I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 27 Another increase in fans, thank Lord Yan for his mercy!

Chapter 27 Another increase in fans, thank Lord Yan for his mercy!

Not just private messages.

[Tear Onion: Believe in science, oppose superstition, and suddenly find that the road to literacy in the country is a long way to go. 】

This is Brother Cong's last scarf before his accident.

After the live broadcast was over, he felt that he had encountered too many idiots, so he posted it when he felt uncomfortable.

As a result, this face-slapping post directly blew up the pot.

"I hope there will be science in the next life, science guard Brother Cong, go all the way!"


"I was also a staunch atheist before, and I believed in science, but since the appearance of this living Hades, my world view has collapsed. This person is really evil. Brother Onion, why don't you believe it! I can only say that the guards have a good journey!"

"Oh, it's a pity. Brother Cong was still arguing with me about feudal superstitions. As a result, this person died that night, but Brother Cong didn't cry. You died on the road of defending science!"

"Chang Wei! You are evil!!!"

"You look confused, what's wrong with the principal?"

"Miss, let's read the news, Brother Onion's car is going to be turned into a meat bun."

"Hiss, I'm gone???"

"It's gone, I hope Brother Tian will also hold a mysterious and grand funeral for Brother Cong!"

[-] to [-] comments!
There are a million retweets!
As for likes, the ones shown in the first few posts have more than [-] likes.

Indeed, the number of users of bibs is large.

The more you look at the shredded onion, the more you suffocate it.

Judging by the attitude of these netizens, he almost sent him a wreath!
[Tearing Onion: I'm not dead, I'm still alive. 】

Tear Onion sent six words.

He was thinking about some friends in the media, and he also told him that he was fine.

Why did he hold an Internet funeral for him overwhelmingly!
"What the hell? Brother Onion is alive?"

"100% Broker!"

"You must be fake, right?"

"Impossible! Your car is flat, how can you still be alive!"

"Don't explain, Brother Onion, let's go."

It’s okay if you don’t post it, no one will believe it once you post it!

"Is this group of people out of their minds? If I say I'm alive, don't you believe me?"

Shredding the onion was dumbfounded.

Ping An funeral shop.

"Hey, why is the boss so heartless? Is it because he has been single for 28 years and the principal has many girlfriends?"

Li Tiantian sighed, and then lay powerlessly on the table.


Jiang Xiaohan made a booing gesture.

And he turned his head and glanced at the boss who was in the office.

"Tiantian, you don't want to die!!!"

The next second those big eyes stared at Li Tiantian.

Let the boss hear this, it is for internal digestion and performance!

"Tiantian, you also want a mysterious funeral? The staff price is 5% off!"

Su Wei also glanced at the boss and lowered his voice.

He was also sad that Brother Cong had an accident, but if the boss paid attention to him, it would be too late for him to be sad!

Li Tiantian immediately covered her mouth.

Sure enough, misfortune came from the mouth.

Almost had an accident! !

Fortunately, the boss didn't pay attention to himself.

"Awei, Miss Xiaohan, do you think our boss is capable of organizing the principal's funeral?"

As far as that photo is concerned, the principal must be restored after being crushed like that.

If she can repair the other party, it's no wonder that the boss is jealous of his girlfriend and kills him more.

"I don't think I can take it."

Jiang Xiaohan shook his head.

Their business scope is not so large.

Unless it becomes a listed company in the future, let's talk about it.

Anyway, it is currently not feasible.


Li Tiantian sighed slightly disappointed.

"Actually, I think that although there is a lot of thunder on the Internet, there is no official news. How do you know that Brother Cong must be in that car?"

Su Wei felt suffocated when he first heard the bad news.

But thinking about it carefully, the car belongs to Brother Onion.

But who said Brother Onion must be inside?
What if someone else drove it?
What's more, the entire Internet now has no other pictures other than this one to supplement.

"Sister Xiaohan, why don't you ask the boss for us?"

Li Tiantian actually had doubts in this regard.

But isn't there no news on the Internet?

Even people with knowledge of the matter have not been able to contact the principal.

"I asked??"

Jiang Xiaohan felt a chill behind him.

"Yeah, after all, Miss Xiaohan, you are the right-hand man of the boss, and the boss must be reluctant to use you for performance."

The two nodded at the same time.

Jiang Xiaohan was the earliest employee.

The two of them were recruited from behind.

Especially Li Tiantian.

Come in last.

"No, no, no."

Jiang Xiaohan shook his head.

How dare she ask!
Who said that veteran employees can't rush for performance?

"This, then I will go all out!!"

Li Tiantian looked determined to go all out, so she must ask this matter clearly!

Suddenly, while Jiang Xiaohan was hesitating, the door of the office was pushed open.

"call out--"

The three of them stood up as a conditioned reflex.

"What are you talking about?"

Zhang Lingtian asked with a smile.

"No, nothing, let's talk about work."

Li Tiantian showed a smile.

Just now, the idea of ​​asking brother Cong what happened is gone in an instant.

"Yeah, let's talk about work!!"

The desire to survive made Su Wei also nodded.

If the boss knew they were talking about him being 28 and didn't have a girlfriend yet, he would probably give it three attentions, and then the company would have to recruit again.

"Just right, I want to hold a small meeting to solicit everyone's opinions, and talk about the company's next step by the way."

Zhang Lingtian sat down.

This is a pretty big table.

It's no problem to sit a few people.

It's also here for their usual meetings.


The three of them immediately entered the meeting mode.

Li Tiantian also poured tea very thoughtfully.

"Everyone knows the Brother Onion incident that has been raging on the Internet recently."

Zhang Lingtian asked.

Now that he is deeply involved in the whirlpool of public opinion, he has to find a way to clarify.

The meeting also wanted to ask everyone if there is any good way.

"Boss, is the principal really dead?"

Suddenly, Li Tiantian asked weakly, her voice was like a mosquito.

"Brother Tian, ​​are you sure it's Brother Cong who is in the car and not lending the car to someone else?"

Su Wei also spoke to him.

He was about to choke internally on this.

Jiang Xiaohan also watched curiously.

"About this, let's wait for the official news!"

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

He really doesn't know.

[Douyin Small Trumpet World News: Tie Cong invites you to join the Reject Superstition and Advocate Science live broadcast room. 】

Suddenly at this very moment.

Jiang Xiaohan, who was turning on the computer to project and analyze the data, saw that a whole station world news had popped up on the computer.

"Brother Onion's live broadcast!!!"

Su Wei's eyes widened!

"My God? The official news really came? Is the principal still alive?!"

Li Tiantian heard Zhang Lingtian say the official news.

Suddenly just feel boring.

In the end, I didn't expect that the official news came immediately after the boss's voice fell!


"The principal is back, Ye Qing is back, thank you Lord Yan for your mercy!"

"I saw Brother Onion's live broadcast at 6 o'clock and made an appointment. My Erha, I'm asking Brother Tian to organize the funeral!"

Zhang Lingtian's private letter.

It was crushed at this second.

Everyone came to thank him for his mercy.


Zhang Lingtian saw black lines all over his head.

Shouldn't you thank the doctor for living? !
What does it matter to him!
"This rise is too exaggerated!!"

And Jiang Xiaohan and the others also noticed that the company's account once again ushered in a climax of popularity.

"Fuck! Another five thousand!!"

Every time it is refreshed, it will increase thousands of fans.

Su Wei and Li Tiantian exclaimed!

The boss's more than 130 million fans suddenly reached 140 million!

"It seems that our company's account can reach 150 million fans today, boss, it's too stupid!"

Just the account of the boss.

It was her, Li Tiantian, who had seen the first account that was promoted to more than 100 million followers so quickly.

It's really only a few days, maybe a week or so.

"Boss, if we reach 150 million fans, the commission can be negotiated again."

Jiang Xiaohan seriously couldn't hide her excited opening.

She is in charge of this aspect and knows some industry trends.

Although relatively shallow, it is also sufficient.

"Recently, another manufacturer asked us to bring goods?"

Hearing the commission, Zhang Lingtian asked.

Because the business cooperation was linked to Jiang Xiaohan's mobile phone number, he didn't know about these things.

"Boss, there are always brands looking for cooperation with us, and more and more! Boss, do you want to bring the goods? Or do you wait until Feilong's first seven?"

What is another!

Her WeChat is going to explode, okay?

Everyone is asking the boss about the schedule!
It's a pity that the boss said not to eat human blood steamed buns, otherwise she would have replied to the brand side.

"Let's talk about it after Feilong's first seven days. There are still three days, not too long."

Zhang Lingtian thought for a while and said.

It's his bottom line not to rub the heat.

It's better to wait until Feilong's first seven.

"Okay, then boss, why don't you use less Douyin for the future of our store?"

Jiang Xiaohan is not afraid of anything now, but he is afraid that he will not be able to survive the first seven days.


 Today, because of a plot, I deleted a lot, and finally sent out only more than 600 words, and I owe more than 1000 words, and I will fill it up tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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