I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 271 The King of Hell is punishing you on the spot, why bother with him! ! [Please vote for m

On the front line, so many battleships are ready to go!

All it takes is a command to launch it!

Their country will fight for the peace of the village!

"Come here...it seems safe for now?"

Many representatives looked at the images on the huge screen at the village association and felt temporarily relieved.

Fortunately, the roof is still strong.

There are no stray bullets flying around yet!
The meteorite shouldn't fall down either.

But for some reason, such a big Zhang Lingtian felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.

It's as if God is looking down at the ants.

quite a while.

Each one came back to his senses with a bright light.

Yes, their own people are here, and there are also Li Zhao and even the grandmaster-level leader of the external agency. Since this god of death has been recruited, he must not be able to attack his own people!


However, looking at everyone's expressions, only Boss Tian sneered!
You underestimate him!
This person is far from as simple as you think.

At this moment, Boss Tian saw this face, especially when it was magnified dozens of times and hung on the projection screen. His face looked extremely ugly and he broke out in a cold sweat for no reason.

There is no doubt that Zhang Lingtian brought back very painful memories for him!
If possible, he really wanted to give himself a few slaps, so that he could understand why he was here.

It's okay now, Zhai Sheng will definitely win without a fight!

And he will be buried in the cold like another senior who was sprayed, with only the words "dig your own grave" on the epitaph!
If the roof collapsed, wouldn't this be a tomb?

He walked in by himself, so it makes sense to dig his own grave, right?

Thinking of this, he scratched his chest hard and his heart beat violently!
You asked him why he didn't get up and leave immediately?

The Lord of Hell has come in, and the other party can see the situation inside the venue. If he directly runs away from the camera for a close-up, there are literally a thousand ways to die when he leaves.

Here you can also bet on the one in ten thousand chance that Tu Fang is not so crazy and will not die together!

It's worth it to them though.

"Hello everyone, I am Zhang Lingtian, the owner of a white goods shop."

After entering the village association's live broadcast room, Zhang Lingtian greeted everyone in front of the camera.

However, no one expected that such a simple greeting would explode both online and offline.

"Mr. Zhang, hello!"


"Mud trench."


The entire village association was extremely harmonious. Everyone even raised their hands and waved to Zhang Lingtian.

And he greeted Zhang Lingtian in rabbit language with various accents.

This very harmonious scene made all the Rabbit representatives stunned.

What's the matter!

I have never seen such a chorus of hands raised during voting.

The five-star general Maiser's chest ached when he saw this scene!

Damn Zhang Lingtian, since when did he have such appeal!

Is Golds-Moore syndrome an infectious disease?
"Zhang! Boss Zhang! Is this Boss Zhang! Oh my God, he's so handsome!!"

"Ahhh! Is this the God of Death? Are you sure it's not my God Cupid? For the first time, I think yellow people are also super good-looking!!"

"Woooooooo! Boss Zhang, you have finally started broadcasting. Do you know how long I have been waiting for you? The wait makes my heart melt! So today, are you testing the luck of all the lucky people present? Especially Is this Mr. Maiseljun?"

"Boss Zhang, do you know that the scene at the village association meeting just now was so exciting. The five-star general Maiseljun was almost mad to death by Brother Zhao, do you know? Hahaha, people spurted blood on the microphone. , it turns out that intestinal piercing is not an exaggeration at all!"

"Mr. Zhang, you must be careful. The reason why this Maisel Army let you into the live broadcast room is to dig out evidence from you that you are not a normal person, but we all know that you are just an ordinary citizen of our country, so be sure to Don’t be fooled! Don’t let this Mercer Army succeed!!”

"That's right, now they have brought many ships to the surrounding areas and gathered them from all directions. If they are really tough, it would still feel a bit exciting! It would be better to find a way to block their mouths first so that they have no reason to offend. "

If you can switch to the satellite view at this moment, you can see that the rabbit is surrounded by darkness, and ant-like ships are heading towards it in three directions: east, west, and south.

Jiang Jiangguo is probably holding it back.

I want to show off my muscles and teach a disobedient wealthy man in the village a lesson.

It’s not that Mr. Zhang can’t do it.

It's just that it's a bit troublesome for the other side to use surprise to fight against so many ships.

And it is true that everyone has never seen Boss Zhang with full firepower.

So you need to give a warning in advance.

Don't fall into the trap of Jiangjiang Country's Maisel Army.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry to disturb you at this time. The main reason is that Mr. Maiseljun has a few questions to ask, which may delay you for a few minutes. Is that okay?"

Li Zhao, who was present at the village association, showed full respect for Zhang Lingtian.

"It's okay, just ask."

Zhang Lingtian said calmly.

"Okay! Then Mr. Zhang, please answer truthfully and don't have any scruples! If anyone dares to mess with you, we are your most solid backing, and you are not afraid of any threats!!"

Li Zhao looked at Zhang Lingtian at this moment and then looked around the audience.

This is Tu Fang’s confidence!
And if you can't even protect your own citizens, the self-confidence of the entire country's people will fall to the bottom!

Therefore, the order given by above is that no matter how successful this battle is, Mr. Zhang must not be allowed to be exploited by the enemy.

"Mr. Zhang Lingtian, I am Jiangjiang five-star general Maiserjun. I would like to ask you to answer a few questions for me. Can you swear by your faith to answer them truthfully?"

Mai Sejun looked at Zhang Lingtian on the big screen opposite.

"Pledge of faith?"

"This Maisel Army really has a trick."

"The God of Death also has his own beliefs, so swearing by your beliefs is basically betting everything on yourself!"


As soon as these words appeared, the scene exploded again.

After all, it is too much to ask Zhang Lingtian to swear by his faith!
However, this Mr. Maiseljun is indeed a resourceful five-star general. This move is directly equivalent to driving Rabbit Fang's death to a dead end.

If Mr. Zhang agrees, then he must not lie next.

If you don't agree, it means there is something wrong with the other party!
Another clever trick!
"Faith? Doesn't it normally mean swearing by one's personality?"

"That's right, usually everyone says to swear by one's own character or life, but you are directly talking about faith?"

"We usually only talk about our faith to gods. Didn't Jiangjiang, a double-standard dog, say that Boss Zhang is an android before? Doesn't this mean he has abandoned his previous argument?"


The rabbit friends cursed this Maisel Army for a while.

After all, it was clear that a trap was set for Mr. Zhang.

Li Zhao looked a little nervously at Zhang Lingtian on the screen.

I don’t know if this involves some of Mr. Zhang Lingtian’s rules.

If it's involved then use cue signals!
He had communicated with Nan Shiwen before that if Mr. Zhang Lingtian needed help, he could unscrew the mineral water bottle and drink water.

There is indeed a mineral water bottle on the table.

But as of now, Mr. Zhang doesn’t seem to need help.

"No problem, I will answer truthfully."

Zhang Lingtian said calmly in the live broadcast room.


Mai Sejun's eyes narrowed.

It seems that my plan is finally on track.

He can't deal with Li Zhao who is doing Tai Chi, but he can't deal with you Zhang Lingtian?
As for your question about whether Maiseljun thinks Zhang Lingtian is a god, he answered no.

Because I haven’t experienced it myself.

At the same time, his own belief is that he does not believe that there is a god in this world.

If there really is a god, then as a five-star general, the soldier soul in his hand can kill the god!

Of course, if you ask him if Zhang Lingtian is capable?

He felt that this person might have some abilities.

I guess it will predict something!
This type of witchcraft is also common in the East.

In fact, their country's history is indeed relatively long, and there may indeed be some mysterious and unexplainable things.

Therefore, swearing by faith may bring unexpected results.

He also understood that these people just believed in faith and lived by strong faith.

But one thing is certain.

That is, Jiangjiang Country, which has mastered modern weapons, is absolutely invincible!
"Okay! Zhang Lingtian, please answer whether you knew in advance that Boss Jiang Xisan would have a plane crash?!!"

Maiseljun’s voice became louder!
The eyes are also hotter than ever before!
Because as long as the other party says he knows, he can be completely labeled as an unstable factor and sent to the trial!
If Tufang forcefully protects them, he will fight!
After all, there is nothing wrong with maintaining world peace!
The reason is also very simple. How could a normal person predict in advance that something would happen to Boss Jiang Xisan, so the other party must not be a normal person.

"How insidious!"

"This Maisel Army actually asked this question and asked Death to swear by his faith. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Mr. Death to answer next."

"Ah, God, please tell me what the God of Death should answer next? Is he really going to be taken away by Jiang Jiang Country? No! I want lucky funeral objects!!"


Comments in different words were posted at this time.

There is no doubt that this is definitely a very difficult issue for Mr. Zhang Lingtian. No one with divine power can betray his or her beliefs.


"I do not know."

Maiseljun planned to use the method he used to deal with Li Zhao before and continue to force his speech to cause psychological pressure on Zhang Lingtian.

As a result, Zhang Lingtian never expected to directly answer with four words.



"do not know???"

"How is this possible? Boss Zhang, aren't you the Lord of Hell? How could you not know that something is going to happen to Jiang Xi?"

"It's not logical, it's not logical at all! Is Zhang Lingtian going to give up his divine power for Tu Fang's collection?!"

Both online and now, I am stunned!
Spring River, Washington DC on the bank.


And offline.

The members of Baishipu were also in the room.

It's just off camera, so I didn't enter the country.

When Maiseljun asked this question, they were also cursing each other for being too insidious. How should the boss answer next.

However, I never expected that the boss would actually answer.

And still don’t know! !

But what they didn't know was that Zhang Lingtian really didn't know what happened to Boss Jiang Xisan.

Because I have not scanned the other party's personal Douyin account.

Of course, the third boss of Jiangxi also has no personal fighting voice.

So I am telling the truth completely.

There is no such thing as violating faith, and besides, he actually has no faith...

After all, in the funeral industry, we only believe in the rules that have been left behind. To be more precise, we should say abide by them.

If he believed in any gods or evil spirits, he really didn't.

The village association meeting.

"You do not know??"

Maiserjun's eyes widened!
There was an inexplicable tingling pain in my chest!
Are you talking nonsense with your eyes open? !
How could you not know?
They have done data collection, and there is very tangible evidence to prove that Zhang Lingtian can make predictions.

"Then please prove that I know it, Mr. Maiseljun."

Zhang Lingtian said a word lightly.


Maiseljun's blood pressure increased, his cranial pressure exploded, and his energy and blood surged! !
It was even more dark before my eyes!
I was so angry that my nosebleeds came out!
After all, I am used to being straight-forward in military command. How could I ever meet someone who can show you what you know when you have such evidence in front of you? !

He finally understood why Li Zhao didn't stop him before.

He had heard of rabbit people being eloquent before.

There are even some allusions such as the eloquent tongue and Zhuge Liang's battle with Zhou Yu.

Knew it!
These guys are all the same damn thing!

He was so angry that he almost sent me away on the spot!

If he were in the military camp, he would have to find someone to scold someone for three days and three nights to relieve his anger!
"Whoever makes the suggestion is the one who provides evidence. Can Jiang Fang just rely on his mouth?"

Sure enough, Mr. Zhang did not disappoint him.

Of course, he will definitely not disappoint Mr. Zhang.

Immediately he stabbed the Maiser Army again.

"Usagita you!!"

Maiserjun's eyes were as wide as bells.

It was just a nosebleed just now, but now it spurted out suddenly.

"General, are you okay!"

"Call the doctor now!!"

"Bring up the oxygen machine too!!"

The assistant next to him saw blood spurting out from Mai Sejun's nose, and was so frightened that he greeted him like crazy.

"Hahaha, it is indeed the Lord of Hell. Are you going to make the Maisel Army angry to death today?"

"The five-star general of the Jiangjiang Kingdom, Maiseljun, died in the village association. The reason was that he was so angry."

"God, what kind of scene is this? If this continues, the Mercer Army will die!"

"I just spurted blood, and now I'm even spurting nosebleeds. The intracranial high pressure of the Mercer Army can blow up the village association!"

"Mr. Zhang is too strong. If the Maisel Army defeats the opponent, does it count as an unparalleled national warrior?"

"Why don't we go to Mr. Zhang's live broadcast room more often to buy gifts? I hope the other party won't target us."

Laughed, surprised, shocked, scared.

Mixed with various emotions.

There was no night or day on this day, just everyone watching the live broadcast together who was shocked.

In fact, many small countries are still very happy.

Because finally someone has suppressed Jiangjiang Country.

At the same time, they also saw the biggest Waterloo in Jiangjiang country in their lifetime.

Now I just don’t know if the five-star general Jiangjiang Country is proud of will be mad to death.

If you were pissed off, it would be a lot of fun today.

"It's okay. I'm fine. I just bled a little. It's not a big problem."

Maiseljun waved his hand.

How can a general not bleed!
The arena is also a battlefield!Bleeding is no big deal!

Let’s take down this high ground of sophistry first!

"Very good! Mr. Zhang Lingtian, please answer me. Among the thirty cases we have collected, among the people who visit you, and when you see someone during the live broadcast, you will make a daze action. Then we made inferences, and the accuracy reached almost 100%. You must be able to predict something, right! I guess you must have been scanning at that time? Don't quibble!!"

The Maiser Army showed its trump card.

That is, Zhang Lingtian often has slow movements.

The other party even made an edit to zoom in on his action.

So much so that everyone clearly noticed something was wrong.

"It seems to be true."

"Could this Zhang Lingzhen really be a bionic person?"

"Why are you so stunned all of a sudden? It's indeed Jiangjiang Country, and it can capture even this little detail! And it also provided evidence!"

"It's over, it's over. Boss Zhang is going to be exposed now. The other party must be looking through the book of life and death!"

"This Jiangjiang country is really shameful. It actually got the influence of Boss Zhang when he met the lucky audience. Who is this lucky fan? He actually used a pinhole camera to film. Can you please point out your face? If there is a war, If we start a fight, you will be the sinner of history!"

"Oh, what's the use of rushing the God of Death! What if an earthquake comes?!"

"So they are still very smart. They know that by broadcasting the live broadcast so that the whole world can see this scene, if it really collapses, it will be equivalent to admitting the identity of the God of Death."

"That person is dead, what can we do even if we admit it?"

There was a lot of discussion online and offline about the evidence produced by Jiangjiang Country.

It can be said that this is almost decisive evidence.

Zhang Lingtian could hardly refute.

At the same time, they noticed that there was even a trace of imperceptible panic in Li Zhao's eyes.


This is their fate!
"Judge Tu Fang! Judge Zhang Lingtian! These are the sinners who destroy peace!!"

"Hahaha, our country has won! Zhang Lingtian must be in our hands next! Otherwise, you will be finished waiting!!"

"Like all the previous meetings, our Jiangjiang Country won the victory in the end, no matter how hard you resisted! Next, the Rabbit Party must hand over Zhang Lingtian, otherwise you, as a destabilizing factor in the world, will have to bear the wrath of our Jiangjiang Country. !」

"You can't explain it clearly! Explain it quickly! Aren't you very good at making excuses? Let's try one more excuse!"

The little loyal generals of Jiangjiang Kingdom had an orgasm inside their heads.

At this moment, he was posting barrages like crazy!

At the same time, his face was full of joy!

Everyone seemed to have won the victory at this moment.

It’s as if they have subdued the rebel Usagigata!
It’s as if they have taken Zhang Lingtian as their own!

Became their own god of death in the country.

If he doesn't obey, he will die! !


All eyes in the world are focused on that big screen!

Zhang Lingtian!
In the future, his answer will change the fate of Tu Fang's country, and even affect the pattern of the entire world in the next few decades! !
"Answer me! Zhang Lingtian! Answer me!!"

"You can't answer, can you? Hahahaha, you definitely have no way to explain! Because there is definitely something wrong with you!!!"

The Maisel Army is getting more and more excited.

He even danced a little and slapped the table.

How can the opponent withstand this wave of king explosions?He can't bear it! !
Focus on everyone.

That handsome face.

Everyone in Baishipu was also nervous.

Because the boss's next words will really change the pattern of the world, and even trigger crazy actions in Jiangjiang Country.

But they really didn't expect that the moment when the boss received others was secretly recorded with a pinhole camera, and it became the evidence of today's party.

Li Tiantian and Su Wei may not have observed their boss deeply enough, but Jiang Xiaohan, as the employee who has been with her boss for the longest time, has actually discovered that her boss is like this.

It means that when you look at someone, the other person will be in a daze.

If you are in a daze for a moment, it may be nothing.

But if he stays in a daze for a long time, or even frowns, then this person's life or death is uncertain!But fortunately, Jiang Jiangguo didn't seem to notice that the boss could pay attention to others from a distance.

So what should the boss do next?

Li Zhao's heart was beating wildly at this moment.

Mr. Zhang, take a sip of water quickly.

When the code comes out, I will try my best to make it up for you!

"There does seem to be something wrong."

Zhang Lingtian rubbed his forehead.


As soon as these words came out, everyone's heart skipped a beat!
Finally stop hiding it!

Did he admit it?
So the tomb mode is about to start next?

"Hahaha——, Tu Fang, Zhang Lingtian admitted it himself, what else do you want——"

"Well, I feel like I've been losing focus lately and my thinking is inexplicably slow. I might be suffering from depression."

Just when the Maisel Army was extremely excited and was about to strike down Tu Fang with the holy sword for the final judgment, Zhang Lingtian's words rang out.

Three big gold characters burst out from the rabbit that had been cut through for protection!

depression! !


The Holy Sword of Judgment was shattered, and the Maisel Army spurted out another mouthful of blood without catching his breath, and his feet were even more unstable and he fell backwards!

In the end, there was only a series of grass and mud horses galloping in his mind!
depression? ?

Fuck depression! !
Does this have anything to do with depression?

It's simply shameless to the extreme! !

At this moment, the Maisel Army really collapsed. It collapsed under this strong excuse, which did not belong to the brain circuit of a normal person.

But he had no way to refute, because this ridiculous and outrageous reason was very reasonable! !
Symptoms of depression can be so fucking like this!

"Paramedics come quickly!!!"

"Oxygen machine! Oxygen machine!!!"

"Put the person down first! Put him down quickly!!"


The white coat rushed over at the speed of light.

The entire village association was in chaos.

Li Zhao was hiding a smile.

If you are a professional player, you may not be too hurt by this kind of attack, because people like them, who often act as spokespersons on the front line of international conferences, have stronger psychological endurance.

He won't faint from spitting out blood.

But it's different for generals like Maisel Army.

The other party is used to being straightforward.

And basically because of the special nature of the army, they often say the same thing, and everyone takes their old faces very seriously.

The other party had never experienced such a scene before. He was embarrassed several times in a row and put all his energy into cotton.

Apply hair with one hand.

I was so angry!
I have to say that Mr. Zhang found this reason really well.

I suffer from depression, so my thinking is slow, and I see people a little sluggishly and have difficulty concentrating. Is it normal?Quite reasonable, right?

at this point.

Victory and defeat!

Come to think of it, for decades, they, Tu Fang, have been bullied, made things difficult, and humiliated by Jiang Fang in this village association meeting. Today, they finally made a comeback!

And all this is because of Zhang Lingtian!

This man will be remembered by the whole world!

Use your own power to make all surrounding countries fearful!
Even in the last referendum, more than half of the people wanted to be a province.

This is the pinnacle of their history that has not happened since the end of their vassal state thousands of years ago.

Regardless of whether Mr. Zhang is a god or not, or whether he has special abilities, protect our Zhang Lingtian!
As long as he is there.

The spiritual pillar of rabbit people will last forever!

The chicken sticks and coconut monkeys around me don’t dare to jump around!

At the same time, as long as Zhang Lingtian is around, Jiang Fang will face unprecedented fear!
"Mr. Zhang, you are truly a hero of our country, an unparalleled national scholar..."

Li Zhao looked at Zhang Lingtian on the big screen and sighed in a low voice.

Because after the other party appeared, their country ushered in unprecedented confidence!
Rabbit Fang.

At this moment, netizens are really excited!
Some even shed tears!

"I won! I really won!!"

"This is the first time we have won so much fun in this venue! We really stood up! Thank you, Boss Zhang!!!"

"Five-star general! Brothers, do you know that when I saw the five-star general, I was dumbfounded! I thought I was dead this time. Brother Zhao might not be able to handle it and Boss Zhang might reveal his secret, and we would make the same mistake again. But we won in the end! This battle was well fought!!!”

"Eat dumplings! Eat dumplings! Brothers, eat dumpling juice!!!"


in reality.

Three or five old friends.

in reality.

Stay up late in college dormitory.

in reality.

Taxi drivers who still work hard in the dark night to earn money to support their families.

Lift up the beer and start drinking!
In the dormitory, I slapped my thigh and threw the pillow!

Exciting chats via walkie-talkie!

All in all, everyone was in a great mood! !

"Too strong! So shocking! So exciting! Boss Zhang yyds!!"

"Hahahaha, I'm so happy that my stomach hurts. I'm really rolling around like crazy on the bed. Boss Zhang, you have depression. I'm really laughing to death. I'm so impressed by your excuse! It's outrageous and so fucking reasonable. Dead! No wonder you can make me so angry that I faint! I have prepared all kinds of evidence, but you are still looking for excuses because you are so clueless, the key is that this excuse is very reasonable!!"

"Is this a ridiculous reason? No, no, no, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, this is not a reason, this is the fact. Who said that Boss Zhang can't have depression? Lao Mai! We are all honest people, absolutely not I lied to you!"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, we will definitely not lie to others! It's not like some countries that talk nonsense and want to frame others!"


There was also a carnival on the Internet.

Everyone enjoys this feeling that you clearly know that I am playing rogue, but because the reasons are reasonable and reasonable, you can't do anything about it!

You can only be so angry that your back teeth will be broken!
Then he was so angry that he fainted!


Not only Usagi Fang.

The village association meeting.

Representatives from many countries, especially those from small and oppressed countries, were in great spirits!

I can’t wait to stand up and shout for Boss Zhang!

Well done! ! !

Then give the warmest applause.

But they don't dare.

After all, the nominal village chief is still the Jiangjiang Kingdom, and they have the strongest military and economic strength in the world.

Although Tu Fang exposed an ordinary citizen suffering from depression.

But who knows whether this ordinary citizen will just protect Tu Fang Zhouquan?
If you just protect them, it will be a huge loss.

So wait and see!

If the other party says they can protect them, they will turn against them immediately! !
The scene was noisy for a while.

Then it quickly became quiet.

It turns out that the rare sect leader is back.

But when he came back, he looked around suspiciously, and his Alzheimer's eyes seemed to be wondering if he was in the wrong place.

After all, the originally very orderly Village Association meeting looked like a vegetable market!

My favorite general, the five-star general Maiseljun, actually fell directly to the ground, and there were many doctors at the scene to provide first aid!

How could this be the village association that Jiangjiang Country has dominated for so many years!
It's a completely different world!


Drop drop!
Accompanied by a sharp breath of oxygen.

The five-star general who had just been knocked unconscious by Zhang Ling miraculously woke up.

The opponent is holding the high podium with one hand!

There is also an oxygen tube hanging from his nostril.

He wiped the blood on the microphone, as if he was a weakling with three feet of blood that couldn't be killed.

Everyone at the scene was filled with emotion.

Sure enough, not everyone can be a five-star general.

Not only must you have good physical fitness, but you must also have good blood.

You see, the opponent was sprayed with blood several times, and even had nosebleeds due to intracranial high blood pressure. In the end, the medical team was able to stand up after just such a simple treatment!

Simply a miracle!


The Maiser Army removed the oxygen tube from their nose!
Then wiped the nosebleed!

He won't admit defeat!

It is absolutely impossible to lose!
He must use his army to capture the rabbit!

After all, so many soldiers are still waiting for him on the front line, waiting for his call, waiting for him to become famous!
"Cough cough."

Suddenly at this moment, a coughing sound surrounded him.

The rare sect master is determined.

This is his village association.

How could it be like this? He walked step by step with a solemn and sharp expression.


When Maiseljun heard the cough, he looked in that direction, and immediately tensed up and saluted.

"How did it happen?"

The rare sect leader said coldly.

When a fire broke out in Xia Weiyi, he went to direct the fire and approved the use of all federal assets to put out the fire. Because his lower body was leaking, he changed into a pair of trousers.

It didn't take more than an hour.

Why does it feel like this village association is like a different world?

"Boss, it's shameful! These bunny people are so shameful! The main thing is to have a weird idea and refuse to admit it and find some reasonable reasons for you! Are you angry or not!!"

The five-star general, General Maisel, briefly talked about what had just happened in the meeting place.

"Oh? Is that so? Then use this example to ask questions and see if they have anything else to say."

The rare sect leader gave George a look.

The next moment, George ran over with the computer.

"What are they plotting again?"

"The current situation is that Usagi-kata has won. In fact, no matter how hard we struggle, it is useless! If Usagi-kata insists on sending troops, it will be Shichu Mumei."

"Yes, Jiangjiang Country has become the biggest joke in the world now. I never expected that Usagi Fang would have such a day! I really underestimate them."

"I can't think of any reason to change the current situation so that Jiang Jiang Country can send troops smoothly without being criticized. They are probably thinking about how to save their own face, right?"

Everyone in the live broadcast room started chatting curiously.

Because now it is a completely dead situation for Jiangjiang Country, and there is no room for maneuver at all.

It would be nothing more than a shame to continue to hold on.

It's better to end this village association meeting early and go home to sleep.

"Jiang Fang, if you are not feeling well, I suggest you end this village association meeting. Facts and results prove that Mr. Zhang Lingtian is just an ordinary citizen suffering from depression in our country. I also hope that you will not disturb each other too much." , it’s time to rest at this point.”

The time was almost ripe for Li to take care of the situation, and he immediately said to Maiserjun.

Especially the rare sect leader is also here.

The other party should have the privilege to end the entire village association!
"Hahaha! Do you think you've escaped like this? Let me tell you Tufang, your little tricks are of no use! Next, I want to ask the last question! Everyone here is a witness to your crimes!! !”

However, Li Zhao's words had just finished.

The eyes of the five-star general Maiserjun shined!
It was as if a defeated general whose holy sword was shattered and his body was shattered after being critically hit suddenly had a divine light injected into his body!
Then he was resurrected with full blood!
The Holy Sword of Judgment even grew several times larger!
The fierce holy light was once again emitting, intending to strike at the victorious party who had already put on a red robe.

It’s not that the Maisel Army is arrogant.

But he has a reason to win!

"Jiang Fang! Please pay attention to your words. Your unprovoked attack on us and our ordinary citizens is an immoral act that is despised by the international community!!"

Li Zhao frowned slightly.

What did the master of the rare sect say to the other party just now?
Why is the other party so confident?
"Ordinary citizens! Xia Weiyi is on fire! And it's still a big fire, you know? Tu Fang!"

Mai Sejun stared at Li Zhao.

The other party may have had time to prepare for those things before.

But the fire in Hawaii just happened, it is still fresh and hot. He wants to see how you, Li Zhao and Zhang Lingtian, make it up! !

"Xia Weiyi is on fire? What does the fire have to do with us? Jiang Fang, didn't you just have blood flowing back into your brain? We still recommend that you go see a doctor. After all, your health is important."

Li Zhao didn't understand what this sentence meant at all.

What does Xia Weiyi's fire have to do with Mr. Tu Fang and Mr. Zhang Lingtian?
Isn't this just nonsense?

I'm totally out of my mind!

"Do you know when it happened? This is the time!"

With that said, Maiseljun mobilized a photo through PPT.

That was a comment in the live broadcast room,
Belongs to Bob.

"A young man from our country made such a remark! He just cursed you, Zhang Lingtian, as a yellow-skinned monkey, and then the fire broke out! Look! Isn't this evidence? This is your revenge. evidence!!"

"If you don't give us a reason today! Then our ships will go up to demand justice for our citizens!!!"

"I will give the order now to gather all the ships!!"

Maiseljun shouted loudly!
Unprecedented anger burst out in his eyes!

After all, we finally got the initiative!

It's really refreshing!
Screen switching.

Appearing on a certain ocean at this moment!

Densely packed, that is a Sou Sou ship!

There is no doubt that no one dares to touch Jiang Jiang Country!


Li Zhao was stunned.

An emergency!
What should I answer now?

Mr. Zhang, can’t you restrain yourself a little?
"Usakata! Answer me quickly!!"

"And you! Zhang Lingtian! Give me an answer, otherwise you will see our ships appear on your coast early tomorrow morning!!"

"Don't underestimate our determination!!"

The screen that switches is the live broadcast shooting scene of the Jiangjiang Kingdom warship.

Be brave and high-spirited!


Just the second after Maiseljun's voice fell, an accident happened unexpectedly!

The live broadcast screen suddenly burst into flames!

Then bursts of black smoke enveloped it!

It turned out that a ship had exploded.


There was a sigh of relief at the scene.

What is the situation!

Why did Jiangjiang's ship suddenly explode?

"The Jiangjiang Kingdom's ship seems to have been hit by something!"

"Yes, the ship was indeed hit!"

"Based on the circumstances of the explosion, it looks like it was hit by a missile."

"Missiles? Who is so bold!!"

"Could it be that the Lord of Hell stopped pretending and just sent divine punishment?"

"I guess the Lord of Hell doesn't want to hear it anymore. Let's teach him a lesson. This Maisel Army is also good at provoking the Lord of Hell. Why?!"


There is a lot of discussion online and offline.

Everyone was shocked!


Some also had an epiphany!

Isn’t this the scene of divine punishment from the King of Hell?
"Ah? This? What's going on???"

The eyes of Maiserjun, who had been aggressive and condescending just now, had an unprecedented shock in his eyes!
"Usakata! You are so fucking brave! You actually dare to attack us!!!"

The next moment, the Maisel Army reacted!

It must be them!


He was completely furious!

He pointed at Li Zhao and the others angrily! !
"Ah? San? San'er's??"

Soon a call directly to the front line was connected, and the Maiser Army was ready to issue an order directly!
Teach Usagi some lessons!
As a result, I was stunned when I heard the report from the front line.

"General! Our ship was traveling in the Third Brother area and was heading towards its destination, the Tufang Sea Area, when it was suddenly attacked by an unknown person. After emergency investigation, it was found that it came from Third Brother. It has currently caused the explosion of a ship and the casualties are being counted. !Please advise!!"


It's amplification!
Everyone there can hear it!

Everyone at the Instant Village Association looked at Representative Ah San!
Is the other party going against it?

Otherwise, why would anyone have the guts to attack a passing warship from the Jiangjiang Kingdom! !
A person cannot be judged by his appearance, I really can’t tell!

Everyone knows that the other person is closer to Jiang!


The third brother representative at the scene was focused by thousands of eyes at this moment, and his face was filled with question marks.

There is no such thing!

He didn't receive any notice of this at all!

What the hell is this? ?
... (end of this chapter)

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