I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 237 He is not here to make a movie, he is predicting disaster!

Chapter 237 He is not here to make a movie, he is predicting disaster!


In the next moment, he hit the table with his elbow.

"Ya Ya!!"

Luo Chunbo rushed to the camera looking very excited, but in fact he was already happy.

It seems that what Lord Yama said is true!

Your efforts will soon see the light of day!

"I'm so faint!"

"The prophecy of Lord Hell has come true!"

"Nonsense, when did Boss Zhang ever joke with you?"

"So how did this woman die next? Did she die suddenly like Fat Dragon?"

"Stop talking and take him to the hospital quickly! If you delay any longer, you will really die!"

"It sounds like this man can be lifted up. It is 100% likely that he will have to call 120, and I don't know if he can hold on until 120 comes."

Seeing Yaya actually fainted.

All the water friends in the live broadcast room looked very excited.

"Oh my god! Boss Zhang is so punctual!!"

At Chunjiang University of Finance and Economics, this scene also shocked Xiao Size and the others.

It's just early twelve o'clock, and people feel dizzy immediately!

"It's a good thing we didn't get in the car! Otherwise we might have been lying on white sheets at the beginning of eleven o'clock!"

There was a female classmate in the classroom who was lamenting.

"Oh, we are really lucky! The key is whether the customer service is a bit retarded. Just contact the manager. Why did it take so long!"

"Yes, I haven't turned around for a long time! I don't know what the customer service is worried about! If we encounter an unreliable technician again in the afternoon, wouldn't it be fatal!"

Everyone was talking a lot.

Xiao Size is now communicating with the customer service at Chunjiang Passenger Terminal.

"Can you ask the other party to answer the phone? Something will really happen to the car in the afternoon! This is what Boss Zhang told us today, and we have video! If something really happens, will you be responsible?"

Xiao Size, who was only seen at this moment, said to him.

The whole person looked very angry.

Because since the call was made to explain the purpose, both parties have been engaging in ineffective communication.

"This classmate, we really don't have the authority to contact you directly to the manager. I hope you can understand! But we will report this matter to the manager. Please rest assured and don't worry. Our driver masters all have more than ten years of driving experience. Our excellent drivers will definitely help you reach your destination safely.”

The customer service person on the other side of the phone continued talking.

Although his tone was still very gentle.

But you can also hear the other party's impatience.

And this person is none other than Hu Zhen yesterday.

She is now wondering if she has recruited a villain?
Why are these students always so messy?

She was really convinced.

"Then how long will it take for your report?"

Xiao Size asked.

"The longest is three working days, the fastest is 24 hours."

Hu Zhen answered in a gentle tone.

"24 hours? But now it's only three hours before departure, you know! There is something wrong with your master! There will still be a car accident!"

Xiao Size emphasized.

He looked really angry.

"Our masters are all the most professional masters. Don't worry, students, we will send you to your destination safely when the time comes."

Hu Zhen continued to answer in a gentle tone. In fact, she had torn Xiao Size's hand on the other end of the phone a thousand times.

This is simply a pushover! !

So many things every day.

Are you going to follow your ideas and come to a station as big as them? !
Do you still need to operate it?
"Okay! I won't talk nonsense to you anymore. Just call me your manager's office! I'll call your office, and then I will definitely complain to you!"

Xiao Size directly wanted the other manager's phone number and didn't want to talk to her here.

"According to regulations, I can't give you the manager's phone number at will. I'm really sorry, classmate."

Hu Zhen said to him.

If a random person calls and asks for the manager's phone number, and she gives it like this, then the manager will be annoyed to death!

"what happened?"

Suddenly a fat man with glasses appeared behind Hu Zhen.


Hu Zhen was stunned for a moment when she saw the man.

Chunjiang University of Finance and Economics.

"Oh haha? The manager showed up??"

"Is this the luck given by Boss Zhang that the manager just happened to be here?"

Because Xiao Size turned on the loudspeaker, everyone could hear the voice on the other end of the phone.

"Just give me your phone number."

Sun Qi now reached out and took the phone.

"Hey, hello, do you have any questions for me?"

I only saw Sun Qi asking at the other end of the phone at this moment.

"Hello, Manager Sun, we are students at Chunjiang University of Finance and Economics. We were watching your interview just now. Thank you very much for changing the driver this morning to avoid an accident."

Xiao Size was talking to him now.

"Customers come first, life comes first, that's what it should be."

Sun Qi looked in a good mood when he heard that it was someone who called specifically to praise him.

"But we want to say that the matter is not over yet. There will still be an accident on the afternoon train to Yancheng. The time predicted by Boss Zhang is five o'clock in the evening. We would like to ask if you have changed the driver from the morning to the afternoon? This There’s something wrong with the driver! You can’t drive!”

Xiao Size solemnly emphasized.

"Is that so? Then we will conduct an investigation immediately, and we will definitely give you an excellent driver at Chunjiang Passenger Terminal who has never had any accidents!"

Sun Qi assured him.

"Look, this is the manager. He is really efficient!"

"So, sometimes these customer service staff can obviously go to the manager to solve the problem, but they are keen to quarrel with you here."

All the students looked very happy when they heard that Manager Sun said that they would be given an outstanding driver from Chunjiang Bus Terminal who had never had any accidents.

2 minutes later.

"It's done! Let's go back and pack our things after lunch. Don't be late if you set out alone! Everyone must be at the station by 02:30 at the latest!"

After communicating with Manager Sun, the other party said that they would conduct a thorough investigation immediately.

Resolutely avoid any driver who affects driving safety.

Give them an excellent driver from Chunjiang Bus Terminal who has never had any accidents!

"Okay, it's all over! Yaya's live broadcast is also over!"

"Let's get started, let's take a lunch break and get going!!"

Everyone at Chunjiang Passenger Terminal started eating.

Ping An funeral shop.

"Well, it seems I have to find Director Qin."

The happy Yaya Zhang Lingtian just opened the live broadcast and saw the scene of the other party fainting.

At the same time, we also saw Luo Chunbo being indifferent to the curses and criticisms from netizens.

He knew this man was tough.

But there is no way to influence him with the power of the Internet.

Especially the other party’s wife can hardly see the information online.

In fact, through some comments, we can see that Yaya is actually a little reluctant to eat it, after all, her body is there.

You can feel it yourself whether you feel uncomfortable or not.

So now he needs to use some real-world power to expose this person, and by the way, see if he can be sent in under the current situation.

Even if they can't be sent in, save a life first.

Because the essence of what I am doing is to save people, not to send people in to harm others.

If the devil is so stunned that he waits for the other person to kill someone before trying to catch him, then the punishment is achieved but the person is not saved, which is a bit putting the cart before the horse.

"Boom boom boom——"

At this moment there was a knock on the door.

"Come right over, you guys eat first."

Zhang Lingtian said.

At this moment he also opened his scarf.

It's been a day or two since the Baishipu account was released, let's see how the data above looks like.

Then he also wanted to give out a scarf.

"Boss, I brought you the Twice-cooked Pork Fried Rice Set and Winter Melon Pork Ribs Soup." Jiang Xiaohan walked in directly with a box lunch and soup.

"I also said I would go over and eat in a while."

Zhang Lingtian didn't expect that his little assistant would come directly with a lunch box.

"It's cold now, boss. It'll be cold when you come here. You can eat in the office later and I'll clean it up for you. Do you want some tea?"

Jiang Xiaohan looked at Zhang Lingtian and asked.

"Okay, get some for me."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

"Hmm, boss, how do we arrange this afternoon for you to show others their luck? Speaking of which, since Baishipu announced the scarf, the number of followers of our company's scarf has exceeded one million. Boss, would you like to pick it up from above? Advertising coming? Someone has contacted us now.”

After all, Jiang Xiaohan is the person in charge of this matter.

Especially the two items of giving guidance and fortune telling, now she is under great pressure.

People on WeChat are asking her when she will start.

If she didn't, she would ask her boss.

"We'll have to wait a day or two to see the fortune. We're not too busy right now. We don't need to accept advertisements, just be a lottery and external communication platform."

Regarding this matter, Zhang Lingtian said to the arrangement.


Jiang Xiaohan looked like he understood.

Then I went to get tea.

Zhang Lingtian opened his scarf now and planned to have a meal and stroll around.

After dinner, contact Qin Yan or something.


However, he didn't expect that just when he opened the lid of the lunch box, a phone call came in.

The whole phone is vibrating.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, let's have lunch!"

When I answered the phone, there was a very cheerful voice on the other end.

"Director Qin, I was just about to call you after dinner, but I didn't expect you to call me by such a coincidence."

Zhang Lingtian answered the phone and said with a smile.

I just wanted to ask about Yaya.

"Oh? What's the matter? Is there a funeral order tonight?"

Qin Yan was stunned for a moment.

"That's not true. I don't know if you have followed someone named Happy Yaya, an internet celebrity, recently?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

"I can pay attention now. Did Mr. Zhang find out that this internet celebrity Yaya did anything illegal or criminal?"

Qin Yan is the director after all.

Daily affairs are quite busy.

Therefore, it is impossible to pay attention to everything on the Internet.

Sometimes I just happen to see it and pay attention to it. If he turns on the Internet every day and wonders what happened today and what will happen tomorrow, he, the director, will be wasting taxpayers' money. After all, he has so much free time.

"There is nothing illegal or criminal about this Yaya, but I think we can investigate the other party's husband, because he bought a high-cost insurance for his wife, and he still owes gambling debts. Currently, his wife is being used by him in various ways every day. After being fed greasy food, various physical indicators have become abnormal, and I am suspected of killing my wife and cheating on my insurance policy. I also want to ask if your police can intervene in this situation."

After all, Zhang Lingtian is not a professional legal person.

Although he has the title of criminal expert, he is not a professional police officer.

There is still very little knowledge in this area.

So I wanted to ask Qin Yan.

"If he had the motive of killing someone to defraud his bail and took action, then our police can intervene in the investigation. In this way, I will let Lao Chen take care of this matter."

Qin Yan said now.

Endangering life and safety is certainly their responsibility.

Although the other party is very hidden.

But as long as the motive is there and actions are taken, causing certain consequences, then it can be investigated.

"Okay, okay, then it's all Director Qin's fault!"

Zhang Lingtian was relieved to hear their intervention.

I believe that if the police are watching, they will be able to save someone.

"It's within the scope of the business, so why say thank you? I almost thought Mr. Zhang that you were busy and couldn't come to shoot tonight!"

Qin Yan said half-jokingly now.

"Will filming start tonight?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

"Yes, tonight starts. Mr. Zhang, do you have time to come over?"

Qin Yan continued to ask.

"Okay, I'll be there on time tonight."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

However, he didn't know that his filmmaking journey would set off a new storm.

Netizens claimed that he was not here to make movies, but to predict disasters!
Of course, this is something.

After chatting for a while, the call was hung up.

Zhang Lingtian had lunch.

He originally planned to give out a scarf, but now he didn't bother to take up resources because the police came forward.

The time quickly came to 02:30.

【Size school girl】

"Senior, we're off! Thanks to Boss Zhang, the station has arranged for us a driver who has obtained an excellent badge from Chunjiang Bus Terminal and has been driving safely for 15 years with no accidents."

"Station picture.jpg"

"Senior, one more thing is that we ordered some fruits for you, Boss Zhang and Senior. I think they should be delivered. This is the wish of our whole class."

At this moment, Xiao Size was seen sending a message to Li Tiantian at the station.

Communication at Chunjiang Passenger Terminal was much easier than they imagined.

They actually directly gave their ace master the wheel.

Suddenly everyone felt safe.

To express their gratitude, they bought some fruits and asked the delivery boy to deliver them.

Why send it when you are ready to leave?

The main reason is that the distance is too close, and they are worried that Boss Zhang will turn around and send it back to them.

So I ordered it when I was ready to go.

It would be impossible for Boss Zhang and others to return it.

After all, they were going out for three days!

"Ah? You also ordered fruits! No, no, no, no, no! We still have a lot of fruits in the white shop!"

Li Tiantian said hurriedly when she saw this.

"Senior, just accept it! Without you, we would probably be finished by now. It's your number that's written on it."

At the Chunjiang Passenger Terminal, Xiao Size sent a voice message.

And the manager's office at this moment.

"I'm also confused. Manager, you also saw that my alcohol content was 0, my drug test was negative, and I didn't drive while fatigued. I went to bed at [-] o'clock last night and slept until [-] o'clock in the morning. I slept for a full ten hours. , and his mental state is very good, why did you catch me and report him! That’s weird!”

Yang Yun, the bus master, was smoking a cigarette and wondered.

What the hell!
"Okay, okay, just drive first and be careful on the road."

Sun Qi waved his hand.

Of course he also paid attention to what the student from the University of Finance and Economics said.

Didn't this directly lead to Yang Yun?

Ask the other party to take an alcohol test or even a drug test. Drunk driving and drug driving are the most dangerous and easiest to ignore.

The results show no.

They even did concentration tests and other tests.

Finally, it was concluded that there was nothing wrong with Master Yang Yun.

It can’t be technology, right?

The other party is an excellent bus driver at their station, and his skills must be good.

This made Sun Qi a little confused.

Of course there are difficulties.

One is that this train is full and there are no dispatchers for the time being.

Second, if there is a call to replace someone in the future, they will replace someone here. Wouldn’t the passenger terminal be in chaos?

You said there were audio recordings and videos that Boss Zhang said?But who can guarantee that this thing must be true?Synthetic ones are also possible!
As for calling to confirm.

Then he will have to confirm with Zhang Lingtian when he calls next time?If he doesn’t bother to look back, Boss Zhang will be annoyed!
So he thought that since he had nothing to do in the morning, he would let the other party drive a try first!

(End of this chapter)

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