I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 233 Accurate scanning, shocking secret!

Chapter 233 Accurate scanning, shocking secret!
[Scan account: Happy Yaya]

[Scan target: Wei Xiaoyu. 】

[Account subject: Luo Chunbo. 】

[Occupation: Internet celebrity in the eating and broadcasting area. 】

[Bad information: Overeating and drinking. 】

[Danger signal: 68% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: Purchased high-cost personal accident insurance, gained 120 pounds in two years due to coercion, overeating, and coercion. The probability of death within three days is 60%. Tomorrow at 12:05 noon, blood pressure and blood sugar will be abnormal due to excessive obesity. Fainting in real life or during a live broadcast, lasting no more than a year, will eventually result in sudden death due to obesity. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Forecast of air luck: Click to view "1 times". 】

[Customer attributes: potential customers. 】

[System prompt: The system recommends the host to pay attention to. 】

This is the information Zhang Lingtian just scanned.

I have to say that after this upgrade, danger positioning is many times more accurate than before.

Indeed, the scan found the exact time and cause of the danger within three days.

With this function, you can accurately judge the next time you encounter a related incident, and it can also be used in solving crimes.

Looking at it, Zhang Lingtian clicked on the homepage of the Yaya short video account called Happiness, and then found a video with both of them in it.

[System scan in progress...]

Zhang Lingtian is currently scanning the man Luo Chunbo who is in the same frame as Yaya.

[Scan account: Happy Yaya]

[Scan target: Luo Chunbo. 】

[Account subject: Luo Chunbo. 】

[Occupation: Internet celebrity operation planning. 】

[Bad information: Gambling habit. 】

[Danger signal: 5% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: There is no danger of death within three days. There is no danger of demolishing the east wall to repair the west wall within one year. However, there is a certain possibility of suffering a moral impact due to being in danger of being collected for gambling debts or soft homicide being exposed. The latter If there are no special unexpected factors, it will probably happen after one year, so the comprehensive assessment is 5%. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Forecast of air luck: Click to view "1 times". 】

[Customer attributes: low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host can decide whether to pay attention or not. 】

Soon the data about this man also appeared.

"A gambling addict?"

Zhang Lingtian frowned when he saw this bad information. As expected, he had already planned it.

And why does this method of killing say atmosphere? Because sudden death in the short video eating and broadcasting area is normal!
As a man, he only cooks for his wife, so who can doubt him?

So what if I have doubts?At most it’s just moral condemnation!
As long as there is no morality, there is nothing to fear!

Compared with previous wife-killing colleagues who pushed their wives off a cliff or tricked them into drowning abroad, this method is completely different.

Unless there is one-of-a-kind evidence of accidental capture, it is impossible to expose it.

When the time comes, with the money that his wife earned from eating and drinking and a large amount of insurance compensation, he can pay off his gambling debts and live happily for half his life at the same time. This plan is really going to work.

But since he saw it, he definitely had to say it. After all, this was a living life. Whether he believed it or not was another matter.

Because it was a video, Zhang Lingtian clicked directly into the comment area to leave a message.

As for why he didn't send a private message, judging from the current situation, the account called 'Happy Yaya' is obviously controlled by his husband himself. If I send a private message, it is estimated that the person named Yaya will not be able to receive it.

Leaving a message in the comment area is more useful than a private message.

After all, anyone can read your message.

After posting it, the number of likes increased, and these netizens actually expanded the impact of his words.

If Luo Chunbo deletes this post with a guilty conscience, it will be equivalent to proving in front of countless netizens that the other party has something wrong with him.

"Terrible husband, don't hurt her if you don't love her!"

"It's scary to think about having a husband like this!"

"Is this another version of "Her Disappearance"?"

"What kind of insurance death benefit is included in the scope of death due to complications from obesity? Is there anyone who understands the insurance details? Can you give me some information..."

"Life insurance. It means how much you will pay if you die at your age. It has nothing to do with the cause of death. Generally, this kind of insurance has a death interval. For example, if you die after the age of 85, there will be no compensation at all."

"All fans, please unsubscribe! Don't let men use a woman's health to generate income for themselves!"

"Isn't this a woman's own choice? She knew something was wrong with her body and she didn't want to lose weight. She actually cooperated with her husband to continue eating. I laughed to death. Who will die if she doesn't die!"


Clicking on the comment area, Zhang Lingtian was surprised that many netizens actually knew about insurance!
And they all tried to persuade this woman named Yaya not to eat it.

Could this be a conspiracy exposed to the sun?
He looked through the other party's previous videos and browsed around in the comment area. After learning more about it, he discovered that it was Yaya herself who said it during the live broadcast.

It's probably because her husband loves her and bought her a high insurance policy.

When she saw this picture, Lingtian didn't know for a moment whether the other person was really stupid or just in love, or maybe the other person's husband strictly controlled the comment section and she couldn't see it.

After all, so many people have discovered this problem and left messages.

But the other party still has such a high probability of danger, which proves that he doesn't take it seriously.

"Ping An Bai Shi Pu: Warm reminder, control your diet and lose weight in time. If you continue to eat, please contact Ping An Bai Shi Pu. Funeral services can be discounted at least 5%! If you insist on continuing, fainting at noon tomorrow will be a warning."

Zhang Lingtian found one of the other party's most popular videos and left a comment.

In order to attract the other party's attention, after thinking about it, he sent a curse that is often circulated on the Internet.

It just so happens that it can put some psychological pressure on the other party.

At the same time, according to the scan, Yaya continued to eat, and it was indeed a year before she was put on the coffin.

So it’s actually okay to say that.

Of course, if you really want to make a phone call, that's another matter. After all, it's too far away, and the other party isn't from their Jiang province. There are several provinces between them.

It's not suitable to do simple things over such a long distance, and it's easy to encounter resistance.

Although he is quite famous now, there are still some rules that must be followed.

[Interactive message +99]

However, as soon as Zhang Lingtian’s comment was posted, there were 30+ interactive messages in less than 99 seconds.

The so-called interactive messages are likes and comments.

"Sudden appearance of Boss Zhang!"

"Oh my God, I didn't expect Boss Zhang to watch Yaya's videos!"

"Will you faint at noon tomorrow? So the next girl named Yaya is a pill?!"

"Boss Zhang, the heroine, is actually a victim. It is really abominable to suggest that this man be arrested!"


Following Zhang Lingtian's message, a large number of netizens poured in.

One by one chattered.

But Zhang Lingtian has already finished what he should say.

The other party didn't start a live broadcast either, so that was all he could do.

If there is a live broadcast later, if you see it, go in and give a reminder. If you don't see it, put down the plot to help others.

He originally thought that no one would remind him, but when he clicked in, he was reminded of everything.

What can I do if he still eats me like this?
Are you still calling them every day to tell them not to eat?
This is not the love of his relatives and friends.

However, after testing, Zhang Lingtian is very satisfied with the function of the current system and looks forward to using it in real-world scanning next time, which will make it even more perfect.


"Oh, there's no way to be sure! If only I could know whether it was me who was unlucky or whether the car that caused the accident was the car I was riding in!"

Li Tiantian was lying on the table, and everyone was in a state of anxiety the whole noon. If it was really that car, it would have cost the lives of twenty or thirty students!
She felt like she would go crazy if something happened!

Because even though they could be saved, they just watched something happen to them.

"Tiantian, you usually have a bright mind, why are you suddenly obsessed with the authorities now? I really want to know, isn't that very simple?"

Jiang Xiaohan looked at Li Tiantian's very painful look and spoke angrily.

"A fan of the authorities? Simple? Sister Xiaohan, do you have any clever tricks?"

Li Tiantian's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she quickly came to Jiang Xiaohan's side.

"Is this a clever trick? Why don't you just show the boss the voice of the school girl? Can't the boss infer the fortune through the voice of the school girl?" Jiang Xiaohan.She originally thought that Li Tiantian knew how to do this, but because of what happened in the morning and her own imagination, she was a little frightened and did not dare to do it. As a result, the other party struggled with it for a whole afternoon and she was confused. Only then did she realize that the other party had not thought about it at all.

"Ah——, how could my wooden fish brain forget this!"

When Li Tiantian heard this, she shuddered and patted her head.

If someone wants the boss to help with fortune telling, they need to draw a lottery, but as an employee of a white shop, she can try to walk through the employee aisle. Although she doesn’t know if it will work, it is better than waiting around and hoping!
"So don't rush."

Su Wei said something.

"Go, go, you didn't even think of this plan and you told me not to worry. Sister Xiaohan, I'll call my junior sister and ask her for a Douyin account, and then show it to the boss."

Li Tiantian was still very positive about the matter of human life. She picked up her phone and opened WeChat and made a voice call to her schoolmate Xiao Size.

"Hey, do you have any latest news, senior?"

Xiao Size is also in a dilemma now.

Should we stay or go?
She didn't dare not believe what Boss Zhang said, but it was very vague. If it was really Tiantian who was unlucky and nothing happened, then she would have wasted everyone's time.

Seeing that it was Li Tiantian's call, she immediately picked it up and asked.

"Senior sister, is there a video of yourself appearing on Douyin?!"

Li Tiantian asked straight to the point.

"Huh? I haven't posted any videos of myself."

Xiao Size replied.

She also uses less of her fighting sounds.

"Then take a quick photo and send it to me, and I'll ask our boss to help you check your luck."

Douyinhao Li Tiantian is not as good as this school girl.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have called and asked in person.

"Huh? Oh!! I'll do it right now!!!"

Xiao Size was a little flattered when she heard that her senior student actually asked Boss Zhang to show her her fortune. After all, this was only a qualification for being a lucky viewer through a lottery draw.

"But don't have high hopes. I can't say 100% that the boss will help you. I'm just giving it a try."

Li Tiantian gave her school girl a preventive shot in advance to leave a way out for herself.

"Thank you, Senior Tiantian! I also know how difficult it is to let Boss Zhang check your fortune. As long as Senior is willing to do it, I will be very happy. To be honest, the team leader and I do not have the same opinions. I wanted to cancel the trip but the other party said The tickets and accommodation have been arranged, but I don’t want to suffer serious losses if I cancel.”

Xiao Size said words of gratitude.

After all, no matter how much money the average person spends, they will never have the chance to ask Boss Zhang to help him read a picture. But for lucky viewers, it is one in 2000 million. This difficulty is comparable to winning the first prize in the lottery.

Senior Li Tiantian helped her ask, so she was very grateful.

Soon the two parties hung up the phone.

Almost instantly, Li Tiantian received a Douyin share from her school girl.

However, there weren't many works when I clicked on it. After about a minute, I could see a selfie of the other person in the dormitory.

【Size school girl】

"Senior, do you think this is okay?"

The school girl directly sent a WeChat message asking.

"Okay! I'll ask the boss and wait for good news!"

Li Tiantian sent a message back to the other party.

"Sister Xiaohan has obtained the Douyin Horn. You are the boss's right-hand man. Why don't you go ask our school girls?"

Although the message was like this, Li Tiantian was still a little timid inside.

The main reason is that I feel that my level is too low and I dare not disturb the boss.

"The boss is not that scary, just ask bravely. If you really can't ask, we can discuss what to do."

Jiang Xiaohan said to Li Tiantian.

"Go! Don't be a coward!"

Su Wei also said something.

"Awei, come with me!"

Li Tiantian went to find her boss alone. If it was work, it would be fine, but she didn't have the confidence to open a backdoor for such private matters.

"You want me to accompany you when you're looking for the boss? The boss won't eat you!"

When Su Wei heard this, he looked annoyed and said.

"Go ahead! It's not good for me to be alone!"

Without saying a word, Li Tiantian directly clamped Su Wei's hand in her creaking hole, and then pulled it outward.


Su Wei was dragged out with a look of despair.

"Boom boom boom——"

One forty past noon.

There was a knock on the door at Zhang Lingtian's office.

"Come in."

Zhang Lingtian's voice sounded.


Two people came in, Li Tiantian and Su Wei.

"What are you two doing?"

Zhang Lingtian suddenly had a confused look in his eyes when he saw the two people arriving at the office at the same time.

"Brother Tian, ​​Li Tiantian wants to ask you something."

Su Wei said.

"Ask me something? What? You can't possibly want to go out again!"

Zhang Lingtian was a little confused.

Could it be that Li Tiantian still plans to go if she doesn’t give up?

"Boss, I have no plans to go, but this time I am going to collect news with the junior girls. I wonder if you can also help the junior girls to see if anything will happen to the other party..."

Li Tiantian expressed her thoughts, her voice getting quieter as she went on.

Just like the sound of mosquitoes.

"That's it. Just send me the other party's fighting voice."

Zhang Lingtian thought it was something, but it turned out to be this.

"Ah? Boss, you agreed!!"

Listening to the boss's tone, Li Tiantian didn't have any hope.

When she heard this, she was stunned, with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Of course. Do I look that rigid?"

Zhang Lingtian said angrily.

By the way, why does Li Tiantian seem like a different person?Where is the usual energy for gossiping?
"Thank you, boss! I'll send it to you right now!!"

Li Tiantian thanked Zhang Lingtian profusely, and after leaving the office, she directly pushed her school girl's fight to her boss.

"I just told you, the boss is not as scary as you think."

Su Wei complained after exiting the office door.

"Tch, you said this morning that since the boss has already asked me for leave, he will definitely not regret it. What's the result?"

Li Tiantian glanced at Su Wei.

"Didn't you find out later that you were unlucky?"

Su Wei added.

The two of you speak to me.

Zhang Lingtian on the other side clicked on Douyin.

[System precision scan is in progress. 】

After clicking on it, I saw a selfie video in the dormitory, and the system quickly started scanning.

In fact, he was also curious as to whether Li Tiantian was unlucky, or whether something was going to happen to these students.

If it's the former, that's fine, but if it's the latter, it's going to be troublesome.


(End of this chapter)

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