I'm really not the King of Hades

Chapter 34 Actually Asked the Living Hades to Bring the Goods!Take yourself away now! (5100 words fo

Chapter 34 Actually Asked the Living Hades to Bring the Goods!Take yourself away now! (5100 words for a large chapter to ask for a ticket)
Yan Wang followed seven accounts, and seven of them became cold.

One of them is still in the hospital because of the cancellation.

It is said that he had eight stitches in his head.

The leg is also in a plaster cast.

The overall loss was 600 million.

"Hiss——, the Living Hades really paid attention to Xiangyun's urn!"

"Mr. Qu, your company is looking for good luck! The title of Living Hades is not for nothing!"

The live broadcast room of Xiangyun Urn.

Some water friends saw that the other party was really paid attention to by the living Hades.

Immediately another netizen reminded.

"I said, why don't you cancel your account immediately? I feel that the one who sells the urn may be no more than the talker of the underworld!"

"Brothers upstairs, please delete the word "possible". How come the urn seller has just been in charge of the underworld? If you are in a hurry, take them away together!"

"Take it away together? Employees also take it away??"

"Of course! Didn't this take away an employee!"

"Dangerous! My friend works there, so I advise him to leave!"

At this moment, related bullet screens are constantly flowing.

Some sincerely persuade the other party to cancel their account and run away to protect themselves!
There are also those who say they want to persuade friends to leave their jobs.

In short, you can't stay in the place where the living hell king pays attention to!

"According to what everyone said, should I also leave now?"

Qu Jiangmei covered her mouth and said with a smile on her face.

Most of these people on the Internet have never had contact with Zhang Lingtian, but she has indeed had contact with Zhang Lingtian.

Not only is the other party not evil!
Still a handsome guy!
And also very approachable.

It's just too ridiculous to upload on the Internet.

Said that the other party is the king of Hades with sorcery.

There are even rumors that the opponent's office is full of skulls.

Just like Monk Sand in Liusha River.

It's just outrageous.

"Miss, the last one who said that was Tear Onion. Guess what he's doing now?"

Seeing the obvious disbelief on Qu Jiangmei's expression, someone immediately brought out the tearing onion.

"It's not just about tearing the green onions, Fat Dragon and the others were still teasing them at the time! It turned out that something happened that night!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe in others, this one will be in bad luck if you don't believe in it!"

"Yeah, you don't have to be hard-spoken when you're living in Hades! He's so evil!"

Xiangyun brand urn live broadcast room.

Perhaps because of Jian Sisi's death, today is the highest popularity since they started the live broadcast.

There are 100 million!

In other words, tens of thousands of people watched online.

Because the ratio of popularity to the number of people is one hundred to one.

One person watching is equal to 100 popularity.

At this moment, the water friends are chattering.

And agreed that Qu Jiangmei is stubborn.

"Then let's think about it from a different angle. Is it possible that the situation has opened up? The living hell king is the one who matters in the underworld, so we are the supplier of the deceased's Xiaojia who sells the urns. It is impossible for the living hell king to attack the supplier, right? !"

Qu Jiangmei tried to explain along the lines of netizens.

If you want to talk about Yin Qi and the like, they sell urns with a lot of Yin Qi.

No matter what aspect you are not afraid of, this king of Hades is not.

Besides, there is no King of Hades in this world.

Science has long proven it.

The so-called hell is just a so-called fair world created by ordinary people who have been oppressed for a long time.

in short.

You are a villain here, and my little people can't deal with you. It doesn't matter. After you die, the underworld will cast you down to the eighteenth level of hell!

In general, it is the expression of repressed emotions.

Something that doesn't actually exist.

It seems that this year's netizens are not good, as if they have never read a book.

"What is a supplier? Don't the colleagues who brought the goods together experience the urn in advance?"

"That's right! There are rumors of a love affair! It's important that you have the other half of Hades?"

Some netizens immediately took Jian Sisi as an example.

What are you an urn company.

They even used their prospective girlfriends to sacrifice to heaven!

Simply ruthless!
"Wow, my sister-in-law is so pitiful!!!"

Heard this live.

Some water friends called sister-in-law pitiful!
I fell in love with Tian Ge without talking about it.

Sure enough, the people in the underworld are really ruthless!

"Sisi's death doesn't seem to have anything to do with our living hell king. It's mainly caused by her inappropriate values. She had a pretty good figure and had to go for liposuction without telling everyone. She was so good and died in liposuction. Pity her parents, the white-haired one giving the black-haired one."

Qu Jiangmei, who was broadcasting live in the company at the moment, sighed.

Poor is really pitiful.

But it deserves what it deserves.

What a good way to pump fat!

"Speaking of which, I feel that these capitals have hijacked the public's aesthetics. Please stop pursuing white and thin. That bamboo pole-like figure is really unattractive, just like chopsticks that can run."

"I have one thing to say, I wish this young lady a good journey. It is true that the abnormal aesthetics of "Bai Youshou" should be changed. I saw the so-called "Bai Youshou" on a friend's hand before. The thin arms and legs look like chopsticks, which makes me creepy, I don’t know what those white young and skinny aesthetics think.”

"As we all know, fat surgery is the most likely to die, and embolism is very easy to occur. No matter how young or rich you are, there is a probability of belching on the operating table."

These remarks attracted criticism from many netizens for this inappropriate value.


I don't know when the aesthetics became like this.

Is 1.7 meters and 98 pounds fat?

This is obviously a very slender and thin figure.

"At first it sounded like a medical accident, but I found out that you carefully read it! Just now I checked the time, Lord Yan followed the anchor Sisi at [-]:[-], and according to today's medical accident investigation by the expert group In the announcement of the result, the other party was in shock for seven hours before being sent to the doctor, which means that she had already started to go into shock at noon!"

The live broadcast room that finally turned the wind direction.

At this time, another bullet screen was sent out.

"Fuck? Zero-day rule!!!"

In the next instant, the pupils of many netizens constricted!
Because they haven't carefully understood this time.

Now some big guys went to see the investigation report and dug it out.

Exactly within a day!
Because this shock is considered an accident, right?

For a moment, everyone felt like they were breaking out in cold sweat.

"Zero-day rule? Isn't this just an accident??"

Seeing that the painting style in the live broadcast room is getting weirder and weirder.

Qu Jiangmei felt a little dumbfounded.

These people are really serious about conspiracy theories.

They even worked out some rules.

You said it was funny and not funny.

"Yan Wang does things to make you look like an accident!"

A netizen is very firm!
"Yes, yes, look at the other party, does everything look like an accident? But do you believe it is an accident?"

Other water friends immediately asked back.

Qu Jiangmei remained silent.

Because she believed in her heart that this was an accident, and felt that the netizens were talking nonsense.

If you insist on saying that there is something special about Zhang Lingtian.

That is, she felt that Zhang Lingtian was very observant.

Just like asking myself to call an ambulance last night.

Although she noticed that something was wrong with Jian Sisi at noon, it was not as accurate as Zhang Lingtian's deduction.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party didn't know the address, Si Si had indeed had an accident due to liposuction.

When she saw Jian Sisi unconscious before, she even wondered if it was Zhang Lingtianxia's hand.

"Anchor, have you spoken the spell of Hades?"

"That's right! The spell is the key! Has this Mr. Qu or Hades cast a spell on you?"

Some water friends instantly thought of the spell.

That legendary reminder!

Feilong didn't say the spell at the time, and nothing happened.

However, after the incantation was said, it died within an hour.

"What, what spell?"

Qu Jiangmei was a little confused.

She is only in charge of sales, and she doesn't know much about the details of Zhang Lingtian's previous affairs.

Like what the spell is.


"Yes! Advertisement for Ping An Shishi Shop!"

"It's similar to the Ping An Funeral Shop here, and there are discounts for pre-booking funerals."

Netizens are very enthusiastic.

"This is Ping'an Funeral Store. Do you want to make an appointment for funeral service? It's [-]% off recently. This?"

Qu Jiangmei asked incomprehensibly.

"That's right! That's it!"

"Hiss, [-]% off? He won't tell you, will he?"

After saying this, the netizens nodded one after another, and then their backs felt cold for a second.

[-]% off?

It seems that this discount has never been released before.

Could it be that the King of Hell has recently offered a new discount and told the song manager?
Otherwise, how could she repeat the [-]% discount?

"It seems to have been said, but don't be nervous, it's just an advertisement that isn't that exaggerated."

She originally thought that people in the funeral industry were superstitious.

Just like their company.

Mr. Shen, the boss, often goes to temples to burn incense and worship Buddha.

There is also a Buddha statue enshrined in the company.

It turned out that some netizens were even more superstitious!

Just like this!

They simply said an advertisement for Baishipu, and it became a curse.

"We're not nervous at all! You should be nervous! Resign and delete your account and run away!"

"If you don't have anything to say, resign immediately and delete your account! As fast as you want!"

"If I were the boss and went abroad immediately, I would run as far as the third brother with a flat head!"

"By the way, when did the Living Hades pay attention to you? Don't miss the prime time!"

The topic ushered in a peak.

Netizens have asked when it was followed!
"If you pay attention, it was two o'clock yesterday."

Qu Jiangmei replied.

"Two o'clock? It's already ten past two!"

"What's the situation? Doesn't the company account adapt to the zero-day rule?"

"It is said that Huo Yan Wang paid attention to personal accounts before, and this company account has not appeared yet."

"So I'm thinking about a question now, is Hades going to kill randomly this time?"

Qu Jiangmei's voice fell, and many water friends thought for a while.

It doesn't feel right!

"Er..., this topic is too heavy, why don't you buy an urn recommended by Yama? Our company's sandalwood embossed urn is still very good! And it is also very valuable for collection! Maybe some tribute, Yama Wouldn't it hurt everyone?"

Qu Jiangmei felt that the chat was endless.

Immediately took out an urn.

The purpose of the live broadcast is ultimately to introduce your own products.

Of course it would be best if you could sell a little.

But suddenly at this moment.

There was a loud noise outside.

"Taxation and industry and commerce, cooperate with the investigation."

It was a group of staff in uniform.

It is jointly enforced by the tax bureau and the industrial and commercial bureau.




Not only Qu Jiangmei was dumbfounded during the live broadcast.

Water friends who watched the live broadcast were also dumbfounded when they saw the sudden appearance of law enforcement agencies.

"Everyone, don't worry, because the tax department usually comes over. This time it may be just a routine inspection. Let's continue in the afternoon."

Qu Jiangmei hastily turned off the live broadcast room.

Then this matter was also spread to various small groups.

Funeral home in Chunjiang City.

"Oh, what a pity..."

Li Tiantian's superficial job is to trim the video and do the VI design of the front door advertisement.

But in fact, she is also the body restorer of Ping An Shishi Shop.

At the moment, Jian Sisi's remains are being sorted out.

The funeral was held three days later in the funeral parlor.

And her liposuctioned thighs are unsightly.

Even a little creepy.

Purple and black.

She spread several layers of powder but did not cover it.

"Indeed, I'm only 24 years old, why do I still go for liposuction when I'm in such a good shape!"

Su Wei also sighed.

I don't know how other people feel, anyway, he is quite heartbroken.

Ping An funeral shop.

It's day two.

Renovation continues.

But a large live broadcast venue has come out.

There are eighty square meters.

This place used to be the hall, restaurant, and Zhang Lingtian's office of Ping'an Baishipu, but now they are all merged into one whole.

"Boss, it seems that we can start work tomorrow."

Jiang Xiaohan is now mainly in charge of business docking.

As for the funeral, it will be handled by Li Tiantian and Su Wei.

Of course, just some simple things.

For example, disposing of corpses.

Move the corpse.

And cadavers and stuff like that.

But she still has to buy the relevant materials.

As for the process, Zhang Lingtian needs to personally supervise the customization.

If buying a mysterious funeral, she would also be responsible for recruiting students.

The kind who wear a black suit to see you off.

Only students are cheap and beautiful.

Open 100 a day, including food and accommodation, or many people are willing to come.

"Well, it's almost the same, you can contact the merchant first."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

Because of the expansion and renovation of the storefront.

He has no money on hand now.

I'm so poor that I can't even afford pants.

So you still have to hurry up and get into the live streaming.

"Boss, I've already contacted you. What time will you be able to start the broadcast tomorrow?"

Jiang Xiaohan wants to confirm the time with his boss.

Then tell the merchant there.

They send people and bring goods over.

"We can start at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

Zhang Lingtian spoke after thinking for a while.

It should be around two o'clock.

"Yeah, take a look, boss, we have a show at two o'clock tomorrow with Tiandi brand urns until six o'clock."

It turned out that Jiang Xiaohan had already made arrangements.

"Another urn..."

Zhang Lingtian frowned.

Is this a bar with the urn?
"This urn is a competitor to the previous one. I guess it is because the boss is selling goods and planning to seize resources. Then the next morning, the coffin shop brings goods, and the Tiandi Bank paper money wreaths in the afternoon, and the third morning. Shrouds, funeral clothes, paper dolls, paper carts, funeral account books, etc. in the afternoon, and the fourth day is Jian Sisi’s funeral, which is a rest day.”

Jiang Xiaohan did it in great detail.

"Is it all about the funeral? Nothing new?"

I usually deal with these things.

I didn't expect to have to deal with these things at this moment.

He wanted to ask if there was something new.

If he had, he'd be willing to spare a day for a change.

"Yes! There are jade jewelry merchants who bring goods, as well as silver jewelry, as well as flowers and clothing. I will arrange these for you, boss. If you want to advance, you can do so."

Jiang Xiaohan knew that carrying goods every day might be quite boring.

Bring goods six days a week, and the remaining day is not bad for a change of taste.

"Well, let's mention a few to the front."

Zhang Lingtian nodded.

Soon Jiang Xiaohan made another plan.

At the same time, the name of the live broadcast brand with the goods was printed out.

"Boss, this is some product information of the brand side. You need to familiarize yourself with it in advance. Then this time, you may be the only one who brings the goods. The brand side will come out and perform a show at that time, just like last time."

Originally, this Tiandi brand urn had the same configuration as Xiangyun.

A female anchor came to cooperate.

As a result, the female anchor became ill for no reason after Jian Sisi's accident.

Then they said that after looking for many people, no one was willing to cooperate with the owner of Ping An Shishi Shop to bring goods.

In the end, they can only let their boss bring the goods by themselves.

"Just be yourself, anyway, there's still you."

Zhang Lingtian spread his hands.

The public misunderstood him too much.

The expert group published the medical malpractice investigation report on the relevant website today.

It was a complete accident caused by liposuction.

It really has nothing to do with him.

But these netizens still put the blame on him in various ways.

What can he do.

Again, time will tell.

"No, no, boss, I think your live broadcast talent is really great, and my presence in the live broadcast room will only affect sales."

Jiang Xiaohan heard that Zhang Lingtian wanted to partner with her.

Suddenly, her delicate body trembled.

This can't be done.

"It's okay, it's boring for me to live broadcast and bring goods by myself."

Zhang Lingtian said.

"But boss, my body is also a little uncomfortable..."

Jiang Xiaohan instantly looked like sister Daiyu.

"Not feeling well? Xiaohan, then you have to pay attention to yourself..."

"Ah!! Boss, I'm with you! I don't need to pay attention to my body!!!"

Lin Daiyu became Xue Baochai!
How urgent and urgent is that appearance!
After all, the boss wants employees to sacrifice to heaven, are you panicking? !
The time came quickly the next morning.

[The ashes of Fang Xiangyun, a brand brought by the king of hell, exploded with a shocking melon!The chairman may face jail time! 】

Early in the morning, Ping An's funeral was extravagant, Zhang Lingtian and the others were preparing to bring the goods, when suddenly a message was posted at the bottom of the trending search.

[After investigation by the taxation department, Shen Feng, the chairman and legal person of Xiangyun Co., Ltd., has been evading taxes for a long time and violated 2 of the Criminal Law (tax evasion crime). What do you think?Is this related to the living Hades? 】

It was eleven o'clock.


Related hot searches also rushed to the top five on the list.

"Do you think it's related? The director of the other party's sales department said in the live broadcast yesterday that Hades had recited a spell to her, and it happened that after the other party said that spell, we water friends saw the tax department appear."

"I don't know if it has anything to do with it. According to the information I have received now, the boss of this company and the finance company jointly made false accounts to evade taxes. The amount accounted for 40.00% of the tax payable. At the same time, the amount of tax evasion was as high as one million yuan. Seven years of blind guessing is I can't run away."

"Seven years? It's a terrible word in capital letters! What kind of brain circuit is this boss, he actually asked the King of Hades to bring the goods! Now take yourself away!"

The whole network is boiling at the moment!

Because this news is undoubtedly explosive!


 A 5000-word chapter, please ask for a ticket in the new week, thank you for your support! !
(End of this chapter)

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