I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 23 Account exposed again?Funerals should be solemn!

Chapter 23 Account exposed again?Funerals should be grand!
"That's true."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded slightly when he heard this.

For a celebrity like the principal, if something really happens, the entire Internet will probably explode.

However, the Internet is calm now, and it is estimated that the principal should be fine.

"So those were all accidents before, I'm not that weird at all! Bah! I'm not weird at all!"

Zhang Lingtian said while driving.

Flat high speeds go well with chatting.

"Boss, it's useless for you to brainwash me. Even if I can succumb to your majesty and trust you, no one will believe you."

Not that weird?
Although she doesn't look very smart, she is not a fool.

As the saying goes, there are no more than three things.

After paying attention to three, three died, well, accident, she admitted.

The fourth is dead again!

Well, although the probability is relatively small, there may be accidents after the incident, so she believed it.

But what happened to the fifth Fat Dragon who ate and broadcasted?

The other party was fine at first.

In the evening, I was still playing pranks and teasing the boss that he was not good enough.

It was gone at night.

The hospital is only 5 minutes away from the community where Fat Brother has two bloggers renting, and it is still a walk for 5 minutes.

Almost next door.

It is reasonable to say that the best rescue time for sudden death is within 5 minutes, but there is a high probability of being rescued if it is sent to the hospital within 10-[-] minutes.

But it was not saved.

Are you saying that evil is not evil?

"Despicable power???"

Zhang Lingtian's head was full of question marks.


Jiang Xiaohan realized that he had accidentally said some inappropriate words, so he immediately covered his mouth.

Then he looked at Zhang Lingtian with pitiful eyes.

It seems to be saying, Boss, you have no power, I just said nonsense, please let me go! !
"Hey, Xiaohan, when did you come to work at Ping'an Baishipu?"

Zhang Lingtian sighed slightly, and asked a little haggardly.

"I worked here part-time for two years when I was in college, and full-time for more than a year after graduation, probably in the early three years."

Jiang Xiaohan thought for a while before speaking.

"Then do you think I have any problems in the past few years? For example, talking about God and God?"

Zhang Lingtian asked again, others don't have to believe him.

But his assistant had to correct the other party's thinking.

"This is not..."

Jiang Xiaohan felt that the previous boss was a very serious person.

"That's right, what kind of magic can someone hide for such a long time? Besides, which one have you seen that is specifically cast on Douyin?"

Zhang Lingtian continued to be persuasive and persuasive.


Jiang Xiaohan took a deep breath.

She is thinking carefully.

The boss did become like this after creating a Douyin account.

If he is really the King of Hades, why can this sorcery only be used on Douyin?

"So I'm really not weird at all, at most it's just coincidence and bad luck!"

Zhang Lingtian said.

"Coincidental? Bad luck?"

Jiang Xiaohan didn't quite understand these two words.

"Yeah, it's just a coincidence. I happened to pay attention to Brother Yang, who was desperate to die. I happened to pay attention to him. I happened to pay attention on that day when I took pictures by the train road beside the cliff. You don't need to tell me how dangerous it is to hike in Tianzang. It just so happens that I just followed it." An accident happened to her.

As for Taitai’s little chef, whose dark circles can’t be covered by her beautiful face, it’s obviously sudden death due to irregular work and rest. I happened to be paying attention to the point of sudden death, not to mention eating and broadcasting Fat Dragon. You see, he has been overeating for a long time Dark spots appeared on the face, accidents happen sooner or later, I happened to be unlucky, honestly these people really don't know how to cherish their lives. "

Zhang Lingtian said it.

I also sighed that these people really don't cherish their lives.

"It seems to be the same. They have some problems to some extent, but this is too coincidental. And the boss, if you honestly say that the advertisement is a spell, I will not spread it. I swear, otherwise you will let me boost the performance of the store! "

Although Jiang Xiaohan felt that what the boss said made sense.

But I always felt something was wrong.

Also, she really wanted to know if the boss's previous advertisement was really a soul-cutting spell.

I saw her standing up with two fingers at the moment, in a gesture of swearing.

"Advertising is a spell? Xiaohan, where did you get the data? Thanks to you, you still study accounting."

Zhang Lingtian frowned and asked.

"Didn't a netizen mention that day that you will die if you say the spell, and it was the same last night. Before you said the spell, the fat dragon was alive and kicking, and after you finished saying that commercial, he had an accident, so it's really like hiding The spell, boss, is it really?"

Although Jiang Xiaohan has no data.

But it feels like what everyone is saying makes sense.

And it does seem to be the case.

"This kind of rumor is too imprecise! Xiaohan, have you forgotten about a little cook, I didn't advertise with her, and then she fell down!"

Zhang Lingtian spoke to him.

"Hey! I really didn't advertise!"

The vehicle is moving.

Jiang Xiaohan, who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, flipped through his phone.

It turned out that my boss really didn't advertise under that little cook.

"That's right, so you were misled by some netizens. Now the Internet likes to create all kinds of hot spots to attract attention. I, the person concerned, are really confused! If you really think about it carefully, you will find that these are actually accidents. "

Zhang Lingtian was not fooling around.

After all, the system wasn't playing tricks secretly, the other party just gave him a certain probability.

Let him discover which people are more prone to accidents.

"Indeed, it seems that the boss has really led me astray."

Think carefully.

Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

If advertising is a curse, why does Little Cook die faster?
Moreover, the people the boss pays attention to are more or less faulty.

Either have their own faults or have the faults of killing
The boss is really unlucky.

"It's good if you understand, so don't be so rigid one by one in the future, let go a little bit, it's an exaggeration to even cancel the Douyin account."

If Zhang Lingtian really believed what they said, he would be out of his mind to cancel his account for the rise of Ping An Baishipu.

It was clear that after Feilong's death, everyone was afraid of his attention, so they canceled it.

"Hey, I was discovered by you, boss. In fact, I quietly registered another one last night. The name is 'A Little White Goose'. I will pay attention to you, boss."

Jiang Xiaohan said to pay attention to the boss.

After all, it all made sense.

Of course there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Then I'll give you a check-in later."

Zhang Lingtian replied.


Knowing that it was a misunderstanding, Jiang Xiaohan nodded and no longer worried.

Soon came to Chunbei City.

"Brother Tian, ​​you are finally here, come here, we just prepared lunch and we talked while eating."

Shanglong Village, Chunbei City.

As soon as Zhang Lingtian's car arrived at the gate of the village, a fat figure was already waiting.

That's fat.

"My son's funeral is going to be more grand, after all, he prefers to be lively when he is alive."

The dinner table.

Feilong's father said to Zhang Lingtian.

"Is it grand? Of course! If you want, we can even create a mysterious past for Mr. Wang Dalong!"

Zhang Lingtian promoted his business.

Feilong is a stage name, his real name is Wang Dalong.


(End of this chapter)

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