I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 207 Two Lucky Funeral Objects, Skill Prediction!

Chapter 207 Twelve lucky funeral objects, skill predictions!
"Then let me see."

Zhang Lingtian turned on Douyin while speaking.

As long as the business is right, he is quite confident.

[System scanning is in progress. 】

After clicking it, a voice sounded in my mind.

That is the system is scanning.

Lan Ren and his son watched quietly.

For some reason, the two of them actually felt like they were waiting for their fate to be judged.

[The system scan is complete. 】

[Scan target: Lan group. 】

[Account Subject: Lan Ren. 】

[Occupation: Sixth grade primary school student. 】

[Bad information: None yet. 】

[Danger signal: 0.01% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger location: None for now. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Forecast of air luck: Click to view "1 times". 】

[Customer attributes: low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host can decide whether to pay attention or not. 】

Soon the other party's personal information was displayed.

"The blue ones, right?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at the little boy.

"Yeah, boss Zhang, I'm from the blue group."

Hearing his name being called, the blue group nodded.

"How about Boss Zhang? Is my child suitable for piano practice? There is an international youth piano competition recently. If it is really suitable for me, I will find a teacher to try for the opportunity."

Lan Ren is looking forward to it.

Because he was continuously belittled by his teacher, he currently lacks self-confidence.

He also became confused as to whether he should persevere.

To be honest, he is very confident in his son. He has discovered his superb musical talent since he was a child, otherwise he would not have resigned from the art troupe to accompany his son to study full-time.

The International Youth Piano Competition is really important.

The other party holds it once every three years. If his son really wants to take this path in the future, then this will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


A prompt bar for skill prediction appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

"Do you know how to play erhu?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at the blue group.

I found that the opponent played the erhu very well.

Of course, the most impressive thing is the piano, which actually reached 90 points.

It can be said that this child's talent is not average, because at [-] points, he is already at the master level.

This is the first time he has swept such a high skill point in such a long time.

"Yeah, I know a little bit."

The blue group nodded.

"Mr. Zhang is like this. I myself play the erhu, so the child is familiar with it and knows a little bit. Is he more suitable for the child to learn the erhu?"

Lan Ren's heart skipped a beat when he heard this sentence.

Are children more suitable for playing the erhu?
The piano belongs to the wrong way?

"No, no, no, although this kid is good at erhu, the best thing is to learn piano! Keep studying, I believe you will achieve great results by then."

Zhang Lingtian said to Lan Ren at this moment.

The other party is indeed more suitable for learning piano. After all, he has ninety points of skill potential.

"Really, really?"

Lan Ren was originally heartbroken.

Why?As a practitioner of the erhu instrument, he knows that the audience of the other party is far less than that of the piano, and the potential for future growth is not as high as that of the piano.

If he really takes this path, he can see where his son is at a glance in the future.

As a result, Zhang Lingtian's words made his eyes light up, and the flames that had been extinguished burned blazingly.

"Boss Zhang, can I really continue learning piano?"

There was also a burning heat in the blue group's eyes.

During this period of time, he developed from full of love to continuous self-confidence and finally to self-doubt, and even a little irritated when he saw the piano, all because of a professional teacher.

The other party said that he was not suitable for practicing piano and had no talent in this area.

It makes him feel that he can't even play the piano now.

"Of course, you have to have confidence in yourself?"

Zhang Lingtian encouraged the blue group in front of him.

"I understand!"

The blue group had firm expressions at the moment.

"Boss Zhang, I know what I should do, thank you very much."

Lan Ren seemed to be sure of something.

"You're welcome, after all, you are the lucky audience drawn by our Baishipu. Is there anything else you need to ask?"

[Sight-seeing: 9/10. 】

At this moment, Zhang Lingtian's unique insight has become 9.

At present, you only need to point one person to get the system reward.

Of course, it is also possible to remind others.

For example, as before, if you find that your luck is less than or equal to three, you can prompt it and you can get a number of unique insights.

But those who are unlucky are not Chinese cabbage, they can be encountered casually on the street.

Now let's see if the other party has any questions.

"Without Boss Zhang, I am very grateful to you for helping us determine the direction. If my son gets a reward from the event, he will definitely come to thank you."

Lan Ren came here today to ask about this.

Now that I have the answer I want, I have nothing more to ask.

After all, one must be content.

"Actually, only when you have a direction in your heart can you really determine the direction. I'm just an assistant."

Zhang Lingtian said with a smile.

No matter what you say to a person who has no direction, the other person will always be confused. Only a person who has a direction in his heart will walk in his own direction after you finish talking.
But for today to call it a day.

He still hadn't thought of this.

"Goodbye, Boss Zhang."

The father and son, who chatted for a while, said goodbye to Zhang Lingtian.


Zhang Lingtian waved his hand.

A few minutes later a taxi was on.

"Dad, should we believe what Boss Zhang says? Can I really continue playing the piano?"

The sixth-grade Lan group looked at their father at this moment.

Although I can be regarded as a young adult now, I am still a little confused about what Boss Zhang said, and even wonder if I can continue to play?Can he really?
"Of course! Boss Zhang said you can do it! Dad will take you to Boss Song in a while."

Song Wenya, Lan Yiqun’s teacher.

The other party was a piano teacher at the Conservatory of Music, and he was also a person who couldn't pass the art college entrance examination.

If you want to enter an authoritative music academy to study piano, it is undoubtedly the best to find her.

He was barely acquainted with each other.

So I thought about introducing my son to the other party first, let the other party teach, and even enter the authoritative music academy in China with the other party leading the way.

However, what he never expected was that the other party actually said that his son had no talent at all. Even if the child worked hard to practice the piano, he felt that he was much better than other students taught by the other party.

But the other party still didn't acknowledge it.

Of course, maybe I am a layman and don't know the way inside.

But his child is really working hard, and he is no worse than others.

"But Teacher Song said..."

"Your bullshit Mr. Song said that it can't be as good as Lord Yan's words, you know, kid? I think you just came out of Baishipu. You should go to see Boss Zhang, right?"

The blue group is still a little unsure.

As a result, the taxi driver who was driving came directly.

"Look, this is what Boss Zhang said just now, so you just have to practice hard and let dad handle the rest for you."

As a frequent surfer, Lan Ren is very clear about Boss Zhang.

So he knew what to do immediately after Zhang Lingtian finished speaking.

"I really envy you. You can actually enter the white shop and talk face to face with Boss Zhang, and get advice from him."

The taxi driver looked very envious.

"We just happened to be lucky. Master, you can also pay attention to Boss Zhang. Anyway, it's a business without capital and it doesn't cost money if you don't win the lottery."

Lan Ren really felt that he was lucky.

After all, he just paid attention to Boss Zhang and was selected not long after.

"Luck is actually a secondary thing. It mainly depends on whether you have fate with Yan Wang Ye. If you have fate, even if you don't have luck, it's up to you, right? Just like those unlucky people who were cheated before, didn't they have a family background? Have you been cheated out of your son’s medical treatment money?”

The taxi driver said now.

"That's true."

Lan Ren felt that what the other party said really made sense.

"Speaking of which, the funeral items have finally started to be shipped. I don't know if I, Lao Liang, hope to get a lucky funeral item in this life. If I get one, I will buy lottery tickets and retire quietly."

Naturally, the taxi driver also placed an order.

Regardless of whether you win or not, buying it is equivalent to paying a tribute to Lord Yama, for peace of mind, after all, there are many troubles encountered in normal driving.

The taxi master Liang said to him.

It turned out that he had received a logistics prompt, which indicated that Boss Zhang's funeral items had begun to be shipped.Everyone knows that there are a total of twelve lucky funeral objects this time.

I don't know who will end up with it.

Chatting and chatting, the two came to the station.

The time soon came to the afternoon.

Zhang Lingtian finally started the live broadcast.

As soon as the live broadcast room opened, many people rushed in.

However, this live broadcast only lasted for half an hour, and it was probably about a wave of lucky funeral items that had been distributed, with a total of twelve places.

Although everyone strongly urged him to talk about Li Qianqian's case and Mian Bei, of course it would be best if he could talk about Wang Hua.

In the end, he cleverly avoided them.

After all, he just came to make a simple announcement today.

Besides, there are some things here that he has nothing to say.

For example, Li Qianqian always said that she should keep her eyes open and run away immediately if she notices something strange.

As a result, the other party found out that her boyfriend's fake identity was not disclosed, and even wanted to travel with him to meet him. This safety awareness is beyond words.

In human terms, in this situation, it was as if the whole world knew that something was going to happen to her, but she herself confidently thought that nothing would happen.


Sometimes it often dies from excessive self-confidence.

Behind the six words "one does not do two endlessly" is a summary of a human life.

Or you just don’t do it.

Don't stop once you've done it.

Both ends of the mouse will eventually pay the price of their lives.

Just like a certain chef who is famous for his food supply. Isn’t that a bloody example?
At that time, Li Qianqian also came to visit him after the incident happened, and he told the other party at that time.

She also looked terrified.

It is indeed an underestimation of someone's viciousness, and also an underestimation of the relationship between oneself and the other party.

I originally thought that after so many years of relationship, he would never kill him. Even both parties had met their parents. If he really killed the other party, how would his parents explain it to him.

In the end, she really gained a lot of experience.

In order to protect his identity, he murdered the person next to his pillow.

Fortunately, Boss Zhang gave her a regret medicine.

Otherwise, there is no chance to regret it.

The time came to five o'clock in the afternoon, and Lan Ren and his son had already arrived in the city where their home was located.

Right now, he's outside that Boss Song's office.

"Why are you here again? Lan Ren, you can be regarded as harassment. If you want to harass me again, you will really call the police!"

The teacher named Song Wenya said to Lan Ren with an annoyed look.

"Teacher Song, I want to get a chance for a group of people in our family. This child really loves piano."

Lan Ren almost put his old face on the ground and rubbed it repeatedly.

"Hey, why do you insist on this with me? I told you clearly that your child has no talent for learning the piano. I advise you to give up as soon as possible. If you come here this time because you want to take your son with you when you go abroad, I'm telling you it's impossible! I took a trash and threw my own face!"

Song Wenya was very firm.

He even called his son a waste in front of his father.

To be honest, basically no one can tolerate this.

"But we went to Boss Zhang, and Boss Zhang said that our child is very talented in learning piano. Teacher Song, why don't you think about it again? Or do you test our family again?"

Lan Ren was a little unwilling.

He even moved out of Boss Zhang from Ping An Shishi Shop.

"Boss Zhang? Which Boss Zhang?"

Song Wenya had a doubtful look in her eyes after hearing this sentence.

"That's Zhang Lingtian, the one from Ping An Baishi Shop."

Lan Ren continued to speak.


However, the next second, Teacher Song burst into laughter.

"Teacher Song, you??"

Lan Ren looked a little confused.

"Aren't you kidding! This is a piano! A piano! You go to Zhang Lingtian, the owner of Baishipu, to ask if it's suitable to study relationships. Are they more professional than me, a professional who has studied piano for 40 years? If you don't have talent, you don't have talent. , you idiot still wants to become a phoenix? Why don't you just play the suona, and what about the erhu?"

Song Wenya's eyes could not conceal the ridicule.

Mainly she also thinks and is really too funny.

The other party actually went to Zhang Lingtian to determine whether he was suitable for learning piano.


Lan Ren was shocked!

Never thought that Teacher Song could say such a thing.

What about being a teacher?
What the other party meant was that since you like hanging out with people in funeral shops so much, you might as well stop playing the erhu and just play the suona to get together.

"Why, still not convinced? Let me tell you, as long as your son can learn the piano well enough to qualify for the International Youth Piano Competition, I will run around naked!"

Song Wenya stared at the father and son condescendingly, and her tone of disdain was unprecedented.

"Dad, why don't we give up."

The blue group is also a little tired.

"If you should give up, give up! Do you understand? There will be no good results if you do this!"

Song Wenya stared straight at Lan Group.

"Don't give up! Dad will sign you up for international competitions and go out to compete at your own expense! I really don't believe this evil anymore!!"

Lan Ren was on top.

He decided to send his children out to participate in the competition at his own expense and not go out with Song Wenya in the same team!
After some inquiries, the child can register as an individual.

"Okay, I really want to see you make a fool of yourself in the international competition."

Song Wenya looked at Lan Group.

Words are as vicious as ever.

Of course, some people think that this teacher is too talkative.

"Actually, what Teacher Song said is a bit hurtful, but it can also help you reduce your investment."

"That's right, it's often bad advice. Mr. Song is actually quite a nice person."

Some parents next to them spoke to each other.

"I really want to see you running naked too!"

But Lan Ren also has a straight temper.

After all, his son was humiliated over and over again, how could he, as a father, get used to him.

He replied directly.


Song Wenya stared bull-eyed.

Those parents who do not compliment her, this is the first time I have seen such a thorny one.

"Teacher Song, don't be angry, don't be angry, some people know what reality is after their heads are broken."

Licking dog parents are licking.

Lan Ren couldn't stand it and took his son away.

Participate in an international competition a week later at your own expense.

The registration deadline is today.

He will report it when he gets back.

Time is quiet.

Soon came the second day.

On this day, Zhang Lingtian and his coffin shop came to the funeral business, and they were busy for two days.

"Everyone didn't get a good rest on New Year's Day, so let's give everyone two days off tomorrow."

After finishing the funeral order, Zhang Lingtian said to everyone.

"thank you boss!!"

Funerals must be exhausting.

One by one seemed weak at the moment.

"Go back all."

Zhang Lingtian waved his hand.

"Beep beep."

Suddenly, Zhang Lingtian's phone rang after sending everyone off.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, I'm Xiao He from that day. Do you remember me? Our real estate is holding an event recently. If you want to buy it, you can do it as soon as possible. The current comprehensive discount can save about 40 to [-]."

On the other end of the phone was a young lady with a sweet voice.

It turned out that Zhang Lingtian went to see the new real estate in his spare time these two days.

I took a fancy to a small villa and left a contact information for him. If the price is lowered, I can contact him. After all, more than 300 million is still a bit expensive now.

"Okay, I have time to go and have a look."

Zhang Lingtian hung up the phone after chatting for a few words.


As a result, just as the phone hung up, another call came in, it was Qin Yan.

Why is this all squeezed together?

"Mr. Zhang."

Qin Yan's tone on the other end of the phone was a bit haggard.

"Captain Qin, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so weak?"

Zhang Lingtian was stunned.

"Mr. Zhang, the promotional video we said we were going to shoot may have to be postponed, maybe indefinitely."

Qin Yan's tone was full of helplessness and despair.

The whole world is so big, why should it be Chun Jiang? !

(End of this chapter)

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