I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 213 The chicken next door is crazy, this script is wrong!

Chapter 213 The chicken next door is crazy, this script is wrong! (two)

What happened now was completely unexpected. He didn't know for a moment whether the system was playing tricks on him or if it was just like this.

To be honest, it was too outrageous. The collision happened just after I said that sentence.

A little earlier would not have caused such a huge public outcry.

"Brother Tian Niubi!!"

On the rooftop, he felt that it was the most correct choice for them and the boss to come here to do live broadcast support work.

Su Wei gave a thumbs up.

True to his word, at this moment he was so impressed with his boss.

This wave of operations, a 666 with one hand, shows off.

"This is the style of the boss I am familiar with. How could he let the clown next door jump around? We must arrange various packages for him!"

Li Tiantian said with some confidence on her face now.

Speaking of which, this foot pot chicken has healed and the scars have forgotten the pain.

The last time the boss came over, he caused them a series of accidents. There were lightning strikes and fires, Internet celebrities who challenged were smashed to death, and the head of the Yin and Yang sect sacrificed themselves. Of course, the most impressive thing was that Mount Ukiyo was on top of them. I was about to squirt on the plane, but I didn't expect that the person who was having sex would not take it seriously and offended the boss. I can only say that he deserved it!

Footpot chicken and soy sauce country is NO ZUO NO DIE!


Jiang Xiaohan looked at his boss and hesitated to speak.

In the current situation, the lid of the iron coffin is completely welded, and it cannot escape if it is tightly sealed!

"let's go."

Zhang Lingtian sighed.

At this moment, he didn't know how to explain it, so he just didn't explain it at all.

After all, no one will believe me now no matter how I explain.

"Sister Xiaohan, you are so mean. You knew clearly that the meteorite would not hit us, Chunjiang, but you didn't let Awei and I know anything about it, so we both ran home to pack our things."

Li Tiantian pretended to be a resentful woman.

In fact, I sincerely envy Sister Xiaohan for becoming the boss's right-hand man.

Got some inside information.

work hard.

After all, there are only three of them as the real employees of Baishipu now. Sister Xiaohan has already achieved success, so as long as she and Awei don't make mistakes, they will definitely be able to join them.

Soon a group of four people got on and arrived at the elevator.

They were staying in a hotel now. She and Su Wei had large and small bags of things piled up in the room. They said it was a holiday at noon but they were actually exhausted.

Only Sister Xiaohan looked relaxed and had nothing on her body.

She asked the other party specifically just now and found that she didn't even go home to ask for anything.

The most important thing is that nothing was moved out of Baishipu. Sister Xiaohan only brought her work computer. The boss didn't even bring his office computer, but only brought some fruits.

Just ask about this weird phenomenon. If the boss doesn’t know that the meteorite won’t fall, it’s impossible!

"Tiantian, do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

After Li Tiantian said these words, Jiang Xiaohan asked with a serious look.

"Of course it's true."

Li Tiantian did not hesitate.

"The boss didn't tell me that the reason why I didn't go back to get anything was because I didn't have anything valuable."

Jiang Xiaohan spread her hands. She was confused about the sudden meteorite explosion that eventually destroyed many satellites in Jiangjiang Country, and even the meteorite changed its direction. The reason why she didn't go back to get it was because she only had clothes in the rental house.

None of them are valuable, and it's not worth the trip back for these things.


Li Tiantian couldn't believe it.

"Not only Xiaohan didn't know, but even I didn't know this would happen. Let's go down first."

Zhang Lingtian also told the truth.

Li Tiantian thought that this was normal. After all, they did not take anything. Normally, if they were leaving, he would definitely have to bring luggage and the like.

This is also the reason why online public opinion erupts.

In fact, he was a bit wavering on the system's prediction of no danger.

So I didn’t take it.

Even if it really didn't happen, the public opinion will pass after three seconds of memory.

Who would have thought that this meteorite could turn a corner!
Hotel Suite 1804.

3 minutes later.

"Boss, the tea is ready. I'll leave first."

Jiang Xiaohan put the tea on the table.

After all, the boss will be receiving guests soon.

And these customers are a bit special. Although the boss didn't let her leave, she still has to be conscious of some things.

"Okay, I'll call you if you need anything."

This is a self-funded hotel. When you evacuate, you can choose to stay in an institution arranged by the government or stay in a self-funded hotel.

The latter will definitely have a better environment than the former.

After all, it’s at your own expense.

Many people still choose to pay at their own expense.

Leave your share of government subsidy resources to those who really need it.

At the moment, the funeral parlors are all on the same floor.

Jiang Xiaohan was in 1806, Li Tiantian was in 1808, and Su Wei was in 18010.

Odd and even number arrangement.

So Jiang Xiaohan is next door to Zhang Lingtian.


Jiang Xiaohan said and slipped away.


Not long after Jiang Xiaohan left, Zhang Lingtian's phone rang.

"Hello Mr. Zhang, this is Qin Yan. We are in the hotel lobby. Is it convenient for you now?"

It was Qin Yan's call.


Zhang Lingtian nodded.

Three minutes later, a group of four people entered the room where Zhang Lingtian was.

They were Qin Yan, Wan Changqing, a man with gray hair wearing a black jacket, and a young man who looked like a secretary.

"Mr. Zhang, we meet again. This is really a big scene that I have never seen in my life. How can you be sure that this meteorite will not hit us? Can this hexagram be revealed to us? see?!"

Wan Changqing reached out his hand very excitedly after seeing Zhang Lingtian.

He consulted his old friends who studied Zhouyi and other ancient mystical arts.

The other party said that this was definitely fortune-telling at the top level of the pyramid.

The hexagram shows that nothing will happen to Chunjiang, but most people don't dare to bet. The person who dares to be so confident must be the founder of the sect.

This old guy said that he must come to Chunjiang to visit Mr. Zhang when he is discharged from hospital.

Yes, this old friend of mine is currently hospitalized due to some urgent illness.

"Oh, this is really an old account of eight lifetimes. I can't explain it. Director Wan, Director Qin..."

"Mr. Zhang, this is Mr. Yu, the leader of the emergency management team this time."

Qin Yan saw Zhang Lingtian's eyes falling on Team Leader Yu and introduced him immediately.

"Mr. Zhang, our Chunjiang's Dinghai Shenzhen. We have been looking for a chance to see it and now we finally see it."

Team Leader Yu stretched out his hand with a very kind smile on his face.

The fact that the city could be evacuated so quickly without chaos had a lot to do with Boss Zhang.

Because he has become the belief of many people during this time.

Some even travel lightly.

Just took some valuable things and left.

If a disaster really strikes and there is no such a soul figure, it will probably be a different story.

Human nature is that everyone wants to protect their property and minimize their losses, which will eventually cause large-scale congestion.

For example, the current foot pot chicken.

Know that disaster is coming.

Some people are so close to the safe area that they carry refrigerators, TVs, etc., which is like moving.

And these people blocked those far away from the safe area.

Only half an hour.

The car won't move.

The underground space couldn't accommodate so many people, and it became a complete mess.

No matter how capable people are, they may be helpless in the face of this kind of situation.

"There are 10 minutes left, money is not the most important thing, life is the most important thing! Everything is to protect your own life!!"

Boss Tian shouted on the TV.

The city's public address system also has the other side's voice.


However, he was spurned by many people.

"If it weren't for you, how could we have been retaliated against? We do one thing on the surface but another behind the scenes!"

"Master Huantu Yu Qingming's spirit controls the meteorite. Do you think he really has the ability to be burned to death? And why are you chatting on TV all day long? If you have the ability to talk to us from Fortune Island, The residents are with us!”

"Come on, does he dare? Even his evacuation ability has to be sacrificed this time!!"

"Let's go find Mr. Zhai Sheng and see if we can make the meteorite turn around like last time!"


half an hour.

Evacuate millions of people.

And there are all kinds of high-rise buildings in a city. The most important thing is that the coverage of meteorites ranges from dense to sparse, which is a full two hundred kilometers.

Many people in the center of these two hundred kilometers are desperate.

Some people even burned incense at home.

Bowing down shows piety.

"Mr. Zhaisheng, please contact Boss Zhang!"

"Yes, yes, we are all neighbors next door and we just quarrel with each other. There is no need to get serious!"

"Scorning is what extremists like Boss Tian do. We ordinary people have never thought about it!"

"I hope the house saint will save us quickly! It doesn't matter if it really turns into a chrysanthemum province!"

"Let the disaster stop now. Next time I choose the boss, I will definitely choose you!"


Under Zhai Sheng's account, netizens of Zhai Sheng left messages one after another.

"Dear friends, I am Zhai Sheng, and I have come to Blessing Island to be with you now."

Zhai Sheng also opened a television speech at this time.

And the area they were in was actually on Fortune Island.

You must know that Blessing Island has a nuclear power plant and an arsenal. The most important thing is that the meteorite is about to hit this direction!

"?" "??"

"The true warrior, Mr. House Saint!"

"You actually came to Fortune Island!!"

"Look, this is truly with us!!"

For a moment, the residents in the area affected by the meteorite were stunned.

Each one of them looked incredible.

"We are actively contacting Mr. Zhang. At the same time, I have also brought you two lucky funeral objects. The first is an urn and the second is yellow paper with Boss Zhang's autograph on it. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, I I live and die with everyone, and I will not leave this place today."

The house saint came here by helicopter.

At this moment, the camera captures the helicopter leaving.

He is here with his staff and a few other staff.

Suddenly the people of Fortune Island were greatly moved.

"Idiot! I'll smash you to death!"

Boss Tian was furious.

This stubborn fool actually went to Fortune Island and took the urn and yellow paper.

Why don't you collect the body for yourself?
"The boss's video call has already received news. Just call the other side and you will be connected."

Suzuki Kyoko came to Boss Tian's side.

The boss is going to contact the elder brother.

"Good morning, sleepy boss."

Soon Boss Tian came to the exclusive call office.

The video call is connected.

Boss Tian immediately stood up and saluted the old man sitting on the wooden table and boss chair.

It has the flavor of an excellent subordinate state.

"Xiao Tian, ​​I know everything about you."

All I could see was that the sleeping boss looked indifferent at this moment.

"Boss, we are now in a mess and need your help very much. Remember that you have an aircraft carrier in the nearby waters with many large helicopters on it."

If Jiangjiang Country's helicopters were invested, they could recover a lot of losses.

At the same time, his reputation in front of the public will not collapse.

After all, the big brother who followed was towards them.

"Xiaotian, it's not that I won't help you. The main reason is that our Jiangjiang country has also suffered serious losses. More than 100 satellites have been sent to it in total. Now that Mas is coming to trouble me and even crazy people are inciting the people to take advantage of the situation. I have to Take care of these things first.”

Boss Sleeping now said to Boss Tian on the phone with a serious look on his face.

"No! Boss Sleep, this is a local matter for you. I only need some aircraft support in your fleet. You know that the people are very disappointed with me now. If this continues, that otaku will take advantage of the situation."

Boss Tian begged hard.

Just wanted some helicopters, which wouldn't be a problem at all.

It can actually be solved with just one command from the other party.

"No, that's the fundamental guarantee for our safety. I can't set this precedent. Oda, I believe that you can solve this trouble with your special talent. That's it, my secretary has come to report to me."


The phone hangs up.

"Sleep big——"

Boss Tian still wants to say something.

The other side hung up.


Boss Tian was so angry that he slammed the table.

So damn unjust!
It can be said that I followed the other party with minimal caution, and supported my eldest brother without hesitation in whatever he did. But this is the result? !
Sauce country.

It is a fresh morning.

"Boss, should we ban his account again?"

George came over to report.

That is to understand that the boss is broadcasting live.

[The understanding boss who makes Jiangjiang Country great]

"That's right! A deranged puppet old man who has diarrhea in his pants. What can you expect him to do that is in line with human intelligence? In fact, we don't need to speak out or provoke at all because we have nothing to do with Zhang Lingtian. There is no injustice, but an old man with diarrhea insists on offending him. What’s the result? We lost more than 100 satellites! This is a warning!!"

"Brother Mas, I am with you, please support me, he can only make the country of Jiang Jiang great, and I can make the country of Jiang Jiang great!!"

When I heard the news after I woke up from my sleep, I was immediately overjoyed.

This is simply a corner of life!

When you gain momentum, you must pay a visit to Boss Zhang.

Spring River on the other side.

Zhang Lingtian and Team Leader Yu were still chatting.

"Team Leader Yu is the real sea-fixing needle."

At this moment, the two of them were holding hands tightly. As the chief of the Chunjiang Police Station, Qin Yan was the deputy team leader, and this was the team leader.

Then it is naturally self-evident who the other party is.

So to a certain extent, it is not an exaggeration for the other party to be Dinghaishenzhen.

As for myself, it's just the other party's false praise.

"Mr. Zhang, let me just say, the more I listened to what you said at the previous annual meeting, the more I thought something was wrong. It seemed to be hinting at something. It turned out that you were using actions to give the people of Chunjiang confidence. .”

Qin Yan was also smiling.

"Coincidence, just a lot of coincidences, right Mr. Zhang."

Team leader Yu looked like he was joking, and the two of them seemed to be singing along.

"Captain Yu, Captain Qin, you both finished what I said, but sometimes the truth is not easy for people to believe and lies go against their hearts."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

This Team Leader Yu is actually younger.

Four 50 years old like this.

He originally thought that the other party would have a strong tone, but he didn't expect that he would be overly kind and even make fun of him.

But think about it.

We are all human beings who have certain rules and regulations because of work reasons, but privately they are still ordinary people.

Just like the richest man, Jack Ma, when he met his old friend, he said, 'TMD, I almost died last night, you know'.

Authenticity and spontaneity are what a person should be.

It’s just that I wear a mask most of the time.

"Actually, Mr. Zhang, don't worry. We are not here to find out your secrets this time. We mainly want to invite you to become our counselor and expert in Chunjiang."

Team Leader Yu was speaking at this moment.

Everyone has their own secrets.

Especially people like Mr. Zhang.

Countless examples told him that he had to be treated well and not have any twisted ideas.

After all, even capital giants like Wang Hua were brought down overnight by the other party.

He even knew that his own home was poisoned.

Team leader Yu doesn't want to kill himself.

Therefore, this wave of people want to use Zhang Lingtian's residual enthusiasm from the bottom of their hearts. Even if the other party can give some advice, it will be of great help to them.


Zhang Lingtian was a little dazed.

"Yes, yes, if you have any ideas at that time, you can contact us directly. When we encounter some major things, we will also invite you to come over and give us your opinions."

Team leader Yu said.

Soon the other party's secretary took out a large letter of appointment.


Zhang Lingtian took it.

He never imagined that one day he would become a decision-making expert.

But this is actually a channel for upward feedback.

He is actually not as powerful as rumored, and some things require these channels to be achieved.

"Mr. Zhang, I also looked at the simulation data from the astronomical observatory. Now the meteorite seems to be heading towards Blessing Island. There seems to be a nuclear power plant there. Does Mr. Zhang think this is a high probability?"

A map was displayed.

Yu Gang circled dots on the map.

That happens to be where the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant is located.

If a meteorite hits, it will be really painful for the neighbor.

"If you ask me this, Team Leader Yu, I can only tell you with great regret. I really don't know."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

How would he know if a meteorite hit a nuclear power plant?

chat and chat.

After about 10 minutes, Team Leader Yu and the others left.

"Boss Yu, I was confused by what you just said. Will this meteorite hit me?"

The secretary who followed Team Leader Yu was full of question marks.

At the same time, he also looked at Qin Yan and Wan Changqing.

At this moment, in thousands of households, everyone is holding a mobile phone.

Because there has been a meteor shower visible to the naked eye in the sky.

The direction is exactly the foot pot chicken.

"Hahaha, they laughed at us before like we were crawling like a swarm of ants, won't you do the same this time?"

"Anyway, after experiencing it, I now know how they feel."

"Fireworks! I want to see big fireworks!!"


"This is seeking death, just messing with Boss Zhang!"

"Brothers, as long as you fry it, my dumpling restaurant will get a [-]% discount!!"

"It is said that the house saint opposite took out two lucky funeral objects, one of which was an urn. Does this imply that they will be turned into ashes?"

"I don't know, but I heard that they have been contacting Boss Zhang over there."

The smile doesn't disappear, it just shifts.

Of course, you can’t blame them for being unjust if the other party is unkind.

So it exploded both online and offline.

In the hotel, there are still a few minutes left before the meteorite hits the ground.

Zhang Lingtian was different from other people who took pictures with SLR cameras and mobile phones. He silently opened the international version of Douyin.

Scan Scan.

See where it explodes.


 The second update arrived, very late. I actually wrote it very late last night, and I kept checking in in the group until 05:30.

(End of this chapter)

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