I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 281: Seeking death?The Lord of Hell is angry!Very serious consequences! ! [Want to update pl

The National Commendation Conference for Model Crime Solvers was officially held at 02:30.

Those present at the scene were all the heads of the General Administration and this professional pyramid.

As the director, Nan Shiwen serves as the host of the national commendation conference for model crime solvers. He wears white clothes.

This was the first time Zhang Lingtian saw the other party wearing this kind of clothes. Before they met, they always wore small black jackets.

There is no doubt that this very meaningful commendation meeting is broadcast live nationwide. At 02:30, the exclusive live broadcast room opens.

Various media reported on it.

As for the scarf hot search list, the other party directly occupied the top position.

[The top national commendation conference for model crime-solving experts was held]

[1. Major murder suspect Gao Xinhai was captured]

[2. The police held a press conference to report the entire incident]

[3. Zhang Lingtian and his assistant Jiang Xiaohan arrived in the imperial capital]

【4.Pig punishment】

【5. The Consolidator of Justice, the Prince of Hell of Criminals】

[6. Baishipu live broadcast broke five Guinness world records]

[7. Jiangxi’s family expressed their agreement to hold the funeral]

[8. Jiangxi’s family arrived safely]

[9. Mu Jiangwen had no reply to a netizen’s question about whether he agreed with Boss Zhang coming over]

[10. According to Brother’s reply, does the funeral count?]


The hot search list for scarves is very popular at the moment.

The criminal suspect Gaoxin Kelp has created a new word, pig punishment.

And many of them are reported around his incident that caused him pain and made onlookers feel happy.

in the hospital.

Gao Xinhai himself also stopped a lot today.

After all, everything is a foregone conclusion, what else can I do?
Continue to scold Zhang Lingtian?

He doesn't dare anymore!
After being scolded on the spot last night, I suffered a backlash.

Now he has reason to suspect that those who target Zhang Lingtian will be targeted first!
If I had known, I would have let the pigs eat me in the cave!
He was devastated after learning that he was incomplete.

Especially when he was allowed to watch TV in this room. There were barrages on the TV, all of which were the result of netizens' disdain for him.

There were four police officers guarding the room.

There are six outside.

In this case, it is basically difficult to fly even with wings.

a normal person.

Waiting for death is undoubtedly the most torture and fear.

But this torture was nothing compared to what he had committed.

As for the hot search list, in addition to the hot searches related to Gao Xinhai's sin, there are also hot searches related to Jiang Xi's funeral.

Yesterday, Jiang Xi's mother Li Xi posted a message agreeing that Zhang Lingtian should hold a funeral for her daughter. As for where the funeral should be held, it could be held at Xiaowa or in their hometown.

As an elderly person, she had no objections.

The only thing is that if the funeral is held in Xiaowa, I hope that her daughter's ashes and belongings can be brought back.

Not to mention ashes, just a touch of soil.

As for the relics, there are basically no relics. So far, I have found a burnt fingernail, which belongs to Jiangxi.

The other one is the ring that Jiang Xi wears on her finger.

It was the day the search ended, and the search team was preparing to come back, but they never expected that they happened to see a ring on the way back, and Jiangxi's family members who passed by Xiaowa identified it as belonging to Jiangxi.

Jiangxi's mother, Lixi, cried with joy when she received a call saying that her daughter's belongings had been found again.

So she hopes to bring these things back.

If possible, it would be better to go back with more soil from the site.

If the funeral is really held in Xiaowa.

The person who cannot be bypassed the most is naturally Mu Jiangwen.

A large number of netizens volunteered to contact the owner of Little Frog, Mu Jiangwen.

He also asked whether Boss Zhang would greet Xiaowa when he held a funeral, just like Jiang Xi.

Not only rabbit friends, but also frog friends have left various messages on Mu Jiangwen’s social media.

The other party often uses black X software.

This is a software with a black icon and a big 'X' inside.

Mu Jiangwen likes to use this thing the most.

Just today she was still praising the rare sect leader.

"Are you pretending to be dead?"

"It's quite positive to praise someone's stinky feet. I asked you if Boss Zhang would greet you when he came over, but I didn't reply for a long time!"

"Actually, it's better to see the situation clearly. We are the most powerful, so why should we rely on others?"

"The Village Association really showed me our self-confidence. It is our own self-confidence. I believe that the bald head will sigh when he sees it."


They themselves were much harsher than the rabbit friends opposite them. After all, the fun of the frog friends was to curse Jiang Wen when they had nothing to do to relieve stress.

In social software, when you click on Jiang Wen’s account, you just want the other party to give you a reply.

"Boss, there are more and more people leaving messages here. What do you think if Zhang Lingtian comes to our place to hold a funeral?"

Although across the sea.

But they can fly over.

It's impossible to shoot down the opponent when it's flying over.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to stop the other party from coming.

"Hey, what is this? Why would this Lixi agree to such an outrageous request? I really can't understand it!"

Mu Jiangwen's face looks a little not very good today.

Mainly because he felt that Lixi had lost the face that belonged to Jiangjiang.

Now all circles in the village are laughing at him.

What, didn't you say you don't believe in God, then why did you leave the funeral to Zhang Lingtian?
Is it even possible to hold a funeral in a foreign country?
Two-faced man!
It can be said that Jiang Fang's face was lost after this incident came out, and his prestige fell to the bottom.


When the assistant heard what his boss said, he naturally didn't dare to make a mistake.

Then just follow the boss.

Neither Frog Friend nor Rabbit Friend waited for Mujiangwen's reply.

Then everyone changed their mind and asked Brother Zhao whether what the other party said at the speech would count?

[Li Zhao: I saw many people sending me private messages asking whether what I said at the speech was true. I emphasize here that not only are they true, but we can also lower the price of Boss Zhang’s funeral. I will answer all questions globally. The only Just a small request, just a large quantity. 】

Li Zhao updated it on his scarf.

"Stop pretending! Why don't you pretend anymore!"

"I understand, let's turn on the global dungeon mode next, right?"

"Now I know what the hot search that dominated the list for more than ten days in a row and even refuted the rumors meant. I understand that the boss is spying on the secret No. 1, but it's a pity that we didn't believe it at the time!!"

"Why do people call me the boss who understands? He really understands!!"

After Brother Zhao said these words, everyone was instantly activated by the memory recovery method, and they remembered the hot search of the mayor of the global village.

It dominated the scarf rankings for a long time and set a record for scarf dominance.

Initially, many people thought it was Boss Qiu who had sinister intentions and was throwing dirty water, especially Boss Zhang who clarified the matter very sincerely.

Now I exclaim, the boss who understands really understands! !
They missed each other! !

At this time, the boss who was far away in Jiangjiang Country Sanatorium was sleeping.

After all, it was after two o'clock in the morning.

But it can be expected that the other party will be confused when he wakes up.

At the same time, I would like to say that I was really throwing dirty water at that time... Who would have thought that this dirty water would actually become a guide for the other party.

Of course, these are things for later.

This scarf is still on the hot search list.

The fact that Zhang Lingtian and his assistant Jiang Xiaohan went to the Imperial Capital was also reported. It had been in the news before. Of course everyone knew what Boss Zhang and his team were going to do.

Go to the National Model Crime Solvers Award Ceremony.

It can be said that there is almost no objection from the whole country to the awarding of this award to Boss Zhang. After all, the performance of the other party is the best proof. Can you give me a refutation basis?
You can't say he cheated!

The question is who makes the suspicion and who gives the evidence. You show the evidence of cheating.


absolutely not!

Everything is the best possible surprise!

This sentence summarizes the other party's entire case-solving process.

You see, even the police described him like this. Because of his special observation ability, he was like a god who helped him solve several major cases and caught the spies lurking around him.

This is the other party’s winning introduction.

So you have to be convinced even if you are not convinced.

If you have the ability, you also use your special observation skills to solve some difficult cases of the police?Or even catch some spies for fun?
Can't do it?
Then what else do you say!
So basically no one is dissatisfied.

After all, what Boss Zhang is doing right now is something that is beneficial to society and is maintaining public order in the entire society.

Even if some special means are used, it doesn't matter. As long as it is beneficial to the general public, no one cares.

So today the commendation conference for crime-solving experts was held, and netizens were very enthusiastic.

In less than 1 minute, tens of millions of people flooded into the live broadcast room.

When this entry topped the trending search list for scarves, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room instantly reached 200 million, and it is still increasing linearly.

This was only within 5 minutes of the meeting.

No one knows what data can be obtained from this live broadcast. A rough estimate may be very shocking.



"Chunjiang sent a congratulatory message."

"Wunan sent a congratulatory message."

"These people who are here to win awards are all the masters of solving crimes in the criminal investigation industry!"

"Yes, it is absolutely impossible to come here without two brushes, but I am curious where Boss Zhang is?"

"Isn't this easy to find? He's the one without uniform."

"What the hell? Then, is that Boss Zhang?!"

"Oh my god, is Boss Zhang dressed so handsomely today?"

"Sisters, I'm in love! Boss Zhang's outfit will instantly surpass any celebrity!!!"


Many people entered the live broadcast room.

Congratulatory messages were sent out one after another.

Many girls originally wanted to come in and watch the masters who solved the crime.

Of course, there are still some who are staring at Boss Zhang.

After he came in, he looked carefully for Boss Zhang. The moment the camera caught sight of him, the girls were stunned, and then they became infatuated.

Because he is really handsome.

At the same time, he also sent screenshots to his own small circle.

[A group of rich women from a certain university]

"Xiao Shui: Sisters, come and watch the National Model Crime Solvers Award Ceremony, it's going to be so exciting!!"

"Yue Zhu: Why are you going to see this? We are not interested in criminal investigation."

"In my last life, I burned kilns and now I am studying medicine: Yes, the experiments haven't been completed yet. It's a complete waste of time to go and see them."

"Pharmacology is both a dog and a dog: Have you done the experiment? Xiaoshui, you actually have time to see this kind of thing? Are you going to take the forensic exam in the future?"


This is a dormitory group of a certain university.

A group of girls tortured by drugs showed an extreme lack of interest in such award ceremonies.

In fact, many people in universities are like this, and no one cares about this kind of awards.


"Xiao Shui: Picture.jpg"

Okay, then I'm going to see the handsome guy. Alas, I originally wanted to go with you, but unfortunately you are not interested.


"Yuezhu: Give me the link! Link!!!"

"In my last life, I burned kilns and now I am studying medicine: Wow! You secretly appreciate handsome guys without me, right?"

"Pharmaceutical science is both a human and a dog: leave pictures but no links, the paper is all splicing, I'll give you three seconds!"

"Xiao Rui: I have a friend..."


The group exploded!
Even the roommate of the Ten Thousand Years Diver was blown out.

"Xiao Shui: Didn't you say you were going to do an experiment? Why are everyone asking me for a link? And Xiaorui, I remember you said you were not interested in men. / Dog Head."

Xiaoshui was still very surprised that the girl named Xiaorui was revealed.

After all, the other party said that she is Lily, so don't mention men other than relatives in front of her!

"Yue Zhu: I advise you not to be ignorant! Be careful if I sleep with you at night!"

"Pharmacology is a dog and a dog: fuck the experiments! Get out!"

"In my last life, I burned kilns and now I am studying medicine: What is the experiment? Can it be eaten? Can it increase lifespan? No! The other party can't! But look at this handsome guy. Who is this? He's so handsome!"

"Xiao Rui: Huh? What are you talking about? Did I say that? By the way, this person looks like Boss Zhang? He can't be Boss Zhang!"

This is not an isolated case.

The screenshot of Zhang Lingtian's video went viral today, just sitting there quietly, so handsome!
"Photographer, please give me more shots of the boss."

"I would call this brown suit the strongest!!"

"This is called earth color. It is a solemn color and the color that buries all opponents!"

"Don't ask me why I fish at work. I want to see a man that even my mother is so obsessed with that she reposts it in family groups."

Many netizens joined in, creating another storm of discussion.

The photographer didn't know if he was urged to do so by his wife at home, but he actually gave Boss Zhang a lot of shots.

"Didn't you realize that the assistant is also very nice?"

"Don't say anything, just appreciate it silently."

"I'm a woman, and I also want to say that Xiao Mengpo's black dress is a perfect match. If you don't know, you might think they are attending some celebrity convention, hhh~"

In fact, no one pays much attention to the award ceremony, because it is basically the same old opening, speeches by leaders, etc.

Everyone pays more attention to the two people's clothes and appearance.

Just watch quietly.

The nympho girls were chatting.

Unknowingly, half an hour passed.

"Thank you, Director Hong, for your wonderful speech and work instructions. Indeed, special talents like Mr. Zhang should be reused and their strengths should be brought into play. Then we will move on to the next step and win the honor of the national model crime solver. 32 award-winning colleagues presented the awards, and invited Tang Shufen, Zhong Xiong, Zhang Jinghua, Zhou Junmei... to come on stage to receive their own honors!!"

While Nan Shiwen was speaking, people in police uniforms stood up one by one.

"Finally the awards are given!"

"Every meeting is like this. The leader just gets to the point after half an hour."

"As expected, all the big guys involved in criminal investigation are experienced."

"The work of criminal investigation is not something that ordinary people can do. It is extremely tiring. Especially when there are some cases that have not been solved, the pressure is self-evident."

Sailors are talking.

Some of them may even be police officers.

After all, his speech about criminal investigation work seemed very familiar.

If you are not an insider, it is basically impossible to say this.

"I would like to invite our most special Mr. Zhang Lingtian, who has received the honorary title."

Nan Shiwen invited Zhang Lingtian.

Everyone on the barrage said that Boss Zhang finally took the stage, and as expected, the protagonists were all underdogs.

"Boss, it's your turn."

Assistant Xiaohan was sitting next to Zhang Lingtian. Normally, she was not qualified to participate in such a meeting.

She was favored by her boss, and she was still sitting in the second row.

At this moment, he reminded the boss next to him in a low voice.


Zhang Lingtian stood up.

"Clap clap-"

Seeing this person, the only person in the audience not wearing a police uniform, the audience burst into the warmest applause.

Even the director-general above was applauding.

Only people in the industry know how valuable this honor is.

And for someone who is not one of their own to get such an honor, it depends on how much effort they put in and how much performance they have achieved.

"Mr. Zhang, congratulations. Please give your speech. Each speech can last up to 1 minute!"

Nan Shiwen personally put the strip on Zhang Lingtian's shoulders.

It has the words 'National Model Crime Solver' written on it.

The camera in the live broadcast room scanned all the award-winning models, and finally stopped at Zhang Lingtian.

He was also the last one to press the bottom of the box.

Basically, you can give a speech after receiving an honorary title.

But the time is relatively short.

It can only last for 1 minute at most.

"Thank you, Director Nan. In fact, I feel very surprised when I stand here. I have nothing to say. I hope our society can have a stable environment. I also hope that all unsolved cases will be solved as soon as possible. I also hope that the crime rate in society will decrease." , one day we will become the safest country in the world with the lowest crime rate."

After Nan Shiwen put a big banner on him, Director Hong presented him with a certificate, a medal, and a super-large check.

There is a bonus of 10 yuan printed on it.

Zhang Lingtian also spoke during this interval.

To be honest, he never thought that one day he would stand in this place dedicated to the police, and he didn't know if he had gone astray.

After all, at the beginning, I just wanted to be a funeral man quietly. Who would have thought that in the end, I would become an expert in solving crimes.

Still standing on this glorious award podium.

Since the introduction of the system, everything has changed.

Take pictures.

group photo.

Then all the winners took a group photo.

Zhang Lingtian came down.

However, he didn't know that when he was standing there alone taking a group photo, many people turned off the barrage and started taking screenshots.

What Master Li?

What Li Feng.

What Ji Kun, bah, this doesn’t count, this is an insult to Boss Zhang!
Anyway, it was announced today that Boss Zhang killed all the so-called male gods in the entertainment industry in one instant! !

Zhang Lingtian returned to his position.

"Wow, boss, what a big certificate."

As an assistant, Jiang Xiaohan naturally took the boss's things and carefully opened the certificate.

To be honest, Jiang Xiaohan felt like she had seen the world.

She never thought that she, a white shop employee, would one day come to such a sacred site because of her boss, and personally touch a certificate similar to that of a national moral model.

She didn't know whether the boss knew the gold content, but she checked it herself and the certificate was indeed very valuable.

"Indeed, I have to thank Director Qin for helping me submit these information."

Zhang Lingtian sighed with emotion.

He still had a high sense of honor at this moment.

"Mr. Zhang, please stop thanking me. I, Lao Qin, am so grateful to you that I want to marry my daughter to you directly. And if you don't have so many achievements, it will be useless even if I help you submit more information. By the way, this medal is not made of copper alloy, it is made of pure gold. It’s a pity that Lao Qin, I don’t have the ability to get such a medal in my career.”

When Qin Yan heard Zhang Lingtian say thank you, he had a splitting headache.


That's very welcome!

Just say that Qin Yan can bear this word of thanks?

At this age, he originally planned to retire in the criminal investigation team.

As a result, Mr. Zhang led Fliggy teammates and directly promoted him.

And it was also respected.

Give him the opportunity to participate in the National Model Crime Solvers Award Ceremony.

Normally he would never come to this place in his lifetime.

Because it is not qualified.

At most, they can participate in the provincial awards, and that’s it.

As for this medal, he only has copper alloy...

It’s the kind rated by the province.

This pure gold was placed in front of him, and to be honest, there was a look of envy in his eyes.

He doesn't know about other places.

But in their current police world, this is a reward with a high sense of honor, similar to touching model figures across the country.

"Director Qin, isn't this the surprise you were talking about before?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked Qin Yan as if he had thought of something.

This medal is quite heavy, probably weighing [-] grams.

The market value is huge.

Of course, this thing cannot be measured by money, but more by a sense of honor.

"What, how is it possible? This kind of thing that everyone has, how can it be the surprise I am talking about? Since it is a surprise, it must belong to Mr. Zhang alone."

Qin Yan shook his head and answered, his expression still looking very mysterious.

"What the hell is it?"

Jiang Xiaohan thought for a while after hearing this.

To be honest, she was a little confused now as to what surprises there were at this award ceremony.

Could it be that the boss has an extra bonus?
The award ceremony was a certificate + a medal + a bonus of 10 yuan. The photo taken just now was with a certificate, medal and an Agricultural Bank of China check with 10 yuan printed on it.

There should be nothing else besides that, right?

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'll tell you soon. Mr. Zhang, just wait."

Qin Yan looked at the host Nan Shiwen above.

"Then I want to see what kind of surprise Director Qin is talking about. He actually kept it secret for such a long time."

Originally, Zhang Lingtian didn't have much expectations, but the other party kept saying that he was a little curious.

Then wait and see.

Look what medicine is sold in Qin Yan's gourd.


Jiang Xiaohan silently made a plus one gesture.

"Congratulations to all the honor winners above, let's move on to the last step of the day. Of course, it's not the end. After all, there are still three and 10 minutes left. In the next three and 10 minutes, we will announce a very important decision!"

Nan Shiwen continues to host.


When he finished saying this, there was an uproar below.

"What important decision?"

Netizens have been paying attention, and everyone also wants to know what decision the other party is planning to make.

The number of people in the live broadcast room now reaches 300 million.

TV stations and the like don’t count.

This was at least a decision witnessed by millions of people.

"Sentence Gao Xinhai to death directly?"

"Promote pig punishment as a means of punishment?"

"Pfft——, everyone really misses Gao Xinhai!"

"Hahaha, the pig punishment one is really awesome, but this one is really a punishment and deterrent!"

Because I haven’t said it yet.

So everyone is speculating.

The Internet is also a bit loud these days.

Is it because

"This is a notice of personnel appointment and dismissal. It will be handed over to Director Hong."

Nan Shiwen quietly retreated.

"Huh? Personnel appointments and dismissals? Could it be that Qin Yan is going to be promoted again?"

"Actually, it's normal for Director Qin to be promoted. After all, the other party has always believed in Boss Zhang unconditionally. If he is the kind of manager who not only distrusts but also restrains others, I guess Boss Zhang wouldn't be able to do so many things."

"Yes, so I think this Qin Bureau should be promoted. If the other party leaves, will the next one be as supportive of Boss Zhang?"

This personnel appointment and dismissal made everyone speculate.

Is it Qin Yan?
In fact, the other party also played a big role.

It can be regarded as the initial talent of Boss Zhang. At that time, Boss Zhang had not yet grown up. It was he who overcame all opinions and asked Boss Zhang to become a special talent of the police.

"Personnel appointments and dismissals??"

"Is there another item like this? It seems I haven't mentioned it before. Have you received the notice?"

"No, there was no notice at all. I only found out now."

"You've done a really good job keeping it secret. I guess it's Qin Yan, right?"

"I don't think so, maybe it's the boss Zhang Lingtian. After all, his ability is obvious to all."

The police officers present were a little confused.

Because there was no news about this when they came here before.

Could it be that Boss Zhang won the award? Chief Qin, who had invited him to the police station before, was about to be promoted again.

Speaking of which, he was only the criminal investigation captain and deputy director before.

After Zhang Lingtian solved several major cases, the performance of the Chunjiang Police Department was very good.

It didn't take long for him to take over the old director's position.

Now it actually needs to be upgraded?

But envy is envy, and no one is jealous.

After all, ask yourself, if Zhang Lingtian appears in the place under their jurisdiction, can he do the same as Qin Yan?
These things are subtle.

If it is not done well, it may not have the desired effect.

In addition to guessing Qin Yan, others also guessed Zhang Lingtian.

But this sound is small.

Because the other party has already won the honor of being a national model crime solver.

"Hello everyone, I am Hong Yuan."

Director Hong didn't even hold the manuscript in his hand, but directly picked up the microphone and faced everyone.

"Clap clap-"

There was a burst of applause.

"In order to maintain public security, promote justice, and consolidate order, the General Police Department has decided to establish a national key case research team, referred to as the National Case Team, after careful study. This department is affiliated with the General Department and can contact the whole country. Qin Yan, chief of the Chunjiang Police Station, has been appointed as deputy Team leader.”

After speaking, Hong Yuan looked in the direction of Qin Yan.

"Clap clap-"

The audience burst into thunderous applause.

The National Key Case Research Team is directly under the General Administration.

Qin Yan has been properly promoted!
It is possible that I may not have the opportunity to join the General Administration before retirement!

"Congratulations, Director Qin. Is this the surprise you were talking about?"

Zhang Lingtian congratulated Qin Yan.

Judging from the importance of this department, Qin Yan should have been promoted.

The other party's surprise was also a surprise to him.

After all, there will be someone in the General Administration in the future!
"Hahaha, Mr. Zhang, this is indeed the surprise I want to say. Don't just thank me."

Qin Yan stood up and smiled heartily, then walked up the steps.

"Old Qin succeeds in his old age."

Many netizens commented.

This also makes sense.

He is still the chief of the Chunjiang Police Station, but he has the additional position of deputy team leader.

It’s normal to wear two jobs.

"The same goes for Director Qin. He actually betrayed himself."

Jiang Xiaohan spread his hands.

"This is actually a good thing for us."

Zhang Lingtian said with a smile.


Jiang Xiaohan understood the boss's words.

"Recruit Zhang Lingtian, an expert in the national criminal expert database and a special talent of the Chunjiang police, as the deputy leader of the national key case research team."

While the two were talking, Director Hong's voice sounded again.


"Boss Zhang is also the deputy team leader!!"

"Recruitment! This is the real recruitment!!!"

"This is a good move by the General Administration. It gives full play to Boss Zhang's title as the criminal king of hell!"

"It seems that Boss Zhang will have a new title in the future. This title is Team Leader Zhang. Not to mention that it is very acceptable, the General Administration is also very sincere."

"Oh my god, I want to ask who is this team leader?"


After saying this.

The whole network cheered.

Some people can even predict the future social environment.

That is stability!
Crime rate reduced!
Most of the crimes that occur are impulsive crimes.

Because who of the premeditated type can hide this from Boss Zhang who has special powers of observation?You have to think about yourself before doing these things.

It is really possible that it will become what Boss Zhang expects in the future!
Low crime rate and the most stable country in the world!

Jiang Xiaohan raised his head suddenly!
After all, the two of them were whispering.

The next moment she saw a gaze looking in the direction of her and her boss.


Zhang Lingtian was stunned.

Call him?

Are you calling him? ?
"Boss! I didn't hear any hallucinations! I'm really calling you! You're also the deputy team leader!!"

Jiang Xiaohan touched Zhang Lingtian and said excitedly.

After all, becoming the deputy team leader means that your boss has entered the righteous team.

You no longer have to worry about your reputation being damaged.

It turned out to be a surprise.

Don't tell me, this is really unexpected.

"Me? Go up??"

Zhang Lingtian is in a daze now. He never thought that he would become the deputy leader of the national key case research team.

"Isn't this a surprise for Mr. Zhang? From today on, we are colleagues."

When Qin Yan saw Zhang Lingtian walking up, he immediately lowered his voice and asked, with a special smile on his lips.

"Nan Shiwen, director of the general administration office, was appointed as deputy team leader to be responsible for daily affairs."

Nan Shiwen also stood up from his seat.

This can't help but shock everyone.

Director Nan Shiwen is actually also the deputy team leader?

Then the level of this key project research group is too high.

The other party's office is not an ordinary office.

It's the kind that turns a room into a living room!
So the team leader is the deputy general manager?

In fact, this is quite good, as you can be directly responsible for all key and difficult cases across the country.

The level is also high enough.

"It's almost a shock. You guys are too flattering to me."

Zhang Lingtian didn't know what he should say at this time.

"This is not something I praise. I don't have the ability to do this myself. Director Hong arranged it."

Qin Yan and Zhang Lingtian were whispering on the stage.

"Hahaha, these two people on the stage make me feel like I saw myself and my friends when I was studying. What should I do?"

"It was super interesting when Boss Zhang was whispering to his assistant just now!"

"Isn't that cute expression when I'm called out, who am I, where am I, and what happened?"

The live broadcast room exploded again.

The number of people has also reached 400 million.

Various gifts dropped in.

Without him!

Have fun watching!
"As for the team leader, naturally I will be working part-time, so let's ask Mr. Zhang Lingtian, who is most familiar to everyone, to say a few words."

Director Hong handed the microphone to Zhang Lingtian with a smile.

There were only four people on the stage.

Nan Shiwen, Zhang Lingtian, Qin Yan.

Zhang Lingtian stood in the middle.

"What are you talking about? I think everyone praises me too much."

This was the first sentence Zhang Lingtian spoke, because he really didn't know what to say.

"Deputy Team Zhang, everyone is in a high mood and wants to hear something interesting from you. Isn't it just this?"

Director Hong still had that smiling attitude.

"Indeed! We still know how disrespectful it is."

"I believe everyone has a balance in their hearts."

"Boss Zhang, don't be humble, I want to see your domineering look at the village association!"

However, his words made many people shake their heads.

Because this is not flattery.

It is Mr. Zhang who has the ability to be the deputy team leader.

"Everyone who wants to hear practical information may be disappointed. After all, both Director Nan and Director Qin have more practical information than me. I am just a wild person. But since everyone believes in me and Director Hong trusts me, then I will live up to everyone. trust. But having said that, human energy is limited. I may not be able to do so many things, but since I have come here, I will do my best until I am exhausted. Maybe it will take a month or three. Months, half a year, a year, several years.”

The camera focused on Zhang Lingtian.

His tone was sincere and his eyes were firm as he spoke from the bottom of his heart.

Even with the system, he still has a clear understanding of himself.

I even know how much I weigh.

It is true that everyone raised him too high.

Maybe they don't think so.

But he knew very well how he solved the case, he solved the case through the system.

If one day the system's ability ceases to exist and he can no longer see the danger probabilities of others, then wouldn't he waste taxpayers' money and embarrass himself by occupying this position?

So he had to find a way out for himself in advance, a way out where he could escape unscathed.

Of course, if this phenomenon does not exist, then of course he can do his best to help the police.

If one day, through his own efforts, the crime rate of his country reaches the lowest level in the world and it has the best public security, then he will feel satisfied.

"Deputy Zhang, who is in the National Case Team, is thinking about retirement. He has been thinking of retiring since he took office. In fact, our key case research team is not that busy. Don't be fooled by the other party's name. Of course, I can also agree. If one day you no longer want to work, then you can take a part-time job as a consultant or something like that, but I hope that this employment term will be permanent. Let us work together for a stable environment and extremely low crime rate, and one day we will become the safest place in the world. The country with the lowest crime rate and work hard for life.”

Hong Yuan was still joking and talking light-heartedly at the beginning, but at the end, the other person suddenly became serious.And he said it seriously.

"Clap clap-"

Applause came from below.

Later, Qin Yan and Nan Shiwen also expressed some thoughts.

The time soon came to [-]:[-] in the afternoon.

Zhang Lingtian returned to his position with a gilded letter of appointment and handed it to Jiang Xiaohan.

The other party has a bag.

So he let her hold it.

"Knocked up."

"He really dotes on her. He gives her everything he owns."

"I seem to be reading a real-life novel called, "The King of Hell: Dote on Me to the Bone!"

"Excuse me, where can I read this novel? I'll give you a reward if I order it all!!"

"Hhh~, the sisters are so interesting, but I feel that the assistant is really Boss Zhang's best choice."

"It's too low, it's too low. Maybe Boss Zhang has already made his choice, so he refuses all kinds of blind dates."

However, neither Zhang Lingtian nor Jiang Xiaohan expected that this extremely normal scene would be misunderstood in various ways.

spring river.

Ping An funeral shop.

"Awei, do you think Sister Xiaohan is having trouble with the boss?"

Li Tiantian and the others were drinking milk tea in the tea room while watching the live broadcast.

Suddenly, I discovered that in addition to some necessary shots, this award ceremony contained many shots of their boss and Sister Xiaohan.

I don’t know if it was intentional by the photographer.

They also photographed the two together.

No, water friends on the Internet are very happy.

It's like falling in love.

Li Tiantian glanced at Su Wei next to her.

"I don't know. I feel like Brother Tian and Sister Xiaohan have a very normal relationship."

Su Wei spread his hands.

Anyway, he couldn't tell that Sister Xiaohan and Brother Tian were in love.

In the shot, the boss is handing something to Sister Xiaohan, nothing more.

"No, no, actually, Sister Xiaohan likes the boss."

Li Tiantian shook her head with a meaningful look on her face.

"Sister Xiaohan likes the boss? Do you? Why don't I see anything? Isn't it Li Tiantian again and you are just imagining it?"

Su Wei looked at Li Tiantian in a different way.

A little expert in gossip.

Brainstorm No. 1.

So he had every reason to suspect that the other party might be imagining it!
"Tch, you are just a piece of wood. You have no idea what a girl is thinking!"

Li Tiantian looked at him.

He pouted.

"It's impossible, right? Although I'm a straight man, there's no way I wouldn't be able to tell if a girl likes someone! I'm not blind!"

Su Wei saw that Li Tiantian's expression didn't look like he was just imagining things.

He frowned.

It’s not like you can’t even see this!
Isn't that blind?

"You're just blind! There are girls who like someone who can see. What can you see? You can't see anything! Just a piece of wood! It's just a piece of wood that's purely blind!"

Li Tiantian said angrily.

"No, why are you so excited? Why don't I believe you? I will observe more when Sister Xiaohan comes back."

Su Wei was confused when he saw Li Tiantian suddenly burst into anger with an angry look on his face.

He didn't step on her little tail, so why was he so angry?

"You..., I..., ah~"

Li Tiantian was so angry that a little ghost spit out from her mouth.

The live broadcast room also ends at this time.

Because the National Model Crime Solving Expert Award Ceremony ended at this moment with rounds of applause.

[Sticked to the top of the National Key Case Research Team. 】

Scarf, this newly established department has also become a pinned message.

[Huanqiu.com: The National Commendation Conference for Model Crime Solvers was held today. 32 representatives received honorary titles. The General Administration announced the establishment of a national key case research group, with the Director serving as the team leader and Director Nan Shiwen serving as the deputy team leader for daily affairs. The police department Director Qin Yan serves as the deputy team leader, and Zhang Lingtian, the honorary winner of the model crime-solving expert, serves as the deputy team leader. (over)】

Click in to see the information released by Huanqiu.com.

Also comes with pictures.

"Congratulations to Boss Zhang for receiving the new title and assuming the new position."

"Does this case team mean that the other party can go anywhere in the country to solve cases? Blessed, blessed! There were many unsolved mysteries in our county back then!"

"My mother has been missing for 25 years. There is no news so far. No one has been found after reporting the case. I remember that the woman finished threshing the grain and went to bundle the straw and then disappeared without knowing why. It was as if she had disappeared from the world."

"Upstairs, could it be that your mother ran away?"

"Actually, I hope she ran away, but the neighbors said that my parents have a very good relationship, and they really love my brother and me, so there is no way she could run away! Plus, we don't have to bundle straw when we run there. He ran away at some point, and the police speculated that something unexpected might have happened to him, and a criminal case was filed at that time, but there has been no progress after so many years."

Someone told what happened to them.

If this national case team can be mobilized at will to investigate cases anywhere, it will undoubtedly not be good news to them.

"Isn't this deputy leader unusual? / Dog Head"

"It's no need to ask. Although there is no clear level, look at the two deputy leaders who are the same."

"So you're wearing white clothes?"

Many people are asking Boss Zhang, is this team leader a serious team leader?After all, these two colleagues on the other side are not ordinary.

Someone even asked Zhang Lingtian if he had any clothes.

However, neither Zhang Lingtian nor Jiang Xiaohan saw the restlessness and various questions on the Internet at this moment.

Because they were on their way back to their hotel room.

In fact, even if you see Zhang Lingtian, you will most likely not respond, because this is a job with a normal salary but no need to clock in.

And he doesn't look at any of this.

"Boss, are we going to the Suolong Interchange on North Street in XC District soon?"

On the way back, Jiang Xiaohan asked his boss.

If you have to go through it, be prepared.

"Well, there's still time. There are two and a half hours from four o'clock to 06:30. Let's go over and have a look."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

Now that we are here, and I said in the live broadcast room yesterday that I would go there and have a look, I must not break my promise.

"it is good!"

Quickly returned to the hotel.

Li Tiantian took something and set off immediately.

"Hey, Xiaohan, isn't it heavy for you to bring these things with you? Why don't you just leave them in the hotel!"

Zhang Lingtian suddenly discovered that Jiang Xiaohan actually carried the certificate, letter of appointment, medals, etc. he had just received with him. These things were actually quite heavy.

"I'm afraid I'll lose it if I'm not around. If the boss is fine, I'll just take it with me."

Jiang Xiaohan said and opened the elevator door.


Zhang Lingtian couldn't resist and had no choice but to let her go.

And this time they just drove for a walk without getting out of the car, so they wouldn't tire each other.

It was just that the bag was a little heavy on the way to the parking lot and when I came back.

"Boss, will I drive or you in a moment?"

Jiang Xiaohan looked at Zhang Lingtian with her beautiful eyes.


"Just be the co-pilot quietly, I'll drive by myself, and I'm not drinking either."

Of course, he did not doubt Xiaohan's driving skills.

Although Xiaohan drives less, the other party's driving is still relatively stable.

The other party has also driven by at high speed, so Zhang Lingtian is not worried about safety issues.

The main reason for the refusal was that Zhang Lingtian wanted to open it himself.

Especially since driving is not a big deal and I haven’t been drinking, there is no need to worry at all.

"By the way, have you seen the car arranged by Director Nan? I didn't even have time to see it."

Suddenly Zhang Lingtian asked as if he had thought of something.

He left the car to Xiaohan for docking.

"Yeah, I've seen it. It's a Volkswagen car. Boss, this is the key to our car. Director Nan's secretary said that we can find the car as long as we come down and press the unlock button."

Jiang Xiaohan took out the car keys.

This was given to her by Director Nan’s secretary Xiaoliang.

The elevator door opens.

The two of them had arrived at the parking lot on the first floor of the hotel.

Zhang Lingtian took the car key and pressed it lightly.

Not far ahead, a black car turned on its lights.

"Santana, it's not bad, not bad."

Seeing that the car arranged by Nan Shiwen was Santana, Zhang Lingtian nodded with satisfaction.

Today, he specifically told the other party not to arrange a luxury car for him, but just a simple family car. As for the license plate, it shouldn't be too special or it would be inconvenient.

Then the other party arranged such a car for him. It was Santana's top model, which was pretty good.

When you go out, you won’t become the center of attention and attract onlookers.

"The inside is also very clean."

Jiang Xiaohan opened the car door. She didn't know much about cars but she also knew that Santana, like her boss's Passat, was a Volkswagen model.

"Come on up, put your bags in the back seat, we're ready to go!"

Zhang Lingtian put on his seat belt.

Basically, all the interiors of this car are pleasing to the eye, and the most important thing is that the driving habits are similar.

Nan Shiwen is still very thoughtful.

The license plate is also a very ordinary license plate with letters and numbers. It is not even Emperor A, but Emperor Q.

It's really an ordinary car, pretty good.

He also didn't want to attract too much attention.

Before, I was really afraid that Nan Shiwen would get him some bomb license plates. Then he would stop thinking about going out to play and just become a monkey in the zoo.

"No, boss, I can just take it."

Jiang Xiaohan shook his head and sat directly in the passenger seat with his bag.

In fact, the sole of the foot is quite wide.

She keeps her bags there just right and always takes care of them.

"You, do whatever you want."

Zhang Lingtian took out his mobile phone.

You can view the navigation interface directly in the car because there is a display screen.

After connecting to the mobile phone, enter the navigation location, and the screen on the mobile phone will be transmitted to the display screen.

"Boss! Use my mobile phone. I have searched for the destination before."

Jiang Xiaohan connected his mobile phone, and sure enough, a navigation map appeared on the screen.

"It's just the right time. There's no traffic jam. In the past, it only lasted three to ten minutes, and most of it was on the expressway."

Zhang Lingtian glanced at the navigation system.

Because they are on the east side, the XC area is naturally on the west side, belonging to two different directions.

So you need to walk a section of the highway.

This is also the fastest.

Of course, you can skip the expressway and shuttle directly from the city, but this would take an hour.

Because there is too much traffic.

Unless there is no car, it will only take about ten to ten minutes.

But this is the imperial capital, so it is impossible not to have a car.

We can only take the Ring Expressway, which is now dark green and smooth.

"From our place, drive for 5 minutes and pass two traffic lights before getting on the Ring Expressway. The ETC arrangement is quite good. It takes 10 minutes to drive on the expressway and exit the toll station, and you will arrive at the Suolong Interchange in 5 minutes."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded. She had memorized the entire route before, mainly just that it was only a 10-minute journey.

"Without further ado, let's get going."

Zhang Lingtian started the vehicle as he spoke.

Then slowly drove out of the parking lot.


Suddenly Jiang Xiaohan looked at Zhang Lingtian, his expression somewhat hesitant to speak.

"Huh? What's wrong? Did you forget something?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at the little assistant's strange expression and asked with some confusion, could it be that his little assistant forgot to pick up something?

"Such a boss, I'm thinking about whether we should start a live broadcast. Firstly, it can prove that we have been here, and secondly, it can also allow netizens who voted at the time to bear witness and see if we can drive normally on this road. Encountered a supernatural event.”

Jiang Xiaohan mentioned something.

Yesterday, the boss promised everyone to go to the Suolong Interchange in the XC area and take a look to see if it is as evil as everyone said.

That's empty talk.

So they had two options.

The first is to shoot videos, and the second is to live broadcast.

She thinks live streaming would be better.

"Would you like to start a live broadcast? This is also possible, but during the live broadcast we cannot take pictures of the surrounding roads for the time being, nor can we say where we are. We can only turn the camera over to let everyone see this section of the road when we are ready to arrive."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

In this case, there should be no need to worry about affecting normal travel. After all, in those few minutes, even if everyone wants to rush over, they can't come so fast.

"Yeah, I think so too! Don't be too ostentatious when traveling!"

This is what Jiang Xiaohan planned to do.

Neither the license plate nor the surrounding area is revealed as a reference, I believe it will be difficult for netizens to find their car.

When they arrived at the scene, they walked again based on the comments from netizens.

The time is also very short, so you don’t have to worry about meeting netizens who come here specially.

Even if you accidentally have good luck around you.

That is also extremely small and will not affect traffic at all.

They think that ostentation is never like that of a star, blocking people and asking for autographs. Netizens in the Imperial Capital would not be so crazy and dare to block people in Chunjiang. At that time, even if the boss was as famous as he is now, no one would block the car. The car is not.

She is worried about the impact on normal traffic.

So I just want to come quietly and leave quietly without taking away a single cloud.

"Then Xiaohan, you should be able to handle it, right? Or should I let you drive this section of the road?"

Zhang Lingtian suddenly slowed down.

If the assistant doesn't dare to lead the live broadcast by himself, then he can change with the other party.

"Don't worry, boss, this 20-minute live broadcast is definitely possible. Especially since you are around, boss, it's not a big problem. And my driving skills are not very good. It will be embarrassing if something goes wrong. You The car feels so good that I can spot it immediately.”

Jiang Xiaohan shook his head.

She still knows her driving skills.

It would be embarrassing if something went wrong during the live broadcast.

How can a boss do this if he believes in scientific popularization?
So I just let the boss do it himself.

"Okay, then you can start the live broadcast soon."

Zhang Lingtian nodded slightly.

Vehicles are now walking on the streets of the imperial capital.

Five minutes later they arrived at the toll booth.


Because there is ETC, the gate opens directly after a beep.

"Boss, should I start the live broadcast now?"

Jiang Xiaohan got on the highway and asked her boss.

"Hmm, you can also start a live broadcast now and chat with everyone for a while. Just use my mobile phone to start the live broadcast."

Zhang Lingtian said to the little assistant.

The other party can only use their own mobile phone to start the live broadcast.

He now somewhat understands why Xiaohan just said that she used her own mobile phone to open the navigation. It turns out that from the beginning, the other party was thinking that there might be a live broadcast in the future.


Jiang Xiaohan was originally responsible for operating company data.

Naturally, I am also very clear about the operations of the mobile version of the company account.

He quickly clicked on the live broadcast reservation interface.


"Live broadcast? Boss Zhang started a live broadcast?"

"Hahaha, what did I discover? The assistant is actually holding Boss Zhang's cell phone!"

"Boss Zhang, stop pretending. This is probably why you said you don't want a girlfriend. The assistant is your girlfriend!"

"I clicked on the wrong one. Little Po Meng, you clicked on the wrong one. Why did you click on the live broadcast?"

"This seems to be in the car? This scene seems to impact my existing knowledge system, so assistant, what are you and Boss Zhang doing?"

Jiang Xiaohan clicked on the live broadcast.

Suddenly, many fans of Ping An Baishipu account came in.

When everyone came in, they saw Jiang Xiaohan with the front camera, and everyone was a little confused.

Then random thoughts came out one after another.

"Hello everyone, I made no mistake, today is a special live broadcast."

Jiang Xiaohan greeted all the netizens in front of the camera.

But everyone obviously didn't believe it.

He even asked where Boss Zhang was.

"Hello everyone, we are on the highway now, so Xiaohan started a live chat with everyone."

Zhang Lingtian glanced at the live broadcast room while ensuring safety, and then spoke.


"On the highway? Boss Zhang, are you planning to run away overnight?"

"What a coincidence, I'm also on the highway. Which highway are you on, Boss Zhang?"

"What are you doing here? There should be dinner after the commendation ceremony, right?"

Everyone looked puzzled at this time, but basically all their previous guesses were dismissed.

It turns out that Boss Zhang himself is inconvenient to start a live broadcast.

But it also makes everyone curious.

What on earth happened that caused Boss Zhang to conduct a live broadcast while driving?

"It's like this. Didn't I promise everyone during the live broadcast the day before yesterday that we would come to see the Suolong Interchange? So we came here today and are now on the way to the Suolong Interchange."

Jiang Xiaohan, who only saw this moment, explained to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Since I promised everyone, I have to go there and see if this place is as mysterious and weird as everyone said, and if there is really something wrong with it."

Zhang Lingtian answered a few words while driving.

Of course, he couldn't see the screen.

After all, when I look at the screen while driving, I am afraid that the Prince of Hell passed down from the Internet will turn into the real Prince of Hell.

The last example of the driver who was distracted and caused an accident is still fresh in my mind.

So this thing must not be distracting.

Especially on the highway.

"I knew you guys must have something to do."

"Oh my God! Boss Zhang, are you really planning to go to the Suolong Interchange? Be sure to pay attention to the downhill ramp. I hit the pillar twice!"

"There is really a ghost in that pillar. Sometimes I even get mad at it when I'm not distracted!"

"It's really weird!"

"Local friends, Boss Zhang is driving on the highway right now. Don't you plan to go over there to get acquainted with each other and find some lucky funeral objects?"

"Actually, I know which road Boss Zhang and the others are on now. It would be better if I could give them the license plate number."

"Assistant Jiang, please show everyone the surroundings. I'm nearby!"

"Hahaha, everyone, go say hello to Boss Zhang!"


The water friends in the live broadcast room are happily filling the water.

At the same time, I want to determine their specific location based on the surrounding environment.

"We don't want anyone to notice us for now. We just want to walk around normally, so don't think about it~"

Jiang Xiaohan responded to netizens in the live broadcast room.

After all, it was impossible for her to take the initiative to reveal her location.

Many netizens at the scene also began to analyze it based on the surrounding environment.

"We will just take a trip and then go back. There are no lucky funeral objects, so I advise everyone to give up."

Zhang Lingtian looked ahead.

Then responded to the eager water friends.

It's really strange.

Whether it is domestic or foreign netizens, everyone is thinking about this lucky funeral object.

In fact, he felt that this thing didn't have that much effect.

Anyway, I have never felt the other party's so-called divine power.


Suddenly Zhang Lingtian felt the car make a noise, and he glanced at the rearview mirror out of habit.

"Eh? What's wrong, boss?"

There was a puzzled look in Jiang Xiaohan's eyes.

The netizen in the live broadcast room may not notice the noise in the car, but as a passenger, she can still detect the abnormality and immediately asked.


Zhang Lingtian retracted his gaze in the rearview mirror, and then responded calmly.

"But the boss's car is so weird. He keeps dodging us."

Jiang Xiaohan observed through the rearview mirror that there was a black car behind them that kept flashing them. If they were walking slowly in the express lane, there was nothing wrong with the car behind flashing them.

But now they are not in the express lane at all.

They were in the lane next to the express lane, so it made no sense to dodge them like this.

"Oh? Little Mrs. Meng, did your hidden plan fail? Or was it discovered?"

"Is this my brother from the Imperial City? He's so awesome!!"

"It's really awesome! It's only been 7 minutes, and you found Prince Yama's car in 7 minutes? My assistant didn't say anything!"

"I have witnessed the awesomeness of Brother Didu. No wonder I was able to collect hundreds of thousands of likes before and suddenly rushed the topic of Suolong Interchange. If it were me, with the blurry scene around me, even if I live It's near a village and you can't even tell where it is without the license plate number."

"Boss Zhang and the others should be on the Ring Expressway. I drive a taxi often, but I can't actually recognize them."






The live broadcast room was shocked.

They all exclaimed that the guys watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room were awesome.

I found Lord Yama’s car so quickly!

One of the taxi masters felt ashamed.

More and more local taxi drivers said they could not recognize them either.

Because the amount of information is so limited, there are only grass and shrubs around.

Many places in the imperial capital are similar.

"Is this person the senior manager of Zhan Youqun? It is said that he also lives in the imperial capital. I guess he is the only one who can find Boss Zhang in such a short time!"

Suddenly someone wakes up the dreamer with a word.

"Why didn't I think of that!"

"I guess so!"

Many netizens agreed with this sentence.

Maybe it's not necessarily this mysterious big manager.

The most important thing is that he is also in the imperial capital.

"Jing: Don't blame me, I haven't looked for it at all! And Boss Zhang's itinerary is confidential!"

Suddenly a user with glittering gold made a comment.

And this comment is worth 10 yuan, because it is a special effect barrage specially formed when rewarding 1000 million Dou coins.

There were still people who had doubts.

But as soon as the barrage came out, no one dared to doubt that he was very wealthy, and even if he was not a big manager, he was not an ordinary person.

In addition, the other party mentioned keeping it secret.

This seems very much like the speaking style of a big manager.

"No? Then which brother is so brave?"

"Actually, I also want to know, since it's confidential, how did this brother flash his lights at the Lord of Hell? It's not good to keep flashing his lights at high speeds."

"This is a highway, bro. Even if you want to see Boss Zhang, you have to wait until you get off the highway! Don't look back and go to the underworld by yourself!"

"It's over, it's over, you're done, I saw Lord Yama frowning!"

Many netizens who just praised the awesomeness have now changed the direction of the trend.

Because they can feel the light in the live broadcast room, the entire live broadcast room is now flashing with faint light, and it is obvious that the car has been flashing.

I hate this kind of person.

Especially when everyone saw Boss Zhang turning to look at the passenger rearview mirror and frowning slightly, they immediately advised him to stop in time.

Otherwise, it is possible that it will really go down, which is definitely not a joke.


After flashing for a while, the car suddenly stopped flashing.

Just when Jiang Xiaohan thought the matter was about to end, suddenly a violent engine sound came from the screen.

The car that was originally following them jumped directly in front of them, and the other car also changed lanes from the fast lane to directly in front of them.


Then the brake lights came on, and Jiang Xiaohan was startled when he saw that a rear-end collision was about to occur, and he couldn't help shouting.


"What's wrong?"

"what's the situation?"

"The speed seems to have slowed down."

"Is there a rear-end collision ahead? Or is there a car accident ahead?"

"I thought I heard something just now. Is this car driving to the front??"

Netizens who watched the live broadcast were stunned. After all, it was the first time they saw such a panic look on Little Meng Po's face.

So everyone speculated about what happened ahead.

"Which friend's car is this? We are on the highway now. It flashed its lights behind us and overtook in front of us, and even braked suddenly. Do you know this is very dangerous!!"

Jiang Xiaohan didn't care about exposing her position and directly turned the camera to the front camera, and then angrily condemned.

She didn't know whether the boss was a mortal, but she was a mortal. If a car rear-ended her, she would die! !

And this kind of behavior is completely harmful to others and to yourself, making fun of your own life and the lives of others!

Say it.

Jiang Xiaohan also looked at his boss.

I want to know how the boss is feeling now.

However, when she turned around, she found that her boss was frowning at the moment.

And drive cautiously while watching for cars coming from behind.

Of course the expression was also very annoyed.

Because, if a large truck had just come from behind, and the truck happened to be a little tired while driving, it would probably kill everyone if it collided with it!

It would be a lie if you don’t get angry about people and things that threaten your life.

"Bull batch!"


"Whose car is this?"

"I don't know him, I don't know, but I know that even if I had a hundred courages, I wouldn't dare to do this."

"It's over, it's over, the King of Hell is angry!"

"Brother, you can't do this even if it's an emergency. Aren't you asking for your own death?"

"This guy is so smart. He actually turned on the turn signal, as if he was trying to lead Boss Zhang and the others to the emergency lane."

"The person who can drive this car should have some brains. How could he do such a crazy thing? This car can't be rented, right?"


After Jiang Xiaohan rotated the camera, netizens naturally saw the scene in front of them.

It was a Mercedes Benz.

After the other party overtook the car and reached the front, he slowly applied the brakes.

They even forced Boss Zhang and his team to stop their car.

In an instant, everyone showed a puzzled look.

I want to ask whose car this Mercedes-Benz belongs to.

Even if he really wanted to see Boss Zhang, he wouldn't be so crazy and not take his own life seriously.

Of course Zhang Lingtian would not stop. After making sure that there was no car behind him, he turned to the fast lane and got rid of the car.

As a result, an even crazier scene occurred that I never expected.

The Mercedes-Benz actually swung across and blocked Zhang Lingtian's car.

At this time, Zhang Lingtian's car was blocked by half of the front of the car in the fast lane, which was very dangerous.


"It's so fierce!"

"Who is it? You are so brave, you dare to be so crazy!"


Everyone really didn't expect that this person would intercept him twice.

What resentment what resentment ah.

People who drive Mercedes-Benz don’t value their lives so much now?

Can't seem to leave.

Zhang Lingtian drove to the emergency lane.

After all, the longer you stay in the fast lane, the more irresponsible you are for your own and other people's lives.

So the emergency lane is the emergency lane.

"Boss, is there something wrong with this car?"

Such an idea came to Jiang Xiaohan's mind.

These people don't feel like water friends, if they were they wouldn't be so crazy!

But this car was arranged by Nan Shiwen. What could possibly be the problem? It’s impossible!

"It's not the car's problem. No matter what happens, just stay in the passenger seat and don't get out, okay?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at Jiang Xiaohan, how could he not know what kind of routine this was after driving for so many years.


Jiang Xiaohan nodded in confusion, feeling that his boss was facing a formidable enemy.

Could it be that the last time I went to the village association was too dazzling, and now I met Jiang Fang's killer?

She had read an analysis article before.

The above made an analysis of the boss's performance at the last village association meeting and believed that they will definitely get back this shame.

It is even possible to launch an elimination plan against Boss Zhang.

Do you want to contact Director Nan?

Jiang Xiaohan was confused.

Soon the Mercedes-Benz in front stopped.


"The King of Hell is angry, brother, please wish yourself well!"

"Hey, why don't people nowadays have long memories? Have you forgotten the consequences of being angry?"

"This kind of person is seeking death, just watch quietly!"


The door of the Mercedes Benz opened.

Coming out of the cab was a man in casual clothes, who looked to be in his 30s.

The other person had a mustache and a grumpy look on his face.

Then the passenger door and the two rear doors opened at the same time.

Four people got out of the car at once.

One for the co-pilot and three in the back seat.

There were five people in total.

These five people are fierce.


Jiang Xiaohan saw this scene with questions on his face.

How come there are so many people in this car?


One of the three people who got out of the back seat spat in the surrounding area.

"Damn it! You actually want to run after I intercepted you. You think we are vegetarians, don't you?"

The people getting off the Mercedes-Benz were muttering.

At the same time, the whole person looked very angry.

She also walks in a very awkward manner, with the whole attitude of a social person.

Zhang Lingtian, on the other hand, did not get out of the car.


There are so many people on the other side. Although he has a system, his system does not give him any skills or any self-protection skills.

What if I go on like this and get beaten later?
"Boom boom boom——"

No, one of them has already come over.

He directly used his fist to knock on the window of Zhang Lingtian's cab.


"Damn it! You made me laugh so hard!"

"I can't stop laughing. I wish I could click 6666 for them on the spot~!"

"I have to say that these people who touch porcelain are really awesome. They actually dare to touch porcelain, the Lord of Hell!!"


See the situation clearly.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were bursting with joy.

He's not a water lover at all, he's just cheating! !
And they actually met the Lord of Hell!
What a waterloo moment in life!

... (end of this chapter)

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