I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 249: Those who commit crimes will be punished, the eternal King of Hell!

Chapter 249: Those who commit crimes will be punished, the eternal King of Hell!

"Then it's all thanks to you, Boss Zhang."

The man's skin was dark and he looked young. Half of his skin was now white.

The woman was dyed with fashionable wavy hair, but her face could not hide her sadness, and a lot of gray hair also appeared.

After all, the son had just gotten married, and the couple was 45 years old.

Basically, it can be said that the white-haired people give the black-haired people a gift.

The two of them stood up and bowed to Zhang Lingtian. They didn't have much hope in coming here this time. After all, they were too far away from the East River.

As a result, they never expected that Boss Zhang actually agreed to them.

And we will take the team there early tomorrow morning.

"It's not hard, and I'm very grateful for your trust. We just happen to be doing an event recently and can give you a [-]% discount. Xiaohan, please take Mr. Zhao and the others to sign a contract."

Zhang Lingtian said to him at this time that it was their honor to have his family give them the last farewell to Ping An Bai Shi Pu.

It just so happens that the nearest white goods store is also having a discount.

Just give the other party a [-]% discount.

After all, I came from such a far away place.

"Understood, our basic package for the two of us is 19999 yuan, which includes the preparation of the deceased's remains, funeral supplies, coffins or urns, and all other funeral items except the banquet. After discounts, the total is 15999 yuan, with a deposit of 1000 The remaining part of the yuan must be paid in full no more than ten days after the funeral. A penalty of 1% per day will be charged on the late date, and the penalty shall not exceed the total price of the funeral service."

Jiang Xiaohan printed out the customized contract.

After questioning, the other party's body was intact.

But after death, people always look a little pale and frightening, so they also need to be sorted out.

Some beauties are outsourced, but Ping An Beishi has a dedicated staff for restoration of beauties, and that is Li Tiantian, who usually doesn't show any characteristics of this industry.

Although the other party mostly repairs corpses, he is also very good at makeup technology.

"Yeah, we just need a coffin for burial."

The old couple said to each other.

Nineteen thousand, close to twenty thousand, for a funeral is indeed quite expensive in their place, but Ping An White House does not have to pay for anything. In the end, they even got a [-]% discount and the price is only sixteen thousand. Very affordable.

The most important thing is that the boss Zhang who holds the funeral is Zhang Yan Wang, who is said to be able to jump in line at any time.

I hope that the child will not be lonely under the protection of Boss Zhang and be reincarnated as soon as possible.

Of course it would be worth it if I could be born in their family.

"Well, let me make a note here."

Jiang Xiaohan mentally checked an option on the coffin.

If it is an urn, they can bring it there by themselves, but there are generally few urns in the village.

Then they can only coordinate the delivery of a coffin locally.

The funeral industry also has its own groups.

Coordinating a coffin in the next city is not a big problem, even within the province based on their current industry standards.

"Good job."

Mr. Zhao signed his name.

"You two, walk slowly. We'll see you tomorrow morning."

After finishing all this, the two old men also left the white shop.

Zhang Lingtian and the others saw each other off at the door.

"Thank you, Boss Zhang."

The two old men bowed again and gradually walked away.

"I hope I can successfully jump in line."

The two old men put their hands together as if praying.

At the entrance of Baishipu.

"The location is Zhaojia Village, Donghe County. Boss, our profit from the entire funeral is about 1 yuan. Today people arrive home, tomorrow we enter the venue and they start to notify relatives and friends, and the funeral will be held the day after tomorrow. If you drive such a long distance We estimate that we need to budget for three days. If we just selected the people today, we will have to extend it later. I was thinking about making an appointment system to allow the selected people to reserve time. What do you think?"

After the contract was signed, Jiang Xiaohan started calculating beside him like a small abacus.

When doing white goods, the price is generally fixed and cannot be negotiated, so their profits are quite considerable.

Of course they also have their own channels.

Generally, coffins cost 3000 yuan, but they can get the same quality as [-] yuan for [-] yuan.

Plus seventy-seven or eighty-eight.

It is estimated that this one can earn about 1 yuan.

Profit is available.

This is how Baishipu managed to survive with just a few orders a month.

The only thing is that since Ping An Baishipu entered the live broadcast industry, it is a little different from before. Especially this afternoon, there was an event to draw lucky fans.

Ten were drawn at once.

That’s a week’s worth.

She had thought that it would not be appropriate if all ten of them came.

Or just build a reservation system, which doesn’t cost much anyway.

"Not much. This is a good idea. As a white shop, we can't refuse customers who come to our door, but friends who pay attention to us must not neglect it. Just do as you say."

Hedong belongs to a remote area of ​​Chunbei City.

Although it was not Chunjiang, it was only a city next door and in a village, so he could still go to the funeral.

Others can't say anything.

Otherwise, even if he is a somewhat famous person now, he is not suitable to do such things that break the rules. I believe people in other places know these rules and generally will not come to him.

But what can I say? It takes about six hours to drive from here to Donghe, which is a very long time.

It might be better if you take the train, it can be there in four hours.

But some tools that should be taken when doing idle things are not easy to get.

Besides, their place is in the village, and the train can only go to the county seat. It takes about half an hour to get from the county seat to the village. The transportation is also difficult.

It is more suitable to drive yourself, as it is not very convenient to take public transport.

And if we want to go there, what should we do with the ten people who were just drawn at two o'clock?There's no way we can just cancel it at three o'clock!

Does Baishipu still have integrity?It's like playing a trick on everyone!

This reservation system is good, and the assistant is sometimes quite thoughtful.

As for profits.

It was still like this before.

Now that he has a live broadcast business, he no longer cares about the profit.

Just don’t lose money.

"He died just over 40 days after getting married! Why? Did he have any sudden illness?!"

While they were at the door, Su Wei was muttering in the tea room on the other side.

Just now he had a general understanding and felt a sigh of relief.

Very young, only 26 years old.

Why did he die suddenly?

"Who knows, it is said that my wife was still seven months pregnant, and she got married with a pregnant belly at the time. I really don't know what her wife will do in the future!"

Li Tiantian also sighed.

She heard what the other party's parents said when she was delivering tea just now, and their family itself was not very wealthy.

But they heard that Ping An’s White Clothes Shop was the best one, and Boss Zhang was even called the Prince of Hell, so they decided to invite Boss Zhang to hold a funeral for their child.

I hope that a successful funeral will bring blessings to his family and bless his wife and unborn baby.

Because the place was far away and in the next city, they might be worried that the boss would not come over, so they told the whole story and begged the boss to come over.

In fact, the boss is not that difficult to hire.

As long as he is around and there is no conflict in his schedule, he will take orders.

Why wouldn't he take the order?

That is, another funeral came during the funeral.

In this case, the other party will most likely not accept the order.

Because this is called multitasking.

It is the responsibility of the white shop to organize every funeral, and there is a customer whose funeral lasts for three days. If you take another funeral order within these three days, it means organizing two funerals in three days.

In this case, it means doing two things at once.

Unless there are two teams in Baishipu, let's talk about it differently.

"Oh my god! Seven months! Then the baby will be born in more than two months!"

Hearing this, Su Wei felt an inexplicable numbness in his scalp. If the month was smaller, it could be aborted.

It has been six or seven months now and there is absolutely no way to fight it.

To put it bluntly, if the baby is born prematurely, the fetus at this month can be born and survive.

Thinking of this, he felt a little pity for this woman from the bottom of his heart. She was widowed before the child was born. She didn't know how helpless and desperate she felt in her heart. At the same time, she also wondered why her husband became like this.

"Then I will contact these people who have been selected, and then put this system online to ask them to make an appointment. At the same time, I will find the channel dealer to request the coffin."

In the tea room were Li Tiantian and Su Wei.

At the entrance of Baishuipu were Zhang Lingtian and Jiang Xiaohan.

The two of them continued to talk about business.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaohan spoke.

"Yeah, I'll leave it to you to arrange these things."

People must learn to delegate power.It’s so tiring to do everything by yourself.

He feels much more relaxed now if he leaves it to the assistant.

To be honest, my assistant is pretty good at recruiting. Now Yongheng Company is responsible for many of the offline sales businesses that my assistant handles.


After talking about these work matters, Jiang Xiaohan suddenly seemed hesitant to speak.


Zhang Lingtian was a little surprised when he saw something was wrong with the little assistant.

"You know that our noon lottery pick has been a hot search, right? Are you not going to respond?"

The hot search list is about to explode at this moment.

"Then what's there to reply to? Reba, just Reba, just talk about business normally and nothing will really happen."

Zhang Lingtian is quite calm about the uproar on the Internet.

The body is not afraid of the shadow slanting.

The more you clarify, the more trouble you get.

The only thing you can do is to set up a business to help people tell their luck or give them guidance. The ones chosen are the customers who want to expand their business. Just help people and complete the task.

In this era where traffic is king, there are always people who want to create some traffic.

"I understand."

Jiang Xiaohan didn't expect that the boss didn't have any fluctuations.

Reba is a big star, and she is excellent in everything.

"Go and do your business. Don't pay attention to these random things all day long. After all, you are very busy these days."

Zhang Lingtian explained.


After Jiang Xiaohan said this, he went to do his own business.

【Ding!The customer Wei Xiaoyu you accurately scanned has reduced her risk value to 40% due to external risk factors. She has been reduced from a high risk to a potential customer and has become a low-risk host to receive double rewards. 】

Suddenly at this moment, a voice came from Zhang Lingtian's mind.

"Huh? Descended? Were you caught?"

Zhang Lingtian seemed to remember something when he saw the status bar that suddenly popped up, and then quickly took out his phone.

[Scan account: Happy Yaya]

[Scan target: Wei Xiaoyu. 】

[Occupation: Internet celebrity in the eating and broadcasting area. 】

[Bad information: Overeating leads to excessive obesity. 】

[Danger signal: 40% probability of danger occurring within three days. 】

[Danger positioning: Being overweight causes various physical diseases, and there is a 40% probability of death. The specific time of death cannot be estimated after three years. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Forecast of air luck: Click to view "1 times". 】

[Customer attributes: potential customers. 】

[System prompt: The host has paid attention. 】

Clicking on Douyin, Zhang Lingtian scanned Wei Xiaoyu for a while, and sure enough, there was no longer a dangerous position of being killed because of insurance.

It seems the police have begun taking action.

A certain community in a certain city.


"Shameless! He actually made his wife pay off his gambling debts."

"I really can't tell that such a bad person lives in our community!"

"I usually look kind-hearted, but why is my heart so vicious? It's really because my heart is alienated from my heart!"

Three police cars had already driven away.

Also leaving with him were Luo Chunbo and his wife Wei Xiaoyu.

As soon as they left, the residents started chatting, and everyone looked very excited.

We are all neighbors.

Especially there are a lot of big moms and the like, and everyone likes to chat.

The news spread very quickly, even including the drug.

"This girl, Xiaoyu, is lucky to have the dog next door to protect her from the disaster. Otherwise, she might die tomorrow."

An aunt said.

"Yes, more than 30 digitalis capsules! It's absolutely terrifying!"

Another aunt seemed to be a retired old doctor from the hospital, and she was frightened at the moment.

"What is digitalis?"

Of course, some people don't understand, and they all look very curious at this moment.

"That's a drug that treats heart diseases. This drug is a life-saving drug for people with heart defects, and it's also a silent murder drug. That means as long as the other person eats that elbow, he will be in trouble tonight. There is a chance of sudden death! Then this person got the insurance money and got away with it! I have to say, this boss is really worthy of being the prince of hell for criminals."

The uncles and aunts are chatting in the community at the moment.

The atmosphere of the entire community is quite good.

Everyone often gets together to chat and so on. It's not as cold as some communities.

At the same time, everyone also praised Boss Zhang.

The other party is worthy of being the criminal’s Prince of Hell.

You can know such hidden things.

If the other party didn't show up, maybe this person named Luo Chunbo would actually become a person.

Police station.

"There was no murder. Mr. Police, this was a misunderstanding. My wife was misled by people on the Internet!"

Luo Chunbo, who was sitting in the interrogation chair, had no idea that the police had been investigating him for a long time, and he was still making excuses at this moment.

"Then tell me what's going on with these digitalis capsules?"

The police brought physical evidence.

"This is a box of medicine I found before. I threw it away because I was afraid it would expire. If the powder washed into the sewer, there would be no poisoning and murder. It's nothing!"

Luo Chunbo continued to quibble.

However, he did not expect that the police had already taken the items for testing.

Even Sister Song next door took the initiative to come to the police station when she heard about this incident.

Even if Luo Chunbo refuses to admit it, it will be of no use in the face of iron-clad evidence.

In short, the murder charge was definitely established.

On the other side, Wei Xiaoyu was walking on the street after finishing the notes.

The whole person seems to have lost his soul.

Married for two years.

Her favorite pillow person actually wants to kill her all the time, and he still has so many gambling debts.

She knew absolutely nothing about this.

lose weight!

You must live well! !
At this moment she made up her mind.

And a certain hotel at this time.

Reba stayed up late last night and took a nap today.

"Sister Mimi, what's wrong?"

There was a knock on the door, and before Reba had time to comb her slightly fluffy hair, she asked confusedly with a confused expression.

"Sister Reba, you won the lottery! Hahaha! There is hope!!!"

Yangmi patted and hugged Reba excitedly.

"Won a prize? What prize? I didn't buy a lottery ticket?!"

Reba was even more confused!

What do you mean?
And what does winning have to do with having hope?
"You really don't know or you are just pretending to be stupid here. Boss Zhang won you in the lottery. When the time comes, you will meet privately in a small room. If you don't necessarily have close contact and develop feelings for each other, you will be upgraded to the wife of the King of Hell. Come on! Tell the truth! Did you contact the other party secretly?!!"

Yang Mi winked at Reba.

At the same time, I was as happy as if I had been chosen by Boss Zhang.

After all, Reba is one of her own.

If the other party is prosperous, her foreign honey will definitely not be far behind.

"Huh? I have no contact? This, this, am I really drawn?"

Reba's eyes were filled with panic and a hint of joy, and her joy was filled with wonder!
So you said that you are going to see the Lord of Hell?
On the other side is a hotel in Haiya City.

"Xiaolin, don't scare mom, what's wrong with you?!"

There was a woman who had the same great mood swings as she did.

It turned out to be her son. He came back from swimming in the morning and took a nice nap at noon. Then she found that her son started to have a fever for no reason!

Also accompanied by convulsions and vomiting! !

In an instant, her face turned pale and she was so frightened that she lost consciousness.


(End of this chapter)

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