I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 209 The live broadcast started, and the whole people went crazy.

Chapter 209 The live broadcast started, and the whole people went crazy.

"Boss, it's actually good to talk about meteorites, such as whether it will really fall down or something like that!"

Jiang Xiaohan's expression was somewhat curious.


Li Tiantian silently raised her hand and chose a +1 option.

Although the media from all over the world are following the rhythm at the moment, they are still willing to believe what their boss says.

"I can't talk about this, because I don't know."

Zhang Lingtian directly rejected the proposal.

"Then boss, you can chat casually. It's actually okay to choose a lucky audience."

Jiang Xiaohan had an idea.

Mainly because their private messages were exposed.

Her personal Douyin and WeChat are even more appalling.

"Okay, okay, then you make a live broadcast appointment first."

Since the little assistant said so, let's start a live broadcast to chat.

By the way, let me clarify the over-deification of him by everyone. In fact, he himself is completely unclear about many things.

Just like meteorites.

If Captain Qin hadn't called him and said some inexplicable things before, he wouldn't know what happened.

"it is good!!"

Jiang Xiaohan was excited.

"I'm going to prepare the live broadcast room with Ah Wei!"

Li Tiantian and Su Wei rushed to the live broadcast room where Zhang Lingtian was going for a while, and arranged the lighting and other things.

【10. Ping An Baishi Shop Live Reservation】

ten o'clock.

Just an hour later, Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast appointment rushed to the hot search list again.

And it's still tenth.


"Drip! Student card!"

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Boss Zhang finally started the broadcast, this time it should be about meteorites."

"Will the meteorite really fall down? I'm so scared!!"

"Tell me this is fake! It can never happen!!/Cry loudly."

Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast room was still in a state of black screen.

But many water friends have already come to check in, and everyone even thinks that the other party is talking about meteorites.

Some of the water friends in Chunjiang are very depressed.

It means this must be fake, fake! !

"Hey! The Institute of Astronomy issued a statement just 1 minute ago, and there is a high probability that this is true."

It turns out that there were all kinds of rumors during this period.

But the official agency has not actually issued any statement.



Dazed in a daze.

Shocking shock.

Many people clicked on the scarf and searched for the Institute of Astronomy.


At this moment, the Institute of Astronomy has received unprecedented attention.

[Institute of Astronomy V: According to what we have observed so far, a meteorite is flying towards our planet. According to the route, it is estimated that the final landing place of the other party may be in Chunjiang. I hope that the people in the affected area of ​​​​Chunjiang will do disaster prevention in advance. /Image] [image. 】

The official Weibo of the Institute of Astronomy posted a scarf.

At the same time, they also provided pictures of the meteorites they observed and the approximate affected areas.


"Just at the tenth ring, brothers, how lucky am I?"

"I know the location of your house, brother, move out earlier, you can buy it again when the house is gone."

"Boss Zhang is currently preparing to start a live broadcast. Maybe he is talking about this. If you have time, you can go and watch it and maybe you can get some inspiration."

Under this scarf.

Some people were desperate, while others recommended to watch Boss Zhang's live broadcast.

After all, Boss Zhang is recognized as the Prince of Hell, so he can definitely figure out what happened.

It's exactly ten o'clock.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhang Lingtian. I didn't expect that the live broadcast of our Baishipu's surprise attack this time had more than 100 million people watching. Thank you very much."

A man and a woman appeared in the live broadcast room that originally had a black screen. The man was naturally Zhang Lingtian.

Say hello to everyone now.

He also looked at some data, and there were more than 180 million people in the beginning, which is very good compared to the live broadcasts where they usually do not make an appointment.

"Hi everyone, I'm Jiang Xiaohan. Today, the live broadcast does not bring goods. Our boss simply chats with you and answers some questions. The live broadcast room also launched a question function at this time. You can type out what you want to ask. The boss picks the few questions he wants to answer the highest."

Jiang Xiaohan also greeted everyone.

The main reason is that many people privately messaged her last night.

Some even hoped that she would be everyone's mouthpiece and ask the boss some questions.

She just discussed it with her boss.

Finally decided to launch a question function.

Then there is a button under the question that you want to answer. Click it and one person wants to answer it. In fact, it means like it.

It's just a different name.

"This is good!"

"I hope to ask about the meteorite!"

"That's right! Meteorite! Meteorite! Meteorite!"

"Hey! Why us? Is it true that Boss Zhang is lacking in performance as rumored?"

"Brother, I have already asked your question, go to like it."

After the broadcast started, bullet screens were flying all over the live broadcast room.

A thousand questions appeared at once, and the number one was the adapted version of the question that lacked performance just now.

In just 1 minute, 10 people wanted to know.

[1. Boss Zhang, it is rumored on the Internet that the meteorite hit Chunjiang because of your lack of performance, so you created a disaster to increase your performance. Is this true?Or is it completely fake? "10w+ people want to know"]

1 minute chase.

This question stands out.

In fact, Li Tiantian and Su Wei also quietly liked it.

For now, this is a relatively widespread version circulating on the Internet.

"Originally, I wanted to say that as long as it's not about meteorites, it's fine, because I really don't know, but it turns out that this matter is so convoluted that I can't get around it. In this case, I'll just talk about it by the way."

Zhang Lingtian sighed at this moment.

"Oh shit!"

"Are you coming?!"

"It's great that this feature is live!!"

"Boss Zhang, please tell me quickly, is it because you lack performance?"

"Um... do you believe the lack of performance? I can feel Boss Zhang's speechlessness through the screen."

Many water friends in the live broadcast room looked forward to it for a while.

Of course, some were speechless.

After all, if you are a little more realistic, you can find the problem.

"To be honest, if it's a normal question, I'm basically too lazy to answer it, because the point is clear, but I'm not the king of hell, and I don't have any performance to talk about. According to your thinking, I really lack performance, so now the official notice is gone. What can I achieve? Don't you think this is contradictory?"

Zhang Lingtian asked back.

This level of disinformation is indeed low-end.

"That's right."

"Yes, if the meteorite really fell, then any normal person would run away!"

"Boss Zhang's words have touched my heart. I just wanted to say that few people except for the mentally retarded would believe this, because it is full of logical loopholes. It would be better to create such a disaster than to have a large number of accidents."

Water friends are also more sensible.

The problem was even spotted at a glance.

"It seems that the first question is in the past, so let's look at the second question. What I want to know the most at the moment is whether the meteorite will really fall into the Spring River?"

Jiang Xiaohan opened the question box at this moment.

"For this, you can read the statement issued by the Institute of Astronomy. The other party said that according to the current orbit, there is a 99% probability that the meteorite will fall in Chunjiang."

Zhang Lingtian also read the post from the Institute of Astronomy.I quoted it directly now.

"It's you!"

"Yes! We want to know what you think, Boss Zhang!"

"That's right, we don't want research from the Institute of Astronomy, we want Boss Zhang, what do you think!"

Zhang Lingtian just finished speaking.

The next moment, the barrage flew up!

It's all for Zhang Lingtian to express his opinion.

"Boss, everyone seems to be more persistent in their thoughts."

Jiang Xiaohan had a smile on his face.

In fact, she wanted to know more herself.

"Me? I can't answer the question of whether the meteorite will hit Chunjiang, because I don't know."

Zhang Lingtian replied.

[1. Boss Zhang said that meteorites may not necessarily fall on Chunjiang]

However, he did not expect that what he said in the morning would directly reach the top of the hot search list in the afternoon.

In the office, Zhang Lingtian looked at the hot search with black lines all over his head.

He just said he didn't know, how did it become that he might not necessarily fall in Chunjiang?

Didn't you say that you should read the official bulletin?

[Prophet: I don’t know → not sure → not necessarily.So you know what Boss Zhang is going to express, right?It is recommended to closely observe the movements of Boss Zhang. 】

"I understand!"

"Brother Prophet has a new account? That's awesome!!"

"Understood! Understood! Follow Boss Zhang, nothing will worry you!"

During this period, the prophet who won 500 million before appeared again.

The difference from before is that this time he has a new number.

"Who is this prophet? What nonsense!!"

Zhang Lingtian naturally saw this prophet's post.

Immediately full of question marks.

This guy is simply the master of the brain supplement world.

Sweeter than Li Tiantian.

And the current number one on the hot search list is also based on this guy.

Time is quiet.

In the days that followed, news announcements were made one by one.

The fermentation is getting bigger and bigger.

Chunjiang asked residents in the disaster-stricken area to be mentally prepared to avoid danger, take refuge, and accept emergency evacuation.

Some people in the core area are advised to leave first and live in residences in safe areas. Of course, the government will pay for all the expenses.

After all, this is a disaster, and the government must do a good job in safeguarding it.

【International Forum】

In international forums, countries continue to sneer and gloat, especially with chicken feet.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect it, this is a disaster for you guys!!——IP chicken in the pot"

"Last night, I got a dream from Mr. Tsuchimi Seimei, who said that as long as Zhang Lingtian is sacrificed, you will be fine. ——IP foot pot chicken"

"Actually, Zhang Lingtian is the root of all evil, just kill him. ——IP Jiangjiang Country"

They said that it was the previous Mr. Seimei Tumi who started revenge.

After all, the other party is the representative master of their Yin-Yang faction, and his ability is absolutely top-notch. What was destroyed before was only his physical body.

Now it is the top master of Yin and Yang, Seimei Earth, who uses his spiritual thoughts to control disasters.

Give Zhang Lingtian a small shock.

As long as they sacrifice each other honestly, disaster can be avoided.

"I'm afraid you want to eat farts!"

"Hahaha, a person who was burnt to death in a fight with the King of Hell, actually talks about taking revenge on Chunjiang. If he has this ability, he won't let himself die."

"When did the foot pot chicken start to comfort itself? Q spirit victory method? Let me tell you a secret, you must not have thought that the annual meeting of Baishipu will go on as usual!"

"I'm from Chunjiang. I should eat and drink what I should eat now. I'll go for a run in the morning. Will the meteorite come? As Boss Zhang of the second ring road, I don't panic at all if I don't move!"

Netizens quickly responded on international forums.

At present, Chunjiang is divided into two factions, one is the Sensitive faction, many people have moved and left Chunjiang after all kinds of turmoil, even if they have not moved, some people are always ready.

The other is the slow faction or the flat faction. This faction is indifferent to Boss Zhang and Boss Zhang, and they don't panic at all.

Especially when they heard that the Ping An Baishipu annual meeting will be held as usual, this part of the people is even more relieved.

At this moment, Zhan You also appeared.

An invisible public opinion war is going on.

It was eight o'clock in the morning on New Year's Eve.

According to the plan.

The meteorite will fall in Chunjiang at 23:58 tonight.

At this moment, the whole network is paying attention.

Or global! !
"Morning boss."

New Year's Eve is night, and last night they held the annual meeting of Eternal General Business Co., Ltd.

Zhang Lingtian naturally also attended.

And gave everyone a very generous year-end bonus.

At the meeting, everyone asked about meteorites.

Zhang Lingtian said that at present it will not be possible.

"Boss, are we really okay? Why don't you give us some lucky funeral gifts! We have to persevere!!"

Li Tiantian looked at her boss, who was brushing her scarf, feeling a little flustered.

[The system scan is complete. 】

[Scan object: Li Tiantian. 】

[Occupation: Employee of Ping An Baishi Shop, manager of Zhanyou Group. 】

[Bad information: Massive brain supplements. 】

[Danger signal: 0.1% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger location: None for now. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Forecast of air luck: Click to view "1 times". 】

[Customer attributes: low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host has paid attention. 】

"If you want funeral objects, I can give them to you. You only need a [-]% discount."

Zhang Lingtian looked at Li Tiantian. For now, he believed that his system scan would show that the meteorite would not fall in Chunjiang.


A chill swept over Li Tiantian.

"No, no, boss, I'm off to work!!"

Li Tiantian was stunned instantly.

Then go to set up the live broadcast room.

[1. Boss Zhang said that the meteorite is unlikely to fall on the Chunjiang River. 】

[2. Ping An Bai Shi Shop has not been moved]

[3. Wan Changqing, Director of the Institute of Astronomy, went to Chunjiang]

【4. Countdown to fifteen hours】


Related news is fermenting.

The most popular among them is Zhang Lingtian's saying that meteorites will not fall in the spring river.

That was what he said at the annual meeting last night, and unexpectedly it actually made the news.

[Douyin system reminds you: The live broadcast of Ping An Baishipu is about to start. "510w person appointment"]

The reservation screen in the live broadcast room of Ping An Baishipu has 500 million people making reservations at this moment.

There were even many water friends from abroad.

They wanted to see if Zhang Lingtian would change his mind.

After all, it was more than ten hours.


(End of this chapter)

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