I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 236 The undead driver sacrifices his wife to pay off his debt!

Chapter 236 The undead driver sacrifices his wife to pay off his debt!
Come to the computer in your office.

Glancing at the scarf.

【1. Internet celebrity Yaya’s death notice】

[2. Countdown to two death predictions]


The first one on the list is the internet celebrity named Yaya who was on the list yesterday.

But what surprised him was that the husband of the other party, Luo Chunbo, actually deleted his comment.

Number two on the list is prediction of death.

He took a look at what happened yesterday about the long-distance bus, and it seemed that a student from the University of Finance and Economics had given him a scarf.

What he predicted was that the driver of the bus might cause a car accident, and at eleven o'clock in the morning.

He also said that the reporter interviewed the manager of Chunjiang Passenger Terminal online.

"The passenger terminal is to serve passengers. Since passengers reported that there was a problem with the driver on this morning's train and they wanted to change the driver, then we must curb the occurrence of such accidents at the root, whether it involves fatigue driving or otherwise. We have already prepared for the morning trip The bus driver in Yancheng has been replaced, and now the bus is running smoothly and is on its way to the destination."

In a telephone interview, the bus station boss himself always puts customers and life first.

Passengers raised their concerns and the other party immediately changed the driver.

And said that the car has now set off.

Before setting off, I specifically told the other party to drive slower. At [-] o'clock, they would also ask the driver to report that it was safe at a nearby service area, and at the same time call the connected camera on the car to check the situation.

"That's not right. Since the master has been changed, why haven't I received a reminder that the probability of danger has been reduced?"

The more Zhang Lingtian looked at it, the more strange he felt.

Previously, my system had indeed scanned out that the accident was caused by the bus driver and not the car.

[Scan account: Feng Ye Xiao Xiao]

[Scan target: Xiao Size. 】

[Account subject: Xiao Size. 】

[Occupation: Chunjiang University of Finance and Economics. 】

[Bad information: stay up late. 】

[Danger signal: 88% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger Positioning: A bus traveling far away caused a car accident around 88 o'clock this afternoon due to the driver's own fault. There is an [-]% chance of death due to the car accident. It is recommended not to travel far away or transfer to a bus other than the driver and take precautions. . 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Forecast of air luck: Click to view "1 times". 】

[Customer attributes: high-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host has paid attention. 】

Zhang Lingtian opened his scanning record again.

The probability of the other party being in danger has increased again.

It reached 88%.

And it also changed to five o'clock in the afternoon.

the other side.

Li Tiantian couldn't get through the phone.

It turned out that Xiao Size went to the studio to work on her own project. In order to focus on her project, she didn't take her phone there at the moment.

The call didn't get through, but after all, Li Tiantian had been a class assistant in Xiao Size's class before.

Although I started to divide my majors into my sophomore year.

There are four or five majors in the School of Art. There are thirty people in a freshman class. If divided down, there are five or six people who are currently in the same major as Xiao Size.

As a class assistant, of course, all the classmates joined me at that time.

So now these students start.

More than ten o'clock.

Finally I contacted a male classmate.

The male classmate contacted Xiao Size's roommate again, and Li Tiantian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that they had not set off.

And asked the roommate to quickly find Xiao Size and ask him to come over and explain to him what was going on.

Study room.

"Ah? Senior Sister Tiantian is looking for me??"

Xiao Size, who was finishing his design, had a glimmer of doubt in his eyes!

"Hmm, please call the other party quickly. It's urgent!"

Xiao Size's roommate said to him.

"My cell phone is in the dormitory. I'll go back now."

Xiao Size, who was working on his graduation project, tidied up and returned to his dormitory.

The time has come to 10:30.

"I've obviously changed my ticket, how could I still be unlucky? It's really weird!"

After learning that Xiao Size's classmates didn't get on the bus, Li Tiantian didn't seem as anxious as before. Anyway, they were waiting for her at school to ask what was going on.


Ten forty.

I only saw a WeChat video call coming.

"Sister, what happened?"

Xiao Size, who was only seen at this moment, asked.

She had just returned to the dormitory.

Because the studio is still some distance from the dormitory.

"Size, I heard that you changed your tickets to three in the afternoon, right?"

Li Tiantian asked.

"Hmm, after our collective discussion yesterday, we decided to change the ticket to three o'clock in the afternoon. Senior sister, did Boss Zhang reveal something else?"

Xiao Size is not a fool.

I knew there must be a reason why the senior sister was so anxious to find her.

There is a high probability that Boss Zhang may have said something else.

"Yes, the boss came to me this morning and asked me if I didn't tell you about this."

Li Tiantian nodded and said.

"Ah? Does it mean that my luck has not changed? If I set out in the afternoon, I will also get into a car accident?"

Xiao Size's expression looked very shocked.

If that were the case, that would be incredible!
"The boss did say that your luck is still the same as before, almost unchanged."

In the tea room, Li Tiantian nodded solemnly to the school girl.

"Is this... could it be my own fault?"

Xiao Size was at a loss.

The master has also changed, and the long-distance bus has also been moved to the afternoon.

How could something happen again?
Could it be that he is unlucky?

Several roommates in the dormitory were also puzzled.

After all, it is a video call, so the sound is relatively loud, so everyone can hear it.

My heart sank.

Could it be that this time is really not suitable for going out?

Even if the time is changed, there will still be a car accident.

As for whether Xiao Size was unlucky, they felt that it was not the case. After all, the other party would not run around and basically stayed with everyone.

I guess it was this trip that Boss Zhang reminded me of.

"It is recommended to check the driver."

At this moment, Zhang Lingtian appeared in the tea room, behind Li Tiantian.


Li Tiantian was startled by the voice behind her.

It was the boss who appeared behind him unknowingly!

"Boss Zhang!"

Looking at the man who appeared in the camera, everyone in Xiao Size's dormitory at the University of Finance and Economics looked very surprised.

Unexpectedly, Boss Zhang actually showed up in person.

But he is really handsome!

"Driver? Boss Zhang, we called the bus station yesterday and told them that their driver has a problem. Is it possible that the driver at their bus station has such a high probability of winning? It shouldn't be! Am I more unlucky?"

The roommates were all immersed in Boss Zhang's handsomeness.

Xiao Size wanted to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to ask his question.

"No, it's not you who is the driver."

Zhang Lingtian shook his head.

"Not me? Or the driver? Are we so lucky to meet two problematic drivers?"

Xiao Size said in surprise.

"Size, do you think it's possible that the master who was originally on duty in the morning was moved to the afternoon? Because it's the same route, the car in the afternoon might be driven by the unreliable master in the morning!"

A roommate with a ponytail in the same dormitory looked like he suddenly realized it!

"Hey! Don't say it! This possibility completely exists!!"

Xiao Size's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Although it sounds rather mysterious.

But this is indeed possible!

After all, it's the same route again.

The driver of the afternoon train was temporarily transferred to the evening, so the four-hour journey to Yancheng was still driven by this unreliable driver!

Woke up!

Xiao Size suddenly woke up.

"I don't know if it's the same master or if I met two unreliable masters. Anyway, if you take that car and set off at three o'clock in the afternoon, there is a high probability that you will get into a car accident at five o'clock in the evening and be seriously injured or killed. , you should think carefully about it yourself.”

After Zhang Lingtian finished speaking, he returned to his office.

"Size, you'd better take our boss's words seriously."

Li Tiantian added.

The time quickly came to 11:30.

This time of year is particularly lively because one thing ends and another thing is about to begin.

The end was naturally the accident predicted by Boss Zhang at eleven o'clock in the morning.

【2.No accidents at eleven o'clock】

[Chunjiang Observation: It was revealed yesterday that Boss Zhang predicted that there would be an accident on the Chunjiang Bus Terminal heading to Yancheng at [-] o'clock. A group of students from Chunjiang University of Finance and Economics asked to change their masters. The masters in the service area are currently ensuring safety and the vehicles are being safely transported. Driving steadily, we expected to reach our destination in one and a half hours. 】

This is the message on the scarf.

"Yes, according to the driver's phone call and our driving monitoring, there was no accident around [-] o'clock."

At 11:30, a reporter also directly interviewed Sun Qi, the manager of Chunjiang Passenger Terminal. Sun Qi was also very calm.

"So, Manager Sun, what do you think of the rumor that Boss Zhang said there would be a car accident at eleven o'clock? Do you think this is a rumor or have you prevented such accidents from happening?"

The interviewer was the reporter from Chunjiang Observation, and he only saw the other person asking at this moment.

"Human life comes first, and customers come first. As long as there is trouble, we would rather lose our own interests than let our customers suffer any loss. This is our Chunjiang Passenger Terminal."

"In short, even if this piece of information is wrong, we must treat it as true, because you only live once and we will never allow everyone's lives to be threatened."

Manager Sun Qi said firmly in front of the camera.

"Not bad!"

"I love this Manager Sun!"

"Even if it is false, we must treat it as true, because once it is true, there will be no future. How courageous it is to say this."

"He is indeed a good manager. He didn't even take credit for his timely substitutions that ultimately prevented the accident."

The interview is live.

I only saw the water friends watching the live broadcast talking one after another.

Everyone praised the manager.

However, they didn't know that many students from Chunjiang University of Finance and Economics were watching this interview video.

"Manager Sun is so easy to talk to, why don't we just call and ask? Let's see if there are two cheating masters, or if the afternoon master and the morning master are the same person."

Xiao Size and Wang Qiang brought everyone together again.

It's already eleven forty.

The drive was only three hours away.

But it was a long way from Chunjiang University of Finance and Economics to the bus station, which meant that they had to leave at 01:30 to be on the safe side.

In fact, it only takes more than an hour to get to the station.

"Yeah! Let's call together at noon and see how the other party responds."

Xiao Size nodded.

"If it's a person, then who is this master! Undead Rider?"

Everyone was reluctant to come to today's meeting.

There were even a lot of complaints when we first arrived.

They said there was something going on in the morning so they moved it to the afternoon, but it turned out that there was something going on in the afternoon. This was not meant to torment people.

Fortunately, Xiao Size's roommate secretly recorded what Zhang Lingtian said during the video call.

As soon as this video was played, everyone present decisively shut their mouths.

In particular, the remark that "whoever refutes it can get in that car then" just made everyone's heart tense.

Boss Zhang opened a white goods shop near them.

We all still have a wonderful life at such a close distance, but we don't want to die here.

"Who knows? Speaking of which, have you followed the Internet celebrity Yaya?"

More than 30 people gathered in a classroom.

It wasn't lunch time yet, and since it wasn't noon, it wasn't appropriate to call the manager.

So everyone decided to wait.

We started chatting by the way.

"How could you not watch it? It's number one on the hot search list!" said a female classmate wearing black-framed glasses.

"Damn it, the other party's husband is too horrible. He gained more than 100 pounds in less than two years of marriage and even bought insurance for his wife. Isn't this a naked murder?"

The fat female classmate wearing a black down jacket said very excitedly!

It's really scary to meet this kind of husband.

"So you must not be in love!"

After all, college students are the group that receives information most quickly.

He also surfs the Internet frequently and is basically familiar with many major events on the Internet.

"I wonder if there will be a live broadcast at noon soon."

Some people are starting to worry about this problem.

"It will definitely open, right? Didn't that man promise everyone on his scarf? If he doesn't open it, is he looking for a hammer?"

"I'm not afraid of being hammered. After all, he even dares to delete Boss Zhang's messages. I really don't know what the other person is doing for doing this. My wife can also earn a lot of money by hosting live broadcasts. It should be enough to support the family!"

"This kind of person is just greedy. If it weren't for Boss Zhang, this incident would definitely not be such a big deal. We may suddenly stop broadcasting one day and we don't even know."

"Why don't we just bring food here for lunch soon? Then we can watch the live broadcast and call the Chunjiang Passenger Terminal to ask for a replacement."

"This is a good idea, let's show Yaya the barrage together!"

Anyway, there are things to deal with.

And these things are related to everyone's interests.

Everyone agreed with the idea of ​​staying in the classroom, having lunch together and watching the live broadcast, and finally sending a representative to call Chunjiang.

The vast rabbit country at this moment.

On the other side is a small fourth-tier city.

"Yaya, get ready to get up for lunch!!"

I saw a man with a figure somewhat similar to Huang Bo, smiling, untiing his cooking bib and shouting to his wife in the room.

"Husband, I don't want to eat today."

In bed, her face is as round as a pancake. Well, if she is more vivid, she looks like a sumo wrestler rolling on Simmons.

Her face fell down because she was so fat.

On the bedside is a wedding photo taken when they first got married.

Inside, she is slightly chubby, not to mention pretty, but she is one of thousands of women, blooming with her own beauty.

Compared to her now, her own mother probably wouldn't be able to recognize these two people.

Those who don’t know may think that some disease has caused this in the past two years.

Who would have thought that this was fed.

"Honey, I'm so good at it that I'll be starving if I don't eat a meal! Come on, come on, I'm adjusting the camera position for the live broadcast and I'll say hello to the audience."

I only saw Luo Chunbo talking to his wife at this moment.

At the same time, the live broadcast stand will be placed.

He was in a particularly comfortable mood today.

After all, Boss Zhang is paying attention, will the other side of his efforts be far away?

The insurance he bought does not provide compensation if someone dies within two years, but if someone dies after two years, he will be compensated according to the normal life span.

In short, the sooner you die, the more you will lose.

He could probably get 300 million.

When the time comes to pay off the gambling debt of more than 100 million yuan, I will still have more than 100 million yuan to live freely and even find a young and beautiful wife.

hurry up!
He can't wait.

It's actually been two years now.

The insurance he bought for his wife was calculated from the day he received the certificate.

It took three months to get the certificate than to get married.

In other words, it just turned two years last month.

"I don't want to get up!"

However, this Yaya was still lying on the bed.

"Xiaoyu! I have made a reservation for the live broadcast! There are many netizens who want to watch you eat today!"

Luo Chunbo continued to shout at the top of his lungs.

Yaya is the name of the live broadcast room.

My wife’s real name is Wei Xiaoyu.

[Tips from Douyin system: Happy Yaya live broadcast reservation starts...]

The time came to eleven fifty.

I saw Luo Chunbo clicked on the reservation now.

As for why there are so many scoldings online, he still dares to broadcast live, especially when Boss Zhang made a prediction and he is still fearless?
Mainly because Yaya can't see these comments.

So he has no fear.

Furthermore, this was their normal live broadcast time, and he didn't want to miss the opportunity to make money.

If you do faint, that's actually a good thing.

According to the law of the King of Hell's curse, he will die in 24 hours or 72 hours in three days. He can also get rid of his own suspicion.

It doesn't matter to him even if the police intervene.

Because the other party died suddenly, just like the fat dragon last time. What does this have to do with him?
He is just a doting wife because of his strength.

He firmly believes that no one can find any flaws in him.

After all, how can a few days of your questioning defeat two years of planning?

And as his live broadcast appointment came out, many people's hearts skipped a beat.

"The live broadcast reservation is open!"

"You actually dare to make a live broadcast reservation!"

Everyone clicked to make a live broadcast reservation amidst shouts of surprise.

The live broadcast room, which usually has hundreds or even thousands of reservations, is now exploding! ,

"No! I won't eat!!"

Yaya didn't know on the bed, she was still facing rejection at this moment.

Because she felt uncomfortable with her body!
"Oh my God! Yaya, we are going to be popular. This time, 10 people have booked our live broadcast room!!"

Luo Chunbo glanced at the live broadcast appointment and counted the words on it in disbelief.

There were actually 10 reservations!

What kind of concept is this? It has improved a hundred times compared to the previous best performance!
In the past, one day's live broadcast could earn three to four hundred yuan.

What is the concept of one hundred times?
In other words, if the live broadcast today is good, it will cost tens of thousands of yuan!

"I really don't go!"

Yaya continued to lie on the bed.

"Yaya, look, there are really 10 people who have made reservations for our live broadcast room!"

Luo Chunbo brought the phone to his wife.

"Don't look, you go away! Go away quickly!"

Yaya is a little irritable.

During this period of time, Luo Chunbo also clearly felt that his wife was much more irritable than usual.

Before, it was basically obedient.

Now he still loses his temper.

But as the saying goes, if you want to destroy it, you must first make it go crazy. There are hints of dawn everywhere.

"Yaya, you are disobedient, then I will start a live broadcast directly, so that the majority of netizens can see you losing your temper at this time!"

With that said, Luo Chunbo started the live broadcast directly.


"The live broadcast is finally on!"

"Hahaha, I thought you, a villain, didn't dare to start a live broadcast!"

"Awesome! You even deleted Boss Zhang's comments! Brother, you are a cruel person!"

"Oh my God, is that Yaya in the wedding photo at the back? It's like it's a different person!"

"Brother, this is equivalent to merging another Yaya in the body. Only when the appearance of more than 200 pounds remains unchanged can there be ghosts!"


Eleven forty-three.

The live broadcast finally starts at this moment.

All the water friends came in and laughed at each other.

"I told you not to eat! I won't eat!!"

The water friends have just come in.

It was the roar of a Hedong lion.

"Yes, yes! It's good for Yaya not to eat!"

"I want to say that if you have three highs and lose control of your emotions, you will easily have a stroke!"

"Being so fat, so irritable and prone to cerebral hemorrhage... advice from the doctor..."

"Yes, I am 105 to 120, and my heart is affected. I am easily afraid of heat. I can't do it without exercise. It's okay to be fat, but it will be a problem if it threatens my health."

"The hormones in her body are out of balance. I hope she can lose weight!"

Yaya's irritable scene in the live broadcast room was naturally seen by netizens.

At this moment, while saying that it is good not to eat, he also said that having three highs and being emotional is really not good.

Brain hemorrhage, bad heart, stroke, etc.

"Yaya, I have already started the live broadcast. Do the fans want to watch you eat? Besides, people are like iron rice and they will be hungry if they don't eat for one meal. It's good for your stomach to eat while it's hot, otherwise I'll finish your meal in the afternoon. But there’s nothing to eat, and for lunch I made your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs, stewed pig’s trotters with soybeans, and braised pork knuckles, are you sure you don’t want to eat them?”

Luo Chunbo persuaded his wife.

"Don't get up!"

"Oh my god, Yaya really don't want to eat, this is a villain!"

"Sweet and sour pork ribs! Stewed pig's trotters with soybeans! And braised pork knuckles! You must not be murdering people!!"

Watching Yaya get up from the bed after being quiet for a while.

Suddenly the people in the live broadcast room shouted crazily.

"It's over."

Everyone at Chunjiang University of Finance and Economics is also watching.

When they saw this Yaya getting up, everyone called her Pill.

And they also thought this recipe was outrageous.

A person who weighs more than 200 kilograms and is only 1.6 meters tall is already as good as a sumo wrestler. Why are you giving people such supplementary food?
"It's five minutes past twelve. Si Ze, please call the customer service at Chunjiang Passenger Terminal. The manager should have finished the interview."

Wang Qiang said to Xiao Size while watching the live broadcast.


Watch the live broadcast as well.

But calling the bus station is also business.

Take advantage of this moment to ask, as the other party has probably just finished the interview.

That's right.

Just as Wang Qiang and the others guessed.

Now Sun Qi has just finished his interview with Chunjiang Observation and is saying goodbye to the reporter.

"Oh my God! She actually picked up a big elbow!!"

The live broadcast is still playing.

Everyone looked furious.

Because Yaya came to the table.

And picked up a big elbow!

"Don't eat it! Yaya!"

The female classmates' hearts were in their throats.

I hope the other person doesn’t want to eat it!
"I finally understand. Her husband has a problem, and so does this woman!"

The male students, on the other hand, are more sensible.

"No, she said she didn't want to eat it. She couldn't eat it anymore and her husband kept letting her eat it! Just for Hong and the insurance!"

The female classmate made an excuse for Yaya.

However, water friends on the Internet are much more straightforward.

"She will eat if you tell her to, so there is something wrong with her. She doesn't have to eat. After all, there is no knife on her neck!"

"She doesn't have to eat. As long as she doesn't want to, her husband can't open her mouth and feed her in, right? She still wants to eat!"

"That's right. When I couldn't eat, no matter how delicious the takeout was, I didn't even think about eating it!"

"She also doesn't want to think about why her dear husband bought a huge amount of insurance. Who would make this kind of greasy meal for his wife every day? When it's the most extreme, he watches the previous video, and is called up to eat spicy food at midnight when people most want to sleep. hot!"

"It's hopeless! I just want to know if he really fainted at twelve o'clock or if he just fainted like Fat Dragon and never got up again."

The netizens in the live broadcast room were still sympathizing with this woman before.

But now I can't sympathize.

Wait until twelve o'clock.

"Come on, Yaya has eaten. Say hello to the netizens in the live broadcast room."

It's twelve o'clock.

Although the water friends in the live broadcast room tried to persuade me.

But the camera was pointed at the other person during the live broadcast, and she didn't see the phone screen at all, so it was useless no matter how loud the netizens shouted.

I saw Luo Chunbo greeting his wife at this moment.

"Dear friends, thank you all for coming. Now I'm going to eat! I hope you all have a good appetite for lunch!!"

As a blogger in the eating and broadcasting area.

Internet celebrity Yaya picked up a big elbow at this moment.

I saw her opening her huge mouth.

Suddenly, I opened my mouth to the limit and felt a breath stuck in my throat!


(End of this chapter)

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