I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 295 The Maisel Army suffered a backlash!The complete form of system evolution? ! 【1st day of

However, it is obviously impossible to receive it on this occasion.

After all, there are so many pairs of eyes watching.

At that time, people discovered that it was myself who was tormenting strangely.

I just don’t know if this live broadcast can continue under such a situation.

After all, some things are not like what Menglei said, and the deputy director was said righteously.

"Okay, both of you are seniors, there's no need for anyone to blame the other."

At this time, Zhang Lingtian said slowly.

"What the hell? You two!!"

"It's two of you! Damn, do you want it to be so exciting!!"

"Which two of them are Meng Lei and Dongfang Yu? Then the fun will be great!"

"I said before that the front desk is very tough. It is indeed tough. If it is true, it will really explode!!"

"I think Boss Zhang may have made a mistake. These two don't look alike."

As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room exploded again.

None of them believed that these two people had been infiltrated.

"Prophet: Sure enough, I guessed it right again, but what can I say? This thing cannot be seen. Often the most high-end infiltration is also the most disguised. And did you find that Zhang Yanwang made any mistakes in issuing the verdict? Either death or guilt! !」

When opinions differ.

The prophet appears again.

And this remark instantly evoked the memory that is deep in everyone's bones.

yes! !
When did the Lord of Hell miss it? !

Nothing at all.

It exploded, it exploded!

I can't believe it!
"Ah? Senior? What did you say, Mr. Zhang? You won't say that I am also a spy, right? Which spy knows that this is poisonous tea and still drinks it!"

Meng Lei looked very confused when she heard this.

Of course, that's just pretending to be calm!

Because if someone can measure the other person's heartbeat, they will find that her heartbeat speed has accelerated a lot.

Could it be that he was exposed?

How could Zhang Lingtian know that she was also a spy.

His performance was absolutely flawless.

And she didn’t understand the drug at all this time!
"I want to ask the police officer from the security department to investigate and we will find out. What do you think? Miss Meng Lei?"

Zhang Lingtian asked back.

"Mr. Zhang, you..."

Meng Lei didn't expect that the other party would actually say such a thing.

She knows how people on the safe side deal with things.

If they are not investigated or simply investigated, then they are absolutely fine.

Because it is hidden deep enough.

But if the security department investigates in depth and gets to the bottom of the investigation, basically no spy can withstand the investigation.

She understands the deputy director a little now. In fact, their behavior and handling styles are similar.

But the deputy director did his best.

In short, try not to conflict with others and maintain your own good image.

This can avoid some unnecessary trouble.

For example, colleagues find out about your omissions, etc.

Even the best spies make mistakes sometimes, as the saying goes, no one is perfect.

So Meng Lei also knew that she could not withstand the investigation.

But how did he find out? !

Didn’t you say you had no problem at the beginning?
"So what if you become a senior intelligence expert? The two-faced person of 22 years will still be sacrificed. I think you may have to bear the blame for the last one. After all, the dead person is what others say, isn't it?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at the female host Menglei.


You can clearly see Meng Lei's fist tightening.

Yes, if Mr. Zhang hadn't known about it in advance, she might have drank this cup of tea.

Then it would be entirely feasible for some people to give her the reputation of doing whatever it takes to assassinate her.

And she really didn't know that the deputy director of her immediate boss was actually a spy who had been lurking for a longer time, so she was negligent.

"Originally I didn't want to arrest people directly on the live broadcast, but some people are just too arrogant. Since this program is called a stance, I will also explain my stance. This is for everyone to watch. This is also a recipe for you, Maisel Army." For everyone to see, you can feel free to come and achieve results for me, and I promise to fight if anyone takes the lead! No matter if you use bionic technology or poison!!"

Zhang Lingtian was staring at the camera at the moment.

This is said to the entire Internet, and also to people from abroad who are watching eagerly in front of the live broadcast screen.


If you show up, you will be beaten!

He has officially declared war on Jiang Fang!

The main reason is that the other party is really annoying, so come on every once in a while!
It is better to show off directly, which can give the people some confidence and express their position.

"There's something wrong with this tea. Is it because of the tea leaves?"

Nan Shiwen, Deng Zhou and more than a dozen police officers were all in the studio.

This can still be seen in the camera.

Of course there were two circles outside.

It can be said that even bionic technology cannot get out of the studio.

At this moment, Deng Zhou came closer and opened the lid of the tea. They strictly supervised the water.

So the water is basically fine.

Then there are only tea sets and tea leaves.

And this tea is the deputy director's tea, Dengzhou thinks this tea is the most likely.

"Director Deng, you'd better not get close to this tea, because it contains polonium-210, a radioactive substance known as poisoning."

Although Dengzhou would definitely not touch the tea leaves, he still had to warn him.

After all, he is not a professional.

But radioactive materials should still be kept away.

"Polonium 210!!"

After all, Menglei is also an experienced person, and her pupils tightened when she heard this.

Polonium was discovered by the famous scientist Marie Curie and her husband Pierre. It is known as one of the most deadly toxins! !
She read a post saying that polonium-210 is 1000 billion times more toxic than cyanide. To a certain extent, it can enter the human body through the skin. Just 0.1 grams of polonium can kill 1000 billion people.

Many dignitaries once died inexplicably within a month, and polonium-210 was detected in their bodies after their deaths.

So this thing is also called the most expensive assassination toxin.

It has many benefits. For example, it is colorless and odorless. Once it is put into the human body, it will die. The death cycle is relatively long, as short as one week and more than a month, which is enough for the assassin to escape.

As for the disadvantage, there is only one, and that is expensive.

Now she can finally understand why Mr. Zhang just said that a cup of tea worth [-] million yuan, but they actually put this kind of poison in order to kill people.

"Radioactive material! Polonium-210!"

Dengzhou was so frightened that he quickly closed the lid.

It is said that this thing must be sealed, otherwise there is a danger of penetrating into the body.


Deputy Director Dongfang Yu raised his head and glanced at Zhang Lingtian.

He didn't even think about which link he made a mistake in, and how did Zhang Lingtian know that he had put polonium-210 in it.

"Perplexed? It's a pity that I have no intention of explaining it to you. Your behavior at this time is in line with my impression of you. If this silent assassination was not targeted at me and was so well planned, it would probably have been successful."

The other party didn't make trouble, didn't resist, and didn't even say a word of retort.

There was just a bit of unwillingness in his eyes.

Sure enough, he is a spy who can lie dormant for 30 to [-] years.

He probably wanted to know how he found out.

It's a pity that I can't tell the other party.

[Scan target: Dongfang Yu. 】

[Occupation: Deputy director, special intelligence expert. 】

[Bad information: Two-faced man, special spy. 】

[Danger Signal: The probability of short-term danger within three days is 50%. 】

[Danger Positioning: Deputy Director, foreign special intelligence expert, has hidden his identity for 27 years. Due to long-term planning and premeditation, he guided the wrong direction of public opinion, undermined social stability, and even assassinated public figures by putting the radioactive substance polonium 210 in tea leaves. , there will eventually be a 50% risk of danger due to your own behavior. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Forecast of Luck: Click to view. 】

[Number of scans: 3 scans remaining in the real world. 】

[Customer attributes: potential customers. 】

[System prompt: The host can decide whether to pay attention or not. 】

This is the information Zhang Lingtian scanned just after the deputy director took the stage.

Special intelligence expert.

When he saw these six words, he knew that this belonged to a big fish.

Since it was unavoidable, he was arrested in public and told the Maisel Army on the other side that this senseless assassination was of no use.

If you don’t believe the other party, you can come.

The reason why I have this confidence is mainly because I got the support and commitment from that person during the meal last night.

And the other party took actual actions.

Of course, if it were just these things, he wouldn't be like this. The main thing is the system.

After testing, the other party can indeed make dangerous predictions.

At present, I have received double rewards.

Hopefully a full form evolution card will be released this time.

I really look forward to what the system will look like after being promoted to its full form.

At least he should have the ability to protect himself. He has really been looking forward to this feature for too long.

After all, the protection of others is the protection of others. It is better to rely on yourself for things like strength.

"Take it away! Do you want to continue Mr. Zhang's live broadcast?"

Nan Shiwen directly ordered him to be taken away.

At the same time, he asked Zhang Lingtian whether he would like to conduct a live broadcast next.

"There are so many people, let's continue broadcasting."

Zhang Lingtian thought for a while and said.

After all, more than 3000 million people are watching.

It's not appropriate to stop broadcasting like this, and some netizens have left many questions. Simply stopping the show would be a waste of everyone's support for the program and themselves.

"Then we need to change the studio?"

In fact, Nan Shiwen is more inclined to continue the stand-alone program.

First of all, this program has carried out a lot of publicity in the early stage, and it is broadcast live all over the world. There are currently many people watching.

Especially now that it has only started for more than half an hour, it will take 10 to [-] minutes.

Only a quarter of the entire program has passed.

Especially since so many netizens are looking forward to interaction.

"That's fine."

Zhang Lingtian nodded slightly after hearing this.

It's ok for this.

Moreover, this place can be easily left to a professional team.

"Let's start with a commercial for a few minutes."

Director Guo Xiaomou of the stand-up program appeared on the scene at this moment.

Then an unprecedented advertising moment appeared in the entire live broadcast room of the main station.

And this ad is also very explosive!
[We definitely don’t want to be the village chief’s promotional video]

"Who is talking nonsense? Give it a stun gun!"

"The East family has the upper hand, the West family has the shortcomings, and they always make mistakes!"

"A grass on the wall will fall on both sides when the wind blows. Don't wait until disaster strikes. You will not be able to protect yourself——"

The opening was filled with explosive singing.

Then came the sound of tanks firing shells.

In short, it is very hot and explosive.

"This is planned!"

"Outrageous, I really can't believe this wasn't arranged in advance!"

"This promotional video is amazing, and I also made a promotional video about not wanting to be the village chief. This is a great job!!"

"Right now, I'm more interested in the mood of the rare sect leader, and the younger brother of the rare sect leader, Boss Tian. I think they must be watching this promotional video now."

"The master of the rare sect may not be watching because he is older, but the mastermind of this incident, Maiseljun, must be watching. I want to know if the other party has fainted again!"

"I heard that I fainted, hahaha——"

Rest for exactly 2 minutes.

In the live broadcast room of the main station, everyone started chatting on the barrage.

After all, more than 3000 million netizens are watching online, and this barrage is unprecedentedly large!

Especially since this matter is so topical.

Sauce recipe.

"Zhang Lingtian! Zhang Lingtian!!!"


Failed again!

Maiserjun was so angry that he was shaking all over, and his back molars were broken!
His eyes were fixed on the screen, and then a mouthful of old blood spurted out again.

Of course this was 2 minutes ago.

just now.

It was very lively around him.



"Defibrillator, increase the voltage!!"

There were many splatters of blood on the white sheets. A group of doctors in white coats held defibrillators and violently shocked the unresponsive Maiserjun's chest!

The highest-level critical care response was activated, and many departments rushed in.

"What's going on! Why did Mr. Maiseljun become like this!!"

George also came to this side.

Mainly under the instructions of the rare sect leader, if the other party succeeds, it will be easy to arrange follow-up tasks.

As a result, I never expected that the Maisel Army would die! !
But at this point, the sect leader has already gone to sleep, so he must not disturb the other party.

He asked with a very confused look.

"Mr. George, you just believed and saw that the assassin arranged by our boss was discovered again, and this Zhang Lingtian provoked him face to face. The other person fainted without being able to hold on for a while, and he sprayed so much blood."

Rianna was explaining to the assistant of the rare sect leader.


George is not the person who completely confronts Zhang Lingtian, so he cannot empathize with many things.

But he knew about the successive failed assassinations and Zhang Lingtian's provocation just now, and he was very annoyed in his heart, especially the other party's subsequent promotional video advertising that he did not want to be the village chief.

At that time, he almost wanted to run away.

Now think about it carefully, if even he wanted to go berserk, then the Mercer Army should have dealt a critical blow several times or even dozens of times.

He was already older and weaker.

It's normal not to be able to withstand such a critical attack.

But how did Zhang Lingtian know that Dongfang Yu was a spy?
The spy didn't even know about his assistant.

The authority is in the hands of the big boss and the big boss of a certain department.

Could it be that Usagi knows?
But if they knew, they wouldn't tolerate this thorn in their side for so long!

"Assassination? Is it over?"

Chicken recipe.

Boss Tian looked at this scene and was dumbfounded!
"Boss, maybe this Zhang Lingtian is actually the King of Hell. Otherwise, how could the other party know every assassination item accurately?"

Secretary Suzuki Kyoko felt inexplicably nervous at this moment.

Because she felt that this matter was too outrageous.

Zhang Lingtian seemed to know everything, but Jiang Fang used a lot of high technology.

Even top spies were used this time.

But the ending is still the same and it serves no purpose.


Suddenly, Boss Tian looked at Suzuki Kyoko very seriously.


Suzuki Kyoko looked at the big boss with something special in her eyes.

It seems that he wants to know why his boss thinks of him so much.

"Tell me honestly, did you accept money from that loser who only watches action movies, or did you have contact with him?"

Boss Tian asked with scarlet eyes.

"Ah? No! Boss, I don't have one!"

Suzuki Kyoko spoke immediately.

How could I possibly do such a thing!

"There is no best! You should also remember that there is no real King of Hell in this world, only people pretending to be gods and ghosts! Do you understand!!"

Boss Tian's eyes were scarlet, and his voice became very stern.

"Hai, hai!"

Suzuki Kyoko said quickly.

"Go down! Don't mention the word "King of Hell" in front of me again!"

Boss Tian asked Suzuki Kyoko to go down!

After Suzuki Kyoko said that, she retreated.

At the same time, he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

She now feels that her boss is in danger in the big boss election on the 31st next month.

Although the other party just told him not to mention the words "King of Hell", everyone saw the other party's performance at the village association meeting.

Their boss is the first to suffer for his life.


However, at this moment, a message came from Suzuki Kyoko's mobile phone.


When she saw this information, her pupils tightened!
"Boom boom boom——"

Just after leaving the office, Suzuki Kyoko knocked on the door again.

"What are you doing? Didn't I tell you to go down first? What are you doing here again!!"

Boss Tian is getting a little angry right now.

Seeing his secretary come in again, he immediately slammed the table!
That is to say, two of his previous secretaries were poached, otherwise Suzuki Kyoko would not be allowed to be the first secretary.

But sometimes the other party really didn't have any rules, so he asked her to go down first, and he stayed here to be quiet.

The results of it!
She actually came back again!
"Boss Jiangfang has received important information, I think I must report it."

Suzuki Kyoko said.

"Important information? What information? Are they going to start the second round again?"

Boss Tian, ​​who was a little angry just now, his pupils lit up after hearing this sentence.

He is indeed the eldest brother.

This fighting ability is really awesome.

"It's Maiseljun who is critically ill."

Suzuki Kyoko said.


When Boss Tian heard this, he stood up from the boss chair.

The whole person's pupils are full of incredulity!

Maiseljun is actually critically ill!

Needless to say, the opponent's physical quality goes without saying.

"According to the information coming from over there, rescue operations are underway, but the hope is not very high."

They also have people at the hospital over there.

No, after they found out, big bosses such as Li Jiapo, Maple Leaf, Hexagon, and Xiongxiong also got the information immediately.

Since we are in a hospital and there are so many people carrying out rescue operations, it is easy to grasp the dynamics as long as we have eyes.

This kind of thing is an information barrier for ordinary people, but for the big boss level, it is basically the same as transparency.

At this moment, many big bosses expressed regret.

Even the rare sect leader got up.

48:[-] p.m.

A plane landed in the imperial capital.


A middle-aged man wearing a black jacket and velvet trousers with a slightly tired expression got off the plane carrying a bag.

On the boarding bridge for getting off the plane.

The other party turned on the phone.

Planes are different. Some planes allow the use of mobile phones during flight, but some do not.

In order to come back in time, he bought the earliest flight.

Arrived on time at 47:[-] pm, no delay.

Go home from here, take a shower and change clothes for about an hour.

It was four fifty at that time.

Then drive to the main station for half an hour.

It's almost 10:[-], and I can catch the last [-] minutes of Mr. Zhang's show.

Speaking of which, this time is definitely the most glorious moment of their main station.

He saw 2000 million people making reservations before even getting on the plane.

He couldn't imagine how many people there were now.

Twenty-five million or 500 million, right?


My phone just turned off airplane mode.Suddenly a phone call came in.

"Xiao Mou?"

Seeing the caller ID, the man was stunned for a moment.

"Hey! Xiaomou, your timing is quite accurate. You came to tell me the good news just after I got off the plane? How is the data now? It should have exceeded 3000 million!"

Soon he answered the phone with a smile in his tone.

After all, the main station has achieved this result. As the station director, of course he is very happy.

"Director Zhang! Oh no! Something big has happened! Come back quickly!!!"

Guo Xiaomou, the director of the "Phone Stand" program.

The other party had a very excited tone.

"Has something big happened? With Fang Yu at the helm and Meng Lei interviewing, what big thing can happen? Could it be that the show has exceeded 4000 million? Then this is indeed a big thing! Don't worry, I will get there. This will happen at five-twenty at the soonest. I have to Go back and rest first, otherwise it won’t be good to see Mr. Zhang with a tired face!”

The director’s name is Zhang Hai.

He had never considered spying at all.

After all, how could a spy appear at the main station? This is simply nonsense.

Especially since both of them are veteran figures.

One worked for 27 years and the other worked for 22 years.

Normal people would not think of such people as spies.

So in Zhang Hai's eyes, it is probably data.

He said before that if the data comes up, let him know.

"No, Director! Deputy Director Dongfang Yu and host Meng Lei were taken away! Taken away on the spot! Come back quickly! Host Xiao Sa didn't go to the interview either. I don't know what to do here now. ! It can be delayed for up to 3 minutes! There are still 2 minutes left!!"

Guo Xiaomou was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.


Zhang Hai was stunned on the boarding bridge when he heard this!

taken away?

What the hell!
"Mr. Zhang said that the two of them are spies. Among them, Deputy Director Dongfang Yu also poisoned the tea. People from the special department are now here and are conducting tests in the A2 studio just now!!!"

Guo Xiaomou continued.


Zhang Hai seemed to be struck by lightning out of thin air.

Real lightning strike! !
His right-hand man is a spy!

Just ask you what could be more outrageous than this!


Boarding bridge.

"Damn it, the deputy director of the main station is a spy, and he also put medicine in the tea? Isn't this too outrageous!"

"Oh my god, what did I miss by taking a plane?!"

Many students still came back.

As the fastest receiving group of contemporary information, they generally have various small groups, especially those who love gossip.

Some even joined Zhanyou.

As soon as airplane mode was turned off, messages were sent one after another.

"You've also seen it. It's outrageous, you know! It's all been infiltrated into a sieve! I don't know who the station director is! Does the other party have a job?!"

Someone said angrily, after all, this is what happened and the director didn’t know?It’s also completely outrageous!


However, they did not expect that the man directly in front of them who answered the phone like a lightning strike was the station director they were looking for.

In response to these words, the station director Zhang Hai could only shout that he was wronged.

After all, I am not a professional.

There is no problem with their normal performance, and all the information is passed, without any doubts. How can you ask him, a station manager who has nothing to do, to judge.

There is no way to judge at all! !
But if something like this happened, he, the station director, would definitely be blamed.

But these two people are actually spies!

What the hell! !
"I married my mother, and the station manager's name is Zhang Hai."

A female student took her mobile phone and searched Baidu.

"I also went to Baidu! I have to leave quickly!!"

Seeing these people walking towards him step by step, Zhang Hai hurriedly walked towards the exit.

Don't look back and think that you, the station manager who is just doing nothing, are being besieged by them!
Then report it collectively and send it to the police station!

That would be embarrassing.

"Zhang Hai! This man's appearance is not good, and he has become a sieve. The other party may also be a spy. After all, as the saying goes, there will be no intact eggs under the overthrow of the nest, they are all the same!"

A male classmate came over.

Stared at the photo.

Am I not good looking?

I think it’s okay!

Zhang Hai touched his face unconsciously.

My face with the Chinese character is not bad!

"It's incredible, you can also read faces? But I don't know about faces, but your words are a bit inappropriate! How can there be an egg in a nest? It means that the whole body will suffer, and no one can be intact. You It’s not bad to say that they are like birds of a feather.”

After the face-reading classmate's voice fell, another classmate immediately corrected him.

"Then you said that if the whole group suffers, it is impossible for anyone to be intact. Isn't this a very appropriate word to use in this matter?"


"Forget it, I won't talk to you about this. I think this station manager looks pretty good, and his surname is Mr. Zhang, so he can't be a spy. After all, he is also Mr. Zhang's family."

"What's wrong with my family? The female Internet celebrity whose head was hit by a telephone pole while driving in Haiya City wasn't Zhang? Didn't she die the same way? Besides, Dongfang Yu and Meng Lei looked uncomfortable? In fact, This aspect contains treacherous intentions! I think there is something wrong with this Zhang Hai! Just wait! Maybe this person will be arrested tomorrow!"


Two outrageous debates.

Zhang Hai quickened his pace.

He has changed from a simple station manager to a bastard, and he is hiding a traitorous face. He will be caught tomorrow. He just got off the plane and he is provoking someone.

This amount of information is too great!

But he didn't have time to explain because the time was almost up.

Advertisements on the main station can only last for 10 minutes at most.

And they just said a few minutes of advertising, no more than 10 minutes at most.

It has been 8 minutes now.

"Director, Xiaosa is here."

Guo Xiaomou's voice rang on the other end of the phone.

"Li Xiaosa, you must take on this difficult task! You only have 2 minutes now, you have no choice!!!"

Zhang Hai immediately said to Li Xiaosa in a commanding tone.

The other party is also a senior host in the main station.

And he is currently the only one who can top it.

"Director! I'm not feeling well today!!"

Li Xiaosa's face turned pale.

If I had known he would not come to the main station today!
He came over to print a piece of material. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen! !

When he heard that the deputy director was taken away, he thought it was a joke.

What’s special, the host Meng Lei was also taken away!

Outrageous! !
Apart from these two words, he really didn't know what to use to describe it.

"Li Xiaosa is hosting the show for Mr. Zhang and the others, so you are not feeling well? Are you a spy too?!"

Zhang Hai's voice suddenly became several times more serious!
"Director, please don't make random jokes. It's not like you don't know about me, Li Xiaosa! How could I be a spy!!"

Li Xiaosa immediately became excited when he heard this.

People from the special department are in the building now.

What if I was taken away and examined for a few days?

"The voice is so loud, it doesn't sound like you're feeling uncomfortable. It's up to you! Go and host it for Mr. Zhang and the others!"

Zhang Hai naturally believed in Li Xiaosa.

"Director, I..."

"Don't give reasons, any reason is not a reason for you to refuse! You know! This is the task of our main station! A difficult task!!"

Li Xiaosa was about to say something, but the station director immediately blocked his mouth.

"Director, my stomach feels uncomfortable. I'll go to the toilet first!!"

It’s not that he is superstitious!
A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall! !
He really supports Boss Zhang with both hands and feet, but being the host for Boss Zhang and interviewing the other party is really a life-threatening job! !
Don't look back, the dirty stuff about your ass is being brought out again.

"Okay, then let Mr. Zhang Lingtian and the majority of netizens wait for you, and you can go ahead."

Zhang Hai said calmly.

He didn't force Li Xiaosa.

The main reason is that there are no suitable candidates at the main station now.

"Wow——, Director, you are trying to push me to death!!"

Li Xiaosa's mourning face was simply worse than death.

"Okay, I have to go back now! That's it! Hurry up!!"

Zhang Hai hung up the phone.

"Xiao Sa, if you are upright, you are not afraid of the shadow. Go ahead!!"

Director Guo Xiaomou said.


Li Xiaosa looked collapsed.

"This story tells us that we should always have a printer at home and don't come to the company during non-working hours."


Li Xiaosa took a deep breath.


Guo Xiaomou spread his hands.

"It finally begins!!"

"Hahaha, this is my first time watching a 10-minute commercial, but it's quite interesting."

"It means that we have seen a decrease in foreign IPs at a speed that is visible to the naked eye, such as foot pot chicken, sticks and sauce."

"Oh my god, is this the speed of the main station? They actually built an identical scene in 10 minutes!"

"It should be a spare one, right? It can't be set up so quickly, but I'm curious who will be the host of the interview this time."

All water friends left messages.

Everyone is also curious about who will be the host.

At present, the strange circle of Boss Zhang hosting interviews with Biliang has not been broken yet.

"Hello everyone!!"

At this time, a very thin male host wearing a suit appeared in the live broadcast room.

"Xiao Sa!"

"Oh my God, it's Xiao Sa!!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuori> So Xiaosa's house is going to collapse next, right?"

"Poor Xiaosa, I didn't expect that you would be the substitute. Everyone said that if Li Xiaosa was also a spy, the plot would be exciting."

After seeing that the host Xiao Sa appeared, the live broadcast room became lively.

There are also some water-loving drama queens who look like they are trying to save Xiao Sa, who is about to collapse.

"I'm very happy to be the host of the position show this time. I've kept everyone waiting for a long time, so let's officially enter the part that should be done. Mr. Zhang Lingtian and Miss Jiang Xiaohan are invited! Welcome!!"

Xiao Sa made an inviting gesture with his hand.


The light focused on the two people. Zhang Lingtian and Jiang Xiaohan, who were discussing about giving Jiang Xiaohan a salary increase, were stunned.

Especially Jiang Xiaohan.

"Me? Go up? Boss, am I hallucinating?"

Jiang Xiaohan looked confused.


Guo Xiaomou looked at Li Xiaosa in shock, really full of desire for survival.

But what can I say, the two often collaborate on live broadcasts, so asking Jiang Xiaohan to ask questions may be a good choice.

"Little Po Meng?"

"Hey! How clever! You actually let Little Meng Po come up!"

"Not bad, Xiao Sa is very smart and knows how to let Little Meng Po do the interview!"

As soon as these words came out, the barrage section was filled with praise.

How should I put it, let Xiao Meng Po do the interview.

Everyone really wants to see the two sides partner up.

"Assistant Jiang, this interview belongs to you. I will host the process for you, and then you can choose some questions to ask Mr. Zhang."

Li Xiaosa said.

"Ah, I didn't expect that I would be on stage. Don't mind if I don't wear makeup today."

Jiang Xiaohan came on stage without makeup.

"No makeup, front desk camera, little Meng Po, needless to say, I'm so envious of your looks! How can you be so different when you're both a woman!"

"I would like to ask how Baishipu can recruit such beautiful employees. Our media company has a lot of crooked people who can't be used without beauty!"

"Actually, I have seen Little Meng Po in the past. She was not amazing because she was dressed very plainly. My only impression was that she was a very white girl. Later, after she learned how to dress and dress up, what? Is this Little Meng Po? My mother !!」

Jiang Xiaohan's words were originally meant to stop everyone's attention from focusing on her messy hair that she hadn't had time to comb, and her face without makeup.

As a result, I never expected that I would be led astray.

"I'll make tea for you two, and you two can talk freely. Of course, I'll have a cup myself first. It's absolutely non-toxic!"

Xiao Sa made tea and filled a paper cup for himself. He drank a cup first and looked quite happy.

Many netizens were also amused.

And Jiang Xiaohan quickly entered the state.

After all, she usually does live Q&A with her boss like this. Although she has not received professional training, her on-the-spot ability is often not as good as that of a professional host.

But she still has a lot to talk about when it comes to her boss.

"Not bad, Xiaosa."

Zhang Hai also arrived at the scene half an hour later.

Seeing that the program was in progress and the ratings had reached a new level, I immediately praised Li Xiaosa.

"Director, if this gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, he must find a way."

Li Xiaosa said.

Although there is no guarantee that something will happen, there is nothing wrong with me.

But if you can't put yourself in danger, don't put yourself in danger.

Time is quiet.

Soon it was [-]:[-].

There are still four and 10 minutes until the end of the live broadcast.

The news that Maiseljun was critically ill had spread to the ears of all the heads of the family.

"Oh, why bother? Look, this has backfired."


Boss Li is drinking tea and watching the live broadcast.

The whole person also sighed with emotion.

Little frog.

"Messer's army suffered a backlash? This——"

Mu Jiangwen just got the news.

After all, she can only be regarded as a second-tier boss.

Many second-tier small bosses have no access to information. Her situation is quite special.

And when she got the news, her whole brain felt as if she had been electrocuted! !

And there is an inexplicable small invisible bubble all over his body that goes straight to the top of his head!
Maiseljun is critically ill, plus he doesn’t want to be the village chief in a promotional video, and he is coming to Little Frog tomorrow.

Mu Jiangwen's breathing became inexplicably difficult.

How should I receive it tomorrow...

"Boss, I told you to stop procrastinating. Look, you're in trouble now! I suggest you go to the airport in person tomorrow. If you can give a reward to Boss Zhang's live broadcast room now, you must not just go to whichever direction the wind blows. You're a loser, or you'll get hit with an electric cannon when you turn around!"

Xiaoyu rubbed his forehead.

The boss is gradually running out of ideas.


Mujiangwen scratched his hair.

It seems that for the first time in such a long time, I am as embarrassed as today.

"Time passed without us noticing, and we were already entering the next stage."

At this moment, another voice appeared in the live broadcast room where the conversation was taking place.

"Yeah, Xiao Sa is here to make tea again."

"Hahaha, Xiaosa is full of desire for survival today."

"The two colleagues were taken away not long ago. They must be full of desire for survival. I am just curious about when the results of the spy investigation will be announced!"

"It should be announced tonight, right? Tomorrow at the latest? Looking forward to it!"

Xiao Sa came to make tea again.

At the same time, he also picked up the microphone, indicating that he was about to enter the next link.

Water friends saw in Xiao Sa's performance today that in addition to being dedicated, they also saw a full desire for survival.

Setsuna teased each one.

Of course, everyone is also curious about when the results of the spy investigation will be released.

"It's really fast. The next step should be for netizens to ask questions. Boss, are you ready for the weird questions from netizens?"

Jiang Xiaohan looked at his boss with a smile.

"Ask me. Since I'm standing here and I'm not afraid of anyone asking, it's a private matter. Please let me go. I've answered it countless times."

The private matter Zhang Lingtian was talking about was of course the matter of not having a relationship at the age of 28.

"Hahaha, what a coincidence!"

"I gave this question a thumbs up."

"Really, Boss Zhang, you should find someone now that you're old enough, he's already 28!"


During the barrage, many water friends had snickering expressions.

Because this problem really exists.

But there is no ranking list, and no one knows which question will appear on the big screen.

"Because we only have 10 minutes, we have selected the ten questions that netizens are most interested in and have the highest number of answers. You can watch them on the big screen!!"

Xiao Sa now directed everyone to look at the big screen.

Soon a question abbreviation appeared on the big screen.

"The highest number is 300, and the lowest number is [-] million. Assistant Jiang, you can choose any one to ask questions."

There are ten questions in total on the screen.

The number one solution actually reached 800 million.

"How about being the first to ask for help."

Number one is asking for help.

[1. Help: 1700w solution]

This one is really far ahead of the others.

She was also more curious about asking for help.

"Okay, let's open the first question."

After Li Xiaosa's voice fell, the first question opened.

[Please help me, everyone!My cousin! 21 years old, she is the breadwinner of the family. Her parents divorced when she was 7 years old, and her grandmother became disabled due to an accident. In the early years, she relied on her father to earn money to support the family. Later, she became very sensible and took the initiative to take on the responsibilities of the family and was always outside. She was working and studying at the same time, and she had just returned home recently, but the day before yesterday she said she was going to town to pick up a courier, and then she disappeared!No matter how hard we searched, we couldn't find anyone. Grandma was so blinded by tears!She is really a very sensible, hard-working and progressive girl!Please give me a like and help find someone!Kneel down and thank you! ! 】

After clicking on it, there is a post like this.

There is also a photo below.

"Oh my god! My classmate in high school! Hemp ropes are cut at the smallest points, and bad luck only seeks out the miserable! This girl really impressed me!"

"Why have you been missing for a day without any reason? It couldn't be that something unexpected happened!"

"Some people are really disgusting these days. Why do they single out single girls? Do you know that behind some people there is a family!"

"Bah, bah, bah! Bad luck, get away from this pretty young lady! Boss Zhang will definitely find someone!!"

"I finally understand why there are 700 million likes. I didn't scroll down, otherwise I would have liked this question when I saw it."

The live broadcast room boiled up.

"Seeing this, I thought of the girl who worked part-time before, the boss..."

Jiang Xiaohan also understood why so many people liked it.

"Take my account and give her a follow."

quite a while.

Zhang Lingtian slowly said something.



"What? What do you mean?"

"It's over, it's over, it's over now!!"

The live broadcast room was desolate.

The person who asked the question also turned pale.

"What's over, this is a good thing, brothers!"

"A good thing?"

"Everyone is about to be paid attention to by Boss Zhang. Are you talking about good things?"

Many people were confused when they heard this.

What a good thing.

Is it a good thing that the Lord of Hell pays attention?


However, everyone was surprised to find that Jiang Xiaohan was also smiling.

what's the situation?
Why does she have this expression?

Unreasonable! ! (End of chapter)

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