I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 300 The final trial, the real village chief, marries you!

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhang, what you said is that I can't feel stable without you here?"

Some experts around him smiled heartily.

They thought Mr. Zhang Lingtian was joking, but he was indeed humble most of the time.

In fact, what does Genghis Khan mean to the Lord of Hell? This is the talker of the underworld!
  "Mr. Zhang, let me introduce you. Here are the members of the expert group. Here are the members of the practice group. This is Yao Zhong, the leader of the practice group. The importance of the practice group in actual operations is immeasurable."

Ying Furukawa now said to the introduction.

Because the uncertainty surrounding Genghis Khan's tomb was too great, a practice group was finally launched after careful consideration.

"Yao Zhong? Is that the rumored founder of the Practical School who can even open the Mausoleum of the First Emperor if he is given enough time?"

Zhang Lingtian looked at the unattractive middle-aged man in front of him and seemed to think of something. He didn't expect that Patriarch Yao would be fished out to work, but after thinking about it, it seemed that no one was more suitable than the Patriarch of the Practical Sect for this matter. , but the risk value is a bit high, 98% within three days.

Jiang Xiaohan next to him looked at the other person carefully. So this is what the practice group meant?
  "No, no, those are all rumors spread by others. Mr. Zhang, I am really, really honored to meet you. Can I shake your hand?"

Yao Zhong walked over with a very sincere smile on his face, and Zhang Lingtian even vaguely noticed a hint of piety. What was going on? Illusion?

However, he didn't know that when Patriarch Yao of the practical school heard that he was coming with him, he couldn't sleep all night in prison.

As for the Patriarch, calling him Grandmaster in front of the Lord of Hell is probably not a big deal in front of Guan Gong to get him punished.

"of course can."

Zhang Lingtian took the initiative to extend his hand. He was not a celebrity, so there was nothing wrong with shaking his hand. What he disliked most was putting on airs.

"We've been tinkering here for a few days and our hands are a little dirty."

"Clap, clap."

Yao Zhong wiped his clothes with his hands, and then held Zhang Lingtian's hand.

The hand of the King of Hell is a kind of belief, and it is actually a kind of luck to him, at least he thinks so.

"Dean Ying, how is your progress now?"

I heard that someone has been here for a while, and Zhang Lingtian wanted to know the progress.

"Before, our insufficient prediction of Genghis Khan's tomb caused a lot of losses, but now with experienced practitioners leading the way, we have found the main entrance of the underground palace. The only thing is that there is a wall blocking it."

Ying Furukawa talked to Zhang Lingtian about the progress.

"Dean Ying, your progress is quite fast. Are you planning to join the Practical School as well?"

Zhang Lingtian didn't expect that the other party had already found the door to the underground palace.

"Of course, Mr. Zhang, you and Assistant Jiang can just wait outside. We would be grateful if you could give us a little hint."

Ying Furuchuan said gratefully to Zhang Lingtian.

"The area to the main entrance of the underground palace should be fine now, right?"

Zhang Lingtian asked Ying Furuchuan and Yao Zhong, the representative of the practical group.

I have to say that the Tomb of Genghis Khan is still very dangerous, and Yao Zhong may have capsized in the gutter because he was not acclimatized to the climate.

Why do you say that? Because the probability of danger in him is the reason.

"It's okay now. We let the rabbits and birds in and they are still alive and well."

After all, they are from the practice sect. When they participate in practice, the experienced veterans will catch some living animals before going to the grave.

For example, birds, rabbits, etc., after entering the tomb, put the living animals in and wait for a while. If the animals are fine, it proves that the tomb is not poisonous. If the animals are dead, the Practicalists will stop and leave and wait for a few days. The poisonous gas will be released and then returned.

Most of the gases in some ancient tombs that have been dusty for thousands of years are poisonous, and if you are careless, they will remain in the tombs forever.

This was not the case before when we first arrived at the entrance to the underground palace, and it didn't take long for it to get cold after putting some small animals in.

You are living well now.

This also proves that at least the section from here to the entrance to the underground palace is okay for the time being.

"Then Dean Ying, can we go down and take a look?"

Zhang Lingtian was actually quite curious about this ancient tomb, and he also wanted to confirm his guess.

"Mr. Zhang, if you want to go to the tomb, of course you can. Then let's go there? Will Assistant Jiang go?"

Ying Furukawa was worried that Zhang Lingtian would not go to the grave, but he did not expect that the other party would actually ask to go to the grave.

According to the rules, as long as the other party is there, basically nothing will happen.

"Well, she's going too."

Looking into Jiang Xiaohan's eyes, Zhang Lingtian nodded.

My danger probability has always been 79%, and it has not dropped since the last assassination attempt at the village association.

As for Xiaohan's danger probability, it is a normal value, only 1%.

So it should be fine if you go to the grave now.

"Then let's put on protective clothing. Xiao Zhao, please take the two of us over to change clothes."

Ying Furukawa greeted a student from his institute.

"Boss Zhang, Assistant Jiang, I am Zhao Xiaoxi, a brick mover at the Archaeological Research Institute. The protective clothing is here."

At this moment, they saw a girl introducing herself and then leading them to a special dressing room.

Currently, you have to wear protective clothing when going to the tomb for archaeological work.

That is, white clothing with a blue stripe.

Some people call this Dabai.

"well, thanks."

Jiang Xiaohan thanked him.

The room where the protective clothing is located is not divided into men and women.

The main thing is to put a layer on top of normal clothes. There is definitely no need to distinguish between men and women, right?

On the other side, Ying Furukawa and the others also put on protective clothing.

It was almost eleven o'clock in the morning and close to noon.

But due to the time difference, the sun has just risen here.

In this way, under the leadership of Ying Furukawa, Zhang Lingtian and Jiang Xiaohan began to go to the grave.

Of course, the ones leading the way were representatives of the practical group, Yao Zhong and the others. After all, they were temporarily fished out to redeem their merits. If they performed well, their sentences would be reduced in the future and they could come out and start a new life earlier.

If you have some brains, you can write a book.

Notes of the tomb-robber ancestor, guide to tomb-robbers, my memoirs of tomb-robbers, etc.

The public's curiosity is very strong, and it may be a big hit by then. After all, there are precedents for this.

"Mr. Zhang, we have been digging here since the discovery. It has been four months now, so the journey may be a bit long. After the tour, we will go out for lunch."

Ying Furukawa introduced.

The panelists were nearby.

Jiang Xiaohan, on the other hand, looked around curiously. Who would have thought that he would be able to descend into the ancient tomb in this life.

The gears of fate began to turn after entering the white shop.

I really came into contact with many things that I never dreamed of.

"Just make arrangements for your meals. Cleaning out such a tunnel is also a big project."

Zhang Lingtian nodded, he was casual about eating.

But now that the road into the main entrance of the underground palace is so clean and spacious, it must have taken a lot of effort.

"This is just a short distance ahead. After all, the opening of the tomb was frustrated at that time, so we had to leave time to clean it up."

They still transferred a lot of people here.

Especially when there are people guarding the outside.

This is why I dare to let the practice team come over.

Because there were people guarding the area with guns, they surrounded the entire Tomb of Genghis Khan.

If you perform well, you can get a chance to reduce your sentence. If you seek death, you will be shot on the spot.

The dean and the experts were introducing, and soon they came to a wall.

"Mr. Zhang, based on experience, we can infer that as long as these dusty stone bricks are pried open, Genghis Khan's coffin should be inside. Because they were short of time, they could not build a magnificent underground palace. According to the plan, we plan to remove this blockade today. wall."

Arriving in front of the blocking wall, Ying Furukawa introduced.

"It's quite thick, but we are still confident that we can get it done today."

Of course it was Yao Zhong and the others who broke through the wall.

After all, you have redeemed your merits.

Zhang Lingtian said nothing.

After half an hour of inspection here, it was noon.

After all, it takes about half an hour to walk in, stay here for half an hour, which is not exactly twelve o'clock, and it takes another half hour to go out, so it will be an hour when you get outside.

half past twelve.

"Mr. Zhang, lunch is also ready. Do you have any guidance for us to go to the tomb?"

Ying Furukawa asked after walking around.

"Of course, Xiaohan, take my phone over here first."

After changing into protective clothing, Zhang Lingtian said to his assistant that he had just given him his cell phone.

"Yeah, boss, your cell phone."

Jiang Xiaohan nodded, and then took the mobile phone from the bag to Zhang Lingtian.

“Archaeology wins Furukawa.”

Zhang Lingtian turned on Douyin.


The practice team is confused, what does it mean?
  The eyelids of the expert team twitched wildly. Isn't this a fight to win the dean?
  "Zhang, Mr. Zhang, what are you doing? This is my fighting voice!"

Ying Furukawa rushed over quickly.

"Dean Ying, I don't have any ill intentions, I just want to give you my attention first."

The probability of Ying Furukawa being in danger within three days was 98%. Zhang Lingtian had to focus on it in advance. If he saved the person, he could also get a reward.

The only thing is that the system's rewards are issued according to events. The excavation of Genghis Khan's tomb belongs to one event, and you can only get one reward.

Otherwise, all members of the high-risk team will be able to get the rewards this time.



Totally confused!
  Even Ying Furukawa’s old face is twitching!

I'm just giving you some attention, no malice? ?
  Are you talking humanly? ?
  Look at your watch list, how many are alive?

As for everyone else, they were also very excited at the moment, including Xiaohan, but no one spoke.

"Mr. Zhang, is it so dangerous for us to go to the tomb this time? Is there no life in ten deaths?"

Ying Furukawa swallowed and asked.

You are suddenly sentenced to death. Although he is old, he has a certain fear of death. Well, he is also a normal human being.

The entire archaeological team, both practical and academic, seems to be waiting for this answer.

"There's no such thing as ten deaths and no life. It's not that exaggerated. It's nine point five."

As soon as Zhang Lingtian finished speaking, he could hear the sound of exhalation, as if he was taking a deep breath and slowly exhaling. His whole body felt much more relaxed, and then after the second half of the sentence appeared, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Nine past five! !

This is not much better!
  "Mr. Zhang, is it so serious? Are there any measures that can reduce the risk?"

Ying Furukawa paused for a moment and came over, his face full of pleading.

"It is inherently dangerous. I told you at that breakfast, but it can reduce the probability of danger. First of all, this protective suit is definitely not possible because there is a lot of poisonous gas in it. You have to buy anti-virus protective suits, and also There are venomous snakes, poisonous substances, etc. Let’s talk about them while eating later.”

Just like that, Zhang Lingtian went to have dinner with them.

As for the protective clothing mentioned by Zhang Lingtian, Ying Furukawa bought it immediately.

Facts have proved that Mr. Zhang's speculation is very correct. Because it takes a long time and there are special chemicals in the ancient tombs, [-]% of people who go in without protective clothing will get into trouble. Even if they wear protective clothing, they will still be injured. Fortunately, after being reminded They also prepared emergency medical teams.

In the end, no one was affected.

In the next week, Zhang Lingtian and the excavation practice and expert team came to the frontline site.

The system's search capabilities were used to successfully eliminate a series of tomb-robbery traps set by the designers of Genghis Khan's tomb, and finally many treasures from Genghis Khan's era were revealed.

The global media is also paying attention to this matter.

Of course, most of those words were accusations, especially in the grassland country, which was very emotional.

Later, after realizing that the condemnation was useless, he came over licking his face, hoping to participate in the excavation and so on.

But no one paid any attention to them.

After all, this is archeology on the territory of your own country. It has nothing to do with people outside. If you are willing to jump and get excited, then I will get excited.

[1. A large number of cultural relics unearthed from the tomb of Genghis Khan]

[2. Twenty-one households including Tuxiong and Tuxiong may be absent from the Village Association meeting tomorrow]

[3. After completing the trip to Wunan, Boss Zhang returned to Chunjiang]

[4. The archaeological community speaks highly of Genghis Khan’s tomb]

[5. Zha Sheng VS Boss Tian, ​​who do you support?]

[6. It is rumored that Xiongxiong Country asked Boss Zhang to copy the ‘Rodent Extermination Operation’]


Whether it is Weibo or international forums.

These are the hottest topics at the end of this month.

"Rabbit Fang is simply a robber!! - IP Prairie Country"

"This is the common treasure of our humanity, why should we dig it privately on your territory!! - IP Prairie Country"

"I'm so angry. Is there no one to punish them? These are our ancestors! The things they dig should be given to us or given to us in half! - IP Prairie Country"

"I suggest you just go and get it if you have the ability. By the way, kill Zhang Lingtian! - IP Xiong Xiong Kingdom."

"I saw treasures from twenty-seven countries, as well as things from our ancestors, these abominable bandits! - IP European Federation"

"Didn't you say that you want to teach Usagi a profound lesson? Let's join forces! I don't believe it, the other party can stop so many righteous people like us! - IP Coconut Country"


For the first topic.

The grassland country directly broke through the defense.

There are also countries in the European Union.

"Hahaha, I just like to see you making trouble but not getting anything!"

"Robber? Who is the robber! How many of our things are in your museum and have they been returned?!"

"I'm still angry when I talk about this. We can dig as much as we want in our own homes. Do you care? Qnmd robbers, you are the real robbers! Thirty years in the east of Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Now if you have the ability, come !!」

"It's really funny that some countries that were born out of plunder are slandering other countries as bandits at this moment. Is this what you call civilization? Wake up, times have changed! Now we don't even bother to hold a village meeting. Take care of you!"

Of course, there are also a large number of domestic water friends rushing up.

We even saw many friends of Little Frog, and we all rushed to the front line of international forums together.

After all, Xiaowa has now opened his first clothing store.

Mu Jiangwen has also completely cut off contact with the rare sect leader. Although [-] billion of the total [-] billion aid has not been sent, he has already spent more than [-] billion in aid and has made a fortune. .

The masters of the rare sect far away in Jiangfang exploded.

There is no need to hold a village association meeting tomorrow on the 27th.

But this time the village association really became his dominance, because more than [-] villagers including Tu Fang and Xiong Xiong refused to participate in the village association for various reasons.

Such a phenomenon has never appeared in the history of the village association, but Jiang Fang couldn't help but have no choice but to convene it.

The sauce recipe at this time.


The rare sect leader gritted his teeth!

He had previously issued an ultimatum that a village association meeting would be held on the 27th, and all members of the village association must attend the meeting and not be absent.

Today is 26.

Currently, 25 households have expressed their refusal to come. Both Tufang and Xiongxiong also expressed their opinions at today's speech, saying that they cannot go due to internal affairs recently, and hope that the village association meeting will go smoothly.

The rare sect leader’s old face is really hurting!


I was here to cause trouble for you!

As a result, if you, the owner of the incident, don’t come, everything will go smoothly! !
  But after the notice was sent out, everyone was already here, and it was impossible for me to cancel at this time.

"Actually, boss, we can think on the bright side. They have completely cut off the opportunity to appeal. The 25 countries must have followed them. Some of the remaining participants are our juniors and some are neutral. We will completely let them Hold a vote at the meeting and let the world see everyone's attitude. A few disobediences cannot change the situation, and we are still the general trend."

George is at his boss's side.

At this time, he said to his boss.

"Huh? George, your idea is very good!"

Suddenly the master of the rare sect had a flash of inspiration.

Why is there a feeling of enlightenment?
  It seems to be possible!
  Doesn’t this echo Tu Fang’s words, a blessing in disguise?

The people who come are either neutral or his little brothers and supporters, and the other party's buddies are not coming. So isn't this a good opportunity to win over the neutrals and let everyone express their stance?

"Boss, in addition to this we have to live broadcast! Let everyone see this sacred decision!"

George said again.

"Very good! Just do it! Then find an opportunity to completely eliminate the threat of Zhang Lingtian!"

The eyes of the rare sect leader brightened.

this is a good idea!

The other thing is to eradicate Zhang Lingtian, otherwise the intelligence network they finally built may collapse because of this!
  At present, Tu Fang has lost contact with the intelligence network.

To be honest, Master Xi never dreamed that Zhang Lingtian had such ability.

Almost [-]% clear!
  Alas, sometimes he wished he could turn back time.

Understand that what the madman said is not completely crazy. At least the other party's decision in wooing Zhang Lingtian was not wrong.

The boss he slept with was a very secretive person.

He won't hide it when others deserve it, and he won't hold back even if he deserves to be scolded.

"Boss, the Maisel Army has already used the top 2 Hades, and the assassination results will be completed within two months to half a year for one billion US dollars."

George said to his boss.

During this time, the boss was busy with the communication between the village association and the villagers, as well as the affairs of Jiang Jiang, so he slightly ignored the killer known as Pluto or King of Hell who had entered Jiang Jiang.

"When did this happen?"

The master of the rare sect was startled when he heard this.

He had forgotten that he gave the Maisel Army the power to kill first and then report later.

"It's been more than half a month."

George thought for a moment and then answered.

"Is there any news about this?"

The rare sect leader asked.

"Without a trace."

George replied.

"That's true. Hades always performs tasks like this. Forget it, let's just get busy with the things at hand. I feel a lot more relieved when he takes action."

The master of the rare sect felt much more relaxed.

"I believe you will be happier when the assassination of the boss is completed, because the Mercer Army asked the other party to live broadcast the entire process, and Hades agreed."

George is responsible for connecting with the boss, so he directly interfaces with Assistant Mather.

When dealing with service, there are some things that the boss may not ask but you cannot ignore, because you have to respond promptly when the other party asks.

"Oh? This is good, hahaha~"

The rare sect leader first frowned briefly, and then relaxed with a bright smile.

It's twelve o'clock at noon on this day.

Ping An funeral shop.

"Welcome back, boss, Sister Xiaohan."

Li Tiantian and Su Wei stood at the door and made an inviting gesture.

"Didn't I come back early..."

Jiang Xiaohan just went to accompany her boss to the Yongheng Branch. She arrived at half past eight.

"We have manually delayed Sister Xiaohan's welcome."

Li Tiantian smiled.


Jiang Xiaohan only has an ellipsis.

"Is the store okay during this period?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

"We took over a funeral business, and the store's retail sales are pretty much the same as before."

Because of the assistance of the Yongheng subsidiary company, Li Tiantian and the others can also handle the funeral business on their own.

After all, it's impossible to refuse business when business comes.

Zhang Lingtian has been working as an employee to take orders independently and complete the funeral business a long time ago.

For more than a week in Wunan, I basically didn't contact Baishipu. Li Tiantian and Su Wei took care of it.

"Not bad."

Zhang Lingtian nodded slightly at this moment.

He was very satisfied with the performance of the two.

"Of course, so boss, next time you and Sister Xiaohan go to Xiongxiong Country, just leave the store to me and Awei. The two of us will ensure that the store runs smoothly."

Li Tiantian was not bragging, but she and Su Wei could indeed do it.

"Going to Bear Country... To be honest, I haven't received any news yet."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

There is a lot of hype about this matter on the Internet right now, saying that I am going to Bear Country in June.

But that's not the case at all. I haven't received any notification yet.

"Ah? Boss, you didn't receive the notice? You don't know about the village association, do you?"

A village association meeting will be held at nine o'clock tonight, and of course it will be from Jiangjiang Country.

However, Brother Zhao and his group made it clear this morning that they currently have no time to attend the suddenly held village association meeting due to urgent matters.

The absence of the village association has also become one of the hottest searches today.

[1. The village association meeting will be held at [-] o'clock tonight, and [-] households including Tuxiong and Tuxiong have made it clear that they will not participate in the "boil"]

On the scarf hot search list.

A small flame lit up behind the list.

"Mr. Yamamoto, negotiation requires capital."

"Hahaha, there was even a scene about the sword flashing upstairs, but it's really a relief. You guys want us to be here to dream when you want us to? The confidence you have earned is hard!!"

"I was watching the news with my grandpa. He is now 96 years old. This is the first time I have ever seen my grandpa smile so happily!"

"It's so comfortable. The weather has gone well. They must miss Daqing very much! After all, we don't want to play with them now, and the other party has no ability to ask us to play with them. I am looking forward to the village association meeting they will hold in the evening. What does it look like?"

"Yes," you have no qualifications to ask. Based on your strength and status, you ask us to participate in the village association and ask us to bring Zhang Lingtian, an ordinary citizen! "Domineering! What Tian Tuan said this morning is so domineering! I love it!"

This is what Brother Zhao said at the press conference in the morning.

The reporter from Jiangfang answered.

The other party quoted what Jiang Fangxi's sect leader said.

All villagers are required to attend the village association meeting on the 27th, and no absence is allowed, otherwise they will bear the consequences.

Then Brother Zhao replied directly.

It exploded, it exploded instantly!
  This remark also directly became the second place on the hot search list.

It has become one of the most talked about topics today.

Since the boss was not notified about the trip to Bear Country, is it possible that the boss also didn’t know about the village association?
  Li Tiantian's face was full of curiosity.

"I have been notified of the village association, so let them figure it out on their own."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

I am so busy now that I don't have time to care about these things.

"That's right. By the way, boss, Sister Xiaohan, is Genghis Khan's tomb dangerous? Are there any special gains?"

Li Tiantian changed to another topic.

Although there are also reports on the Internet about what cultural relics have been unearthed.

But these are all results, Li Tiantian wants to hear the story even more.

"Beep beep..."

At this moment, Zhang Lingtian's phone suddenly rang.

"Ask Xiaohan, I'll answer the phone first."

Zhang Lingtian picked up the phone.

"Hey, Director Qin, is there another case recently?"

Zhang Lingtian asked with a somewhat puzzled expression.

"No, no, with Team Leader Zhang sitting here, the crime rate must be suppressed to the point where it can't be raised."

Qin Yan is really not flattering, but a fact.

Since Mr. Zhang began to participate in solving crimes, the crime rate here has dropped significantly.

It was not because of this matter that he called, but mainly because several guests came to the bureau today, and their high standards shocked him.

"Director Qin, what you said is a bit outrageous. So what's going on today? You can't possibly invite me to dinner, right?"

Zhang Lingtian felt that Qin Yan was not so free.

Although the crime rate has dropped a lot now, there are still many cases, and the superiors have also given him a task to participate in some old and major cases.

"Don't tell me, Team Leader Zhang. It's true. Do you have time to have dinner together tonight?"

Qin Yan was in his office, but he was standing and talking and did not dare to sit on his comfortable office chair.

"Forget it, I'm going to have dinner with the employees of White House tonight."

Zhang Lingtian didn't expect this to be true, but he always felt it was a bit outrageous, and he had made an appointment to have dinner with Xiaohan, Tiantian and several other employees from the headquarters tonight.

"Bring Assistant Jiang and the others with you."

Qin Yan knew that Baishipu had the habit of having dinner parties, so it was not a bad idea to bring them along.

"No, Director Qin, if you only talk about this matter, I will hang up the phone. I really don't need to have a dinner, and I can't let you go."

Zhang Lingtian said.

They could chat as much as they wanted while eating, but there were a few policemen nearby, which made them a bit reserved.

"Mr. Zhang, the main reason is that we want to chat with you while eating. Since we are not free today, can we make an appointment? For example, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? The matter is quite urgent."

At this moment, Nan Shiwen's voice sounded on the other end of the phone.

After all, I’m going there next month.

Mr. Zhang had been working as a guide for the excavation of ancient tombs in Wunan before. He finally came back last night. Didn't they come to invite him this morning?

If you just say it without any sincerity, then you can't have a meal together and say no at the same time.

Otherwise, you won't even eat, just saying this is like giving an order.

At present, no one can order such a vital talent. Even the big boss feels that if they can't hire him, he will find a way to persuade Mr. Zhang.

"Director Nan? What's the matter? Is it a matter of the village association? Why don't you tell the matter directly~"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

It's better to be clearer.

"It's not a village association, it's a matter of the Bear Country online. We would like to invite you to go to the Bear Country."

Nan Shiwen said.

"Bear Country? What time?"

Zhang Lingtian asked, he had to know a time.

"Our plan is to go there at the end of June, that is, June 29th and 30th. Of course, the details depend on you, Mr. Zhang, because June is fine."

Nan Shiwen told the time they planned to arrange before.

The details also depend on Mr. Zhang.

If you want to go in advance, you can.

"Then let's follow your arrangements. You can go there on the 29th."


As soon as Zhang Lingtian finished speaking, a surprised sound came from the other side.

"What's wrong, Director Nan? Not at this time??"

Hearing this surprised sound, Zhang Lingtian showed a confused look.

"No, it's nothing. We'll make arrangements now! We won't disturb you, Mr. Zhang!"

Nan Shiwen didn't expect that Zhang Lingtian would agree so readily, and he was a little unresponsive.

"Yeah, let's get in touch when the time comes."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

He knows some of the stakes.

Especially now that they have broken their skin, the more people they can win over, the stronger their power will be.

To a certain extent, going to Xiongxiong is also helping yourself and benefiting yourself.

Just like that, the two parties hung up the phone.

"How? What time?"

Hong Yuan was also nearby.

Now he asked curiously.

After all, if the boss himself takes charge of the tasks assigned by the boss, it will really feel like he is doing nothing.

He still hopes that he can solve the problem and help his boss share his worries.

This time he also prepared a working front for fifteen days.

In other words, it takes fifteen days to convince Boss Zhang.

"Mr. Zhang agreed to come with us on the 29th."

Nan Shiwen replied.

"Ah? Agree!?"

Hong Yuan was stunned for a moment, in disbelief!

"Yeah, our mission is accomplished."

The task was completed like a dream.

To be honest, Nan Shiwen himself was confused.

"Deputy Zhang should be the team leader."

Hong Yuan sighed with emotion.

Deputy Team Leader Zhang's style is too high. No wonder his boss thinks so highly of him.

Just ask, who wouldn’t like this kind of person who has no interest in politics, is so capable, and is keen on solving practical problems?
  Now they can go back to work.

As for whether to visit Deputy Team Leader Zhang, we met quite a few times last month, and he probably doesn’t want to see them anymore.

In the eyes of the other party, they may have become representatives of many things and want to be clean and tidy.

Then don't go.

Go back and make a report, directly let Deputy Team Leader Zhang be the leader of the National Key Case Work Steering Group, and give him a promotion.

On the other side is a white shop.

Li Tiantian is full of gossip.

"No, no, nothing, Tiantian, don't be so outrageous!"

When the boss answered the phone, he was obviously talking about tomb robbing, but somehow he ended up talking about the two of them getting along.

A man and a woman alone, although there are two rooms in a luxurious suite, they can still be considered to be in the same room.

Nothing happened?
  "Sister Xiaohan, this is your fault. Do you think you are frigid?"

Li Tiantian frowned and said something.

"Li Tiantian! Do you know what you are talking about???"

Frigidity! !

Jiang Xiaohan almost went berserk!
  Did you say that? Your whole family is frigid! !

"Otherwise, I haven't been able to deal with the boss for so long. Sister Xiaohan, if you don't take the initiative, the boss will be taken away!"

Li Tiantian said very seriously.

"If you are pried away, take it away... The boss is not mine. Besides, Li Tiantian, you have been focusing on me all day, can't you care about yourself?"

Jiang Xiaohan felt that we could no longer talk about this topic and was going to change the subject.

You don’t even take the initiative yourself.

Don't criticize anyone. As a girl, she can clearly see that the relationship between Li Tiantian and Su Wei is unusual.

At least Li Tiantian likes Su Wei.

"You care about yourself, right? Ah Wei, come here."

Li Tiantian waved to Su Wei, who had just come in and was walking over after selling funeral items outside.

"Ah? What's the matter??"

Su Wei was a little confused when he saw Li Tiantian greeting him.

"Come here! There are so many things! Come here! Sit, sit, sit."

Li Tiantian took out a small bench and gave it to Su Wei.

"Li Tiantian, what are you doing? If we can't continue the conversation, we'll end it. There's no need to pinch her..."


Just as Jiang Xiaohan was talking, Li Tiantian suddenly asked Su Wei to come closer, and then stretched out his tongue like a frog hunting for prey. Of course, the frog is a tongue, but Li Tiantian put his whole mouth up and made a "wave~" sound.

In an instant, the entire scene stopped, and the beautiful eyes of Jiang Xiaohan who had just spoken were enlarged visibly to the naked eye.

Then he stared at the two of them strangely!

The expression seemed to be asking.

What the fuck?

What the hell?

What the hell!
  Who am I, where am I, what the hell am I looking at! ! !
  "No, Sister Xiaohan, I'm done caring for myself."

Li Tiantian glanced at Sister Xiaohan next to her. Not to mention, kissing the boy's lips felt like eating a mousse cake.

Hey hey hey.

"Tiantian, what are you???"

Su Wei was like a lightning strike.

He came over suddenly and was kissed on the lips.

Although the lips are very elastic, it feels like eating lychees, sweet, but, but just kissing like this without saying a word is not good, it is still the first kiss...

"Go, go, go, didn't you say you wanted to taste a girl's lips the day before yesterday? I gave you my first kiss, what do you want? You haven't tasted enough, do you want another one?"

Li Tiantian said angrily.

"No, when are you two? Ah! It's so disgusting!! I can't stand it anymore!!!"

Jiang Xiaohan came to his senses!
  It turns out these two are really together! !

One more kiss! !

sky! !

Jiang Xiaohan felt like she was covered in goosebumps for no reason, and her heart was hit by ten thousand points.

I saw her rushing out of the tea room.

It's too much for these two.

"Li Tiantian, why are you so angry at Sister Xiaohan? I feel like she must have been hit hard in her heart."

Su Wei really didn't expect Li Tiantian to do such a ridiculous thing.

It seems that short videos are still less popular.

Yesterday, he saw the other party's video of a couple kissing each other in front of others, and he put it into practice today.

In fact, they just held hands the night before...

He really didn't realize that Tiantian actually liked him, but he didn't have an IQ deficit. After the other party said those words that day, he was reflecting on it. Later, in these few days of solitude, he took the first step and held hands.

He was just joking at that time, talking about kissing and stuff like that.

Who would have thought that his fierce girlfriend would arrange it today.

Still learning the internet celebrity style.

Take Sister Xiaohan for a critical hit.

"I believe that Sister Xiaohan must have a boss in her heart. If the boss doesn't fall in love at the age of 28, how can you be sure that he won't fall in love at the age of 29? He won't fall in love at 30? If you continue to be so hesitant, you don't know when the boss will be taken away! Sister Xiaohan just needs a little help to take the first step!"

Li Tiantian looked like she hated the iron.

Besides, if Sister Xiaohan becomes the boss's wife, then they are so familiar with Sister Xiaohan that they can turn to Sister Xiaohan if anything happens in the future.

If the boss finds someone else, and they don't know each other, then it won't take time to get to know each other, or they may even just ignore them. After thinking about it, it's better for Sister Xiaohan.

"But... what if Sister Xiaohan's shadow is too great and we turn around to find the boss to give us a critical hit?"

Su Wei suddenly thought of this question.

"Fuck! Sister Xiaohan!!!"

Li Tiantian's delicate body trembled and she chased after him.

This can't be done!
  But it turned out that they were overthinking. How could Xiaohan be such a grudge-bearing person? In the evening, everyone in Baishipu had a dinner together as promised.

We chatted about recent events, including when the boss will move here, etc.

The renovation has now been completed.

But ventilation and the like will take three months to half a year. I guess I will be preparing to move to a new home during the Chinese New Year.

At the dinner table, we also talked about whether it would be boring to live in a villa alone, and whether we should find someone to accompany and recommend Sister Xiao Han. Xiao Han was obviously a little nervous, but Zhang Lingtian smiled.

We all returned home at nine o'clock.

The village association meeting that attracted global attention was also held at this point.

Sauce recipe.

That familiar synagogue.

"Today's village association meeting is chaired by me. I was standing here more than two months ago."

Wearing a military uniform and full of medals, the venue was filled with an extremely powerful sense of oppression.

And this comes from the Maisel Army!
  That's right, today's village association is still chaired by the five-star general Mai Sejun.

"I want to tell you that a small group of forces cannot make a difference!"

At the village association meeting, he paused.

"It doesn't matter if they don't come to participate. Wasn't the Qing Dynasty closed to the outside world back then? Time will tell the best answer!"

Then he became angry and talked for a full hour and a half.

And also proposed a series of countermeasures!
  First of all, we start from many aspects such as economy.

It is currently being broadcast live globally for everyone to see.

"Zhang Lingtian's lifespan may be shorter than you think. Now I need you all to make a statement. If you stick to your laurels, you should still follow our Jiangmen. Our Jiangmen will never abandon our friends. We all have food to eat and soup to drink together!"

At eleven o'clock, Mercer Army finally finished speaking!

At the same time, we also made a special emphasis on letting everyone express their opinions!
  "Well, our representatives from the Hexagon countries have something to say."

At this time, a thin man with blond hair and blue eyes stood up. He was the representative of the hexagon and a main member of the Jiangmen League.

Now that the eldest brother has spoken and needs to take a stand, he must stand up.

As an assistant, Rianna gave the opportunity to speak to the Hexagon representative.

"Zhang Lingtian will not exist forever. This makes my blood boil inexplicably. I think it won't be long before it becomes clear who is the real village chief in this world. I hope everyone will not stand in the wrong team to avoid accidental injury, and our Hexagon will Always support Jiangjiang!”

The representatives of the Hexagon countries have finished their speeches.

There was a burst of applause.

"Let's also say a few words. The European Union is a whole, and we have made it clear that we want to say NO to Zhang Lingtian! And this village has never been dominated by Tu Fang!"

Representatives of the Great Empire also followed.

"Zhang Lingtian may indeed have some ability, but in the face of modern technology, everything is vain. As a small country, I have fully realized what it means to be a friend of Jiang Fang and receive assistance from Jiang Fang. I tell you with practical actions that Jiang Fang is trustworthy! !”

Bangzi also grabbed the third place.

The main reason is that they got the opportunity to participate in the drill with Jiang Fang a week ago, and now their confidence has greatly increased.

I firmly believe that as long as someone concentrates on dealing with one person, even if the other person is a god, he will have to avoid his edge, not to mention that Zhang Lingtian is just a person.

And as a close partner, I know that Jiang Fang has many secret weapons.

"I am Boss Tian. Why do I still appear here during the Big Boss election? Because I believe Jiang Fang. With their all-out efforts, Zhang Lingtian and even Tu Fang are nothing more than paper tigers at best, and they are deliberately creating Fear, here I want to say something to the people all over the world and even our country, listen carefully to the speech of Maisel Army. I am not afraid of any enemy. Anyone who stands in front of me will be crushed. A otaku? A otaku? That’s all, are you willing to entrust the country’s destiny to such a person?!”

"Believe me! Support me! Let us open a new chapter in the world together! I am your Boss Tian! The Boss Tian who will lead you to eternity!!"

As a godson, of course he had to show his loyalty when Jiang Daddy spoke. Not only did he show his loyalty, he also enthusiastically attracted a wave of votes for himself.

On the Internet, quite a few water friends have been shaken.

Especially after more and more speakers spoke.

At half past eleven.

"Thank you very much for your speech. Then please cast your sacred and non-neutral vote, become friends and members of our Jiang League and enjoy the beauty of Jiang League. Let us ravage Tu Fang together. Zhang Lingtian may become our enemy. Accept our baptism!”

Maiserjun's eyes narrowed and he scanned the whole place. Suddenly the whole venue became inexplicably agitated.

Now that the Maisel Army has said this, what can everyone do?
  Some villagers who wanted to be neutral regretted coming.

Because they only gave two options.

In the end, under Jiang Fang's pressure, their vote got a gratifying result.

Rabbit Fang.

It ended at twelve o'clock, and many people had already gone to bed.

Including Zhang Lingtian.

Originally, he wanted to watch the live broadcast of the Village Association, but when he entered the live broadcast, it was all Maiseljun giving a speech. The other party spoke for about more than an hour.

At half past ten he felt sleepy, so he walked out of the room.

Then went to sleep.

As a result, he did not expect that the voting results would ignite the entire village association.

The next morning.

"The resolution was passed unanimously to deal with me??"

Li Tiantian, who paid attention to current affairs after coming to Baishipu, talked about the village association meeting last night.

Zhang Lingtian was surprised after hearing certain words.

"Yes, boss, you didn't watch it last night??"

Seeing the boss's surprised look, everyone was a little curious.

"Who can watch it if it's so boring?"

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

"It's indeed a bit boring. Boss, look at the hot searches. These countries are taking the lead."

Li Tiantian cast her screen into the tea room.

[1. On-site voting at the village association]

[2. Three days countdown to the Ji Fang Big Boss election]

The hot search list is Village Association.

"Threats are nothing!"

"Hehehe, they are just the dogs raised by Jianggata."

Click on the first hot search.

[Huanqiu.com: Jiangfang held a village association meeting on the 27th and announced on the spot that he would impose restrictions on Rabbit Fang. Twelve villagers including Hexagon, Daying, Bangzi, and Tiaobenji agreed and finally passed it unanimously. 】

It’s news from Huanqiu.com.

"Oh, the list is out, I believe all of this will happen soon."

"Hahaha, heroes see the same thing. Do you still think we are still the same beings who were bullied by you before? Listen to the dragon's roar! Wait!"

"Boss Tian worked really hard for his position as the big boss. He even made a series of speeches to canvass votes at the Village Federation Meeting. I'm convinced!"

"Can you not fight? Zhaisheng currently has 60% of the votes, while Boss Tian only has 40%. If he doesn't counterattack, there is no hope of losing to Zhaisheng. Now after these remarks came out, the support rate directly reached 49%. It has soared to a point where they are evenly matched in a short period of time, and there will be plenty of fun to play on the last day of the month.”

There are many comments below the post.

Some were talking about the matter itself, and some were paying attention to Boss Tian and others.

After all, there are only three days left for their big boss election.

Today is already the [-]th, and tomorrow, the [-]th, the day after, and the day after tomorrow, the [-]th National Congress, the day after tomorrow is election time.

Originally, the Zhaisheng was a sure winner, but Boss Tian unexpectedly made a comeback by relying on his speech at the village association meeting. He was smiling from ear to ear at this moment.

[House Saint: You have no idea of ​​the terror of King Zhang Hell. Perhaps divine punishment is coming soon. I only hope that Mr. Zhang can give us some opportunities for the sake of our common people who long for peace and stability, pious House Saint. 】

Zhaisheng posted a message that day.

As a result, this post caused ridicule.

"Hahaha, what kind of divine punishment?"

"It's so funny, what kind of brain does it take to choose such a person to be the big boss?"

"Zhang Lingtian's terror? Is he terrifying! In modern society, Jiang Fang is the real source of terror!!"

Ji Fang’s netizens showed no restraint.

in international forums.

"Crazy, crazy, I am worried about the future of the chicken side. - IP Hexagon"

"Actually, I don't understand, why would they elect a otaku saint when Jiang Fang is so good? - IP Bangzi"

"Who knows, but if you really want peace, you should follow the strong. There will never be any peace with the weak, I say it! - IP Da Ying"

"After all, there are more than [-] million people. It's normal to have a few idiots. After all, this guy used to be an idiot who could only masturbate by himself. He was a bastard. When people laughed at him, he actually changed it to his own name. He also said Why is the King of Hell terrifying and divine punishment? There were so many votes in the village association at that time, why don’t you punish all of God? You’re laughing to death! Boss Tian is eternal, the saint of the house is gone! - IP Foot Pot Chicken"

Many people burst out laughing when they saw Zhai Sheng's speech.

I think he is a complete clown!
  The entire world's public opinion is also talking about these things.

"Boss, will there be divine punishment?"

Li Tiantian from Ping An's White House shop inquired about her boss's tone.

"Who knows."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

Anyway, that’s how he answered from now on.

After all, I really don’t know this kind of thing.

"Who knows? Boss, that's not what you said before!!"

In an instant, Li Tiantian's pupils shrank.

"What did I say before?"

Zhang Lingtian asked back.

"Before, you were always negative! Negative! Negative again!"

Li Tiantian recalled her previous boss, who was always negative but rarely as positive as he is now.

"Then why don't I also deny it? But don't you mean that my denial is equivalent to affirmation?"

Zhang Lingtian took a sip of soup.

It's still this morning, Zhang Lingtian is eating wontons this morning.

Only then did he realize that so many things had happened in one night.

"It's also..."

Li Tiantian recalled that this seemed to be the case.

"Xiaohan, please arrange a time. Let's have a dinner party on June [-]th. Make an agreement with the farm in advance. There are more than [-] tables for more than [-] employees."

This kind of large-scale reservation must be made half a month to a month in advance.

Zhang Lingtian no longer thinks about the topic of Li Tiantian.

Because he doesn't know whether it will trigger system backlash.


Jiang Xiaohan nodded.

Zhang Lingtian went to the office.

In the afternoon, a piece of news became a hot search topic.

Netizens in Hexagonal countries collapsed on the spot.

Because just after the speech, their Notre Dame Cathedral caught fire, directly burning this iconic building.


"Why! Why was Notre Dame burned down!!"

"God! You will get retribution for following those bugs like Katata! This is the beginning!"

"God's punishment...has it begun??"



Whether it’s their local social networking sites or international forums.

"Can this system backfire? Or is this an accident?"

Zhang Lingtian was stunned when he saw the news.


"Boss Niubi——"

A deafening sound sounded.

That's Li Tiantian hysterical!

Because divine punishment has really begun, which country will be next?

【1. Da Ying was exposed! "burst"】

It’s Da Ying! !

On the 29th, the other party's nuclear site was leaked like a chicken.

And it’s the biggest leak in the entire history of mankind!


  “Follow the order of speech!!”

The big boss of Bangzi was livid and restless.

It even caused a storm of public opinion among them!
  [Golden Emperor of the Universe: Bang Fang has taken the wrong path and caused serious emotional harm. We require Bang Fang to withdraw from the Jiang League and apologize to Tu Fang and Mr. Zhang Lingtian who were emotionally hurt. We have now decided to close all channels. Bang Fang enters a state of attack! 】

And their neighbor Jin Dadi directly closed all channels and adjusted it to a strike state.

After all, they also invited Mr. Zhang to come to their place to eliminate rats.

It’s not scheduled yet, so please work harder!
  This time they were even more panicked.

Jiang Fang or even Rabbit Fang may be just talking.

But this neighbor Jin Dadi is a real lunatic!

If the other party wants to do it, he will really do it!

This time, not only was a minority class scolded, but the inside of the club suddenly exploded, and even the chaebols were dispatched.

The main chaebols make so much money and control the lifeblood of a country. They definitely don't want their country to get into trouble.

Although there are almost no active volcanoes in their country, meteorites, tsunamis, and earthquakes can threaten them.

30 number.

"In view of the inappropriate speech of our representative at the No. 27 Village Association Meeting, we have dismissed him from office. We are a peace-loving country and we hope to coexist peacefully with our neighbors."

Removal from office, apology.

The pressure soon came to Foot Pot Chicken.

31 number.

They proved their determination with practical actions.

With 70.1% to 29.9%, Zhai Sheng defeated Boss Tian.

[House Saint: We won... I didn't expect it. I thought we would lose. I thought I might go visit Mr. Zhang Lingtian. 】

On this day, Zhai Sheng, who became the big boss, published his first news in his life after becoming the big boss!
  It was truly like a dream to him.

And he felt that his life was completely changed by Mr. Zhang Lingtian.

"Mr. Zhaisheng is righteous!"

"I will always support Mr. Zhai Sheng, let's work together for peace!"

"No more meteorites, and by the way, don't spray Mount Ukiyo! We support Mr. Zha Sheng in your visit to Mr. Zhang Lingtian. It would be better if you can invite him over."

"Please? There was no mistake upstairs, right? Mr. Zhang can only watch from a distance and not come close to please!"

"Friends, the version is lagging behind. As long as you learn from Little Frog, then you will be fine if you ask Boss Zhang. Have you forgotten the Desert Camel before?"

Under Zhaisheng's post, many water friends left messages.

Half a month later, on June [-]th, Zhaisheng became the big boss and his first stop was Tufang.

After chatting with the big boss for a day, I came to Chunjiang in person on the [-]th.

In the past half month, many people who previously supported Jiangmeng have also announced their withdrawal from Jiangmeng.

The European Union also has a lot of troubles of its own, after all, the big news leaked.

In the past half month, the situation has become more tense!
  Before, only about twenty households supported Tufang, but now half of the village is on their side.

Now this half is also shaky.

On this day, Zhang Lingtian and Zhai Sheng had a very happy conversation.

We even had dinner together.

When this incident was posted online, the comment section was surprisingly harmonious, and some even invited Zhang Lingtian to visit Jifang.

The free dumpling shop also had a discount on this day.

"We also have to keep pace with the times. I'm very optimistic about this young man, Haozhaisheng. We'll eat dumplings for free for all the customers who come to the store today!!"

The discount is because I am happy.

Obviously, Zhai Sheng also made everyone happy.

Especially when the other party announced that it would withdraw from the Jiang alliance, make good friends with Tu Fang, and break off with Jiang Fang.

But what shocked all the villagers was that Jiang Fang had no reaction at all and was even very calm in this situation.

And at the press conference, they only asked some innocuous questions.


Everyone felt it was very abnormal.

June [-]th, [-]:[-] in the morning.

Sauce recipe.

"Boss! It's begun!"

Liana's whole expression was excited.

I rushed to the Mercer Army early in the morning!
  "It's finally started! Notify the big boss and open the video immediately!"

Maiserjun showed a smile.

It finally began. They had endured the rumors for so long, and now the moment of assassination finally arrived.

"George has notified the big boss, I will turn on the video right now."

Liana also informed George immediately.

As the assistant of the big boss, I believe the other party will notify him soon.

No, the rare sect leader has already turned on the video.

"It's finally here, it's time to hurry up."

The current time is exactly [-]:[-] in the morning, and the master of the rare sect is staring at the screen.

The main reason why they have not spoken out for a while is because they have seen through everything.

Zhang Lingtian is the most critical talent of Tu Fang, and it is precisely because of the other party that they are so strong.

So they have been waiting for Zhang Lingtian to be assassinated.

The killer was even contacted for this purpose.

Increase the remuneration to two billion!
  Zhang Lingtian must be killed in June to make Tu Fang lose his trust in Xiong Xiong!
  In their words, they saw the building rising, the guests arriving, and the building collapsing!

The assassin agreed to their suggestion after repeated consideration and said he would take action this week at the latest.

"You seem to be eating?"

I only see the video open at this moment.

What the rare sect master and the others saw was a trace of someone eating.

"It was only after eating and drinking that I started to take action. That one should be Zhang Lingtian."

The rare sect leader cast his gaze upward.

At the same time, he noticed a young man in the picture.

“I wish my boss a happy birthday in advance!!”

More than [-] employees raised their glasses one by one.

I don’t know who said Zhang Lingtian’s birthday is tomorrow.

"Hahaha, thank you everyone, let's have the last drink. I'm really too drunk and I'm going to go back first."

Zhang Lingtian also raised his glass, and everyone started drinking together. It was a very happy party with everyone tonight.

Although I spent half a million tonight.

But isn’t Baishipu’s current market share the result of the hard work of these employees?
  "Boss! I am Erpeng. It is your leadership that makes each of us feel like home. On behalf of myself and all the brothers in the express department, I would like to toast you with this glass of wine!!"

At this moment, a figure squeezed out from the crowd. The other person held a glass of wine in his hand, and his eyes were firm and passionate.

He came to express his deepest respect to Zhang Lingtian.

Because he has received a bonus of [-] yuan each month for the past two months, and his salary is paid on the [-]th of each month. He has earned [-] yuan since joining the company!
  Solved the urgent need.

"Er Peng, do your best."

Zhang Lingtian looked at the employee, nodded with a smile, took the wine glass and touched it lightly.

"Boss, if you can't drink, don't drink. Erpeng, when you are still the vanguard next month, we will form a bureau and drink together. The boss really drank a lot today."

Jiang Xiaohan supported Zhang Lingtian.

There was a bit of anxiety on his face.

If she hadn't been driving her boss back soon, she would have really wanted to drink this glass of wine for her boss.

"Sister Xiaohan, if it weren't for the boss, I wouldn't be here today. This glass of wine is Erpeng's whole heart, really!!"

Erpeng is a man.

Tears were flowing now.

"Drink, drink, drink. This is all I have. I have to go back. I really, really can't drink anymore."

Eat at six o'clock until half past eight.

Drinking wine is always white wine.

He couldn't hold it any longer.

"Okay! One last drink! Congratulations on the successful listing of Baishipu!!!"

The voices of all employees are loud and powerful.

It turns out that Baishipu has been in the process of going public during this period, and it is estimated that it will be listed as soon as the end of the year.

"Fuck! Everyone, eat slowly! Everyone has paid the bill! If you don't have enough money to continue drinking, you will pay tomorrow! Jiang Mei, you are also responsible for everyone's safety, you know?!"

After drinking a glass of wine, Zhang Lingtian felt a little dizzy as the alcohol took effect.

I am really too drunk.

Now I say goodbye to everyone, and at the same time hand over the scene to Qu Jiangmei, who is responsible for the employees getting home safely.

"Understood the boss."

Qu Jiangmei nodded.

"Xiaohan, drive me back."

Zhang Lingtian left with his assistant Xiaohan now.

"Well, boss."

Jiang Xiaohan agreed softly. She picked up Zhang Lingtian's mobile phone and carefully helped him walk to the parking lot.

And not far away, a pair of eyes stared closely at all this.

And left with the car.

He was hiding in the dark, his eyes as sharp as a cheetah's.

The car drove through the night, with the lights on both sides of the street flashing. Jiang Xiaohan drove intently, not noticing that there was a car following behind. The scene of the following was even broadcast live on the other side of the ocean.

"Boss, wouldn't you drink less?"

Jiang Xiaohan looked at it while leaning on the passenger seat with half-closed eyes. She seemed to be a little sleepy. Zhang Lingtian said angrily.

She knows that the employees are also enthusiastic, but there is no need for the boss to be so sincere.

"I'll drink less next time."

Zhang Lingtian smiled.

"Boss, why don't you go to my place today..."

Jiang Xiaohan asked his boss.

"go to your house?"

Zhang Lingtian was a little puzzled.

"No, boss, I don't mean anything else. I'm worried that you might vomit and suffocate when you're drunk. I'll be better able to take care of you wherever you go."

Jiang Xiaohan quickly explained.

"I want to say that the place is just that big. If I go to your place, I will easily disturb you. Besides, if word spreads that I am a man going to the place where you two girls live, can you still get married? I can't handle it if I meet someone who talks nonsense. , besides, I’m not that drunk.”

How could he not know what the assistant was thinking.

It's just that it's inappropriate for him to be a man in the past, and besides, he's not actually that drunk.

"You're not drunk yet. Boss, don't worry. You couldn't make any noise in the past anyway. Li Tiantian often ran across the street to watch movie nights. Sometimes she didn't come back this week. She almost moved the quilt over. Now I'm the only one in the room. .”

Jiang Xiaohan explained.

But after a quick explanation, she realized damn it.

I said the wrong thing again.

The boss just said that if he went to the boudoir of the two girls alone, people would gossip easily, so if he went to her boudoir alone, the gossip would be even more serious! !
  And she said she was the only one in the room.

Why does this sound so tempting? ?

"These two...but they are indeed old. Send me downstairs. I am very awake today."

Zhang Lingtian was not surprised when he heard this.

In fact, he had already seen some signs.

He has no control over what Baishipu employees do in their private time. He also supports their contribution to the country. All he can do is give them the leave they deserve.

But even so, he was not suitable to go to Jiang Xiaohan's place.

After all, it is even more inappropriate for a man and a woman to be alone.

"Boss, you..."

Wait for traffic lights.

Jiang Xiaohan looked at his boss with a strange look.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zhang Lingtian had one more doubt.

"Boss, you are a very good man."

Jiang Xiaohan said.

Without him, the image of the boss soared again in her heart.

It turned out that she found that she was the one who made mistakes every time, and her boss had no idea about this at all.

sin sin.

If it were any other boss, those words he just said would probably be pornographic.

"Look at what you said. You want to be so good that you haven't even found a girlfriend yet?"

Zhang Lingtian joked.

Soon the car drove downstairs.

"Boss, let me help you upstairs."

Jiang Xiaohan wanted to help Zhang Lingtian go upstairs.

"No need, Xiaohan. All you have to do now is drive the car downstairs to your building and come pick me up tomorrow morning."

Zhang Lingtian shook his head.

"But boss you... you will really be in danger after drinking."

Jiang Xiaohan was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"I'm in danger? Xiaohan, have you forgotten who I am? And didn't you run away in vain last time? Go back and come here early tomorrow."

Zhang Lingtian looked at Jiang Xiaohan and explained.


Jiang Xiaohan was a little hesitant.

The boss was right, but she was always a little worried.

"Even Jiang Fang can't kill me. If I choke to death from drinking vomit, wouldn't that make people laugh? Besides, I still have so many things to do, go ahead, go ahead, I can do it."

Zhang Lingtian opened the door of his car.

"Boss, how about I send you up and then back down!"

Jiang Xiaohan was caught in a dilemma.

"Go back and I'll watch you off. Don't be late tomorrow. I don't have a car to go there."

Zhang Lingtian pushed Xiaohan into the cab.

"Okay... boss, I'll come and call you tomorrow morning."

The boss is like this, what else can Jiang Xiaohan say, then go back first.

"Okay, see you tomorrow morning!"

Zhang Lingtian waved his hand and Jiang Xiaohan reversed the car and left.

"Can't I kill you? You will die soon!!"

However, they didn't know that everything Zhang Lingtian and Jiang Xiaohan said was transmitted to the other side of the ocean.

Because there was a completely black car directly in front of them.

There was a man in the car watching.

When they heard that sentence, even the recipe can't kill me, the two old guys on the other side of the ocean gritted their teeth.

"After today, you can't get anything done!"

From eight-thirty to nine o'clock now, in half an hour, the anger level of the Maisel Army soared!
  But this killer chose his time really well.

The other party took action when he was drunk and went home alone.

In such an environment, even direct brutal assassination would be no problem.

"Zhang Lingtian has already gone in, why hasn't the other party followed?"

The rare sect leader is also watching.

Asking George now.

"Come out boss, Hades probably waited until the other party entered the corner before coming out to avoid arousing suspicion."

As soon as he finished speaking, the camera angle changed to the way he came out.

Then comes running.

Finally, just before the floor door closed, the other party grabbed the door.

However, Zhang Lingtian had already entered the elevator.

"Damn it! How could you make such a stupid mistake! You should catch up!"

The master of the rare sect became excited when he saw it.

And he was a little excited when he saw Zhang Lingtian entering the elevator.

As for the Maisel Army on the other side, they were much calmer.

"Come in, the time is just right."

Sharing an elevator with Zhang Lingtian?

He felt that the other party wanted to take action after Zhang Lingtian entered the room.

Because if he chooses to assassinate, it is obviously the most suitable place at the other party's home.

Just asking you, how can an ordinary person in a 70-square-meter room be able to withstand a killer with strong martial arts? There is nothing but waiting for death!

But it is inappropriate in the elevator.

There is surveillance in the community. If something strange is discovered in the surveillance and the assassination fails, it will be easy to expose yourself.


No, the killer pressed down the elevator, and he had already investigated Zhang Lingtian's floor and pressed down accordingly.

20 billion yuan.

After this order is over, I can completely rest and retire.

It's really comfortable, and the prices are so high there.

In fact, he had originally decided to take action this month.

Because there's no better place to start than their own party.

As for the door lock.

For a top killer, is lockpicking a skill? Isn't this instinct?

In a room of 70 square meters, his probability of killing Zhang Lingtian is 99%.

If the other party happens to be taking a shower again, then your probability will increase to 100%.

He usually takes a shower after returning home.

He calculated this based on the time Zhang Lingtian came back and the time the water meter was used.

After all, he must have figured out Zhang Lingtian's living habits after being here for so long.

When you go up, continue to look at the water meter. If the toilet light is on and turning, it means that the other person has started taking a bath.


Suddenly the elevator shook.

"what's the situation??"

Under the light, the man's face was full of confusion.


On the other side of the ocean, the Master Xi and the Maisel Army who were watching the live broadcast were also confused.

Why did the elevator light suddenly flash?

The next moment, the elevator suddenly stopped when it reached the eighteenth floor.

A bad premonition came over me.


At this moment, there was a violent falling feeling!

The man choked.

Damn it, the elevator is out of order!
  It’s still a rare falling failure!

Falling off the [-]th floor would be fatal! !

An unprecedented sense of death swept through his body, and he was seen frantically pressing down on all floors of the elevator!
  After all, he is also one of the top two killers in the world. It would be too frustrating if he died due to an elevator malfunction!


Fortunately, his life was not meant to be cut off.

When he fell to the negative third floor, he still managed to save his life despite suffering a strong impact.

"What a shabby neighborhood. It costs [-] yuan to rent a house, but it's of this quality?!"

The man forced open the elevator door and walked out.

Then he climbed up the stairs to Zhang Lingtian's floor.

I have to hurry up.


I was shaking my legs, but I didn’t know why the lights didn’t turn on on the third floor.

Suddenly, his center of gravity became unstable due to something he was stepping on, and the man fell violently.

And the lights also turned on at this moment.

Voice controlled.

"Banana peel? What the hell!!"


Hades felt that he had been insulted like never before!
  He was so embarrassed by the banana peel.

I even hit it!

Three minutes later, after adjusting his condition, he finally arrived at Zhang Lingtian's floor.

The toilet light is still on and the water meter is still running.

He carefully took out a piece of wire.

Finally, the head of the rare sect leader, Maisel Army and others saw hope.

It's time to enter the house.

The assassination is finally successful!


That was the sound of the lock opening.

"Look, this is a professional."

Maiserjun showed a long-lost smile.

This lock is like a decoration in front of such people.


The man slowly opened the door.

The light in the room was bright, but it was completely dark.

The numbers are relative, and the air seems to be still at this moment.

"I, I'm here to find the boss, no, I'm sorry to bother you..."

The man's honest face had an embarrassed expression.

  Why are there so many armed SWAT officers in the house? !

"Er Peng, you're here, let's have a cup of tea."

Zhang Lingtian waved.

"Boss, I just moved here and wanted to ask you about my fortune and what I'd like to do in the future, but I found that I came in without closing the door. I didn't expect you to be in a meeting."

The man was Er Peng, and his expression at the moment was even more uncomfortable than if his parents were dead.

Fortunately, I was well prepared.

He rented a house opposite. Although the reason was a bit far-fetched, it was at least a good reason.

"Boy, it's quite suitable to be in prison from now on."


A pair of silver handcuffs were brought up.

"What are you doing? Boss! I am Erpeng! Pioneer employee!!"

Erpeng was immediately stunned!
  Why are you handcuffed without saying a word?

"Hades, the Maisel Army sent you here. I've been observing you for a long time. Why are you so slow to come up? Let's have a cup of tea first."

Zhang Lingtian poured a cup of tea.

How could the killer hide from his eyes.

But why is this Hades coming up so slowly? It seems to be very embarrassing? Is this the 40% backlash?

The reward you got for paying attention to Dean Ying last time was backlash +10%.

"Boss, what are you talking about? What Hades?"

The man's expression was full of confusion.

"Master Rare Sect, are all the Maisel troops here? Come and have some tea, you are quite a killer."

Zhang Lingtian raised a glass to the disguised button camera on his chest.


Maiseljun vomited black blood.

Did he already know this? How is this possible! !

Is it true that God is going to destroy his Maisel Army? !


Rianna was hysterical.


The bed collapsed.


On the other side, the master of the rare sect also closed his eyes.


It seems that I was really wrong.

spring river.

On the way back, the more Jiang Xiaohan thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. How could the boss let him drive back and pick him up the next morning?
  "Not good! There must be something wrong with the boss!!"

The next moment, Jiang Xiaohan ran for his life!

On the streets of Chunjiang, I saw a black car driving [-] times.

"What the hell?"

Just sent Qin Yan and the others away.

A reminder suddenly popped up in front of Zhang Lingtian. Xiaohan's danger value reached 80%, and the reason was actually racing! !
  This confused him.

How could Xiaohan be racing!

Just as he took a phone call to ask what was going on, a black Volkswagen rushed over.


Jiang Xiaohan opened the car door directly.

"Xiaohan? What's going on? You're driving so fast!"

Zhang Lingtian asked doubtfully.

"Boss, why did you lie to me! Do you know how worried I was when I just saw so many police cars passing by!"

Jiang Xiaohan was very angry and even shed tears.

She really thought about a lot on the way here.

"Aren't I worried about an accident? It's okay. It's okay. Go back quickly."

Zhang Lingtian smiled awkwardly.

He was mainly worried that Xiaohan would be accidentally injured.

"No! I want to go up with you! I have thought clearly!!"

Jiang Xiaohan directly took Zhang Lingtian's hand.

After thinking clearly, she couldn't let her boss go.

"Ah? This, this, this, men and women are not allowed to be intimate! If people misunderstand, we will be in trouble if we can't get married in the future!"

Zhang Lingtian was suddenly a little panicked when his arms were held like this.

"I'm not worried. If I can't get married, I'll marry you, the boss!"

Jiang Xiaohan pulled Zhang Lingtian.

"Xiaohan you..."

Zhang Lingtian's heart skipped a beat.


The next second after entering the room, his heart contracted violently.

Such soft lips...

"No, Xiaohan, I'm drinking, please don't, I can't stand it..."

It exploded! Zhang Lingtian felt like he was going to explode, the little assistant was imitating others!


The next day.

News about the killer is trending.

There was a burst of condemnation against the rare sect leader.

At the end of the month, they also set off to Bear Country as scheduled, and the rodent eradication operation was once again successful.

The poor old diarrhea man was laid off after impeachment proceedings were launched after the failed assassination attempt.

No, the boss who knows how to succeed succeeds in his position.

As for Zhang Lingtian, he became the leader of the national serious crime team.

Through the efforts of him and his team members, the crime rate gradually dropped, and finally the society became the society originally envisioned, and the international community became more harmonious and stable.

The village chief became Tu Fang. He originally wanted to choose Boss Zhang as the representative, but unfortunately the other party was not interested.


Remove the old and welcome the new.

This year's New Year is very lively. The white goods shop is on the market, and bosses such as Boss Understanding and Zhaisheng have come to Chunjiang.

Without him, I would like to wish you a happy new year and say goodbye by the way... (End of this chapter)

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