I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 250: Deadly germ, premature death!

Chapter 250: Deadly germ, premature death!
"Didn't I tell you to take him to the hospital early? Take him to the hospital quickly now!!"

The husband on the other end of the phone was a little anxious.

I can't wait to show up at the hotel the next second.

He had said before that he would take him to the hospital, but his wife insisted on taking ibuprofen suspension.

"I-I'll take it right now!!"

The woman's name was Hu Zhilei, and she nodded frantically.

She thought it was an ordinary fever and did not take her to the hospital. She said that if she took some ibuprofen suspension, she would get better under normal circumstances.

Who would have thought that after taking the ibuprofen suspension, his child's body temperature would only drop briefly, but the high fever would still persist.

In this way, she sent her child to Haiya No. 1 Civil Hospital.

This is the best hospital in the whole city.

Went to the hospital to check the child's liver function, blood routine, etc.

At the same time, infusions and other methods were also used to treat the disease.

But Hu Zhilei was surprised to find that the child was still listless, lethargic, and even occasionally comatose.

"Why did this happen when I went swimming? Did I eat something I shouldn't have eaten?"

After hearing this, Hu Zhilei's husband rushed over directly.

Seeing the child's limp state, he felt very complicated.

I still set off from home fine this morning, but why did I end up like this less than ten hours later?

"No, we have a normal diet, and there must be no problem if we just eat food from the hotel."

Hu Zhilei explained to him.

"Doctor, what's going on with our child? You see, this doesn't look like an ordinary fever at all. He can't eat anything, he vomits after eating, and he's limp and has no energy at all!"

The time is now six o'clock in the evening.

Pediatrician Director Huang is here for rounds now.

Because of his special condition, the little boy named Xiaolin has been hospitalized.

"We are initially considering it to be a bacterial infection. Did the child eat something unclean?"

Huang Suzhen asked.

As the head of Haiya Pediatrics, she is quite experienced.

But she was also puzzled about the little patient's condition.

How could swimming in the sea end up like this?

"No! Director Huang, I just arrived at Haiya in the morning. After checking into the hotel, I went swimming on the north shore. After returning for a nap, the child felt something was wrong and started to have a fever. At that time, I thought it was a normal fever and gave him a cloth. After taking the Lofen suspension, the fever subsided for a while, but he had a fever again! I sent him here!"

Hu Zhilei once again described everything that happened today in detail.

She would never take her children to eat junk food!
How harsh is it?
I remember when her Xiaolin was still young, she once scolded her neighbor for giving her home-made snacks without any safety signs!
So there is absolutely no way she would let her child eat junk food and get a stomach infection or something like that.

"What about yesterday and the day before yesterday? Have your children ever swam in that kind of pond? Or played in the water?"

Huang Suzhen continued to ask.

Ponds with limited water flow may also harbor germs that can make people sick.

The other person's onset may not be that fast.

It usually lies dormant and then waits for a day or two before relapsing.

"No, no, the child was at home yesterday and the day before yesterday."

Hu Zhilei swore the promise.

"Yes, our children did not come into contact with anything unhygienic yesterday, the day before yesterday, or even the day before yesterday. I can guarantee this."

The child's father nodded.

"This... then we can only slowly explore and finally determine the cause."

Huang Suzhen's eyes flashed with a bitter look.

I originally thought that I could determine the cause of the disease through the child's daily routine and conduct relevant examinations, but unexpectedly, nothing was asked.

There is no way but to check one by one.

"By the way, Doctor Huang! Do you think it's possible that our child was attacked by brain-eating worms?!"

Suddenly Hu Zhilei seemed to think of something.

A quick slap on the brain.

How could I have forgotten this matter?

Today at around [-] o'clock at noon, a woman with a child said that there were brain-eating worms in the water. The other person also said that children are more likely to be infected.

Speaking of which, the child seemed to have choked while swimming today.

But she didn't pay much attention.

After all, it is normal to choke while swimming.

"Brain-eating worms!?"

Huang Suzhen's pupils shrank when she heard these three words.

"Isn't this impossible? Didn't you just say that you didn't go swimming in unclean waters like ponds?"

Then he spoke slowly.

Of all bacterial and microbial infections, brain-eating worms are one of the most serious.

However, this kind of brain-eating worm generally lives in lake water, sewer water, moist soil and decaying plants. It feeds on bacteria. Unsterilized warm water environment above 25°C is most suitable for its growth and reproduction.

It is almost impossible to encounter brain-eating worms while swimming in the sea.

So she didn't even think about it.

Especially since the other party swore that he would never play in places like lakes, ponds, or ditches!
"It's true that we didn't go, but how is it impossible?!"

Hu Zhilei expressed doubts and surprise when she heard this.

"Because most of these brain-eating worms exist in freshwater lakes and soil, they mainly enter the human body through the nasal cavity and skin wounds and cause brain infections. Although the symptoms are somewhat similar, it is possible if you just swim at the beach. It’s trivial, the difficulty is the same as if you spend four yuan to buy two lottery tickets and win the first prize in a row.”

Huang Suzhen said.

Not to mention that there is absolutely none in the sea, but it is really very rare in the sea!
If you were to be infected by brain-eating worms while swimming in the ocean, it would be no different than winning the first prize in two lottery tickets in a row.

"Honey, how do you know about this brain-eating insect?"

The man next to him looked confused.

I’m curious as to how my wife knew about the existence of brain-eating worms.

He was completely unaware of this creature.

"I don't know. There was a woman at the beach today who said something. Boss Zhang said that there are brain-eating worms on the North Shore and we are not advised to swim. Then she said that children are more likely to be infected. She even came over to persuade me. minute."

Hu Zhilei recalled the scene at noon today.

"Boss Zhang? Zhang Lingtian?"

There are interns in pediatrics.

The other party is here with the director to do ward rounds and study at the same time.

As a young man, whenever I mention the word Boss Zhang, I reflexively think of Zhang Lingtian.

"Goddess Zhang Ling!!"

The man's eyes were as wide as copper bells.

At the same time, there was an inexplicable chill. If it was really Zhang Lingtian, it would be terrible.

"Yeah, the other party said it was Zhang Lingtian from Ping An Baoshi Shop."

Hu Zhilei nodded.

"Are you a tiger? Zhang Lingtian! Zhang Lingtian! Zhang Yanwang! How dare you not listen to what the other party says? Have your brains been kicked by a donkey!"

The man’s name is Gu Xue!
He almost exploded on the spot!

Has your brain been eaten by brain-eating worms? This is it!
Boss Zhang’s reminder turned out to be indifferent!

"I don't know if that is the real Boss Zhang, and you came to swim with high expectations, but someone suddenly told you that there are brain-eating worms in the water, can you believe it? What if he is the kind of unscrupulous businessman who scares you It’s human!”

Hu Zhilei explained to her husband with a look of grievance.

Now you can approve anything.

Who knows what people say is true or not.

And this kind of person is really disappointing.

You come to swim and she tells you such nonsense.

"Then why don't you confirm if it's Boss Zhang? And do you know that just yesterday, an Internet celebrity named Zhang Waner was hit by a telephone pole and died? If the other party could have listened to the advice at that time, this would not have happened!"

Gu Xue was angry.

I feel aggrieved!
After hearing Boss Zhang's reminder, he probably had to pull the child away on the spot.

Whether true or not.

After all, when is it not okay to swim?
People say there are brain-eating worms and yet you rush in!
Crazy is it!
"Two parents, please be quiet for a moment. This is the inpatient area and we have not confirmed whether it is infected by brain-eating worms. After all, the probability is really very low. If you want to check, we will collect the patient's cerebrospinal fluid for testing. Do you agree? Woolen cloth?"

Huang Suzhen interrupted the two people.Although it was Boss Zhang who said it.

But it is very unlikely to be infected if you swim at the beach.

Especially children who don’t have wounds on their bodies yet.

"That's right! We haven't confirmed yet whether it's brain-eating worms! We'll have to wait until a doctor tests to find out! What if it's an own mistake? What are you yelling about?!"

Hu Zhilei was a little aggrieved just now, but now she immediately retorted as if she had thought of something.

"Let's get tested first."

Gu Xue was not in the mood to argue with the other party.

"Ms. Hu, my last question for you is, did any of the children choke on the water while swimming today?"

Huang Suzhen asked a question.

"Well, I choked on water today, but it's normal for children to choke on water while swimming."

Hu Zhilei nodded.

"Okay, I understand, let's do the inspection next."

Huang Suzhen left the ward.

"Teacher, brain-eating worms can also be infected in the sea. Is this too much to worry about?"

A student asked after leaving the house.

"Isn't this a lottery? Someone wins? Just do a cerebrospinal fluid test and hurry up!"

Huang Suzhen felt a little heavy.

If there are other infections, there is a high probability of being saved.

After all, modern medicine is advanced.

But this brain-eating insect is an exception.

There is currently no antidote.

If you are really infected with brain-eating worms, there is less than a 5% chance of survival.

This is even if the patient is sent to the hospital in time.

If it were a little later, there would basically be no five, and it would be estimated that the chance of survival would be one to two percent.

So their speed must be fast.

Fight with the God of Death!

Pediatrics seems to be facing a major challenge, and cerebrospinal fluid must be tested immediately. I hope this option can be eliminated!

spring river.

"Boss, we are back."

At the Ping An Boutique at six o'clock, Li Tiantian, Su Wei, and Jiang Xiaohan all carried their own bags.

If you open it, you will see that it is their personal belongings.

At 04:30, Zhang Lingtian asked everyone to go back and pack their things. Since he was driving, he decided to leave early tonight.

After all, it’s a six-hour drive.

It's not close.

So the members of Baishipu went home early to pack their things, and six o'clock happened to be in this episode.

"Brother Tian, ​​why don't you just eat in the car? There's no need to eat inside."

The back compartment of the car is open.

Three people's belongings were put in.

Su Wei spoke at this moment.

Eating in the car can also save some time.

"You can eat in the car if you think it's okay. I've already finished eating anyway."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

He had nothing to pack. He had just ordered four box lunches and ate his dinner while waiting for everyone to arrive.

"No problem, work comes first!"

Li Tiantian shouted slogans.

"It's okay, as long as you don't feel fuzzy, boss."

Jiang Xiaohan looked at Zhang Lingtian with beautiful eyes.

After all, she was eating in the passenger seat.

"What's the fuss here? Put that thing away and let's set off."

It's a six-hour drive. If we go there tomorrow morning, we won't arrive until the afternoon.

At that time, the remains will have to be sorted out.

I am tired after driving for a day, and everyone is tired after sitting in the car for a day, and their condition may not be at their best.

So I went over to the county town over there tonight and had a nap.

The next day was also easier.

At [-]:[-] o'clock, everyone in Baishipu embarked on the road to Donghe.

As for the police station, Zhang Lingtian also said hello and made it clear that he was unlikely to go to the police station to shoot a safety video in three days.

It takes more than five hours to get to Donghe County from here, and you can get there at [-] o'clock by normal driving.

On the road.

Everyone ate and chatted.

By the way, take a look at the hot search list.

"The scumbag was finally caught."

At eight o'clock in the evening, Li Tiantian said something.

"Who? Luo Chunbo?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked curiously.

"Who else besides him actually used digitalis to murder Yaya? The city is really as deep as the sea. Fortunately, they remembered what our boss said in the morning not to eat greasy food."

Li Tian dessert nodded.

It is now ranked No. 40 on the hot search list.

"Murder? This charge is really suitable. I hope that the attempted bail fraud can also be implemented!"

Su Wei also opened the scarf.

"Boss, although this Internet celebrity Yaya is a bit stupid, the person who listens to the advice will not be too unlucky and will definitely not die, right?"

Li Tiantian leaned her head and asked with a smile.

"Those who follow the advice do have an advantage, but what is the basis for not being able to die?"

After listening to the first half, Zhang Lingtian thought it was quite normal.

But the second half left him a bit confused.

"Hehe~, the King of Hell is following."

Li Tiantian covered her mouth and smiled.

The boss doesn’t deny that she’s not that happy yet, but denies that she thinks that’s it! !

Zhang Lingtian was speechless for a while and focused on driving.

The black Passat shuttled on the highway.

Among them, there are many co-pilots who picked up their mobile phones to take pictures of the license plate of Jiang·A04048.


Hedong, ten o'clock the next morning.

"Beep beep."

I drove to Donghe County at twelve o'clock last night.

"Hey! Boss!"

After doing some busy work, Zhang Lingtian didn't go to bed until two o'clock. Suddenly, before he woke up, his cell phone rang.

"What's the matter sweet?"

He touched the phone in confusion and answered the call. Soon he found that it was Li Tiantian's voice on the other end of the phone. A look of doubt appeared in his eyes for a moment. Did something happen to the funeral parlor?
"Boss, why don't you come to the funeral parlor? There's something wrong with the deceased's body!"

Li Tiantian and the others came to the funeral home early in the morning, but as the arrangement of the remains progressed, she became more and more frightened.

Because there is something wrong with this body!


(End of this chapter)

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