I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 31 A true warrior, not afraid of Hades? !

Chapter 31 A true warrior, not afraid of Hades? !

"It's nothing, it's just that there is a kind of protection called attention, go and make me a cup of tea."

Zhang Lingtian spoke lightly.

It's okay to dislike him for speaking and feel uncomfortable, anyway, he said everything that should be said.

If only she could listen to it herself.

"Congratulations to Brother Tian for bringing the goods for the first time, please don't follow me for a small support."

"The King of Hades brought the goods, the younger brother is here to pay tribute, support an order! Please don't pay attention!"

"Handsome Zhang, do you still remember me? I'm the sister who sent you a private message before. My phone number is 188***908**. You can call me for a support order, but don't pay attention to me. My sister is only 30 years old. Well, I don’t want to die so early.”

"9999 is too expensive! Use a rocket to make a confession! I beg Lord Yama to bless the exam!"

"Yan Wangye, your incense money is here! Wish me a smooth interview today!"

Zhang Lingtian opened the private message.

But he was in a mess when he saw the messages from the water friends.

What did the coauthor take his account for?

Merit box?
But he is really not the King of Hades!

Why don't you believe any of them!

"Boss, today's first-day sales were pretty good, with a difference of 20 yuan to 200 million yuan. The fans are still very strong. Among them, the account that rewarded us with 20 gifts yesterday bought five of them, and there are many people. Give us gifts or something."

Tea is brought.

The little assistant concluded to Zhang Lingtian.

It's lunch break.

It will start broadcasting at 02:30 pm.

"That account bought five yesterday?"

Zhang Lingtian was a little unbelievable.

Five is 5 yuan.

"Yeah, he still didn't say anything, but I found out that the IP address of the other party is from Haibin City, so it should be him who actually hammered it."

Jiang Xiaohan didn't expect that the science guard would secretly open a trumpet.

"Forget it."

Zhang Lingtian waved his hand.

In fact, he really can't do anything.

The wave of tearing the onion was completely accidental.

It's a pity that he himself is neurotic.

But it's nothing if the other party is so aggressive.

He didn't even bother to explain.

After all, a poor man like him wished that Principal Cong would help out more.

the other side.

"Look, I just said that people are a bit stupid in their mouths, but they really care about you in their hearts. Otherwise, why are you following your account so well? Right?!"

An RV outside.

That was the place where Qu Jiangmei and Jian Sisi had meals and lunch breaks.

I saw that the other party was persuading with a sincere attitude.

"No, Mr. Qu, the main reason is that this person has a serious mental illness. He suspects that I am the kind of prostitute who sells it. What's more, he even suspects that I have plastic surgery! How do I look like that kind of person? You Just say it!"

Jian Sisi was so angry that her chest heaved up and down.

She even figured out the first sentence the man asked now.

Ask her if she has a boyfriend.

Just to test whether she is a virgin or not!
Which onion are you? Even if my wife is a virgin, do you deserve it?

"Sisi, as a woman, you have to take a long-term view. This person may be a bit of a mental cleanser, but you see, the effect of his delivery today is not very good, and the other account has so many fans. If you have some scandals with him , is the account also wiped out? Just like a certain Yi brother's daughter-in-law, can you make a fortune?"

Qu Jiangmei is persuading.

It was hard to find a suitable anchor.

And the ability to carry goods is still so strong.

So she can't seize the opportunity to lock the other party firmly and use it for the company?
Moreover, this is of great benefit to Jian Sisi.

After all, she is just a small anchor now.

It needs to be promoted slowly step by step, and then find something to increase its popularity.

There are countless examples of these on the Internet.

The simplest example is the daughter-in-law of a certain Yi brother.

Use the popularity of a certain Yi brother to create various hypes and finally make a profit for himself.

"That's true."

Jane is not stupid.

I know what Qu Jiangmei is referring to.

"So, if we want to go long-term, we still need some steps in addition to our own abilities."

Qu Jiangmei smiled differently.

"I know Mr. Qu."

Jane Sisi nodded.

"You don't need to be so famous, just call me Sister Qu. See if the other party has gained a lot of fans after following you? At that time, our company will also push this hot spot for you. Xiangyun is The big companies in the industry are trying to create a group of head-carrying anchors recently."

Qu Jiangmei pointed to Jian Sisi's account and said.

In just a short time, nearly a hundred attentions have been raised.

Before the broadcast, it would not have risen so much for a day.

"Thank you, Miss Qu!"

Jian Sisi ate the big cake.

Even started to fantasize.

Ten past two in the afternoon.

"Mr. Zhang, you are not kind in this matter. You actually paid us a little bit of attention quietly. In fact, if you ask me for a WeChat message, I will just push it to you."

Qu Jiangmei saw Zhang Lingtian's face was joking.

"What! The boss paid Si Si some attention?"

When Li Tiantian and Su Wei heard this, their hearts trembled!
"Yeah, it made me, the brand owner, jealous."

Qu Jiangmei is very smart.

He has been using jokes to clear up the little misunderstanding between Jian Sisi and Zhang Lingtian at noon.

"How about I order one for Mr. Qu?"

Zhang Lingtian didn't plan to worry about what happened at noon.

"Must order, must order! Our Xiangyun Urn Co., Ltd. hugs the thighs of Ping'an Baishipu."

Being able to be followed by such a big account related to the industry will definitely attract a lot of fans.

This kind of extra traffic that does not cost money should not be for nothing.

"Okay, okay, then let's get close to each other."

Zhang Lingtian took out his mobile phone as he spoke.


Li Tiantian and Su Wei were shocked.

It's so happy to be followed by their boss.

Have they forgotten the legend of the boss?

Live Hades! !
Jiang Xiaohan also felt a little twitching at the corner of his mouth.

Could it be that this is a real warrior who is not afraid of Hades?

"Why do you all have such expressions? Doesn't Lingtian pay attention to you?"

Seeing the shocked expressions of Zhang Lingtian's employees, Jian Sisi was immediately puzzled.

"You are still so happy that sister Sisi has been followed, have you forgotten our boss' spell?"

Because of a little contact, Li Tiantian was very surprised to remind at this moment.

"Hahaha, those are just accidental rumors on the Internet. As employees, you should trust your boss more."

Qu Jiangmei thinks these three employees are quite cute!
Especially this Li Tiantian.

"Yeah, apart from being handsome, Lingtian is basically the same as ordinary people. I don't believe that there is such an outrageous post on the Internet."

Jian Sisi's address became more friendly.

At this time, he replied with a smile on his face.

The live broadcast with goods in the afternoon will start soon.

There were a lot of people coming in the afternoon, twice as many as in the morning.

Because the price is too expensive, but only more than 100 urns were sold.

But it has exceeded expectations.

Total sales today are close to 400 million.

"Lingtian, let's have dinner together tonight."

After going offline, Jian Sisi asked Zhang Lingtian to have dinner together.

"It's too tiring to carry the goods for a day. Let's have a chance next time."

Zhang Lingtian shook his head, he was really tired.

"The beauty Sheng invited Mr. Zhang to not go, are you still angry at Noon?"

Qu Jiangmei looked joking.

"Noon? Mr. Qu, if you don't tell me, I'll forget."

Zhang Lingtian really didn't take what happened at noon to his heart.

"Alright then, since Lingtian is tired today, I'll find a time to make an appointment with you tomorrow."

Jian Sisi was a little disappointed when she was rejected.

Then another day!
In this way, they walked towards the RV.


Suddenly Zhang Lingtian shouted.

"Changed your mind? Make an appointment tonight?"

Jian Sisi was overjoyed, even Qu Jiangmei was the same.

"Miss Sisi, remember what I said, don't go out with the big brother, don't meet netizens, and don't go for plastic surgery! Don't go!!"

Zhang Lingtian confessed again!

99% probability.

Pseudo-accurate customers!
He has really tried his best to save this wave.


 The second one was delivered, it was a few minutes late, everyone please count the votes~~
(End of this chapter)

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