reward now.

Only after experiencing this incident did he realize how important it is to have an item card.

Otherwise, I will die today.

"Yes, yes, I met your woman in the corridor on the second floor this evening, and I said I was talking about business!"

Zhou Yuehua looked as if he wanted to wake up the impressions of the police officers.

"It's you, you won't be cheated, will you?"

Qin Yan didn't want to pay attention to it at first.

But since the other party has come to them, he will ask one more question.

"Well! I was deceived! I want to call the police! Police officers, help me, that's the money for my son's medical treatment!"

Zhou Yuehua knelt down with a plop.

"Is something really wrong?"

Nan Shiwen glanced in Zhang Lingtian's direction.

That is, the more you look at it, the more pleasing to the eye.

The other party must have real skills to achieve this step. No matter what the skills are, I feel that it will be no problem to recruit a son-in-law.

"Ma'am, please don't get excited. Please talk to us carefully."

I only saw Bai Jin helping the other party at this moment.

She was also very surprised.

Because she was also accompanying him in the corridor on the second floor this afternoon. After all, the police were at the table.

I originally thought that Boss Zhang was just giving a casual reminder, but I didn't expect that I was actually deceived.

"Madam, if you call the police, you have to go to the police station or directly call 110 to call the police. There is no way to help you call the police in front of us. After all, we don't even wear police uniforms."

Qin Yan said to this woman at this moment.

This kind of thing is not something that can be solved directly on the spot.

It's complicated inside.

There must be a process for reporting to the police and then filing a case.

"Officer! I, I will go to the police station and call the police! Can I get my money back? It's really my life-saving money! I didn't expect it to end up like this. We have been cooperating for so long!"

Zhou Yuehua said to him with a heart-rending appearance.

"Are you an acquaintance committing the crime?"

After hearing this, Nan Shiwen looked at the other party in confusion.

If it was not a telecom fraud but an acquaintance who committed the crime, then there is still a good chance of getting it back.

It's hard to tell when it comes to telecommunications fraud. After all, once the money is transferred to the card, it can then be laundered in various ways.

"Not counting as acquaintances, we met on the Internet. The other party told me that investment is risk-free and high-yield. At the beginning, I transferred 100 yuan to him and soon got 110 yuan. After transferring 1000 yuan, I got 20 yuan the next day. I I tried more than 1 times in a row, and even transferred [-] yuan five times, and the other party gave me [-] yuan with interest the next day. I really didn’t expect the other party to be a liar!!”

All I saw was Zhou Yuehua patting his thigh right now.

The whole person looked very regretful.


The police officers present were completely speechless.

1 yuan was given to [-] yuan the next day, so I asked how can investment be done so quickly?
The key is to get money every time.

Isn't this clearly deceiving people?
"So how much did you get cheated in the end? How did you know you were cheated? The phone can't get through?"

Bai Jin asked.

"I was defrauded of 50 yuan, which was all my net worth and the life-saving money for my child's surgery. At that time, someone told me that there was a very good investment recently. If I invested 50 yuan, I would have a chance to get it with interest the next day. 60. At that time, many people in the group also voted. I thought about it dozens of times and nothing happened. Even once I transferred 12, the other party gave me [-]. As a result, I just transferred the money. Disbanded! Then the phone can't be reached! Ouch! My money! Can the police get it back?!"

Zhou Yuehua was devastated.

There was no longer the arrogant and domineering expression before.

All that was left was the blue intestines.

"Let me contact a colleague for you, the money is hard to say."

Bai Jin sighed helplessly.

A typical scam.

After all, it is still a greedy word.

If there was no such word, it would be impossible for someone to cheat so much money.

You just think, what kind of business can give you 50 yuan here and get 60 yuan back the next day?
But this liar is also really generous.

He actually gave so much bait to this lady named Zhou Yuehua.


However, in the next second, the lady who had just been lifted up knelt down again.

And she was kneeling in the direction of Zhang Lingtian.

"Boss Zhang, I was wrong! I didn't know Taishan and didn't listen to you! Please help me get the money back! After I go back, I will definitely ask the clay sculptor to make a statue of you and enshrine it properly." !I beg you!!"

Zhou Yuehua kowtowed to Zhang Lingtian.

Many people in the entire restaurant hall looked in this direction.

"Hey, that's Boss Zhang? What's going on, why is this person kowtowing to him?"

"It is said that during dinner at night, Boss Zhang reminded her to be careful of fraud, but the other party ignored it, and even one of the police officers showed her identity, but this woman still didn't take it seriously, and even clamored not to call the police even if she was really cheated .”

"Good guy still has this kind of thing? Then I can only say that I deserve it!"

"Indeed, eighteen lifetimes of bad luck for a seriously ill son with such a brainless and stubborn mother."


It turns out that what happened before was also seen by people passing by.

So at this moment, they all said that this was totally deserved.

After all, if Boss Zhang doesn’t listen, who’s to blame?

It can only be said that this son of the other party is destined to suffer this calamity.

"Oh, get up."

Although the woman knelt in front of him, Zhang Lingtian still sighed.

"Boss Zhang, please help me! I really can't live without this money! I know I was wrong! If you don't help me, I will kneel like this!!"

Zhou Yuehua knelt on the ground without moving.

"Then just kneel like this."

Zhang Lingtian said and walked directly outside.

Chasing criminals was not done by him, it was done by the police, and besides, as a stranger, he had already reminded her, which was considered as the best of humanity, but what could he do if the other party still didn't believe him?
"Xiao Jin, you stay and deal with this matter, and you can leave when they come."

Qin Yan confessed.


Bai Jin nodded.

"Sin of a crime!!!"

Zhou Yuehua collapsed directly in the hall on the ninth floor.

He even gave himself a few slaps.

If the money can't be recovered, the family can only sell the house if they want to continue treating their son.

The family was displaced.

She doesn't know how to explain to her husband now.

"Poor and hateful."

"Who is to blame for being greedy?"

"This kind of thing is a matter for the police. What's the matter with boss Zhang?"

"Exactly! Kidnapping her! She said that if she doesn't get her money back, she won't be able to kneel down. If Boss Zhang really does this, there will be a lot of people kneeling in front of the funeral parlor."

No one had any sympathy for Zhou Yuehua after learning the truth.

After all, you have never met before, and someone reminding you is enough.

What else do you want?
"Captain Qin, after thinking about it, I still plan to go back."

Zhang Lingtian said to him.

"Mr. Zhang, if you go back now, you may be in danger and you don't know it. After all, there has already been action there. Or you can stay in a hotel at night. Our police station can reimburse you."

As a criminal expert, there are still travel expenses.

At least staying in a hotel is fine.

"It's not very customary to stay in a hotel in Chunjiang."

After all, he has a home.

Living in a hotel outside is not as comfortable as your own home.

"Okay, then Mr. Zhang, you can go back. Let's go and drink some tea to relieve the hangover first, and then I'll have someone take you back. The car won't be driven."

They had dinner on another street not far from Ping An Shishi Shop.

Zhang Lingtian's car was abandoned at the door of the white shop.


In this way they arrived at the teahouse.

Chatted for some time.

During this period, Nan Shiwen could be said to have tried various things, and even had a video call with his daughter to introduce Zhang Lingtian.

Zhang Lingtian looked at the immature little girl in the camera with question marks on her face.

As for this!

He is only 17 years old!

"According to the information I know so far, this Wang Hua must go in, because the other party committed not only this incident but also other things. It seems that his son handed in the USB flash drive."

chat and chat.

We talked about Wang Hua who was taken away tonight.

Moreover, Director Nan also revealed some inside information.

Zhang Gu and Qin Yan listened with great interest, but Zhang Lingtian already knew this.

Because he used the system to check Wang Hua earlier.

According to the display of the system, the other party may be sentenced, and the reason for the sentence is that the immediate family members handed over the criminal evidence.

Soon the time came to ten o'clock.

"Mr. Zhang, do you really not need my help to go up?"

At this moment, Zhang Lingtian was riding home in a black car.

That was the police station's car, and Bai Jin sent him back.

"No, no, I'm not drunk. Why do you help me up?"

Zhang Lingtian waved his hand.

"Then I'll pick you up and take you to work tomorrow."

Bai Jin added another sentence.

"I don't need this police officer Bai. It doesn't cost much to take a taxi."

Zhang Lingtian rejected the other party again.

It's not like he and the police station are on the same road. If he really wants the other party to pick him up, wouldn't it be a waste of public resources?

Besides, a taxi only costs a lot.

Now Baishipu is on the right track.

Don't worry about paying for a taxi.

Soon Zhang Lingtian went upstairs.

After entering the room, he found that his water dispenser and drinking water had been replaced, and he looked the same as when he went out.

Even the door lock didn't detect anything unusual.

Wash and go to bed.

The time came to 10:30.


Suddenly Zhang Lingtian's phone rang.

"Hello? What's wrong with Xiaohan?"

It was Jiang Xiaohan's call, and he was a little puzzled at once, why the other party called so late.

"Boss, are you staying in a hotel tonight?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked weakly on the other end of the phone.

"No, why don't I go back to the hotel if I have a family?"

Zhang Lingtian replied without thinking.

He still likes to sleep in his own home.

"Ah! But didn't Wang Hua's people pry open the door and go in to poison? The boss can't save this money!!!"

Jiang Xiaohan immediately persuaded his boss.

Poisoning, the other party has murderous intentions, and it can be said that it is impossible to guard against.

"Huh? Xiaohan, you are quite well informed!"

Zhang Lingtian was surprised when he heard this.

The other party actually knew that his home was poisoned. The key point is that the police haven't made any announcement yet, right?
"Um, it was Tiantian who told me just now, why don't you ask me as a representative to ask the boss about your situation, if you are really poisoned, it's better for you to live outside, boss, and wait until everyone catches you to make sure it's safe Live in again, after all, you still don't have the ability to inherit Lord Yan..."

Jiang Xiaohan gave him a burst of persuasion.

It turned out that Li Tiantian had sent her a message half an hour ago.

We even started a group video.

She said that she saw the boss's house being stolen in the core group.

Some old man actually went to poison! !

At the same time, some chat records were also sent, as well as videos and photos of the boss and some inspectors entering and exiting his building.

Of course, the most convincing thing is what some insiders said.

"It turned out to be Li Tiantian, I'm fine, go to bed early."

Zhang Lingtian had just thought it was Li Tiantian.

After all, the other party has always been very informed about the gossip scraps.

In fact, he must be confident if he dares to live in it.

In particular, the detection team has checked everything, and there are no other abnormalities other than those things.

But the detail card is really a good thing, you can always check your own dangers, why don't you use Douyin?
Zhang Lingtian turned on Douyin at this moment.

The first one is a video of a beautiful girl dancing.

The second one is about a girl surfing in a swimsuit.

In the third one, the man held a girl and took off with a water spray device, having a great time.

The fourth one is splashing water in an amusement park. A fair-skinned girl is wearing normal clothes and getting wet...


Zhang Lingtian brushed it off.

The next moment, the whole person was confused.

Is this accurate big data push?
Knowing that he is single, you always recommend some beautiful girls to him? ?

But this is too outrageous.

Finally brushed and brushed.

He saw the system prompt.

That's a tower crane driver.

"Thank you for your little love, old irons, I will dance for everyone!"

The female tower crane driver was twisting happily, and she was really good-looking.

"Love love love."

"Cao Gao dances so well!"

"Cake is my wife, don't grab it!"

"Is the beauty married? I'm single and have a house in the city!"

"I want to ask, as the female tower crane operator, what should you do if you want to go to the toilet? Big size!"

"Who would have known if you would let it out like this so late at night? But Gao Gao is really dedicated to her job. She is still working so late at night. She is so special in the dark, but she is still a girl. I admire her!"

After the dance started, everyone cheered excitedly.

Of course, some people have raised some questions.

For example, how to go to the toilet.

Some people say that the other party is dedicated.

Still working at 10:30 pm.

"Thank you '666' for the reward. I'm still single. Alas, I have no choice. How can I not work overtime during the rush period at the construction site, but I can get off work at eleven o'clock, and there is still half an hour."

The operator named GaoGao said in the live broadcast room, and complained for a while.

[System prompt: Tens of millions of anchors Ping An Bai Shi shop entered the live broadcast room. 】

In this happy and harmonious scene, a red prompt suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

And this reminder is particularly eye-catching.



"Ping An funeral shop??"

"Don't tell me that Boss Zhang is here??"

"Oh my god, the Lord of Hell has come out of the mountain, and a catastrophe is coming, please stop jumping!!"



The live broadcast room exploded directly.

Everyone was sending exclamation points like crazy.

At the same time, remind the anchor.

"Ah? Ping, Ping An Baishi Shop!!"

The female driver of the crane who was twisting and twisting just now was stunned.

The whole person's expression also became extremely frightened.

Do you want Karma yourself?

Next door, there is a live broadcast room called Ya Lina, and the other party is also live broadcasting.

"Dear friends, I have to go out with my friends tomorrow, so I apologize if I can't broadcast live to you on time~"

Kong Nana made an advance notice with fans in the live broadcast room.

"Where are you going Nana?"

"Traveling is good, let's relax, live broadcast is actually quite tiring."

"Goddess Nana, you were beaten by Boss Zhang. Have you contacted him? In fact, if you are traveling far away, it would be best to ask Boss Zhang to show you."

The water friends were all talking.

"I contacted Boss Zhang, but maybe he didn't get back to me because he had too much information. I'll check and get in touch again. When the time comes, I'll play outside and upload some beautiful photos for everyone."

Kong Nana's heart has flown to Lijiapo.

Tomorrow we will fly to Bei Neidu, and then go directly to Lijiapo to take pictures!
Her best friend also brought her a limited edition skirt, and she really wanted to wear it.


(End of this chapter)

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