I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 253 Commendation, Boss Zhang’s honorary title!

Chapter 253 Commendation, Boss Zhang’s honorary title!
"Yes, we have deployed police forces from two cities and sent a large number of people, but we have not found any useful clues. Currently, this case only has a pickled and shriveled head, and we have not even found out the time of abandonment."

Qin Yan nodded and vomited his bitterness.

The place where this kind man chose to dump the body was relatively remote, and the key was that there was only one head. He also wrapped it in several layers and threw it in the toilet to cover up the smell of the body.

The other party is placed at the innermost position of the toilet. Most people rarely go to the innermost position when going to the toilet. The specific disposal time cannot be determined for the time being.

"A pickled shriveled head?"

Zhang Lingtian was stunned when he heard this. Does Qin Yan know what he is talking about?

Is this something carbon-based organisms can do?


Two minutes later, Zhang Lingtian was stunned and felt a wisp of cold air penetrate the Tianling Gai.

Although he is the owner of a white shop and has seen the remains of many deceased people, these are just like wet mummies dug out of ancient tombs.

What kind of brain does this murderer have?
What do you think?

"Currently, our forensic examination shows that the time of death is between 8 and 10 months. We have asked all the people who went to the toilet recently, but they don't know that there is such a head in it. As for the innermost room, we have not yet found the last one. A guy who goes there to use the restroom.”

First of all, the death time is a bit long.

Secondly, they are now in trouble when it comes to discarding time.

So why don't we invite the plug-in Mr. Zhang Lingtian to see if he has any ideas?

Anyone who can provide them with a little bit of information can shorten their workload and quickly find the murderer, thus avoiding a greater tragedy.

After all, the murderer's level of evil is definitely very high.

How dare they write a letter to the police signed by a well-wisher.

If the case is not solved soon.

Maybe there will be another kind person.

"There is only one head left. It is really difficult to find clues to solve the case. After all, there is no personal information at all."

Zhang Lingtian looked at the head in front of him. Currently, the system did not have any scanning prompts, so he did not know whether active scanning could scan it.

"Sigh, Mr. Zhang is making things difficult for you. Why don't you first take a look at the case materials we collected and try to find a breakthrough from here?"

Seeing Zhang Lingtian's reaction, Qin Yan was not surprised but rather understood, because they really could not investigate anything.

There was only one head, and it was a shriveled, pickled head. It was indeed as difficult to find as finding a needle in a haystack.

Now we can only hope that Mr. Yu Zhang can find some useful clues in the following case materials.

"Qin Bureau, the time for discarding has been determined!"

At this moment, Bai Jin hurried over. This was the latest news from Donggang.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, you are here too!"

Bai Jin realized that he was a little rude, and immediately put back his nervousness, and greeted Zhang Lingtian with a smile, who was about to read the case materials.

"Mr. Zhang just came over to help us solve the pickling case. Please tell us about the progress of the case."

When Qin Yan heard that the time was roughly determined, he suddenly felt restless.

Ever since he discovered the pickled head, he couldn't sleep at night.

I have been thinking about how to solve the case, especially now that the superior leaders have also paid attention to this case.

It also put a lot of pressure on them.

Especially there are related signs on the Internet.

After all, Donggang police issued a body search announcement.

"Yes, Officer Bai, please tell me quickly."

Zhang Lingtian responded with a slight smile. In fact, he also wanted to know when the abandonment was.

"It's like this. After a lot of visits after the establishment of the serious crime team, we finally found a person in a nearby village who had recently gone to the innermost stall of this toilet. The person said that there were no plastic bags when he went there, and the time About half a month ago."

This toilet is managed by the village.

around the highway.

It was basically in a semi-deserted state, and no one was cleaning it.

But there is a water source.

It's the kind of water that pours down automatically.

Therefore it still functions as a normal toilet.

The only thing is that it stinks.

Bai Jin and the other Chunjiang police are now jointly handling the case with Donggang.

Donggang was also very concerned about this matter, so he sent a large number of police forces to look for relevant clues.

Their hard work paid off, and they actually found a key witness.

That was an old man passing by.

The other party had gone in once before because of a stomachache.

Go to the innermost compartment.

But I didn’t see the black plastic bag at that time.

"That is to say, the time for dumping the body was more than half a month ago. This discovery has indeed shortened the time for dumping the head a lot."

Qin Yan nodded slightly after hearing this.

On the other side, system prompts also sounded in Zhang Lingtian's mind.

[System scan in progress...]

【Boom!The system scan failed. This is a body that is less than 50% mutilated. The scanning function is not yet available. 】


Sure enough, Zhang Lingtian found that he could not scan.

Although these case materials seem to be thick, there are actually no clues worthy of further investigation.

But the function is not enabled?
In other words, it may be opened in the future?
His eyes lit up when he saw this prompt.

Is this the rhythm of a funeral man who wants to become an expert in solving crimes?

Did the system click the wrong skill point?

Or is it actually a misunderstanding of this function? The other party has the detailed information to find the family members of the deceased and win more funeral orders?
Forget it, no matter what.

This function is quite good.

I hope to wake up in the future.

"Yeah, the time has been shortened to more than half a month."

Bai Jin gained confidence.

"You guys go ahead. By the way, Bai Jin, hurry up and get Mr. Zhang's certificate."

Qin Yan looked at Bai Jin and his expression suddenly turned serious.


Bai Jin stood and saluted Qin Yan.


Zhang Lingtian on the side looked very surprised.

What certificate?
"Mr. Zhang, some time ago our bureau applied for you the honorary title of Advanced Individual in Solving Cases. In the end, you successfully won the national-level honorary title of Advanced Individual among thousands of applications across the country."

There are only a few places to apply for in a bureau, and usually everyone selects the best ones.

Zhang Lingtian is also the only person in the entire system who is not a regular policeman but is a special talent who has won an award.

"Me? Who is the first person to solve the case? Director Qin, aren't you praising me a little too much? It's you who actually solved the case."

Soon, a large certificate with two pages of A4 paper was sent over by Bai Jin.

Zhang Lingtian was a little stunned.

Said at the same time.

Not that he was being polite.

The main reason is that in many cases, I just provide an idea. In fact, it is the police officers who do the errands in solving the cases.

It always felt a bit inappropriate for him to get this advanced individual.

"Mr. Zhang, please don't be modest. Our Chunjiang Police Department has filled in all your information truthfully, and the distribution is as mentioned above. The commendation meeting will be held in half a month, and we still hope that you will come to the scene to participate. After all, this is our Chunjiang police station. This is the first time someone from the police department has received a national honorary title."

To be honest, Qin Yan was a little surprised when this expert in solving crimes received his personal honor.

After all, he thought that getting a provincial honor was already pretty good.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the whole country.

However, this also indirectly let everyone know the attitude of the superiors.

That is to encourage such skilled talents!

Now that Qin Yan has said so, and he has also won the honorary title, there is no point in Zhang Lingtian trying to shirk it.The other party said that he hoped to participate.

So Zhang Lingtian asked where the other party was at this moment.

"It's in the Imperial City, but Mr. Zhang, don't worry, the round trip expenses, including food and accommodation, will be reimbursed. You can also bring someone with you, just treat it as a trip."

Qin Yan knew that the imperial capital was indeed a bit far away from their place.

So Qin Yan explained a little more.

That is as long as people arrive.

The rest is not important.

They cover all expenses.

"Imperial Capital, I'll take a look at it then. After all, you also know the special Director Qin of Baishipu."

If Zhang Lingtian is in Chunjiang today, he can guarantee that he will be there.

But if it's far away in the imperial capital, that's another story.

After all, this place is a bit far away.

"I understand, I completely understand. Mr. Zhang's case is indeed a headache, right?"

Qin Yan turned to the case itself.

"Director Qin, I guess I can't help at the moment. I don't have any useful information at all. If you can find some basic information about this person by then, I can still try to help."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands towards Qin Yan.

If the other party is more complete, he can still try to use the details card.

But now I can't even use the details card.

Because scanning could not be carried out, there was only a remains.

"It's okay. Solving crimes is a long-term process. Mr. Zhang, you are not a god and you certainly can't understand everything. Next time we make progress in the investigation, we will communicate with you in depth, Mr. Zhang. Actually, the main reason for coming here today is to give this honorary certificate. .”

Qin Yan didn't want to get any useful clues from Zhang Lingtian today.

Because there is too little information on this case.

Calling the other party over today is mainly a matter of honorary title.

So Zhang Lingtian checked the clues related to the case at the police station and also looked at the investigation of surrounding villagers.

The time came quickly the next morning.

Zhang Lingtian just arrived at Baishipu early in the morning.

After breakfast, a piece of news popped up.

[1. Brain-eating worms are dangerous, please take precautions]


"Oh, so fast."

This is number one on the hot search list.

"It's mainly because of this mother. If she had listened to the other elder sister's advice at that time, it probably wouldn't have happened like this."

The members of Baishipu were chatting.

It turns out that the first hot search term for scarves was opened, and that was a post.

[Huanqiu.com: It is reported that the boy who was infected with brain-eating worms while swimming in Haiya City died at [-] o'clock this morning after rescue efforts failed. This is a small probability event. I hope his parents can express their condolences. 】

It turned out that the child named Xiaolin was gone.

The onset of brain-eating worms is still very fast.

"Well, this is really sad news. The brain is indeed too fragile, even if humans have evolved thick skulls for protection."

"I still remember when I was studying general zoology, the teacher suddenly showed us various photos of patients with terminal parasitic diseases without any warning."

"In fact, being injured, bitten, parasitized, infected... are all very common situations in nature. Almost no wild animals can completely avoid it. This is why nature is so cruel. Many animals carry parasites throughout their lives. It is completely It’s not uncommon. It’s just because we humans have evolved modern technology and medicine that we’ve become “pretentious” and find this very strange.”

"Although, but, I still want to say that if as a mother, she did not look at others with malice, maybe the tragedy would not have happened."

"Boss Zhang really wants to make money, but some people are really unlucky. For example, last year there was an unlucky guy in Jiangjiang Country who got infected after flushing his nasal cavity with tap water."

"Xiao Wang: Today is another day to strengthen your faith."


About this child in Haiya City who was infected by brain-eating worms topped the hot search list.

Many netizens are indeed very sorry.

At the same time, some people said that today is a day to strengthen their faith.

"What the hell? If you increase your faith, it will increase. Why are you calling my name??"

This time I was eating breakfast and scrolling through my phone.

He remembered the kid.

I had to go into the river because my mother didn't listen to her advice, and then I got infected.

I was thinking about clicking on the number one on the hot search list to see what was going on, but when I went in and clicked on the comments, I saw that it was another day to strengthen my faith.

His face was filled with questions.

Strengthening faith strengthens faith.

Why are you calling his name?


"Brother, you may not understand Boss Zhang, but you know how to tear onions."

"Hahaha, I have left a message for you."

"It's so funny! I imagined a guy with question marks all over his face."


Xiancong left a message.

"Wang Shicong:???"

Those are three question marks.

Suddenly it attracted many water friends to watch.

That comment also attracted many likes.

It once exceeded 10.

All the netizens who posted that comment thought they were being bullied online.

And on this morning, Chunbei People's Hospital.

"The results of the autopsy are out."

It was Zhao Tiandi and Chi Meiyue's family who were standing outside.

After Boss Zhang's suggestion, they finally decided to perform an autopsy on Zhao Le.

Fortunately, they did not notify relatives and friends to attend the funeral.

So there is no urgency.

Originally, they planned to put on makeup, tidy up the body, and send the person back before notifying relatives and friends to attend the funeral, but that later changed.

"How is the doctor?"

Chi Meiyue asked.

"Yes, yes, how did our Jialele suffer from cerebral hemorrhage?"

Fu Shuiqin looked at the doctor in charge.

"According to our autopsy results, Zhao Le's cerebral hemorrhage was not caused by corresponding symptoms. He was relatively healthy and at the level of a normal person. The cerebral hemorrhage was caused by external causes."

The doctor spoke.

"External causes??"

Fu Shuiqin and Zhao Tiandi were stunned.

As for Chi Meiyue, her pupils shrank.

My whole stomach also twitched.

It hurts!

Because Chi Meiyue quickly understood what the doctor meant.

The husband's fatal injury was caused by beating.

On the wedding day.

That marriage that destroys humanity!


 I just came back from climbing Mount Emei. I climbed continuously until 4000 o'clock in the morning. I was glad that I was still alive. My feet were really disabled and I was so excited. Especially the Hades Slope, it was so bad!Today I will update [-] words to keep my life alive!Waiting for the author's bacteria to grow up tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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