I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 212 The chicken next door is crazy, this script is wrong!

Chapter 212 The chicken next door is crazy, this script is wrong!

The astronomical observatory of Jiangjiang Country.

A scolding sound sounded!

Because the meteorites collided with each other, the debris from the explosion actually flew towards their satellite.

Just blow up their satellite.

"Tell me what you did to provoke him! What did you do!!"

Maas was currently checking the launched Starlink in his company, but he was targeted again.

Jiangjiang country blew up two satellites.

His star chain has now launched more than 3000 stars, and more than 100 stars have been directly lost in this wave.

I remembered that the last time my starship launch failed was because the rare sect leader provoked Zhang Lingtian.

Tell me, what did you provoke him for?
Masi was so angry that he was slamming the table at the moment.

Because astronomical observations are live.

The other party even specially typed rabbit subtitles, and many people watched it on the international version of Douyin.

The scene of being hit and exploded naturally caught the eyes of the people of Rabbit Country.


At this moment, the screen is full of question marks.

"Old, boss, what did you just say?"

Everyone in Baishipu was also beside Zhang Lingtian, and the corners of their mouths were twitching.

"You didn't say anything. What do you mean by that expression?"

Everything just happened in a flash of lightning, and he was broadcasting live and had not entered the international version of Douyin. Zhang Lingtian had no idea what was going on, so his expression was a little confused at the moment.

"Do what you say!"

"Boss Zhang yyds!!"

"Hahaha, so will there really be fried chicken next?"

"Niubi! (hysterical to the point of breaking the voice)"


"Who doesn't know you and dares to deceive you? If this wave really hits the next door, I believe the other party will be honest."


[User 'Zhengyi' rewarded 666666 Dou coins. 】

[User 'Sister Zhou' rewarded 666666 Dou coins. 】

[User 'Daydream' rewarded 100000 Dou coins. 】

[User 'It's Reba' rewarded 666666 coins and sent ten rockets. 】

[User 'Mimi' rewarded 666666 coins and sent [-] rockets. 】


[User 'Tear Onion' rewarded 10000000 dou coins, sent a thousand large fireworks and said, 'Boss Zhang is awesome'! 】

In an instant, Zhang Lingtian’s comments and rewards in the live broadcast exploded.

"Ah? What do you mean by what you say? What about fried chicken? Why do you reward me with so much money?"

First, the members of Baishipu asked him some confusing questions.

And now there is another series of rewards.

Zhang Lingtian was immediately stunned.

He is really dumbfounded!
Have absolutely no idea what's going on.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that there are so many people hiding in Boss Zhang's live broadcast room."

"Mother, it's really Reba, Mimi, Zhou Yi, and even Scallion who came here. Not to mention that Principal Cong's move was so generous! He directly rewarded 1000 million Dou coins and a thousand fireworks. I know that big fireworks cost 100 yuan each."

"Didn't you find that Boss Zhang's acting skills are very good? As a student of my acting major, I can only say that Boss Zhang's expression is just like the real thing! It's completely impossible to tell that he is acting well."

"You have just realized that Boss Zhang's acting skills have always been phenomenal. Have you seen Uncle Benshan's disciple make a mistake recently? It's really a mistake. There is no trace of performance at all. The 28-year-old Boss Zhang is even better than Uncle Benshan."

Netizens marveled that there were so many celebrities hidden in Boss Zhang’s live broadcast room.

And they also give very generous rewards.

At the same time, some netizens are commenting on Zhang Lingtian's acting skills.

He is simply a phenomenal actor.

It's completely true.

In the words of Uncle Benshan, acting is not actually acting. Acting should be reality. Once you act, it will definitely be over.

And this he calls the highest realm of filming.

Boss Zhang is now at the top.


Zhang Lingtian was really confused.

So his current expression is not an act at all, but a real emotion.

No matter how selfless your acting is, it won't be as contagious as true feelings.

At this moment, Zhang Lingtian looked in the direction of the assistant.

"Look, this is professionalism."

"It's so fucking vivid. Even Uncle Benshan has to seek your apprenticeship."

"Boss Zhang, I am a student of acting. May I ask how you can perform so realistically? Our teacher always says that I have an expression on everything!"

"I don't know what I did, but I asked my assistant, Boss Zhang, if Boss Zhang didn't know you very well, we would all believe it."

The water friends killed it, this is the show.

After all, as soon as he said this, the meteorite in the sky was exploded by another meteorite.

Many people learned from the boss that this explosion directly caused Jiangjiang Country to lose a lot of satellites. One of the men named Mas directly slapped the table and cursed.
[Mas: Provoking Zhang Lingtian is the stupidest behavior I have ever seen!Are you happy that the trajectory has changed now? @rare clan master@田 Boss. 】

[Mas: Picture 1.jpg/Picture 2.jpg/Picture 3.jpg. 】

Everyone even saw the other party posting two updates directly on Twitter.

The whole person was extremely angry.

At the time, some people wondered why Maas was so angry.

Then some big names in related industries gave a series of answers, that is, this explosion directly caused the loss of more than 100 satellites by Mas.

The last time the starship exploded, this time the star chain exploded.

And this is all a good thing done by the master of the rare sect, and it is related to a man named Zhang. Let me ask you, if you are Mas himself, will you explode?

In the environment of Jiangjiang Country, it is completely normal to curse.


Jiang Xiaohan moved closer to Zhang Lingtian's ear.

Then he informed the boss about the meteorite explosion just now.

Of course, if you ask her if she thinks this matter has anything to do with her boss, she will definitely say that it does.

Then why didn't she just roll her eyes when her boss came to her? She could only say that as an assistant, there must be a reason why her boss was looking for her.

Maybe the other party needs to do this to deceive an assessor.

"What the hell? The meteorite exploded? So has the opponent's trajectory changed now? It's not heading towards the chicken!"

Zhang Lingtian's pupils constricted.

He now seriously suspected that the system was teasing him.

"Acting into the realm of gods."

"I got it! Next, it's towards the foot pot chicken!"

"Although the Institute of Astronomy is stepping up the deduction, I can think with my toes that this is completely in the wrong direction. The Lord of Hell never holds an overnight grudge. Have you forgotten the one named Wang Hua before? Find someone to go to the Lord of Hell this afternoon. He was poisoned at home and was immediately arrested at night, and even the other party's Ma Zi Feng Hui got into a car accident when he tried to run away."

For Zhang Lingtian's actions, netizens are praising his acting skills crazily.

At the same time, some people found the key words in the other party's words.

That's foot pot chicken!

Netizens who were calling Chibaji just now are a little timid now.


Suddenly there was a sound.

[The live broadcast room of the Astronomical Observatory has been closed...]


"What happened? Why is it closed?!"

"Can anyone tell me what happened?"

"You're not really coming towards us! Don't be!!"

The astronomical observatory that was specially opened by Foot Pot Chicken to detect meteorites hitting Chunjiang has been closed now.

In an instant, the water friends in Chicken Country were stunned.

Everyone looked dumbfounded.

Some people even stared at the dark screen with confused eyes, and an extremely terrifying thought appeared in their minds.

That means the other party is probably flying towards their country!
"how is this possible!!"

Footpot Chicken Astronomical Observatory.

A group of experts used computer calculations and finally came up with a surprising result.

That is, a large number of meteorites are now flying towards their country.

There is a 90% probability that it will hit their homeland, and even Blessing Island, where the nuclear power plant is located, may be hit by meteorites!

"This..." All the experts were confused.

"Is it really the King of Hell on the other side?"

An old man with gray hair had empty eyes.

"Professor Miyamoto Mizuki, this should be impossible, if the other party really has the ability to manipulate meteorites, then it's okay? I'm afraid the other party will have to be the village head immediately!"

Another expert from the institute clearly disagreed.

"But look what happened now? Originally, a large meteorite hit Chunjiang directly, but now this meteorite has been smashed into countless meteorites and hit us! And this is all because of what the other party said After 'Who told the other party that he was not a chicken in the foot'!"

Mizuki Miyamoto is the director of the institute.

He didn't believe this at first.

But now I have to believe it, because it’s so evil!

The professor was a little speechless at this time.

Because this is indeed a very coincidence.

"This is not the time for us to argue about these things. What we have to do now is to quickly notify the upper management and let them do the evacuation! Because the meteorite is within our city, and it may even hit a nuclear power plant!"

Mizuki Miyamoto looked serious.

If not handled properly, a single meteorite may take away the lives of at least 10 people.

Even millions are possible!

No one thought that this melon-eating person would end up eating it on himself.

On the other side, Boss Tian was giving a speech on TV.

"I saw someone asking that this meteorite just exploded. Will it fly towards our country? I want to tell everyone that this probability is extremely slim! After all, we are protected by the spirit of Mr. Tsuchimika Seimei!!"

Boss Tian answered this question.

"But in Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast room, many people thought it was coming towards us! Otherwise, why did the meteorite explode just after the other party finished talking about it!"

Someone immediately added to this question.

"The meteorite that collided has actually been under observation at our astronomical observatory for a long time, so although the probability of such a collision is small, it will still happen. As for Zhang Lingtian, his words are always from all angles like a fortune teller. It can be detoxified, don’t worry, everyone, everything will be fine! Because we always stand on the same line as the most powerful country in the world!"

Boss Tian was impassioned.

Although there was a little hiccup, it didn't matter.

There is nothing wrong with his general policy.

As long as the meteorite doesn't come towards them, it's 100% a matter of pressing the so-called house saint to the ground and rubbing it.


However, at this moment, Boss Tian's secretary Suzuki Kyoko came close to the other party's ear, and then said something unknown.


The next moment, Boss Tian's pupils tightened.

"Yes, the call just came from the Institute of Astronomy."

Suzuki Kyoko nodded.

"Everyone, please wait for two minutes. I'll go down and drink a glass of water first."

There were still some reporters behind the televised speech.

After all, this is not the same dangerous period as before.



"Gone? Why?"

"Why did Boss Tian leave suddenly?"

"Fuck, looking at Boss Tian's expression, it feels like something big has happened."

"Isn't this meteorite really coming towards us? Is what Boss Zhang said in the live broadcast room true? It feels like those people knew the news in advance!"


Boss Tian suddenly left during the live TV broadcast.

Many people present looked extremely confused.

There have even been various speculations.

After all, Boss Tian’s expression just now was obvious to all.

In particular, some people lurk in Boss Zhang's live broadcast room. They originally planned to lead the public opinion war, but now they have inadvertently become the first-hand information obtainers.


"Mr. Mizuki Miyamoto, are you sure this meteorite falls within these ranges? Is there any possibility that the estimate is wrong?"

In order to confirm the authenticity of the matter, Boss Tian made a video call to Mizuki Miyamoto, the person in charge of astronomy.

And he also obtained the predicted crash point of the meteorite through Kyoko Suzuki.

Not only the scope is large but also very outrageous.

Among them are their nuclear power plants and weapons arsenals. These things are not easy to guard against!

"The accuracy rate is over 90%. Boss Tian, ​​please do emergency management quickly."

Mizuki Miyamoto said to him.


Boss Tian planned to say something.

But when the words came to his mouth, he was blocked again.

30 seconds later he stood in front of the stage where he had just given a televised speech.

"What happened to Boss Tian? Why do you have such a melancholy expression?"

Reporters were very curious.

To say melancholy is putting it mildly.

The other party's true expression should be said to be constipation.

"Gentlemen and ladies, next I want to announce a major news. Please ask the residents of Blessing Island and other related areas to evacuate as soon as possible, because according to the prediction of the astronomical observatory, the meteorite is coming towards us, and everyone only has three and ten minutes."

Meteorites explode in space outside the atmosphere.

There is a certain distance from the ground.

It takes about 10 minutes to fly to the atmosphere, and about 10 minutes to fall to the ground from the atmosphere, so a total of 10 minutes.


"But just now, Boss Tian, ​​you said everything would be fine!"




"I'm on the Lucky Island!!"

"Damn it, there are nuclear power plants and weapons depots in this marked place!!"

Whether online or offline, reporters and netizens were outraged.

"Please pack your luggage as soon as possible. From now on, all public servants in the surrounding areas will cancel their vacations and enter emergency response to assist everyone in evacuating as soon as possible."

Although Boss Tian’s face was acrimonious.

But I don't dare to show any slightness at this moment.

After all, evacuation needs to be done.

"What a sin!"

"I just said revenge is coming!"

"Why do you want to go with Jiangjiang Country? Isn't it good to become a Chrysanthemum Province!"

"That's the King of Hades! You're going to have an accident when you taunt each other, why don't you have a long memory! Who will stay behind who taunted him back then?!"

Disaster has truly struck.

The people of the foot pot chicken immediately cursed.

Many people are also trying their best to evacuate at this moment.

The scene this time was even more spectacular than before at Ukiyoyama.

spring river.

Ping An Baishipu's live broadcast room.

"Everyone, this is the end of today's live broadcast. Please don't give any more rewards."

Zhang Lingtian turned off the live broadcast.

At this moment, the whole person looked extremely confused.

This is outrageous.

Meteor explosion.

And now it's really flying towards the foot pot chicken! !

And just now Qin Yan called.

The leader of the emergency team came to see him together with Wan Changqing and others.

He also revealed that he wanted to know where it would go.

Still need to pay a little attention to the impact.

The key is that he doesn't know where to go!


 There is a second update!Around two o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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