I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 251 The groom died tragically, a strange family!

Chapter 251 The groom died tragically, and the strange family!
"There's something wrong with the body of the deceased? What do you mean?"

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Lingtian looked a little confused at this moment.

"Boss, you'll know after you come to the funeral home and take a look."

Li Tiantian was speaking at the moment.

No matter how I explain it here, it will not be as clear as the boss taking a look at it.

And it actually doesn’t take long to get there from the Donghe Hotel where we are staying. Even if there is a traffic jam, we can get there within 15 minutes.

"Okay, then I'll go and have a look."

Zhang Lingtian washed up with doubts, then got dressed and went out directly.

The fact that the other party called me proved that there might be something wrong with the deceased's body.

Just go and have a look.

funeral parlor.

"Indeed, there is no good spot on this body, especially these two spots that are not easy to cover."

The body of the deceased must be changed into clothes and put on a little makeup when facing the complete body to make it look more bloody. If it is a mutilated body, it must be repaired.

According to family members, the deceased Zhao Le died of a sudden illness.

Why are you covered in bruises now?
Some have recovered, but some serious ones have not yet recovered.

As if he had been in a fight with someone, the whole thing looked shocking.

"There may be some hidden reason behind this matter. Let's wait for the boss to come over and see what we should do."

Li Tiantian is not a forensic doctor, so she can't make any diagnosis.

But after graduation, she worked in the industry of corpse processing. She had seen a lot of corpses during her previous internship and had a certain understanding of them.

Industry intuition and experience told her that this person definitely did not die in a normal way.

There may be a hidden secret in this matter and I don’t know.

But she doesn't understand.

She took a closer look. As a wife who was seven and almost eight months pregnant and about to give birth, didn't the other party understand this?
Just no reaction at all?

There is the other person’s flesh and blood in his belly!
There’s no way this flesh and blood doesn’t belong to someone else, right?
But the groom’s parents are his biological parents.

Even if the bride who has no flesh and blood in her belly intends to do something, as a parent she must stop it, right?
It's impossible for the incredible Zhao Tiandi couple to be Zhao Le's adoptive parents, right?

Then the daughter-in-law is actually Zhao Tiandi’s daughter?

And then they want to protect their daughter? ? ?

and many more?

It seems like an incredible plot can be connected together!

Soon Li Tiantian told Su Wei next to him about the incredible plot that suddenly flashed in her mind.

"Bah, bah, bah, what a mess! You say such unfounded things in front of the deceased, Li Tiantian, shut your mouth quickly!"

The two of them were waiting for their boss to come over in a studio of the funeral home.

There are only three people in the studio now.

One of the two alive is him, one is Li Tiantian, and the other is dead, Zhao Le.

When Li Tiantian said this incredible guess, Su Wei felt an inexplicable chill coming over him.

"Brother Zhao Le, I'm sorry, but this thing is really weird. It suddenly occurred to me that although this plot is outrageous, it may still exist! If we accidentally tell the truth, brother, can you give me some help? Let’s give you a hint.”

At this moment, Li Tiantian also apologized very sheepishly.

how to say.

This matter cannot be explained by common sense, so I don't blame her for finding another way.


Suddenly the door to the studio was pushed open without warning.


Li Tiantian was startled and rushed towards Su Wei.


Su Wei, who was standing upright, suddenly felt a soft thing rush into his arms, and others were stunned immediately.

“I came at the wrong time???”

Zhang Lingtian, who hurriedly opened the door, was also stunned.

I can't help but wonder what is going on.

“Huh——, the boss is a jerk, I’m really scared to death!!”

Li Tiantian exhaled after seeing clearly who came in.

"I said, Li Tiantian, you are so cowardly, why are you talking about this nonsense all day long?"

Su Wei looked at the other party with a speechless attitude.

"I didn't expect the boss to show up suddenly. Do you think this is the reminder given to us by Brother Zhao Le?"

Li Tiantian thought suddenly and said something.

"Come on, what a mess."

Su Wei glared at the other party.

Li Tiantian is good at everything, but sometimes she doesn't know what she is thinking.

There are always some weird ideas coming out.

For example, what the other party said just now shocked him.

"Don't worry, it's just what we whispered in private. I'm definitely not stupid enough to say it in front of other people's family members."

Seeing Su Wei become serious, Li Tiantian said hurriedly.

She still understands propriety.

Don't say nonsense without any basis, otherwise it will cause misunderstanding.

But she wasn't just whispering.

"What are you two doing? Is there anything wrong with this body?"

Listening to what these two people said to each other, Zhang Lingtian's expression was full of doubts.

At the same time, he asked Li Tiantian as he walked towards the body.

They have taken on a lot of funeral business, and this is the first time they have encountered this situation.

"Boss, it's okay. Just think that the two of us are talking nonsense and getting crazy. It's important to do business first! You can see for yourself when you take a look at this body."

Li Tiantian avoided the topic just now and got down to business.

After all, the traces on the body are the most important.


Zhang Lingtian came to the deceased Zhao Le.

Looking at the other person lying in front of him, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Yes, boss, look at the many bruises on the other party's body. Some places are even horribly purple, as if someone had beaten him!"

Li Tiantian knew from the boss's expression that the other party must know what she wanted to express.


A prompt for the system's real-world scan also popped up in Zhang Lingtian's mind.

[It has been detected that the customer accepted by the host is an abnormally deceased customer, and the system is scanning...]

[Scanning has stopped. 】

But Zhang Lingtian stopped scanning directly.

Because the real world scanning function can only be used once a day.

Besides, even if you take advantage of the opportunity, you won't be able to actually scan anything, because you still have to use the details card to know the specific cause of death.

Now he only has two detail cards.

It is better to leave this matter to the police.

Besides, wouldn’t the other parent know that their child was injured like this?
Did they call the police or not?
If the police are called and the police know the reason, there is no need to use the details card.

If the police were not called, this would be a bit weird.

After all, this Zhao Le has a pregnant wife and is about to give birth to a child.

As a wife, you don’t care about this?

Also, as parents, do they have no expression at all about their son's fatal injury and just forget it?

Let the murderer go free?

"Complete our mission and sort out the remains."

Zhang Lingtian said to Li Tiantian.

It is not appropriate to blindly call the police before the matter is fully understood.

After a while, the other party's family members will come and you can ask them in a circumstantial manner.

"Understood, two things to ensure that the mission can be completed!"

Li Tiantian nodded immediately when she heard the boss's arrangement, and then she and Su Wei quickly joined in sorting out the remains.

After changing clothes, putting on makeup and other tasks, Zhao Le, who was originally pale and full of lifelessness, now seemed to be lying quietly on the bed.

On the other side is the No. 1 Civil Hospital of Haiya City.

"Teacher Huang! The test results are out!"

A young intern is running wildly through the hospital corridors.

The whole person also looked very excited.

It turned out that the cerebrospinal fluid test results came out.

"Okay! Let me see!"

Huang Suzhen quickly took the test report from the student's hand, and the next second her face turned dark.

Because the test report shows positive.

In other words, the other party really encountered a chance that was even more outrageous than winning the lottery, and was infected by brain-eating worms while swimming at the beach.


The intern doctor looked at the teacher's expression and knew how serious this matter was, and for a moment he didn't know what to do.

"Go to the ward."

Huang Suzhen didn't say anything.

Instead, he said directly to the student next to him.

Then they walked to the ward.

"Dr. Huang, you came just in time. The child has been unable to eat since last night. Now he has not eaten anything and is all green. What should I do?"

When Hu Zhilei saw Huang Suzhen coming over, she seemed to be grabbing a life-saving straw and said to her with a crackle.

People are also very excited.

"It's normal for children to feel uncomfortable and unable to eat."

Huang Suzhen said slowly.

"What should we do, Dr. Huang? It's not the same thing for a child to be so hungry without eating!"

My husband, Gu Xue, stayed up all night.

At this moment, two dark circles appeared on the person's eyes.

"That's right! It's not your child, so you don't know how distressed it is! One night has passed, and now it's noon. Doctor Huang, have you found out the cause of this disease?"

Hu Zhilei must not have slept well last night.

But the child remained silent.

But the more the other party acted like this, the more anxious she became.

"Both parents, please come out."

Huang Suzhen walked outside the ward.

"Doctor Huang, please tell us what happened to Xiaolin. The cost of treatment is not a problem, as long as the child can recover!"

Gu Xue looked at Huang Suzhen and begged.

Their family also has a little money.

They are willing to pay even if it costs hundreds of thousands or millions for treatment.

As long as the child can be saved.

As a parent, it’s really hard to see your child suffering like this.

I really wish I could take my place instead.

"This is not about money. I hope you two will be mentally prepared."

As the director of pediatrics, Huang Suzhen felt extremely heavy at the moment.

After all, she is now in her 40s and can understand her parents' feelings very well.

"Psychological preparation? Doctor Huang, what do you mean?"

Hu Zhilei frowned.

Gu Xue was about to speak but stopped.

At the same time, a terrible thought came into my mind.

Hope not true!

He doesn't want this to happen!

"The child was diagnosed with amoeba infection."

After Huang Suzhen said these words, she felt even heavier.

"What amoeba? How old is Dr. Huang? Can you please stop using such professional terms and just say when our baby will recover!"

Hu Zhilei was filled with questions when she heard about this amoeba infection.

How do they know what this is if they are not medical students!
"In layman's terms, Gu Xiaolin is infected with brain-eating worms, and the fatality rate is 98%. Currently, there are no specific drugs that can cure it."

Huang Suzhen said very regretfully.

Who doesn’t want to save people.

However, there are so few cases of this kind of brain-eating worm infection, there are only a few hundred cases in the world, so there is no specific medicine at all.

There have only been 23 cases in the country in the past three years.

"Eat, brain-eating worms?!"

Hu Zhilei staggered back two steps when she heard this.

The whole person also became incredible.


Gu Xue's expression was very sad.

Take a long sigh.

"Dr. Huang, is this a misdiagnosis? Didn't you say that you can't be infected with brain-eating worms while swimming in the sea? And I also searched last night. It's impossible for brain-eating worms to appear in the sea. They usually do. There are some dark, damp and rotten ditches in the freshwater lake! Our Xiaolin has never been to such a place!" He collapsed!
Hu Zhilei really collapsed.

The whole person looked like the sky was about to fall.

Why is this so.

Why does it happen to be her? It happens to be her son!
But there are many people swimming in the sea.

There are at least a dozen.

Why should something go wrong with your own child?
It's not fair! !
The most important thing is that she searched Du Niang last night because she was worried, and Du Niang clearly said that there are no brain-eating worms in the sea!
Isn't this a lie? !
"Under normal circumstances, it is indeed unlikely that brain-eating worms will appear in the sea, but it is possible that they exist. Baidu can only be used as a reference platform and cannot really be used as a basis for diagnosis."

Huang Suzhen replied.

If you go to Baidu, you must learn to filter information.

After all, many of the medical answers above have not been studied at all.

But also understandable.

After all, the accounts of many so-called expert doctors are operated by some platforms.

How many of these operators have real skills?
Even some answers are copied and pasted.

Therefore, there are often many outrageous answers under some medical question posts that do not answer the question.

Of course, some netizens who search for related questions end up treating colds as cancer because they have no filtering ability or only have some vague feelings.

So some netizens say not to go to Baidu when you are sick, otherwise you will have to make a will.

"Why! The doctor asked us to check again to see if there was a misdiagnosis!!"

Hu Zhilei scratched her hair and collapsed.

"Dr. Huang, please do your best to treat our Xiaolin while you check again. We don't want to let go of the 2% hope. The sooner the better."

At this moment, Gu Xue felt that the whole world had entered a silent state, and his heart was so painful that he was suffocating. He could not even hear his wife going crazy next to him.

At the same time, maybe in the future, there will no longer be the noise of children in my ears.

But they just went for a swim.

At present, all Gu Xue can do is to try his best to save his child.

Even if it is a 2% hope, we must fight for it.

"Okay, let's do another re-examination here and work out a treatment plan as soon as possible."

Huang Suzhen respected the parents' ideas and re-examined the patient again.

But basically there is no need to do this twice.

Therefore, there are very few cases of brain-eating worms. There has been no case in the entire Haiya City this year, so it is unlikely that something went wrong.

"Husband, I, if only I had listened to that woman... I must have been just as fine as the woman with the little girl, but why didn't I listen!"

Hu Zhilei was holding her husband's hand, looking completely broken.

"Who did you listen to?"

Gu Xuexin was tired.

The whole person is also very haggard.

He no longer wanted to deal with his wife.

But after he was actually diagnosed with a brain-eating worm infection, he couldn't say anything about the bunch of curse words he wanted to hold back, as if they suddenly disappeared.

The child has only a 2% chance of survival.

Although I was very sad and annoyed about why my wife didn't listen to Boss Zhang's words, if I hadn't gotten into trouble at that time and didn't maliciously speculate on other people's words, maybe the matter in front of me wouldn't have happened at all.

So it is appropriate to scold the other party.

But why didn't he say a word later?

Because I'm not in the mood.

My heart was exhausted to the extreme.

At the same time, he also knew that his wife was no less heartbroken than himself.

Therefore, there is no need for him to continue to stimulate the other party.

Just stay with your child to get through the hard times with peace of mind. If you can't get through it, stay with him for the last journey.

The time soon came to twelve o'clock.

[10. A boy in Haiya was infected with brain-eating worms while swimming on the North Shore]

This incident was also reported.

"Haiya City? Damn it? Is this the place that Boss Zhang mentioned before?"

"Tzuyu's mother? The one that Boss Zhang left a message with last time? So fast?"

"It's not that Ziyu's mother. I paid attention to the other party's Douyin. After Boss Zhang said what he said, the other party took the child to the North Bank to persuade others, and even called the police saying that there were brain-eating worms on the North Bank. The police did come later. When we arrived at the scene, we didn’t seal off the North Shore at that time. We just took the seawater for testing, but for some reason the North Shore was suddenly sealed off just now.”

"We were on the north shore, and when we just swam ashore, I was so shocked! Someone suddenly came and stopped us from swimming. I was mumbling what was going on at the time, and now I finally know the reason."

Many water friends in front of this hot search left comments and received likes from most people.

And this hot search term quickly skyrocketed.

Quickly entered the top five.

As for the other side, the direct discussion is number one.

[1. Another tragedy occurred in Haiya City due to disobedience to advice. Yesterday, a woman took her child to swim on the North Shore. She did not listen to the advice of Ziyu’s mother who knew the news in advance and went swimming resolutely because there were brain-eating worms in the water. What do you think? What do you think of this?How do brain-eating worms appear and how to prevent them? "Hot 2228w"]

It seems that the discussion on this matter is also very hot.

After all, there are quite a few sophisticated people here.

"If you don't listen to the words of the King of Hell, then go to the Palace of the King of Hell. I'm sorry for this little kid. Generally speaking, brain-eating worms don't appear in the sea. Boss Zhang may have predicted something and tried to find ways to lure people in a very subtle way. In the end, he persuaded a The one who brought the baby girl didn’t stop this mother who treats her as a villain!”

"Since someone asked, let's do some popular science. This thing mainly invades the brain through the olfactory nerve. So if you want perfect prevention, always remember not to let raw water come into contact with the nasal cavity, especially water bodies in the wild! And when watering flowers and vegetables in rural areas and washing cars Some people use high-pressure water guns and atomize car washes, which is indeed very convenient, but it is not recommended. A large number of small water droplets are sucked into the nasal cavity, which is very dangerous and cannot be avoided. It is recommended to wear a mask, which should be able to filter more or less Some microorganisms are dropped, and don’t watch around when the pond is being dredged, as these are potential danger factors.”

"Medical students bubbled. Brain-eating worms, also known as amoebas, live in water, soil or decaying organic matter. When people swim in rivers, lakes or wash their noses with water infected with brain-eating worms, they get into the nasal cavity. It multiplies rapidly at the back of the human brain and then spreads along the meninges to the center of the brain, causing suppurative meningoencephalitis, vascular hemorrhage and brain parenchymal necrosis. Strengthen inspection of water sources and disinfect water bodies. Try not to do this in summer or late spring. When swimming in open freshwater waters, it is best to use a nose clip when swimming to prevent dirty water from flowing into the nose. If you have suspicious symptoms such as headache, vomiting, abnormal sense of smell, fever, etc. after swimming, seek medical attention immediately."

"Come on, the fatality rate of this thing is 90.00%. It's hopeless. This disease is in the same category as rabies."

"It's really unlucky. He encountered something that a fisherman might never encounter in his whole life. It also indirectly proves that you must listen to Boss Zhang's words. Although saying this now is a bit of a wound, it is the truth and can serve as a warning to future generations. truth!"

"Sigh, the last time I saw this thing healed was in a novel, and the sequelae were huge. Now that it's like this, the parents have to die of guilt...sigh."

"I hope parents take their children to swim in swimming pools with good sanitary conditions. If you are actually swimming in the wild, I suggest you listen to the comments above. It is recommended to wear a nose clip when swimming, or keep your head above the water to limit the amount of water entering the nose. , if the skin is damaged or there are wounds on the body, try to avoid water-related activities!"

The related discussion is more comprehensive than that of scarves.

There are even medical students conducting science popularization.

But without exception, everyone is pessimistic about children.

Because there is currently no case of resuscitation in the entire country.

Especially since there are no medications to treat this disease.

At the same time, everyone also gave some suggestions while popularizing science.

"This... something really happened!!"

Wu Fei looked at the hot searches on her phone and felt a chill pass over her.

This morning she left Haiya with her children and returned to her home.

It's 01:30 and I just got home.

Then she opened the hot search and was dumbfounded.

Because the pictures on the news brought back her memories. Isn't this the woman who suspected that she was a merchant?

"Fortunately, Boss Zhang reminded you, otherwise something would have happened to our Tzuyu!"

Chen Zhong is at home.

Although he didn't have the experience of his wife, he felt like he was surviving a disaster.

"The fatality rate is 98%. I hope a miracle happens! If only I could just pull them away at that time."

Compared to her husband's aftermath, Wu Fei actually felt a little disappointed inside.

After all, the child is still so young.

As long as she can persist, maybe the other party won't go into the water. It's not necessarily true.

"Wife, although what I said is a bit cold-blooded, I think it's better to respect the fate of others. You heard the same words but some people just didn't listen. Not only did they not listen, they even speculated on others with the greatest malice. Then she deserves it. This sorrow."

As her husband, Chen Zhong understood the ins and outs of the matter.

His wife has been trying to persuade you for nearly 10 minutes, but if you don't listen, what can you do?

It can only be said that this child is pitiful to have such a mother.


Suddenly Wu Fei looked at her husband.

"what happened?"

Chen Zhong looked at his wife's expression with a doubtful look in his eyes.

"I think we should thank Mr. Zhang. After all, without him, our Tzuyu would definitely not be the same as it is now. Maybe there will be two cases of brain-eating worms by then."

Wu Fei said.

"Okay, I'll thank you any way you want."

Chen Zhong is not a stingy person either.

He is the kind of person who sees clearly.

Since Boss Zhang saved their little family, he felt it was natural to be grateful.

"When the time comes, do you think it's okay for us to go to Chunjiang to visit Boss Zhang?"

Wu Fei looked at her husband.

She is a full-time housewife, so she has more time, mainly looking after her husband.

If the other party agrees, then you can just leave.

"It's up to you. Once Boss Zhang and the others finish the funeral, we will go to the door to thank you."

Although Chen Zhong is quite busy with work, he has to make time for this no matter what!

At the same time, he also knew that Zhang Lingtian and his shop were closed today.

A group of people went to Hedong to hold a funeral.


Wu Fei was very excited when she heard her husband agreed.

It has been a long time since we last traveled together.

"Thank you, Boss Zhang, thank you, Boss Zhang."

One radish and three sticks of incense.

Lu Meiting is sincerely grateful.

Because she also watched the news.

At her age, my daughter would probably choke if she went into the water, so she might be able to suck brain-eating insects from her nose into her brain.

Thanks to Boss Zhang and the sister named Wu Fei.

Otherwise, she wouldn't know what to do if something happened to the child.

At this moment, discussions about Zhang Lingtian have started again online and offline because of this incident.

The content is nothing more than a cliché about not listening to the words of the King of Hell.

At the same time, Wu Fei also personally thanked Zhang Lingtian on her Douyin platform.

But now it's close to two o'clock, and none of the Baishipu members, except Xiaohan, have had lunch yet.

Because now is the time to hand over the body to the family.

At the entrance of the funeral home, Lao Zhao and his family appeared on time at two o'clock.

"Boss Zhang, thank you very much for being so caring about our Zhao Le and coming here last night."

Zhao Tiandi, his wife and a woman with a big belly came in and greeted Zhang Lingtian, while Old Zhao held Zhang Lingtian's hand tightly.

He was still very touched knowing that the other party came over last night.

"It should be."

Zhang Lingtian replied as the studio door opened.

"Mr. Zhang, thank you very much for taking over my husband's funeral."

The woman with a big belly also looked like she wanted to bow and thank her.

"Stop, stop, stop, this should be Mr. Zhao Le's wife. It's not appropriate for you to bow to me with such a big belly. Besides, it's actually our honor that you can find our Ping An White House to hold the funeral. Without you, it would be a shame." Thank you for saying that.”

I am more than seven months pregnant and almost eight months pregnant.

She was already preparing to give birth, but when Zhang Lingtian saw the other party, she still bowed and thanked him. How could this happen?

So he hurriedly stepped forward to stop the other party.

"Hmm, I am Zhao Le's wife Chi Meiyue. Mr. Zhang, you can call me Meiyue. You are the most admirable funeral gentleman. It is our honor to invite you and we should naturally be grateful."

The woman seemed very polite.

And it's a bit bookish.

"Oh my god, old man, is this our Lele? It's like really falling asleep here."

Came to Zhao Le's body.

The other party was wearing a handsome suit and tie. He looked very energetic and could not tell that he was dead.

Zhao Tiandi was speechless beside him.

How I hope my son really fell asleep and will wake up tomorrow.

And Chi Meiyue came to her husband's body in search of sound.

She watched for a long time.

Tears also flowed down.

Li Tiantian was always by his side.

She just looked at it.

At the same time, a strange thought came to my mind.

Did you really think too much?
"Miss Meiyue, we just found a lot of bruises on the body of the deceased. I would like to ask if Mr. Zhao Le encountered anything during his lifetime?"

Zhang Lingtian asked from the side.

He definitely couldn't just ignore this matter, he had to ask clearly.

However, he didn't expect that just after he said these words, Chi Meiyue, who had been caressing her husband with her hand just now, seemed to be frozen.

As for Zhao Tiandi and his wife, they also looked at each other.

There was an inexplicable weirdness about the scene.


 The new series left in July, and my heart felt like a lightning strike. This is the third time this year that I have left. I also realized that I often stay up late writing online novels. I also clearly feel that my body function is declining. Originally, I wanted to leave at [-] o'clock today. Click update and go to sleep.

  But the habit I have been developing eventually led to my failure. I will update it before nine o'clock tomorrow. I will correct the bad habit again. I also hope that everyone can go to bed early and take care of themselves.


(End of this chapter)

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