I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 201 The luck value is 0, activate the funeral order!

Chapter 201 The luck value is 0, activate the funeral order!
Really looking forward to this trip.

She and her best friend haven't seen each other for a long time.

"Actually, as a lucky spectator, you can still go to Boss Zhang's Ping An Clothes Shop."

"Yes, generally speaking, if you become a lucky audience, you will be able to meet Boss Zhang. You may even be able to ask him some things."

"Boss Zhang has already followed 500 million people. Don't mention how scary the private message is. It's normal if you don't see it, and the suggestions from the water friends are more reasonable."

"Actually, you can also directly call the funeral reservation hotline. Of course, I am definitely not trying to trick the host. I am just saying that this is the most convenient way without going to the scene to find Boss Zhang. Of course, you can't let the other party After saying the slogan, you will really be seduced."

The water friends in the live broadcast room are now suggesting to each other.

Boss Zhang doesn't accept ordinary people.

But the lucky audience is still willing to receive it.

At the same time, some people suggested that the other party make a direct phone call.

But this spell must be interrupted by the opponent, otherwise it may really be over.

"Is that so? Hmm."

Kong Nana slightly tapped her chin with her fingertips, looking like she was thinking a little bit.

It's really good to go out and find someone to do the math.

[Douyin Tip: User 'Big Brother in Dream' rewarded 66666 Doucoins and said: Brothers!Boss Zhang is out! "

Suddenly, in Kong Nana's live broadcast room, accompanied by a reward, a red and bold notification sound appeared.

"What's the meaning?"

"Yes, what happened to Boss Zhang?"

All of them looked very puzzled.

"Brother in the dream: A tower crane female anchor next door has already left her last words, and Boss Zhang came to her live broadcast room."

The water friend named Big Brother in Dream replied to him.


"The familiar smell is coming again?"

"Are you ready for the New Year? Boss Zhang has been lacking in performance recently?"

"The tower crane female anchor? It was just cold last time, so just open the tower crane well, and you have to squirm on it, isn't it just playing to death?!"

"Brother, give me a portal."

Many people in Kong Nana's live broadcast room were attracted by this.

On the other hand, I don't know if it was everyone's publicity, the popularity of the tower crane driver Gao Gao's live broadcast room suddenly reached 20.

The number of followers also skyrocketed.

You must know that her popularity in the live broadcast room was only [-] to [-].

Now that it has risen so much all of a sudden, she must be very happy usually.

But now I'm really not happy at all.

Because everyone knows that the flow of Lord Hades is not right.


"So wait a minute and how will you die?"

"Of course it fell straight down! After falling from such a high height, the body of Baishipu probably won't be able to be repaired."

"Poor cake, alas, condolences to the family."


Those who didn’t know about Gao Gao’s live broadcast room thought it was a funeral parlor live broadcast room.

All kinds of condolences, words of family condolences.

"Boss Zhang, I won't dance anymore! I really won't dance anymore! I'm only 28 and I really don't want to die!!"

Lan GaoGao was so frightened that her eyes welled up.

Who would have thought that Boss Zhang, who hadn't shown up for such a long time, would suddenly come to her live broadcast room, and it was still at 10:30 in the evening.

"Ping'an Beishipu: Don't be so outrageous, I just came in to remind you that your luck is not very good recently, work hard at work, don't dance on the tower crane."

Soon a message was sent out from the live broadcast room.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Lingtian withdrew directly.

【Ding!Complete the discerning mission. 】

Soon a systematic reminder appeared in his mind.

[Sight-seeing: 6/10. 】

Sure enough, there were only five times before and now it has become six times.

[Forecast of air luck: Click to view "2 times". 】

And his luck prediction has changed to two times, which was three times before.

There are only four more times to get the system reward.

Swipe again to see if there are any goals tonight.

As far as he can detect so far, luck prediction can be made without scanning detailed information, so it is more convenient than system scanning to find the exact number of people.

Of course, you can watch it if you want.

Originally, I thought about completing a discerning mission tonight, but now it seems that there are not so many people even if they are unlucky.

Brush again.

Just brushed up and went to sleep.

[System prompt: Ten million-level anchor Ping An Baishipu has withdrawn from the live broadcast room, hurry up and find a way to keep the boss! 】

Zhang Lingtian left.

An instant reminder came from the live broadcast room of the female tower crane driver, Gao Gao.


"What's the situation? Boss Zhang left??"

"What does this mean? I'm completely confused by Boss Zhang's operation."

A large group of people came to the live broadcast room.

After selling the melon seeds in the front row, they were surprised to find that Boss Zhang had left.

In an instant, everyone was messed up in the wind and rain.

"Zhang, Boss Zhang has left? Huh huh——"

There is still half an hour before get off work.

But even though she was in a rush period, she was still relatively free.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to broadcast live on the tower crane.

Seeing Boss Zhang leaving at this moment, Lan GaoGao was frightened and cried, and she sat limply in her seat.

"I think tearing shallots is more experienced in this matter."

"Indeed, last time in the live broadcast room of Tear Onion, the other party came back by chance, and then followed up with a backhand."

"GaoGao Although everyone hates you, I think you should cancel your account! At least be safe!"

"I think you guys are making a lot of fuss. It's completely unnecessary. What you're talking about is the former Boss Zhang. The current Boss Zhang has been recruited by the authorities. It's completely different."

"What did Boss Zhang just say? You're not lucky? It's better not to dance next time. It's true that this kind of live broadcast is also very dangerous."

There are a lot of people eating melons.

As a result, when the atmosphere came, Boss Zhang actually left first.

This made everyone dumbfounded.

Some netizens think that Boss Zhang may retaliate, while others say that Boss Zhang is no longer the same Boss Zhang before and there is no need.

In short, there is a lot of talk.

"Don't dare, dare not, I really dare not dance again."

The hostess Cake nodded.

I was really scared just now.


Suddenly at this moment, a message came from the company.

"Everyone, wait a moment. A message has been sent to the company group. Let me check first to see if I got off work early tonight or if I have to work overtime again."

The female anchor Gao Gao took out another mobile phone.


The next moment her face turned pale.

And looked very confused.

"What's wrong with cake?"

Seeing the change in GaoGao's expression, the opponent's fans hurriedly asked.

Wondering what's going on here.

Why did his expression change suddenly?

"I, I was fired..."

Gao Gao, the female tower crane driver, said with an unbelievable look on her face.

[Construction company penalty notice]

"Punishment unit or individual: Blue Cake"

"Punishment basis: No. 2 tower crane driver Lan Gaogao took pictures of Douyin during work and started the live broadcast of Douyin, which seriously violated the safety management agreement. He is now fined 4000 yuan and fired."

Black and white.

It is also accompanied by the picture of her dancing on the tower crane before.

Several screenshots.

Even tonight.

She guessed that she might have been seen by the patrol because it was a picture taken from a distance.



"It really is Boss Zhang, this speed!"

Everyone was stunned at first.

Then they all said that this is the speed of Boss Zhang.

Not long after she came in, the female anchor was directly fired by the company.


Lan Gaogao cried directly on the tower crane.

Her playing Douyin is just a side job, and she earns less than 2000 yuan a month.

The home page is a tower crane driver, more than 8000 a month!
Not only was he fined half a month's salary, but he also lost his job.

She was really going to cry to death.

"Girl, it's actually a good thing."

"Yes, yes, you are safe, you know, big girl!"

"Now you are only being punished and fired. If Boss Zhang pays attention to you, it is a certainty that you will go straight down!"

Everyone was comforted.

On the other side, Zhang Lingtian had no idea that the other party was going to be fired.

Because the reason why he reminded it was because the system scanned that the other party's luck value today was not very good, about 3 or so.

Remind the other party not to dance on the tower crane and play Douyin or the like.

Of course, he also scanned it when he entered the live broadcast room.

The probability of finding that the other party is in danger is only 1%, which is due to the fact that the tower crane driver himself has a higher probability of danger than ordinary people.

So there is no information about this matter.

For example, why the other party is unlucky and so on.

So he simply went in to wake up.

Especially since the other party was so excited, he came out early after reminding me to avoid misunderstanding.

Then he found out that although it is easier to find people with bad luck than high-risk ones, it is actually quite difficult. He just watched more than 20 videos but couldn't find them.

Now he opened multiple videos on one page to search, and he looked through it for a while without being reminded.

I saw his hand suddenly slipping at this moment.

The page freezes, and everyone falls asleep regardless of whether they are there or not.

Zhang Lingtian was thinking now.


Suddenly Zhang Lingtian was scrolling down, and when the page was frozen, he found a familiar account.

It was a live broadcast room called Yalina.

Speaking of which, isn't this the lucky viewer I selected today, but later I didn't know what happened to the other party, so I didn't contact me.

After that, he didn't read the private message either.

After all, there are too many people.

【Ding!The host found an object with a luck value of 0!Scanning and then reminding you can get a discerning eye +1, paying attention can have a 99% chance of activating the funeral order. 】

At the moment Zhang Lingtian wanted to click in, a reminder suddenly popped up in his mind.

"Luck value 0? 99% chance to activate the funeral order?"

Suddenly Zhang Lingtian was confused by the voice.

Who is it?

This Alina? 0 luck? ?
Because what he is clicking on now is the multi-push mode on the Douyin homepage. In this mode, he is not just a anchor.

It is similar to the screen of a computer. There are several anchor videos on one home screen.

He did just that for efficiency.

Suddenly a yellow frame was locked, it was a girl in a white down jacket who looked very good.

【Ding!The scanned object, Li Qianqian, has a Luck value of 0. Please ask the host to remind the other party to keep their eyes open to get a unique insight +1. 】

Soon the scan will start.

Not Alina.

It was a video shot by another anchor next to Yalina.

[Let's get together and get together, let's take it as the last trip, and draw a full stop to youth. 】

The video of the other party is a picture of a girl traveling alone with a bag on her back, with some sad words.

[The system scan is starting. 】

With strong curiosity, Zhang Lingtian clicked into the live broadcast room of this person named Li Qianqian.

[Scan object: ID a dream. 】

[Account subject: Li Qianqian. 】

[Occupation: student. 】

[Bad information: trusting others lacks awareness of danger. 】

[Danger signal: 99% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: Too credulous to others, lack of risk awareness, so there is a 99% chance of being framed and killed by someone who thinks he is close. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Forecast of air luck: Click to view "1 times". 】

[Customer Attributes: Pseudo-accurate customers. 】

[System prompt: The system has paid attention. 】

Soon the girl's personal information appeared.


Zhang Lingtian's pupils constricted.


This is a pseudo-accurate customer.

Speaking of which, I have rarely scanned people at this level.

I saw him immediately opening the other party's personal homepage.

The place where the IP was displayed turned out to be Jiang Province.

The other party was a video taken in an ancient temple in Jiang Province, and it seemed that they came here for a trip.

"Ping'an Baishipu: Girl, when you see the message tomorrow, you must reply to me. Don't trust your closest person. Your life may be in danger. It is recommended to call me directly and explain that it is on Douyin."

Zhang Lingtian directly sent a selfish message to the other party.

He will see if the other party will contact him tomorrow morning.

If there was no contact, he wondered if he could ask the police station to help him find this person.

After all, the mortality rate is 99%.

The key is to be killed by the game!
This is murder!
After sending the message, Zhang Lingtian stopped going to the live broadcast room named Yalina.

Instead, he straightened his legs and stretched comfortably.

Time to sleep.

But at this moment some people also straightened their legs.

For example, Feng Hui who was going to the airport.

In order to hide, he drove to the airport by himself, preparing to leave the country.

Then got rear-ended on the road!

What the hell is a big truck with tired driving.

The person was caught directly on the side of the road.

"Beep beep-"

In the blur, he only felt that someone carried him into the ambulance.

He was so paralyzed that he was at the mercy of others.

As for the escape plan.

It's cold now, and now I can only hope that Wang Hua's thunderstorm will not implicate him.

The time came quickly the next morning.

face north.

After a night of service, Huang Xiaoyue finally returned to the room early in the morning.

Because the reception was good, and they promised to deceive people to come over, Huang Xiaoyue was given a certain amount of authority.

No, she has an extra mobile phone in her hand.

"Feng Hui from cnm! When I go back, I will definitely report you severely! Send all of you dirty things in!"

Huang Xiaoyue gritted her teeth angrily.

Since being sent here, she feels like her life is like purgatory.

She lived a completely unhuman life, and the culprit of all this was Feng Hui, the man she trusted the most!
She swears!
To report!
Report it hard.

"Lvcheng Capital held an emergency board meeting at work. At the meeting, Chairman Wang Hua received the resignation report. After discussion, he unanimously approved his resignation decision and will no longer hold any position in the group."

The morning news came from the TV.

"Lvcheng? Isn't this Feng Hui's big company behind the scenes?"

Seeing this, Huang Xiaoyue frowned.


 I found that I've been so salty lately... Sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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