I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 33 The day before yesterday, I sold urns, and I used them today! (2 in 1 large chapter)

Chapter 33 The day before yesterday, I sold urns, and I used them today! (two in one chapter)


At twelve noon, Jian Sisi arrived downstairs in the apartment.

"Is Sisi okay?"

"Miss, hurry up and give me a reply, are you all right?"

"It's over. There hasn't been a single message for several hours. Could it be that Si Si has finished broadcasting?"

"Who has the anchor's contact information, this living Hades is really evil, I'm really worried about Sisi."

In the morning, Si Si sent a message to the fan group.

The results are now not bubbling.

All of them are in Aite.

"Oh, I'm still here. It's just that I was busy with work in the morning and didn't read the group news. Hello everyone~"

Jian Sisi did not tell anyone about liposuction.

All done secretly by myself.

That's why she refused to drink last night without saying exactly why.

Do not drink alcohol before liposuction.

"Could it be an accident?"

"Scared me to death, I thought the anchor was gone."

"The anchor is not only fine, it seems that the other party is chatting with the living Hades. You see, I found such an article."

[Xiangyun urn live broadcast, female anchor Sisi interacted with Ping An's funeral extravagant Lingtian friendly. 】

The water friend reposted an article on the official account.

Inside is the scene of Jian Sisi and Zhang Lingtian live broadcasting the goods.

Some screenshots of Jian Sisi's affectionate eyes.

And very kindly.

For example, calling Zhang Lingtian Lingtian or something like that.

Anyway, it's very engaging.

There are various hints that the two may have an affair with each other.


"Falling in love with the living Hades? It's fake!!"

"Sisi, tell me it's not true, are you dating that guy?"

Netizens were shocked.

It was the big brother who collapsed.

"No, it's just a good work partner."

Jane Sisi made a voice.

The so-called gossip is that neither party explicitly admits it but there are all kinds of hints. This is called a gossip.

So even if there is, it is impossible to say it from her mouth.

Otherwise, many people are estimated to quit the group.

Finish these.

Jane Sisi took out her mobile phone.


the other side.

He had just finished negotiating the rent and renovation costs, and he found his cell phone was ringing.

"Hi! Hello, this is Ping'an Funeral Store. Would you like to make an appointment for funeral services? You can get a [-]% discount recently."

After answering the phone, Zhang Lingtian skillfully introduced his business.

"Uh...it's me."

When Jian Sisi heard this, her head was full of black lines.

Is this really a private account?

How does it feel like making a funeral appointment?

"You... are you??"

Zhang Lingtian on the other end of the phone paused.

Although the voice was a little familiar, he really couldn't remember who it was.

"I'm Jian Sisi, can't you hear that?"

Jane Sisi was disappointed for a while.

This man is also a big wonderful flower in the world of strange flowers.

If you change yourself, the number one on the list.

With her performance, it is estimated that the other party can imprint her voice in the DNA.

"Oh, Miss Sisi, what's the matter?"

Zhang Lingtian asked.

"Do you have time tonight? I didn't make an appointment yesterday. I want to treat you to dinner today."

Jian Sisi said to Zhang Lingtian.

"Dinner? I don't want it!"

Zhang Lingtian thought for a second and answered.

The main reason is that the two of them have nothing to talk about.

"What don't you want? Yes, this is a task assigned to me by the company. We have to cooperate in the future, don't we? And it's not just me, Sister Qu is here too!"

Jian Sisi had nothing to say.

This man deserves to be single.

As a girl, she took the initiative to ask him out for dinner.

In the end, he actually refused!


Xiangyun Future is indeed a partner company.

Since the other party asked him out, it's okay for him to drop by if he has time.

"Yeah, we've fixed a place here in the evening and I'll call you."

Saying that, Jian Sisi took a deep breath.

I don't know why I feel that the taxi ride today is so boring.

Even after walking a few steps home, I felt very tired.

"Miss Sisi, is she feeling unwell?"

Zhang Lingtian vaguely felt that there was something wrong with her tone today.

Just a feeling of powerlessness.

"The elevator is broken, now I'm going up the stairs."

The apartment Jian Sisi rented was on the third floor.

Just got downstairs.

Found out the elevator was under repair.

"Anyway, Miss Sisi, remember not to meet netizens and don't go for plastic surgery. In short, don't do anything that endangers your life in terms of appearance."

Zhang Lingtian has reminded him for the third time.

"Ah, ah, I'm sure I won't do it."

Jane is numb.

However, in order to maintain a good relationship, he still maintains a very good attitude.

"Actually, I'll tell you the truth, Miss Sisi, our ancestors were fortune tellers, and seeing your seal turned black yesterday may be a disaster."

Zhang Lingtian felt that he was fighting too.

Even this kind of white lie was pulled out.

"Pfft, okay, okay, our fortune teller, let's do this first."

On the other end of the phone, Jian Sisi smiled.

These days, there are still people who take the initiative to say that they are fortune tellers.

Really laughing.

Who doesn't know that those fortune tellers are always watching their words and expressions, and then say some vague words to you, which makes you feel very mysterious.

Wouldn't he think he was a fortune teller and make her worship him?

Sometimes the brain circuits of straight men really can't understand.


Suddenly, in the next second, Jian Sisi sucked in a breath of cold air.

It was an inexplicable tingling in the thigh.

My whole body hurts like an electric shock.

On the other side, Zhang Lingtian hung up the phone.

The other party still seemed to be in disbelief.

There is life and death.

just wait.

Speaking of which, I have to get to work quickly.

A new shop was rented, and the original one hundred square meters was rented for a thousand square meters.

At the same time, there are several areas such as office area, tea room, sample display area, sales area, and rest area.

The whole set cost millions.

In other words, he has now spent all his money.

But thinking that I can earn hundreds of thousands a day with the goods in the future, it is worth the money.


Open the door.

Jane Sisi finally returned home.

Lying in bed.

I just felt so sleepy, my heart was beating so fast, and I even had difficulty breathing.

In the past, this broken elevator was also broken.

She also climbed the third floor quite a few times.

Why are you so tired today?
I want to sleep when I come back.

And the thighs are tingling.

Why is this last liposuction so painful.

Lie down to make yourself comfortable.

After a few minutes.

She curled up on the bed.

I was shaking with pain!
At six o'clock in the evening, there is a funeral shop.

"Everyone go back first, I'll just close the door."

Zhang Lingtian was sitting in the office.

In this way, several employees left work.

Six ten.

Zhang Lingtian took a look at the renderings given by the design side.

06: 30.

He brushed the brush bucket sound.

seven o'clock.

"Hello, the number you dialed is currently on the phone."

Zhang Lingtian couldn't help but make a phone call.

The result indicates that a call is in progress.

He regretted it a little now, he shouldn't have agreed to this meal.

Look how hungry he is!


Three minutes later, an unfamiliar number called.

"Hi, hello, this is Ping'an Funeral Store. Do you want to make an appointment for funeral service? It's [-]% off recently."

Although this is his private number.

However, if there is no remark, he will always default as a customer.

Say the advertisement of Ping An Shishipu.

"Mr. Zhang, it's me."

There was a slightly mature female voice on the other end of the phone.

"You are??"

It's the same answer again.

Zhang Lingtian was a little dazed.

"Qu Jiangmei from Xiangyun Urn!"

Qu Jiangmei opened the mouth and said.

"Oh, Mr. Qu."

No wonder Zhang Lingtian also found the voice familiar.

But why didn't Jian Sisi call him.

I have noted down my number.

"Mr. Zhang, you are not being kind. You agreed to ask me to go together, but now you have left me behind. I called that girl Sisi for several times and they didn't get through. Forget it, you and her Say I don't bother you and I'm not a light bulb."

Qu Jiangmei had just asked someone to send out the related gossip soft article.

Since Sisi can handle it by herself, it's fine if she doesn't go.

"What the hell?"

Zhang Lingtian was at a loss when he heard this.

"Mr. Zhang, isn't Sisi with you?"

Qu Jiangmei was a little dazed when he heard Zhang Lingtian's surprised appearance.

"Not with me, she called at noon and said that she would invite me to dinner tonight, but I haven't called her until now. I just called her and she is still on the phone."

Zhang Lingtian replied immediately.

"Ah? You just called? Maybe I called too, so the line is busy! She said to call me at six o'clock, but I've called more than ten times since six o'clock, but she didn't get through. She is on vacation today. I guess maybe I was sleeping and forgot the time and didn’t know.”

Qu Jiangmei tried to help Jian Sisi circle around.

There was a sudden look of anger in my heart, what's the situation with this little girl?
How come there is no sense of time.

Don't you know that Mr. Lingtian is the future co-anchor of Xiangyun Co., Ltd.?

If you make the other party angry, you will have to compensate the company for the loss if you can't do the follow-up work!
"You mean she's on vacation today? The phone has been disconnected since six o'clock?"

Zhang Lingtian's heart suddenly trembled.

A bad feeling came to my heart.

Could something have happened?

But he didn't know the specific situation.

Normally, if it is cold, the system will prompt.

But now there is no prompt from the system.

"Yes, Mr. Zhang is really sorry, I will call again to see if she is awake."

Qu Jiangmei apologized.

"Where does she live? I suggest Mr. Qu to go and see her residence!!"

Zhang Lingtian said very seriously.

"I live in the apartment in the fashion paradise block. If the phone doesn't work, I really have to go and call this girl myself."

Qu Jiangmei replied.

Because she sent Jian Sisi home and sat with her, so she knew the place.

If the phone doesn't work.

She has this plan to go to the apartment rented by the other party to see what's going on.

Even the pigeons don't matter.

Even customers are pigeonholed.

It just doesn't make sense.

"No, Mr. Qu, listen to me, don't call her, she should drive there immediately and call 120 for emergency services!"

Zhang Lingtian faced the arrangement.

"Ah? Call 120? Why?!"

Qu Jiangmei was incredulous when he heard this.

"Because I heard something wrong with her voice at noon, maybe she was sick and didn't know."

Zhang Lingtian replied.

He had to find a valid excuse.

If you say that you are a fortune teller and can read faces and so on, the other party may still be like Jian Sisi today, dismissive.

And if it's about the system, then it's even more impossible for her to believe it!

"Is this... a bit exaggerated?"

Speaking of which, she also heard something was wrong at noon.

But calling an ambulance directly, wouldn't it be exaggerated!

"Mr. Qu, hurry up! I'd rather make a mistake than make a mistake!"

Zhang Lingtian's tone was serious.

"Good good."

Qu Jiangmei nodded.

Then call 120.

And Zhang Lingtian also drove to the fashion paradise block to have a look.

But he was only halfway there.

Turned around and drove to the hospital.

【Ding!Pay attention to the anchor Jian Sisi who died of complications caused by liposuction! 】

Just got to the hospital and parked the car.

A reminder appeared in front of Zhang Lingtian.

"It turned out to be liposuction."

Zhang Lingtian stared at the reminder with a heavy heart.

In fact, Jian Sisi is really not fat.

I really don't know why the other party wants to have liposuction!

[Will the host undertake Jian Sisi's funeral?If you successfully undertake a funeral, you can get rich rewards. 】

A second prompt appears.

[Choose to undertake the funeral. 】

After Zhang Lingtian chose to undertake, the system prompt disappeared.


Right at this moment.

A door opened.

"We have tried our best, let the family members come over to deal with the funeral."

The doctor shook his head.

"Notify the family??"

In front of the emergency room.

Qu Jiangmei was incredible.

Go to the apartment.

Because I knew the password, I opened the door and went in.

She found Jane curled up on the bed.

I can't wake up.

When the ambulance arrived, he rushed the other party to the hospital.

But why was he declared dead after only a short while of rescue? !

"It was a fat embolism caused by liposuction, and it caused very serious infections and complications. It would have been better if it had been earlier, even two or three hours."

The doctor shook his head.

Inside was Jian Sisi's cold body.

Then Zhang Lingtian also came to the hospital.

Talked about the funeral with the family members of the other party in grief and didn't return home until late at night.

The next day.

[The female anchor who brought the goods with the living Hades was taken away]

A piece of news slowly climbed up the trending search.

"It's on the hot search? You want to trick the dog into killing it early in the morning, don't you?"

"I've already seen it. This female anchor actually dares to fall in love with the living Hades. Isn't she afraid of being lured to the underworld?"

"What the hell? The news that was just released last night, today's hot search came back to stir up nothing? Okay, okay, we know! The king of Hades has a girlfriend, okay!"

Because Xiangyun Company published some articles yesterday.

Many people are pushed by big data.

I was not interested when I saw the title.

"Damn it! I'm really dead!!"

"Six kills!!!"

And someone clicked in.

My scalp tingles after seeing that message! !
Because that's really a death notice.

[Anchor Jian Sisi dies]

Soon, relevant information rushed to the hot search list.

"What the hell??"

"Jane Sisi? Isn't this the one who brought the goods with Lord Yan yesterday??"

"Isn't it? Not only will Yama's attention cause accidents, but working together will also cause accidents? Is there really such a wicked way!? / Horrified"

"Yan Wangye is really righteous. He brought the urn and gave it to his partner first. /Crying and laughing/Crying and laughing"

The Internet has exploded.

One by one shivered.

The Living Hades is indeed terrifying.

The working partner of the brand side also sacrificed to heaven!

"Everyone, I am Qu Jiangmei, Director of Xiangyun Sales Department. We also feel very sorry for the accidental death of an employee due to a medical accident, so we decided to give her a high-quality sandalwood embossed ashes urn for free."

The hot search reached its peak at noon.

The brand Fang Xiangyun Urn also launched a live broadcast.

And informed the investigation report of the case.

Belongs to medical malpractice.

And intend to use this incident to gain a good impression.

Sell ​​urns.

"Oh, I didn't expect that, the day before yesterday I was still selling urns, and today Sisi used it herself."

"I hope she likes this small home in relief."

"Medical malpractice? This unscrupulous beauty hospital should be condemned. Secondly, this Internet celebrity is already thin enough, so there should be no misunderstanding about her figure!"

"Beauties, as long as you are not naturally disfigured, you will look great when you dress up. Don't destroy your body. Don't regret it when it happens to you! It will be too late!"

"Isn't this kind of hospital closed immediately?!"

"Eighty percent of the time it was filled with fat, the fat was injected into the blood vessels, and fat embolism!"

Messages are sent out.

Regret is certain.

Many people are also condemning this hospital while correcting the bad values ​​of these Internet celebrities.

"Miss Xiangyun Qu Jiangmei, it seems that your account is still being followed by the Living Hades, aren't you afraid?"

Suddenly, a netizen spoke faintly.


 The 4500 words are finished, because I wrote it at 23:59, I really don’t have the energy and time to think about the second title, so I merged the two chapters into one big chapter and sent it out, please vote! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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