I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 296: Life hangs on a thread, 1 consecutive draws, system evolution! ! [Update 4nd day]

After being questioned by a group of netizens, someone soon revealed the reason.

"Have you all forgotten the laws of the King of Hell? Don't you summarize all these incidents? You are not a qualified old fan!"

"Yes, yes, you, Prince of Hell, can't figure it out, but you, the assistant, should know. As a qualified old fan, how could the assistant be so frivolous about such a thing, and even laugh."

"Oh my god, you knowledgeable guys, please stop being so pretentious. Please tell me why the little assistant is smiling."

"+1, my brain capacity is not enough!!"



After all, there are still many people who are unclear about these methods, so many water friends on the screen are raising question marks.

I hope someone with knowledge can tell me quickly, urgent! !

"When did the Lord of Hell pay attention to the dead? When did the assistant become so heartless?"

There are still many water friends who are willing to help others, and the reason for this is immediately apparent.


"I wipe it??"

"It seems so! Boss Zhang has never paid attention to dead people!"

"I just looked up the records. The people that Boss Zhang follows are all followed when they are alive. If they are dead, they will not follow them at all, so there is a high probability that this girl is still alive."

"Yes, this girl is still alive and can be saved! But judging from Boss Zhang's expression, the situation is not optimistic!!"

"How optimistic can we be about the current situation since he disappeared the day before yesterday? It would be great if we can rescue him."

The sentence "When did the Lord of Hell pay attention to the dead" brought so much shock that it woke everyone up almost instantly.

Yes, when did the Lord of Hell pay attention to the dead?If he can pay attention to it, it proves that the other party is not dead yet!

Of course, according to the rules of attention like the Lord of Hell, even if he is not dead, he is probably ready for something to happen.

But this must be great news for the family, that the person is still alive.

Soon all water friends discovered that there was another person on Ping An Baishipu's watch list.

"Mr. Zhang, can I ask a question? Why do you need to pay attention first?"

Xiao Sa asked cautiously.

In fact, he didn't notice that Jiang Xiaohan hadn't clicked "Follow" yet.

Just open the homepage, and then the follower will be clicked automatically.

She guessed that the boss must have predicted something again.

As for the question of host Xiao Sa, the boss will have to answer it sooner or later. In fact, the answer here is not bad.

He just didn't know if the other party needed help. After finishing his work, Jiang Xiaohan looked in the direction of his boss.

"Let's answer this question later. It's more urgent for them to ask for help."

Zhang Lingtian focused his attention on the big screen.

[Scan account: Main station position program. 】

[Scan target: Chu Xiaoxin. 】

[Account subject: Main station position program. 】

[Occupation: Preparing for undergraduate students. 】

[Bad information: stay up late for a long time. 】

[Danger signal: The probability of danger within three days is 99.99%, the probability of danger within today is 98%, the probability of danger within three days is 100%, and the overall probability is 99.99%. 】

[Danger location: He is a college student in Nanzhou. Because his home is too far away from the town and there is no transportation, he walked alone to the town to pick up express delivery. The road slipped and fell off the cliff. His body was seriously injured and he fainted due to excessive blood loss. , currently under a cliff, there is a 98% chance of death within three hours today, a 99% chance of death when night falls, and the probability of death soars to 99.99% tomorrow. The probability of death reaches 99% in such a seriously injured person. In front of people, it means that there is basically no way to save the day. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Forecast of Luck: Click to view. 】

[Number of scans: There are 3 scans left in the real world today. 】

[Customer Attributes: Pseudo-accurate customers. 】

[System prompt 1: This user has been automatically followed. If you need to hold a funeral, you can wait for three days. 】

[System prompt 2: If you want to save someone, time is of the essence. After rescuing the host, you can get double rewards. 】

[System prompt 3: Regardless of life or death, the system will distribute rewards after paying attention to protect the rights of the host after paying attention. 】

This is the information just scanned by Zhang Lingtian.

At other times he would certainly not have interrupted the host.

But now in this special period, time is life, so he must interrupt the other party.

But does this system think that it is very humorous in that it can get rewards whether it is life or death?

In fact, what the other party said makes sense.

Dead, accurate number of people +1, collect ten summoning rewards.

Another chance to get a reward is to hold a funeral.

Although there are various rules, if I forcefully break the rules and go to Nanzhou to hold a funeral, no one can stop me.

Then you will get another reward from the system at this time.

But he wanted a double reward.

Sometimes this double reward is also a double reward, which is much better than dying.

Moreover, for a girl who works so hard and actively, there are still many beautiful scenery waiting for her in the world. It would be a pity to leave like this.

I hope the local response will be faster, preferably within three hours.

"Okay! Then let's hand over the microphone to Mr. Zhang! I hope the netizen who asked the question will listen carefully to Mr. Zhang's words and try to find someone as soon as possible!!"

Xiao Sa can still distinguish the seriousness of things.

After Mr. Zhang said this, the other party immediately jumped into the topic.

"Yukikaze: Yes!!"

"Lian'er: She's from our village! Last night, my father went to participate in the mountain search. She is really a good sister! If Boss Zhang is willing to help, Qi Po will definitely be very happy! o(╥﹏╥)o"

A large number of netizens left messages at this moment, including people from the village involved.

"Xiniu Village, East Town, Nanzhou, right? I hope the mountain search team will hurry up and search again, focusing on the areas with gaps, the pine and cypress area. The girl probably slipped and fell under the mountain cliff. Three There is still hope of resuscitation and recovery if the victim is found within an hour, but it is estimated that no one will be found after three hours.”

Zhang Lingtian said to the camera with a very serious expression.

Xiniu Village, East Town, Nanzhou.


“This is the place!!”

“Boss Zhang actually named our village right away!!”

"I'm going to tell the village chief! The question we asked was chosen by Boss Zhang!!"

There are young people in the village.

No one rushed to the village hall happily.

"village head--"

The first person to arrive was a girl wearing woolen clothes.

She was Lian'er who had posted a barrage online before, and the other party looked very excited.

Because her father was also a member of the mountain search team, and her family lived next to the village office, she knew they were having a meeting at the village office.

There are police cars downstairs.

This incident must have alerted the police.

Whether there is a wandering murderer like Gao Xinhai before or a wild beast on the mountain, or whether he lost his footing and fell somewhere, everyone needs to make an inference.

Village office.

"This person is not simple. She actually gave her detailed address in one breath and even knew that she passed by a pine forest and fell off a cliff."

Little did he know that a big screen was playing inside.

Since it is a main station, it goes without saying that its communication power has penetrated into almost every household with a TV.


Hearing his voice before seeing him, everyone watching the live broadcast looked a little confused.


Finally someone came, a girl who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old wearing a white woolen dress. A man looked at her with a puzzled look.

Isn't that my daughter?
"Hey, dad, you are all watching, village chief... That's what I want to say, the question we asked was selected!"

Chu Lianxin suddenly looked dumbfounded when she saw that a group of people were actually watching the live broadcast from the main station.

But after thinking about it, this is the main station after all, and its spread is relatively wide, so this seems to make sense.

"Girls should pay attention to their image, you are yelling. Officer Song just turned on the TV to show us some opinions of experts from the National Case Team on the case of Xiaoxin's disappearance. We will probably have a third keynote in a moment." Searched."

Chu Lianxin's father, Chu Jiefang, said to her.

"The only thing is that this address is not accurate enough. It will be difficult to find someone in such a big mountain in three hours."

A member of the mountain search team had half his hair white, and he was extremely melancholy at this moment.

And next to him was a man named Chu Kishan who was so silent that he didn't say a word.

At first glance, he looked like he was in his early 50s, but in fact he was only in his mid-forties.

After my wife left, I took care of my daughter alone, and my face was marked by many years of vicissitudes. I was finally happy that my daughter had grown up and relied on her own efforts to graduate from associate degree to undergraduate degree, and became a proud college student in the eyes of others. Who would have thought to get it? A courier has disappeared.

Vicissitudes of life, old age, this father seems to be ten years older at this moment.

There were only a few white hairs.

However, at this time, the villagers discovered that people can really become old overnight.

"It's good that experts can give us such advice. In three hours, Songlin, let's organize a team to look for it. What do you think, Officer Song?"

Village chief Chu Yongbo looked at Officer Song. He was also in his 50s.

He has been the village chief of Xiniu Village for 20 years and is considered a relatively prestigious person in the village.

He regarded the comments of ordinary experts as experts, but Zhang Lingtian's comments were not out of date for the time being. Especially as a village chief with a young child at home, he was quite familiar with Zhang Lingtian, the owner of Ping An White House.

The other party was able to determine the area within the pine forest, which was a great help to them.

How can we push further.

There is no need to delay this matter now, we must quickly organize everyone to search.

The police have police dogs and the like to make the search work more efficient!

Officer Song is the person in charge of this area.

After this incident was reported by the main station, I believe it will definitely become a new hot spot of public opinion.

Their pressure has also doubled.

So we have to find talent early.

With three hours of prime time, in order to catch up with them, they had to find more people.

"Boss, can't you be more detailed? After all, there are only three hours..."

When Jiang Xiaohan heard her boss say three hours, she thought it would still be too difficult to find it in the mountain if it was only three hours, so she asked her boss if he had any other clues.

"Assistant Jiang asked more detailed questions! Maybe we can determine the location in more detail!"

In the village office, a young policewoman was a little excited when she saw Jiang Xiaohan's question, and many people turned their attention to the live broadcast room again.

At this moment, whether online or now, everyone's eyes are focused on the screen.

Because Zhang Lingtian's words are crucial to the fate of the missing girl.

"Yes, if we can be more detailed, maybe the hope of rescuing the person will be greater. Of course, the viewers in front of the TV and in the live broadcast room must also know that this inference is not necessarily 100% accurate. Mr. Zhang only relies on his own experience. Let’s speculate.”

Xiao Sa also followed suit.

I also found a step for Boss Zhang.

Of course, in addition to Boss Zhang’s steps, the steps of their main desk are also here.

Otherwise, their show will change its flavor and become a fantasy show, right?

"Okay, host, please bring me a piece of paper."

Zhang Lingtian nodded after thinking for two seconds.

If you rescue the person, you can get double the reward.

He now has a double reward that can be collected, that is to say, he can get two double rewards.

Give it a try while rescuing people, and maybe your reward will be a detail card.

[Does the host use the last detail card? 】

This was a reminder in front of Zhang Lingtian.


Zhang Lingtian used the details card.

【hint!Detail card used successfully. 】

[Danger location: View the precise version with detailed details. 】

Chu Xiaoxin's personal information panel reappeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

The only difference is that in the area of ​​the opponent's dangerous positioning, there is an additional view for precise details.

[Falling off the cliff in the forest]

A detailed version of the hazard location is like a card.

And the title of the card is Falling off a Cliff.

[Dangerous time: 56:42 minutes and [-] seconds the day before yesterday. 】

[Cause of danger: To pick up the express delivery, I took a shortcut to the town on a mountain road. The mountain road was rugged and densely forested. I was frightened by the sight of a snake and finally stepped on the air and fell into the cliff in panic, causing my body to be fractured and pierced by dead wood and stones. Wait, and then death will eventually be caused by various conditions such as inability to move, coma, hypothermia, etc. 】

[Dangerous location: Within the pine trees in the West Erwo Mountain of the Third Brigade of Xiniu Village, Nanzhou East Town, 1.583km away from the village. I looked around carefully and saw traces of the fall. "View map for details"]


After Zhang Lingtian thought about it, he finally decided to use the details card.

Detailed information appeared in his mind.

By the way, I saw the specific incident where the other party was in danger.

It was actually four o'clock in the afternoon the day before yesterday.

From the day before yesterday to 48pm yesterday and then to [-]pm today, [-] hours have passed.

This girl is probably really dying now.

Fortunately, the system is considerate and even provides a map.

His painting skills are good, otherwise he would not be able to design Baishipu's LOGO by himself.

Then help people to the end and just help them draw it.

In this way, it is relatively easy to find the other party.

"Paper and pen? What do you think, Mr. Zhang, let's open the drawing software directly? You can draw whatever you want on it, it's the same as paper."

Xiaosa asked.


Zhang Lingtian nodded.

He knows how to use drawing software and so on. Simply put, give him an iPad and a pen, and he can draw more vividly.

Soon the program team brought a tablet.

There is also a pen.

On the large screen at the back, you can see Zhang Lingtian writing.

"Oh my God, Boss Zhang can also draw?"

"This painting is too standard. It breaks my understanding of the white shop owner."

"The art scumbags from the Academy of Fine Arts class who were just in training this year said they couldn't draw this effect. Not only did they have a flat map but also a scene mark. I believe the locals should be able to find the place."

"It's very familiar. This place is very familiar. The village is already organizing to find someone."

Zhang Lingtian not only drew the map.

The other party also drew a scene.

It's probably where there are two pine trees and a stone. You can look carefully under the cliff there.

"Sanmengou! This place should be Sanmengou!"

In the village hall, an older villager said to him.

Because the painting process was also broadcast live, the local villagers looked at the floor plan and scene pictures, and some old people who collected herbs remembered it in an instant.

"Then let's set off now and send more manpower to search this place!"

The third brigade of Xiniu Village set off first.

Officer Song and the others also followed.

As the saying goes, time is life.

No matter what, first set off to a place 1.583km away, and then use this as the starting point to find someone.

and find references.

In addition to this, contact the medical staff and go up the mountain with them, so that rescue can be provided at any time.

The time soon came to six o'clock.

Zhang Lingtian also answered all ten questions one by one.

At the end of the program, everyone took a group photo.

On the internet.

Today can be said to be another day of shock.

【1. Dialogue with 'King of Hell' "Boiling"】

[2. The deputy director and senior host are actually spies? "Boiling"]

[3. The main station inserts a promotional video advertisement for “I don’t want to be a village chief]”

[4. The latest development of the missing girl Xiaoxin in Nanzhou is "explosive"]

[5. The criminal in the Suolong Interchange case confessed and was responsible for three lives]

[6. Ping An Baoshipu and his party will set off tomorrow to Little Frog]

[7. Boss Zhang’s global live broadcast responds to the provocateurs such as Master Xi and Maisel Army, please come]

【8.What exactly is in a hundred million cups of tea? 】

[9. The school gate of the victim’s daughter at Suolong Interchange is only a hundred meters away from where her father was buried. 】

[10. The dialogue live broadcast room received rewards from many countries totaling 8000 million yuan]


[50. It is reported on the Internet that Maiseljun is critically ill]

The top four items on today's hot search list are all occupied by programs from the main station, while only three items in the top ten are not related to them.

It can be said that this program has really become popular, and there are also many comments under these hot search terms.

For example, strictly investigate the station director, which is the most common.

Zhang Hai was also helpless about this, but netizens questioned him and there was nothing he could do.

Who asked his deputy to be investigated now, and the charge under investigation was actually spying.

There is also the senior host Meng Lei whom he is going to mention. Even she is a spy! !
Zhang Hai could only say that the tricks of these people were too deep, and it was a complete eye-opener for him.

Check it, you can check it casually if you are upright and not afraid of the shadow.

In addition to the spy matter, the story about Xiaoxin, a girl from Nanzhou who went to pick up a courier that the program crew asked for tens of millions of dollars for answers to, also made it to the hot search list.

The entire network is following up on each other's search and rescue efforts.

Of course, in addition to these, there is also the case from Suolong Interchange.

This criminal suspect was actually responsible for three lives. If the information released by the main station was not too explosive, it is estimated that the other party would have firmly occupied the top spot on the hot search list at this moment.

Especially regarding the interrogation process of the other party, it is said that there are some exciting aspects that have attracted the attention of many water friends.

Of course, these are all inside information spread online.

It only appears in Zhanyou core management group.

Cheng Yuansong, the project manager of the Suolong Interchange who refused to admit it, was forced to admit his crime.

People immediately collapsed afterward.


A little information about the Maisel Army was also leaked.

It is unknown who leaked it.

Rumor has it that the other party is critically ill.

Six o'clock, Imperial City Police Station.

A mother and daughter had just come out, their expressions a bit unsightly.

The two people are none other than Ren Shuangshuang and his mother Cai Wen.

Cai Wen felt sick as if she had eaten feces.

Who would have thought that her husband's good brother, who had been taking care of their mother and daughter, would actually be the murderer of her husband. The most important thing was that the other party spread rumors that her husband had left with his mistress.

This also caused her to misunderstand her husband for so long.

The so-called pillow person.

She was really deceived.

"Ms. Ren Shuangshuang and Ms. Cai Wen, I am very pleased that you two can accept the interview from our main station. How do you two feel after the truth of this matter comes out?"

Two minutes later, the two walked into the interview car parked at the door.

It turned out that the offline reporter from the main station found Ren Shuangshuang at noon and wanted to conduct an interview.

They received a reply at 05:30 today and were willing to be interviewed.

After some communication, I found that they were at the police headquarters.

Finally started the interview car and came over.

The interviewer is Chai Bingbing, a senior host and reporter at the main station.

I have interviewed many people, and what I am best at is opening up the interviewer’s heart.

This time, she was also directly assigned by Zhang Hai, the director of the station, to conduct an interview near the Pharmaceutical University.

The two parties involved were also very cooperative with her. They got into their interview car right after they came out of the police station and before eating.

It was a specialized RV.

Chai Bingbing sat in front of the two of them, with tea on the table.

The simple interview went on like this.

"Shocked and unbelievable, my mother has not come to her senses even now. Until she entered the police station, she still didn't believe that Cheng Yuansong could really kill someone."

Ren Xiaxia's condition is better than that of her mother, mainly because she doesn't have much entanglement with her stepfather.

But the mother is different. After her father left, she became a hedgehog for several years, always guarding against others. Finally, in the past two years, she took off her guard and was with Cheng Yuansong, who has been by their mother and daughter's side, thinking about the rest of their lives. Just get over it.

In the end, who would have thought that this man was actually the murderer of her husband, and even spread rumors to make her misunderstand her husband for so many years.

Therefore, the impact on the mother's heart is completely different from hers, especially since the other party has not received any buffer.

When Boss Zhang said meaningful words to her before, she already had an idea in her mind.

"I never dreamed that..." Cai Wen shook her head.

She was trying hard to control her emotions, after all, she was currently being interviewed at the main station.

But there was nothing wrong with her saying this, because she never dreamed that this would happen.

"As the old saying goes, people's hearts are separated from each other. Many times a person is no different from us normal people, but his heart is often dark and evil. I think Miss Ren Shuangshuang, as the daughter of the victim Ren Dahai, doesn't seem to care about this matter. Why are you so surprised? Did you find out the clues in advance?"

Chai Bingbing asked Ren Shuangshuang.

Through the interview, she found that the other party didn't seem to be very surprised, as if he knew about it in advance.

"Actually, I have never doubted my stepfather. It's just because of Mr. Zhang Lingtian's reminder that I have a buffer period."

Speaking of this, Ren Shuangshuang felt that she had nothing to hide.

The reason why I seem so calm now is just because I have a buffer period.

The buffer period given by Mr. Zhang.

"You mean Boss Zhang has contacted you before?"

This was the first time Chai Bingbing knew about this matter.

Cai Wen had already told these daughters what she said, so she was not as surprised as Chai Bingbing at this moment.

"Yes, he contacted me the day before yesterday, but at that time he only said that he had news about my father. Later, he may have experienced an assassination and did not contact me until yesterday, which was also the morning when Cheng Yuansong was arrested. "

Ren Shuangshuang recalled what happened before.

"So is there anything in particular you want to say to Mr. Zhang?"

Chai Bingbing's eyes were very sincere.

The tone is also sincere and serious.

"Actually, my mother and I would like to treat Mr. Zhang to a meal to express our gratitude, but the current situation is unlikely. We are being interviewed by the main station, so let's express our gratitude to Mr. Zhang here."

Ren Shuangshuang stood up.

Cai Wen also stood up.

"Mr. Zhang, thank you. If it weren't for you, my husband's grievances would probably never be revealed. He might have been locked under the dragon-locking overpass, and the perpetrators would be free for the rest of their lives. Here, I can only say Thanks!"

The mother and daughter thanked Zhang Lingtian for more than two minutes, which is why they endured their sadness and went on the main station program.

Just to say thank you.

But they also know that their words are still too soft, but now they have no choice but to do this.

Please have a meal. Mr. Zhang will not miss this meal. Moreover, the hidden danger of spies has not been completely eliminated, so it is definitely impossible to ask Mr. Zhang out.

I can only do my best to express my gratitude through the main station.

At this moment, on the other side, it was completely dark at [-]:[-].

"found it--"

With a roar, the people in the Xiniu Village mountain search team finally discovered Chu Xiaoxin at the bottom of the cliff.

"Too accurate!"

"Yeah, it's really accurate, right below this place."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang! Thank you! Such a good girl was so close to disappearing!"

A stretcher has been put on, and doctors have also performed emergency treatment.

But he is not out of danger yet and must be sent to the county hospital for rescue first.

The doctor also stated that Mr. Zhang's inference was correct. If the person was found after eight o'clock, he would probably be completely hopeless.

Now there is only a glimmer of hope. Fortunately, they have contacted the best experts in the province before.

"500 meters, we also searched here yesterday, it's only 500 meters away from her!"

Chu Xiaoxin's father, Chu Jishan, was very upset. If he had been found the day before yesterday, it is not certain that the child would not have suffered such serious injuries.

But they clearly got here, but they didn't continue looking.

"No one warned me before. It's so easy to find people because the weeds are so lush. It's good to find them now."

Chu Jiefang comforted Chu Xiaoxin's father, Chu Jishan.

He also has a daughter and knows how the other person feels.

But now the person is finally recovered. The injury is not very serious, but it took a long time, and the minor illness has turned into a critical condition.

Also let the other person not be upset.

Because if someone hadn't reminded them, they would basically not have noticed anyone under the cliff.

"Well, I should have bought a car a long time ago."

The vicissitudes of life man sighed, looking down at the road down the mountain, his fists clenched.

After Chukishan's wife left, he took care of his daughter alone.

Later, his mother became disabled due to an accident, and the entire burden fell on him. He had to do heavy work and later developed a hidden illness. In the end, his daughter became the mainstay.

He once said that if he wanted to buy a car for the other party to drive to town, it would be easy.

But my daughter refused and said no.

This is what happened.

"If you need money, you can come to me. If you have more money, you can't give it to me, but I can still give you a few hundred or thousands."

If there was a small tram, I guess there would be no such thing as falling from a high altitude, because it only takes 40 minutes to ride the tram to the town.

"No, I can still do it."

Chukishan shook his head.

"Actually, Dashan, no matter what the situation is, Xiaoxin, I think you should thank Boss Zhang."

Chu Jiefang thought that Boss Zhang was really helpful this time.


Chukishan nodded.

The night gradually darkened.

The progress of the missing girl in Nanzhou has also been further updated on the Internet.

[Latest development: The missing girl Chu Xiaoxin has been found and is on her way to the county hospital. She is not out of danger yet. 】

"Boss Zhang is awesome!"

"It's so powerful. I actually found the person within three hours."

"It's good that I found her. I hope this girl will be out of danger soon."

"Is there any way to donate? I heard that this girl walked for more than an hour on a mountain road to pick up a courier because she didn't have a car at home. I would like to donate an electric car to her."

"How about we call the local charity and see if we can make a donation to pay for the medical expenses first."

The person was found and many netizens were happy.

Some people even called local charities.

[Nanzhou Charity: We have received a large number of special donations from netizens regarding the incident of missing people falling off cliffs in our area. We have now learned more about it and are continuing to follow up with the hospital. 】

The charity issued a special news release.

The main reason is that they have received donations from netizens from all over the country, and there are special donations for Chu Xiaoxin's treatment expenses.

They certainly don't dare to spend this money frivolously.

So it all needs to be made public.

"Boss, the person has been found!"

At [-]:[-] Zhang Lingtian and the others returned to the hotel.

Jiang Xiaohan looked at his phone and said excitedly.

"Not out of danger yet."

Zhang Lingtian took off his coat and said something.

We are not out of danger yet.

Because if you are out of danger, there will definitely be warnings from your side.

"Well, we're not out of danger yet. Speaking of boss, I'm curious. Aren't you worried about you being so arrogant?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked her boss.

I found that the other party was indeed a bit too ostentatious today.

Not only can he draw a map of the local area, but he can even guess the surrounding scenes.

If this wasn't a bit mysterious, no one would believe it.

"worry about what?"

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

"Yes, yes, it's normal for a person to be able to read faces!"

Jiang Xiaohan found a reason for her boss.


Zhang Lingtian shrugged.

"Dong dong dong."

Suddenly at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Hello Mr. Zhang, I am the steward of the catering department. Currently, the other members of Baishipu's cars have one minute to arrive at the parking lot. It is estimated that it will take 1 minutes to get up. Plus the additional time is estimated to add up to no more than 3 minutes. We Can the food be served here?"

That is a very standard looking woman.

The other party wore clothes specifically belonging to Qingshan Hotel, and then asked Zhang Lingtian.

"Then let's serve the food first."

Zhang Lingtian said.

"it is good."

The butler from the catering department called everyone in and served all the dishes in just one minute.

"It's delicious~"

Jiang Xiaohan smelled it, and it was indeed fragrant.

"Are you hungry? We'll have dinner as soon as they come up. I'll give you a salary increase next month as well. You've cooperated very well today."

Zhang Lingtian looked at Jiang Xiaohan.

Regarding the opponent's cooperation with him today, he felt that he could give full marks.

At this point in time, the other party is probably a little hungry.

Originally they said they were eating out.

But in the end Zhang Lingtian decided to come back to eat.

Because the members of Baishipu are coming over.

It is also slightly safer in the hotel.

I’ve been tired all day today, and I really don’t want to eat outside, so I’d better eat on my own.

"Boss, as an assistant, isn't that what you should do? Besides, I've really gained a lot of experience this time when I came here."

Jiang Xiaohan smiled brightly.

She has really learned a lot.

This kind of insight is impossible to see in Chunjiang in a lifetime.

And since I am the boss’s assistant, it is normal for me to share my boss’s worries.

"Okay, I've decided this matter. I can't let the employees suffer without paying them."

Zhang Lingtian had already thought about this matter.

If you need to pay for cowardice, pay for cowardice.

We must not allow employees to be cheated today and not be paid.


Jiang Xiaohan's beautiful eyes looked at Zhang Lingtian quietly.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohan's look again, Zhang Lingtian frowned.

"Entering the White House is the most correct choice for me. How much do you plan to pay for the loss of money?"

Jiang Xiaohan pretended to rub her hands together.

"I thought what were you going to do? This turn of events reminded me of Li Tiantian."

Zhang Lingtian thought that Jiang Xiaohan wanted to express his deep feelings about his days working in the white shop and meeting such a good boss like himself.

The next second I asked directly how much it would cost.

This caught him off guard.

"They should be coming up too."

Jiang Xiaohan actually had no intention of asking how much it would cost, so she could just take whatever the boss gave her.

She just wanted to be skinny.

After all, the boss’s life today can be said to be full of arrangements.

It took a long time to interrogate the prisoners in the morning, and in the afternoon there was another program and a spy was caught.

It can be said that I am extremely tired.

Then I can't do anything, I can only use words to liven up the atmosphere.

Of course, it was Li Tiantian and the others who really enlivened the atmosphere.

It should be up by now.

Indeed, Li Tiantian and Su Wei have already come up.

"Hint: The [-]th floor has arrived."

A crisp voice sounded in the spacious and luxurious elevator.

The person who brought them up was the housekeeper of the housekeeping department of Qingshan Hotel.

"Both please."

The room steward made a gesture of invitation.

"This, this, go this way?"

After getting out of the elevator, Li Tiantian felt a little unconfident.

And inexplicably a little timid.

The main reason is that there are actually guards on the [-]th floor, and they are all there to take advantage of them.

It was the first time in her early 20 years to see a real guy. Could she not be scared? !
Even Su Wei, a man, felt very shocked.

"Yes, Mr. Zhang and the others are in room 18 on this floor. The place you two will stay tonight is room 17, the accompanying assistant room."

The housekeeper of the housekeeping department led the two people forward.

"Dong dong dong."

Zhang Lingtian and Jiang Xiaohan were chatting when there was a knock on the door outside.

"It's coming as soon as it's said to be coming."

Jiang Xiaohan immediately opened the door.

"Mr. Zhang, we have delivered it. Please enjoy your dinner."

The housekeeper of the housekeeping department sent the person over and left.


Li Tiantian grabbed her hair.

"Huh? What? Are you hungry? Let's eat first."

The dishes and chopsticks on the table are already set.

Cutlery for four.

"I'm hungry, but your standards are too high! Oh my God! I have never seen such a formation in my life!!!"

Li Tiantian looked extremely shocked.

Indeed, today's scene really shocked her.

"Actually, I haven't seen it either."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

The meal lasted for more than an hour, and at the same time some arrangements were made for going to Xiaowa tomorrow. During this period, Nan Shiwen and some security staff also came to his room.

Of course, this was after eating and after Li Tiantian and the others returned to their room.

Originally, Li Tiantian was thinking that she and Su Wei were living together, so the boss's arrangement was a bit inappropriate.

After all, even a double room is not suitable for a man and a woman alone.

As a result, he pushed the door open and went in.

Li Tiantian found herself shocked again.

It is actually very luxuriously decorated inside, and has a living room, a small dining room, and two rooms.

Both rooms have separate bathrooms.

It is like a commercial house with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, one living room and one kitchen.

If I had known earlier, I should have come with the boss.

There was a burst of regret in her heart.

If I had come here with the boss, I would have been able to enjoy a hotel like this earlier. The food is so delicious.

Mistake, misstep.

We have to leave for Little Frog early tomorrow morning.

I don’t know how the little frog is doing yet.

I guess there should be no such conditions.

I glanced at the time, 09:30.

In room 18.

"Mr. Zhang, then we won't disturb you. Thank you very much for your contribution to our national security. After hearing about this incident, the person gave you a thumbs up. Sure enough, he read it right. At the same time, he said that you Just go ahead and do it, we are your strongest backing."

Check it out.

The tea I brewed this afternoon indeed contained the radioactive element polonium-210.

This is also known as the most poisonous substance.

If Mr. Zhang drinks it, the consequences will be disastrous.

Deputy Director Dongfang Yu also admitted that he was a spy and received direct instructions from the Maiser Army.

He has been lurking in the main station for 27 years.

In fact, even if he didn't say anything, the Special Task Force personnel also found some evidence.

The next step is to conquer Menglei.

The other party has not found any problems so far, but has discovered some doubts.

I believe that as the investigation deepens, more doubts will emerge.

Outside agency.

"It's hard!!"

Ten o'clock at night.

Li Zhao and Shuang Yingying are still working overtime.

Tomorrow morning at nine o'clock is the time when Mr. Zhang will set off and their speech meeting will be held. It is estimated that many people will ask questions in the live broadcast room of the main station today.

First he was a spy, then he was looking for people from afar, and he was also drawing maps.

Of course there is also the matter of going to Little Frog.

And other countries reward these.

All in all, it seems like it’s not a big deal, but it’s really not a big deal at all.

Everyone has a headache.

They cannot be sloppy at all when speaking to the outside world. The most important thing is that they must come out with a counterattack momentum and make their words offensive.

This is no good, Brother Zhao started drinking walnut water again.

Compared to Li Zhao, who had a headache, Zhang Lingtian was now in a much more comfortable mood.

【Ding!Congratulations to the pseudo-accurate customer Chu Xiaoxin who is following the host. The risk has dropped to 20% and has been reduced to a low-risk customer. The system reward has been distributed. Please check it. 】

Zhang Lingtian had just finished taking a shower and went to bed.

Then a system prompt sounded in his mind.

It is a reminder that the risk value has dropped.

"It's just right."

Zhang Lingtian showed a smile.

Menglei's self has not received the reward today, and now Chu Xiaoxin's self has received another reward.

Just in time to collect them together.

【hint!If it is detected that the host has received double double rewards, the system will give the host the opportunity to choose four rewards or two rewards and double them. 】

Two options appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

At present, there is a lack of a complete card. The probability of four rewards should be higher, right?

Zhang Lingtian was thinking.

【Ding!The host chooses four reward opportunities, please activate the first reward. 】

In the end, he chose four reward opportunities.

"Turn on."

Zhang Lingtian clicked to open.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for getting the details card*2. 】

The first time I opened it, I got two detail cards, which is not a loss.

【Ding!The host opens the second reward! 】

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the following rewards. 】

[Details card*1, system complete form evolution card fragment*1. 】

Complete form evolution card! !
When Zhang Lingtian saw this card, his eyes lit up.

Sure enough, it’s here!

[It has been detected that two complete form evolution card fragments have been collected, and the system is automatically upgrading to its complete form...]

next second.

The system has been upgraded automatically.

Zhang Lingtian is also looking forward to it. He will soon be able to see the functions that a mature system should have. He should finally be able to protect himself before setting off.

Especially since I still have two rewards that I haven’t claimed yet.

Two more upgrade cards?Has the system evolved to an advanced form?Then you can really control the life and death of others?Evolve into the real Lord of Hell?
Hahaha!Don't think about it, just wait quietly, the dream shouldn't be so beautiful... (End of this chapter)

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