I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 232: Li Tiantian Pills Kill His Wife in the Atmosphere! ?

Chapter 232: Li Tiantian Pills Kill His Wife in the Atmosphere! ?

"Boss, what's wrong?"

Li Tiantian trembled her lips.

Could it be that my thoughts have come true?
Jiang Xiaohan and Su Wei both had their hearts in their throats. The boss actually wanted Li Tiantian to be mentally prepared!
The boss has never said this before.

Could it be that Li Tiantian really touched some taboo?
"Go to work tomorrow and don't ask for leave. You are not suitable for traveling far away."

Zhang Lingtian looked at Li Tiantian.

"Yeah! I, Li Tiantian, won't go out without asking for leave. I will cancel my outing seats with my schoolmates!"

Li Tiantian immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed the voice call of her school girl in front of her boss.

[School girl Si Ze is dialing...]

"Hey, what's wrong, senior?"

After a while, the voice call from the school girl named Size was connected.

"Sister, I'm like this. Something unexpected happened here. I probably won't be able to go with you tomorrow. You can just cancel the ticket for me. I'm really sorry! When you guys come back, I will definitely treat you to dinner to apologize. Apologize!"

Li Tiantian looked apologetic to the school girl.

What does it mean to disobey your boss?
The fitness video I watched this morning is still fresh in my mind.

If you really go in, you will die!

She still has psychological shadow now!

"Ah? Senior sister, are you really not coming?"

The school girl on the other end of the phone suddenly sounded a little disappointed when she heard that the other party was not coming.

"There is really no other way. Size can't help but I can't help it."

Li Tiantian said.

"Okay, I'll contact them right now to help you cancel your trip, senior sister. You will receive a text message canceling your ticket when the time comes."

The school girl's name is Xiao Size, and she is talking to the school girl Li Tiantian on the other end of the phone.

The rules of this white shop are too strict.

Asking for a day off feels like the senior sister is scared out of her wits.

"Thank you! Thank you Si Ze! I'll transfer the ticket money to you later!"

Li Tiantian thanked her thoughtful school girl repeatedly.

"You're welcome, Senior. If you come back and treat me to a big dinner, won't the money be offset? I'll help you contact the team leader who made the reservation! Haha~"

Xiao Size hung up the phone at this moment and directly called the classmate in charge of ticketing.

"Ah? I'm not going again! What the hell is this? Isn't this tormenting people!!"

The male classmate who answered the phone was a little annoyed.

It turned out that this time they were working with a professional organization to complete a project and collect information.

Li Tiantian and the others, who had graduated, had been there before, so Xiao Size invited them to come with them.

As a result, the other party who had just booked the ticket had to cancel it. This did not arouse the dissatisfaction of the classmate who had booked the ticket.

"Xiaoqiang, I'm really sorry, but Senior Tiantian works at Ping An White House after all. It's normal for things to be canceled suddenly due to special circumstances. Please help me contact you to cancel."

Xiao Size said to this classmate Xiaoqiang.

She had indeed tormented the other party, so her tone was very sincere at this moment.

"Well, I don't bother with the phone call after all. It's mainly because Senior Tiantian feels like she's torturing you. After all, you're making the call and you're bearing the loss."

Hearing what Xiao Size said, Wang Qiang said a little unhappy. Everyone knows that if you refund a ticket at this time, you will have to bear a 10% refund fee.

"It's okay, thank you, Team Leader Xiaoqiang."

As a senior, Li Tiantian had worked as a class assistant in their class before.

This senior is still very good, so everyone is very impressed.

To be honest, there is no blame.

It's just a pity.

There are quite a few people in their class who want each other to go with them.

If you have professional skills, the other party will be okay.

"It's not a big problem."

Wang Qiang called the ticketing company.

This time they went out to collect information from two classes of the same major, Class 1 and Class 2.

Of course not everyone goes.

There are about a dozen people in a class.

Wang Qiang, the squad leader of the second shift, serves as the team leader and is responsible for travel and catering.

Xiao Size is the female squad leader of Class [-], serving as the deputy leader and responsible for everyone's accommodation.

"Thank you~"

Xiao Size thanked him.

the other side.

Ping An funeral shop.

"Boss, look at me. I just called my school girl to cancel the trip. I will definitely not go out tomorrow and work peacefully at the white shop!"

I saw Li Tiantian talking to Zhang Lingtian at this moment.

The whole person also looked determined.


Zhang Lingtian was a little confused this time.

I didn't expect that my employee, Li Tiantian, would cancel her trip so quickly.

Simply outrageous.


Su Wei and Jiang Xiaohan looked at each other.

Especially Su Wei, who was hesitant to speak at this moment.

Because the boss actually stopped Li Tiantian from asking for leave.

How can this be?

In his eyes, he thought this was completely impossible.

Because the boss is not like that at all!

Especially since Baishipu was not busy with anything today. If a funeral order suddenly came in, it would be more understandable for the boss to suggest that Li Tiantian should stay.

Now this is really completely incomprehensible.

Not only him, Jiang Xiaohan also felt very confused.

Could it be that something happened?
Otherwise, why would the boss prevent Li Tiantian from going out?

Normally, if the other party agrees to take leave, he should not regret it.

"Come on, come on, boss, look here is my refund information."

Soon Li Tiantian showed her refund information again.

It was a refund message.

"Tiantian, you don't even ask me why?"

Zhang Lingtian originally thought that Li Tiantian would at least ask himself why, but in the end he didn't even get a why.

It really shocked him.

"It's not necessary. I, Li Tiantian, have been working hard for Baishipu since I joined Baishipu. There is no need for a reason why the boss won't let me go."

Li Tiantian was speaking loyally at this moment.

Just now she suspected that what she saw in the morning was an accident.

Now she really suspected that the boss was deliberately giving her a little shock.

Of course, this is not to say that the boss takes human life lightly.

Rather, it means that something has happened to this person.

But if the boss hadn't appeared and followed this person, it would have been absolutely impossible for her to click into the other person's live broadcast room, let alone see the other person's death process.

Anyway, she was timid.

Little life matters.

Don't ask for leave, just work hard.

Avoid going to work in the underworld on a certain day.

"Don't be so nervous. The main reason is that Tiantian, you are really not suitable to go out tomorrow. I looked at your luck. If you go out tomorrow, there is a high probability that you will be disabled or die due to a long-distance car accident."

Zhang Lingtian said to Li Tiantian now.

【Ding!The host completes the prompt task and gets +1 discernment. 】

Suddenly, after Zhang Lingtian finished saying this, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Sight-seeing: 12/20. 】

And his discernment also became 12 times.

There are only eight more times before you can get system rewards again.

I have to say that it is easier to save people.

【Ding!Congratulations to the high-risk client Li Tiantian whose risk has dropped to 0.1%. The system reward has been distributed. Please check it. 】

A prompt sounded just now, and soon another prompt came out.


Zhang Lingtian was obviously stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly, Li Tiantian eliminated the danger on the spot.

This determination is okay.

According to the rules of this system, the prompt will only appear after the danger is completely eliminated.

Now that a prompt appears, it means that Li Tiantian really doesn't plan to go out.

"Thank you boss for saving my dog's life!"

Li Tiantian cupped her fists and thanked her boss.

"Okay, you guys can take a lunch break when you need it. I'm going to take a rest too."

After saying that, the risk value of the system's scan on Li Tiantian has also been reduced.

He got another system reward for saving people.After successfully completing the task this time, it’s time to return to your office.

Just in time to see what rewards I got.

He was quite looking forward to this.


After the boss left the tea room, Li Tiantian took a deep breath.

"Let me tell you, there must be a reason why Brother Tian won't let you go out. It turns out that the other party saw that you are not very lucky."

Su Wei added now.

"I guess it's really not advisable to go out. After all, we encountered a car accident just as we were about to go out."

Li Tiantian sighed.

She 100% believes what her boss says.

"Ah——, car accident! Boss!!!"

The next second, Li Tiantian came to her senses and rushed towards Zhang Lingtian, who was about to return to the office, as if she had received an electric shock.

If he goes there by himself, he will encounter a car accident, then will fellow student Si Ze and the others also encounter a car accident? !
Serious injury or death!

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at Li Tiantian who was rushing towards him, with question marks all over his face.

"Boss, the juniors and girls of our school are going out to collect news. The long-distance car accident you are talking about is the car accident that happened to the car I was originally going to take!!"

Li Tiantian asked excitedly.

"I don't know about this. I just think you are not very lucky. If you travel far away and take a long distance, you may get into a car accident, and you may be seriously injured or killed."

Zhang Lingtian held the thermos cup in his hand and spread his hands slightly.

[Scan object: Li Tiantian. 】

[Occupation: Employee of Ping An Baishi Shop, manager of Zhanyou Group. 】

[Bad information: Massive brain supplements. 】

[Danger signal: 85% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger location: If you are traveling long distances by car, there is an 85% chance of death due to a car accident on the way. It is recommended not to travel far or to take precautions. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Forecast of air luck: Click to view "1 times". 】

[Customer attributes: high-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The system has automatically followed. 】

This is the danger probability and danger position of Li Tiantian that Zhang Lingtian scanned before.

Of course, this is the historical version.

If you scan again now, it is estimated that the danger probability of the other party has been updated to 0.1%.

"Okay, thank you boss! You can take a lunch break as soon as possible!"

Li Tiantian couldn't get the exact answer and was a little sad at the moment.

Then he walked towards the tea room.

"How about it?"

Su Wei asked Li Tiantian.

"The boss can't tell clearly."

Li Tiantian answered.

"I think Tiantian you need to remind the school girls."

Jiang Xiaohan looked at Li Tiantian.

His tone also became serious.

"Hmm, I'll call and talk to the school girls right now."

Li Tiantian nodded slightly.

It's fine if you don't know.

But if she knew about it, if she didn't tell the school girls about this, she would think it would be a crime.

"Beep beep."

At this moment, a phone call came to Xiao Size in the women's dormitory.

"Huh? She's actually a senior."

Xiao Size was filled with doubts when he saw this phone call.

Senior sister, what's going on?

"Hey, Si Ze, I'm calling you because there's something I want to tell you."

Li Tiantian's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

"Ah? Senior sister, what do you have to tell me?"

Xiao Size's expression was full of doubts.

"Do you know why our boss doesn't let me go? He just came over and told me that I am not very lucky. If I go, I may be seriously injured or die in a car accident long distance."

Li Tiantian said to the school girls.

"Huh? Seriously injured or killed in a long-distance car accident!"

Xiao Size was also stunned when he heard this!
"Yes, yes, that's why I have to remind you!"

Li Tian dessert nodded.

"Does Boss Zhang mean that there will be a car accident on the long-distance bus we are taking? Senior sister!"

Xiao Size knew about Boss Zhang.

So now I don’t dare to neglect at all.

"I don't know about this, because the boss said he doesn't know either. Anyway, this is all the information I know so far."

Li Tiantian said.

"Okay, thank you senior sister, let me ask everyone."

Hang up the phone quickly.

Xiao Size didn't dare to stay for a moment.

Call Wang Qiang immediately.

"What? Are you sure Boss Zhang is saying that something will happen to the long-distance bus we are taking?"

Wang Qiang asked.

"That's not true, but Senior Tiantian is predicted to be in a car accident. Doesn't the other party's route overlap with ours? I think we should pay attention to this! Don't get into trouble if there is an accident."

Xiao Size said.

"But that's just a personal matter for Senior Tiantian. Didn't Boss Zhang tell her that she's not very lucky? What if she gets hit by a car or has some other accident while crossing the road? Our vote and The accommodation and rooms have been reserved, so this sudden cancellation is unjustifiable.”

Wang Qiang said.

And the white shop on the other side.

Zhang Lingtian is in the office at the moment.

[System reward collection is completed, and the host receives the following rewards. 】

【1. System network scanning is fully and accurately upgraded. 】

【2. Realistic scanning distance +2m. 】

Two reminders appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

"Is the real world scan taking longer again?"

Zhang Lingtian's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw this reward.

In other words, the real-world scanning distance of my system now reaches four meters.

There is no need to get too close now.

Can be scanned from four meters away.

As for the first one, he was a little confused here about system scan and accurate upgrade.

What is this thing?
[Tip: The host can log in to Douyin to fully experience the new features. 】

Soon another system prompt appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

"Oh? Then come into Douyin and take a look."

It happened to be lunch break and he was free.

Whispering fighting sounds.

[Douyin is opening...]

Zhang Lingtian clicked on Douyin.

[It is a man’s duty to take good care of his wife. Are you envious of our Yaya’s food today? ! 】

Suddenly the big data on the homepage recommended him a video from a blogger in the eating and broadcasting section.

That's a girl.

The face is like a pancake.

But in front of him was a table of very sumptuous meals.

"It's just you."

Zhang Lingtian clicked on the video.

Just showed up.

Anyway, it is to test the scanning ability of the system, which is the same for everyone.

[The system scan is in progress. The system host after upgrading to the accurate version can view the specific time of the accident within three days and the cause of the accident. However, this function is temporarily available for the Douyin online version...]

During the scanning process, another prompt sounded in front of Zhang Lingtian.

"Atmosphere kills wife?"

A few seconds later, Zhang Lingtian frowned and uttered five words in confusion and shock!

Because the scan results were true, he was shocked!


 I recommend a friend's new book "What bad intentions can there be in temple blessings?" 》, if you like it, you can check it out.


(End of this chapter)

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