I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 272: So angry that you vomited blood and died? !Believe it!Believe it! ! [Want to update on


The pressure would not disappear but came to San'er. Li Zhao, who was almost out of breath just now, slowly exhaled.

At the beginning of the incident, he almost thought that there was a tense situation here, so the rear directly chose to use force to divert attention.

But after thinking about it, this is completely impossible. Now is not the time to show swords with Jiang Fang!
Once the sword is drawn, one side will be riddled with holes.

Then other ants will come and eat you.

Therefore, the instructions above are to exercise restraint no matter what, block their mouths, and let them become unknown soldiers.

If it was truly offensive, then their counterattack would be justified.

After all, although Jiang Fang is strong, he cannot act recklessly on the entire village!

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the third brother next door.

At this moment, Li Zhao looked at the third brother who was now under pressure, and then glanced in the direction of Zhang Lingtian.

This sudden accident is indeed high-end, diverting attention and causing trouble!
But was this really done by Mr. Zhang?

Li Zhao was confused.

Although there is no evidence, this coincidence is unprecedented.

How did the other party deflect the third brother's missile?

Is this really an accident?
But even if Thaksin believed that no one present would believe it.

Accidents are called accidents because they are rare. If they come at a moment's notice and go away at a moment's notice, what is it called an accident? This is called a conspiracy!

It's just planned and premeditated.

Many people at the scene were like Li Zhao, as if they wanted to see through Zhang Lingtian.

After all, the accident happened so quickly, just after the Mercer Army forced him, so Zhang Lingtian must have something to do with it.

"God, Death's acting skills are really good!"

"That's right, that's right, the other party's surprised expression matched so well!"

"I wonder if Mr. Death graduated from a film school before. I feel that his acting skills are really very crooked!!"

"Didn't you say that you are slow to react due to depression? Then what's going on with that confused expression in real time!!"

"This thing tells me something. When Mr. Death doesn't want to answer something, something will happen."


There was no overt shouting, the representatives were all whispering in private.

Now they can be sure that the acting skills of the God of Death Zhang Lingtian are definitely not outstanding.

Because they couldn't see through it, especially because the other party's eyes actually contained surprise!

You are the initiator, why are you surprised! !

"I am a senior graduate of the Beijing Film Academy. I have been a bit player in several TV series. I want to become my mentor to Boss Zhang. His expression is that of an actor!"

"What a coincidence, classmate, I am a teacher at Beijing Film Academy. At Mr. Zhang's level, I can already analyze a paper. It doesn't look like a performance at all. It's like a real expression of true feelings. He is so perfect." Acting skills are integrated with reality. No wonder the other party can lurk for such a long time. In addition to thesis, I plan to use it in acting teaching. "

"Hey, hey, hey, please control yourselves upstairs. Mr. Zhang, a great actor, didn't know that ships can explode, so this expression is normal!"

"Please highlight the key points. Our boss Zhang is just an ordinary citizen with depression. Please stop putting so many labels on him. Moreover, this is a missile from the third brother's family. What does it have to do with boss Zhang? When did the next door Third brother has become Boss Zhang’s?"

"Third brother: Oops, I'm a substitute! Oooooo(╥﹏╥)o."

"We are sitting in the village union, and the blame comes from the sky. What kind of unlucky thing is this! Boss Zhang, you clearly know that Jiangjiang is my godfather! How can my godson betray his father? You are setting me up for injustice!! "


There are not so many rules and regulations in the live broadcast room, and it is boiling at the moment!

Students at Beiying Film need to become apprentices, and teachers at Beiying Film need to record teaching materials and even write a paper for analysis.

The reason is also very simple, that is, the expression is just like the real thing, which is simply impressive to all professional presentation practitioners.

spring river.

Jiang'an Huafu Community.

"I would say that the boss's acting skills are at the level of a movie actor. Look, everyone who came out of Beijing Film Academy directly worshiped him."

Li Tiantian and the three of them were at the door of the room, and they all turned on the live broadcast at the same time.

They can all see some of the barrages and comments on the screen.

Naturally, this also includes the comments and comments praising his acting skills. Li Tiantian feels that what everyone said is really correct.

She thought so a long time ago!
"What did Brother Tian major in before? Film and television acting?"

Su Wei was very curious about his boss's expertise.

But because they are much younger than their boss and graduated from college five or six years ago, they have almost never heard their boss talk about their university and major.

It was obvious that neither of them knew the answer, so they looked at Jiang Xiaohan.

As the longest employee at Baishipu, the other party worked here part-time during college. Normally, he should know the boss's major.

"Don't look at me, I don't know either."

Jiang Xiaohan spread his hands slightly, with a look of helplessness on his expression.

Because I really don't know the boss's major, and I haven't heard the boss talk about it, but one thing is certain, that is, the boss did not graduate from the acting department.

After all, when they first started working as self-media anchors, their boss was very awkward in front of the camera.

Naturally, she had met classmates from the acting department as a student at the art college. Both men and women were very calm in front of the camera, and they didn't seem to be jerky like the boss at all.

"Sister Xiaohan, what do you think of the boss's acting skills?"

Tiantian brought up a topic.

I would like to hear Jiang Xiaohan comment on the boss's acting skills.

"What acting skills?"

Suddenly Jiang Xiaohan blinked.

"Miss Xiaohan you??"

Li Tiantian was stunned.

Sister Xiaohan, has her body been taken away? ?

There is no way the other person doesn't know what they are talking about.


Su Wei was also in a daze.

"Do you think this is staged? I don't think so. Maybe the boss really doesn't know."

Jiang Xiaohan added.

I feel like the boss is really not acting this way.

In fact, she also firmly believed that it was her acting skills before.

Later I found out that the boss actually didn’t know how to act, maybe he couldn’t control his ability!
Of course this is guesswork.

"Sister Xiaohan, you have completely become the boss's loyal general."

Li Tiantian reacted and gave Jiang Xiaohan a thumbs up.

This flattery goes deep into the bones! !
However, Zhang Lingtian can actually see the barrage and comments on the other side.

At this time, others are actually a little messy.

San'er's missile hit Jiang Fang's ship?
He was completely confused by what was happening! !
In fact, the Internet said that he acted well, but what he actually wanted to say was that he didn't act at all, so of course he was good! !

After all, that is a true expression of emotion!
But this is too much of a coincidence!
Protector! !
Two words appeared in Zhang Lingtian's mind for no reason at this moment.

Maybe my system will protect the Lord!

That is, when the system detects a potential threat, the system may take action!

It must be so!
Zhang Lingtian's thoughts slowly became clearer.

After all, I have gone through so many things. If I am still stupid, my life will be in vain!

It's just that I don't know the rules of the system yet, so I have to slowly get used to it and confirm it gradually.

But in fact, the system was overly concerned. Even if there wasn't the matter of Third Brother's missiles, he could still easily deal with the Maisel Army.

After all, the main thing is to refuse to admit it.

The village association meeting.

It was still the frightened and confused third brother, but this time the other party made a phone call.

After all, this is a global live broadcast at this moment, so the third brother must know about it.

At the same time, he also felt his godfather's anger. In order to avoid being suspected of having any intention of wearing a pair of pants with Tu Fang, he immediately explained this.

"Drill? You told me this is a drill???"

The spokesperson of the third brother answered at this moment, and then Maiserjun suspected that he was alive.

That expression looks like cannibalism!
"Yes, we, we are practicing, but after the projectile went out, there was no way to control the direction, and it hit us somehow."

The spokesman for Third Brother was cautious.

Damn it!
What are you doing practicing at this time?
The pressure that should have been on Usagi's body was inexplicably transferred to himself, and he was really crushed by this!

I can only tell the truth and hope to receive forgiveness and understanding!
Otherwise, if the other party wants to beat them, they will not be able to fight back at all.

"You guys haven't debugged it yet, so what kind of drill are you doing!!!"

Maiserjun slapped the table hard!

Not only the representatives at the scene, but also all the water friends could feel the surge in the pressure on the skull of Mather through the screen!

That is true.

San'er should be regarded as Jiang Fang's younger brother.

Being stabbed by a younger brother, who wouldn’t feel uncomfortable and who wouldn’t get angry!
"Compensate! We will definitely pay for it!!"

The spokesman for Third Brother said solemnly.

After all, this has happened, and they really did not do it unintentionally. So if they should pay for it and ask for forgiveness, then they should pay for it and ask for forgiveness!
Absolutely no force!

Of course they just don't move!

They don’t know when their god will revive.If you recover, you won't be afraid of this bastard Jiangjiang!
The third brother next door thinks that since Rabbit can revive the gods, then they must be able to do it too!
It's just a matter of time.

Regarding the previous events, the third brother had already regarded Zhang Lingtian as a resurrected god, and even this insidious god even blamed them.

"Compensate! You must pay! Otherwise this matter will never end!!"

Maiserjun, whose cranial pressure increased sharply, slapped the table and roared!
The reason for this is that he can't do anything but get angry now!

The key point is that there is nothing worthy of their revenge. Everything must be based on reciprocity of interests.

In short, if they spend so much manpower, material and financial resources to do one thing, they can't just do good deeds without leaving a name, and get no benefits at all, right?
Taking down Zhang Lingtian can make some of Rabbit's powers crumble!
It is even possible to set the other party back for several years or even longer.

But what can you get by attacking San'er?
You can't steal the water from their holy river, right?
Besides, the other party is basically the younger brother of their camp. How about slapping the younger brother to death?Didn't he get stabbed again and lose a younger brother?Venting your anger is definitely not the best solution.

"Hahaha, why is Third Brother so strong!!"

"Sure enough, it is the most powerful missile in the world. It cannot be detected by radars around the world after it is launched. It depends on who you hit."

"As long as I can't find it myself, no one will know where I sent it, not even spies!"

"Brownian motion bomb! So scary!"

"Third brother is always so funny. I declare that third brother is the strongest fun player besides the rare sect leader!"

"A joke is a joke, but it can threaten you, and the other person's goal has been achieved! For example, this time, when you saw that the sauce had exploded, you could only knock out your teeth and swallow it in your own mouth. We are completely different from the other party in this regard. It’s a level up!”

"Let me put it more realistically. This effect is comparable to Qian Lao's ballistics. The trajectory is unpredictable. Qian Lao's ballistics is similar to floating in the stratosphere. This thing is outrageous. I don't know how to describe it. .”

"Is it difficult? This thing is like turning around three times blindfolded, and then throwing a stone behind you. You don't know where it will go. Isn't it appropriate to use it here?"

"What the hell? The guy upstairs is awesome!!"

"Indeed, this example is awesome!"

The global live broadcast is still going on.

Of course, the rabbit friends were extremely excited, and even happily chatted about the secret weapon of the third brother next door.

This terrifying combat power really makes people take a breath away.

Some water friends even made a very appropriate metaphor.

Of course, some water friends feel that the opponent's ability is far beyond theirs.

After all, Jiang Fang was stabbed and could only stare.

If this knife was stabbed by them, they would probably enter the End of Dharma Age in the next second.

"Oh my God, what kind of day is it today? I actually saw Jiangjiang Country being destroyed twice in a row. This time even they themselves were bombed and he could only be hysterical!"

"God told me, a pious person, not to continue. If I continue like this, there may be unpredictable disasters!"

"That's right, this is actually more like a warning from the God of Death. You were showing off your muscles and the opponent probably flew a stone over and burned a hole in your muscles."

"God's punishment has begun! If Jiang Jiang Country continues to persist, it will only bring disaster!"

At the same time, many foreign water friends also spoke.

Each of them looked like they were seeing the essence through the phenomenon, thinking that this was a warning of disaster.

If you continue, you will definitely embark on a path of no return.

"And you! Zhang Lingtian! You must also be responsible for this matter!!!"

Just in the hustle and bustle of the moment.

Maiseljun pointed directly in the direction of Zhang Lingtian!

That furious tone brought everyone back from their thoughts!

Sure enough, this matter is not that simple.

It is impossible for my little brother to bear the consequences of this knife alone.

"Jiang Fang, why should Mr. Zhang be responsible? It can't be because he put washing powder on the launch button, causing the third brother to slip and press the wrong button, right? This is the scene of the village association, everything must be based on evidence! !”

The opponent still wanted to struggle, but Li Zhao immediately pushed forward!
What does this have to do with them?

If you have anything to do, please contact Third Brother!

"Teru-nii is so annoying!!"

"Back then, you used washing powder and a mouth to kill a family in the village. The family was broken up and the wife was separated. Why are you using the same method to deal with us now?!"

Brother Zhao's words received support from rabbit friends.

They all despised the Maisel Army!
"Li Zhao, please don't change the subject and make unnecessary struggles. I just want to ask why the missiles arrived on our ship when I asked Zhang Lingtian, an ordinary citizen of your country who suffers from depression, to give me an answer?!!"

Maiserjun sneered!
The ticket is in hand.

Jedi counterattack!

This unexpected incident is really a good one! !

Li Zhao directly asked three words in response to this aggressive question.


Maiseljun suddenly found himself stuck.


because of what? ?

"Because Mr. Zhang controls the third brother, the big boss?"

Li Zhao smiled jokingly.


The Maisel Army gritted its teeth!
"Then why did we have a fire in Xia Weiyi? Why did Bao Bo become a burnt-skinned monkey? Is it because the words of the yellow-skinned monkey deeply stimulated you, so you took revenge! Zhang Lingtian, I want you to answer!! "

Pictures of the Maisel Army's killing blows were released.

The other party was interrogating.

At this time, everyone's eyes were also looking at Zhang Lingtian, expecting what the other party would answer.

"Answer me! Don't hesitate! You swore by your faith that you would never lie!!"

Seeing Zhang Lingtian's eyes hesitate for a moment, Maiseljun immediately roared hysterically as if he had grasped Tu Fang's life gate!

"I'm sorry, my thinking has been a little slow recently, and I often have trouble concentrating. This depression is really giving me a headache and I often slow down."

Make you anxious!
Zhang Lingtian, who suffers from depression, is still slow.

"Depression indeed!"

"What a great performance!"

"Do you believe in the god of death of depression?"

Barrage ensued, and I have to say that depression has indeed been developed to the extreme today.

"Then please answer my question! Come on! Is that true or not?"

The Maiser Army clenched its fists!

"Depression! Fuck you!!!"

At the same time, he gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

The sound was sharper than being squeezed out from between the teeth!
He can be sure that Zhang Lingtian does not have any depression, he just made it up.

"Actually, I didn't even notice this barrage unless you told me."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands in front of the whole world.

The expression is full of helplessness.

Didn't notice?
Many people were stunned for a moment when they heard this, and then had an epiphany the next second!
This is a good argument!
I didn’t notice it, so I didn’t even know about the Xia Weiyi fire!
Another hair extension! !
"You don't know? How could you not know! Do you think we are all fools?"

"You are deliberately retaliating! Why don't you dare to admit it! You are worthy of your beliefs!!"


The Maisel Army was completely angry!

The eyes are bloodshot!
He yelled hysterically without any regard for his image.

"Okay, I admit it, I admit it."

Zhang Lingtian sighed helplessly and shook his head.

"Hahahaha——, hahahaha——, you should have admitted it a long time ago!!!"

Maiserjun was in an extremely happy mood.

He was laughing wildly.

Finally won this battle! !
Even if you are good at debating, how can you escape in the face of this ironclad fact?
"But you must at least provide evidence that I saw this comment first. Oh, and evidence that I flew to Xiaweiyi and cut your wires to cause a fire."

Zhang Lingtian looked at Maiseljun faintly.

"You ask me for evidence!"


A brace!

Overjoyed! !
The five-star general Maiser spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and the man was hit hard. His life and death were unknown!

"Quick, paramedics!!!"

At this moment, the entire venue was in complete chaos!
The master of the rare sect frowned.

He knew that there would be no way to judge and force them to submit today.

The village association also ended at this moment.

"It's over, it's over..."

"We have provoked the God of Death, what should we do next?"

"The five-star general Maisel's army is dead. I told you not to provoke the God of Death. Now I've paid the price!"

"Old man with diarrhea, you are too old to be buried with us."...

The live broadcast is over.

The meeting is dissolved.

The scene at the venue shocked everyone.

At first, everyone was a little scared and uneasy about Zhang Lingtian.

At this moment, the doomsday emotions of Jiangjiang people were directly detonated!
After all, this is the God of Death!

The fire in Xia Weiyi hasn't been extinguished yet!
At the same time, a volcano also erupted!
A minor earthquake was even detected in the Imperial City! !
If they say it has nothing to do with this man, they won't believe it to death.

"Too strong, too strong!"

"I want to know if it's still too late to pay tribute to the Lord of Hell?"

"It's too late, it's too late! This is a good idea! We must have a good relationship with the Lord of Hell!"

"That's right, Jiang Fang always talks nice but does nothing, and even uses us as spearmen. But Tufang not only won't do this, but even sponsors us for a long time. He is a qualified and good brother. Even in the future, even if It’s the Lord of Hell who protected us a little, and we have nothing to fear!”


Several small countries came together.

They are discussing whether it is too late to pay tribute to the Lord of Hell.

As the saying goes, if you fail to steal the chicken, you will lose the rice. Not only did Jiang Fang fail to succeed this time, he even made Zhang Lingtian famous.

"My colleagues, I actually want to pay tribute to the King of Hell. How much do you think is a suitable reward?"

Suddenly at this moment, a representative of the camel kingdom came elegantly with a white cloth on his head.

"I plan to give this number."

Seeing the colleagues with white gauze on their heads coming, one of them silently stretched out a finger.

"I'm also going to point out a finger. It's better for everyone to be more in sync, otherwise it will become a bidding war for rewards."

Others agree with the number on one finger.


The man with a white gauze on his head nodded.

After all, just follow the crowd!

I don’t want to stand out in particular.

All you need to do is spend money to eliminate disasters.

"When are you all going to give rewards?"

asked the leader of a small country.

"It seems that I see that the Lord of Hell is still online at the moment. I will give you a reward later. If it is broadcast, we will have to wait for the next time."

"It makes sense, let's do it now."

"I'm coming."

One by one, they took out their mobile phones.

Then prepare to collectively pay tribute to Zhang Lingtian to pray for peace.

"Does everyone carry this much money with them?"

The representative with a white turban on his head was a little confused and muttering.

But since everyone is talking about giving rewards now, there is no way that I will fall behind.

So he took out his phone and asked his secretary to open an account in Camel Country.

Because everyone opens the vest under the name of their own country, then they must be the same!
Ping An Bai Shi Pu Dou Yin international version live broadcast room.

"Everyone, please go to bed early. It's time to prepare until five o'clock. Since everyone is so enthusiastic, I will chat for the last 10 minutes."

After quitting Lianmai Video from the Village Federation, Zhang Lingtian originally wanted to turn off the live broadcast, but as a result, a large number of water friends flooded into the live broadcast room.

All from all over the world.

Everyone hopes that he will not go off the air so soon and say a few more words to everyone.

After thinking about it for a while, he agreed.

As a result, I found out that it was almost five o'clock.

Staying up all night is still not good.

The last limit is 10 minutes.

"Boss Zhang, can you tell me when the next live broadcast will be? I feel like you have already forgotten about the live broadcast!!!"

In the international version, the most popular thing is the live broadcast.

"I also want to know, God, do you know that Boss Zhang's lucky funeral gifts are really great!"

"If it starts airing, I can collect lucky funeral objects again. I really want this thing because it will help me a lot!"

Foreign water friends are also looking forward to it. Of course, they are all greedy for the lucky funeral objects.

After all, that thing played a great role for them.

"I'll take some time to plan it, because it's not too sure now, especially since I'm going to attend the award ceremony for outstanding crime solvers next time. As for the lucky funeral objects, I can only watch the next live broadcast for details. I will I’ve posted some, but I don’t know if it has any effect. I suggest you not to be too obsessed with this illusory thing.”

Zhang Lingtian spoke very sincerely to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

To be honest, everyone said that lucky funeral objects had various functions, but in fact, he didn't feel them at all.

But if you really want it, just send some of it yourself.

But he doesn't know if it has any effect. After all, he doesn't even understand the principle yet.

[The Douyin system prompts you: The user 'a delivery boy' has rewarded you with 666666 Dou coins and attached a message Mr. Zhang. I want to thank you in front of the whole world. I am the delivery boy for you. The hospital examination results are out! 】

Right at this moment.

A golden barrage appeared on Douyin International Edition!
The other party just drifted by slowly.

This is none other than Wei Dajun.

When his test results came out, it can be said that Mr. Zhang saved his family.

"Brother, has it been detected? What's going on?"

"Oh, I asked about that sentence again. Is it too late to be a delivery boy now? I want to deliver food to the Lord of Hell!"

After Wei Dajun gave the reward, comments followed one after another.

Everyone is still somewhat impressed by this takeaway guy.

"The test results are out? Take care of your health! I will return the money to you later. I make money much easier than you. How can I ask for your money?"

Zhang Lingtian noticed Wei Dajun and said immediately.

He wanted money from a delivery boy who was working hard to run orders, but he felt uneasy accepting it.

And I never thought about getting the other party's reward or anything like that.

"A delivery boy: Mr. Zhang, please accept it. If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have died! Thank you for saving me and my two daughters! This is what I just recharged. Don't be too short. I hope Don’t be rejected, because it is my heart!”

Chunjiang No. 1 Civil Hospital, Wei Dajun sent the message.

"How's it going? Does your chest feel better?"

Soon a Mediterranean doctor who was checking around his bed asked patiently.

"it's better now."

After Wei Dajun tipped one month's salary to Boss Zhang, he looked at the doctor in front of him and nodded.

I have an inexplicable chest pain tonight.

The doctor said he almost died.

If you continue to deliver food tonight, it may even cause sudden death from blood vessel rupture, cerebral hemorrhage or myocardial infarction, especially if you climb stairs to deliver food in the early morning.

Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on his back.

Because at that time he almost wanted to take a takeout order.

You can get five yuan for that order.

The only thing is that there is no elevator on the sixth floor.

If he really accepted it, he might actually die suddenly on the road.
He was really scared when he thought about this.

After all, he still has a wife and two daughters.

What should they do if he dies suddenly?
Your life will definitely plummet in the future, and you may even completely change your life trajectory without even knowing it.

So giving Boss Zhang a month's salary as a reward is nothing.

Is your life worth this?
It's a pity that he doesn't have more money, so he can only treat it as a token of his gratitude.

"Okay, let's end it here for today. A few policemen will come over in a while. After they question you, you should have a good rest, okay? You must not stay up late. You must take good care of your body. What if you lose your life?" It’s all gone!”

The Mediterranean doctor explained to him at this moment.

"Yeah, you must have a good rest. You must have a good rest."

Wei Dajun nodded heavily.

"Eh? Doctor! What are the police doing with me?!"

Wei Dajun was stunned.

The whole person looked at the doctor in front of him with a stunned expression. It was now almost four o'clock in the morning, almost five o'clock in the morning.

The police came to look for you in person?what happens?

It’s impossible to log into Douyin International Edition just because of yourself!

"You'll know when they arrive soon. I just received a notification from the leader."

The doctor said that he only listened to the notice from his superiors, and he really didn’t know what the police were asking about.


Wei Dajun lay silently on the hospital bed. The ward was a three-person room, but there was no one in the other two rooms, so he had a large room to himself.

"Boom boom boom——"

Not long after the doctor left, there were knocks on the door.

"Come in."

Wei Dajun responded, and then three policemen, two men and one woman, walked into Wei Dajun's ward.

"Hello Mr. Wei, we are the Xijiang police. My name is Xia Jing. I came here today to find out something about it."

The leading policewoman sat next to Wei Dajun's hospital bed and introduced herself at the same time.
"Huh? If you have anything to do with Officer Xia, feel free to ask."

Wei Dajun was actually a little confused, but since the police said they were here to understand the situation, it shouldn't be his problem, and he just had to cooperate.

"We saw that you left a message online saying that your two daughters met a man with messy hair and a military green coat tonight. Is this true?"

Xia Jing asked.

What happened tonight was very special. It happened that the colleague on duty for this case saw this comment.

In addition, Wei Dajun's daughter lives in Dingxian, so the journey from the Xijiang border to Dingxian is actually just over 100 kilometers.

So they came over urgently to understand the situation.

"I definitely can't joke about this! Of course it's true!"

Wei Dajun said excitedly at this moment.

His daughter told him personally, how could it be false.

Besides, if it weren’t for Mr. Zhang, his daughter might really have suffered an accident!
He cried so hard that it made him feel so sad!

At the same time, I also secretly hate it!Why didn't you catch this bastard!

Even the little girl in junior high school wants to bully him!

"Mr. Wei, do you think he is this person?"

Xia Jing took out a photo from her bag.

"It seems that this person is somewhat similar to what my daughter described, but I have never seen him. My daughter may recognize this person."

Wei Dajun was curious why the police had this person's photo.

But I can't help now.

After all, he has never met this man, and he can only describe his general appearance because of his daughter.

"Mr. Wei, can you have a video call with your daughter? Because this matter is very urgent, we need to confirm whether it is him!"

The policewoman looked at Wei Dajun.

It is obviously inappropriate to ask the other party to contact his daughter at this time.

But this case is very special, so finding this person a second earlier will save one harm.

Because this person can be called crazy!
"But we are only getting ready at five o'clock now. The fastest my child will have to go to class tomorrow is six o'clock. Can't you be an hour later?"

Wei Dajun was a little embarrassed, because his daughter must be sleeping at this point, and it was very inappropriate to disturb him at this time.

"Mr. Wei, do you know? This is a rapist and murderer we have been chasing. He makes a living by begging. He is extremely capable of surviving in the wild and has a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance. This is why we are looking for him so late tonight. The reason why I fucked you.”

Xia Jing told Wei Dajun truthfully.

Because only sincerity is the most effective way.

If there was any way, they wouldn't have found this place so late, so they would bother the other party to inform their daughter.

"Rape and murderer?!"

Wei Dajun's pupils tightened when he heard this!
He is obviously a man, but for some reason he is particularly afraid of hearing these words.

"Yes, so far, he has harmed five women, and none of them survived."

Xia Jing's tone was filled with anger and helplessness.

These five also include students, and their common characteristic is that they walk alone.

It took several days after the killing to find the body, which is why it took them so long to catch the man.

He can hide corpses and himself!

The other party came forward last night and was seen by the police investigating the case. The other party was excited for a long time!

Everyone dreams of catching this guy!
"Okay, I'll find my daughter for you to see."

When Wei Dajun could not return these four words in his life, his whole body was like a lightning strike!
It turns out that his daughter and the others met such a dangerous person last night. I don’t know why he even had a little luck. Maybe his daughter recognized the wrong person.

"That's him! That's the man!!!"

Five o'clock.

My daughter seems to be in a bad mood. She seemed to have had a nightmare last night.

And the moment she saw this picture, the little girl was completely blown away!
She pointed at the photo very excitedly and shouted, Xiaoxue will never forget this face. The murderous look in her eyes last night is deeply engraved in her mind.


Wei Dajun's body was a little cold, but he didn't expect it to be really cold! !

Five o'clock.

"Mr. Wei, have a good rest!"

Xia Jing and the others got the clue and started planning non-stop.

People's walking speed is limited, and it took about seven hours from ten o'clock last night to now.

Most likely I will take a rest at night.

In other words, there is a high probability that the other party will be in an area of ​​about 20 kilometers around where Xiaoxue and the others met this person, and they will focus on investigating nearby villages.

After the police left, Wei Dajun took out his mobile phone and prepared to enter Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast room again to give him a reward and thank him.

There is still more than 4000 yuan in his card.

But now he feels that money is something external to him.

Because if there was no boss Zhang, his daughter might be gone. If both daughters were gone, then why would he need all the money?

Everything becomes no doubt!
However, the moment he entered Zhang Lingtian's live broadcast room, Wei Dajun was dumbfounded.

[System prompt: The Kingdom of Wacha rewarded 1 million Dou coins, and said to pay tribute to the Lord of Hell! 】

[System prompt: The Kingdom of Allah rewarded 1 million coins and said to pay tribute to the Lord of Hell! 】

[System prompt: Fei Geguo rewarded 1 million Dou coins and said to pay tribute to the Lord of Hell! 】


Row after row of gold shines brightly!

That is a special honor that can only be awarded with a reward of [-] million coins!

Many people's eyes lit up when they saw it.

One hundred million is one million.

"Haha, this is a collective tribute to Boss Zhang!!"

"It's better to believe in Zhangjiang than in Zhangjiang, right? Zhangzhang will keep you safe."

"This proves that Mr. Zhang left a deep impression on everyone at the village association!"

When water friends saw such a large reward, they were really envious, but no one was jealous.


The three people in Baishipu became energetic when they looked at the data in the background.

In less than 3 minutes, Baishipu made a profit of 700 million yuan, which is still a huge amount! !
Because the international version counts Jiang Yuan! !
A total of seven people rewarded 100 million Dou coins!

"Thank you for the reward, wow, Allah, Brother Fei... I wish you all the best, and don't tip me. I'm going to start broadcasting at [-] o'clock. Good night, good night, everyone!"

Zhang Lingtian's eyelids twitched when he saw 100 million floating around!

These people are so generous! !
However, just when Zhang Lingtian was about to go off the air, the sound suddenly got stuck.

Immediately afterwards, a scorching sun bloomed that shone throughout the live broadcast room and affected all international and domestic users.

[Douyin international version system loudspeaker broadcasts across the entire network: Dear users from the Camel Country rewarded 'Ping An Bai Shi Pu' with 100 billion dou coins, and also said to pay tribute to the Lord of Hell. 】


Not only did the entire international version of Douyin explode.

Even the domestic version exploded.

Seven hundred million! !

Users from Camel Kingdom rewarded [-] million! ! !
"Eh? How weird? Why are you so quick and they don't even reward me for being the first???"

holding cell phone.

A man wearing a turban showed a puzzled look.

As for Zhang Lingtian, he also stood there stupidly for a long time.

this number.

Isn’t it a bit?Outrageous? ?

06: 30.

School time.

A girl from junior high school was wearing a floral skirt and riding a pink bicycle on a country road.

The towering trees on both sides are like guards standing guard.

She was also in a great mood.

However, she didn't notice that a man wearing a military green coat was 200 meters in front of her, and his eyes were already fixed on the girl.

... (end of this chapter)

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