I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 252 The truth needs to be made public, and the perpetrators must pay the price!

Chapter 252 The truth needs to be made public, and the perpetrators must pay the price!

Li Tiantian and Su Wei looked at each other, wondering why they looked like this after the boss asked this question again.


Suddenly, Chi Meiyue, who was more than seven months pregnant, sighed slightly, and her whole expression became a little sad.


Unexpectedly, Zhao Tiandi and his wife also sighed haggardly, as if they had something to hide.

"Mr. Zhao Tiandi, Miss Chi Meiyue, from my experience, Mr. Zhao Le's death was abnormal. If there is something fishy, ​​I don't really recommend that he be buried like this. No matter what forces threaten us, this is a society governed by the rule of law. We should go Call the police and let the police solve the problem. If you are really in trouble, you can also come to me!"

Looking at their expressions, Zhang Lingtian knew that there must be something hidden here, but he was more confused as to why the family didn't tell them.

To be honest, he speculated that these bruises were a potential factor in Mr. Zhao Le's death.

One part in particular is shocking.

If he is being threatened, then he can help expose it!
He didn't believe that in such a society ruled by law, there were still evil people who could overwhelm the sky.

"Mr. Zhang, they made trouble when we got married."

Chi Meiyue spoke with a touch of sadness.

"Did you make trouble during the wedding? In other words, you were beaten during the trouble during the wedding?"

Hearing this, Zhang Lingtian had an unprecedented look of surprise in his eyes.

Getting married can be like this.

Have a grudge?
"Marriage trouble? Is this a marriage trouble or seeking revenge?"

At this moment, Li Tiantian and Su Wei looked at each other.

Especially Li Tiantian, she had skipped a lot of bloody plots in her mind, but she didn't expect it to be a wedding drama!

But the key is to beat the groom like this on this big day. She will believe you even if you say you are seeking revenge!
"It's like this, Mr. Zhang. We in Hedong originally have a custom that the more noisy and festive the wedding, the happier the future will be. Generally, the groom and the bride have to argue, but because Meiyue is pregnant, Xiao Le stopped everything. , but when we saw the child covered with bruises, we realized that these people really didn’t do anything serious!”

When Zhao Tiandi saw these scars on the child's body in the hospital, his heart suffocated.

You know, it's been more than a month and there are still so many scars on my body. It hurt so much at that time.

"Then you didn't go to the police? You were sent to the hospital, right? What did the doctor say? What was the cause of death?"

Originally they shouldn't ask these questions when they were just doing nothing, but he couldn't help but ask more about the matter in front of him.

"We didn't call the police at the time. After all, this is how everyone gets married and have troubles. The child didn't tell us at the time and we didn't even know about this situation."

"We went to the hospital after the child fainted. The hospital said he died of cerebral hemorrhage. However, my son usually does not have any high blood pressure or other high-blood pressure diseases, so it is impossible for him to have cerebral hemorrhage. We don't know why he suffered a hemorrhage. "

The speaker was Zhao Tiandi's wife, Chi Meiyue's mother-in-law.

She really never dreamed that her son would die of cerebral hemorrhage. The key is that her son is in good health and has never had this disease.

"It's definitely a bit strange to have a sudden brain hemorrhage."

Zhang Lingtian added.

"Yeah, it's simply a disaster!"

Zhao Le's mother patted her thigh.

That was her only child.

"Auntie, do you think it's possible that Mr. Zhao Le's disaster was caused by marriage trouble?"

Li Tiantian saw that this aunt obviously did not understand what her boss meant, so she immediately continued to guide her.

"Huh? Marriage trouble? I haven't thought about that, but it's unlikely. After all, it's been nearly two months."

The woman named Fu Shuiqin was a little stunned after hearing this.

Because she has not thought about marriage.

"Actually, it's possible that internal injuries were caused during the marriage quarrel, such as hitting the head. You can see this mark."

Li Tiantian pointed to a bruise on her head.

She knew that there was a custom of wedding banquets in some places, but she really didn't expect that wedding banquets would cause trouble for the groom.


They looked closely at their son's head.

Especially Fu Shuiqin was looking at her husband now.

Because she was busy entertaining guests at the time, she was not very clear about her son's affairs.

But even if I knew it was quite violent, otherwise there wouldn't be scars and bruises all over my body.

"It was definitely a knock at that time."

Zhao Tiandi recalled that time.

Tie his son to a telephone pole.

Then they smashed beer bottles to scare their son. One of them hit his son on the head. Although it was not broken, it was swollen.

"Actually, hitting the head can also cause cerebral hemorrhage. Did Miss Chi Meiyue feel drowsy and in a bad state after Mr. Zhao got married?"

Li Tiantian continued to ask.

"Well, I was indeed groggy, and not only was it a beer bottle, but later when we were in the new house, a group of people hit my husband on the head with their hands, because they wanted to make trouble with me, and then my husband stood in front of them, and then He was knocked on the head one by one and told that he was smart, a good man and so on, which made others feel uncomfortable after getting married."

Chi Meiyue recalled the scene of her wedding.

Although she knew that there was a custom of marriage quarrels in her husband's family, she thought it was just a joke between friends.

In the end, I never expected that there were ropes, beer bottles, fire extinguishers and the like.

Fortunately, her husband stood in front of her, so she was not troubled.

But he himself also suffered bruises after getting married.

But he always said it was okay.

No one was ever held accountable.

After all, they are some of his friends.

She also felt pain in her heart but she couldn't resist her husband.

But everything came to an abrupt end a week ago.

The husband suddenly fainted at home and was found to have a cerebral hemorrhage when he was sent to the hospital.

After a week of resuscitation, the doctor suggested that they give up treatment, because even if they could be saved, they would end up in a vegetative state.

So they gave up treatment the day before yesterday.

"Call the police and conduct an autopsy to find out whether the cause of the cerebral hemorrhage is related to the original marriage, and then let them take responsibility. Otherwise, without the support of the family, you and your children will definitely have a very difficult life."

Zhang Lingtian probably figured out what was going on now.

It is estimated that [-] to [-]% is related to the previous marriage troubles.

So he advocated calling the police and demanding compensation.

"Should we call the police directly?"

Zhao Tiandi asked with a somewhat tangled expression.

After all, the people who came here were all relatives and friends, and the marriage was caused by the childishness of his own son and even his brother's children, etc.

Wouldn't it be a bit abrupt to call the police like this?

"Uncle Zhao, what are you worried about? This is your son! Now that he has a cerebral hemorrhage due to marriage, you are still worried about this and that. Why? Will it destroy the relationship between you?!"

Li Tiantian immediately got angry when she saw Zhao Tiandi's tangled look.

He had lost his son and had a pregnant daughter-in-law who was about to give birth. The other party was still debating whether to call the police directly.

"No, I just thought that I can't accuse people unfairly. I have to be sure."

Zhao Tiandi's face turned red as if he had been hit by something, and his tone was a bit lacking in confidence.

"What do you think, Miss Chi Meiyue?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at Chi Meiyue and wanted to know her current attitude as a wife.

If the whole family thinks it doesn't matter.

Then it definitely doesn't matter to him as an outsider.

"Actually, when we were in the hospital, the doctor also suggested that we conduct an autopsy to find out the cause, but we didn't consider this step at the time. Plus, because of local customs, we wanted to bury the husband intact, so it felt inappropriate. But after hearing what you said, Mr. Zhang, I am willing to call the police for an autopsy. "

Chi Meiyue clarified her attitude.

She had never thought of marriage before.

But now listening to what Mr. Zhang and the others said, she felt that it was probably related to the marriage trouble.

She could not let her husband die unjustly.

We cannot let those who bully our husbands go unpunished.

"An autopsy will be conducted to see what the cause is. Finding out the truth is the most important thing. If we are too hesitant to even know how our son died, then we are arrogant parents!"

Fu Shuiqin supported her daughter-in-law's words.

In fact, she also knew that her daughter-in-law was saving face for her husband, his father-in-law.

Because when we were in the hospital, the doctor suggested an autopsy, but Zhao Tiandi actually refused, thinking that the child would be incomplete.

If she knew that her son was knocked on the head during the wedding quarrel, she, Fu Shuiqin, would not care whether you were complete or not. Finding out the truth was more important than anything else, and she could not let her son die unjustly.

"Don't worry, Miss Mitsuki, even if the autopsy is done, I will repair it as if it had never been done. I believe my skills will be complete!"

Li Tiantian was immediately very satisfied when she heard Chi Meiyue's attitude. The truth needs to be made public and the perpetrators must pay the price.

If the whole family was weak, she would be really pissed off!

"Then let's do an autopsy first to see if the child's death has anything to do with the marriage. The main thing is that you all know that they are Xiaole's brothers, children, relatives, and friends. If you really call the police, what if it's a misunderstanding? How will people view our family in the future? Isn’t that right? After all, we are the ones who invite people here.”

Zhao Tiandi also expressed his concerns.

After all, they are from the same village and some are brothers and friends from the same clan.

He admitted that he was indeed a bit fierce when he was making trouble.

The injuries on his own child also shocked him.

But you can't just say that he is a murderer or not, otherwise he will be criticized in the future!
"We are afraid of this and that. We invited people to come to the wedding and we didn't ask them to come and hit Lele on the head! What do you think we will do if we are left with orphans and widows? To be selfish, I am lucky that my daughter-in-law Choose to stay, otherwise there will be no one to collect our bodies when we two die! You still want your relatives to help us collect our bodies!"

Fu Shuiqin scolded his old man angrily.

After being a good man all his life, even his own son died inexplicably. If it is determined that the death was due to marriage trouble, then those people must pay the price!

"I'm not afraid of causing trouble. After all, we are all relatives and friends and it's not appropriate for them to get nothing but to sever the relationship."

Zhao Tiandi continued.

"Actually, you can do an autopsy first. If it is confirmed that the brain hemorrhage was caused by trauma, you can then call the police. As for the funeral, it can be rescheduled. Just contact us at Baishipu then. However, you will need to pay for the travel and accommodation expenses at that time. You have to pay, and you have to find a place to store the funeral supplies, and you have to buy them again if they are missing."

Zhang Lingtian spoke.

The funeral time can be changed, after all, things happen for a reason.

At the same time, as a conscientious funeral shop owner, he did not want anyone to be buried humiliated.

Of course, he can actually understand Zhao Tiandi. After all, the village is also a small circle and those who come to attend the wedding are basically relatives and friends.

If you suspect that someone has harmed your son without being sure, it will inevitably lead to gossip in the village and lead to alienation and isolation.

"Yeah, that's what I think, be safe."

Zhao Tiandi nodded crazily after hearing Zhang Lingtian's words.

"Mr. Zhang, please don't worry, we will bear all the expenses when you come over."

Chi Meiyue promised that she would be very grateful to Mr. Zhang Lingtian for coming here a second time, so there was no reason to ask him to pay for another trip.

"Okay, then the body will be handed over to you."

Zhang Lingtian looked at Chi Meiyue and Zhao Tiandi.


The three nodded.

Soon the three of them left the studio of the funeral parlor.

"Oh my god, I really didn't expect it to be a wedding incident. This is too outrageous!"

Li Tiantian looked incredible.

What she originally thought was a bloody plot turned out to be so plain and simple.

"Bad habits really need to be changed, and many marriages are just a formality. Who would have thought that something like this would happen."

Su Wei spread his hands.

It was an eye opener indeed.

You can also bring a fire extinguisher when you are having a wedding.

Is this a marriage quarrel or a murder?
"Awei, there won't be any marriage trouble at your place, right?" Li Tiantian looked at Su Wei sweetly and asked with a hint of doubt.

"How is it possible? We just get married there, and at most we just play a little game and there is no such thing."

Su Wei replied to Li Tiantian.

"Oh, I'm relieved then."

Li Tiantian looked at ease.

"That's not right, Li Tiantian, why do you ask this?"

Suddenly, a suspicious look appeared in Su Wei's eyes.

The other party asked him politely what he was doing?
"you guess."

Li Tiantian grinned.

"Cough cough!"

Suddenly Zhang Lingtian coughed twice.

"Boss, are you feeling uncomfortable in your throat? Drink more tea!"

Li Tiantian heard her boss cough twice and said to him.

"It's really uncomfortable. Get in the car and get in."

Zhang Lingtian just drove here directly in order to rush for time.


However, just after he got in the car, his cell phone suddenly rang.

"Hey, boss, I've already coordinated the coffin with the local people. If the Zhao family is next to you, why don't you ask them if they want to transport it there now."

Jiang Xiaohan is running business at the moment.

Now Zhang Lingtian leaves many things directly to the other party.

"Xiaohan, don't worry about it for now. There's something going on here. We think the funeral will have to be postponed. Let's go back first."

Doing an autopsy will definitely take time.

A conservative estimate of two days.

It's certainly not possible for them to stay here and stay in a hotel.

So I went back first.

"Ah? Something happened? Okay, okay, then I'll communicate with the owner of the coffin shop first and delay it for a while."

Jiang Xiaohan, who was on the street outside the coffin shop, was a little puzzled when he heard his boss's words.

But I also went to communicate with the other party.

After all, if you give the deposit and ask the boss to keep it for a few days, you can still do it.

But she was more curious about what happened that caused the funeral to be delayed.

Three in the afternoon.

After lunch, Baishipu and his party set off back to Chunjiang.


As a result, not long after the car set off, a phone call came in.

It turned out to be Zhang Gu from Chunbei.

"Captain Zhang called you for something?"

Zhang Lingtian asked after answering the phone.

Could it be something about Hedong?
Will the results be available so soon?The speed is too fast!
"I heard that Mr. Zhang, you are in Chunbei on business. Do you have time to have a drink with me, Mr. Zhang?"

Zhang Gu asked with a smile on the other end of the phone.

Inviting a funeral man home who has just finished a funeral may seem unlucky to others, but Zhang Gu doesn't believe it!
If Zhang Lingtian could come over, he would laugh to death.

"No, no, we are preparing to go back."

Zhang Lingtian said to him.

"Ah? Go back? What's going on? Didn't you say that the funeral shop is here for three days?"

The white shop has a scarf number.

[Ping'an Baishi Shop: Due to funeral business in Hedong, Ping'an Baishi Shop in Chunjiang will be on vacation for three days. 】

[10+ likes] [10+ comments] [10+ shares]

This is the latest news under the Ping An White Shop scarf.

I have to say that Mr. Zhang’s appeal is terrifying.

As for why he knew it, you asked.

That’s not because my daughter said it!

While shopping for scarves, the other party told him that Mr. Zhang had come to Hedong to hold a funeral.

Isn't this Hedong the jurisdiction of Chunbei?

And this time there was something about my daughter in calling me. The other party really wanted to meet Mr. Zhang.

He is not like that guy Lao Qin who keeps pushing his daughter towards Mr. Zhang.

My daughter is really interested in Mr. Zhang.

The other party said that if he could call Zhang Lingtian over, he would be willing to cook a table of delicious food himself.

Otherwise, he would make a phone call to test it out.

As a result, he actually went back.

It made him a little overwhelmed.

"Hmm, because the groom's death was a bit strange, we suggest that the relatives conduct an autopsy and call the police."

Zhang Lingtian answered truthfully.

"Huh? The death was a bit strange? Autopsy? Was it a heart attack with digitalis?"

I don’t know why a case suddenly appeared in Zhang Gu’s mind.

That is, the original wife and her lover gave digitalis to her husband who had a heart attack, causing the other party's death. As a result, he was discovered by a forensic friend at the funeral. In the end, the whole case was reversed in a shocking way.

"No, the wedding drama probably caused internal injuries to the groom, but we won't know the details until the autopsy results come out."

Zhang Lingtian said.

"Now that you're back, why don't you bring us all over for a meal? I'll let my family get ready."

Zhang Gu said.

It just so happened that the Hedong side also passed through Chunbei City.

"Let's talk about it next time we come over. Director Qin just called me and said that Chunbei encountered a difficult case."

Zhang Lingtian rejected Zhang Gu.

"A difficult case? Is it the one who joined forces with Donggang?"

After all, Zhang Gu is also a member of the police station.

It was like he thought of something for a moment.


Zhang Lingtian nodded.

"Okay, that case is indeed quite troublesome. I hope that with Mr. Zhang's intervention, the case can be solved as soon as possible. We also have a difficult case in Chunbei. I guess we will need Mr. Zhang's help then."

I only saw Zhang Gu coming at this moment.


Zhang Lingtian was a little puzzled.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry. When the time comes, our Chunbei will also invite you to be an external criminal expert. The remuneration will not be less at all, and you will definitely not let your work go in vain."

Zhang Gu never thought of letting Zhang Lingtian work in vain.

"That's not the case. I'm just a little bit confused about what kind of case Chunbei encountered?"

Zhang Lingtian didn't care about the reward.

Mainly I want to know what the case is.

"It's a female travel companion who has been missing for more than a week after going out for fun. Her father came to call the police, but our police didn't have any entry points."

Zhang Gu talked about a case he had on hand.

It would be best if Mr. Zhang can help.

"Okay, then you can send me the relevant materials about the case and I'll see if I can help."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

The phone was also put down at this moment.

"Boss, the appointment is over."

Jiang Xiaohan created a reservation system.

And now the system has ended the reservation.

"It's over when it's over, what happened?"

Zhang Lingtian hung up the phone and heard the other party's appearance with a confused expression in his eyes.

somewhere right now.

"Am I the first?"

Reba looked at the reservation interface.

Unexpectedly, the assistant actually won the first place for her.

Zhang Lingtian in the car naturally heard this information.

But he was very indifferent to it.

First is first.


The body is not afraid of the shadow slanting.

The vehicle is moving.

"Boss, we have a lot of private messages."

It was evening, and Jiang Xiaohan was talking at this moment.

"Well, I can't get over it at all."

service area.

Zhang Lingtian agreed.

"As for Genghis Khan's tomb, boss, will you go?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked a question.

In fact, some archaeologists also sent her private messages.

"It depends on the situation, maybe I will go but not now."

Zhang Lingtian said.

A meal is over quickly.

The vehicle continued to drive, and the time soon came to nine o'clock in the evening. Baishipu and his party returned to Chunjiang.

Then they went back to their homes.

Zhang Lingtian appeared at the Chunjiang Police Station early the next morning.

"Mr. Zhang, you are here. You don't know how difficult this matter is for us."

Qin Yan received him personally.

"Is this case so complicated?"

Zhang Lingtian frowned.

However, he would not have thought that when he saw the mummy that was like a ghost film coming into reality and heard that the head was pickled, he couldn't help but gasp.

What kind of perversion is this in my mind?Why would the other party do such a thing?
Also, this kind person who wrote the anonymous letter is really a kind person. Are you sure he’s not covering his ears?

 Hahaha, I was 3 minutes early and didn’t finish writing. It’s really hard to change bad habits! !

(End of this chapter)

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