I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 211 A meteorite fell, and suddenly the next door exploded!

Chapter 211 A meteorite fell, and suddenly the next door exploded!
This is your chance to win 100% of the time.

So what about Dongda!
So what if the popularity is high?
Everything belongs to someone else! !
He will win the election! !
If you are really defeated by a good-for-nothing otaku, it will be a lifelong shame.

a residence.

At this moment, the house saint is no longer as slovenly as before.

Now he is wearing a handsome suit with a somewhat artistic atmosphere.

"Mr. Zhaisheng, everyone is waiting for your comment on this matter. How about we also issue a statement?"

At this moment, there was a staff member wearing a suit on both sides of the house saint.

"You can make a statement, but it certainly won't be the same as the one named Tian. Most of the people the other party recruits are extremists. We don't need to follow his path."

The house saint said with a different expression.

"But Mr. Zhai Sheng, we have fewer supporters than our opponents now, and wasn't Zhang Lingtian a gimmick before? In fact, we can now use our strategy to attract people who support Boss Tian."

The staff is now facing suggestions.

After all, Zhang Lingtian was just used as a gimmick before.

Now that the meteorite is about to fall, they can use this to gain votes for themselves.

"If we add insult to injury, we will run into trouble sooner or later."

The house saint answered what the staff said.

He answered the same question when he was asked the same question during the interview.

Can't add insult to injury.

Otherwise you may run into trouble.

However, what he said was directly made a big fuss by Boss Tian.

The supporters of Zhai Sheng also suffered a loss at this moment.

After all, many people are immersed in the strength of the local sect of Yin and Yang.

He thinks that Mr. Tsuchimika Seimei, who has transformed into a spirit body, is controlling the meteorite and attacking Harujiang.

Still having trouble?
If he was really in trouble, then Chunjiang wouldn't be hit by the meteorite!

All of a sudden, the rest of the country was hurling insults and insults at the candidate who was about to run for office.

Some people even think that the other party is a spy.

And internationally.

All media outlets have spoken out.

[Jiangjiang Country: According to current monitoring, the meteorite will land in Chunjiang at [-] o'clock tonight at the latest. Fortunately, there is a safe white shop in Chunjiang. Do you think this boss Zhang can change his life against the odds? 】

The portal website of Jiangjiang Country posted a news at this moment.

There are many connotations of Boss Zhang's meaning in it.

[Bangbang Country: It is said that there is a King of Hell in the East. He is in Chunjiang, so he is a visitor from outer space? 】

In addition, Bangbang Country has also followed suit, and a lot of the content is ridiculed.

The European Federation is much calmer.

No words were said this time.

As for Xiongxiong Country, they were a little more serious, saying they would provide some assistance and the like.

Although they are fighting brothers now, they can't help themselves.

But the heart is there.

"This Zhang Lingtian is very dangerous, and he has not moved yet."

"Yes, we think so too. The Federation is also very smart."

There is a meeting over there in Xiongxiong Country.

The same European Federation is also meeting.

"Jiangjiang Country has asked us to follow suit and speak out. Do we want to speak out now?"

The federal deputy asked at this moment.

"What are you saying? You can't! Don't you know who Zhang Lingtian is?"

"Yes, whoever speaks out should speak out in his own name and don't have anything to do with our federation! When the time comes, I will also travel to your side!"

"I just looked at the information we collected. This person is really suspicious. He predicted many things in advance very correctly. At present, Chunjiang has not moved out of Baishipu. Maybe there will be a change!"

"What a turning point. If this person really had such great ability, Chunjiang would not have been hit by a meteorite. This might be God warning him not to interfere so far! I agree with Jiangjibang on this whole statement."

European Union meeting.

Everyone quarreled.

But there is still no certainty as to whether it will happen.

This made Master Xi very unhappy.

"What are these people thinking? Why are they afraid of Zhang Lingtian? I remember that the European League is not so superstitious."

The rare sect leader is still waiting for these people to join him in putting pressure.

Because of Zhang Lingtian, their eldest brother's position was almost shaken.

Now such an opportunity finally appeared.

"I urge them again. According to the news we have received, emergency evacuation has begun in Chunjiang. This is a mandatory order and must be completed by six o'clock in the afternoon at the latest, which is our six o'clock in the morning."

It is early morning.

Rare suzerain rare overtime.

Assistant George was also beside the other party.

At this moment, he is reporting on Chunjiang’s developments.

spring river.

Ping An funeral shop.

Zhang Ling's live broadcast all over the world.

Sirens rang throughout the sky.

"Boss! I just received a notice. Our subdistrict director asked us to evacuate as soon as possible, and also asked us to report the method of evacuation, whether we drove away by ourselves or followed the vehicle. If we left by ourselves, we had to go to a safe area before three o'clock."

Jiang Xiaohan, as a young assistant, came over and asked.

"We really need to evacuate."

Su Wei looked at this notice and was a little confused.

"That shouldn't be the case. Boss Qiu Shi really dares to smash our Ping'an clothing store?"

This is an emergency evacuation notice.

In other words, they will really evacuate next.

But this meteorite is too bold.

Their white shop is the territory of the King of Hell.

Does it really dare to destroy it?

"If you have anything to take, go back and take it away quickly. I'll give you a day off. I plan to leave in my own car."

Zhang Lingtian said to him.

"It's really going to fall down! Oh, it hurts so much!"

Li Tiantian's heart twitched when she heard this.

"Brother, we will go back that day."

Su Wei hurried home.

I plan to run with my computer first.

Soon Li Tiantian also withdrew.

"Huh? Xiaohan, aren't you leaving?"

Zhang Lingtian suddenly became curious when he saw that Jiang Xiaohan looked like he didn't intend to leave.

"I followed the boss's car, and there was nothing in the rental house."

Jiang Xiaohan's computer is here.

And there were only some clothes in her rental house at the moment.

I was too lazy to go back and squeeze.

"That's it, okay."

Since the assistant said so, Zhang Lingtian could only nod.

In fact, he was a little confused.

That is, nothing happened during the system scan. Why is this happening?
Is it because the system predicted the city’s emergency evacuation order?
So he is not in danger?

"Boss, don't you go back and bring something?"

Jiang Xiaohan remembered that the boss had a lot of things in his house.

And the area where the meteorite hit happened to be that place.

If we go back and rescue him, we can probably reduce the losses a little bit.

"We're not going back. We'll leave immediately after lunch."

Zhang Lingtian finally decided to leave.

Because if the system predicts the emergency evacuation order, he is the person who must go in the emergency evacuation order, as well as other members of Baishipu, then they will indeed not be in danger.


Jiang Xiaohan nodded slightly and then cleaned up the business.


At this moment, a silver-haired old man and a young girl suddenly appeared at the door.

The other party followed the old man.

It seems to be the role of secretary.

"Hello, old gentleman, are you here to make an appointment for funeral services? If we are in a dangerous area this afternoon, we probably have no choice but to wait until the meteorite falls."

Jiang Xiaohan saw someone coming at the door and immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"No, no, no, I'm here to see Mr. Zhang and want to have a chat with him."

Wan Changqing said to Jiang Xiaohan.

"Ah? You want to chat with our boss, how about..., why don't I ask." The other party didn't have an appointment, so he just came in and said he wanted to chat with the boss. She was a little confused.

So now I have to ask my boss.

"Hello, old sir, I'm Zhang Lingtian. What do you want from me?"

Zhang Lingtian walked out of the tea room with some fruit in his hand.

He just tested it.

Even if he planned to hide and refused to leave, the system's scan would still pose no danger.

This is very strange.

"Hello Mr. Zhang, I am Wan Changqing, an expert hired by the emergency management team and the director of the Institute of Astronomy."

Wan Changqing introduced himself straight to the point.

After all, if you want to communicate effectively, it is more convenient to introduce yourself directly.

"Director Wan, are you here to persuade us to leave quickly?"

Zhang Lingtian seemed to think of something after hearing the other party's introduction.

Turns out this guy is an expert.

But I just don’t know what the other party is here for.

"Mr. Zhang, this meteorite may fall after six o'clock tonight. Why don't you take care of it?"

Wan Changqing asked with some curiosity.

"Too lazy to clean up."

Zhang Lingtian replied.

This street.

Many people hesitated after receiving the order to retreat.

Should I just pick up the things and leave?

It is not an easy task for a businessman to move all his things.

"Old Huang, what are your plans?"

"Yes, yes, Daling, you are relatively familiar with Boss Zhang. How do you plan this matter?"

Everyone asked curiously.

I would like to hear the opinion of the breakfast shop.

"I saw that Boss Zhang and the others didn't move anything, so my wife and I discussed how to evacuate and keep the things."

Boss Huang of the breakfast shop said to him now.

"Forget it, I'm just a human being, let's go. Boss Zhang won't move anything, so why should I move it?"

a street.

Many people have chosen to leave.

Just like getting off work.

The shop immediately locked the door.

Of course, there are also a few places where you can take things away.

In the funeral shop.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think this meteorite will not fall into our Chunjiang River?"

Zhang Lingtian said that he would not move.

Wan Changqing asked a little doubtfully.

Could it be that the other party guessed something?

"Director Wan, I never said this, I'm just lazy."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

He certainly wouldn't dare say such definite words.

What if you say the meteorite won't fall, but if it does fall?
He simply evacuated by himself.

Too lazy to move things.

See if the system is correct.

"Mr. Zhang, I actually hope that the meteorite can change its trajectory this time, because it is too tragic for a city."

Wan Changqing's words at the moment are full of other things.

chat and chat.

The time soon came to three o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Lingtian and Jiang Xiaohan drove towards the safe zone.

beyond the planet.

A meteorite is falling rapidly.

[Meteorite live broadcast, there is still one and a half hours left before the fireworks. 】

six o'clock.

A live broadcast room called Meteorite Live has been opened on Foot Pot Chicken.

That was actually an image of a meteorite observed by an astronomical observatory.

"Bang bang bang!!"

"I want to watch the fireworks so much!"

"Hahaha, last time we were scared, this time it's finally your turn!"

"Everyone, look at this picture of Chunjiang's escape. It's so dark that it looks like ants. Didn't you say you don't have to be afraid because you have a boss? Why are they all running away now?"

This meteorite live broadcast room of the foot pot chicken.

Many people applauded.

Can't even hide the schadenfreude.

spring river.

Safe place.

"These chicks! How disgusting!"

"Damn, why do these little brats have the nerve to call themselves high-quality people? Look at their ugly faces!"

"Boss Zhang, why on earth do we, Chunjiang, have to undergo the baptism of meteorites?"

"Is there something evil in our Chunjiang?"

Some people looked at their phones, others looked up at the sky.

Everyone spoke one after another.

"Boss Zhang is hosting a live broadcast!"

"Where is Boss Zhang? Can you start a live broadcast?"

"I'm so scared, I hope Boss Zhang can start a live broadcast."

"Will the meteorite really hit us? Boss Zhang, please answer us quickly!"

Many people under Zhang Lingtian's white clothes shop left messages one after another.


"Boss Zhang really started a live broadcast!!"

"Where is Boss Zhang right now? It looks like a rooftop."

Just under everyone’s crazy private messages.

I didn't have any hope at first, but I didn't expect that everyone actually saw Boss Zhang live broadcast.

"Seeing that everyone is looking for me, I will show my face now. I am now in a safe area placed in the emergency management center. Don't be afraid. You will all be fine."

Zhang Lingtian looked at the message.

Some people collapse in the face of disaster.

Some people are very helpless and hope they can make a video to give everyone a little confidence.

Because they really haven't experienced this.

So he started a live broadcast.

"Boss Zhang is so warm."

"I don't know why I feel relieved all of a sudden."

"Have you noticed that the neighbor next door is so disgusting? They are gloating about our misfortune."

"Boss Zhang, they said that it was their man named Tsuchimi Seimei who used his soul to control the meteorite. Do you agree with that?"

After Zhang Lingtian started live broadcast.

Everyone sent out barrages one after another.

Whether it's peace or crisis, I don't know why everyone feels at ease when they see Boss Zhang.

"This is definitely impossible. Let the neighbor gloat over his misfortune. Why did the meteorite hit us instead of the other side?"

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands in front of the camera.


at the same time.

outer space.

For some unknown reason, a meteorite suddenly collided with the meteorite that fell down.


The next moment there was an explosion outside the atmosphere.

"Hold, hold the grass!!"

This bomb!
Wan Changqing, who is in his 80s, immediately jumped up.

Shouting "hold the grass!"


The pupils of everyone at the Astronomy Research Institute over there shrank, and the Heavenly Spirit Cap flew up! !
(End of this chapter)

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