I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 297 The power of the King of Hell frightens the little frog and establishes the pattern! [2

The shining light lasted for about three or four seconds, and it felt like the synthesis of gems while playing a game.


Accompanied by a harsh sound.

【Ding!The full form upgrade of this system has been completed. Hosts are welcome to open the system to explore and use its functions. The system in its full form is very different from its previous form. 】

The mechanical voice in Zhang Lingtian's mind sounded again.

"The difference is huge? Try?"

Zhang Lingtian also became very interested when he saw the prompt popping up from the system.

Let’s test the scanning capabilities first.

Remember that the other party said before that you don’t need to log in to Douyin after you advance to the full form, you can scan it anytime and anywhere.

So he turned on the TV in the room directly.

As for the mobile phone, I was too lazy to pick it up. After all, I just took a shower and took the remote control and pressed it and it showed up. Why bother to pick up the phone, unlock it, and then click on the browser to find someone?
There is also an additional open-screen advertisement, which is too troublesome for lazy people.

"Welcome to the CCTV10 Science and Education Channel's "Dialogue with Archeology" program. Today we have invited Mr. Ying Furukawa, the director of the National Institute of Archaeology. Welcome."


Zhang Lingtian didn't expect that what he turned on at this point was actually the main station's ten archaeological programs.

But it's already ten o'clock.

The program is definitely not live broadcast, it is most likely recorded before and is being broadcast now.

After all, how can someone who is as young as the dean be able to do this?

I just don't know if this kind of recording and broadcasting can be scanned by the image system that is not on Douyin.

Although the system clearly stated that it could be scanned at any time when scanning the complete form, whether online or offline, he was still a little uneasy when using this type of function for the first time.

【Ding!The system is being scanned, and the scanned object is Ying Furukawa. 】

There are two people in front of the camera.

One is the host Gao Yiping, and the other is Ying Furukawa, the director of the Institute of Archeology.

Zhang Lingtian found that there were two green frames in front of him, and the one Ying Furukawa was shining with light.

"Just him."

As soon as my mind moved, the scan was immediately activated in the next moment.

[Scan account: Main Station Science and Education Channel Dialogue Archeology. 】

[Scan target: Ying Furukawa. 】

[Account subject: Main Station Science and Education Channel. 】

[Occupation: Director of the Archaeological Research Institute. 】

[Bad information: Irregular work and rest schedule. 】

[Danger Signal: The probability of danger occurring within three days is 5%, and the probability of danger occurring in the long term is 90%. 】

[Danger positioning: He is the director of the National Institute of Archeology and is obsessed with archaeological research. Since the discovery of Genghis Khan’s tomb, he has been studying this tomb. There is a 5% risk of overexertion of the body. He explored Genghis Khan’s tomb on April 4. There is a 30% probability of danger when actively suspected. The current time distance is relatively far and it is temporarily impossible to predict. 】

[Skill prediction: Click to view. 】

[Forecast of Luck: Click to view. 】

[Number of scans: The exact number of scans in the real world. 】

[Customer Attributes: Temporarily low-risk customers. 】

[System prompt 1: The host can pay attention in advance. 】

[System Tip 2: After upgrading to the complete form, the closer you are to the danger, the clearer the detection will be. 】

The scan results came out almost instantly.

Looking beyond the incident involving Ying Furukawa during archeology, the system is indeed able to scan without using Douyin as mentioned before.

I can use real-world scanning at close range, and I can use electronic devices to take photos and videos at long distances, which can be regarded as making up for some of the shortcomings. Although it is not very comprehensive, it is many times more powerful than before.

But why is the number of scans gone?
Could it be that I can scan unlimited times now?
Zhang Lingtian's eyes lit up when he thought of this.

This is the sex-price ratio that a complete form should have!

[System prompt 3: After being promoted to the complete system form, the number of scans will no longer be displayed unless scanning is used. The basic number of scans is 10. 】

Just when Zhang Lingtian was eager to get ready, a system prompt sounded again.

There was also a banner in front of him that only he could see.

Now he understood. The original number of basic scans had become 10. Because of the promotion opportunity he had just received, it was now all 10.

Are there no other functions besides these?
Zhang Lingtian looked curious, where is the mature system that was agreed upon?

Where is the maturity?
Normally, there should be items buying and selling, right? What about cards that bring bad luck?

And how to explore as promised?

Zhang Lingtian found that the status bar displayed in front of him looked like a broken screen and could not be clicked at all.

That's all, there are still two lottery chances, Zhang Lingtian plans to try again.

Although all abilities have been strengthened, I am still a little unsatisfied. The reason is the lack of self-protection ability.

This is still very deadly.

After all, what he has to face now is assassination from some countries.

[Does the host receive the third reward? 】

When I was about to start the third reward, the familiar prompt sound of the system appeared.


Zhang Lingtian directly chose to open the reward.

After all, there are four rewards. Since I have time now, I must activate them and see what I get.

[The reward is collected successfully, and the host receives the following rewards. 】

[Unlimited number of accurate card scans in a single day*2. 】

[Detail card *1. 】

A golden light flashed.

Those are two cards of different colors.

[Quantity of props: "4" detail cards, "2" accurate scanning cards unlimited times in a single day. 】

The number of props is also displayed.

I got three detail cards before, but now I got one, making the total number four.

This thing is still very useful.

The precise scan after the details scan can basically summarize the entire incident. If you encounter a dead person during the investigation, you can also use the details card to unlock specific details.

The only thing is that when facing such a dead person, only one detail card can be used.

But at present, they are all scanned accurately. Even if there is only one scan, it should be possible to determine the cause of death and find the relevant suspects.

So for this detailed card, the more the better.

But what is this unlimited number of accurate scanning cards in a single day?Is the specific function the same as the literal meaning?

Zhang Lingtian clicked on the unlimited number of precision scan cards in a single day out of curiosity.

[Unlimited number of precise scans per day: Use this card to scan the number of times per day, whether online or offline. 】

After clicking, there will usually be an introduction to the card. No, the introduction to the card soon appeared in front of him.

"Not bad, great stuff!"

Zhang Lingtian feels that this card is indeed a very good thing and can be scanned an unlimited number of times in a single day.

He had been waiting for this card for too long.

If you want to explore the tomb of Genghis Khan in the future, these two cards will become a big reliance.

And it can be seen from the scan that Ying Furukawa just carried out that the tomb of Genghis Khan is extremely dangerous.

As the director of the National Institute of Archaeology, there is a 90% risk of danger when entering a tomb.

Ying Furukawa can be regarded as a leading figure in domestic archaeology, and he has made a lot of preparations to explore the tomb of Genghis Khan. Logically speaking, he is at the highest level in terms of protection and knowledge.

But there is still a 90% chance of danger for people like this.

It is enough to show how dangerous the tomb of Genghis Khan is.

Please contact Ying Furukawa later.

Let’s see what the other party’s plan is for this tomb excavation.

If possible, he still doesn't want to see large-scale casualties and a serious loss of vitality to the archaeological community.

Because exploring this ancient tomb must involve a large number of people and countless archaeological experts.

Based on the 90% risk probability of winning Furukawa, the casualties may be at least 80%.

In other words, eight out of ten people will die, eighty out of a hundred people will die, and eight hundred out of a thousand people will die.

This can definitely be said to be a huge number of casualties, and it is even possible for the archaeological elite to be wiped out.

He could explore.

If you don’t have the conditions to dig, he doesn’t recommend digging!
Just like the Mausoleum of the First Emperor.

Although countless people want to explore the secrets inside that have been hidden for thousands of years, they are currently unable to do so with current technology.

At this time, the dialogue archeology program is still playing.

"Dean Ying, Genghis Khan's tomb has been discovered, and many countries around the world are paying attention. I would like to ask when will our archaeological team prepare to carry out excavation work?"

The host Gao Yiping asked Ying Furukawa curiously.

At present, the international community is also paying great attention to the excavation of Genghis Khan's tomb.

Especially the grassland country next door.

The other person's eyes are all red.

The same goes for chicken and sauce related people.

They had been tossing around on the grassland for so long before, but they never expected that they would actually be there.
"Exploring Genghis Khan's tomb is a milestone in the archaeological history of our country and the world, so we are preparing to start excavation work at the end of this month."

Ying Furukawa answered the host's question like this.

The tomb of Genghis Khan will definitely be excavated, and they are planning to start it at the end of April.

Today is April [-]nd.

"I heard that both the grassland countries, Jiangfang and Jifang want to send experts to help explore Genghis Khan's tomb. So are we going to accept each other's help?"

Gao Yiping asked many questions that people in the archaeological community and those who care about this matter want to know.

The current hot search list is all related to Boss Zhang.

But there are also hidden clouds in the archaeological community.

The reason is the discovery of Genghis Khan's tomb.

"No need. We have now established an expert team to excavate Genghis Khan's tomb. The top archaeological experts in the country are included. It is enough to excavate Genghis Khan's tomb."

Ying Furukawa shook his head.

How could they allow others to interfere in their own affairs?

And how could he not know what these people were thinking?If you look back, you will definitely get lost again!
"So is there Mr. Zhang Lingtian among these top archaeological experts? I read in the news that you have gone to see him. What is his attitude towards the excavation of Genghis Khan's tomb?"

Gao Yiping asked a question that he wanted to know.

That is whether Mr. Zhang Lingtian will become a member of the expert team and follow him for archeology, and what is the other party's attitude towards the excavation of Genghis Khan's tomb.

"At present, Mr. Zhang is not a member of the archaeological expert group. Of course, we would be very happy if he wants to participate. As for finding Mr. Zhang, yes, I did go to Mr. Zhang Lingtian before, but it seems that Mr. Zhang Lingtian has no idea about this tomb. What an interest.”

It was a bit regretful to win Furukawa.

If Mr. Zhang Lingtian can be allowed to join in, they will definitely be even more powerful.

Because the team really needs people like the other party who understand the five arts and metaphysics.

The tomb of Genghis Khan also involves the existence of some ancient magic.

"So you don't plan to invite Mr. Zhang Lingtian this time? He won't participate in the excavation of Genghis Khan's tomb?"

Gao Yiping understood.

At present, Mr. Zhang Lingtian is not in the archaeological team.

And he doesn’t seem to be interested in archeology per se.

"I may go to Mr. Zhang again. Even if he is not willing to be a member of the expert team of the archaeological team, I will try to get him to be our consultant. In this way, we may make fewer mistakes during the excavation."

Ying Furukawa said to the opening.

He knew that Zhang Lingtian was still in the imperial capital, and he had made an appointment to visit him.

But since the spy incident happened, the other party's place has tightened control, and there is no way for him to get there.

At present, various applications have to be made. I can only say that I hope that I can meet him when he leaves the imperial capital, or when he comes back.

Excavation work only began at the end of the month.

There is still some time for Ying Furukawa.

"Dean Ying, let me ask a topic that everyone is more interested in. That is why Mr. Zhang and you will make fewer mistakes in the past. Is there any explanation here?"

The host Gao Yiping extended the topic.

"I can only say that ancient art is profound and profound. There are some things that need to be explored slowly and cannot be explained clearly in three or two sentences."

Ying Furukawa answered the other party almost without thinking.

You asked Mr. Zhang why this is the case.

How could he explain it?

There is no way to explain it at all, but one thing is certain: the ancient art is profound and profound.

"That's true. In fact, what most netizens are more curious about is that Mr. Zhang Lingtian performed a map search and rescue performance from the air today. It was finally confirmed that the person was found in that place. Can this kind of ancient magic be used to explain it? It feels more It’s like occult magic.”

The host came to this matter again after saying a few words.

The program was recorded from 07 o'clock to 30:[-] today.

As for why it was at this point in time, it was mainly because of Dean Ying Furukawa's time issue.

And the other party can't be too late.

Therefore, these things were also included by the host.

"I think this should be a program that talks about archeology rather than magic, right?"

Ying Furukawa smiled.

"That's right. You see, I'm talking nonsense again."

Gao Yiping also laughed.

Soon we got into topics related to archeology.

"Oh, everyone looks like a spy these days. I misunderstood."

[Number of scans: The exact number of scans in the real world is "9 times". 】

On the other hand, the subject of the other party aroused his alertness.

I guess this Gao Yiping is not a spy.

He scanned it.

Turns out I guessed wrong.

And his real-world scan count is one less.

The previous scan of Ying Furukawa was the number of system tests and was not included in the number of real scans. The scan of Gao Yiping now was considered the first real world scan.

At present, in addition to Douyin scanning, it seems that the TV is also scanned in the real world.

Otherwise, a precise scan of the real world would not have been used just now.

However, he could understand that there was a limit to the number of accurate scans, after all, it was accurate scans.

Douyin's unlimited number of scans seems to be just ordinary scans, and the number of precise scans is not unlimited.

Ten times is usually enough!
Especially now that you can accurately scan your card an unlimited number of times in a single day.

This is enough for him to use!
We will see if there is any way to exchange it later.

He has already accumulated hundreds of times of natural selection.

Previously, detail cards could be redeemed with a number of natural selections. Thirty selected times could be redeemed for one detail card.

This is why I felt confident after I ran out of detail cards.

If it really comes to a dangerous moment, I can currently redeem three to four detail cards.

However, the reason why he saved for so long was to wait for something to be redeemed in the future of the system.

At present, this unlimited number of precise scanning cards should be redeemable.

【Ding!It is detected that the host is willing to redeem, and the card redemption channel is opened by scanning the card accurately an unlimited number of times. If the host wants to redeem, he can redeem it through the exclusive redemption mall! 】

Just after Zhang Lingtian's idea appeared, there was another prompt in front of him.

Then two cards appeared in front of him.

[Details card*1 "Number of times to choose in 30 days"]

[Unlimited accurate scanning cards in a single day*1 "Number of 90-day selections"]

They are the black details card and the dark purple unlimited number of precision scans per day card.

The former requires 30 days of selection, while the latter requires [-] days of selection.

I have to say that the price of this word-unlimited accurate scanning card is really outrageous.

Although I can accumulate one number of times of Tianxuan per day if I don't use Tianxuan, I can only get four unlimited precision scan cards throughout the year.

[The system mall has been closed. 】

Zhang Lingtian just said that he could exchange it like this.

It doesn’t mean that you have to redeem it like this.

So he closed the system mall interface at this moment.

There is one last reward.

He planned to receive it directly.

[Does the host receive the fourth reward?This is the last of two double rewards. 】

When he was about to receive the reward, the prompt sound in front of him appeared again.

Ask him if he will claim the fourth reward again.


Zhang Lingtian received it directly without any hesitation.

【hint!Congratulations to the host for receiving the following rewards. 】

[1. The real-world scanning distance is upgraded to 20 meters, and the group scanning ability is awakened. 】

[2. Backlash skill card (20 points)*1. 】

There were two more golden rays of light, with special effects.

Of course, only he can see this, and no one else can.

If there was surveillance in this room, the only thing that could be seen was him lying on the bed watching TV.

It's just that his eyes are a little distracted.

It doesn't feel like it's focused on the TV screen.

[Group scanning ability: This is the scanning ability of the host in a specific area, which can only be obtained through rewards. In short, the host scans within a range of 20 meters, and everyone's danger probability, luck, bad information, etc. can be revealed. "Unlimited times", the host can click on any one of them to accurately scan "limited times". 】

Of course Zhang Lingtian doesn't know what group scanning ability is.

This is a click-through introduction to this ability.

Great praise! !
He just wanted a thumbs up.

Although it does not provide self-protection ability, it is actually not bad to provide this ability!

Within a range of 20 meters, you can conduct group scans an unlimited number of times to check the danger probability, luck, bad information, etc. of these people.

This means that if a killer appears within 20 meters of him, he can definitely detect it!
Just ask if this ability is worthy of praise!

I don't know why, but now his heart suddenly calmed down a little, and he was no longer as worried as before.

Perhaps it really is true to that sentence, any fear comes from lack of firepower.

The complete form of this system is really excellent!

[The counterattack skill card (20 points) is being applied, and the estimated time is 30 seconds. 】

The next moment, a reminder appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

What is this 'Backlash Skill Card (20 points)', and why is it actively used?

Zhang Lingtian looked at the front and forgot about the slightly weird card at the back.

I saw him looking confused at this moment.

I originally wanted to click on this card to see the detailed introduction.

[The application of 20 points of backlash value is completed. 】

[Backlash value: 30/100. 】

After waiting for 30 seconds, two prompts suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

The previous step is completed by applying the backlash value.

The latter is a display of backlash value. From the current point of view, 100 points is the full limit, but I only have 30 points.

What the hell is this?
What do you mean to backfire on yourself? 100 o'clock directly cool?
Thinking of this, Zhang Lingtian's heart suddenly twitched, and he didn't want to come like this.

You can't do things like cheating.

[Backlash value: "View details"]

Just when Zhang Lingtian frowned, a prompt sounded in front of him.

Naturally, he chose to check the details.

[System backlash is the foundation of the system and has the ability to protect the host. Specific functions include but are not limited to potential threat backlash and murderous backlash... The system's initial backlash value is 10 points, and a 100-point backlash value is the system's top backlash capability. It is not recommended to upgrade unless necessary. to 100 points, otherwise the system will be upgraded again. 】

There are thousands of words worth detailing the system's backlash capabilities.

And Zhang Lingtian's chest, which was originally blocked, became clear after reading it!
Good guy, now the other party finally admits that he has the ability to bite back!

Now he can finally understand why some people are unlucky when they target him.

It turns out that this is all the backlash ability that comes with the system.

But it was only 10 o'clock before?
What the hell, the backlash value of 10 points is already so strong, and now +20 points is equivalent to a direct upgrade three times?
Zhang Lingtian couldn't imagine what kind of terrifying level this counterattack ability would be when it was upgraded to 100 points.

What kind of bad luck card is this thing asking for?

Whoever targets him will be in trouble!
Not the king of hell is better than the king of hell!

Complete form of awesome! !

But... don’t upgrade to [-] points unless necessary? ?
There was a doubtful look in his eyes.

What nonsense is the system talking about?The opponent just got 20 points and merged directly!

Does he have a choice whether to upgrade to [-] points or not?
But he was also a little curious. Will the system be upgraded again after 100 points?
What form will it be upgraded to?
Super god form?
That's all, don't think about it.

After all, I only got the backlash value once, and I don’t know when I can get it all together.

This thing is completely metaphysics.

But now he really isn't worried at all.

Even in a good mood.

At [-]:[-], watch TV for a while.

He definitely didn't have the leisure and elegance to watch TV before, but now his words have this elegance.

"Dong dong dong."

Suddenly at this moment, there was a knock on the door from outside.

"Boss, have you turned off the lights and taken a rest?"

It was Jiang Xiaohan's voice.

"Not yet, what's the matter?"

Zhang Lingtian asked curiously.

Why did Xiaohan come to see him so late?
"It's like this. There will be a call coming in soon. If you're not asleep, boss, you can answer it."

Hearing that his boss was still asleep, he immediately replied.

"Phone? Whose?"

Zhang Lingtian's expression was a little more confused when he received a call so late.

"It's from the National Institute of Archeology. Director Ying wants to talk to you. He just called me to ask if you had slept. If not, I hope to have a phone call with you."

Jiang Xiaohan told the reason.

"Oh, Dean Ying, let's fight. I happen to be watching his show."

Anyway, I'm not sleeping yet, so it's okay to answer the other party's call.

"Okay, good night, boss."

Jiang Xiaohan said and returned to his room.

"Assistant Jiang, is Mr. Zhang sleeping?"

Called from landline.

On the other end of the phone was Ying Furukawa's voice.

"Dean Ying, you can call your boss. He's not asleep yet and he said he's watching your show."

Jiang Xiaohan told Ying Furukawa truthfully.

"Are you watching my show?"

Ying Furukawa was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"Hahaha, thank you Assistant Jiang."

Ying Guchuan thanked Jiang Xiaohan and then hung up the phone.

Mainly because I just received the notice from Nan Shiwen and the others.

If they call early, it will definitely affect their conversation, and they can only talk at this time.


Zhang Lingtian's room.

Suddenly the landline phone rang.


He picked up the phone.

"Mr. Zhang, my name is Ying Furukawa. I'm really sorry to bother you at this point. I only have one purpose for making this call tonight, so I can only talk for two minutes."

Ying Furuchuan always treated Zhang Lingtian with the same respect as before.

He never thinks that he is old enough.

To put it bluntly, Mr. Zhang Lingtian may not be able to learn what he has mastered in his lifetime.

So you should respect each other.

"Hahaha, it's not like Dean Ying. If you want to chat for a while, that's fine. I'm watching your dialogue archeology program today. I thought you would go back to rest in the evening after recording the program, but I didn't expect that you would still be there. No rest."

Zhang Lingtian actually admires scholars like Ying Furukawa.

He is very serious about academic matters.

Now watching this program, you can see the academic level of the other party. He is worthy of being called a leading figure in archaeology.

He thought that the other party went back to sleep after recording the program. Who would have thought that he would call him at early ten o'clock.

Speaking of which, today is indeed his last day in the imperial capital.

"Thank you for your love. I thought Assistant Jiang was joking just now. I didn't expect that Mr. Zhang was actually watching the program I recorded today. It's mainly because I'm older and have something on my mind and it's hard to sleep. I'll call Mr. Zhang today. The main reason I came here to ask you is if I can have dinner with you tomorrow in a private room in the buffet restaurant of Qingshan Hotel. Don’t worry, I won’t delay your business.”

Ying Furukawa sighed with emotion.

I didn’t expect that Mr. Zhang was actually watching his own show.

If the other party is watching the show, I believe they will know when they are going to dig Genghis Khan's tomb.

Tomorrow's conversation should be a little more time-consuming.

"Have breakfast together? Okay, what time does Dean Ying plan to come over for breakfast?"

Zhang Lingtian replied.

"Ah? What about time? Mr. Zhang just depends on your time. I can do it."

Ying Furukawa never expected that everything would go so smoothly, and he suddenly felt a little unconfident.

"Then let's go to eight o'clock. What do you think? We'll eat until 08:30, and then we'll pack up and go to the airport."

Because it is a private plane, there is no need for security checks.

Nan Shiwen told him today that he could leave at 08:30, and there would be a dedicated car to pick him up at that time.

The car can drive directly under the plane.

Speaking of which, this was his first time experiencing a car driving into an airport.

"Eight o'clock? Of course!"

Ying Furuchuan did not expect that the time given by Mr. Zhang Lingtian was so perfect.

It takes about 10 to [-] minutes to get to Qingshan Hotel from here, so starting at [-] o'clock is just right.

If you have breakfast at 06:30, you have to leave at five o'clock.

That’s not to say that we can’t set off at this time. It’s absolutely fine and there’s no problem. It’s just that it’s not as considerate as having breakfast at eight o’clock.

"Yeah, let's agree on this time. I'll see you tomorrow, Mr. Zhang, so I won't disturb you anymore!"

Ying Furukawa said.

Got an appointment!
Before Mr. Zhang Lingtian went to Xiaowa.

I hope there will be some progress in the conversation tomorrow.

"Okay, then Dean Ying, you should go to bed early."

Soon the two parties hung up the phone.

If Dean Furukawa is willing to come over and have dinner with him, he will definitely not be able to refuse him.

As long as it doesn't waste time.

the other side.

In a study room of a centuries-old building, a man is reading some books.

At the same time, listen to what Hong Yuan said.

"Has it been penetrated like this? It's not easy."

The man put down the book in his hand and sneered.

The latest investigation results show that Dongfang Yushi Hammer was penetrated and lurked for 27 years.

Menglei's investigation also found decisive evidence, and the other party had been lurking for 22 years.

"Boss, we are responsible for this."

Hong Yuan lowered his head, looking like he was waiting for criticism.

"The enemy is too cunning, but this also proves that there should be a lot of two-faced people among us!"

The man's eyes suddenly became sharp.

"Yes, our security people have started investigating, but it will take some time."

Hong Yuan did not expect that the current problem would be so serious.

But they have now begun a large-scale rat hunt.

"The more these people investigate this matter, the tighter they cover it up, and the more things we want may be destroyed by them."

The man shook his head slightly.

There are also a few more meaningful expressions on his expression.

"Boss, don't we investigate?"

Hong Yuan was a little puzzled when he heard this.

It seems that I can't figure out what the boss is thinking.

"Check, of course we will check, but we don't need to check like this. We can just let them voluntarily admit to surrendering."

The man's rich voice was full of laughter.

"Surrender yourself? Boss, I can't seem to keep up with your brain!"

Although Hong Yuan is also the boss of a department.

But now he really can't keep up with his boss's thinking.

This is definitely not flattery.

"Have you forgotten Xiaotian? The two other parties discovered it on the TV station. Then we can completely recruit some people to let the other party identify them, thereby creating pressure on some infiltrators and letting them take the initiative to admit themselves. The more accurate these people are, The more infiltrated people will jump out, this method is much more convenient than slowly searching for yourself."

The man said with a smile.


The next moment Hong Yuan's body tensed up!
“Boss! This method is great, it’s just Deputy Leader Zhang’s new opening method!!”

Hong Yuan was like a enlightenment, and he immediately woke up.

The boss's method is simply perfect!
"Hong Yuan, you need to correct what you said. Instead of calling it Deputy Leader Zhang's new way of opening up, it should be said that Xiaotian and we are all part of the effort to build this beautiful, stable, harmonious, and prosperous country. "

The man said to him.

"Yes, yes, then when will we ask Deputy Team Leader Zhang to implement this?"

I only saw Hong Yuan asking at this moment.

"Taking advantage of this gust of wind, the faster the better, and we can start from a certain department, see the big from the small, and then spread to all departments. By the way, when is Xiaotian going to set off tomorrow?"

The man suddenly remembered this and asked Hong Yuan.

"The flight will be around nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Depending on the specific departure time, it will not be later than 09:30. What's wrong, boss?"

Hong Yuan replied.

"Okay, I'll go see Xiaotian tomorrow and have breakfast together to see if he has the intention to do this. I don't know if he's asleep yet."

The man looked like he was thinking for a while.

"Director Ying of the National Institute of Archeology just made a phone call and made an appointment for breakfast at eight o'clock. How about I call again and ask?"

He naturally knew about Ying Furukawa's date.

After all, they are responsible for the security aspect.

Although Maiseljun is now critically ill, who would have thought that Jiang Fang would do something bad at this moment?
Some things are not afraid of [-], but afraid of just in case.

"Dean Ying is here too? That's just right. You can arrange a time for me to come over and have breakfast together."

Hearing that Ying Furukawa was there, the big boss's expression shone with light.

Archeology is also a very important undertaking.

It happened that he also wanted to chat with the other party, but unfortunately due to various things during this period, he had not had time to have an in-depth conversation with the other party.

"Ah? Boss, do you want to go to Qingshan Hotel for breakfast? Isn't this a bit inappropriate?"

Although Mr. Zhang's security level is very high, their big boss's security level is even higher.

"There is nothing inappropriate. I have worked my way up from the grassroots level and have never experienced any hardships. The food was sour for several days and we all ate it with gusto. Moreover, the food at Qingshan Hotel is not bad. You just follow the normal security measures." Just get on with it.”

The big boss is very casual about eating.

Mainly people who had lived a hard life before.

It's just that now for some reasons, I need to take care of my body, and I can't eat miscellaneous things that increase the burden on my body.

But it won't hurt to just have a casual meal once in a while.

At worst, I can just drink a bowl of porridge and eat a white-flour steamed bun.

"Okay, then let me tell Deputy Team Leader Zhang."

"No, just go directly there tomorrow. I just want to have breakfast without saying hello."

The big boss waved his hand.

The night was getting darker at this time.

The Internet bombs this night can be said to be one after another.

Especially Bihu.

[1. How do you view the fact that a netizen’s comments on the Internet were reported by a large number of netizens, and after investigation, he was actually a spy? 】

Click on the question.

That was a notice from the Imperial City Police Department.

It was probably the netizens who spoke in Boss Zhang's live broadcast to defend Menglei and Dongfang Yu. After investigation, they found evidence that the other party had contact with foreign intelligence personnel, and there was conclusive evidence that the other party was a spy.

"I guess the people who trained him don't want to recognize such a stupid team member!"

"I was laughing so hard, I was really laughing to death. I thought the netizens were just fooling me, but the more I checked, the more I found something was wrong."

"It's really awesome to expose yourself. I want to ask how you can become a spy with this kind of intelligence? Are you sure you are not defrauding foreign countries of their money?!"

"I have to obey Boss Zhang. I caught three spies in one live broadcast. It's so powerful! Let's start next, and Xiaowa hopes to continue to promote the power of the King of Hell and scare some clowns."

"Actually, what I'm looking forward to is the speech conference that will start at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. By then, people will definitely start to make things difficult for Brother Zhao. I'm looking forward to the scene of Brother Zhao's gauze!"

"Speaking of what happened at the Suolong Interchange, did you see the murderer? The murderer was actually the deceased's good brother, and he even took possession of the deceased's wife. No wonder the other party was so resentful!"


What is strange is that in Bihu, the third spy ranked first in the hot search.

Compared to the scarf, the opponent only came to the eighth position.

This also proves from the side some essential differences between netizens of the two softwares.

【1. Dialogue with the King of Hell "Boiling"】

[2. The latest development of the missing girl Xiaoxin in Nanzhou is "explosive"]

[3. Suolong Interchange victim’s interview was “boiling”]

[4. Cheng Yuansong, who had three lives on his back, confessed to "boiling"]

【5.Dear frog friend Boss Zhang is here】

[6. It is reported on the Internet that Maiseljun is critically ill]

[7. Excavation of Genghis Khan’s tomb will begin at the end of this month]

【8.The third spy appears】

[9. The director of the main station is Zhang Hai]

This is the hot search list for scarves.

Dialogue with the King of Hell still deserves to be number one.

After all, today’s live broadcast room is really shocking.

In addition to talking to the King of Hell, Chu Xiaoxin ranked second.

"Thank God, I'm finally out of danger."

"According to my doctor friend, if we had arrived just one hour later, it would have been impossible to save her. This girl's life is really in danger!"

"The main thing is that she was lucky enough to meet the Lord of Hell who was willing to help. Otherwise, it would probably be a corpse if she found it. I hope she can live well in the future."

Under this hot search, water friends are talking about it one after another.

This girl is indeed lucky.

As for the third place on the hot search list, it was the video of Ren Shuangshuang and Cai Wen being interviewed. This video made everyone heartbroken.

Especially to Cai Wen.

They all said what a wonderful woman, but who would have thought that they would encounter such an inhuman thing.

As they said, thanks to Boss Zhang.

Otherwise, her deceased father's soul would have been suppressed under the Suolong Overpass for who knows how long.

The fourth item just hit the hot search list.

[News Network: Cheng Yuansong, who was responsible for three lives, repented in the detention center. He should not have betrayed his trust, let alone do such unscrupulous things, and said he was sorry for his good brother Ren Dahai, his wife Cai Wen, and his stepdaughter Ren Shuangshuang. I The crime is extremely heinous. 】

"Oh, that's new. Didn't you refuse to admit it to death before? Now you've even made a confession. What are you confessing to?"

After this video came out, it immediately aroused the ridicule of the entire Internet. "That's right, it's not a confession at all. The fact is that I cried because I was caught, not because of these three innocent souls!"

"I'm afraid I didn't cry because I did it perfectly, but in the end, a living hell king from the national case team showed up and directly exposed the matter!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I'm going to be shot. If I had known, I would have been in jail for a few years. Kill whoever you want and seize someone's wife. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu."

"You must have smiled happily when you buried me back then, right? I don't have any demands. You can just ask for forgiveness. How did you bury me back then? How will I bury you now!"

"Seeing the repentant faces of these demons makes me sick! If there really is an afterlife, I really hope that people like you will never be reincarnated!"

"Isn't Boss Zhang the King of Hell? I suggest you go straight to the [-]th level of hell, so that people like this will never have a chance to stand up!"

"I'm very curious about why his attitude changed 180 degrees. Wasn't he so hysterical that the whole building heard it?"

Many people despised this confession video.

It's all just pretentious.

I hope that I can directly lay down the eighteenth level of hell and never be reincarnated, so that I can relieve the hatred in everyone's heart.

And this is also the most powerful punishment for these people!

Some people are also curious about why the other party repented, and his attitude was completely different from before.

It's like a different person.

You know, not even a day has passed.

Little did he know that after being angry, Cheng Yuansong entered a very sober stage, especially after Ren Shuangshuang and his daughter arrived.

The official explanation is that the other party opened up his heart after meeting his current wife and daughter, and finally decided to repent.

In fact, everyone in the detention center was together, and he heard what several inmates said.

Go to the underworld to report Zhang Lingtian?

They themselves are people from the underworld.

It's possible to turn around and send him directly to the eighteenth level of hell.

Furthermore, inmates in these detention centers said that different ways of death are treated differently in prison.

If you are shot, you are the lowest level, a enslaved ghost!
As for being enslaved for one year, ten years, a hundred years or a thousand years, it depends on how serious your sin is.

In this case, he thought he might as well admit it sooner.

This will also help reduce your crime.

In short, all confessions come from inner fear.

The hot topics that followed were Boss Zhang's request for Xiaowa, and the fact that the No.3 spy was really reported by netizens.

What has been soaring are the rumors of the Maisel Army.

It is reported online that the other party is critically ill.

"Mr. Maiseljun, I know you foreigners don't believe this, but I still have something to say, that is, you cannot offend the Lord of Hell, otherwise there will be backlash."

"That's right, so many things have happened, and you still don't know anything about it! I suggest you seek advice from your boss."

"Actually, I think Boss Tian is pretty good. Although he is against Boss Zhang, he is very honest about his health!"

"He said that he had expected such an outcome, but he just didn't know if he could hold on, and he couldn't honestly report to the God of Death."

"I said there are some people, but it's just rumored but it's not true. Are you guys having intracranial orgasms one by one?"

"That's right, the Maisel Army is a five-star general. When did he become so fragile?"

Some people believe it, some people have expected it, and some people don't believe it at all.

I don’t think a five-star general can be so crispy.

Many of the news did not have an official channel, and were not even officially acknowledged. They were all articles published by self-media. As a result, intracranial orgasms began, which is very outrageous.

The night is getting darker.

Sauce recipe.

The Maisel Army is really on the rescue.

Even the master of the rare sect came, and even the boss understood the situation and came to the hospital.

After all, both of them are currently the masters of their respective sects.

It's just that the rare sect leader became the leader of the martial arts alliance in the sect competition, referred to as the big boss.

"How could this happen? Wasn't the other party fine yesterday?"

This time point is exactly [-] o'clock noon.

The rare sect leader frowned.

Yesterday, the other party was talking to me on the phone, and his tone was as confident as possible. Why was he suddenly lying on the bed motionless, as if his whole body had been drained.

"Old man with diarrhea, I told you that Zhang is not to be messed with. It's much more cost-effective to outwit the other person than to fight against him. Look at the stupid things you are doing now."

The understanding boss mocked the rare sect leader angrily.

It is obviously inappropriate to go against the other party.

"It's such a big country, do you think we don't even have the ability to deal with Zhang Lingtian?"

The rare sect leader was obviously a little unhappy when he heard this.

"Then what are you capable of? You're not sending the people we placed inside them to their prisons one by one, are you? With this time, I might as well think of ways to poach them and see if your current investigation is far better than the others. You fell in love with me, and I asked you to silence me, hahaha."

The understanding boss laughed.

Ridicule, he just wanted to ridicule the rare sect leader.

It's been a long time since I felt this comfortable.

"Humph——, I understand madmen, I will kill this so-called myth of yours with my own hands. Then we will see who wins and who loses."

The rare sect leader's eyes were terrifyingly deep.

"As expected, he is an old man with diarrhea who makes our Jiangjiang taste great. Don't worry, next time you won't have diarrhea but blood."

The two were bickering.

The rescue efforts of the Maisel Army are still continuing.

The time soon came to 55:[-] the next morning.

"Morning boss."

Seeing his boss coming out, Jiang Xiaohan greeted him.

"Well, let's go up, Li Tiantian and the others have made arrangements."

Zhang Lingtian asked Jiang Xiaohan.

"Don't worry, boss, Tiantian and their breakfast will be delivered to the room at eight o'clock."

Jiang Xiaohan has arranged everything.

Just like that, the two of them opened the door and walked outside.

The dining area is on the 29th floor.

This is also the tallest building.

"Boss, yesterday's scarf was really lively. I wonder if you saw it."

Jiang Xiaohan is also a player who is keen on wearing scarves.

"No, I just went to bed last night."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

I watched TV last night and immediately felt sleepy.

"You know, during the live broadcast on the main station yesterday, a netizen spoke below. As a result, everyone suspected that the other person's speech did not resemble the brain circuit of a normal person, so they reported it. Guess what happened?"

Of course what Jiang Xiaohan was talking about was one of the top ten most searched topics.

This morning the other party has reached the top five.

The popularity of this matter is still very high.

"What's wrong? He's not a spy, is he?"

Zhang Lingtian said casually.

Generally speaking, something must have been discovered to make the news.

If it is a spy, then this news will be infinitely amplified.

"Oh my God! Boss! You guessed it right. After reporting and verification by the police, it was found that the person with the letters in the sauce is really a spy! There is a myth circulating on the Internet that you directly caught three spies by hosting a live broadcast."

Jiang Xiaohan said next to Zhang Lingtian.

I am the boss's assistant, but I can't talk about work all the time.

As young people, I occasionally talk about what happens online.

"You guessed it right."

Zhang Lingtian didn't expect that he actually guessed it right.

I was a little surprised for a moment.

"Boss, I think some netizens' suggestions are really good. Why don't you branch out into a side business of catching spies?"

Jiang Xiaohan said half-jokingly.

The two of them also got on the elevator, which was rising rapidly towards the 29th floor.

"Catching spies can be a side job?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at his assistant in a strange way.

"Why can't you? Of course you can, and the boss..."

"Eh? Dean Ying."

The elevator door opens.

The time happened to be 57:[-].

There are still 3 minutes left before the agreed breakfast time.

It’s almost always a budgeted time, so naturally it’s not late.

Just when they got out of the elevator and were about to move forward, a figure appeared in front of them.

This is none other than Ying Furukawa, the director of the Archaeological Research Institute.

Jiang Xiaohan naturally knew each other.

"Good morning, Mr. Zhang and Assistant Jiang."

Ying Furukawa greeted the two of them.

"Dean Ying, why are you here? Aren't you waiting in the box?"

Jiang Xiaohan asked curiously.

"Hahaha, I'm here to pick you up."

I only saw Ying Furukawa replying at this moment.

"Director Hong?"

After walking only two steps, Jiang Xiaohan realized that she had actually seen Director Hong.

"Mr. Zhang, Assistant Jiang, you are quite punctual."

Hong Yuan said with a smile.

"After all, we have agreed on a time, so we definitely can't be late, especially since we are in this hotel, but Director Hong, you also stayed here last night?"

Zhang Lingtian was curious when he saw Hong Yuan.

Does the other party also live here?

If not, then why is he here?
This made Zhang Lingtian a little puzzled.

There is no way he was escorting Ying Furukawa.

If you want to say that Nan Shiwen is escorted, he still believes it, but Hong Yuan is simply not too outrageous.

"Here, let's have breakfast."

Hong Yuan laughed.

"Have breakfast?"

Although there is nothing wrong with this, I still feel that there is something wrong with it.

After all, why would a nice person come over for breakfast?
"Come on, come on, deputy leader Zhang, go into the box and have breakfast."

Hong Yuan greeted Zhang Lingtian.

"Xiao Tian."

However, as soon as he entered the box, Zhang Lingtian was stunned when he saw that figure.

That guy actually came too? !

As for Jiang Xiaohan, he was even more surprised.

So I can stay here by myself?
Soon both sides said hello.

Breakfast was also eaten.

"Mr. Zhang, you also know that we are planning to excavate Genghis Khan's tomb at the end of this month. Currently, many people abroad are watching eagerly."

Ying Furukawa knew that he didn't have much time, so he immediately said straight to the point.

"Well, I watched the program Dialogue Archeology last night, and I know a little bit about it."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

"The tomb of Genghis Khan has cross-epochal significance for the entire archaeological community. Xiaotian, do you think this tomb should be excavated, or how should it be excavated?"

The big boss looked at Zhang Lingtian, his tone was gentle, and his voice was still that familiar and rich.

"First of all, I don't recommend digging. Even if someone like you, Dean Ying, goes in personally to participate, the probability of danger is very high, estimated to be [-]%."

Zhang Lingtian said to him very solemnly.

"Ninety percent...is it really so dangerous inside?"

The Big Boss is incredible.

Because he didn't expect that even Zhang Lingtian said there was a [-]% chance that something would happen.

In his opinion, the other party must know some kind of ancient magic.

There were also certain rules for burials in ancient times.

For example, the well-known burial scriptures, burial techniques, etc.

He definitely doesn't understand this.

It’s just that if Genghis Khan’s tomb can be excavated, it will be a shocking event for the archaeological community and even their historical community.

"Yes, it is extremely dangerous, no less than the Tomb of the First Emperor."

Zhang Lingtian nodded and looked at Ying Furukawa.

"Is there really no hope at all? Xiaotian, I hope you can still help Dean Ying and the others, or just go wherever you can."

It would certainly be better if the tomb of Genghis Khan could be excavated.

If there is really no other way, then just explore wherever you can.

"Mr. Zhang, we have had an accident before. This is why I came to you. Even if you really don't want to go, can you be our consultant?"

Ying Furukawa has a deep understanding of Zhang Lingtian's words.

That means it's really extremely dangerous inside.

"It's actually okay for me to go with you. As the big boss said, my suggestion is to go wherever you can. What do you think?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at Ying Furukawa.

As a funeral director, he was actually quite interested in the tomb of Genghis Khan in the history books.

Now that I have the ability to scan, there is no problem in going over to the other party.

The only thing is that you can't be reckless and go wherever you go.

"Of course you can. After all, we can't make fun of everyone's lives."

Hearing this, Ying Furukawa nodded.

The matter of archeology has just turned the page.

Ying Furukawa did not expect that the big boss would personally speak for him.

Time is quiet.

After chatting for a while, Ying Furukawa left consciously.

Because he felt that the big boss must have something going on here.

"Xiaotian, we have investigated the two people you mentioned yesterday. They are spies. One has been lurking for 22 years and the other has been lurking for 27 years."

The big boss said with some emotion.

"It's really well hidden, but I don't think you're just here to have breakfast, big boss?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at the man who was drinking vegetable porridge.

As I get older, I get a lot of gray hair.

Being a big boss is not easy, after all, everything has to be done.

"Yes, I would like to ask you to eliminate some more rats to act as a deterrent."

The man looked at Zhang Lingtian sincerely.

They have ways to find people, but letting Zhang Lingtian go is definitely the most convenient, least troublesome and most effective option.

With such a sharp sword, hiding it in the scabbard is naturally meaningless. It is better to reveal it directly to the opponent.

"Okay, when?"

It just so happened that I had awakened my group scanning ability.

So Zhang Lingtian agreed without hesitation.

Without him.

This is his home no matter what, and if there are some nasty mice in the house, they must be removed.

Otherwise, you won’t even know when I’m going to shit in your rice vat.

Therefore, in order to live in peace of mind, it is everyone's responsibility to eliminate these rats.

"The sooner the better. If possible, let's do it this morning. Let's start with one department as a pilot. What do you think, Xiaotian?"

The man seemed to be waiting for Zhang Lingtian's opinion.

"Okay, but it's about the funeral?"

Today I promised to fly Little Frog.

"Don't worry, Deputy Team Leader Zhang. It only takes three hours to get to Xiaowa from here. You can leave at noon, afternoon, or evening. It's just a matter of saying hello on the other side. You don't have to follow them so much. You should let them Run more."

Hong Yuan spoke at this time.

Tossing and tossing Mujiangwen is the way to go.

Who told her to be dishonest?

Eating the food in the bowl and looking at the food in the pot, when the wind blows the fallen grass on both sides.

Run two more times to exercise your waist, and you won’t have to blow hair on either side in the future.

"Okay, it's up to you."

Since the other party has said so, what else can Zhang Lingtian say.

Just listen to the big boss’s arrangements.

A breakfast lasted until [-]:[-], while also going into some details.

"Sister Xiaohan, boss, where have you been?"

Seeing Jiang Xiaohan and Zhang Lingtian return, Li Tiantian and Su Wei who were opposite them immediately came over and asked curiously.

They originally thought that the boss and the others were also having breakfast in the room.

As a result, when I was collecting the tableware, I didn't even see the door open on the opposite side. When I asked, I found out that the two of them were not having breakfast in the room.

We had agreed to leave at 08:30, but it turned out that we didn’t leave at 08:30, and no one even came back yet.

It wasn't until [-]:[-] that the two of them appeared.

"Tiantian, have you contacted the professionals who restored the body?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

"The boss has already contacted me. According to their method, I only need to install the relics and put on some makeup. I can be buried on the Qingming Festival."

Li Tiantian originally thought she would carry the banner alone, but found out that they actually printed a body.

All she can say is awesome!

Next, all she needs to do is put on makeup, put on the nails and rings that belong to Jiang Xi, and everything will be perfect.

My workload has not been halved, but directly reduced by 90.00%.

"Okay, you guys wait here for a while and wait for notification of the specific departure time."

With that said, Zhang Lingtian and Jiang Xiaohan walked towards the elevator entrance.

"Awei, what do you think boss and the others are doing in such a hurry?"

The boss said to just wait for the notification, but now Li Tiantian is more curious about what the other party is going to do!

"Who knows?"

Su Wei spread his hands.

On this day's field mission, except for Brother Zhao and others who were moving bricks, all those who had reached a certain level were gathered together.

That's right, the first one tested was the foreign agency.

Many senior-level employees were confused. Because they were doing well at work, they gathered in the conference room and said that there was an important meeting to be held.

When everyone came to the conference room except for the Tiantuan members who were fighting bloody battles outside, Hong Yuan appeared at that moment.

Along with Hong Yuan, there were more than a dozen security department staff including Nan Shiwen and Deng Zhou.

The last ones to come in were Zhang Lingtian and Jiang Xiaohan.

"Boss Zhang!!"

The moment they saw the person coming in, more than 200 people at the scene were stunned.

There are thousands of employees in the field, and these two hundred are the heads and deputy heads of key departments.

Of course there are rats at the grassroots level, but the most harmful ones are the rats with a certain say.

"I believe everyone has seen what happened at the main station yesterday."

Yao Yuankun is also here.

"Kun Lao!!"

Everyone present was as surprised as seeing Zhang Lingtian!
Mr. Kun is here.

"Lao Kun, Director Hong, and Boss Zhang, what are you doing with such a large formation? Of course we all watched yesterday's live broadcast. We were really surprised and surprised that the main station turned into a sieve."

A senior member stood up and said.

"Yes, is it to inform these two spies?"

"I don't know, but I feel like today's situation is a big deal."

The employees at the Foreign Office were all talking a lot at this moment.

"After what happened yesterday, the superiors realized that this problem is serious, so today we asked Mr. Zhang to come over and check to see if our foreign office has become a sieve."

Yao Yuankun said to everyone.


It exploded. The entire field conference room exploded.

"Mr. Kun, this is aimed at our foreign agencies, right? How can we be the same as the main station?!"

"That's right. Why would one of us test our foreign agencies if they don't test them? This would hurt everyone's heart!"

Besides being shocked, I was also aggrieved.

After all, everyone worked hard, but now they are being suspected. How can this not be aggrieved?

"Don't worry, everyone, every department will be held a meeting. However, Mr. Zhang didn't have enough time to prepare to go to Xiaowa today, so he temporarily summoned the core hub personnel of our external agencies."

This is Yao Yuankun's role.

Sure enough, after he finished speaking, the entire venue became quite quiet.

"Currently we have convened two meetings. The first meeting is for your hub staff, a total of 216 people, and the second meeting is for grassroots staff, which is currently being gathered, a total of 1300 people, and this plan is called 'Rodent Control Action'."

"If any of you become a rat, I hope you can take the initiative to come forward. If you take the initiative to come forward and explain what you know, depending on the situation, I can guarantee that you will not be punished and have the opportunity to be transferred to a marginal department to retain your basic salary, or be given a lighter sentence. For punishment, we can discuss changing the crime to another one instead of the notorious espionage crime. We can even try not to affect future generations as much as possible, get a suspended sentence and not go to jail, etc., but if we are found out, we will be severely punished and there will be no room for intercession. !”

Yao Yuankun looked at everyone in the audience.

There was silence again for a moment.

"I will give you half an hour to think about it. During this period, everyone can move around freely. Mr. Zhang Lingtian and I are in the office. If anyone is absent from the scene in half an hour, we will investigate you directly."

After saying that, Yao Yuankun walked back to his office.

Hong Yuan, Zhang Lingtian, Nan Shiwen, Jiang Xiaohan and others naturally went to the office together.

"Director Hong, Deputy Team Leader Zhang, Director Nan, and Assistant Jiang, let's have a drink first and do the inventory."

Yao Yuankun made a cup of tea.

"Mr. Kun, do you think someone will come to the office?"

Nan Shiwen was looking forward to it.

"I don't know."

Yao Yuankun shook his head.

"This is such a good treatment for proactively admitting your mistakes. I believe someone will come over soon."

Jiang Xiaohan never thought that he would experience such a scene, and actually hunt down spies with his boss.

And she was also surprised that the foreign agency actually offered such good conditions.

As long as the explanation is given, the position will be transferred depending on the situation.

If the crime is very serious, we will try to get a suspended sentence, and we can change the charge for you, which will give you some face.

For example, for those who are guilty of corruption, the most they can do is scold them for not guarding themselves and being corrupted.

But if you are sentenced for espionage, if word spreads, not only will you be stabbed in the spine, but your whole family will be unable to hold their heads high.

If she was really the one who was penetrated, she would probably admit it honestly.

Because there is nowhere to hide in front of people like the boss.

Sooner or later it will be discovered.

"The conditions are very generous, but as a person who has been penetrated, it is not so easy to admit oneself. They would rather believe that they will be lucky than believe that they will be discovered."

Hong Yuan spoke from his own experience.

"Give them a chance. Mr. Zhang, you have to worry too much today."

Yao Yuankun said to Zhang Lingtian.

He looked at Zhang Lingtian as if he was looking at his peers.

Even with a bit of admiration.

The reason lies in his special observation ability, which can even be discovered by spies, which is really embarrassing.

With such a person around, Yao Yuankun felt that he could close his eyes with peace of mind, because he would definitely be at peace in this country.

"It's not hard to work for my own family. It's like I can't do anything good if they make their home full of holes."

Zhang Lingtian himself has no big ambitions.

I just want to run my own white goods shop quietly, be a funeral man, and then let the white goods shop go on the market to fulfill my previous wish.

If possible, spread your free stuff to the whole world, and then come back and enjoy life quietly.

If you want to be quiet, you must have a very stable social environment.

These rats must be dug out.

Otherwise there will be no peace for a moment!

"If everyone thinks like you, Mr. Zhang, why have we been oppressed for so many years?"

Hong Yuan sighed with emotion.

"Those things will eventually become history. If you, Mr. Zhang, are willing to work abroad, I think this will be a new world for you."

Yao Yuankun's eyes were very sincere.

He firmly believes that Mr. Zhang can be of great use if he comes to work abroad.

"Mr. Kun, this is not appropriate. You are poaching people directly in front of our police station. However, if Deputy Team Leader Zhang is willing to work part-time as an outside department, then I actually have no objection. After all, I can't control him."

Hong Yuan looked serious at first, but he was just joking.

Mr. Zhang is a light.

It will shine wherever you take it.

If he was willing to go to work outside, then he certainly wouldn't be able to say anything. This was not his deputy team leader Zhang.

"Foreign agency? Now that I have an extra deputy team leader, I must be too busy with my hat as deputy team leader. Moreover, I am also here as a mascot. Professional things are left to professionals."

Zhang Lingtian didn't think he had the ability of Li Zhao and the others.

Besides, he can't do so many things now.

If you go around in these circles every day, then you won't be able to do your own thing.

It's okay to help, even if it's full time.

The former is fun and the latter is trouble.


Yao Yuankun smiled.

Brother Zhao is fighting hard outside and has entered the question phase.

"How did you discover the spy? Sorry, this is a secret and I can't comment, but one thing is for sure that it has nothing to do with metaphysics. After all, there will be flaws in everything you do."

"Why can you draw maps and scenes in the air and have the ability to predict other people's life and death crises? I hope that next time this reporter asks a question, he can recite it in advance. Our Mr. Zhang Lingtian has been to this place before. According to Don’t judge people for inferring steps based on WeChat.”

"Little Frog? This is just a simple matter of going to a funeral. What else will happen when you come back after going? Nothing! Little Frog will definitely be very stable."

"Masser Jun is critically ill? What does his critical illness have to do with Mr. Zhang, an ordinary citizen? He is older and has a lot of work pressure. It is normal for him to become critically ill accidentally."

Brother Zhao clicked four times and answered questions from reporters from all walks of life.

"Bah! Do you believe him? It's just full of lies! - IP Foot Pot Chicken"

"I believe shit, why did the intelligence officer who had been lurking for 27 years be exposed just as Zhang Lingtian was assassinated, and even those who were not assassinated were also exposed? - IP stick"

"Yes! There is also the Maisel Army. Many people know that the other party is the mastermind behind it, and then the mastermind behind the scenes became critically ill immediately after the assassination failed! If you say that there is no metaphysics in it, I don't believe it! - IP-chan Jiangguo

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, should I run away? This Zhang Lingtian is coming today!!! - IP Little Frog"

"The only thing I pray for now is that this stupid woman Mu Jiangwen behaves normally and doesn't turn around and annoy the Lord of Hell. - IP Little Frog"

"I came here to watch the press conference early in the morning. Li Zhao said it was okay, so Boss Zhang went over to hold an ordinary funeral. Nothing will happen to Xiaowa, but why do I look at him so wrong? - IP little frog

International Forum.

Many netizens are watching Li Zhao's speech today.

Everyone felt sad for no reason.

Especially for the populace of Little Frog.

Although Li Zhao said that he was fine, his eyes always seemed to be sarcastic.

And his style is just like that of a big liar.

So scared! !
Outside agency.

"Ten minutes are here."

Nan Shiwen looked at the time.

"No one came over. This shows that the purity of the foreign affairs department is very high."

Jiang Xiaohan originally thought that at least one person would appear during these three ten minutes.

The result was that there was none.

So does this also prove that the purity of Waizhao is very high?

"I hope we have such a high purity, Mr. Zhang, please, some people will shed tears only when they see the coffin, otherwise they will always be lucky."

Yao Yuankun believed in Zhang Lingtian.

As far as he knew, the higher-ups had carefully analyzed yesterday's live broadcast.

Although the experts did not analyze anything, they all agreed that Mr. Zhang Lingtian could capture some very subtle expressions and then make inferences from these expressions.

Just like that paranormal psychologist.

After all, a person hiding something in his heart is definitely different from a normal person.

No matter how much you pretend to be, it's the same.

As for how he knew he was a spy, the assassin must have been a spy. When asked if there was any other more logical reason, he said he hadn't thought of it yet.

After all, this matter is also very difficult for experts.

"Let's go."

Zhang Lingtian got up.

Soon the group arrived at the first conference room.

Everyone was still chatting just now, but after Yao Yuankun and Zhang Lingtian came in, the scene instantly became quiet.

"I'm very relieved that no one came to look for me in the past half hour."

Yao Yuankun said this as his first sentence after coming in.

"Mr. Kun, this proves that we are different from the main station."

"Yes, yes, who dares to be a rat in a foreign office? We are all extremely pure."

One after another.

The atmosphere in the conference room also became active.

"Very good. I also hope that our field office is a very pure and pollution-free department. I also hope that you all agree with me. Then I will ask Mr. Zhang to come and see everyone."

Yao Yuankun made a gesture of invitation to Zhang Lingtian.

"Aren't there two people on the scene who won't come forward?"

Zhang Lingtian has now experienced what group scanning skills are.

Group scanning with a radius of 20 meters means that he can scan 314 square meters.

The conference room is only a place of one or two hundred square meters.

Wherever he goes, basically everyone can scan him.

The only thing is that I feel a little dizzy.

Because there are densely packed green dots in front of my eyes.

As for the bad information, two of them are marked in red.

A little red among the green bushes, I quickly found the two people.

But he is still willing to give the other party a chance.

"What? Two?"

These were all members of the core hub level present. When I heard that there were actually two of them here, they all started talking to each other in an instant.

"Are you guys having such a good time chatting too?"

Zhang Lingtian came to a woman with short hair.

Then he greeted the security officer.

The expression of the woman who just seemed to be gossiping with her colleagues immediately changed.

"Take this with you too."

There was a 40-year-old man wearing glasses in the row behind the woman.

He is very calm.

No, these two people were caught immediately.

For a moment, the entire foreign office felt like a big earthquake.

And there was a new earthquake at the thousand-person meeting in the afternoon.

Because there were five or six arrested, even some who had just joined the job, and four of them were very good-looking girls.

Although the grassroots can't get any confidential information, they can't stand the opponent's development.

Look, Meng Lei is the best example.

Six p.m.


The black business car stopped.

"Boss, what are you doing today? Can you say no? If you can, just ask. If you can't, I'll shut up immediately."

These were the members of Baishipu. After greeting them, they got on the plane.

The private jet is still very luxurious, with a wine bar and the like.

For dinner, breakfast is also arranged from a specialized restaurant.

Li Tiantian, who had been waiting for a whole day, became curious and asked her boss while eating.

"You can see the news as soon as you get off the plane, so to speak."

Zhang Lingtian said slowly.

"Ah? You can see the news as soon as you get off the plane? Sister Xiaohan, what earth-shattering thing have you done?!"

Li Tiantian's pupils tightened.

This is actually something you can say, and it’s even going to be on the news!

"Why are you so anxious? You'll know when the rise is over in a while, just by watching the news?"

Jiang Xiaohan replied.

"Sister Xiaohan, you are becoming more and more aligned with the boss now, and you are completely out of touch with the masses!"

Li Tiantian cast a resentful look.

At this moment, the Internet is experiencing another round of major earthquakes. This earthquake is a hundred times stronger than before!
The reason was the police station's speech meeting. At the meeting, the police station reported the relevant evidence of Dongfang Yu and Meng Lei and determined that the two were infiltrated personnel.

"Next we will start the 'rodent eradication operation', with deputy team leader Zhang as the deputy team leader of the work guidance group. The first stop is the external office, where two suspected adult rats and five suspected baby rats were found. At present, Take them all away for investigation, and this operation will be carried out in every department..."

Hong Yuan made his remarks personally and showed the results.

At the same time, I appealed to some rats. If they continue to hide, they will only increase the punishment. Confession is the only way out.

"Awesome! Director Hong discovered Boss Zhang's latest opening method?"

"Damn, this action is really good. Those rats should panic, after all, you can pick out a 27-year-old rat!"

"Hehehe, so Boss Zhang went to Xiaowa this time to exterminate rats?"

"Hey, brother, your words suddenly enlightened me! It's really possible!!"

"Ah! I'm not a mouse. Please don't come and kill me. If you want to kill me, please kill Ki-chan! We are all innocent!"

One sentence gave everyone another epiphany.

At the same time, Xiaowa's water friend's anus tightened, and she was so angry that she cursed Mu Jiangwen again!

"Boss Zhang can still use it like this? I feel like it can be introduced!!"

"That's right, I think we can let the other party check the rats within us."

"So strong! If such a round of scanning comes through, [-]% of the rats inside will be clean. I heard that some rats on the rabbit side can no longer bear the pressure and admit it."


The eyes of many big bosses in the country were bright. After all, every place has more or less problems like this, especially Jiang Fang, a troublemaker who always likes you to sneak in some moles. I feel like I can really invite Boss Zhang.

【1.Rodent control operation】

Zhang Lingtian didn't know that his rodent eradication campaign had topped the hot search list on international forums.

And he soon became everyone's favorite, and they all paid high prices to hire him to clean up rats in their country.

Of course, this is something.

Now they are still on the plane, flying to Little Frog in three hours.

... (end of this chapter)

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