I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 26 Complete the funeral, double rewards from the system!

Chapter 26 Complete the funeral, double rewards from the system!

[Reminder: The funeral mission rewards have been distributed, congratulations to the host for enabling the personnel classification and rating function, and the funeral fee will be doubled. 】

Zhang Lingtian received the reward decisively.

Then a prompt will appear in the system.

[Your debit card account is 4848, the income today is 25000 yuan, and the balance after the transaction is 215000.51 yuan. (ABC)】

Then a text message stating that the funeral expenses had arrived was also sent to his mobile phone.

5000 yuan was recorded.

The funeral of more than 2 people in the countryside can be said to be very luxurious.

I just don't know if I need to pay taxes on this new sum of money.

It's a company after all.

Tax evasion is a serious matter.

[Note: The money rewarded by this system is all after-tax rewards. 】

Thinking about it, a prompt appeared in the system in the next second.

Double rewards after tax?
This is good! !
Zhang Lingtian's eyes lit up when he saw this reminder.

After Feilong’s funeral was wiped out, he received a total of 5000 yuan in funeral expenses. Excluding various expenses, the gross profit was about 1 yuan. Now he has received a double reward for funeral expenses. The system gave another [-] yuan after tax. I made a direct profit of [-] from this order!

By the way, Brother Onion, did something happen?

If something goes wrong.

What would happen to his funeral?
A boss of this level needs at least a million to start, right?
Earn 100 million system to send 100 million.

It is also beautiful to think about.

In fact, although the little assistant has been in Baishipu for a long time, she has not participated in many places.

And his funeral shop is not as profitable as the other party imagined.

In the past two years, the annual turnover has been around hundreds of thousands, but in fact, after excluding the purchase of funeral materials, store rent, labor costs and other miscellaneous expenses, the net profit in his hands is just over one hundred thousand, which is better than working part-time. Barely able to live.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have been driving the small broken car in which the owner had to wear a helmet, and the airbag perfectly prevented the owner from hitting the co-driver.

If he had money, he would have changed it long ago.

That is, no money!
That's why he thought about recruiting some customers from the same city or province from the short video platform.

It's a pity that the system doesn't seem to have a prompt from Brother Onion.

In the past, there will be a reminder after it gets cold.

As for why you asked him why he was short of money and didn't live stream the goods, after all, the pit fee is hundreds of thousands.

He can only tell you.

They just died, and you eat human blood steamed buns here and use their enthusiasm to live broadcast and bring goods to make money, it's really embarrassing.

By the way, what is this classification and rating function?
Zhang Lingtian suddenly realized that there is also a classification and rating function

However, he didn't feel the change in the system at all.

[The host can open the new function of Douyin Experiment. 】

Just when Zhang Lingtian was wondering, the voice in his mind sounded again.

Do you have to turn on Douyin to show the effect?

Zhang Lingtian turned on Douyin according to the prompt.

【Ding!Activate scan! 】

[Scan object: ID craftsman. 】

[Danger signal: 109 waste inventions in a row, the probability of danger due to manual invention next time is 0.1%! 】

[Customer attributes: low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host can decide whether to pay attention or not. 】

The first one is a craft blogger.

Douyin is famous for its crap invention.

It even developed overseas, appeared on the show and was reported.

It can be said that he is a relatively diligent blogger.

It's just that the things I do are somewhat...

"It doesn't feel the same."

Zhang Lingtian took a sip of tea and muttered lightly.

[Scan object: ID Gu Lingmeng Duck~]

[Danger signal: Twin sisters, the probability of the next danger of the elder sister is 0.1%, and the probability of the next danger of the younger sister is 0.1%! 】

[Customer attributes: low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host can decide whether to pay attention or not. 】

Zhang Lingtian finally discovered the change.

It seems that the system scan has changed from general to progressively precise.

Just like the Meizhao sisters before.

It is not possible to carefully analyze whose risk probability.

Directly gave a whole 80%.

It is even more obvious that the fat brother has two.

20% is given to the whole, and 90% in the long run.

After the upgrade, if you scan again with the current system, there should be two probabilities.

Fei En is relatively low.

As for Feilong, it is estimated that 80% or more, and it may not even be a precise customer.

It's a pity that the fat dragon is gone.

Otherwise, he would have to scan a wave.

[Scan object: ID My Thousand Girls Group~]


[Customer Attributes: All are low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt: The host can decide whether to pay attention or not. 】

This is a girl group.

There are five people in total.

Zhang Lingtian found that he could check the probability of danger for all personnel.

Precise customers are rare.

High-risk customers are also rare.

Basically, what he usually uses is some low-risk customers.

I hope that the world is always alive, and it doesn't matter if you stay idle. To be honest, he hopes that every time he swipes, it is low-risk.

This is also the voice of every orthodox funeral shop.

As long as you can keep the shop alive, you don't want to be rich.

After some experimentation.

He now knows what classification and rating are.

He thinks this function is okay.

Be more precise next time.

What he prefers is to double the funeral money.

The same number of funerals, more money, still can go directly into the pocket after tax!
【Ding!The host has completed 5 personnel screenings, and the new rewards have been sent. 】

At this moment, another voice came from Zhang Lingtian's mind.

"and also?"

Zhang Lingtian was a little surprised.

Take a closer look, [5/5] is shining with light.

He had forgotten.

Collect five precise customers to unlock system rewards.

Regardless of whether you are a low-risk customer, a potential customer or a high-risk customer, as long as you are cool, you are a precise customer.

I don't know what rewards this wave can unlock.

Double for the next funeral?Or quadruple?eight times?
【Ding!Congratulations to the host for enabling the special props function. 】

Suddenly, a row of large red characters appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

Special props?

Could it be physical pills, special prop channels to strengthen body cards, buy life, and buy skills?

Zhang Lingtian was taken aback for a moment?
He is reborn.

Also read a lot of novels.

Knowing that the system has amazing abilities.

But where is the entrance to buy this special item?
What do you think of special props?
Zhang Lingtian made a mistake.

[Note: Special props will pop up in due course. 】

At this moment, the system issued another prompt.



Zhang Lingtian ignored it.

After all, he still has no use for these special props.

the other side.

A hospital bed in Haibin City.

Brother Onion has been recuperating for the past two days, so he doesn't have time to log into those social software such as scarves.

At this moment, he is logging in the scarf that he usually logs in.

The next second I was dumbfounded.

There are tens of thousands of private messages!

Open it and see a lot of folded hands, candles, chrysanthemums and so on.


(End of this chapter)

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