I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 32 The man who killed five times took away the female anchor? ! (5 in 2 large chapter)

Chapter 32 The man who killed five people took away the female anchor? ! (two in one chapter)


The corners of Jian Sisi's mouth twitched when she heard this, she almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Is this person's love IQ zero?

Qu Jiangmei also has black lines all over her head.

She thought she would be able to make an appointment tonight, but she actually said this!

Didn't she just say that?

The anchor she recruited is very disciplined and will not go to meet netizens offline, and will not give benefits to those so-called big brothers!

As for plastic surgery, everything on Sisi's face is original!
No facelift! !
Why can't we get through this hurdle?

"Okay, thank you Lingtian for your reminder, we will meet again tomorrow."

Jane Sisi had a smile on her face.

He looked very polite.

"Ahhh!! Brainless! Do I look like the kind of woman who goes out with Bangyi and has plastic surgery!!"

After getting in the car.

Jian Sisi ran away immediately.

Hit the pillow hard!

Grit your teeth! !
She can't stand it anymore!

"Sisi, I should be happy if I were you."

In the caravan, Qu Jiangmei, who is good at painting cakes and persuading others, looks like a caring sister.

"Sister Qu? I should be happy???"

Jian Sisi's eyes were full of doubts.

She is suspected of being that kind of woman, how happy is she?

I really want to hear this elder sister Qu explain it well!
"Of course, you found the treasure, you know!"

Qu Jiangmei had a look on her face that if I wanted to be young, I would have to rob you.


Jian Sisi's bewilderment doubled.

Did you find a treasure?
"That's right! He repeatedly reminded you not to do these things just proves that he is the kind of man with a mental cleanliness, and a man with a mental cleanliness won't go out and mess around? It's not even certain that he picked up a virgin !"

Virgos get extra points in the hearts of men, and virgins get extra points in the hearts of women.

After all, if there are conditions, who doesn't like the other half who has not been shared by others?

It has to be said that Qu Jiangmei is indeed the woman who is the leader.

Just one sentence not only calmed down Jian Sisi's anger, but also made her feel a little shaken in her heart.

the other side.


After Jian Sisi and Qu Jiangmei got into the car, Zhang Lingtian suddenly found that the three employees were all staring at him.

It was as if some strange species had been discovered.

"Boss, let's reconcile the accounts."

Assistant Jiang Xiaohan changed the subject helplessly.

Although this person named Jian Sisi showed a high interest in their boss, but if things go on like this, it's probably hanging.

But she can't control the boss's affairs.

Check the account first.

Then many merchants contacted her just now.

Because the sales are good, I thought about asking their boss to bring the goods.

Ask about schedules.

"Yeah, sweet Su Wei, please clean up."

Zhang Lingtian explained the next work arrangement.

Then followed Jiang Xiaohan into his office.

"Boss, you brought the goods and sold 350 urns today, 9999 yuan per urn, which is just over 350 million."

The slideshow is playing.

The little assistant explained today's record.

Rounding off the early 350 million is close to 400 million, isn't it?

"According to the overall 24% commission commission, the Douyin platform needs to take 20%. The contract signed at the time was that the other party gave a pit fee of 60 yuan. The commission for this platform is paid by us, so if the total is calculated, we get the commission. The split is 14, the pit fee is 60, and the total is 74 before tax."

The little assistant has already calculated the money they can get.

"I can actually get more than 70 yuan before tax!"

Zhang Lingtian was a little unbelievable.

One day of bringing the goods almost caught up with the turnover of his store for more than a year.

Sure enough, these days you have to bring goods.

Really earn money! !

No wonder those anchors are so rich.

Even the head of the goods can evade hundreds of millions of taxes.

"Yeah, there are a lot of things that I can't talk about when I bring the goods for the first time. Next time, I will optimize the contract and strive for the Douyin platform's commission to be paid by the merchant, or reduce a certain percentage."

As long as the sales volume is good, whether it is the business side or Douyin side, this can be discussed.

"Okay, then I will leave these matters to you, Xiaohan, and work hard. I believe your year-end bonus this year will be very generous."

Zhang Lingtian is not a stingy person either. If he has meat to eat, employees will naturally have soup to drink.

"Hmm, then boss, recently dozens of brands have asked about our schedule, do you plan to take a day off or continue tomorrow?"

Jiang Xiaohan waited for his boss' arrangement.

The other party said that if she had a day off, she would arrange to start work the next day.

If she wants to work hard for Saburo tomorrow, then she will communicate with the brand to sign the contract at night and come directly tomorrow.

"No, no, no, don't be in such a hurry, you can help me contact the decoration company first."

Zhang Lingtian shook his head.

"A decoration company? The boss wants to expand?"

Jiang Xiaohan seemed to have thought of something.

"Since live streaming is an integral part of our Ping An Baishi Shop in the future, it is natural that the venue should be improved, and it is time for this small shop to be upgraded."

Now the overall area of ​​their Ping An Baishi shop is more than 100 square meters.

Seriously, it's too small.

Just had some money on hand.

Then rent out everything next to it, open it up, and decorate it.

Get some more people in.

Make Ping An Baishipu truly bigger and stronger!
Of course, this does not mean that the old line of work has been forgotten.

There is still a funeral.

It's just that a special funeral department is set up to undertake funeral services.

Others sell urns, shrouds, joss sticks, and more.

"Hmm, how do I get back to where the boss brought the goods? Should I contact them after the overall renovation is completed, or contact them while the renovation is in progress?"

If you want to complete the overall renovation, then contact these brands to bring the goods.

It will take at least a month for such a large project to start work, how much money will be lost.

"No, no, let's first change our office here into a large live broadcast room with goods, and do the rest as we go, so we can't delay the business."

Zhang Lingtian said.

"Then three days should be enough. Boss, I'll contact them and say three days later?"

Jiang Xiaohan estimated.

She has to make a schedule, which business will be on which day.

"Well, just three days."

Zhang Lingtian nodded slightly, three days should be enough.

"Okay, and our live broadcast data is also good. Today, I received a gift of 3 yuan and gained more than 4 fans. The total number of fans on the account has reached 190 million. I believe it will not be a problem to break through 200 million after a few more broadcasts."

The indicators of the company's account are relatively good.

Fire is only a matter of time.

To be honest, everything is like a dream.

Obviously a week ago, the boss was still worrying about not getting more followers.

Then I looked at some other data, so Jiang Xiaohan went to work.

Zhang Lingtian drove to negotiate the rent.

After all, it is not necessary to expand.

Li Tiantian and Su Wei will be handed over to deal with the aftermath and close the door.

Because they heard that there was a generous year-end bonus, the two of them looked very motivated at the moment.

On the other side of the RV.

"Sisi, think about it, if he is not interested in you, why does he have to remind you over and over again? Obviously he doesn't want you to be hurt!"

Persuasion continues.


Jian Sisi understood a lot.

Indeed, if he didn't like him at all, why would he say such things?

"Sisi, tell me honestly, you haven't met any netizens or gone out with Big Brother, right?"

Although in front of Zhang Lingtian, she repeatedly assured Jian Sisi to behave herself, she was not the kind of messy woman.

But in private, she really didn't know.

So ask clearly.

If you want to, stop the loss in time, and don't let the other party find out.

As long as you don't find out, everything can be beautiful.

"Sister Qu, where did you get the big brother on the list? The one with the highest reward on my account is only [-] yuan."

Jian Sisi spread her hands helplessly.

Fifteen thousand of the top brother is not enough to attract her out.

And it's dangerous to meet a stranger online, even if it's a big brother.

She still regrets her life.

After all, there are many female anchors who have seen netizens have accidents.

"That's good. I don't think you have plastic surgery. It basically fits a man with a mental cleanliness like him. There should be no problem with scandals."

Qu Jiangmei even had a title in mind.

[The five consecutive killings of Hades who shocked the entire network, actually took away the female anchor when he brought the Xiangyun urn? ! 】

As soon as the title comes out.

I believe it can attract a lot of traffic.

After all, one word counts!

Finally, I clicked in and found that this take away means falling in love.

I believe the expressions of these netizens will be wonderful.

It may not even be on the hot search.

At that time, the word Xiangyun will be typed out.

"Of course there is no plastic surgery. If you don't believe me, sister Qu, you can touch the original! The breasts are too!"

Jian Sisi took Qu Jiangmei's hand.

The age of the other party is 31 years old.

Not much.

"You, that's fine. Since there is no tomorrow, let's find a time to ask the other party out for a meal. Now I will let the company's operations side find a way to hype this up for you."

Whether she has plastic surgery or not, she is a woman, which can be seen at a glance.

"Well, I'll ask him out tomorrow night."

Jane Sisi nodded.

She will certainly seize the opportunity.

The ability to carry goods is strong.

I am also handsome.

The most important thing is a little mental cleanliness.

Good as a step over the current high wall.

Even if you can't cross the current high wall, being with such a person will not make a difference in the future.

"Mr. Shen will hold a celebration banquet in a while, and he must be starving. We can have dinner in the past."

Today's live broadcast is close to 400 million in sales, and the celebration banquet is also worth holding.

"Sister Qu, Boss Shen and the others don't know how to drink alcohol?"

Jian Sisi asked cautiously.

"A celebration banquet, how can it be called a celebration banquet without wine, those are all good wines that we can't usually drink."

Qu Jiangmei is the director of the sales department.

Celebration banquets are not often held.

"Then, then I won't go, I can't drink."

Although Jian Sisi really wanted to go.

But she can't drink.

"This is a rare opportunity, so you don't have to drink, I'll talk to Mr. Shen and the others."

She is also a hero today, Qu Jiangmei said.

"No, no, Miss Qu, I'm actually quite tired today. I want to go back and have a rest first, so that I can meet Zhang Lingtian in a better state tomorrow, right?"

Jane Sisi declined.

The main reason is that this kind of celebration banquet is impossible without drinking.

But she is determined not to drink for some special reasons.

"Sisi, then you should pay attention to rest."

In the end, Qu Jiangmei didn't force her, but took Jian Sisi home in a car.

"Yeah, miss Qu, goodbye."

Jian Sisi walked into the apartment building, where she rented a small apartment by herself.

"Damn it? Has he been paid attention by the Living Hades?!"

"Old girl, why don't you delete your account and run away?"

"What's the situation, isn't this partnering with the Living Hades to bring the goods today? Why did he pay attention to you? Big sister, why did you offend the other party? Apologize! Apologize quickly! Then let the other party cancel!!"

"Is it useful to cancel the test? Have you forgotten Principal Onion? After canceling the test, you will be unlucky, and you have not been discharged from the hospital yet!!"

"My suggestion is that you log out of your account immediately, Sisi! Don't wait a second!"

Although she only has more than 4 fans.

But there is also a fanbase.

Just got home and opened the WeChat fan group!
Saw a group of people at Aite her.

They were all shocked how she was paid attention to by the Living Hades.

This man is in danger!
After all, the six people he followed were all bad luck.

"Actually, Lingtian is just a very ordinary person, so don't be nervous."

Jane Sisi made a voice.

To be honest, she really found these people boring.

On the way, she turned on Douyin.

They also privately messaged her one by one, asking her to cancel her account.

As for?
Before she got in touch with this person, she was actually a little worried, whether the other party knew witchcraft or Gu, otherwise why would she pay attention to one accident.

However, after contacting, I found that the other party was obviously a very ordinary person.

It's just being made up by some online traffic or spreading rumors.

"Nervous! This is really going to happen, Sisi!!"

"Sisi, listen to me, quickly cancel the account and I will give another account to continue to be on the list, okay?"

"Wait, did you guys miss something, Sisi actually called the Living Hades the Spirit Heaven? What's the situation???"

"Fuck? Brother, you found your blind spot!"

"No way, this living Hades not only seduces people online, but also in reality?"

The group exploded when they heard this.

Rank [-] even stated that if Si Si opens a trumpet, the other account will continue to rank on Rank [-].

And exactly the same fan value.

Of course, some fans noticed the title!
Suddenly the group exploded!
But they didn't know that she said the words on purpose.

As for Crazy Art in the group, Jian Sisi had already put the phone aside and stopped looking at it.

Bags, clothes, etc. also faded away one after another.

Then I took a picture in front of the mirror.

Finally got on the electronic scale.

99 pounds.

Looking at the number above, Jian Sisi pinched the flesh on her thigh, and pouted slightly dissatisfied.

The next morning.

She got up early.

It was a hospital.

"Jian Sisi, right, Yunrou liposuction, the latest Yingjiang technology in our hospital, can accurately avoid our blood vessels and nerves, with less bleeding and quick recovery. Generally, you can get out of bed on the same day, and you can also see very obvious after surgery. Thinning effect."

on the operating table.

Signed the informed letter.

The doctor introduced it before the operation.

"Yeah, I'm a regular customer, hurry up doctor, I have something to do tonight."

Jane Sisi nodded.

It turned out that she had always disliked her thick thighs.

So I have done many liposuction in this hospital.

This was the last of her entire liposuction program.

"Then I will stop talking."


After resting in the hospital for a while, Jian Sisi walked out of the hospital slowly.

This time it hurts.

However, thanks to the imported technology of this hospital, I can leave on the same day after each inhalation.

Hope to recover quickly tonight.

Take a taxi.

Jane Sisi went home.


 A total of 4100+ words were updated today, so I won’t divide them into chapters. Every time I want to write more, but when I get home from get off work and open the backstage, I can see the inexplicable emo... I hope you can take the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket to the author, give me some power!I think the keyboard is smoking! !Thank you everyone! !
(End of this chapter)

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