I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 231 Live broadcast of death, countdown to death!

Chapter 231 Live broadcast of death, countdown to death!

The next second her heart skipped a beat!
Because Li Tiantian saw a figure outside the door.

That was none other than his own boss.


Su Wei did not find Zhang Lingtian.

At this moment, she thought it was her words that made Li Tiantian so excited, and she frowned angrily.

"I'm just joking. I can't do anything to you."

Su Wei answered.


However, just after he finished speaking, he suddenly saw a figure, who turned out to be their boss!

My heart suddenly tightened.

"You are talking and laughing, what are you looking at?"

Zhang Lingtian took a sip of the tea in the thermos cup and asked.

He also had his own plans for entering the tea room. After all, Li Tiantian's danger probability was as high as 83%.

In line with the principle of human nature, I will remind strangers, and naturally I can't just let my employees do it.

Although I just promised the other party to take leave.

But he still doesn't recommend that the other party go out now.

Of course, it’s impossible to say it right away.

Progress step by step.

Let’s talk for a few words before mentioning this matter to ease the current atmosphere.

"Boss, we are watching other people working out. Isn't this guy quite handsome? I'm thinking that if Su Wei gets this kind of figure, he might be able to do more work with less effort."

Seeing that her boss had a normal expression, Li Tiantian turned over her phone and showed it to Zhang Lingtian with a smile on her face.

"I've only been working out for a year and it's been two or three years, but as long as I'm given another two years, isn't this a small problem?"

Su Wei spoke directly at this moment.

However, they didn't notice that Jiang Xiaohan's eyes were always looking at Zhang Lingtian.

Because she noticed that the boss's demeanor was a little different.

"Oh, cool."

Zhang Lingtian sighed at this moment

“Boss, what are you doing??”

After all, Li Tiantian is a little expert in gossip, and she also has an amazing ability to observe words and emotions.

Seeing her boss sighing at this moment, her nerves became tense the next second!

Especially the word cool.

It simply made her brain explode!
"Why do you want to die? I don't understand!"

Zhang Lingtian touched his pocket and took out his phone, then clicked on Douyin.

"Oh my God, Brother Tian, ​​what do you mean!!"

When Su Wei heard this sentence, his heart was beating wildly.

After all, a sigh plus the word cool.

It was so shocking!

At this moment, Jiang Xiaohan next to him said three words in shock!
Because the boss's tone suddenly reminded her of the time when she paid attention to that Hiking Lily. No wonder she felt so familiar.

Then she habitually turned on Douyin, and sure enough, the boss had already paid attention to the other party!

"Ah——, boss, why did you get this person's attention!!"

Li Tiantian's body trembled, and her whole body was extremely excited.

"Next time Su Weiqian does this kind of training, he must pay attention to the protection, not to be careless, and not to buckle."

Zhang Lingtian put away his cell phone.

Then he looked in Su Wei's direction.

[System prompt: Countdown. 】

【10, 9, 8...】


It turns out that when I just scanned this person, a 20-second countdown to death suddenly appeared in my mind.

[Scan target: ID loves fitness. 】

[Account subject: Xiong Fei. 】

[Occupation: Fitness coach. 】

[Bad information: Arrogant and arrogant. 】

[Danger Signal: The probability of danger occurring within three days is 100%, and the countdown to death has started for 20 seconds. 】

[Danger location: Cause of death: When doing live broadcast of bench press in the gym, because of my arrogance and lack of safety measures such as buckling and no one to protect me, there is a 100% chance that I will be crushed to the neck and suffocated to death. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Forecast of air luck: Click to view "1 times". 】

[Customer Attributes: Accurate customers. 】

[System prompt: The system has automatically followed. 】

This is when I just scanned the opponent, in addition to the death countdown, the personal data originally displayed by the system also popped up.

The data shows that this person has a 100% chance of being in danger.

Seriously, this is the first 100% probability he has encountered in a long time.

Ask him if he can save him?
How can he save someone who is not around with the 20-second countdown?
I can only say that this brother should pay attention to safety in his next life.

"Buckle? Brother Tian, ​​I definitely can't put it on when I'm training. After all, it's insurance, but he doesn't have the buckle on in these training videos!"

Su Wei also watched the video just now, and the opponent basically didn't click when doing bench presses or the like.

This is also one of the life-saving means for many people in the industry.

If an accident occurs, fall to the side to decompress and save your life.

"It's good to have this sense of safety. What this person fears most is arrogance, just like most people who drown are people who can swim."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

"No, I have to remind this little brother!"

Li Tian dessert went in.

Because Douyin shows that the other party is live broadcasting at the moment.

"Fuck——, help, save people——"

Just click in.

Su Wei was covered in hair!

"Is he being suppressed!?"

Li Tiantian's constricted pupils were a bit confused.

"Where is this gym! Why is there no one around! Sister Xiaohan, help me find it!!"

The other party didn't have many fans to begin with.

This time, there were only a dozen people in the live broadcast room for bench press.


"Call the police! Call the police!"

"This is terrible. Why are you even buckling it? Are you crazy?"

"It's over, it's over, it's starting to twitch!"


More than ten people in the live broadcast room also exploded at this moment.


The countdown in Zhang Lingtian's mind was cleared at this moment.

120KG is equivalent to 240 pounds pressed on the neck. No one can hold it.

To be honest, he didn't expect that he would actually see the live broadcast. This scene made him stunned.

He was also curious as to why there was no one in this store.

Even if there is a cleaning lady here at this moment, maybe the other party will survive.

To be honest, even if the scan showed a 100% accurate death probability, he could still remind the other party.

As a result, who would have thought that a 20-second countdown to death appeared directly.

He didn't even have a chance to remind him.

After all, what can you do in 20 seconds?

You can't teleport to others.

"Well -" Li Tiantian has never done exercise before, so she is completely confused about this kind of thing at the moment, but she can still understand the scene of a person being pressed down, struggling and then twitching!
I saw her covering her mouth.


After a few minutes.

It is estimated that local netizens called the police or found the gym owner’s phone number.

I saw a man in black running in wildly, and he was stunned when he saw this scene.

After the second man in black came in, the two of them took away the 120KG barbell from their necks.

But seven or eight minutes have passed since the young man who was pinned down had the accident.

The whole person also went limp.

The two were visibly frightened and anxious.

At the same time, they discovered the mobile phone that was live broadcasting and turned off the live broadcast.

And this scene has already dispersed in these 8 minutes.

"Can anyone tell me what mistake I made?!"

In the various group chats.

Everyone is forwarding this desperate live broadcast.

Of course, fitness is a hobby for a small number of people after all.

So everyone still doesn’t know what happened to this person.

"He should not have protective bars on both sides. 1. There should be no buckles. If there is no buckle, if he is pressed to the side, the film will fall out of the pole, and it will be fine. 2. He should not wear a belt. If he is pressed, he can release it. Put it on your chest and then slide it towards your belly, then slide it on your legs and you can sit up. If you have a belt, the pole can only get stuck on your belly. In this case, if it gets stuck on your belly, it will be fatal. After all, it is more than 100 kilograms. Of course, the most important thing is not to You should do such a dangerous sport when no one is around."

A water friend who looked like a fitness enthusiast said to him.

"What the person above said is right, but I have to say that there is no bumper, no one to help, and no one is even watching to hit the limit weight. The live broadcast may be to record life, but in the end it turned into a live broadcast of one's own death. It is really recommended that you at least try to hit the maximum weight when it is safe."

"Indeed, it perfectly avoids all options to survive!"

"Listening to music and lifting weights, different emotions will affect the ability of muscle recruitment, and the brain can easily make wrong judgments! This is also problematic!"

"To be honest, I think it's a bit wrong. You shouldn't push heavy weights without protection. Everyone has their own bad habits when it comes to fitness. There are just more people like this. The main reason is that this person lacks the knowledge about weights. of awe.”

In various group chats, this incident became the topic of the morning.

At the same time, everyone also learned an amazing thing.

That is, this guy is actually a gym instructor.


[10. A man in the gym killed himself by lifting weights]

This incident also made it onto the scarf hot search list.

However, the popularity here is far inferior to that of Bihu.

[2. How do you see a man being crushed to death while doing bench press training in the gym?What warning does this incident give us?Is weightlifting a dangerous sport? 】

The popularity of this question reached tens of millions.

It rushed to the second place on the Bihu hot search list.

After all, there are still many fitness enthusiasts in Bihu.

"What lessons have been learned from this? Conscious self-protection should be something you must learn before you walk into the gym for the first time and bench press for the first time. It is like learning before crossing a zebra crossing alone for the first time in life. It’s the same as crossing the road. The so-called conscious self-protection includes before and during training!”

"First of all, powerlifting itself is relatively safe. Football has the highest probability of injury among sports. Then to rugby and basketball, their injury probabilities are 6.2, 1.92, and 1.03 respectively. The probability of injury in powerlifting is 0.0008, it is said that those who are good at water drown more often. The main reason is that they feel that they are experienced and have nothing to do, and they ignore safety, which has nothing to do with the sport itself."

"That's right, the gym is so unlucky. With this weight and heavy lifting, I look like a veteran, but I ended up stacking up all kinds of buffs! But I'm curious, even though it's morning, there shouldn't be one person in the gym That’s right!”

"The latest news is that this young man is a friend of the gym owner. He is also a part-time trainer at the gym. This time he mainly took advantage of the gym's holiday, and then he came in to exercise with a spare key. Currently, his family is making trouble at the gym! It seems that in the future You can’t lend the store to others if you have one more!”

Very good at analysis.

Many people think this is the result of overestimating one's capabilities.

After all, as long as you are a little careful, it won't be like this.

At the same time, water friends also sympathized with the owner of this gym.

It’s none of their business if someone comes in to train on their own and ends up being crushed to death due to their own carelessness.

"Well, although the dead are the most important, I still want to say here that Boss Zhang has a really sharp vision."

"Yes, I saw that Boss Zhang added a new follower. I clicked on it and saw that it was still live broadcast. Then I went in and I was immediately filled with shadows!"

There are also water friends discussing Zhang Lingtian.

However, Zhang Lingtian didn't care about this.

He only hoped that this incident would serve as a wake-up call for everyone.


Li Tiantian's heart could not be calm for a long time.

"Tiantian, drink some water."

Jiang Xiaohan received two glasses of water.

Seeing other people's lives passing by in front of her, Li Tiantian said that it would be impossible without shadows.

"Sister Xiaohan, tell me why the boss didn't come earlier. If we had warned him earlier, we might have been able to save him."

Li Tiantian felt empty inside.

"Actually, I have experienced your mood. Maybe some people's lives are like this, right? Do you remember the person named Xinglili that I paid attention to at the beginning? Didn't the boss also remind me at the time, but an accident still happened."

In fact, Jiang Xiaohan could understand Li Tiantian's mood.

"But if only it could be earlier..."

"Actually, if you look at Lily's last hike, there were obviously a lot less hikes after the other party's accident. If you think about it better, maybe their mission is to warn everyone. After this incident, everyone will definitely be more careful when exercising. This can be considered as indirectly saving many people.”

Jiang Xiaohan watched Li Tiantian twisting around this matter and immediately continued to persuade.

"Definitely. After something like this happens, I will definitely be extremely careful when going to the gym in the future!"

Su Wei said something.

I just saw the whole process.

To be honest, he was really scared.

No matter how confident you are when you go to the gym in the future, you must not ignore this safety issue.

Otherwise, you will be in trouble with your own life!
"No, do you think the boss is implying something?"

Suddenly Li Tiantian's mind lit up.

"The boss is hiding something?"

Jiang Xiaohan's expression showed a glimmer of doubt.

"What can the boss imply? What are you thinking about?"

Su Wei was also stunned. He was a little confused. What was the structure of Li Tiantian's head?
"You think I just asked for leave today, but the boss showed me what soul-locking life is on the spot. I just showed it to the other person, and then the other person died! Does the boss not want me to ask for leave now?"

Li Tiantian expressed her deepest thoughts.

Of course, she would not dare to say it if the boss was here.



Su Wei sprayed directly.

"Brother Awei, what's your expression?"

Li Tiantian frowned and looked at Su Wei. After all, the way he looked at her as if she was mentally retarded made her want to pinch him.

"Li Tiantian, you are no longer just making up your mind. You are a bit delusional. The brother just committed suicide and even Prince Yama couldn't stop him. He has nothing to do with Brother Tian! How could the boss not let you go? Approval of fake If you approve it as a fake, can you still take it back?!"

Su Weiyi said sternly to Li Tiantian.

If the boss asks for leave, then he will take leave.

How could it be taken back?


Suddenly the office door opened.

"The boss is here."

Suddenly Jiang Xiaohan lowered his voice and said.


The next moment, Su Wei and Li Tiantian immediately sat up and shut up, ending the previous conversation.

But they were also curious.

What is the boss doing here?After all, it was his lunch break just after lunch.

"Tiantian, I have something to tell you. You have to be mentally prepared."

The gym incident came up unexpectedly in the morning, so Zhang Lingtian didn't say what he wanted to say, but he had plenty of time before the other party left today.

So I decided to have a good chat with Li Tiantian during the lunch break.

However, Zhang Lingtian didn't realize that as soon as he said these words, Li Tiantian's face turned white at a pitiful speed to the naked eye.


(End of this chapter)

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