I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 208: A Disaster Once in Five Years, Chunjiang Will Be Erased!

Chapter 208: A Disaster Once in Five Years, Chunjiang Will Be Erased!
"Huh? Has this project been cancelled?"

After Zhang Lingtian heard this sentence, his whole face was full of question marks, saying that it is understandable to suspend him, but what does it mean to suspend him indefinitely?
Has it been cancelled?But when it comes to cancellation, just say it’s cancelled. What the hell is this whole indefinite suspension thing!
To learn from other experts, do you have to create some unknown vocabulary?

But Qin Yan doesn't look like this kind of person.

"Alas, it's our Chunjiang that's going to be cancelled."

Qin Yan's current identity is the director of Chunjiang Public Security Bureau, and he knows some front-line news.

After all, he himself is also the deputy leader of the emergency working group.

"Chunjiang is going to be cancelled? Captain Qin, have you been drinking today?"

A song sounded in Zhang Lingtian's mind inexplicably.

Digging and digging in the small garden, planting small question marks and growing big melons. Is Qin Yan drunk this time?
Although this possibility did not exist at all, he now had no other explanation other than believing that the other party was drunk and talking nonsense.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think I might be drinking? I must be stating the truth."

Qin Yan's powerlessness can be felt through the phone.


Zhang Lingtian was in a daze.

"Mr. Zhang, I guess you know what I want to say. After all, how could you not know? The ace crime expert is also the shopkeeper of Baishipu!"

Qin Yan's voice sounded again.


Zhang Lingtian raised several question marks again.

"It seems that I guessed it right. Mr. Zhang should come to our house for a meal when he has time. My daughter is back during this time. It may not be a no-man's land in the future."

When Qin Yan heard that Zhang Lingtian seemed to be a little slower, he suddenly had an expression of understanding.

That's right, how could Mr. Zhang not know, the other party has amazing observation skills and even has some calculation techniques.

Five elements, eight trigrams, Zhouyi, feng shui and mystical arts are never superstitions, but a branch of capable people and strangers. After all, not being familiar with an industry does not mean that they do not exist, let alone that they are not good.

"Outrageous! It's still no man's land!"

Zhang Lingtian's mood today is completely similar to that of Mubi's mother who opened the door for Mubi, and Mubi has come home.

"Of course, after all, if there is radiation from the meteorite, it will definitely not be able to live in people, and it will affect a third of the area. Do you think how big this meteorite is?!"

Qin Yan nodded.

There are still photos on the Internet of meteorites falling down and then taken by humans.

That kind of pit is simply terrifying.

Believe the same here.

"Meteorite, meteorite falling!!"

Zhang Lingtian was shocked! !

【Zhanyou core group】

"It's impossible. How could a meteorite fall down?"

"Yes, if this happened before New Year's Eve this year, how could we not have given warning? This is a city."

"What I want to ask is, big manager, are you keeping this thing ripe?"

At the same time, the Zhanyou core group was chatting because the big manager forwarded a message record.

[Chunjiang Emergency Working Group "78 People"]

That was information from a work group, saying that a meteorite might fall in Chunjiang, causing damage to one-third of the urban area.

This is still a general situation.

If the situation changes or otherwise, it may even become more serious. Therefore, we ask everyone to do a good job in evacuating in batches and not to cause panic in the society.

"Management Zhan You: Anyway, here's what I said. It's up to you whether you believe it or not. I'm sure the accuracy of this information is over 99%."

Seeing the questioning, the senior manager sent another message.

The other party said that this has a 99% accuracy rate.

The main reason is that this screenshot is really taken from a Spring River emergency management team. Generally speaking, the accuracy rate of this kind of official group chat is very high.

After all, the notification work is not as troublesome as it used to be. Now in many emergency situations, you can arrange it directly in the group.


"It's outrageous!"

"Oh my God, why is this!"

"Yes, why is that? I heard from my friend that Boss Zhang is still looking at the villa, how could he let a meteorite hit our Chunjiang!"

Everyone was a little panicked when they saw the senior management looking so sure.

The main reason is because this big manager usually has great powers and is very well-informed about all aspects of information.

The other party's 99% guarantee, this may really be the truth.

After all, everyone has no interests involved.

In the beginning, they all gathered here because they liked Boss Zhang and established Zhanyou.

"Yes, why is this? How could our boss let Chunjiang be destroyed? This is unscientific!"

The three people in Baishipu were riding home in the car. They were exhausted from doing the daily errands today. They would go back and lie down during the next holiday.

As a member of the core management group, Li Tiantian naturally saw some information that she shouldn't have seen, that is, a meteorite fell into Chunjiang River, and she suddenly looked very unbelievable.

"Chunjiang destroyed? What do you mean? Do you read science fiction?"

Su Wei was sitting in the co-pilot, turned his head and stared at Li Tiantian with a strange expression.

"What destruction, Tiantian, what did you see again?"

Jiang Xiaohan beside him was also in a daze.

"It is said that a meteorite is about to fall from the sky and its destination happens to be our Chunjiang River. Just tell me whether this is outrageous or not! It's so fake at first sight!"

Li Tiantian said with a sullen look.

Really, it looks fake at first glance.

"What? A meteorite is going to hit our Chunjiang River? I'm afraid this is not an international joke!"

At this moment, the taxi driver came directly.

"Master, why do you think this is an international joke?"

Li Tiantian was actually very curious about the basis for this master's denial of this matter.

"I know you are employees of Baishipu. You must know that the boss is going to buy a villa. How could a person who wants to buy a villa let Chunjiang be hit by a meteorite? You want to say that the meteorite hit the chicken? I still believe in some."

The taxi driver was very nonchalant.

He knew these people from the very beginning when he got on the bus.

But when faced with some things, he still firmly expressed his thoughts.

That means Harujiang is absolutely fine!

Boss Zhang would definitely not be so insane.

"Oh, yes, I think exactly like you, master, that this must be false news."

Li Tiantian shook her head helplessly at this moment. There was no doubt that the news was false!
But now this statement was made by the big management, and the other party has no interest relationship with any of their group members, and he doesn't need these leftovers to get everyone's compliments, after all, he usually knows how awesome the other party is after many revelations !

For such a person, she really couldn't imagine the meaning of the other person's lies.

"It must be fake!!!"

The taxi driver thought that Li Tiantian agreed with him, and was very firm immediately.

However, the next two days were full of rumors.

The whole Chunjiang also fell into a panic.

[2. Foot Pot Chicken released a meteorite falling simulation video. 】

The first is assists on various hot search lists.

The most exciting thing is the foreign media.

Among them, the country led by Boss Tian is the main representative.

The opponent jumped up and down as if he couldn't hide his joy at all.

After all, what could be happier than being hit by a meteorite in the opposite country?

"Dear Tutu, you have to work harder and just be patient."

"Oh my God, it must be the God of Death who has escaped and caused this city to suffer vicissitudes of life! Bless them!" "Hahahaha, let's sit down and watch the show first, aren't we always bragging about the Lord of Hell? Look at this Can your Lord of Hell help you for once?"

Domestic scarves.

There are many similar comments below this one.

They are all blindly watching dramas and criticizing.

Netizens clicked in and found that they were all the IPs of the foot pot chicken.

"Don't worry, you don't know yet, Lord Yan is going to buy a house!"

"Yes, yes, the Prince of Hell is planning to buy a house. How could he let a meteorite hit Chunjiang!"

"Hahahaha, you stupid rabbit country people are still thinking about that illusory Zhang Lingtian at this time. If he was really that powerful, you would have become the village chief long ago."

"Ignore them. They always like to immerse themselves in what they believe in. When things are beyond their scope of knowledge, they will make strenuous efforts. We can just wait quietly for the fireworks to bloom!"

"Mr. Tsuchimi Seimei is eternal! Chun Jiang finally ushered in his price, and Zhang Lingtian! This is God's punishment!!"

Fried fried.

Some people retorted and others immediately continued to retaliate.

The entire comment area looked very lively.

Almost got into a fight.

"You say you can just talk, why do you involve me every time?"

Zhang Lingtian's mind was full of question marks at the moment, what would he do if he was chatting.

The key is that the fact that he is planning to buy a house has made it known to everyone in Chunjiang. Can't these intermediaries keep their mouths shut?
But is Chunjiang really going to be hit by a meteorite?

Zhang Lingtian's expression was full of doubts.

He scanned himself and found that the probability of danger was not high.

In addition to himself, he also randomly scanned a person whose address was Chunjiang's, and the results showed that nothing was wrong.

Of course, it may also be because his scan time simply cannot scan so far.

Two days later.

This morning he entered the elevator.

"Boss Zhang, it's good morning."

Zhang Lingtian is used to wearing a mask, and this time he still wore a mask when he went out, but he didn't expect to be recognized as soon as he entered the elevator.

Suddenly someone waved and greeted him.

"Actually, 08:30 is not early."

Zhang Lingtian replied with some humor.

Indeed, it is not too early if this time passes.

"Boss Zhang, do we really want to move? The meteorite will definitely hit our Chunjiang?"

"That's right, Boss Zhang. Although Chunjiang is only a second-tier city, we're all used to it and it's a little bit reluctant to move away suddenly."

One by one seemed to seize this opportunity and wanted to ask everything out.

After all, some domestic news is lagging behind, but foreign countries and even demonstration maps are ready for them.

"Let's listen to the arrangements of relevant departments. I'm not very good at commenting on this matter."

Zhang Lingtian now realizes that his words will be on the hot search list at any time.

So be careful with your words now.

"Mr. Zhang heard that you are going to buy a small villa in Chunjiang? Will we live here in the future?"

The elevator was still going down, and the inside continued to ask questions.

"I'm planning to buy a small villa. As for this place, I might rent it out first."

Zhang Lingtian replied, the elevator arrived soon.


After closing the elevator door, the man who had just asked raised his hands in the air and looked very excited.

"What are you doing? You're so excited all of a sudden! The house we bought with so much hard work will be destroyed by meteorites!"

The man's wife stares at him.

The whole person looked unhappy.

Although there were other people in the elevator going down to the basement, no one said anything and just watched quietly.

It's just that there's a bit more of an expression in his eyes, as if he's looking at a fool.

After all, in this natural disaster, the house they worked so hard to pay for may be gone.

I just want to cry and not be happy at all.

"Don't worry, Lord Yama said the meteorite won't hit us."

The man's face showed unprecedented confidence.

"Ah? Boss Zhang just said this?"

The wife was stunned.

"Impossible, Boss Zhang didn't say that just now."

Everyone else in the elevator also recalled what they just said.

I found that Boss Zhang did not reply.

"You guys, can you care about other places? You just forgot what I asked the other party? I asked him what would happen to his house? The other party said it was too small and might be rented out. Then I asked you if there is really a disaster, Who will Boss Zhang rent the house to when the time comes? He’s gone too!”

The man seemed to grasp a life-saving straw.


"Hey, there is some truth to what you said!!"


In the elevator, Zhang Lingtian came to the door of Building 4 on the other side.

"Welcome Mr. Zhang Lingtian to go to work, our property management will continue to work hard!!"

There was another line of welcome people lined up at the door, which shocked Zhang Lingtian again.

"Mr. Zhou, what the hell are you doing? Didn't I tell you to stop doing these formalistic things?"

Zhang Lingtian was a little annoyed, and even said not to mess with the other party, but even came to a welcome ceremony.

"Mr. Zhang, we have prepared thoughtful morning tea for you. You can take a sip first and comment on the taste."

Zhou Run looked cautious.

"Dispel fire? I guess I don't have any fire to dispel!"

Zhang Lingtian frowned.

"Yes, yes, we believe Mr. Zhang can do it. Mr. Zhang, I will cover all your house property fees."

Zhou Run continued to pester Zhang Lingtian.

But Zhang Lingtian still got in the car and went to Baishipu.

On the street at this moment, for some reason, I felt that many cars were honking their horns after seeing me.

"Morning boss."

As soon as he entered the funeral shop, he saw someone coming out to greet him.

"It's early, have you finished your breakfast?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

"I've finished eating. Boss, hurry up and start a live broadcast. The private messages are going to explode!!"

Baishipu members have received a large number of private messages these days.

It was so terrifying that they couldn't even look at it.

"It's easy to start a live broadcast, but what should I talk about?"

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

You can’t say meteorites, right?
 I wrote it while dozing off... I will change it.Sleepy, sleepy, alas. At 00:58, the modification is completed, I am really tired, and I fell asleep.

  Everyone also go to bed early.

(End of this chapter)

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