I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 238: Exploded finance student, damn liar!

Chapter 238: Exploded finance student, damn liar!
"Okay, okay, I've already signed this, Mr. Sun, I'm going to get ready to go!"

Yang Yun signed a security agreement on the table.

Then he looked at the manager with a smile.

He is now wondering if he has offended someone. He always feels like someone is using Boss Zhang to mess with him. After all, he is the benchmark driver of Chunjiang Passenger Terminal.

As a result, I had to sign an agreement every time I went out.

It’s really frustrating.

"Put your fingerprints on first, and be smart when speaking to others."

Sun Qi nodded slightly.

He wanted Yang Yun to take this route, but he also had to be safe.

After all, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of just in case.

Ask the other party to sign a responsibility statement stating that you strongly urge to take this route.

If something goes wrong, the other party will be responsible.


Yang Yun said and then went out directly.

After Yang Yun left, Sun Qi lit a cigarette and put his feet directly on the table.

It’s not that his character collapsed.

In the past, he was sensible, gentle and proactive in dealing with both the TV station and the students, but now he has been replaced by a cunning and cunning passenger terminal manager who ignores the safety of passengers.

That's who he is.

What happened in the morning was a hot topic, and almost the entire Internet was paying attention to it, so I definitely had to put on a little pretense in front of the TV station.

As a leader, no one has two faces. It’s a routine operation.

In fact, the passenger terminal has its own rules. If there is no problem with the master, it is absolutely impossible to change it!

In the morning, he had already broken the rules and replaced the master who had been assigned a shift.

Coming again in the afternoon?

Is it possible for you to change the passenger terminal if you want?

Especially their master Yang Yun is an excellent driver at the passenger terminal. How could something happen?
After the students reported the matter, he found the master and arranged various tests for him, including drunk driving, drug driving, and concentration tests. Now that everything was normal, what did he want him to do?
Continue to fool around with them?

If I continue to call tomorrow and say that the driver in the morning has another problem, will the bus station continue to operate?

The most important thing is that he is currently the only driver on this route, and there is no way he can find a replacement in a short time.

You can’t just cancel this trip!
Be aware that all tickets have been sold out!


Passenger terminals have passenger terminal rules.

The driver has also been specially tested by them.

Absolutely no problem!
These are the truest words from his heart!

the other side.

Ping An funeral shop.

The fruits purchased by Xiao Size and the others have arrived.

"Thank you, brother. Ah Wei, come over and help me!!"

Li Tiantian thanked the delivery boy, and then shouted at Su Wei at the top of her lungs.

“So much fruit!!”

When Su Wei arrived, he looked stunned.

There are so many fruits.

"Senior Sister Si Ze and the others were too polite. They brought two whole boxes over."

Li Tiantian thought there wasn't much fruit just now, it was probably just a small box or bag.

As a result, I never expected that there were so many fruits.

She couldn't carry it alone, so she immediately called Su Wei over.

"After all, the boss saved their lives."

The two moved to the tea room.

Then take out part of it and clean it.

"Sister Xiaohan, I'll send it to the boss."

After cleaning, Li Tiantian took the initiative to take over the task of delivering things to the boss.


"Come in."

Hearing the knock on the door, Zhang Lingtian nodded and asked the person to come in.

"Boss, eat some fruit. This is the fruit specially bought by the students at the University of Finance and Economics to thank you."

Li Tiantian, who only saw him at this moment, said to him.

"To thank you for buying the fruit specifically for me? Xiao Size and the others?"

Zhang Lingtian, who was operating the computer, was stunned for a moment, and asked with a glimmer of doubt in his eyes.

"Yeah, they are already going to the station to get on the train. They are selling these things to thank you, boss. If it weren't for you, they might have had an accident in the morning."

Li Tiantian nodded and said.

"They got in the car?!"

Zhang Lingtian frowned.

"Huh? What's wrong? Boss??"

Seeing the boss's expression, Li Tiantian looked dazed.

"You should call them quickly. There may not be a replacement at the station."

Zhang Lingtian said.


Li Tiantian was stunned when she heard this sentence!
There was no substitution? !
This is impossible!
"I, I'll fight right now!"

Li Tiantian just wasted a little time unpacking and washing the fruits, and it's already two fifty.

There are still 10 minutes left before driving.

Li Tiantian ran directly back to the tea room.

"Li Tiantian, what are you so anxious about?"

Watching Li Tiantian run back like a gust of wind.

"I'll explain later!"

Only five words remained and then disappeared again.


Jiang Xiaohan and Su Wei were filled with questions.

What the hell is this?


Xiao Size and the others had already put their suitcases in and got in the car.

After all, the car leaves in 10 minutes.

A group of people looked out the window. Although they were a little surprised, they finally left this place.


Suddenly Xiao Size's cell phone rang.

"Senior Tiantian, we are in the car now! Have you received the fruit?!"

Xiao Size said with a smile after answering the phone.

"School girl! The car hasn't left yet, has it? Let me tell you one thing, you must pay attention to it!"

Li Tiantian spoke to Xiao Size on the other end of the phone.

"I'm not leaving. How many more minutes are there? What's wrong, senior?"

Xiao Size looked at Li Tiantian with a puzzled expression.

"Our boss just said that the driver of your car may not have been changed yet. If you continue to take this bus, something may happen around five o'clock."

Li Tiantian, who was only seen at this moment, said to him.

"Ah! The driver didn't change!!!"

The next moment, Li Tiantian's voice echoed throughout the carriage.

"I'm the driver, what's wrong? Who called me? Everyone, sit tight. The driver of this bus is the benchmark driver of Chunjiang Passenger Terminal. Everyone fasten your seat belts and set off."

As soon as Yang Yun got in the car, he heard someone calling him.

He immediately looked at Xiao Size, who was sitting in the middle.

At the same time, he also introduced himself.

"Why hasn't the driver been changed? Didn't Manager Sun agree to our replacement? And he is also a benchmark and excellent driver."

Everyone looked puzzled when they heard this.

"Yes, hasn't this person been replaced?"

Wang Qiang, the leader of the second shift, also looked puzzled.

"Senior Tiantian, can you let us have a video call with Boss Zhang?"

Xiao Size looked at Li Tiantian.

"of course."

Li Tiantian immediately gave her cell phone to her boss.

The other party had asked him to speak before.It can be seen that the boss still wants to recruit people.

But the bus terminal is a bit too confusing, isn’t it that the master has been changed?

Why didn't they even change people in the end?


"I am Zhang Lingtian."

Zhang Lingtian said to him after taking the video call.

"Boss Zhang! It's true that the driver of our train has not been changed? But the bus station said that they have changed us to a benchmark driver!"

Xiao Size asked Zhang Lingtian.

After all, they are all in the car now.

"I don't know if the driver has changed, but there is a close to 90% chance that you will have an accident around five o'clock because of the driver. You can change trains or set off at a different time, or of course you can continue to sit in the car."

Zhang Lingtian said to the camera.


The whole car suddenly became quiet!
“Isn’t this a lie?!”

"Fuck! This is a lie!!"

"You surnamed Sun are really a grandson!"

The classmates around Xiao Size all became excited when they heard Boss Zhang's words.

"Students, what are you waiting for? Get out of the car!"

Wang Qiang also roared!

"get off!!"

The ticket is 150 yuan, and no one would gamble on the 150% survival rate because of the pity for the 10 yuan.

After all, money can be made again.

No amount of money will be of any use when you are dead and disabled.

"Hey hey hey, what are you doing!"

When Yang Yun saw these students getting out of the car one after another, he suddenly looked extremely confused.

Because the carriage is a bit noisy.

Then he just came up from the car door.

I heard the words on the other end of the video but didn't know what the other person was saying.


"You are liars! You are still a model driver!"

"That's right, you are basically fooling us! Uncles and aunties, get off the train too! Something will happen if you get on this bus! Boss Zhang said so!!"

The students at the University of Finance and Economics all said to each other at this moment.

He also advised the people in the car to get out of the car.

"What bad things did these kids say?"

"What is it, Boss Zhang? Don't say such things in the car!"

Although Zhang Lingtian is very famous now.

But it hasn't actually sunk in yet, so at least half of the people still don't know Zhang Lingtian.

Some older people in the car were completely unaware.

After all, Yancheng is a relatively remote county.

And those who are a little younger, especially those in their 30s and [-]s, are a little confused now.

"Is Boss Zhang the one from Baishipu?"

Someone in the car asked now.

"Of course it's him!"

Everyone in Chunjiang College of Finance and Economics nodded.

Wang Qiang and the others were the first to open the luggage compartment and take out their things one after another.

"What liar? Speak clearly! I am an excellent driver at Chunjiang Passenger Terminal, and this is my certificate! I tell you that your ticket will be invalid after the bus starts driving!"

Yang Yun was so angry!

At this moment, I dug out a large certificate from the bag I carried with me!

"Hmph! I'd rather cancel it than get in the car!"

"Yes! Boss Zhang said it would be life-threatening!"

However, everyone ignored each other. After answering a few words directly, they took the things and unloaded them first.

Some of the passengers already seated in the car were also restless.

"A cult! It's simply a cult! You have been brainwashed!"

Yang Yun was angry.

Then get on the bus directly with the certificate.

"Don't be influenced by these brainwashed students. I am an excellent model driver at Chunjiang Bus Terminal. I have been driving safely for 15 years and I can definitely deliver everyone to their destination safely!"

Over and over again, Yang Yun got angry.

In the end, thanks to his efforts, more than ten people were left in the car.

"Boss Zhang is the owner of Ping An White House, and his predictions are very effective. He said that our car will have an accident because of the driver at around five o'clock. Please don't get in the car..."

All the students from the University of Finance and Economics got out of the car, only to see Xiao Size coming to the car door at this moment.

"If you don't want to take a car, get down quickly! Get off!"

However, Xiao Size hadn't finished speaking yet.

He was directly pushed down by Yang Yun.

"Master, you'd better not..."

"call out--"

Xiao Size reiterated it again, but Master Yang pressed the button to close the car door angrily!
"If you don't get in the car, leave quickly! You're trying to ruin my reputation! What the hell!"

The vehicle starts.

Yang Yun directly pulled more than ten people in the car out of the station!

And a group of people came to the manager's office.

"Are you Manager Sun Qi?"

Xiao Size asked.

"I am, are you??"

Sun Qi was stunned when he saw these 30 people.

Who are these!
"Manager Sun! Why did you lie to us!"

Before Xiao Size could speak, one of the female classmates asked angrily.

"I lied to you? Where does this lady start?"

Sun Qi didn't know Xiao Size or the others, let alone who these 30 people were.

"Manager Sun, we are the students from the University of Finance and Economics who communicated with you this morning. You agreed to replace us, why didn't you replace us?"

Xiao Size also stared at Manager Sun.

If they hadn't bought fruit for Boss Zhang and the senior sister happened to bring it to Boss Zhang, Boss Zhang found out that her bad luck had not been solved yet and called her. Otherwise, if something happened at five o'clock, they would still be able to see the sunset?

She was now very angry that she had been deceived.

"Oh oh oh, it turns out they are classmates from the University of Finance and Economics. That Master Yang Yun just now is our excellent driver at Chunjiang Passenger Terminal, a benchmark driver. He has been driving safely for more than ten years. Don't be nervous and rest assured that it will not happen. Something happened."

Manager Sun said with a smile.

"Manager Sun, this Master Yang is the master this morning, right?!"

The passenger station has a list of schedule masters, and Wang Qiang showed a schedule.

The master just now was named Yang Yun, and the one in the morning was also named the same!


Sun Qi was a little embarrassed.

"Why did you lie to us!"

"You are hurting people!"

The girls are all talking!
"Students, I will not harm you! This master is indeed the master in the morning, but he passed the test and was not involved in drug or drunk driving or fatigue. I can't cancel this bus because of your one-sided words, can I? I said it You will be fine under the escort of our professional masters! It will be fine!!”

Sun Qi comforted everyone.

“How can you say boss Zhang’s words to the same extent!!”

Everyone was shocked.

"Yes, we have a video here. I want to verify it for you and you don't want it. You can see for yourself that this is what Boss Zhang said just now!"

Xiao Size played the previous video of Zhang Lingtian to Sun Qi.

In the end, Sun Qi was a little shaken.

He dialed Yang Yun's phone number.

"We can't go back! We just passed the expressway gate! Manager Sun, don't worry, I will arrive safely! Damn Zhang Lingtian!!"

However, there was an angry voice on the other end of the phone.

I have been driving a car for 25 years and a bus driver for 18 years, but I am still questioned again and again.

Then he will arrive at his destination safely and show you!
Don’t say 10%!Even if it’s 1%, it’s him!

(End of this chapter)

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